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MEETINGS OF HOUSEHOLDERS. APATHY IN PAHIATUA. A SMALL ATTENDANCE. *> " The aim!. Ar meetings of houseliold»rs lor the purpose of electing school committee for the ensuing year were held throughout the district last The meeting at the Pahiatua District High School was attended by Messrs J. I). Wilson, J. D. C. Crewe, J p. Findlav, E. P. Badger, G. A. Vile (members of the retiring committee), J. Thomas (headmaster), W. White Scott (assistant-master), J. Stevenson (asisstant agricultural instructor), and M. H. Biggs. The vigorous ringing of the school bell failed to attract a larger attendance. Mr Wilson was voted to the chair. The annual report and balance-sheet, which have already been published in the Herald, were read and adopted. The chairman supplemented the report with a few remarks. He said the committee had done very good work. A considerable amount of improvements had been carried out at the school grounds. He thought that the committee had worked very energetically and enthusiastically in carrying out the work of the school. The committee had done all that it undertook tp do. and the finances were in a very satisfactory state for the incoming committee. L *Tie following were elected a comW n. ?e: —Messrs .T. D. Wilson, ,T. D. ▼ C.xCrewe, E. P. Badger. ,T. P. Findlay, G A. Vile, T. F. Hewat (members of the old committee'). A. H. W. Baueke. M. H. Biggs and 0. Johnson. On the motion of the chairman, a hearty vote of thanks was passed to the headmaster and staff for the assistance given the committee and the manner in which they had carried out the work of the school during the past war. Mr AVilson said that the headmaster was an enthusiast, partcularlv in regard to the beautification of the school grounds. He had been a great help to the committee. Messrs Crewe and Biggs also praised the work of the school, making appreciative reference to the splendid grounds which the school possessed. The headmaster returned thanks on behalf of the staff and himself. The retiring committee, lie thought, was the hest they ever had. The amount expended on the school during the past year was the largest, he believlod. expended by any committee in Pahiatua. He advocated a vaccum cleaner being obtained for the school, and lie revived the question of improving the footnath leading to the school. He hoped that the cordial relations existing between the committee and staff would continue. (Applause). It was decided, on the motion of j Mr Badger, to approach the Borough Council with regard to the betterment of the street leading to the school. The headmaster announced that Mr Crewe had presented a new Honors Board to the school. A hearty vote of tl:<*a.ks was passed to Air AVilson for thi- use of his office during the past year. The newly-elected committee afterwards met and unanimously re-elected Atr AA’ilson chairman, and Air Crewe k \ < re-appointed secretary. It was 4 ided to meet on the third Alondav in each month. The offer of Air AA’ilson of the use ol his office for the meetings was accepted with thanks. MAN G ATAIN OKA. Fourteen householders attended the meeting in connection with the Alangatainoka school last evening for the purpose of electing a school comnutA tee for the ensuing year. Air B. J. I Bengsten presided. The annual report showed that durI ing the vear various improvements had been .effected to the school grounds. The boundary fences had been repaired and a considerable jioition of the ground around the sctiool had been asphalted. Grates had also been installed in the fireplaces. Specal mention lias made of the excellent reports from the inspectors. Ihe school in all departments, the inspector's report stated, showed a high state of efficiency. The committee desired to place on record the able manner in which the headmaster (Air G. AA'. Chatwin) and the teaching staff had carried out their duties during the past year. At the recent examinations Board scholarships were won by Helen A. Walker and Blanche E. May. 'The medal presented by Mr K. I'. Badger, of Pahiatua, for the scholar showing the most improvement during the year was awarded to David Le Comte.* The yearly shoot for Messrs Harrell and Early’s challenge -(bold was won by Cadet E. Skilton. r Tito / bool social proved a great sucosT noth financially and socially, and the committee, thanked all who contributed towards the social and also to the school picnic fund. The balanceI sheet submitted showed that tho receipts totalled £B2 14s 9d, while the expenditure amounted to £66 18s lOd, leaving a credit balance of £ls 15s ; IM - Householders present considered that the report and balance-sheet were both of a very satisfactory nature. Tho election of a committee, for which there were njno nominations, resulted in the retiring committee boing re-elected, the names being as follows; Messrs B. Ashby, .A. Macpherson, AV. Brown, H. L. Carter, J. Baird, AA'. J. Bengsten and R. Burke. At a subsequent meeting of the committee Mr B. Ashby was elected* chairman and AH R. Burke secretary. SCARBOROUGH. The following were ejected a committee: -Messrs I). O’Brien, G. Richmond, A. B. Oliver. J. R. Hay, D. ( Twomoy, G .1/. H. Drew, G. G. Tny- . or. Tho latter wa.s re-elected chair* >. can. The annual report staffs! that ' ho roll number was 69 and tho average attendance 63. During tho year i substantial additions had been made to tho school library, £lO 10s having been spent on new books, A new set (it shelves had also been purchased. The receipts for tho year, including a balance from tho previous year were £35, and tho expenditure £3O 18s lOd, 1 aving a credit, of £4 Is 3d. . BALLANCE. There was a fair attendance, and

the committee appointed is: —Alessrs F .Cresswell (chairman), and A. T. Sinclair (secretary), AV. J. Foster, J. Harris, A. Martin, L. Dorset, J. Brenmer and J. B. Tait. MANGAHAO. Tlie meeting was well attended and there were seven nominations for five committeemen, including Alessrs Harry Cornelius, Richard Bibb.y, AA T alter Sidney Hirst, AVilfred Ballance Croad. Thomas Reid Dodson, Alexander Alitchell and James Corkill. After three ballots had been taken owing to three candidates tying the first five were elected, the first two being members of the old committee. Subsequently Air Hirst was elected chairman and Air Dodson secretary. MAKOMAKO. The election of the committee resulted: —Alessrs F. Groves (chairman) and secretary), Gregg, Eissing (treasurer), Byers, Mangin, C. Rowse and So wry. The balance-sheet showed the income at £2l 3s lid and expenditure £l3 10s 7d, leaving a credit balance on hand of £7 13s 4d. MARIMA. The committee election resulted: — Alessrs C. Lund (chairman and secretary), T. Fouliy, AV. Hall, AA’. G. llowat and I>. M. Alilne. NIKAU. Alessrs Pinfold (chairman), Graham Lowry, Spitier and Thompson were elected. ALAN GAR AAIAR AM A. The committee appointed are: — Alessrs A. Hoggard (chairman), John AlcLaughlan, J. Demey, T. P. Darley and AA r . Brown. NGATURI. The result of the election is:—Alessrs Alackav, Eglinton, Aliller, McLeod and Morriso. A’ery little interest was taken in the meeting. Air Alorrison was elected chairman and secretary. MAKURI. The following were appointed:— Alessrs P. Banks (chairman and secretary), A. J. Cameron, C. F. Gardner. J. I>. Alurphy and L. Polglase. Eight householders were present. COONOOR. The Coonoor School Committee in- i eludes: Alessrs C. Parsons (chairman) J. Diamond, M. Conway, R. Mackenzie and C. Jennings. HOROEKA. The following were elected members of the Horoeka school committee:— Alessrs A. Urqnliart (chairman), C. Lunt (secretary), H. Thomas. AA r . Lunt and Airs C. Lunt. KATTAAA’A. There were only four householders and the teacher present. Alessrs ( Kotlowski, O. Alanson, G. Benton, and A. Stevenson were elected a committee. One more member is required to complete the committee. Air Stevenson was re-elected chairman, and Air Kutlowski secretary. The balance-sheet showed a credit of £7 17s 9d. TANE. The following were elected: —Alessrs AA'. G. Judd (chairman), AA’. AA’ilkinson, J. Judd. H. Kesley and AL Hodgins. RONGOMAI. The old committee was re-elected, comprising Messrs Ashworth. F. Evans, AA’. Nagel, J. Scott and AA’. B. Alatheeon (chairman). HAAIUA. About twenty-five householders attended the annual meeting. The following were elected a committee:— Messrs J. Boarke (chairman), G. Smith (secretary). Af. Galvin, J. Cavangli and C. Cavangh. F. Dennehy and H. AA’hite. MANGAMAIRE. 'Hie Alangamaire School Committee election resulted: —Messrs J. E. Hunt lev (chairman), J. Goggin (secretary), I’. Lawson. T. Roil, A. Seivers , T. Afulbane and F. AA’oods. HUKANUI. The following were appointed: — Alessrs N. Small (chairman), AA’. Parish, J. Martin. J. H. AA'ilson, J. Hislop .AA'. AA’atts and S. Rhodes. KOHINUI. Nine persons attended the householders’ meeting. Messrs S. Bolton, E. I). Roberts and G. Thompson were elected. Two more members arc yet required. AIAKAIRO. Messrs J. D. Piper, R. C. Ellingham, J. Af. Cole, E. H. Forster and \A". Fitzsimmons. HINEAIOA. The election resulted: —Alessrs JNelson (chairman), H. Hind, A. Check ley leaving two vacancies to be filled. SAUNDERS ROAD. The Saunders’ Road School *Comniittoe elected includes: —Messrs AV. S. Algie (chairman). J. T>. Bell. H. Burling, .1. Alaekonzie and R. McGovern. A LKREDTON. The school election resulted: Alessrs S. M. George (chairman), T. Avery, Weston (secretary), J. Davis, AA’. A’. Graham and A .G. Edmonds, all reeletced. HOPELANDS. The following were elected for the 'Hopelands School Committee: —Messrs B. H. Norman (chairman), T. Jamieson, J. Mauch, AV. Arrow, AA T . Thomass (scoretary). PUK EHINAU. A telegram from our correspondent states that no committee was elected at Pukebinau. PUKETOI. The members elected on tho Puketoi School Committee are as follows: Messrs Samuel Hall (chairman), John Hayes (secretary), Denis Buckley, Harry Bagiev. Thomas Stone, Henry Gowler and Robert Utting.

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Pahiatua Herald, Volume XIX, Issue 4831, 8 May 1914, Page 5

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SCHOOL COMMITTEES. Pahiatua Herald, Volume XIX, Issue 4831, 8 May 1914, Page 5

SCHOOL COMMITTEES. Pahiatua Herald, Volume XIX, Issue 4831, 8 May 1914, Page 5