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table talk.

Monday. On Monday afternoon Mrs Hanlon and Mrs E. R. Harty gave a most successful bridge party at the residence of Mrs Harty, Geoige street, the guest of honour being Mrs Roland Fulton. Mrs Hanlon and Mrs Harty received their guests in the lounge, which was beautifully decorated with artistically arranged vases of gladioli. A most delicious and dainty tea was enjoyed in the dining room, where the table looked charming with vases of pink and mauve sweet peas, and gypsophila. Mrs Harty wore a charming robe of brown and fawn georgette, whilst Mrs Hanlon was attired in beige georgette, with lace and large black picture hat. Guests present were Mesdames R. Hudson, Hislop (Auckland), Smeaton, Barron, Evans, Lough, Halsted, Phillips, Fotheringham, Finlayson, Keith Ramsay, Henderson, Jenkins, Crawshaw, Callander, Elliott-, Duncan, Evans, and de Clive Lowe, Misses Wilkin and Horton (Blenheim).

Miss M. Reid was hostess at a tea party at her home, Alison crescent. There were present Mrs Maurice Myera', Misses Reeves, Barr, N. Hartman, Statham, Hart, I. Hart, Williams, N. Oram, J. Halst-ed,’ and W. Johnstone.

A delightful tennis party y.-as given by Miss W. Johnstone in honour of Miss A. Johnstone, of Timaru, and Miss Burnett. There were present Mrs Terence, Bridgeman, Misses J. Hartman, M. Reid, E. Johnstone, L. Williams, and B. Reeves.

During the week Mrs Denny gave a bridge party at her residence, St. Clair, in honour of Mrs Roland Fulton.

The engagement is announced cf Mary Holmes, daughter of Mrs Holmes, of Roslyn, and the late Mr Geoige Holmes, to Wilfred Saunders, youngest son cf Mr and Mrs Marsh Saunders, of A’exandra, Central Otago.

On .Monday afternoon <1 delightful tea party was given by Miss Hocking, of Melbourne, at the Tudor Hall, to say au revoir to the many hostesses who had entertained her during her stay in this city. Guests present wev e Mesdames Spcdding, Mondy, Crcß, Shrinipton, Hocking, White, and Whitelaw, Misses Gcodall, White, Spedding, Feake, Mallard, Rutherford, Shrimpton, Croft, etc.

Mrs Campbell Gillies, of Christchurch, is at present staying with Mis Neville, St. Paul’s vicarage.

On Tuesday Mrs Vallange gave a delightful morning tea at her residence, Littlebourne, to allow her friends the pleasure of seeing her pretty garden, which, at present, is a blaze of beautiful flowers, the sweet peas being a • particularly fine sight. Present were Mesdames Body-Dunlop, PatonDunlop, Laidlaw, Gallaway, Finch, Edmond, Leslie Wilson, Cameron, Garth Gallaway, White (Christchurch). E. Hazlett, G. Roberts, C. Turnbud, • and M’Kellar.

Miss Cargill, who leaves very shortly for a trip to the Continent and has been the honoured guest at several functions during the week. Miss Reynolds, president cf the Arts and Crafts Circle of the Women s Club, gave a morning tea for Miss Cargill on Monday at the club. The President, with many of the members, wished the departing guest all gord wishes for a successful trip.

Miss Cutten gave a very enjoyable farewell tea for Miss Cargill at the Women’s Club on Thursday. Present were Mesdames Macassey, W. Maitland, Shand, WatsonShepnan, B C. Haggitt, Gallaway, Laidlaw, Holmes, and Aufrere Fenwick, Lady Allen, and Misses Henry, Macassey. Webster, and Shand. After tea the guests enjoyed looking at the Eastern curios in the arts and crafts room, where a valuable collection of Chinese work is being exhibited. Beautiful embroidery, china, and a very antique fan, were of great interest, also a handsome carpet of Chinese manufacture.

The judges had rather a difficult task this year in judging the railway station gardens, as, owing to the fine summer, all were exceptionally good. The gardening circle of the Otago Women’s Club, having completed their tour of inspection, awarded the first prize to Fairlie. tlie second prize going to Balclutha and Wingatui. which were equal. The. third prize was a tie between Allanton and Green Island. For first year gardens Mosgiel came off first, and Lawrence second. It is indeed a delightful improvement to see these pretty, well-kept gardens instead of the untidy grass, etc., which one used co gaze upon when the train drew up at many wayside stations?-

Last Monday evening Mrs Fotheringham, of Arthur street, gave a bridge party for Miss Molly. Macassey, of Wellington. Also present were Mesdames Denny and Martin (Christchurch), Misses Wilkin and M. Fraser (Wellington).

Mrs J. M. Gallawav gave a "mall bridge narty for Mrs C. White, cf Christchurch. Present were Mesdames PMllins, Black, Garth Gallaway, Henderson, B. C. Haggitt, and Hilton.

Mrs Burnside gave an enjoyable afternoon tea on Tuesday at her residence, St. Clair. Present were Mesdames E. L. Macassey, M'Arthur, Stephenson, T. K. Sidey. Crawsha.w, Lawson, Fish, Dunlop, Black, and Callis, and Misses Cutten. Henry, Jones, etc.

• Tho new halls,' which taken '-ter by the Early Settlers* Association recently from the Otago Art Society when they moved the pictures to the new art gallery at Logan Fark. were officially opened on Monday evening by the Hon. W. Downie Stewart, who gave a very interesting address, toudching ur>on the earlv- davs of the Otago province. Tea. was served during the evening, snd was a good opportunity for friends meeting, after which a walk round the museum was taken advantage of, and much enjoyed.

Sir Lindo and Lady Ferguson arrived back on Monday from a trip to England, the Continent, and Egypt. Evervone is delighted to welcome them home again.

Mrs W. R, WilAon, of Auckland, and Mrs Tolhurst are visiting Dunedin.

Mrs J. Miilton and Miss Cracroft Wilson, of Christchurch, are spending a short time here, staying at Leith House.

Dr and Mrs A. J. Hall have returned from * the Medical Conference at Hamilton.

Miss Margaret Tripp, of Timaru, is stayin’ with Mrs Williams, of High street.

Mr and Airs C. R. Chapman have returned from a visit to Christchurch.

Mrs Webb and the Misses Webb, who were in town for a few days returned to Invercargill during the week.

. Mr and Airs James Hutchison are spending a holiday in the North Island.

Airs C. Vi hits, who has been staying with Mrs Garth Gallaway, has returned to Christchurch.

Mrs Nancanow returned this week from a "isit to Gore.

Miss M. Hayes, of Nelson, is the guest of Mrs Stanley Smith.

Airs Thomas Brown gave an “ at home ” on v. ednesday afternoon, inviting a number of her friends to meet Madame Gitta Alpar at Uci'charming home ” Broomlands.”

On Saturday evening the talented Hungarian singer, Mada-me Gitta Alpar, gave a- recital of her country’s folk songs in the Burns Hall, also imparting information about music study in all parts of the Continent, particularly in Hungary, where music is part of the daily life. All music lovers must have thoroughly enjoved the evening.

On Friday afternoon the members of the Otago Women’s Club gave an ”at home " in the lounge to welcome back Lady Frguson. Beautiful hydrangeas were massed on the stage, and all about the room lovely flowers were arranged, adding a touch of gayness to greet the returned traveller on her arrival. The singing of ’’ For She’s a Jolly Good Fellow ” was the hearty welcome that met her. The. President, Mrs’ Edmond, tj} en . made a little speech of welcome, Miss Marjorie Livingstore a bouquet. Lady Ferguson in replying, gave a very interesting outline of her travels abroad, and filled with envy many who wished they could sturt off ot once snd traverss tlie "round she- had gone over.

Mrs Malcolm gave a delightful narty on Friday. Present were Mesdames Holloway, Lawson, Benson, Denton Leech, Ramsay, Elder, Bell Drinnan, Dodds, and Moore Dr Strong, and Misses Callander, Bell, Fairbairn, and Webb.

Wednesday was a perfect morning for the finishing of the Croquet Tournament. Airs Mannire carrying off the championship for the second time. In the afternoon the President, Airs Bridgeman, presented trophies to a V;!rious winners. Mrs Corbett, of Christcnuich, was runner-un in the Championship Singles. In the Doubles for the championship Mrs Corbett (Christchurch) and Mrs lorn (Punya) came in the winners, the runners-up being Mrs Benzoni and Mis Walling Jones.

On Thursday a number of croquet players left for Christchurch for the test matches between England and the South Island.

ihe engagement is announced of Minnie only daughter of Mr nnd Mrs- Percy IT. Martin, of Roslvn, to Eric, son of Mrs J. M. Mil’er, of Maori Hill.

Tne engagement is also announced cf Rua, daughter of Mr and Mrs James Milne, of High street, to George, son of Mr and Mrs Dickinson of Roslyn. Dunedin.

Mr and Mrs P. R. Sargocd have returned from their travels, and Mrs Leslie Mills went to Wellington to meet her parents and returned with them.

Mr and Mrs C. R. Chapman have returned, from Christchurch. INVERCARGILL. March 3 Miss A. Corbett, of Akaroa. and Miss V Kirk, of Christchurch, are the guests of Mrs C. B. Taplev, Dalrymnle road. Mrs Gerald Black, of Dunedin, motored down for the motor races on Saturday returning home on Sunday. While in Invercargill she was the guest of her sister-in-law. Mrs R. S. ' T ‘lnnes, Duke street. Mr and Mrs ’vf'liam Handyside have left on a holiday in Rotorua. Mrs E. Fraser. Layard street, has returned from a holiday in Gore. Miss Moira Johnston is the guest of her sister, Mrs Roberts, of Gore. Mr and Mrs Horton Hitchon, of Christchurch, who were the guests of Mr and Mrs Graham Scandrett. Duke street, are at present on the Milford Track. Miss Jenny Rodgers has returned from Gore, and Is at -resent visiting Mrs Adamson. of Castle Rock. Mrs C. C. Jennings returned on Tuesday evening from Christchurch. The engagement is announced of Bessie, elder daughter of Mr and Mrs E. C. Giller, of •' Pine Terrace,” Mossburn. to George, eldest son of Mr and Mrs A. Cleland, Teviot street. Mrs Leonard Webb and the Misses Peggy and Mary Webb spent several days in Dunedin during the week. The wedding will take nlace on Wednesday of Miss Peggy Webb to Mr William Hunt. During the week Miss Webb has been entertained at several teas. ' and on Friday evening Miss Audrey Abbey-Jones gave a-dance at her home in Avenal road in her honour. Miss Audrey Abbey-Jones and Miss Mary Webb were debutantes. On Monday evening Miss Kitty Hazlett is giving a dance in the Women’s Club. Amongst those present at the races on Friday and Saturday were Mesdames J. L. Watson, M'Adam (Queenstown), Donald Macdonald (Edendale), Garfield Crawford, John Macdonald. H. Macalister, A. Moffett. L. Webb, F. Webb. W. J. Barclay. -M. Mitchell, O. W. H. Strettell, F. Rowley. J. B. Sale, H. B. Farnall. P. Mills. Dickson (Edendale), J. S. A. Aitken (Gore). A. le H. Hoyles, D. Cuthbertson, T. Nicholson. J. Wilson, Brokenshire, P. Mills, T. E. Davis, E. R. Stevens. Kennedy (Otautau), Dickson (Edendale). and A. H. Maclc-ell, Misses M’Caw, Reid, Lousley. Grieve, Clapp, Lawrence (2), Hews, Goodman, Gilchrist (2), and Price (2).

OAMARU, March 3. Mr and Mrs Gerald M’Douall and family have returned after a few weeks’ holiday. Mr and Mrs Jack Nicolls have returned to Alma from Christchurch. Mr and Mrs Thompson were in town for a few days. Mr and Mrs Max Doughlas have returned to Dome Hills. Mrs and Miss Darling have gone to the Franz Josef Glacier for a few weeks. Mrs and Miss Nichols have returned from the North Island. Mrs H. Orbell and Mrs Holmes have gone to Dunedin for a few days. Mrs Montague has returned after several months’ holiday in Wanganui. Mr and Mrs Johnston, who have been staying a few days in Oamaru, have returned to Christchurch. Mrs J. F. Reid, ” Burnside,” has returned from Dunedin. TIMARU, March 2. Mrs R. Pinckney, of Hastings, who was with the Misses Cox, Nile street, went to Christchurch yesterday. The Misses Margaret and Rosa Tripp, Waliti road, have returned from Gore, where they were the guests of their brother, Mr Charles Tripp. Miss Muir, of England, who was with Mr and Mrs A. H. Muir, Sarah street, left on Monday for "Wellington, en route for San Francisco. Mr and Mrs Charles Verity. CralAmor-e Downs, are spending a week at Hanme?. Mrs R. B. Caws, who was the guest of Mrs William Evans, North street, went north yesterday on her return to England. Mr and Mrs C. W. F. Hamilton, Irishman’s Creek, have gone to Invercargill for the motor races. Mrs R. H. Rhodes, Carne, Sealy street, is spending some weeks in Wellington and the north. Mr and Mrs Henry Knubley, the Pines, Pleasant Valley, are the guests of Mr and Miss Knubley. Sarah street. Miss Lindsay, matron of the Timaru Hospital, has returned from Dunedin. Professor and Mrs B. E. Murphy, of Wellington, are the guests of Mrs R. B. Bell, Arden, Wal-iti road. Mrs R. T. Turnbull, Beverley road, will leave to-morrow for the Franz Josef Glacier. Mrs Macfarlane and Miss Peggy Macfarlane, of Sydney, who were with Mrs Simon Mackenzie, Otumarama, have gone to Dunedin..

Mrs Hamilton and her daughter. Miss Nellie Hamilton, of Sydney, who have been spending a long holiday with Mrs C. D. , Fleming, Glenavy, return home next week. Miss Betty Harper, Waltawa. returned on Wednesday from a visit to Miss Margaret Harper, .White Cliffs, North Canterbury. Miss Margaret Tripp. Wai-iti road, who is the guest of Mrs Williams, of Dunedin,

will return to Timaru to-morrow. Mias Rosa Tripp will leave for Christchurch on Monday.

Mrs Hector Scott, Nile street, returned from Wellington yesterday. Mrs W. W. Cartwright, who has let her house in Orbell street, to Mr and Mrs Tom Wigley, Hakataramea, will leave at the end of the month with Miss Cartwright on several months’ visit to Sydney. Mr and Mrs Montgomery, of Wellington, are at Cadogan, Sefton street. Shaded pink asters formed the decorations at “ Highthorne ” on Tuesday night, when Miss Hunter-Weston gave a very enjoyable bridge party in honour of Miss Peggy Macfarlane, of Sydney. Mrs Hunter-Weston wore a frock of beige georgette and lace made with pleated skirt; Miss Hunter-Wes-ton, black net with a wide cherry-coloured velvet sash ; and Miss Macfarlane, georgette in shades of mauve, pink, and blue. Those present included Mr and Mrs Gladstone Robinson, Dr and Mrs F. F. Ulrich, Mr and Mrs E. G. Kerr, Mr and Mrs J. H. Buchanan, Mr and Mrs Maurice Le Gren, Miss F. Ziesler, Miss Mackenzie, Messrs G. H. R. Ulrich and K. de Castro.

A delightful party was given last Friday evening by Mr and Mrs C. D. Fleming at their home, Glenavy, in honour of their guests, Mrs Hamilton and her daughter, Miss Nellie Hamilton (Sydney). The evening was spent in dancing, music, and games, the spacious hall being turned into a dance room. Supper was served in the dining room, the tables being beautifully decorated with roses, gaillardlas, and greenery. Among those present were Mr and Mrs J. Fleming, Mr and Mrs M. L. Elliott, Mr and Mrs C. V/. Dickson. Mr and Mrs E. Corbitt, Mrs Richards. Misses C. Smellie. Fleming (4), E. Elliott, and A. Dickson, Messrs Fleming (6), T. Hamilton, W. Dickson, and Smellie (2). WAIMATE, March 3. Mrs J. J. Healey left on Wednesday to spend a holiday at Stewart Island. Misses R. Gunn, E. Dunstan, K. Lindsay, and I. Richardson left on Saturday for Christchurch to take up their duties at the Teachers’ Training College. Mrs A. J. Pitts, Queen street, is visiting Christchurch. Miss B. Hennah, of Christchurch, is visiting Waimate. Mr and Mrs Herron, of Timaru, are staying with Mrs Butcher, .High street. Dr and Mrs R. G. Shackleton, “Roslyn,” returned on Monday from a holiday spent at Warrington. Misses B. Shackleton and M. Pitts left on Saturday to take up studies at Canterbury College, Christchurch. A very pretty wedding was celebrated last Tuesday at St. Michael’s Church, Waihao Downs, the contracting parties being Norman Redvers, son of Mr and Mrs Charles Verity ” Upwey,” Waihao Downs, and Mabe!,-

elder daughter of Mr and Mrs Fallcon, “ Cragalea,” Waihao Forks. The church was beautifully decorated by friends of the bride, and the Rev. E. Chard officiated in a most impressive wedding ceremony. The bride entered the church on the arm of her father, and wore a very pretty frock of ivory crepe de chine and silk lace, over which hung a veil fastened to her head with a coronet of orange blossom. She carried a bouquet of cream roses and maidenhair fern, which completed a dainty toilette. The bridesmaids, Misses Falloon and Verity, were frocked alike in apple green crepe de chine relieved with beige georgette. They wore large crinoline hats to match, and carried beautiful bouquets. The bridegroom was attended by Mr John M’Caw, Hakataramea, as best man, and Mr Cyril Verity as groomsman. After the ceremony a reception was held at the residence of the bride’s parents. Later in the day the happy couple left by car for an extended tour of the Lakes district, the bride travelling in a chenille jumper suit, a fox fur, and a hat to tone.

CHRISTCHURCH, March 2. The midsummer ball, which was held in Jellicoe Hall, was a very cheery gathering. It was held, as it happened, on the hottest day we have had this summer, but the evening was tolerably cool, and the committee had arranged to have supper in a large marquee on the lawn. Many of the dancers were visitors from the country, who had been in town all the week for the polo matches. Amongst the guests were Mrs H Elworthy, Mrs W. Bond and her two daughters, Mary and Nancy, Lady Campbell, Mrs George Macdonald, Mrs Bruce Douglas, Mrs Arthur Elworthy, Mrs R. Gould, Mrs D. Gould, Mrs G. Hennessy, Mrs lan Buchanan, Mrs G. Hutton, Mrs K. Macdonald, Mrs R. Neill, and Misses Jean M’Dougall, Alison Jennings, Taverner (Bulls), Riddiford (Wellington), I. Turrell, B. Gould, and P. and M. Kitto.

Their Excellencies Sir Charles and Lady Alice Fergusson, Mrs Baird, and Captain Orr-Ewing, -who have been visiting the Franz Josef Glacier, have now gone to Auckland. Miss Dennis has arrived in Christchurch from England, and is visiting her sister, Lady Clifford.

Mr and Mrs Walter Clifford. Fendalton, and Mrs M’Kellar have also returned from a trip to England.

A wedding of more than local interest was that celebrated by the Rev. W. Bower Black at St. Paul’s Church, when Lorna Winifred, eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs J. G. Herdman, of Fendalton, was married to William Sutherland, eldest son of Mr and Mrs D. Cameron, of “ Moeraki,” Hinikura, Wairarapa. Mr Herdman gave his daughter away, Mr William Martin, of Martinborough, acted as best man, and the bride’s cousins, Messrs Edward and Keith Hoyds, were groomsmen. The bride looked very pretty in a frock of cream lace mounted on cream georgette, with a loose panel at one side falling to the ground. Her plain cream tulle veil had posies of orange blossoms and gold leaves at the sides, and she carried a bouquet of water lilies and cream and gold roses. The three bridesmaids—Miss Muriel Rovds (the bride’s cousin). Miss Faith Herdman (her sister), and Miss Mary Cameron (the bridegroom’s sister) —were dressed alike in mauve georgette frocks, with the sleeves and the tiers of the skirts bound with blue and mauve shot taffeta, which also formed a large bow at the back of each frock, and fashioned the becoming little stitched hats worn by the attractive looking trio. Each carried a Victorian posy of mauve, pink and blue flowers. The reception was held at the home of the bride's parents. The bride travelled in a navy crepe de chine frock, with touches of powder blue, a navy coat, with grey fur collar and cuffs, and a small navy hat with touches of powder blue. Mrs Mill and Mrs M’Hraith were joint hostesses at a bridge party on Saturday night, given at the Queen’s Club in honour of Mrs Blundell Price. The guests included Mrs Price,. Mrs J. Stevenson, Mrs Reece, Mrs Jellett, Mrs Gibson, Mrs Duncan, Mrs F Cowlishaw, Mrs Joe Hall, Mrs Foster, Mrs , G - Buchanan, Miss Aitken, and Miss Millais (Wellington). Miss Bromley Cocks gave a small bridge party at her home in Ranfurly street on Thursday night. The guests were Mrs C Reid, Mrs Fox, Mrs J. Turnbull, Mrs H. Barker, Miss Cracroft Wilson, Miss Denniston (Dunedin), and Miss Cowlishaw. Gillon ’ of Welli ngton, is the guest of Mrs Guy Ronalds.

Mrs Henderson and her small' son, of the Chatham Islands, are visiting Christchurch.

March 2. P „? ant has been experienced at the Wellington Lyceum Club recently when L^ Um n b r ( Of visitors to Wellington have W o z^ mOng theSe ’ IaVC beCl > P,L1 W - S L Elho “ < illB3 Wilhelmina ShernffX? 1 . 1 ?)’ author cf several works, who is m Wellington en route for Auckland, where she intends to live in future; also Miss Allen of New York, who is studying the folk lore of primitive nations, and is spending a good deal of her time at the Turnbull library gathering information. A particularly interesting evening was spent at the club when Miss Johnston, who is in charge of the special classes spoke of the good work being done among sub-r.ormal children, and of the means adopted for their instruction and welfare. Miss Johnston showed how the cultivation of “ volition ” among thos e who had not much other capacity was going to mean that they would be able to earn something for themselves, and mak e a much happier later hf e than was formerly possible in She stated that a cam; would be held at Levin next month, when it was hoped to give the children a very happy and healthy time. Miss Allen also spoke, and gave very pleasant impressions of her stay in T\ew Zealand, especially in regard to the women. A delightful little scene was given from “ Northanger Abbey" gan e Austin) by Misses Gwen Wilkie and Hazel Jackson pupils of Miss HardingeMaltby, followed by an amusing recitation from Miss Ahern. Supper, served by the rouse committee, brought this pleasant evening to a close.

Wellington has had an “ epidemic ” of garden parties lately, and thos e who love flowers and gardens have had a number of delightful afternoons. Last Saturday Mrs T. Young gave an exceedingly pleasant party at ner home in Grant road, when there were several hundred guests. The afternoon was of the light southerly description, and no pleasanter days are known in Wellington. There was sunshine enough to be pleasant, and the guests much enjoyed ’wandering about the big garden, where ther e are many paths leading to terraced borders, which are full of beautiful summer blossoms at present. The tea was on the tennis lawn, where a large marquee was set. with a number of small tables around. There were chairs in plenty everywhere, also rugs and cusliions in pretty little sheltered spots. Three striped tents contained fortune-tellers, and groups with anxious teacups were seen waiting their turn to hear all sorts of nice prognostications for the future. Mrs Young received her guests at th 6 entrance, and was in blue georgette over cream silk, with a black feathered hat. Among the many present were Lady Chapman, Lady Luke, Mesdames Spro-tt, Miles, Stowe, sen., Didsbury,’ sen., R. W. Kane, Dyer, Izard, Firth, Bethune, L. P. Blundell, Buckletpn, M, Burnett, W. Hislop, Frazer, Schofield, Morison, Clay, Bendall, Mirams, Holmes,.. Brandon, Leckie, D’Oyley, Rhind, Gear, Robinson, Christie;, O’Connor, Carpenter, Mao Ewan,

Samuel, Grant, F. Davison, Macalister, Dyer, F. M’Lean, K. S. Williams, W. Kennedy, Millward, W. D. Shewart, Yaldwyn, Hobbs, and A. Young, Misses Skerrett, Young, Wheeler, D. K. Richmond, C. Richardson, Dyer, Wylie, MacGregor, Haise, Hall, Kane, Harding (2), Anderson, Harcourt, and many others.

A garden party that gave a great deal of pleasure was that given by Mr and Mrs Sidney Kirkcaldie on Saturday afternoon at their residence at Karori. The day was delightful, and the guests thoroughly enjoyed wandering round the garden. The miniature swimming pool and pond that supplies the garden with water, keeping the place beautiful in spite of the hot dry weather, was much admired, being a specially beautiful spot. The wide lawns, winding paths, and lovely flower borders all gave much pleasure, as also did the greenhouses, the begonias being extremely fine. One that has been named “Joe Kirkcaldie,” after tjie only daughter of th a host and hostess, was much admired. Tea was served in the dining and billiard rooms, and in a large marquee on the lawn, while ices and grapes from the hothouses were equally acceptable. Mrs Kirkcaldie received wearing a becoming gown of hydrangea blue, with a felt hat to, match. Among the guests were Mrs Kirkcaldie (sen.), Mesdames Finch, MacarthyReid, Amos, Kane, Bridge, Peacock, Harcourt, Nathan, Wheeler, and Gill. Misses Skerrett, Cooper, M'Gregor, and many other guests.

A Leap Year ball, held in the Town Hall on February 29 in aid of the funds of the Community Club for territorials and senior cadets, proved a great success. The hall was crowded with young people, there being about 1000 present. The decorations consisted mainly of flags, hydrangeas being used in the decoration of the supper tables. There was excellent music, and a good floor, the supper being of the cabaret description. Mrs M’Gregor was in charge, assisted by Mesdames Murphy M.8.F., Young, and a number of other willing helpers. Mr J. A. Smythe and a number of friends managed the floor, the entrances, etc., and carried out their duties with much tact and courtesy. Messrs Brodie and Meach managed the tickets, and the ball altogether was a very great success, and should add considerably to the funds of the Community Club. Mr and Mrs P. R.. Sargood were among those who arrived from England by the Rotorua. Lady’ Findlay has left for a brief visit to the south. Mrs R. Scddon-Woods arrived bv the rua to pav a visit to her mother, Mrs R. J. Seddon. Mrs Lcjtruet has returned from a visit to Auckland. Mrs Perkins is the guest of Mrs Stephen Gillingham, of Fairlie, Canterbury Mrs R. Carlvon and her mother, Mrs Waldegrave, of Hawke’s Bay. who have been' visiting Wellington, have left for Palmerston Ndrth. Dr and Mrs M’Evedy are leaving to visit Mrs M. Dennehy during th 0 celebrations at Greymouth. Mrs Butts is the guest of Mrs E. Samuel, of Fendalton, Christchurch. Miss M. G. Lowry, of Hawke’s Bay, returned to New Zealand by the Rotorua.

„ b. W. Smith, wife of Eng .-command er Smith, of H.M.S. Dunedin is the guest of Airs J. M. Griffiths. Mrs T. H. Thurman is returning to Wellington from Dunedin. WelHn^ton W1 ' iSht ’ ° f Marton ’ is a visit °r xr i •*, FEILDING, March 2 MrS R ixon left y est erday for a VIS wJ sout bern lakes district Mr and Mrs Miles, sen., of Marton are street® ° f Mr and Mrs P ’ G ’ Miles?Wes°t e-neU SS «f E M ena^ Ward ’ of Hamilton, is the oUest of Mrs Mason, Sandon road H “ re ha 3 retu ™ed from and KeV Plymouth l^0 " ViSlting Napier Mr and Mrs Goodbeliere have left on a “otot-mg trip to Napier and Rotorul Mr and Mrs Foreman, of Christchurch ar Mr h fnf U ’vr StS Mrs Guy Goo <lbehere. Auckland MFS SU PaUl haV ° returne d from Mr and Mrs Fair (Mayor and Mayoress) were host and hostess during the week at a S e o n f J<>^ le h’ te ?s niS Party SivenTr memof fhe h eliding Amateur Theatrical thJh? a n?’rr T^ e tennis Party was h>!‘J at their pretty home, and afternoon tea was served attractively on the lawn. Tlmsl Mr and W xr re and Mrs N ’ C - Harding, FHntt lr- MrS F° 3 , ter ' Mr and Mrs Gordon Eliott Misses Barltrop, N. Elliott, M. V.’ebsten M. Knyvett, Neilson. Moore, Redwood, xr P n. CtllS i°» n ’ Messrs Kingston (2), and M Donald. ~ „ CARTERTON, March 2 Mrs Sydney Smith, of Masterton, gave a bridge party on Tuesday afternoon to farewell Mrs Graham, who will leave shortly for a trip to England, and Mrs Lawrence, who will probably proceed to Sydney before taking up her residence in. Auckland. Mr and Mrs Adam M’Kay gave an enjoyable dance on Friday to celebrate the «'I en^y-drs '" birthday of their daughter Nora. About sixty people were present. A pretty wedding took place at Knox Church, Masterton, on Wednesday evening, when Florence Annie, second daughter of Mr A. A. Narbey, of Levin, was married to James, fourth son of Mr G. Robertson, of Ballater, Scotland. Miss Ethel Narbey was bridesmaid. Misses Anis M’Govern and Jessie Nielson were flower girls, and Mr William Robertson was best man.

The engagement is announced of Beatrice, only daughter of Mr and Mrs B. Baker, Napier road, Woodville, to John, second son of Mr and Mrs J. Fulcher, of Pongaroa. A very pleasant time was spdnt in the Te Whiti Hall recently, when a “ parcel " evening was given to Miss D. Narbey, in view of her approaching marriage. A wedding of interest to Wairarapa residents took place at the Presbyterian Church, Lower Hutt, last week, when Miss Lorna Woolf, niece of Mr and Mrs O. Dempsey, late of Wangaehu, was married to the Rev. James M’Caw. son of the Rev. J. M’Caw, of Lower Hutt, and formerly of Pahiatua and Martinborough. Tho marriage took place at All Saints* Church, Nelson, last Wednesday of James Andrew, of lea Station, Wairarapa, and Doris, second daughter of Mr and Mrs Ji Cook, of Reading, England. The bridesmaids were Misses Isobel Andrew and NancyMorrison (Wairarapa). The best man wai

Mr Peter Andrew, and the groomsman was Mr Allister Robinson. v Mrs Hugh Morrison, of Awatoitoi, and t Miss K. Morrison, of Lansdowne, were in i Nelson for the wedding of Mr J. Andrew and Miss D. Cook. f Mrs Clarence Smith has returned to i Waverley after spending some weeks in Masterton. < Mrs Pilmer and Miss Madge Pilmer, of Masterton, have been for a visit to Welling- : ton. 1 Mr and Mrs Trevor Beetham and family, Masterton, are having a holiday at Castle- 1 point. 1 Mrs W. Rayner, of Wairarapa, is visiting • Hastings. Mrs Holmwood and Miss Madge Holmwood i have returned to Masterton from a holiday in Wellington. Mrs Bagnall, who was in Masterton with ’ Mrs W. H. Jackson, has returned to Auckland. , . ™ Miss Trixie Green has returned to Te Awamutu. Mrs C Lyttle, of Wellington, is staying with Mrs K. Stewart, Masterton. • Mrs Herbert Caselberg has returned to Dannevirke after a holiday spent in MastertoMr and Mrs J. Wardell have returned to Lowry Bay after spending several days in Masterton. PALMERSTON NORTH, March 2. Mrs Lyons and Miss Nancie Lyons are visiting Paraparaumu Beach. Mr and Mrs Henry Knight have returned from Wellington. Mrs P. A. M'Hardy is the guest of Miss . Guy, of Palmerston North. Mrs Bruce Lucas is spending a holiday at the seaside. Mrs de Stacpoole, of Takapau, is the guest of Mrs H. L. Watson, of Palmerston North. Miss Molly Goldingham is visting Mrs Greig at Te Kuiti. Miss N. Moore is spending a few dayk •with Mrs A. M'Hardy, of “ Blackhead, Hawke’s Bay. Mr and Mrs J. Davis passed through Palmerston North on their return to Wanganui from Hawke’s Bay, Miss Peggy Abraham is ©pending a few days in Wellington. Miss B. Rut’edge. of Palmerston North, is the guest of Mrs Christie, of Ashburton. Miss D. Pegden has returned from Paraparaumu. Mrs Peter Sim, of Palmerston North, is visiting Nelson. Miss B. Pringle, of Palmerston North, is touring the South Island. Mrs S. Trask, of Palmerston. North, is on a holiday at Nelson. Mrs R. Ashworth, of Te Kuiti, is tho guest of her mother, Mrs L. A. Abraham, of Palmerston North. WANGANUI, March 2. Mr and Mrs de Courcy Quince, who, left Wanganui for Queenstown last year, are hack in this city. Mrs Russell Grace and Miss N. Grace ftre •on a holiday in the South Island. Mrs John Coull has returned from Wellington. Mrs F. J. Jensen, of Wellington, has returned from Wanganui.

Mrs Hope Gibbons and Miss A. Gibbons were hostesses at croquet before Mrs Gibbons, “ Mount View," left for Wellington, en route for a trip to England. Miss V. Hammond, who has been the guest of Mrs Symes, Hastings, returned to Wanganui this week. Mrs Paul, of Hastings, was a visitor here during the week. Mrs and Miss Graham, of Invercargill, are spending a holiday at Wanganui and Hawera.

Mesdames L. Bassett, H. Brice, H. Rowling, J. Kerr, E. M'Aneny, W. Bowler, and F. Bollinger, and Miss Paul were croquet visitors to Waverley yesterday. Mrs A. G. f ross and Miss Avery are enjoying a motor trip to Auckland and Rotorua.

Mr and Mrs W. Langridge, of Auckland, motored to Wanganui, and are guests of Mrs Langridge, sen., Somme parade. Mr and Mrs L. Couper, who have been staying with Mrs W. Treadwell on St. John’s Hill, have returned to Palmerston North.

HAWKE’S BAY, March 2.

The marriage was celebrated in All Saints' Church, Ponsonby, of Phyllis Edith, second daughter of Mrs A. H. Probert, Ponsonby, to Albert Gladstone, eldest son of Mr and Mrs Dixon, of Hastings, Hawke’s Bay. The bride, who was given away by her father was frocked in salmon pink accordion pleaded georgette, her tulle veil being beautifully embroidered and arranged with a coronet of orange blossoms. She carried a bouquet of pale pink flowers. Miss Frances Probert, her sister, acted as bridesmaid, wearing a dainty frock of - *- green georgette, with black crinoline hat swathed with black velvet. Mr P. 0. "Williams ’officiated as best man. A pretty and popular wedding was solemnised at St. Patrick’s Church, Napier, when Marie Rebecca, second daughter of Mr and Mrs A. G‘. Lightbund, of Napier, was married to Raymond Lawrence, youngest son of "Mr A. H. Gannaway, and the lata Mrs Gannaway, of the Bay of Plenty. The two bridesmaids were Misses Margarita and Frances Lightband, rasters of the bride, while Mr Newton Mitchell and Mr George Lightband carried out the duties of best man and groomsman. The honeymoon will be spent in a tour of the South Island. Mr and Mrs Cassels, of Wairoa. are leaving on a holiday trip to England. Mrs E. Leydon, of Palmerston North, who has been visting Napier, has returned home. Miss Pauline C. "Witherow, formerly of Waipawa, has been granted the diploma of Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery. Miss Marion Lawry, of Okawa, who has been on an extended visit to England has returned to Hawke's Bay. Mr and Mrs T. H. Lowry went to Wellington to meet her. Mr and Mrs Ringland and their daughter, Mrs Fitzsimmons, who have been on a visit to England, are expected back to Napier shortly. Mrs T. H. Groome, who has been visiting friends in Woc-dville, has returned to her home in Hatuma. Mrs Barton, of Feilding, is at present staving at Havelock North. Miss Joan King, of Napier, is staying with friends in Wellington,

Mr and Mrs T. H. Perkins, of Te Arolia, are at present visiting friends in Hawke’s Bay. Miss Eva Matthews, of Auckland, is visiting her sister Mrs Tembleson, of Kubaka. Major Warren and Mrs Warren, of Pukchou, have left on a visit to England. Mrs H. B. Lusk, of Napier, who has been visiting her daughter in Gisborne, has returned home. Miss Zoe Williams, of Gisborne, has been visiting friends in Hawke’s Bay. Mrs E. Reynolds, of Napier, will leave shortly on an extended trip to England. Mrs D. Annand and Miss Annand, of Napier, have gone for an extended holiday to Sydney. Miss B. Coupcr, of Dannevirke, was spenaing a few days in Hastings. Mrs H. S. Moss, of Hastings, is on a holiday visit to Wellington. Mrs and Miss Maddison. who have been staying with, Mrs G. Maddison, have returned* to their home in Wellington. Mrs J. Miller, who has been spending a holiday' in Wellington Wanganui, has returned to her home in W aipawa. Mrs Gascoigne, of Hastings, is at present visiting Wellington.

WAIKATO, March 5.

A very enjoyable morning tea was given at the Waikato Lyceum Club on Wednesday by Mrs F. M. Spencer for the wives and friends of the doctors attending the annual Medical Conference at Hamilton. The rooms were beautifully decorated with bowls of cannas, zinnias, and African marigolds. Those present were Mrs H. Douglas, Lady M’Gavin, Mesdames Hardie, Nell, Carrick, Robertson, Tracy Inglis, H. Valder, Gunson, Talbot, Vere Chitty, J. E. Page W. H. Hume, H. J. M’Mullin, M. Hocking, N. ] Holden. T. Platt, Powell A. J Hall, de Castro, H. Cooper, M. Johnson M.G. Bell, W J. Stevens, G. Smith, N. Ratcliffe, T. C. Fraser, A. J. Waddell, Brown. Davies. W. Tudehope, Bennett, C. Blundell, Dodgson, A. R Browne, Speeding, Beedle, Wallace, Anson, M’Cormick, J. Scott, and A. Joseph. Misses Robertson, Talbot, A. Falconer, Eggleston, Stevens, Empson, Drake, Wyatt, Harrowell, Chitty Wilson, W. Manning, and T. Gardner. The’ garden party given by Dr and Mrs' A. Joseph at Hamilton on Wednesday was a highly successful function. During the afternoon an orchestra played selected items, which added to the enjoyment of the afternoon. Those present were Mesdames H. Douglas, V. Bonney, T. H. Valentine, J. R. Boyd E. E. Roberts, F. M. Spencer, E. Davies, Lady M’Gavin, Anderson, A. L. Yule, D. Seymour, G. Rogers, T. M. Hall. ClaytonGreene, H. T. Gillies, H. J. M’Mullin. C. Sutcliffe, L. Swales, W. Gray, A. R. Browne, L. Tompkins, L. Ludbrook, J. D. Smith, Carrick, Robertson, Wallace, M’Ghie, Will, de Castro. Hardie, Neil, Tod, Eben. Wilson, W. Tudhope, M’Cormick, S. Simmons. Gunson, Lumsden, Sergei, Hockin, MacD'iarmid, Buist, Swanson, Doctor, S. Green, A. Cooper, E. V. Stace, A. E. Manning, Buckley, T. Fraser, G. Reid, M. Manning, C. L. Mac Diarmid, J. E. Page, M. Bell, Peacocke, J. Ward, E. J. Mears, Dolan. H. Ferguson, R. G. Guy, and N. Ratcliffe, Misses A. B. Falconer, Keddie, E. Hammond, D. Yule, Gardner, E. Guy, N. Monckton, W. Manning, Fell, R. Brewis, J. Robertson, Rowe, and Henderson;

A very bright afternoon tea was given by Mrs R. H. Boyd as a farewell to Miss K. Wilson, who is leaving Hamilton shortly for a trip to England. Mrs Boyd wore a smart silk frock ; Mrs Wyvern Wilson floral crepe de chine; and Miss K. Wilson, soft blue silk. The guests were Mrs Colin Taylor, Misses K. Cowie, N. Monckton, E. Hammond, D. Yule, H. Heywood, B. Manning, A. Moore, N. Valder, M. Chadwick, M. Cowie, W. Manning, and G. Hammond. At the Hamilton High School, in the Assembly Hall on Friday, a ball was given by Dr and Mrs H. Douglas and Dr and Mrs A. S. Brewis in honour of the doctors and their wives attending the annual Medical Conference. The decorations were very beautiful, the supper tables being most artistically arranged. The Click-clack Radio Orchestra, from Auckland, provided most delightful music for the dances. The guests were Mesdames V. Bonney, F. Swales, A. R. Browne, G. F. Anson, F. Lumsden, F. M. Spencer, E. T. Rogers, L. Talbot, J. A. Doctor, S. Green, C. Blundell, W. H. Hume, J. F. Strang, G. Smith, G. W. Gower, W. Will, Tracy Inglis, C. G. Middleton, Valentine, F. Pinfold, G. A. Hurdwood, C. L. Mac Diarmid, A. G. Waddell, de la Mare, Beedie, Tod, Childs, F. Gordon, Stokes, C. M’Caw, E. E. Brown, Henderson, Thompson, A. Gorrie, A. Joseph, C. Sutcliffe, Swanston, W. H. Parkes, M. Hockin, N. Ratcliffe, Dr Mary Douglas, Dr Mary Coutts, Dr Doris Crawley, Dr Elizabeth Gunn, and Misses N. Douglas, H. Chitty, N. Monckton, E. Hammond, M. Wilkinson, K. Cowie, T. Guy, L. Hume, H. Cook, J. Robertson, Keddie, D. Yule, Bowie, Wyatt, E. Anson, A. Falconer, K. Thompson. R. Brewis, Harrowell, White, B. Roche, Tlzard, G. Donny, T. Hawkins, C. Fell. T. Hammond. M. Valder, B. Manning, B. Vickery, I. Taylor, N. Valder, K. Wilson, L. Cussen, H. Chitty, Rothwell, and Henderson.

AUCKLAND March 2. Mr and Mrs Douglas Mill, who have returned from a visit abroad, are staying at Upland road, Remuera, with Mrs Mills. Mrs H. Gorrie and Mrs R. Jones arrived from England by the Mataroa, and are staying with Mrs G. K. Butler, of Epsom. Mrs W. J. Napier, who has sold her beautiful home at Devonport, is at present the guest of Dr Platts-Mills, preparatory to leaving for a visit to England’. Mrs and Miss Nell Blair are visiting Hamilton.

Miss Betty Jackson, Remuera road, gave a tennis party last week for her cousin, Miss Nell Blair, who has since left for Hamilton. Tea was served in the dining room, where the table was bright with bowls of small yellow sunflowers. Miss Jackson wore a frock of plaid taffeta, and Miss Blair one of white organdie piped with red, and a white hat. Among the guests were Misses Vaile, M. Stewart, M. and V. Jacksen, Noakes, Ferguson. Lawford, Mitohelson, Horsley, Maclndoe, Clarkson, Bayly, Waller, H. Jackson, and Colbeck.

Mrs J. S. Barton and Miss Phyllis Barton have returned to Christchurch after a stay of several weeks in Auckland and Rotorua.

Mrs and Miss M. Kennedy are Wanganui visitors staying at the Grand. Mrs C. Agar, of Christchurch, is also staying at the Grand. Major and Mrs T. J. Warren, of Hawke’s Bay, are at present in Auckland, and are staying at the Grand. Mr and Mrs R. G. Hudson, of Dunedin, are visiting relatives in Auckland. Miss Nancy Brett, who is to be married this week, has been the guest of honour at several tea parties during the past few days.

The engagement has been announced of Mr J. C. M. Croft, son of the Rev. W. I. Croft, and the late Mrs Croft, of Barrington, Canada, to Miss Sybil Marion Martin, only daughter of Mr and Mrs A. A. Martin, of Arney road, Remuera.

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Otago Witness, Issue 3860, 6 March 1928, Page 63

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THE LADIES' PAGE Otago Witness, Issue 3860, 6 March 1928, Page 63

THE LADIES' PAGE Otago Witness, Issue 3860, 6 March 1928, Page 63