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The Borough Council meeting called for last evening stands adjourned till next Friday evening at the usual hour. Mr James Henderson gives notice to the owner of section 3, Education Reserve, Block VII., Malsuri, to fence. The thoroughbred horses llama Katun. Puritan, Forerunner, and the coaching stallion Mazeppa were on exhibition at tho wiiley a iris yesterday, and attracted a lot of attention. Eight fishing licenses have been issued at Pahiatua up to date, including two to ladies. The Postal authorities have arranged for a second daily mail with the rising township of Mangatainoka, closing here at 1.15 p.m., arriving at 2 p.m. Wo are pleased to learn that Mr H. D. Robinson, late of Pahiatua, has so far recovered that he is able to follow his usual occupation. The Pahiatua Rifle Club opened the season this afternoon, hut. tho weather is most unfavourable for shooting, a driving rain having set in. Tenders were opened yesterday by a committee of the Pahiatua County Council for Contract 34b, formation of bridle track. K&itawa Ridge Road, 15 chains: H, Williams, 25s per chain; W. Qtaaine, 19s bd. The latter tender was accepted. Mr C. W. Lee expects to finish his school duties in Pahiatua on Friday, ar-. rangemonts having been made for the new master (Mr Thomas) to commence his duties on Monday next. 'Jin* North Wairarapa Rifle Club is sending nteam of t»Mi men on a tour through the Bush districts early in October. Matelu s have been arranged with Pahiatua on the Uhami Woodvilleon the sth.ranges 300, >OO, a • ui 600 yards, seven sh - .< \ somewhat serious accident occurred to Mr I. Walker, a sawyer at Makuri. Whilst working at his pit some of the timbers broke and ho received a severe bruising, which it is hoped will not he serious. The meeting of tho Pahiatua Literary and Debating Society bold on Monday evening was devoted to impromptu speaking. There was a very fair attendance, and sonio of the subjects selected were treated in a very able manner. Mr Lee handed in his resignation ns secretary. The resignation was received with r»yrot. Mr Lee was (floated a life member in recognition of his services in helping to form thu society. Mr I). Taylor was elected to tho position of secretary. Ii is intended to close the season next Monday evening and a social will he held iu the Town 11 all if available. The commute intend making the social (which will be open to the friends of tho members), an enjoyable affair. N iikimni’u containing the disci large paper*; or U. McKay, mi A.B. of the wrecked schooner Christine. It is expected that soiwe bodies will bo washed up on tho b< cl t itwei n \\ ang mui a »d Nukumai u next spring I ides. The Podding Star says tin association has been formed to take up land on the “Looking Backward” principle, and the members havo selected the beet portion of the Awarus Block. A cable stated that grave reports are current, as to the state of Sir W. V. list ■ his ability to retain the Leadership of the I louse of Common t. Tho Sultan of Morocco has recovered. A train whs thrown off tho rails at Bat- j Ivy, ju \ orkshire, through defective point*.

The Penang (Straits Settlement) Gazette states that according to a C. & M. telegram travellers by the Darjiling Railway hid a strange experience recently. A train wa. stopped by a herd of wild elephants, of which three large individuals were stand iug on the line. The steam whistle had no effect on their nerves, and the driver had to “ retire his advancing column.” Re turning after a while, the driver found the line clear, and rushed past the place; but the elephants were still about, and one of them attempted to charge the train. The following from the Penang Gazette will be of interest to local chess players:— “ A game of live chess was played recently at K&ula Kangsar with Malays for pieces. The Tungku Temenggong and Datoh Sri ’ Adika Raja, assisted by numerous other I chiefs, took black, against Mr R. C. Grey, Acting District Magistrate, and Mr Dykes, who played white. The latter lost their ; queen early in tho game, and their total defeat was only prevented by the fall of night. The game lasted for more than three hours, and the keenest interest was taken iu it by the spectators, who numbered some hundreds.” The Penang Gazette says that an important statement in connection with the Hongkong Plague is that not a single opium smoker has yet died from the disease. Investigations are being made bjsome of the Farm employees, together with perfectly independent experts, on this remarkable point. The consumption of sugar in Japan is rapidly increasing. The average per capita was 54 catties in 1888 and 6-1 catties in 1892, an increase of nearly 20 per cent, in four years. Western economists regard the consumption of sugar as a trustworthy test of national prosperity. The Japanese doubtless take the same view, but arc nevertheless alarmed at the idea of paying some ten millions of yen annually to foreign countries for an article that almost belongs to the category of luxuries. It is therefore proposed to establish sugar refineries first and after that to cultivate the cane. It is reported in a native paper that after the commercial treaty between Japan and Brazil is ratified, the Japanese Emigration Office will send 2000 agriculturists to tiie latter country as an ex periment, after which, if successful, 100,000 will be sent in regular centingents. Recently, before Mr S. D. Roy, deputy magistrate of N«aldah, a Mahomedan charged his wife’s aunt with having kidj napped his wife and married her to I another man. The facts alleged are that | some time ago the accused having married 1 her niece to the complainant, lived at his j house. One day during his absence from I home she induced the girl, then aged ten. : to accompany her to Midnapore, where the girl was again given in marriage to 1 another Mahomedan. In the course of the - trial it transpired that in her eighth year the girl was married to another I Mahomedan. before her marriage with the present complainant. As that husband is I still alive, the magistrate held that the i second marriage is null android, and that, therefore, tho accused cannot be charged ! with kidnapping. She is, however, to be : tried on a charge of cheating.—Calcutta 1 Statesman. Says the Melbourne Age :—So much ! has been recently said by politicians of the example set by New Zealand as to the means adopted by that colony to im- ! prove its revenue that it seems strange . iiat at least in one direction considerable opposition has been shown to profit by her experiences. An offici: 1 return has just been" presented to the use of Representatives, which show dial the number of totalisator permits granted for the year ended March, 1894. was 247. and the aggregate number of days covered by these permits was 318, the total revenue received by the Government being X 10,375 ‘2s sd. In Victoria a. sum of not less than X‘20.000 might be ! reasonably expected to be derived from a j similar tax on gambling. The following choice specimen of logic is from the leading columns of the Wairarapa Star :— ** This country .s being overrun with filthy Chows whose dissolute habits enable tbain to enter into unfair competition with civilised Europeans, j The italics are ours. If dissolute habits gave people an ail vantage in the struggle : for existence scores of “ hard ups ” iu Masterton, and every other place tor that matter, would be particularly well fitted 1 for the fight. The Wairarapa Daily Times records the i fact that on Saturday a Masterton resident received 11 communication through the “ Dead Letter ” ollice which he had posted in that district 17 years ego The missive was stamped “22nd May. 1877. and addressed to Whareama. The word ••important” was written in bold letters across tho corner. A P*hiatus resident, who was formerly in business in Master ton, had a similar experience, though, in this case, the envelope bore tho poet mark “ Masterton. November 3rd, 1882.” After I*2 years the letter has been returned to the sender. It is interesting to note that both letters were returned from the sanse i district. Whareama. 1 Tho carcase of a pig. which weighed 1 5041b5, was recently on view in a ChristI church butchery establishment. The head j alone weighed44lbs. j The sporting editor of Sydney Truth • | which played Auckland on Saturday week I did pretty well, considerin :. Maori GalloI wav passed to Maori Surman. and he scored. Maoris llaun.i, Riley, and Carson were also verv prominent. It’s a fine N.S.W. team : Mr Pirani ia agitating for a commission lof inquiry into tho working of the Audit Department. Many a man who can’t sing n note has great capacity for making thiugs hum. Some words in the Chinese language have as many as forty different meun ings. Pride is nn universal attribute. Even the man who has nothing to be proud of is 110 doubt proud of the fact. Truth and soberne** do not alwavs go together. It often happens that a man is frankest when he is drunkest. Hero is a story of a schoolmaster who promised a crown to any boy who should propound a riddle that he could not answer. One and another tried, and it last, a boy asked —“ Why am I liko tho Prinoo of Wales?" The master puzzled In ' wit : in \ in. and finally was compelled to admit that 110 did not know. “ Why,” said tho hoy. “it’s because 1 am waiting for the crown.” One of the Maoris became so excited at the tangi at. Gladstone that ho upsot the 00 Min containing the dead body, pulled down the tout, and threw everything about that ho could lay handson. Ilwn* hours before any of the Maoris could quieten him. < Observer. Rear Admiral (?olomb, in a letter to the London Times, stys that New South Wales is spend in >r money to prevent au attack, but assumes lhat a mode of attack will bo used which nn cacniy in superior force would not drearn of adopting. If nila.-kgl>y sr.-.i nropossible, tbs real def* 1.. e. ho points out, all ould bo liko that oiuplin d nt Cronstndt, Toulon and Vladivostok*. Healso tent a raid iu a payable form, lie would march into Sydney via the back garden, not by tho uni! deer.

We have received a communication from a correspondent sixain" himself “ Ah- \ dolouyrnu*.'’ As, however, parts of the letter are distinctly libellous, we must decline to insert it. The Donald Dinnie Variety Company open at the Public Hall on Tuesday evening next. The Company have just concluded a most successful season in Wellington, where they made themselves very popular. Tiie revolt of the K ibvies has been sup- ; pressed. The Governor of Casablanca re- 1 fused to pay any attention to the protests of the injured Consuls. H.M.S. Pyiader leaves England for the Australian station. New Zealand mutton by the Opawa told at top prices at Liverpool. At the trial of Stepford for the murder of his son, a verdict of insanity was returned. Two instances of large payments of benefit-money by friendly societies are mentioned in Auckland—one in which the Fountain of Friendship lodge of Oddfellow* paid £512 to a member for m illness extending over 21 years, and another in which the Waikato Lodge. Thames, paid £746 to a member who had been ill 21 years, and ultimately his funeral benefit. £25. The death is reported from Hawera of the well-known horse Puriri. He was the sire of some of the best performers the New Zealand turf has seen. Mr D. Crews advertises for a lost cow. branded 5 on rump. Men’s complete outfit for 22s 6d : Tweed suit, 14s 6d ; pair boots. 5s ; pair wool sox 9d ; shirt, Is ; felt hat, Is 3d—--22s 6d. To be had at the great sale of Trewby Brothers Drapery stock : Tapestry carpet worth 2s Gd, reduced to Is fid ; a!L wool flannel, reduced to B|d ; colored blankets worth 9s Gd, reduced to 5s lid per pair, at the clearing sale of Trewby Brothers stock. For job printing of every description in the latest styles and at the lowest rate* go to the Pahiatua Hmrall> Office. The W.F.C.A. are offering eil cloth and linoleoum lemnants in 2 and 6 yard lengths. The man in business who does not advertise is like a man who kisses a pretty girl in the dark : He may know what he is doing, hut nobody else does. It takes very little money now a days to make a gentleman, so far as clothes go. We notice that complete outfits, including . a suit of clothes, pair of boats. sox. shirt, j md felt hat are now to be had at Trewby , Brothers' clearance sale for the astonish | ingl.v low sum of 22s Gd. A person must he | hard up indeed if he can t sport a new outfit at suoh a priee. The actual monetary cost of a suit of clothes is no test of its cheapness or i otherwise. The cheapest suit is that I which lasts longest, fits best and look* best, and this combination you can only I secure by patronising a thoroughly practical tailor. A. BLAIR will fit you to a nicety with a suit from his large and firstclass stock of goods. jyol . oolgardie is the place to spend money, with water at 2s 9d per gallon. Pahiatur. people who are eager to gain money can do so without travelling some hundreds of inilee. They have only to go with th»cash to Trewby Brothers' clearance sale, where bargains in drapery are the order of the day ; Is saved is Is gained. ! Men s English tweed suits, worth 20s. ; reduced to 14s Gd; men's English twee i ( suits worth 23s 6d. reduced to 17s 6*l; all wool colonial tweed suits, worth 35s 6d. reduced to 22s Gd; all wool colonial tweed suits, worth 42s Gd. reduced to 29s Gd ; ; soys' shirts only 9d each; men's merino rox, 3 pairs for Is ; men's oilskin oOSti, ; reduced to 8s lid ; men’s leather leggings. | bedueed to 4s lid; ladies’ carpet slippers. only Is 9d; ladie*' leather slippers going : at 3s 3d at Trewby Brothers' great sale. •lust arrived, on • hale of scrim and three i ba ] es new paperhangings, ineluding the ! latest pitems in sanitary art papers ; also a line of new saaitum papers, aii marked very low to clear, together with our large stock of glass, p lints, artists' colors and ail kinds of painters' and pnperhangers' requisites. Cooper aui Co., opposite the bank of New Zealand. Fourfold linen collars to be cleared at ! thsee half pence each at Trewby Brothers* 1 clearance sale; ladies' and children's trimmed straw and felt hats, only 2s lid ; evening shoes worth 5s lid, to be cleared j at 3s lid ; men's blutchers worth 7s Gd. | to he cleared at 4s lid ; ootlon « 200yds on j reel! only 10 Ll dozen reels; black cashmere, worth is 65 d, now going at llsd ; Cardinal cashmeres only Is 2|d. Be early aad secure some of the bargains to bo had at Trewby Brothers' clearance sale. Radford and Barlow having disposed of their business are now holding a genuine relinquishing sale of their entire stock. Bargains in drapery, clothing, hoots and shoos are now the order of the day. You can save money by making your purchases from us during the next month. Inspection invited. The MwXL English and European mail via San Francisco will close at the local Cost Office on Wednesday the 3rd day of ■ October at 1.15 p.m. due London 9th of November. l'he next Frisco mail is due Pahiatua 15th September.

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Pahiatua Herald, Volume II, Issue 204, 19 September 1894, Page 2

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Untitled Pahiatua Herald, Volume II, Issue 204, 19 September 1894, Page 2

Untitled Pahiatua Herald, Volume II, Issue 204, 19 September 1894, Page 2