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The Premier states that the erection of workers’ homes will be proceeded with as energtically as possible. j A Masterton oon'espondent states j that Mr Raine, of Hukanui, has 1 taken ovor the Carterton-Glaastone mail service. ! The House last night went into Committee upon the Industrial Unij ons and Trades Unions Enabling Bill, ! which was reported with amendments. ' The Industrial Conciliation and Arbi- [ tration Act Amendment Bill providj ing for Cliartered Clhbs to bo brought under the scope of the Act was taken j in Comimtte. I The funeral of tho late Mr J. T. j Priest tok place yesterday afternoon, j and wos largely attended, the inter- | moot being in the Pahiatua Cemej tery. The Rev. M. Bawden Harris (Presbyterian Church) read the burial ’ service. Among tho wreaths received ' were those from tho following: Mr 1 and Mrs Morrison, Mr and Mrs Lethbridge, Mr and Mrs Hunt, Mr and j Mrs Hansen, Mr and Mrs H. li. MilJ ler, Mr and Mrs Eglinton, Mr and Mrs Haliburton. Mr and Mrs McLeod, Mr and Mrs McCarthy, Mr j. McPhail and family, Mr J. Dick and , family, Misses Holdem and Mekalick, 1 and deceased’s relatives. I Tho weekly mooting of the Good Templars’ Lodge last evening was presided over by C.T. Bio. Morris V.T.. Bro. Cody ontertainod tlio membors tos upper, after which paikrar games were indulged in. Songs were rendered by Bros. Morris and Gibbons. Sister A. Biggs was awarded a prize for an essay on “War and its effect on u nation.” Next Wednesday evening will be an open night. Refreshments will be provided, and | a programme of musical items and I games will ho gone through. [ What, beautiful Summer Goods. | We claim to have the best and choic- ] est lot of now spring goods in PnhiaI tua. For instance, tako “hats,” and visit Evans’ showroom. i

The Minister for Defence has made ; provision to supply the troops in Samoa with summer clothing. The anual social of the Koniini Football Club will be held at Konini on Thursday evening next. The secretary is Mr Alf. Bissett. The annual sheep returns show that the increase of the sheep in the North Island in the year was 10,514, and in tlie South Island 596,440, a total of 606,954. Mr Holman’s proposal of a ten per cent, of salaries contribution by employees of New. South Wales Government, includes those of members of Parliament. “The Government will do its best to make provision for sufficient ships to carry our produce to London without any unnecessary delay,” said Mr Massey last night. The Minister for Defence has received a further donation of £SOO from the Bible-in-Sehools’ League for the Empire Defence Fund making a total from the League of £2OOO. Where reservists with the Expeditionary Forces have wives and relatives dependent upon them they have been placed on the same footing in regard to pay as the volunteers ot the Expeditionary Force. The Postmaster-General announced la»t night that the restrictions upon withdrawals from the Post Office Savings Bank accounts will be removed after to-morrow, the transactions of the Bank having been restored to almost normal. Mr Massey stated in the Huse last night that the Imperial Government liad agreed to accept the services or 200 natives for service in Egypt. A further suggestion had been made to the Imperial Government, but he could not discuss that point yet. Mrs Whibley proposes to arrange a children’s concert in aid of the children suffering from the devastation of Belgium by the war, and will be glad to meet all boys and girls willing to assist, at St. Peter’s school-room at 2 p.m. on Saturday.

Arnst has decided not to visit England to meet Barry’, but if Barry will come to Sydney a sweepstake of £IOOO will probably be arranged. A London message says that Barry has declined the Wanganui offer as he has absolutely determined not to contest the championship outside England. Mr 0. E. Hugo will deliver another lecture at the Presbyterian schoolroom this evening, the subject being , “Noses and Foreheads.” Admission will be free. All interested in character studies should attend, as Mr Hugo is an entertaining lecturer, and has the reputation of being an excellent physiognomist. ! The social, which is being organised by the Pahiatua Senior Cadets, and to be held in the Drill Hall on Mon- | day next, deserves to be liberally supported, as the proceeds will be deI voted to the Patriotic Fund. The music will be supplied by the Gaiety , Orchestra, and Mr A. East will p:o- ---; vide -upper. Air L. Joyes has been entrusted with the decorations. The M’s.C. will be Lieutenant Jillie, i Col.-Sergeant Bird and Sergeant I Wade. j The exploration of Huntly colliery has been retarded by fresh fires in j No. 5 shaft midway between the shaft :at Huntly and Taupiri West. The | body recovered at first thought to be - that of William Smith, has proved to j be that of Seymour Hooper, married, ; employed as a trucker. The other three have been identified as William Cowans. under-manager; William Brocklebnnk, junior, shiftman, married; and John Greener, shiftman. ! All the four bodies were under debris. | Tho representatives of several c’i.ry produce firms were in Pihiijin today, when they met .he dire More ot tho Bexdale Dairy Company, regarding the disposal of the season’s output of cheese. Two com pa lies in tie Wcodville district have sold t noir output* at what is considered a very satisfactory price. It is r«w*>cv>l riat the Mangata i noke and Kaitawa Cheese Companies have decided to consign their outputs. The Hopelands Dairy Company has let a con- - tract for extensions to the fatoorv.

, The daily milk supply at the Riverside and Woodville cheese factories is considerably in excess of the supply delivered during the corresponding period of last season. It is expected that the output from the Riverside factory this season will exceed that of last season by at least 60 tons. A number of suppliers from the Pahiatua district deliver milk to the latter factory. The whey-skim-ming plants are being improved in ! order that a good quality of cream 1 will be obtained. A now 15-li.p. boiler is to be installed at the Riverside factory. As is usual at this period of the year the tests are not very high. The average is slightly lower then for the same period of last year. It has been decided to ship the outputs of both factories to the Home 1 markets on open consignment. J A case of interest to dairy farmers was heard in the Magistrate’s I Court, at Carterton, oil the 10th in- | stunt, in which Air Harold Hodder, i claimed the sum of £5 from Messrs j Dalgefcy and Company, Limited, for misrepresentation in connection with | the sale of two dairy cows sold to him at their Taratahi sale yards iu ! December last. Tho company made I application to have the vendor of the j cows, F. Butcher, joined as a dot fondant, and this was granted. After , bearing the evidence, the Magistrate i held that there was no liability upon j the company, ns the representations , made by the auctioneer were made by i him as the vendor’s agent, and that the plaintiff was bound bv the eondi- , tions of sale posted up in the yards. ; Judgment aw accordingly given for judgment was accordingly given for the defendant company, with one guinea costs. The ATagistrnte held, however, that Hodder was entitled to recover from Butcher, and gave judgment for £2 10s and costs. Air T. Mansell appeared for the plaintiff and Mr Gawith for Messrs Dalgotr and Company, Ltd. Patronise Pahiatua, Patriotically.We are quite optimistic about the future. and are ready for a big summer’s trade, so may we have the pleasure of seeing you shortly P Yours truly, Evans.

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Pahiatua Herald, Volume XIX, Issue 4943, 17 September 1914, Page 4

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The Herald. PUBLISHED EVERY EVENING THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1914 LOCAL AND GENERAL. Pahiatua Herald, Volume XIX, Issue 4943, 17 September 1914, Page 4

The Herald. PUBLISHED EVERY EVENING THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1914 LOCAL AND GENERAL. Pahiatua Herald, Volume XIX, Issue 4943, 17 September 1914, Page 4