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Mr and Mrs Victor Bonney have been chief guests of honour at many social functions during the week, several parties havin-r been given in their honour by the medicii fraternity. A large afternoon * at home ’’ was given by Dr and Mrs Riley at their country residence, Waitati, on Tuesday afternoon in honour of Mr and Mrs Victor Bonney. Fortunately the day was bright, so the visitors were enabled to enjoy the drive out by motor, and seemed very enthusiastic about the scenery, altogether enjoying the afternoon in the country. Dr and Mrs Rilev received outside, and a most delightful tea was served on the lawn, the visitors being able to be in the garden and have the benefit of the air. , A ntunber of guests played tennis whicn was interesting to watch. Others preaA chief guests were Sir John Roberts, Sir Lindo Ferguson and Lady Ferguson, Dr and Mrs Stanley Batchelor, Mr and Mrs T. K. Sidey, Dr and Mia W. P. Gowland Dr and Mis North, Dr and Mis' ?r?c- S ’„ Dr and Mrs Moole - D r Mrs n ~ , r ’ Dr and Mrs Hercus Dr and Mrs K. rulton, Dr and Mrs Fitzgerald, Dr Emily siedeberg, Dr Marion Whyte, Dr and Mrs G. Barnett, Dr and Mrs Carswell Dr and Mrs Harty, Mesdames Clieeseman, George Roberts, Russel] Ritchie, Hunter and Meeton Misses B. and K. - M'Lcan, Graham C Graham, etc. Mrs Carswell and others entertained Mrs Victor Bonney at a luncheon party at tiie luucr Hall on Wednesday. On Thursday Mrs Stanley Batchelor was hostess at a luncheon party at the Highchffe Cafe, the guest of honour beino- Nirs Victor Bcnney. Guests present were° Lady xerguson, Lady Barnett, Mrs Riley Mrs Gordon Bell, Mis T. K. Sidev, Jenkins Mrs Sidey, etc. On Thursday morning Mrs F. Riley invited a number of friends to morning tea to meet Mrs Sinclair Thomson, of Geraldine, and Mrs Bowden, of Christchurch, at her residence, George street. A farewell luncheon party was given by Mrs Marshall Macdonald at the Otago Women's Club on Tuesday for Miss Lois Whyte, who is leaving for‘an extended trip to England. A number of the Anderson’s Bay Girl Guides were present. A most enjoyable tea party was given by Miss G. Hislop at her home in Roslyn on Wednesday. Amongst the guests present were Misses Nancarrow, Finch, Halstcd, Reid, Hartman, B. Reeves, Stronach, and D. Roberts. A delightful bridge party was given by Mrs Denny at her residence, Ailandale road, in honour of Miss M. Macassey and Miss M. Fraser, of Wellington. Present were Misses Martin (Christchurch), Ensor, J. Haggitt, and Finch, Messrs Shrimpton, B. -Haggitt, P. VaUange, Andrews, etc. Miss Betty Oram was hostess at a bridge party at her home in Roslyn on Tuesday. There were present Misses Haggitt, Hartman, Halstad, N. Barr, Macassey (Wellington), A. Johnstone (Ti’maru), Hayes, and D. Fleming. A large dinner party was given by the medical fraternity at the Fernhill Club on Wednesday evening in honour of Mr and Mrs Victor Bonney. The hall and drawing room were prettily decorated with large bowls of asters and greenery, whilst in the dining room the tables looked artistic with vases of sweet peas. Dr Carswell, president of the 8.M.A., and Mrs Carswell received the guests. Mrs Carswell was gowned in a fuchsia lace robe over crepe de chine; Mrs Bonney, principal guest of the evening, was robed in a handsome turquoise blue satin; and Mrs Gibbs (Nelson), in black and silver brocade. Several toasts were proposed and replied to. Present as well as the visitors were: Sir Lindo and Lady Ferguson. Sir Louis and Lady Barnett, Dr and Mrs Riley, Dr and Mrs Stanley Batchelor, Dr and Mrs Drennan, Dr and Mrs Fitchett, Dr and Mrs Jenkins, Dr and Mrs Harty, Dr and Mrs Fulton, Dr and Mrs G. Fitzgerald, Dr and Mrs J. A. Hall, Dr and Mrs J. Fitzgerald, Dr and Mrs G. Barnett, Dr and Mrs Gordon Bell, Dr Winifred Bathgate, Dr Emily Siedeberg, Dr Marion Radcliffe Taylor, Dr and Mrs Moore, Dr and Mrs Russell Ritchie, Dr and Mrs Crawshaw, Dr Marion Whyte, Dr Champtaloup, Dr North, Dr Gowland, etc. An afternoon tea party was given by the members of the Otago Women’s Club on Thursday afternoon in honour of Mrs Victor Bonney. During the afternoon Dr Bonney gave a most interesting address on " Maternal Mortality,” when all present were much interested. During the afternoon delightful musical items were given by Mrs A. J. Hall and Miss C. S. Green. Delicious tea was partaken of in the dining room, where the floral decorations of sweet peas were much admired. Present were: Lady Ferguson, Dr W. Bathgate, Dr Emily Siedeberg, Dr Marion Whyte, Dr Radcliffe Taylor, Mesdames R. Fulton, Jenkins, Russell Ritchie, Porteous, Gibbs (Nelson), Fitzgerald, Riley, Barnett, Ross, Cottrell, Carswell, Stanley Batchelor, Hall, Evans, Dunlop, and Newlands. Misses Tennant, Ulrich, and Nosworthy. Miss Maude Royden arrived in Dunedin on Saturday night. A number of people assembled at the Dunedin Railway Station to bid Mr and Mrs Victor Bonney adieu. They left on Friday for the Lakes and Mounf Cook. The Hon. Downic Stewart and Miss Stewart returned to Wellington on Thursday. The wedding of Mr J ; E. Stevenson to Miss Alma Mackie, of Sydney, took place in Wellington at the Piric Street Manse. Miss Mhckie is the daughter o£ Mr and Mrs V. Mackie, of Sydney, and Mr Stevenson is the son of Mr and Mrs W. Stevenson, of “ Cranmore Lodge,” Nevada, Dunedin. Mr and Mrs J. A. Hannan left by express for the north on Thursday, en route for England, where they will spend some time. On Thursday afternoon Mrs Stuart Stephenson gave a bridge party at her residence, St. Clair, when a most enjovable time was spent. There were present: Mes-

dames Crawshaw, Ibbotssn, Burnside, Callis, Lindon, Denny, and Martin. Mr and Mrs W. Hunt, of Invercargill, and Mr and Mrs John Hunt, of Pembroke, are visiters at the Grand Hotel. During the week Misses M. Macassey and M. Fraser gave a delightful tea party at the Tudor Hall, when the room looked beautiful with its vases of hydrangeas, asters, sweet peas, marigolds, etc. Present were: Mesdames Macassey, Haggitt, Foiheringham, B. Haggitt, Brent, and E. L. Macassey, Misses Haggitt, Irvine, and Scott. Mrs Nimmo entertained Mrs Hannan at a farewell tea party at the Otago Women’s Club on Tuesday, when a pleasant time was spent. Present were: Mesdames Brugh, Morrell, Evans, Ewing. Tonkinson, Reid, Lawson, Dunlop, M’Qucen, Cummings, Mernngton, etc. On Friday morning Mrs Frank Fitchett invited guests to morning tea at her residence. Pitt street, in honour of Mrs Sinclair Tnomson and Mrs Bowden. On Monday afternoon General and Mrs Campain visited the Monteciilo Home, and shown all over by the committee of the Red Cross. The General expressed great pleasure in all he saw. Afterwards the matron and committee entertained the visitors at afternoon tea. In the evening Genera] Campain visited the Returned Soldiers’ Club m Moray place, and addressed the members. On Tuesday General Campain left for Invercargill, whilst Mrs Campain and her daughters went to Queenstown where the General will join them later. On Saturday afternoon and evening the Home Science students held a sale of work, when a fashion parade and many side shows caused much amusement. it was well patronised on both occasions. Mrs Rattray, Mrs Fitchett, Misses D. and G. Williams, and Miss G. Gallaway, who spent a holiday at the Franz Josef Glacier have all returned to Dunedin. Mrs Roland Fulton left for the north, ea route for England. Miss Fanny Cargill left for the north on Saturday, en route for England. xr av a Invercargill, March 10. Mrs \\. A. Stout and the Misses Marjorie and Louie Stout returned from Stewart Island last bauuraay. Mr and Mis H. F. Drewe and family spent the week-end at their crib at ” The Rocks. Mrs L. B. Rowe, of Albert street, left by the Manuka on Saturday morning for six weeks in Australia. Mrs Russell Laidlaw, of Lumsden, is at present visiting her parents, Lr and Mrs F. G. Gibson, of Christchurch. Miss Hilda Macdonald left on Saturday for Stewart Island, where she will spend a vacation. Miss N. Storey, of Venlaw, was in Invercargill for the Hunt-Webb wedding. Mies Nora Hoare; of Christchurch, is at present the guest of Mrs L. Vs ebb, of Gladstone. Miss Marjorie Studholme, of Christchurch, who was a guest at the Hunt-Webb wedding, is the guest of Mrs C. J. Brodrick, of Kelvin read. Mr and Mrs G. St.V. Keddell returned from the lakes and Queenstown last Tuesday. On Wednesday afternoon Mrs J. T. n»ush, of Duke street, was hostess at a small tea in honour of Mrs King, of Australia. Mrs T. M. Macd-onald is at present tho guest of Mrs D. E. Hansen, of Upawa road, Christchurch. Mr and Mrs W. U. Hunt of Wellington, accompanied by Miss Edwards, sister of Mrs Hunt, who were guests t'fce Grand Hotel for their son’s wedding, returned north on Thursday. Mrs W. S. and Miss Mitchell, of Dunedin, who have been the guests of Mrs Mervyn Mitchell, of Leet street, are at present visiting Miss Sutton, of Centre Bush. Mr and Mrs John Hunt, of Pembroke, ding left on Thursday fcr Venlaw Station, alter which they will visit Dunedin before returning heme. They will be accompanied by Miss Nonie Storey, cf Venlaw. Mrs G. Cruickshank was’hostess last week at a tea given at her residence in honour of Mrs King, of Australia, tier guests included Mesdames Hugh Macdonald, Bush, J. T. Prain, F. Tucker, Stevens, Nevill, and Ritchie Crawford, Misses.. Fynes-Clinton and J acobson. Mrs Freer King, of Adelaide, who, with her small son, has been spending several months in Invercargill, returns heme by tho Manuka. She has bee.n the gues; of her mother, Mrs Hugh Macdonald, and of her sister, Mrs Ritchie Crawford. She also visited relations in Dunedin. The Hon. J. G. and Mis Coates, with Miss Piper, arrived at the Grand Hotel on Thursday afternoon, and left for the north again on Saturday morning. On Friday afternoon Mrs Coates was guest of honour at a tea party given by Mrs R. J. Gilmour at her residence, Herbert street. A wedding of interest to people in all parts of New Zealand took place at All Saints’ Church, Gladstone, at 11 a.m. on Wednesday, when Peggy’, elder daughter of Mr and Mrs Leonard Webb, of Albert street, was married to William, younger son of Mr and Mrs W. D. Hunt, of Wellington, formerly of Southland. The church, beautifully decorated by friends of the bride, was bright with hydrangeas and asters in shades of blue, pink, and palest mauve. Two floral arches were arranged over the aisle, while a bell of mauve and pink flowers, looped with streamers to tone, was suspended over the bridal party. The Rev. Canon FynesClinton, assisted by the Rev. Cyprian Webb, of Riverton, performed the ceremony, while Mr Charles Gray presided at the organ. The bride, who was given a.way by her father, wore a charming model frock of cream satin. Silver lace was inlet down the front, and formed an edging for a scalloped hemline. It was also used for a simple little P’eter Pan collar, and for cuffs on the long tight sleeves. A graceful train of satin fell in folds from her shoulders. The veil, a very beautiful one of Honiton lace, was arranged wrth a corner falling over the face, and held in. position with a wreath of orange blossom. The bridesmaids, Mies Mary Webb, sister of the bride, and Miss Nora Hoare, of Christchurch, wore f dainty sleeveless (frocks of powder blue georgette, made with long waists and skirts of three tiers, cut into tiny peaks. Each wore a black picture hat; caught ujj

at one side with a diamante buckle, and carried a black crook decorated y/ith a posy of scarlet roses, with streamers of powderblue. Air William Hazlett, of Invercargill, was bast man, and Mr Leicester Webb, brother of the bride, was groomsman. About 60 guests were afterwards entertained at a reception at the home of the bride’s parents. Early in the afternoon the young couple left by motor on their honeymoon. The bride travelled in a frock of sapphire blue, the coat to match having a collar and cuffs of fawn fur. A velour hat of the some shade of blue was worn, and. lizard shoes, with stocking to tone. In the evening Mr ant Mrs Webb entertained many guests at a dance in the Southland W omen’s Club. WAIMATE, March 10. Mrs J. V. Hull and family, of Timaru. are visiting Mrs T. Hamilton, “ Matewai,” .Waibao Downs. Mrs Hamilton and Miss N. Hamilton, who have been the guests of Mrs C. D. Fleming, Glenavy, have returned to Sydney. Miss M. Eddy, Innes street, has been selected by the Waimate Rugby Sub-union to be the union’s queen at the coming queen carnival to be held by the Union, the Friendly Societies, and the Plunket Society. Mr and Mrs H. B. S. Johnstone, of Otaio, are visiting Christchurch. A delightful party was given by Mr and Mrs C. D. Fleming at their home, Glenavy, in, honour of their guests, Mrs and Miss Hamilton, of Sydney. The evening was spent in dancing and music. Among those present were: Mr and Mrs Fleming, Mrs Hamilton, Mr and Mrs J. Fleming, Mr and Mrs M. L. Elliot, Mr and Mrs C. W. Dickson, Mr and Mrs E. 0. Corbitt, Mrs Richards, Misses C. Smeliie, Fleming (4), Hamilton, Elliot, Dickson, Messrs Hamilton, Fleming (6), Dickson, and Smeliie (2). On Saturday Miss- M. Anderson severed her connection with the staff of H. C. Foster’s. Mr Foster, in making a presentation to Miss Anderson, said that he and the staff had a high opinion of her both from a business and a personal point of view. The staff asked her to accept a suit case as a reminder of her association with them, and Mr Foster had pleasure in asking her to accept a pair of gloves as a small token of his appreciation of her services. Mr Clifton and Miss June Clifton, Harris street, have returned from' the West Coast. Mr and Mrs P. Grant. h-v J. B. Robinson and MrV F. Nash, left Waimate on Tuesday for a .jo.. Island.

TIMARU, March 9. Mrs John Guthrie, who was with Mrs A. Grant, Wai-iti road, returned to Christchurch to-day, accompanied by Mrs James Grant, Gray’s Hills. Mrs John Matheson, Wai-iti road, returned from Christchurch to-day, accompanied by Dr and Mrs Matheson, of Kurow, who will be her guests till Monday. Mr and Mrs Alan Nicholls, of Christchurch. went to Dunedin on Monday after a short stay with Mrs C. E. Kerr, Kingsdown. Mrs James Hay, of Christchurch, is the guest of Mrs H. A. Le Cren, Nga-Punawai, Fairlie. Mr and Mrs Henry Knubley, of Pleasant Valley, are with Mr and Miss Knubley, Sarah street. Miss Pringle, of Palmerston North, who has been on a motor tour of the southern lakes, is the guest of Mrs C. S. Young, Craighead street. Captain and Mrs Burdon, of Orari, are the guests of Mrs W. N. Bond, at Claremont. Mrs and Miss Hunter-Weston, Highthorne, are in Dunedin. Mrs and Miss’Bett, who were with Mrs J. H. Inglis, Wai-iti road, have returned to Dunedin. Mrs F. F. A. Ulrich, Elizabeth street, is visiting Gore. Mrs J. A. Clowes, of Christchurch, is the street ° f the Misses Wool, combe, Trafalgar engagement is announced of George Edgar youngest son of the late Mr R. Moore and Mrs Moore, of Christchurch, to Hilda Amelia, fourth daughter of Mr and Mrs H. H. Cairn, of Geraldine. On Saturday night Mr and Mrs -R. B. Bell, Arden, Wai-iti road, gave a bridge party in honour of their guest, Mrs B E Murphy, of Wellington. The rooms and supper table were decorated with roses. Mrs Bell wore a chenille fringed frock, and Mrs Murphy was in black panne velvet. Those present were Dr and Mrs C. A. Paterson, Dr and Mrs P. B. Benham, Mr and Mrs E. A. Scott, Mrs W. Burns, Miss Salmond, Mr W. W. Baxter, and Mr E. A. Scott. The Prizes were won by Mrs P. B. Benham and Mr E. A. Scott,

Mrs John Guthrie, who is the guest of Mrs A. Grant, Wai-iti road, returned to Christchurch to-day, accompanied by Mrs James. Mrs English, of Timaru, left to-day on a short visit to Hawke's Bay. Mrs W. H. Helmore, Wai-iti road, is staying in Christchurch. St. Michael’s Church at Waihao Downs was the scene of a very pretty wedding, when Norman Redvers, son of Mr and Mrs Charles H. Verity, “ Upwey,” Waihao Downs, was married to Mabel, elder daughter of Mr and Mrs Falloon, of “ Cragalea,” Waihao Forks. The Rev. E.. Chard officiated, and Mrs Chard played the wedding music. The church was beautifully decorated for the occasion by friends of the bride. On the arm of her father the bride entered the church wearing a pretty frock of ivory crepe de chine and silk lace, over which hung a veil falling from a coronet of orange blossom. She carried a bouquet of cream roses and maidenhair fern. The bridesmaids were Misses Enid Falloon and Elinor Verity, who both wore apple green crepe de chine irocas relieved with beige georgette, and finished with pastel shaded appliques. Mr John M'Caw, of Hakataramea, attended the bridegroom as best man, and Mr Cyril Verity was groomsman. After the ceremony a reception was held at “ Cragalea,’’ where a large marquee was erected and prettily decorated. Mrs Falloon received her guests wearing a black silk frock with touches of lemon georgette, and hat to match. Later in the day Mr and Mrs Verity left for an extended tour of the southern lakes district, the bride travelling in a chenille jumper suit and fox fur, with a hat to tone. Tho it »» ASHBURTON, March 10. The Mayor, Mr R. Galbraith, Mr A Horchai™an), and Mrs Horsey returned last evening from the West Coast ( - tbey attended the diamond jubilee celebrations Mr and Mrs W. Patching, who also attended the celebrations, are at present paying a visit to the Franz Josef glacilr Mrs Pettey is the guest of Mrs C W Nicoll, Grigg street. J- Studholme is spending a few weeks at Coldstream. . S ™^!? nc , is Wem rs s and Mr Malcolm Ross of Wellington, are spending a few days salmon fishing at the mouth of the Rangitata Dr and Mrs R. A. Bathgate have been staying at the Hydro Grand Hotel, Timaru Mr and Mrs W. Makesy, of Timaru, spent a few days in Ashburton this wr«>ir. A number of Ashburton people have been to Christchurch to see “ Rose Marie.” Among those who went were: Mrs Boyce, Mr and Mrs Rigby e ‘ dOn ' Mr and MrS Ericson > and Mrs Orbell, who spent a week in Timaru, returned to Ashburton on Tuesday, and leaves to-day with her daughter, Mrs Dixon, to stay in North Canterbury. Mrs Maurice Chapman, who was the guest of Mrs Orbell, Walnut avenue, has returned to her home in Martinborough. Miss Joan Nicoll is visiting friends in Christchurch. Mrs W. Nosworthy, of Walnut avenue, is touring in the North Island with the Hon. W. Nosworthy, and is expected home next week. Mr and Mrs A. Bushell have returned from a motor trip in the south. Sister Garrett, of Oakhurst, haSs been spending a holiday at Pembroke. A successful autumn flower show was held on Thursday last in St. Stephen’s Hall, the proceeds going to the church funds.

CHRISTCHURCH, March 9. lhe Banks Peninsula Racing Club held its autumn meeting at Motukarara on Saturday. Perfect weather prevailed, and the gathering, which is always a popular one was larger than ever. There were visitors from North and South Canterbury as well as city residents. Amongst those present were: Sir R. Heaton Rhodes (president of J cl V b) .’. La<J y Rhodes, and Sir Heaton Rhodes sister. Mrs Aiister Clark, from Melbourne, Mr and Mrs W. F. Parkinson, Mr and Mrs George Gould, Mr Walter Clifford Miss Aroha Clifford. Miss M, Richards, Mr and Mrs Cracroft Wilson, and Mrs Vernon (Kngland), Mrs - G. Leslie Rutherford and Miss Rutherford, Dr and Mrs J. Stevenson Mr and Mrs H. S. Barker, Dr and Mrs F. G. Gibson, Mr and Mrs H. Acton-Adams. Mr and Mrs B. Wood, Mrs J. Matson, Miss Nancarrbw. Miss Cracroft Wilson, Miss M. Macdonald, Mr and Mrs H. Ensor and Miss Ann Ensor, Miss Monger (Western Australia), Mr and Mrs G. Rutherford. Miss Turrell, Misses Hoare and B. Macdonald. A delightful "kitchen tea’’ was given by Mrs S. Heard at her picturesque home, Katutara Hills, Kaikoura, last week in honour of Miss Frances Acton-Adams, who is to be married this month. The guests were: Mesdames Heard, Robinson, Denniston, G. Gray, Pannel, Mathews. Park, Boyd, Miison, Weaver, M’Gregor, Blunt, Lockhcad, and

Gregory, Misses F., D„ and P. Acton-Adams Pannel, Hindle, R. Boyd F. and C. The afternoon was spent in playing deck tennis and other games, and a very dainty tea and ice creams were served in the diningroom. Each kitchen present had a poem attached, the reading of which caused great amusement. Mrs J. H. Williams, Mrs H. O. DevenlshMeares, and Mrs P. Wynn-Williams were joint hostesses at a delightful morning’ tea party on Wednesday morning, held in Ballantyne’s inner tea room, 'in honour of Mrs J. W. K. Lawrence and Mrs A. K. Firth, who are both leaving Christchurch shortly to visit England. The gathering was a very cheery one, and the tea tables, with their pretty pink and green cloths and artistic floral decorations, looked particularly attractive. Some of those present were: Mrs H. Cotterill, Mrs C. Wynn-Williams, Mrs J. Stevenson, Mrs Jellett, Mrs Gerald Bowen, Mrs Hugh Acland, Mrs Norton Francis, Mrs Joe Hall, Mrs Dobson, Mrs H. Holderness, Mrs Lynn Lawrence. Mrs Gerald Maling, Mrs N. Cordnes, Mrs D. M'Lean, Mrs J. W. K. Lawrence, Mrs A. K. Firth. Mrs Sydney Lawrence, Mrs C. Milne, and Mrs J. Vernon, Misses M. Mollneaux, B. Nancarrow, J. Raine, and K. Westenra. Mrs William Murray has left for Auckland where she will spend some months before returning to England. Sir George and Lady Fenwick, of Dunedin, and Mr George E. Fenwick, of Auckland, are visiting Christchurch. Mrs F. J. Millton and Miss G. L. Millton, of Orari, are visiting Christchurch. Mr and Mrs B. B. Wood have moved into thvir new home in Holmwood road. Mrs R. L. M. Kitto, of Hanmer Springs, has come to Christchurch for some months, and has taken Mrs Ronald Fisher's house in Chapter street, St. Albans. The Misses Turnbull, who have been on a visit to Christchurch, have returned to Timaru. Mr and Mrs H. B. S. Johnstone, of Otaio. are visiting Christchurch. The engagement is announced of Ruby, only daughter of Mr and Mrs J. S. Hardy, to William, second son of Mr and the late Mrs A. Mikkelson, both of Christchurch. BLENHEIM, March 8. On Monday evening at the residence of Dr Bennett, in Maxwell road, Miss Pauline Bennett entertained a few friends in honour of Miss Jean Burden, who is about to leave on a trip to England. First of all the guests attended at pictures at His Majesty's Theatre, and afterwards adjourned to the house for supper, which was tastefully arranged in the dining room. Miss Bennett wore a pretty green georgette frock, and Miss Jean Burden wore mauve georgette. Others present were: Mrs Woods, in rustcoloured crepe de chine ; Misses Leslie Burden, black lace; R. Trolove, blue taffeta; D. Wood, pipk crepe de chine: B. Griffiths, blue lace; J. Mason, flame-coloured georgette ; and .Jennie Noble-Adams. prunecoloured velvet; Dr Bennett, and Messrs M. Wood, E. Reid, P. Hall, J. Vavasour, D. Barker (South Canterbury), A. Ward, M’Callum, etc. Last week we had three-days’ racing at the Waterlea racecourse, when the weather proved perfect. Owing to the recent rainfall the course was in excellent order. Some of those noticed there were : Mesdames Weld, wearing navy crepe de chine, with a fawn hat; G. Watts, of Lansdowne, fawn crepe de chine, and a fawn hat; Teschemaker, navy blue marocain, and a navy blue hat; J. White, navy rep embroidered in gold; E. Vavasour, blue crepe de chine, and a blue hat; F. Reid, white frock, and fawn hat; and Balfour, of Vernon, checked costume, and a navy scarf and hat; Misses K. Redwood, floral frock, and a navy blue hat; A. Neville, fawn and red crepe de chine, and a fawn hat; I. Rutherford, mauve silk, and a cream hat; P. Bennett, blue and white crepe de chine, and a white hat; B. Griffiths, black crepe de chine; J. Noble-Adams, green silk, , and a fawn hat; and M. Macnab, navy blue crepe de chine. Mrs A. J. Maclaine and Miss I. Horton are visiting Christchurch. Mrs J. Corry has returned from Wellington. Mr Balfour-Kinnear, accompanied by Misses Evelyn Balfour-Kinnear and Jean Burden, left here on Sunday by the Tamahine, en route for an extended trip to England. Miss Acton-Adams, of Dunedin, is spending a short holiday with Mrs Critchley at " Tyntesfield.’’ Miss V. Farmar has returned from a short visit to Wellington. WELLINGTON, March 9. The Wellington Lyceum Club was the scene of a pleasant afternoon party on Wednesday when Mrs and the Misses Norwood, Mrs ■ Bevan and her daughter, Mrs RayBrown, and Miss Tingey, all of whom leave shortly for a tour abroad, were the guests of honour. Unfortunately Mrs Norwood was indisposed, and unable to be present. Mrs J. C. Andersen (president) welcomed the guests, and expressed the regret of all that Mrs Norwood was not able to meet some of her many friends before her departure. She spoke of the pleasure it was to hand on the members to the fine chain of lyceum clubs that were to be found in so many parts of the world, and she was sure that they would all have much to tell the members when they returned of the women’s clubs they had the opportunity of visiting Miss Norwood replied on behalf of her mother, and said that she deeply regretted

not being able to see the club members, who had been such a support and pleasure to her when she was holding the position of Mayoress, and hoped on her return to be able to tell them of her travels, and particularly of things that would be interesting to club women. Another guest who had a warm welcome was Mrs Surrey Bain, a member of the London Lyceum Club, who said that she would have great pleasure when she returned Home in telling the mother club of all the kindness she had received from lyceum clubs during her travels. Mrs Andersen was in a gown of deep cream lace with black satin trimming, and a hat to match ; Miss Norwood wore deep blue crepe de chine, patterned with roses, and a pale bois de rose hat; her sister being in blue, with a wide crinoline straw hat. Afternoon tea was served, and there were a few items in a brief programme which were much enjoyed, and concluded a pleasant afternoon. A delightful afternoon was enjoyed at the Kelburn municipal croquet lawns, when the members entertained the city and suburban clubs at progressive croquet. About 80 visitors from the various clubs were present, and a large number took part in the games, which were all well contested and exciting. Play was continuous from early afternoon till after 5 o'clock, and all entered into the competitions with real enthusiasm. The winners were : A Grade, Mrs Tregear (Ngaroma Club), Mrs Boocock (Haeremai), Mrs Phillips (Hataitai). B Grade. Mrs Bassett (Hataitai), Mrs O’Connor, 2. Mrs G. A. Troup (Mayoress) was “at home ” on Wednesday afternoon, when a numbers of members of the Women’s National Reserve and other friends had an opportunity of bidding good-bye to Mrs Mathew Holmes and her two daughters, the Misses Beatrice and Katharine Holmes, who are shortly leaving for England. The tea table was daintily decorated with mauve sweet sultans and brown foliage, late stocks and roses adorning the drawing room. Mrs Troup was in black georgette with touches of blue; Miss Troup wore cream chiffon velvet patterned with large roses; and Mrs Holmes was in georgette with an Oriental pattern in cream, gold, and crimson, and a wide black crinoline straw hat. Miss Hamilton was assisting with the ’ tea, and Mrs Dallard and Mrs Tait provided some delightful music. . There were numbers of members of the Women’s National Reserve present, as well as other friends, and a very pleasant social time was spent. The members of the organised women’s societies and many private friends were extremely grieved to hear of the death of the late Hon. Mark Cohen, M.L.C., which took place recently in Auckland. Mr Cohen was ever the kind and courteous adviser and friend of those who took an interest in laws which specially affect women and children. He was one who was very often appealed to for assistance in bringing forward measures for their benefit, and who consistently held the ideal of equality for both sexes. He is a great loss, and much sympathy is felt for his two daughters. Mrs Napier, of Mapua, Nelson, who is leaving to visit, relatives in England, has been entertained at a number of farewell parties. The residents at Mapua gave a social evening, and gave Mrs Napier a handsome writing case and other gifts as a mark of their esteem. She is staying with her son. Mr Eric Ndpier, at Island Bay till her departure. Miss Dorothy M’Kenzie, Maurice terrace, is leaving by the Corinthic for England. Lady Findlay has returned from a brief visit to Christchurch. Mrs Florence Porter and Miss Sheppard have returned from the south. Colonel Powles and Miss Rachael Powles, of Palmerston North, are coming to take up their residence in Wellington. Mrs and the Misses Norwood are leaving shortly for an extended tour abroad. Dr and Mrs Gordon Anderson have returned to Wellington from the north. Mr and Mrs Bevan and their daughter, Mrs Ray-Brown, are leaving shortly for England and abroad. Colonel and Mrs Stoneham, of Gisborne, are the guests of their daughter, Mrs A. Tyndall, Boulcott terrace. Dr and Mrs Hardwick-Smith are visiting Wanganui. Mrs Macdonald has returned to Invercargill after a visit to her daughter, Mrs David Allan. Miss Norma Tait, of Wellington, is visiting Paraparaumu. Mrs Hector Scott has returned to Timaru from Wellington. Mr and Mrs G. F. Pearce, of Lower Hutt, and Mr and Mrs W. Pearce, of Wellington, have left for Timaru.

FEILDING, March 8. Mrs Hall and her small son, of Stratford, are th e guests of Mrs Wilfred Perry. Mrs Guy Goodbehere is visiting Morrinsville. Miss Betty Davison, of Wanganui, has been the guest of Mrs Webster. Misses Wilson, of Auckland. ar e the guests of Mrs David Bell, of *” Strathspey.” Miss Dorothy Duthie has returned from a visit to Ohau. Mr and Mrs J. BL Duthie, of Ohau, have been visiting Feilding. Mrs H, B. Burrell has returnoil from Ohau.

Mr and Miss Goodbehere have returned from a motoring trip. Miss Dulcie Maguire has returned from N apier. A very jolly surprise party was arranged by Mies Brenda Banks to the home of Mrs Frank Elliott, of North road, in honour of Miss Lorna Elliott, who is shortlv leaving for a holiday to England, and .'Mr K. Buchanan, who is also leaving shortly for England. Those present were Misses Banks (2), Elliott (2), Beattie, Johnston Duthie, Buchanan, Bailey (2), Pratt, Hare (2)', Dernier, and Webster. Messrs Nicholls, Banks, Lintott, Buchanan (2)', Bailey, Connell, Strombom (Marton), Nethercliffe (Marton), and many others. Mrs C. F. England, of Cunninghams, gave a most enjoyable tennis party during the week in honour of Mr R. Buchanan. There were many guests presept, and a most enjoyable time was spent. PALMERSTON NORTH, March 9. Miss Marjorie Fitzherbert is at present in Napier, where she is the guest of her sister, Mrs C. Marchbanks. On Tuesday evening Dr and Mrs Putnam gave a most delightful dance for the “ coming of age ■ of their daughter, Ruth. Mrs Putnam received her guests in a beautiful frock of rose coloured georgette, beaded in silver, while Miss Ruth Putnam wore a picture frock of mauve and green’ taffeta. Those present were Miss M. Guy, wearing black georgette trimmed with green; Miss Gwenda M’Hardy, white satin beaded in silver; Miss Nancie Lyons, blue taffeta, and gold lace; Mrs Strachan Goldingham, picture frock of oyster taffeta over apricot; Miss Molly Goldingham, shot floral taffeta; Miss Peggy Abraham, green georgette; Mrs J. Monro, green georgette; Mrs F. Ward, pink printed georgette; Mrs Hoyse Johnston, white georgette sequined in emerald green and silver; Miss Beatrix Loughnan, cyclamen georgette; Miss Lexio Macdonald, bronze georgette with floral bodice; Mrs Henry Knight, white georgette beaded in silver; Miss Morrison, blue and green shot taffeta; Miss Margaret Sim, pale pink panne velvet and tulle; Miss Marjorie Fitzherbert, mauve beaded georgette; Miss O. Jdaggitt, cyclamen taffeta and gold lace; Miss Mary MGill, gold lace over blue; Mrs Wylie, blue georgette; Mrs W. L. Fitzherbert, beige georgette and lace, Mrs E. G. Sim, black and gold georgette and lace; Mrs J. P. Inness, black embroidered satin; Mrs W. G. Lyons, rose chenille; Miss Mina Moore, green georgette and lace; Mrs Hankins, black' satin; Mrs Bett, black lace; and Mrs Forrest, black and gold georgette. Messrs J. M. Johnston, Ivan Johnston, W. Bett, Dr Forrest, Dr King, Dr Ward, Messrs H. R. Cooper, H. Johnston, F. Gorton, S. Goldingham, R. Goldingham, K. D. and A. Guy, C. Moore, W. G. Lyons, and H. Knight, Captain Gibbons, etc. Mrs F. J. Nathan has returned from Auckland. Mrs Lynch, of Raetihi, is a visitor to Palmerston North. Miss K. Barber has returned from Raetihi. Miss Molly Goldingham and Miss Nancie Lyons are on a visit to Te Kuiti, whore they are the guests of Mr and Mrs Greig. Mrs J. Waldegrave, of Raetihi, is the guest of Mrs Barber, of Tiritea. Mrs M'Beth, of Feilding, is visiting Auckland. Mrs Craig, of Wellington, is the guest of Mrs M. Linklater, of Palmerston North. Mrs Crosse, of Hawke’s Bay is the guest of her daughter, Mrs R. Abraham, of Palmerston North. WANGANUI, March 9. Mrs Cross, of Hipango terrace, is at present on a motor tour of New Plymouth, Rotorua, Taupo, and Waipukurau. Mr and Mrs F. Brettargh have returned from Auckland, Rotorua, and Wairakei. Mr W. S. Glen, M.P., and Mrs Glen are motoring in the - South Island. Mr and Mrs G. Dixon, of Feilding, are spending a holiday in the southern lakes district, South Island. Mrs J. M. Saunders was hostess at an afternoon at her residence to farewell Mrs Atkinson, of Melbourne, who, for some weeks, has been staying with her brother, Mr J. M. Saunders and Mrs Saunders. The drawing room was prettily decorated with pink camel, ias and roses and mauve flowers. Mrs Saunders wore a becoming black georgette frock, and received her guests, namely: —• Mesdames Howard Christie. Marshall. N. Pearce Franklin, D. Wilson, Bogle, J. Glen, Lane, Hine, and Shaw. Misses Calder (2), Izard, B. Pownall, Franklin, Hine (2), N. Cowper, Murray, Shaw, and P'owdrell, and Dr Elizabeth Gunn. Miss E. Parsons left on Monday, for a holiday at Matamata and Auckland. Miss A. Gibbons is the guest of Mrs L. Craig, of Gonville.

Dr H. Wilson and Mrs Wilson are visitors to Auckland. Mrs Gibbin has returned from Auckland. Mrs W. H. Cunningham is the guest of her mother, Mrs C. M. Duke, of Wellington Mrs Stevens arrived recently from England, and is the guest of her niece, Mrs Duncan Simpson, of Marton. The engagement is announced of Edna Grace, youngest daughter of Mr and Mrs A. J. Ferrott, of Fitzroy, to Leslie John, son of Mr and Mrs R. L. Slyfield, of New Plymouth, and late of Wanganui. ’ On Thursday afternoon a most successful garden party was held at " Hara Keke, Mrs D. L. Blyth’s residence in Wanganui. The afternoon was arranged by the Women’s Division of the Farmers’ Union, and realised £2O. Delicious afternoon tea was served, and the extensive mossy lawns and gardens lent a charming background to a picture of dainty frocks. Among those present were Mrs Blyth, wearing black satin with autumntinted embroideries; Mrs R. Lilburn, grey georgette; Mrs W. J. Polson, black silk marocain and white georgette. Mesdames Corballis. Higgle, Stavely, Birch, Chapman, M'lntosh, Barton, Edwards, Rowling, „urnett, Harrison, Hammond, Rice, Wells, Baird, Stevens (England), Wickham, Mullins, Neumann, A. Howie, Campbell, R. L. Gibson, Fulton, Lawrie, E. M’Donald, Broderick, is. Campbell, M. Russell, M’Dougall, Tosswill, D Polson, Spurdie, Parkes, V. Blyth. L. Bassett, W. Stewart, M. Hunter, A. Hunter, E. Gibson, Cameron, Veith, G. H Robertson, Franklin, Moffat, Hales, Scott, T. Young, Hammond, Laird, Wells, Pratt. H. Birch. Simpson, Hine (2), Strachan, Murray, K. Cave, Burgess, and Jack (Dunedin). WAIRARAPA, March S. The marriage took place recently at St. John’s Church, Pongaroa, of Miss Ann Elizabeth Poole, eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs H. R. Poole, of Pongaroa, to Mr F. H. Burling, eldest son of Mr and Mrs F. W. Burling, of Carterton. The marriage of Miss Violet Lavinia Peters, daughter of Mr A. Peters and the late Mrs Peters, of South Carterton, to Edward Isaac Smith, youngest son -of Mr and Mrs W. W. Smith, of Clareville, was celebrated at the residence of the bridegroom’s sister, Mrs C. E. Waite, Victoria street, Carterton. The marriage took place in St. Paul’s Presbyterian Church. Pahiatua, recently of Eleanor Sessford, second daughter of Mr and Mrs Walter Britland, of Dawson street, Pahiatua, and James William, second son of Mr and Mrs J. Swanney, of Mangatainoka. The engagement is announced of Jean, fourth daughter of Mrs J. Mac Kay, East Taratahi, to Fred, eldest son of Mr and Mrs Harold Bennett, “ The Terrace,” Tinui A pretty wedding, and one in which a' great deal of interest was centred, was solemnised at St. Cuthbert’s Church, Eketahuna, on Wednesday morning last. The contracting parties being Mr Neil Albrechtsen, of Mangaironga, and Miss Gladys M. Russell, of Hamua. A very pleasant function took place at the residence of Mrs Gill Cundy. “ Rotoheme,” Kahuatara, when Mrs Boyce, who is leaving the district to join Mr Boyce in Palmerston North, was farewelled by her many friends. A very pleasant evening was spent at the residence of Mrs Pike, South Belt, Masterton, recently, when a gift tea was given to Miss J. Grimes and Mr W. Lee on the occasion of their approaching marriage. Mr and Mrs F. Court, of- Waihakeke, who are leaving on a visit to England, were farewelled at a social evening in St. Mark’s Parish Hall, Carterton, by the parishioners and friends. The executive committee of the Carterton Association of Girl Guides on Saturday evening farwelled Mrs L. R. H. Aplin, local president. The" engagement is announced of Mary, second daughter of Mr and Mrs S. Conwell, Victoria street. Carterton, to Joseph William, youngest son of Mr and Mrs J. Merwood, of Kaiwaiwai, Featherston. Mrs Gill has returned to Masterton from a holiday at Seatoun. Mr and Mrs David Caselberg, of Masterton. are staying at Seatoun, Wellington. Miss N. Cooper, of Wellington, is the guest of Mrs Wardell, Masterton. Miss Alma Perry, of Masterton, is staying at Lyall Bay. Mr and Mrs Harold Beetham have returned to Masterton from Wellington. Mrs Nash, of Wanganui, is visiting her sister, Mrs Cameron, Wairarapa. Mrs W. D. Horne, of Masterton, is visiting Wanganui. Mr and Mrs George Elliott, Masterton, are on a visit to the Marlborough Sounds. Mr and Mrs P. C. Dronsfield, of Makuri, are the guests of Mrs Hanlon, M’asterton. Miss Daisy Hubbard has returned to Masterton from a holiday spent at Picton. Miss M*Kenzize, of Feilding, is staying with her sister, Mrs R. M'Laren, Lansdowne, Masterton. Mr and Mrs Leslie Maunsell have returned to Masterton from Lowry Bay. Mr and Mrs O. H. Beetham, of Wairarapa, are staying at Lyall Bay. Mr and Mrs Peacock, of Masterton, are on a visit to Palmerston North. Miss Jessie Carrick, of Masterton, and Miss Madge Carrick, of New Plymouth, are the guests of Mrs Guys, Hamilton.

Miss Ray Harrison, of Masterton, has gone for a holiday to Wanganui.

Mrs George Hood, Masterton, is staying at Oriental Bay, Wellington. Miss Harper, of Hastings, was a visitor to Masterton last week. Mrs W. M’Kenzie, Manaia, is visiting her daughter, Mrs Frank Moss, of Wellington. Mrs D. Ogilvy is staying at Oriental Bay, Wellington. Mrs Moore, of Palmerston North, is visiting her daughter, Mrs Guthrie Smith, Homebush. Miss Betty Newton, of Hamilton, is the guest of Mrs S. Gill, Masterton. Mrs C. Burnard, of Island Bay, is visiting her parents, Mr and Mrs R. C. Drummond, Lansdowne. Miss Mason, of Lower Hutt, was the guest of Mrs D. M. Graham, Masterton, for the week-end. Mrs and Miss Lewis, of Masterton, have been visiting Wellington. Miss J. Hounsell, of Christchurch, is the guest of Mrs N. G. Alexander, of Masterton. Mrs Nash, of Wanganui, who has been staying with her mother, Mrs F. Kummer, at Masterton, has returned home. Mrs C. D. Marshall Day, of Pahiatua, is spending a few weeks In Wellington, HAWKE’S BAY, March 8. A special cabaret was held in Napier on account of the wool sale, many country people being present rom all parts of Hawke’s Bay. Those present including Mesdames J. M’Kinnon, H. Coleman, and H. Douglas, Misses G. Russell, L. WilL-ms, E. Barry, R. Pharazyn, K. M’Kinnon, H. Bernau, E. Morgan, M. Campbell, M. Brodie, and M. Morris. A reception was tendered to Miss Morrison on the eve of her departure from Twyford. The evening was spent in dancing, and Miss Morrison was presented with many gifts. Amongst those present were: Mr and Mrs James Holt, Mr and Mrs Compton, Mrs Y. Wellwood, Mr and Mrs H. Burge, Mr and Mrs Rigby, Mr and Mrs P. Nicol, Mr and Mrs Lindsay, Mr and Mrs Carrington, and Misses Evans, Holt, Rainey, Munro, Lindsay, Jarvis, nd Low. Misses M’Rae, of Wairoa, have been visiting friends in Hastings. Mr and Mrs George ELbett, of Hastings, are on a motor tour in the Auckland district. Mrs H. M. Bishop, of Wellington, is visiting friends in Hawke's Bay. Mrs M. Stewart, of Wellington, has been visiting Hastings. Mr and Mrs W. H. Rathbone, of Waipawa, who have been on a visit to Christchurch, have returned home. Mrs Somerville and family, of Wairoa, are leaving shortly to reside in Dunedin. Mr and Mrs Edmundson, of Napier, who were visiting Palmerston North, have returned home, Mrs H. B. Williams, of Gisborne, was in Napier for a few days. Mr Norman Branson, of Hastings, is visiting friends in Gisborne. Mrs Sydney Johnston, of Takapau, has been on a visit to Palmerston North. Mr and Mrs H. Steele, of Napier, were In Palmerston North attending the Rotarian conference. Miss Jean Carmicheal, of Auckland, who has been on an extended visit to Napier, has returned home. Mr and Mrs S. MacFarlane, of Dannevirke, were in Napier for a few days. Miss M. Tomlinson, of Masterton, is visiting Napier as the guest of Mrs N. Humphries. Miss M. Mackay, of Napier, has been visiting Mrs A. Avery, Bay View. . Mrs J. C. Wilson, of Hatuma, has gone on a visit to Timaru. Mrs H. D. Limbrick, of Waipawa, who has been visiting Christchurch, has returned home. Mr and Mrs Mander and Miss Mander, of Gisborne, have been on a visit to Napier. Dr and Mrs W. P. Johnston, of Hastings, have been on a visit to Auckland. Mr and Mrs R. M. Chadwick, of Napier, spent a few days in Palmerston North. Dr and Mrs Lindsay, who were visiting friends in Napier, have returned to their home In Auckland accompanied by Mrs E. Cornford, of Napier. Miss Nora Henley, of Napier, is visiting Wellington. Miss M. Hitchman, of Napier, has gone to reside in Wellington, Mrs W. Kerr, of Ti Tree Point, is holiday making in Napier. Mrs M’Duff-Boyd, of Hastings, is at present on a visit to Eltham. Mr and Mrs W. Din-silddie, who have been visiting Wellington, have returned to Napier. ■ Mrs Murray, of Cambridge, is the guest of her daughter, Mrs P. W. Lascelles, of Hastings. Miss Cowper, of Dannevirke, is the guest of Mrs J. F. Buchanan, of Christchurch.

Miss Pennethorne, of England, is visiting Hastings. Miss Doreen Tennent, who has been on an extended visit to the South Island, has returned to Napier. Mrs Chapman, of Napier, is on a visit to Wairarapa. Mrs H. H. Hind, of Wellington, has* been on a visit to Napier. Mrs Fitzsimmons is visiting her parents, Mr and Mrs T. H. Ringland, of Napier. WAIKATO, March 8. The garden party given at Cambridge by the Mesdames E. E. Roberts, Ritchie, and Tod for the ladies and friends of the doctors attending the conference was a great success. Those present were: Lady Gavin, Mesdames H. Douglas, Beedie, Lumsden, Blakeley, Holden, Davies, Strang, Swanston, M’Beth, Johnson, M’Caw, V. Chitty, Scott, Nicoll, Handman, Hockin, Ratcliffe, Wallace, Anson, T. C. Fraser, Boyd, Ewart, Pinfold, W. Tudhope, Hardie, Neil, C. Sutcliffe, and Buist, Misses Willis, Guy, Chitty, E. Hammond, Christophers, Falconer, Keddie, Harrowell, Fell, Gwynneth, Eggleston, and O. Christophers. A very jolly afternoon tea was given by Miss Gray Hammond on Monday, when Miss Kathleen Wilson was the guest of honour. Mrs Hammond was wearing a smart black frock. Others present were: Mesdames Hubert Hammond, Colin Taylor, R. Worley, and L. Tompkins, Misses N. Valder, I. Taylor, E. Norris, D. Yule, E. Hammond, W. Manning, D. Clark, M. Valder, and E. Hammond. A jolly farewell bridge evening was given at the home of Mrs J. D. Smith, Hamilton, in honour of Mrs Wyvern Wilson, who is leaving shortly for England. The rooms were beautifully decorated with blue and pink hydrangeas. The guests were : Mesdames G. P. Rogers, O. M. Monckton, G. Valder, J. F. Strang, Dolan, C. E. Armstrong, Hubert Hammond, J. E. Chitty, and J. Ferguson, and Miss Kathleen Wilson. The tennis dance held in the Masonic Hall at Claudelands on Saturday night was a huge success. Mrs J. Baxter was the hostess, and wore a pretty soft blue georgette frock. Others present were: Mesdames P. Russell and A. Simes, Misses D. Sweeney, J. Masters, R. Burley, E. Wilks, A. Turley, Tizard, K. Gordon, K. Tompkins, V. Cann, D. Speight, E. Wilson, N. Edwards, M. Tidd, E. Penney P. Hooper, E. Newell, H. Gaze, D. Sergei, A. Newell, Burns, Frankham, M. Barker G. Hodgson, R. Patterson, M. Wilson, T. Brown, T. Edwards, D. Mullison, and A. Stewart.

Mrs Colin Taylor was the hostess for a farewell tea for Miss Kathleen Wilson on Thursday. The guests spent a happy time. Mrs Taylor was wearing a blue georgette frock. Lovely summer flowers were arranged in the room. The guests were: Mrs F. Gordon, Mrs R. Worley, Misses D. Yule, N. Blair, G. Hammond, W. Manning, and E. Hammond.

AUCKLAND, March 8. The Little Theatre Society gave a most successful evening party last Tuesday in the Town Hall, at which about 2500 guests were present. The first part of the programme comprised musical, elocutionary, and dance items, after which songs were given by Mr Maurice Ballance and Mr Ernest Snell, an organ number by Mr Alfred Pascoe, a recitation by Miss Ysolinde M'Veagh, and a dance by Miss Bettina Edwards and Miss Gwenneth M’Naughton. After supper had been served, the one act play by Barrie, “ The Old Lady Shows Her Medals,” was presented. The parts were filled by aliss Peggy Hovey, Mrs Carte-Lloyd, Mrs Dupree, Miss Linda Murphy, and Mr J. Swan. During the evening Mr L. P. Leary, who is president of the society, and Professor Algie, spoke in connection with the future of “ The Little Theatre.” At a meeting of the League of the New Zealand Penwomen last Friday afternoon, the Rev. W. G. Monckton gave an interesting address on the character and career of the late Earl Haig. The President, Mrs Stuart Boyd, presided. Mrs W. R. Wilson and Mrs R. M. Tolhurst have left on a visit to Christchurch in connection with Guiding matters. Mrs P. A. Lindsay, who has been visiting relatives in Blenheim, Wellington, and Napier, returned to Auckland last week by motor. Mrs W. H. F'arkcs. and Miss Janet Murray are back again in town after a short stay at Rotorua. Mr and- Mrs Frank Mills, of Paparoa, are the guests of Mrs John Mills, Parnell. Mrs D. W. Duthie and Misg Duthie, of Wellington, the staying with Mrs Norman Abbott, of Epsom. Mrs Bagnall and her two children, who have been staying in Masterton with Mrs W. H. Jackson, have returned to Auckland. Mr and Mrs Norman Brett, of Remuera, are the guests of Mrs Glendining, of Littlebourne. Other Auckland visitors to Dunedin are Mrs Friedlander and Mrs J. Hislop.

The three distinguished musicians, Messrs Leo, Jan, and Mischel Cherniavsky have been in possession of His Majesty’s Theatre during the past week, and their concerts have proved very delightful to large audiences. Plenteous rain has fallen all over the Auckland province during the past week, and has freshened up the grass and all other vegetation in the most remarkable manner. WEDDINGS. - ■A. of interest was celebrated at Christchurch on Tuesday, when Jessie youngest daughter of Mrs and the late Mr W. A. Sprott. of Oamaru, was united m matrimony to Albeit James Ryan, of Dunedin, lhe bride looked charming m a long close-fitting gown of ivory satin The court train was lined with shell pink satin and finished with silver tissue roses. Her veil was arranged with a circlet ot orange blossom and embroidered with silver bells. She carried a sheaf of cream and pink roses. She was attended by her two sisters as bridesmaids, who wore dainty Victorian period frocks and carried posies to match. Miss Bertha Sprott wore lavender taffeta and silver, and Miss Violet Sprott rose pink taffeta and gold. The bridegroom was attended by Mr De Spong, of Dunedin. and Mr Lawrence Denny, of Christchurch acted as best man. The reception was held at St. Elmo House, where the guests were received by the bride’s mother, who "wore a -gracefully draped gown of amethyst silk velvet and toque of violets; She carried a bouquet of cerise and amethyst asters. Later, amid the good wishes of those present, Mr and Mrs A. J. Ryan left by express for the south. '

A wedding of interest to Oamaru and other parts of Otago was celebrated in St. Luke’s Church, Oamaru, on Wednesday, when Mr James Thorp Preston, elder son of Mr Joseph Preston, of Ou.-e street, was united to Miss Rita Maude Roxby, only surviving daughter of Mrs and the late Mr H. U. Roxby, of Avon street. The church was beautifully decorated by friends of the bride. The Ven. Archdeacon Russell officiated and Mr F. C. Burry presided at the organ. There was a large gathering of friends of both families. The bride was given awav by her uncle, Mr Raymond Appleby, of Lindis Pass, and was attended by Miss Dorothy Wright, of Wharfe street, as bridesmaid and by little Miss Patricia M‘Douai], as flower girl. The bridegroom was accompanied by Mr Douglas C. Thomson, of “ Brookstead,” as best man. After the church service a reception was held by Mrs Roxby a t her residence in Avon street, when the toast of the happy couple was proposed by Archdeacon Russell, who remarked that he had now officiated at the marriage of Mr and Mrs Preston’s two sons and two daughters, and he trusted that this union would be as happy as the other three had been. The bridegroom responded in a few well chosen words, and his toast of the bridesmaid was neatly acknowledged by the best man. The happy couple left bv car for their honeymoon in the north before ' settling down at their sheep station at “ Longlands,” Kyeburn. The bride looked charming in a dress of ivory georgette, with an accordion pleated tiered skirt, the long-sleeved bodice appliqued in delicate shades of pinks and mauve outlined in gold. Her handsome veil, worn off her face, was arranged with a coronet of orange blossoms She carried a shower bouquet composed of pink and cream flowers with asparagus ferns The bridesmaid wore a dress of rote pink georgette, with double tiered accordionpleated skirt, and a headdress of pink tulle swathed, and finished with a large rosette The little flower girl looked sweet in apple green georgette with a head band of flowers. It was altogether a very pretty wedding.

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Otago Witness, Issue 3861, 13 March 1928, Page 63

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THE LADIES' PAGE. Otago Witness, Issue 3861, 13 March 1928, Page 63

THE LADIES' PAGE. Otago Witness, Issue 3861, 13 March 1928, Page 63