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■n.. ■ . Monday. During the week one’s thoughts have been tremendously with the ill-fated airmen, and great hopes have the people felt that they may have landed somewhere. But as the days go on everyone is fearing that they may have crashed into the sea. They left in such good spirits. Lieutenant Moncrieff’s farewell message to the Commonwealth Government thanking it so warmly for its assistance in preparing for the flight, ended with the words: “The flight is for no peculiar gain or stunt, merely that I hope it may establish quicker communication between Australia and New Zealand, and therefore bring both countries closer together, and gain something for both in the way of bringing more people to both countries, helping to expand them, and enabling many other countries who feel Australia and New Zealand so far away to be brought into a closer touch with them.”

One reads with interest that Miss Margaret Bannerman, 6ne of England’s foremost actresses, has been engaged by Messrs J. C. Williamson for a season in Australia. It is to be hoped that she will extend her engagement to New Zealand, when all will welcome such a pretty and charming woman to our shores.

A quiet and pretty little wedding took place at St. Patrick’s Basilica, Oamaru, when Miss Alis Malloy, daughter of Mr and Mrs Malloy, of Oamaru, was married to Mr James M’Keefry, of Timaru.

i The engagement is announced of Elizabeth Chesterman, daughter of Mr and Mrs Frank Chesterman, of Hokitika, to Kenneth May, son of Mrs and the late Mr Harry May of Dunedin.

The Governor-General Sir Charles and Eady Alice Fergusson, who spent a few days in Dunedin, had a delightful time seeing the beauties of our town in an unofficial way. The Mayor and Mayoress drove them all round the Queen’s drive and to see the various beauty points. Both visitors were most enthusiastic about the beauty of the surrounding panorama which they were shown from the hills. They paid a short visit to the Ross Home, where the inmates were charmed to see them. Lady Alice Fergusson made a delightful little speech at the League of Mothers’ meeting, speaking at length on the work and aims of the league.

Congratulations go out to Mr Sidey and the large meeting who petitioned the Government to send Dr Hill, botanist of Kew Gardens, to Dunedin, where hih visit must be appreciated by all lovers of botanical plants. Our town being so famous for its wonderful gardens might duly warrant a grievance that the southern parts of New Zealand were being passed over.

Mr Albert Hart, of Lawrence, and Mr Speden, of Gore, are at present climbing the Westland side of the Otira in quest of specimens for the Dunedin Botanical Gardens.

A number of people were at the Railway Station to say bon voyage to Miss N. Westcott, who recently left for a 12 months’ tour in England and the Continent.

Another of the New Year honours received was that of Sir Charles Nathan, of Perth, whose wife (Lady Nathan) is an old Dunedinite, being a daughter of the very well-known Jewish Rabbi Lichenstein, who resided in Dunedin for many years.

Mr and Mrs Solomon, having spent an enjoyable time in Timaru, are at present enjoying the seaside at Brighton with their sons..

Sir Charles and Lady Holdsworth, who were on a short stay in Dunedin, left for the.north during the week.

Dr Radcliffe Taylor, after spending a pleasant holiday in Australia, has returned to Dunedin.

Mrs James Deans, who with her family was in Dunedin to meet her parents, Sir Charles and Lady has returned north.

Dr and Mrs Riley have returned with their family from Lake Hawea, where they were camping for several weeks. They have now gone to Waitati for the remainder of the holidays.

Mr and Mrs J. Monro have returned from Bushey Park, where they were the guests of Mr and Mrs J. A. Johnstone.

Mr and Mrs and Miss Cheeseman have all returned from their visit to the Lakes and Central Otago.

Mr S. D’Anoni, a silk manufacturer who has recently arrived in Auckland from France, gives the interesting news that the depression which has prevailed in Paris for the past few years is now over, and the export of silk is distinctly on the increase. Woollen mills are also very much on the increase, and the New Zealand wool is in great demand there in Lyons and in parts of Paris, where our New Zealand “ boys,” he says, are always remembered, they having been so very popular during their time in France. » ■

Miss Cava Gfhham, who has been staying at Lake Hawea, has returned to Dunedin.

Mr and Mrs C. T. Irvine, after spending a very pleasant holiday at Waikouaiti, have returned.

Mr and Mrs H. S. Fenwick and family have come back from the Lakes district, ■where they spent Christmas.

Mrs W. Hazlett was in Dunedin- on her ■way south during the week.

Sir Charles and Lady Alice Fergusson, •who visited the Otago Early Settlers’ Mu-seum-in company with Mrs Baird and Miss Dugdale, -were most interested in all they saw, especially in the old organ played by the Duke of York when in Dunedin.

Mr and Mrs Marr and Miss E. Marr, of Sydney, are at present visiting Olago, and are at the Grand Hotel.

Mr and Mrs L. J. Lewis, of Adelaide, are guests at the Grand Hotel.

Mr and Mrs C. Smith and Miss Smith, of Christchurch, are all staying at the Excelsior Hotel.

Dr Jean Littlejohn, of Australia, is visiting Dunedin, and is staying at the Excelsior

Last Saturday a delightful evening was spent at Mr and Mrs W. B. Mac Ewan’s residence, “ The Cove,” North-East Harbour, the occasion being the coming of age of their so:» Alexander. A bountiful supper was served in a room beautifully decorated with greenery and Chinese lanterns. The usual toasts were proposed by Mr Mac Ewan and Mr Healy, a toast to absent friends in Scotland being honoured in silence. A programme of vocal solos, elocutionary items, and dancing was thoroughly enjoyed by all. Among the guests present were Mr and Mrs Healy, Mr and Mrs Kenyon, Misses Peacock (2), Kenyon (2), Healy, and Howie, Messrs Kennedy, Proctor (3), Kenyon, Strong, and Master Healy.

. INVERCARGILL, January 21. The Misses Gladys, Sheila, and Tui Rankin have returned from Stewart Island. Mrs F. Tourell and son have returned from Christchurch, where they were the guests of Miss Alura Ward, of Zetland Hotel.

Mrs A. R. Wills has returned from Christchurch, where she has been spending a few weeks. She was accompanied by her two youngest daughters.

Mr and Mrs J. G. Tunnicliffe and their two sons have returned to Akaroa after spending the school vacation with Mr and Mrs J. G. Miller, of Tweed street. Mrs F. G. Fenton, of Dunedin, is at present staying with friends at Bluff, and will spend a fortnight’s holiday at Stewart Isladd before returning home.

Misses J. and L. Service, of Milton, are visiting Bluff.

Mrs A. W. Macßean, of Te Whare, Dipton, is a guest at the Excelsior Hotel, Dunedin, for a few days.

Miss M. E. Thompson, of Bluff, is spending a holiday with her sister, Mrs R. Halliday, of Dunedin.

Mrs E. H. W’oods, of Temuka, is at present spending a holiday at Stewart Island. Mr and Mrs W. H. Beattie, of Timaru, have been visiting Riverton.

Miss Gladys M'Creath, of Dunedin, has been visiting friends at Riverton. Miss F. M’Kay, of Gummies Bush, has returned home after holiday-making in Dunedin.

Miss Duthie, of Dunedin; is the guest o£ Mr and Mrs M’Lean at The Rocks.

Mr and Mrs G. Cumming, of Dunedin, have been visiting friends at South Riverton.

Dr and Mrs Owen-Johtiston are spending a few days at The Rocks. Mrs and the Misses Pinkerton, of Auckland, are on an extended holiday in ths south.

Mr and Mrs Clark, of Dunedin, and Messrs Churchill and Bremner are staying at Riverton.

Mr and Mrs J. P. Fisher, of Auckland,left for home during the week, after spending a few days as the guests of Mr and Mrs John Fisher, of “ Aldersyde.” Mrs Guy Saxelby and family have been spending a holiday at The Rocks, and returned home during the week. Mr R. V. Gilmour and Miss Reid, o£ Christchurch, are the guests of Mrs R. M. Gilmour, of Winton.

Miss Joyce Thompson, of Dunedin, is tha guest of Mrs J. Walsh, of Winton.

Miss K. Strang, of Timaru, is spending her vacation with Mr and Mrs W. J. Taylor, of Ohai.

On Wednesday, immediately following on the public meeting at which her Excellency Lady Alice Fergusson spoke, the first committee meeting of the newly-formed branch of the League of Mothers was held. Her Excellency presided over the meeting, and the president (Mrs Chewings), vice-presi-dents, and committee members were present. The following appointments to the committee were also made : —Secretary and treasurer, pro tem, Mrs John Thomson ; additional members of committee. Mesdames Fairbairn, M’Kenzie, Brooine (Winton), and Walsh (Winton). It was suggested that four branches be formed in Invercargill, these ccmprising Waikiwi, Central. South, and North, and Lady Alice gave the committee some helpful advice as to how to proceed. Mrs Fairbairn, on behalf of the W.C.T.U., thanked her Excellency for her interesting and helpful address, and stated that the W.C.T.U. would be pleased to give any assistance to the League of Mothers. OAMARU, January 21. Dr Elsepth Fitzgerald and family have returned to Oamaru after staying a few weeks at Karitane. Mrs Porter, of Wellington, is the guest of Archdeacon and Mrs Russell. Mr and Mrs Sanders and family have returned to Papakaio after spending several weeks at Kakanui. Mrs M’Pherson and Mrs Sheila M'Pherson, of liunedin, are staying with Dr and Mrs Smith-Morton. Miss Betty Fitzgerald, -who has been staying with Mrs G. Sumpter, has returned to Dunedin. Mrs and Miss Roxby have returned from Omarama. Miss J. Gibson, who has been the guest of Mr and Mrs J. F. Reid, of Burnside, has returned to Christchurch. Mrs MacDonald has returned to Waimate after spending several weeks at Kakanui. , Mrs Nichols and Miss Maude Nichols have 1 gone to Wellington. Mr and Mrs Roy Mitchell have returned to the Dasher. ■ Mrs Burry, who • has been staying at Kakanui, has returned. Mrs Jack Nichol has gone to Christchurch for a few weeks. Mr and Mrs Collis and family, of Waimate, are spending a few weeks at Kakanui. WAIMATE, January 20! Miss Ella Templer, of Geraldine, is visiting 'Mrs J. C. Templer, of Harris street. Mrs and Miss Kirkpatrick, of Parsonage road, are visiting Dunedin. The Misses Gardener are spending a holiday at Akaroa. Mr and Mrs A. J. M’Lean and family, of “Andros'-. have returned from a holiday spent in Vimaru. Mrs N-eil Rattray, of “ Ngahere,” is visiting her mother, Mrs George Helinore, of Christchurch. Mrs Algar Williams, of Fendalton, Christchurch, who has been the guest of Mrs George 'Hennessy, of “ Garryowen,” has returned home. Mrs F. ii-awshaw, of Oamaru, is the guest of Mrs Q »vshaw, of Rhodes street. Mr as/’ Mrs F. Pollock have returned to Waimata after a motor tour in North Canterbury. Miss Hazel Watt, of Ashburton, is the guest of Miss Godfrey, of Rhodes street. Miss Meri Medlicotf, of “ Greylands.” is the guest of Mrs Appleby, of Hindis Paes.

Mr J. L. Sage, of Rhodes street, has returned from a holiday spent In Christchurch. Miss K. Akhurst, of Oxford street, has returned from a holiday spent in Christchurch.

Mrs Casbolt, of Cashmere, Christchurch, ■who has been visiting Waimate, left on Saturday for Timaru. Mr and Mrs P. Leahy and family, of Mill road, have returned from a holiday spent in Wellington. Mr and Mrs C. J. Holmes, of High street, are visiting Wellington. The Waimate Girl Guides, accompanied by , the St. Mary Company from Timaru, are holding a 10-days’ camp out at Arno. TIMARU, January 20. Major and Mrs W. N. Bond and the Misses Bond, of Claremont, motored through to the Franz Josef Glacier on Thursday. Archbishop Julius and Miss Ada Julius, of Christchurch, are at Holme Station with Mrs Arthur Elworthy. Mr and Mrs J. C. Guinness, of To Pune, Fairlie, have sold their farm to MP Carter, and will live in future at Farmleigh, Ealing. The Misses Coxhead, of Beverley road, are visiting Stewart Island. Mrs Elliott, of Australia, is the guest of Mrs Bernard Tripp, of Orielton. Mrs Malcolm Miller, of Wellington, is staying with Mrs James Innes, of Haldon. Mrs William Evans and Miss Allee Evans are visiting the North Island. Mrs R. B. Bell, of Arden, Wai-lti road, is on a short visit to Dunedin. Mrs A. Grant, of Wai-iti road, returned yesterday from Grey’s Hills. ,

Mrs Stanley Foster and her children, of Christchurch, are spending a holiday in Timaru.

Mrs O. H. Porritt, of Sealey street, is visiting Wellington. Mrs Lewin, of Christchurch, is the guest of Mrs F. F. A. Ulrich, of Elizabeth street. Mr and Mrs A. H. Muir, of Elizabeth street, and Miss R. Muir, of England, returned yesterday from Tekapo. Mrs Philip Greenwood, of Christchurch, is the guest of Mrs Feilden, of Craighead street.

Mr and Mrs D. Standage and family, of Bank of New Zealand, are on a motor tour of the West Coast.

Miss Kitty Johnston, of Nelson, is staying with Mrs Walter Steward, of Sealey street.

Miss June Orbell, of Park lane, is on a visit to Mrs Charles Macfarlane, of Lynden, North Canterbury. Lady Beauchamp, of England, who was with lies W. T. Ritchie, of Te Tawa, went to Tekapo on Saturday. Miss K. Robinson, of Oakwood, is the guest of Miss Cotterill, of Dunedin. Mrs Gerald Bowen and Miss C. Bowen are with Mrs W. H. Helmore, of Koromlko. The engagement is announced of Walter, second son of Mr and Mrs Rollinson, of Timaru, to Doris, eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs R. S. Pearson, of New Brighton. Mr and Mrs Charles Le Cren, the Misses Le Cren, and Mr Frank Kerr, of Grey road, motored back from Greymouth yesterday.

The engagement is announced of Kenneth, eldest son of Mr and Mrs W. Milne, of Huntley, to Elizabeth, elder daughter of Mr and Mrs J. Hill, of Timaru.

A very pretty wedding took place in St. Mary’s Church, when Olwyn Margaret, younger daughter of Mr and Mrs Gordon Wood, of " Glan-y-mor," Wai-iti road, was married by the Rev. H. W. Monaghan to Hector, second son of Mr and Mrs H. R. Harris, of Highfield. The bride, who was given away by her father, looked very hahdsome in a beautiful dress of ivory georgette, hand embroidered in silver and made with a basque effect, the long sleeves were finished with a cuff of silver. The tulle veil, which formed a train, was made with a deep hem and caught at each side of the head with orange blossoms. Her shoes and stocking were of silver, and she carried a posy of pink cameo roses. Her bridesmaids were Miss Elsie Mathieson, of Christchurch, who was in a forget-me-not blue taffetas, with the fashionable uneven hem of tulle, and a hat to match her frock; she also wore silver shoes and stockings, and carried a posy bouquet; and Misses Joan Forbes (a niece of the bride) and Miss Yvonne Henderson were dressed alike in embossed forget-me-not blue taffetas, and wore tulle bandeaux, their posies were of hydrangeas. Mr Roy Harris (brother of the bridegroom) was best man. After the ceremony a reception was held at Glan-y-mor, the marquee being gaily decorated in pink flowers, Christmas lilies, and Iceland poppies. Mrs Wood received her guests wearing a beige georgette and lace frock, with diamondshaped pleated front of lace, crinoline straw hat with a pink posy at one side, and carried a bouquet of crimson roses; Mrs Harris wore a black crepe de chine frock with a fringed overdress, and a black hat with a black osprey and diamante ornament ; her bouquet was of pink carnations. Mrs John Forbes, of Waiuku, a cyclamen and gold corded taffetas, and a fawn hat; her bouquet was of cyclamen sweet peas. Mrs L. G. Wood, blue crepe de chine, with multi-coloured motifs round the hem, and an apricot crinoline straw hat; Mrs R. M. Wright, of Kaiapoi, long black silk coat, and black hat; Mrs J. Ferrier, of Ashburton, green georgette, and hat to tone; Mrs Ivan Black, brown crepe de chine, grey crinoline straw hat. Later in the day. when the bride and bridegroom left by car for the north, the former wore a figured blue crepe de chine and a bronze marocain coat, with a big, bronze posy at one side, and a pretty hat to tone.

A quiet wedding, at which only near relatives were present, took place on Monday, January 16, at St. Peter’s Church. Kensington, when Mary Gwendoline, younger daughter of Mr J. E. S. Jackson, was married by the Rev. J. A. Wilson, to Cedric George, youngest son of the late Dr van Slyke, Wellington. The bride, who was given away by her father, wore a dainty model frock of crepe de chine, inlet with panels of accordeon pleats, the bodice inset with biscuit coloured georgette, and a large biscuit coloured crinoline straw hat. Her shoes and stockings toned with her frock and she carried a bouquet of pale pink sweet peas. Her sister. Miss Annis Jackson, the only bridesmaid, was frocked in apple green georgette with rucked bodice and a large black satin hat. Her bouquet was composed of shaded sweet peas. A reception was afterward held at the home of the Rev. J. A. Wilson and Mrs Wilson, of Branscombe street. Later in the day the bride and bridegroom left by motor for the north, the bride wearing a black satin coat over a beige frock, and hat to match. The wedding of Richard Jaumaude Le Cren, only son of Mr and Mrs C. J. Lo £ re *J’ °\? rey oad ’ Timaru - and Miss Marian Gordon Macandrew, younger daughter of Mrs H. Macandrew, of May’s road, Christchurch, was, solemnised at Holy Trinity Church by Archdeacon Carr. The bride, who was given away by her brother, Mr H E Macandrew, wore a frock of beige kasha; with a hat of almond-green, and carried a P°sy of carnations. She was attended by two bridesmaids—Misses E. and M. Le Cren who wore pretty floral frocks of pink and lavender, with hats to tone. The bridegroom was attended by Mr S. F. White as best man, and Mr W. F. W. Thacker as groomsman.

... ASHBURTON, January 20. Miss Millar (England) is the guest of her sister, Mrs T. Pettey, Havelock street. a vu George Lyon is at present staying In Ashburton.

Mrs G. Scott and her children, who have been the guests of Mrs D. Thomas, Carter’s terrace, are returning to Wellington on Tues-

tO j^ iss K ’ Bushell has returned to Welling-

Miss Ditford, who recently returned from England is the guest of Mrs C. J. Norton Winters road.

Mr and Mrs Laing and family, who have been camping at the river, have returned nome.

Invitations are out for the wedding of Miss Evelyn Pettey to Mr Jack Nicoll, on Thursday, January 26. „ . Gn Tuesday Miss M. Jennings gave a handkerchief ” afternoon for Miss Evelyn Pettey. About 16 girl friends were invited, and spent an enjoyable time in competitions and music. Afternoon tea was partaken of in the dining room, after which all the dainty handkerchiefs were opened by the bride-elect and much admired. Miss Evelyn Pettey invited her friends to see her on Thursday. A croquet competition was won by Miss Joan Nicoll. Among those present were Mrs and Miss Pettey, Miss Miliar, Mrs M’Keague, Mrs Nosworthy, Mrs C. C. Roberts, Mrs Laing, Mrs M’Laughlan, Mrs E. F. Nicoll, Mrs C. W. Nicoll, Mrs C. Jennings, Mrs Arthur Nicoll, Misses Hunter (2), Coward, Jennings Cuff, Newton, Findlay (2), Buchanan, and Joan ts’icoll.

.Mrs F. Courage and family (Amberley) have been staying with Mrs Peache, Mount homers.

Mrs J. Walls and Miss Walls, of Lyttelton, have been the guests of Mrs E C. Wood, Mount Somers.

Mrs W. Edgar and her daughter (Mount S-niers) are visiting Timaru. Mr and Mrs C. O. Pratt have returned from a holiday in Timaru.

Mr M. B. Cooke, of Rakaia, who has just completed his three years’ course at Lincoln Agricultural College, has been appointed to the staff of Wesley College, Auckland. He leaves to take up his appointment next week.

Dr W. H. D. M’Kee, of Methven, with his two sons, has been spending a holiday at Kaikoura.

Mr and Mrs Arthur Adams (Bank of New Zealand, Methven) spent the week-end in Timaru.

Advice has been received of the marriage of Mr Alexander Addison, of Strathbungo, Scotland, to Rosamond, elder daughter of Mr and the late Mrs Charles Peter, of “ Anama,” Canterbury. The ceremony took place on December 1 in London.

CHRISTCHURCH, January 20. Mrs Beals gave an enjoyable bridge party last week in honour of Mrs Kingscote, Miss Humphreys, and Miss Lee, who have just returned from England. The guests included : Mrs Turnbull, Mrs C. Reed, Mrs J. Anderson, Mrs Fox, Mrs G. Gould, Mrs Stevenson, Mrs J. D. Hall, Mrs Gibson, Mrs Wardrop, Mrs J. Hall. Mrs Beswick. Miss Cowlishaw, Miss Cracroft Wilson, and Miss Le Bas.

Mr A. J. Benzie, president of the Dominion of New Zealand Bowling Association, and Mrs Benzie gave a charming reception at the Canterbury Bowling Club’s greens in Gracefield street on Thursday afternoon. The greens looked beautiful with their borders of gold and orange marigolds. Visitors from all parts of New Zealand watched the progress of the games in glorious sunshine. Mrs Benzie received” the guests, wearing a beautiful frock-of cyclamen crepe de chine, and a becoming black hat lined with blue and trimmed with cyclamen flowers. She was assisted by Mrs David Redpath, Mrs Arthur Rose, Mrs Tunzelman. and Mrs E. Ellis. A delicious tea was served in the pavilion. The tables looked very pretty decorated with mauve sweet peas and gypsophila. Spirited selections were played by Margaret Middleton’s orchestra. An interesting competition was won by Miss Foster, a visitor from Feilding, and Miss Betty Smithson. ’

Mrs Teschetnaker is taking up residence next week in Mrs George Helmore’s house, “ Millbrook,” Fendalton.

Mrs George Helmore and Mr Heathcote Helmore have left this week for a trip to England. Mrs Neill Rattray, of Waimate, who has been visiting Christchurch, has returned south.

Miss Cracroft Wilson and Miss Nancarrow have gone for a short visit to Wellington. Archdeacon and Mrs P. B. Haggitt, of “ Merivale," who have been spending a holiday at Warrington and Timaru. are returning to Christchurch shortly. Mrs Alister MacKenzie, who has been visiting her father, Mr G. E. Mannering, of Fendalton, has returned to Fairlie.

Mr and Mrs P. Baines, of Christ’s College, have returned to Christchurch from a visit to Dunedin and Timaru.

Mr and Mrs Wilfred Beadel, who have been visiting Britain, are returning early next week.

Miss June Orbell, of Timaru, who has been spending a few days in Christchurch with Miss Barbara Gibson, of Fendalton, has left for North Canterbury. Mrs Jim Maling and her daughter. Miss Joan Maling, are leaving early in March for a trip to England.

WELLINGTON, January 20. A pleasant morning tea party was given on Wednesday at the Red Cross Rooms, Dixon street, when Mrs Challis, who Is leaving to take up her residence at Invercargill was the guest of honour. Mrs C. S. Wright presided, and a ” home-made ’’ morning tea was much enjoyed. The secretary, Mr M. S. Galloway, spoke of the regret with which they were parting with Mrs Challis. She had been an enthusiastic and regular worker, and had assisted a great

deal in the instructional classes, having first of all qualified by taking her medallion, and being one of the team which won the cup presented by the Hon. Dr Collins, that meaning that she had attained a high order of efficiency. Mrs Challis was warmhearted am", truly interested in all those for whom the Red Cross worked, and had been most helpful in investigating some of the many cases of distress that came to the Red Cross for relief. Mr Galloway then handed to Mrs Challis a handsome leather handbag, made by one of the soldiers at the Mowai Home, thanking her for all that she had done, and wishing her the best of health and happiness in her new home at Invercargill. Mrs Challis thanked all for their gift and for the good wishes that accompanied it, and musical honours and cheers followed her brief speech. Among those present were Mesdaraes C. H. Chapman, Sol Myors, Lark, Gardiner, Scott-Young, Downs, and Galloway, Misses Clark, Sown, Wright, and others.

The air tragedy has occupied the attention of the whole of Wellington all the week almost to the exclusion of everything else, and the deepest regret is felt at the nonappoarance of the two gallant young men who tried such a difficult task for the honour of the country. Great sympathy is felt for the relatives, and more especially for the wives, Mrs Moncrieff and Mrs Hood, who have been simply splendid on their courage and hopefulness throughout a most trying week. They have earned the admira-

tion of all people. A feature of the sad affair is the interest taken by Australians in it, and the wives have received hundreds of cables from all parts—first of all expressing hope, and later sympathy. The kindness of all has been a help to them to bear the strain of sorrow and anxiety, and their conduct has been admirable throughout this trying time. A recent evening wedding celebrated at St. Mark’s Church was that of Maisie, eldest daughter of Mrs and the late Mr Robert Smith, to Albert, eldest son of Mr and Mrs F. C. Randell. The Rev. H. E. K. Fry officiated, and Mr L. Watkins presided at the organ. The bride, who was escorted by her grandfather (Mr T. R. Murphy), wore a gown of ivory georgette over satin, made with panels of French pleating and lace. The Court train was of georgette, lined with ruched shell pink georgette, and finished with a true lover’s knot of orange blossom. A veil was also worn, arranged in fan effect, and with a coronet of orange blossom. A bouquet of white flowers, with touches of pink completed the costume. Tha bridesmaids were the Misses Henl, Mabel, and Una Smith and May Randell, whose frocks were of apple-green georgette with touches of silver, and coronets to match. Each carried a bouquet of pink flowers. Little Joyce Dougherty made a dainty trainbearer, her frock being of shell-pink georgette, and she also wore a Dutch cap of nink and silver, her posy being of pink and blue flowers. . The best man and groome-

man were Messrs I. Randell and R. Galvin respectively. A reception was held in the Mokoia Hall, the guests being received by Mrs Smith, who wore beige georgette and lace, with a hat to match, Mrs Randell being in beige crepe de chine and lace, and a rose-coloured hat. The bride and bridegroom left by car for the north, the bride wearing a floral frock, and a black satin hat and coat.

A very pleasant time has been spent at the Kelburn Municipal Croquet Club during the Christmas and New Year holidays, when the handicap singles and doubles have been played off, the winners being Mrs Gardner and Mesdames Strickland and Watkins. On the Saturday following the conclusion of the tournament there was a large gathering of members and players from other clubs, as well as visiting players from Auckland and elsewhere, when many enjoyable games were played. During the afternoon Mrs Palmer (president) presented the prizes won during the tournament, and a beautiful bouquet was given to the club captain, Mrs Gardner, in recognition of the time and trouble she had taken 'to secure the success of the

tournament. The club is now playing a series of matches for three mallets presented by Mr Miller, of Melbourne, who met with much success in his games with the English croquet team which has been touring Australia. Mr Justice Blair, Mrs Blair, and family are leaving Wellington to take up their residence in Auckland. ' Mr and Mrs R. Tait and family have returned from a visit to the seaside. Mr and Mrs J. M. Geddis and Miss Esme Geddis have left for a tour to Australia, the East, England, and the Continent. ■ Mr and Mrs J. R. Mackenzie, Eastbourne, are leaving for an overseas tour. Mrs Murray Gard’ner and Miss Nancy Gard’neY are visitors to Wellington. Mr and Mrs F. Samuel have returned to Wellington from Nelson. Miss Downie Stewart has returned to Wellington from a visit to Mrs W. Armitage, Temuka. , Mrs G. A. Troup. Mayoress of Wellington, has returned, with her two daughters, from a' visit to National Park and Taupo. ■ Mrs J. C. Andersen has returned from a holiday visit to Kapiti Island. Mr and Mrs A. Young and Mr D. Young were among the passengers who arrived from England by the Tainui. Dr Ada Paterson has returned from a visit to Miss Chaytor,-of Picton. Mrs Jack, of Whangarei, has returned from a visit to daughter, Mrs Eric Baume, of Sydney, bringing her little granddaughter for a visit to Mr and Mrs E. W. Kane, of Wellington. Dr and Mrs Bowerbank and Dr and Mrs Hogg have returned from a trip to Marlborough Sounds. Mrs and Miss Lees, Lower Hutt, are visitors to Christchurch. Mr and Mrs A. L. Markman and Miss Bevan have returned from a visit to the Sounds.

Mr and - Mrs C. White and family, Selwyn ■terrace, Have returned from a visit to Dunedin. ~

Miss Winnie Crawford, Opawa, Christchurch, is the guest of Mrs Watkins, Island Bay.

Mrs Courtney Sole has left for a visit to Mrs Davis, of Nelson. Mr and Mrs Pemberton, Wadestown, have left for a visit to the Franz Josef Glacier.

Mr and Mrs J. S. M’Arthur and family have returned from a visit to the Sounds.

Jliss Meg Wauchop, Christchurch, is the guest of Mr and Mrs W, S. Wauchop, Wellington. Miss Tendall and Miss Houghton have returned from a visit to England, and intend to take up their residence in Wellington. Mrs Rose, who has been the guest of Mrs George Weston, Christchurch, has returned to Wellington. Mr and Mrs E. Lutyens arrived in New Zealand by the Marama, and will be the guests of Mr and Mrs W. Barton, “ Fareham,” Featherston. Mr and Mrs Theomin, of Dunedin, arrived by the Marama from Sydney. The Misses Bell (2) are visitors to Mount Cook.

Miss Joyce Farrington, Wadestown, is the guest of Mrs P. F. Atkinson, of New Plymouth. CARTERTON, January 19. The marriage took place at St. Matthew’s Church, Masterton, of Joan,' eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs C. J. Polson, of Bannister street, Masterton, and Charles Edward Peek, eldest son of Mr and Mrs Charles Peek, of Waikawa road, Picton. The Rev. W. Bullock officiated.

A quiet wedding took place in the Presbyterian Church at Featherston on Wednesday by the Rev. R. Macßae, the contracting parties being Anne Evelyn, daughter of Mr W. W. Thompson, of Greytown, and Robert Francis, son of Mr R. F, Darby, of Wellington.

The engagement is announced of Lilian, second daughter of Mr and Mrs T. Webb, of Kiritaki, Hawke’s Bay, to James, only son of Mr and Mrs A, Burnett, of Makotuku.

The marriage took place on Wednesday at St, Matthew’s Church, Masterton, of Laura Constance, daughter of Mr and Mrs F. H. Vincent, of Worksop road, Masterton, and Charles Edgar, son of Mr and Mrs Charles Holmwood, of Mount Bruce road. The marriage took place at Nelson last week of Miss Hazel Peterson and Mr Darcy Fry, of Motueka, Nelson. The marriage took place at St. Matthew’s Church, Masterton, on Wednesday morning of Ailsa Laura, youngest daughter of the late Mr and Mrs T. P. Kemble, of Rangitumau, and Patrick, eldest son of Mr F. ‘W. F. Fagan, of Hamilton. ■ The engagement . is announced of Hilda, daughter of Mr Frank Wall, of Martinborough, to Gerald, second son of Mr and Mrs R. H. Baillie, of Lower Hutt. A wedding of much interest took place on Monday in St. Matthew’s Church, Masterton, the contracting parties being Edith Loralie, elder daughter of Mr and Mrs F. W. Peterson, of Miriam street, Masterton, and William Bernard, youngest son of Mr and Mrs G. H. Yates, of Upper Plain. Mr and Mrs W. B. Matheson and Miss Molly Matheson left Eketahuna on Thursday for Wellington. 'Mr and Mrs J. M. G. M’Kenzie and Miss Joan M’Kenzie left Featherston for Day’s Bay.' Wellington. Mr and Mrs Samuels, of Rangiora, are visiting' Featherston. Mrs Tutbury and the Misses Tutbury, of Featherston, are oh a visit to Otaki. Miss Card left Featherston on Friday to. spend a. holiday with friends in Wellington. ■

Mrs J. Bayliss, of Palmerston North, is on a visit to Mr and Mrs F. E. Merlet, of Featherston. The Misses Rita and Ila Card, of Featherston, are staying with friends in Eketahuna. Mr and Mrs J. W. Holland and family, of Featherston, have gone to Timaru. The Rev. W. J. and Mrs Durrad and family are at present at Castlepoint. Mrs W. P. James, who has been staying at Caulfield House, Wellington, has returned home. Mr and Mrs Howard E. Jackson, of Carterton, have taken a house at Eastbourne for the holidays. Miss A. Webb, of Christchurch, is the guest of Miss Ibbetson, of Masterton. The Misses Sellar, of Lansdowne, are staying at Day’s Bay, Wellington. Miss Chennells, of Hastings, is the guest of Mrs W. B. Chennells, of Masterton. Mr and Mrs F. H. S. Ibbetson, of Tauranga, are visiting Masterton for the holida jfr and Mrs Fergus Cunningham, of Lansdowne, returned this week from a visit to Dunedin. Mrs Charles Burnard, of Wellington, who has been visiting her parents, Mr and Mrs R. C. Drummond, of Lansdowne, has returned home. Mrs T. R. Barrer and family, of Masterton, are at present camping near the Manawatu Gorge. Mrs A. Stewart, of Masterton, who has been staying at Eastbourne, has returned home. , ~ , ~ . Miss Florence M’Kain, of Hinakura, is visiting Wanganui. Mr and Mrs G. H. Davey, of Feilding, who have been spending the .holidays with Mr and Mrs J. L. Murray, have returned home. Mr and Mrs Norman Cook, of Johnsonville, who have been visiting Masterton, returned home last week. . Miss Bunting and her sister. Miss Laura Bunting, are leaving Masterton this week to take up their residence in Auckland.

PALMERSTON NORTH, January 20. Miss Earnslaw, of Sydney, is the guest of Mrs Perrin, Church street. Mrs Mackie, of Auckland, is staying with Mrs A. Guy. . Mrs A. Fitzherbert and Miss Fitzherbert sailed for Sydney this week, en route for England. ■Miss M. Goldingham is visiting Wellington for the races,. where she is the guest of Miss Shirtcliffe. . Miss L. Loughnan is visiting Christchurch. . . Mr and Miss Dent left this week for Sydney, en route for England. Mrs Greig, of Raetihi, is the guest of Mrs F. S. Goldingham. Miss Margaret Guy is visiting Waipawa. Mrs and Miss Putnam are spending a holiday at Waikanae. Mrs Peter Sim is the guest of Mrs Chalmers at Paraparaumu. ' Mr and Mrs C. Rowlem are on a visit to Napier. ' • Mr and Miss M’Millan-have returned from Plimmerton. Mr and Mrs W. T. Penny have returned from a tour of the South Island. Miss M. Rout, of Nelson, and Miss F. Matthews, of Gisborne, who have been staying in Palmerston North, ; have left for Nelson, ' ’ ' ' '

,Last Wednesday Miss P. Abraham and Miss N. Lyons gave a tennis party for Miss Dulcie Fitzherbert and Miss Freda Guy, both of whom leave shortly for a trip to England. Mr and Mrs H. D’Oyly, Kimbolton, are spending a holiday at Paraparaumu. Miss Marie Sim is the guest of Mrs Putnam at Waikanae.

Miss Kathleen Grimstone is the guest of Mrs E. G. Sim.

On Monday afternoon Mfs F. S. Goldingham gave a farewell tea for Mrs A. F. Fitzherbert, who leaves this week for England. Miss Perrin, of Auckland, is the guest of Mrs Charlesworth, Frederick street. Miss Warburton is the guest of Mrs R. C. Abraham, at Paekakariki.

FEILDING, January 19. Mrs Gordon Eliott has returned from a visit to Wellington.

Miss Dorothy Eliott is visiting Napier and Wellington. Mrs and Miss Webster and Miss Duthie have returned from a holiday spent in Auckland.

Mr and Mrs Victor Smith have returned from a visit to Auckland. Miss Pearpoint has returned from a visit to Christchurch.

Mrs E. Brewer is visiting ‘Wellington. Mr and Mrs J. S. Tingey have returned from a trip to New Plymouth. Mrs and Miss Horneman have returned to Wellington after spending several weeks with Mrs Goodbehere, of Kimbolton road. Mrs A. E. Sandford is visiting Auckland. Miss Bellairs, of Auckland, is the guest of Mrs Harry Bailey, of Campbell street.

x HAWKE’S BAY, January 20. A wedding of interest took place at Knox Church when, Colin Campbell Grant, of Wellington, eldest son of Mr and Mrs Grant, of Otaki, was married to Margaretta M’Gregor, eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs B. S. Grant, of “ Morven Hills,”, Mangahei, Dannevirke. The bride, who was given away by her father, looked charming in a frock of cream crepe de chine and satin, her long train, which fell from the shoulders, being lined with palest pink georgette. Her veil was daintily arranged with a circlet of orange blossoms, and she carried a bouquet of Christmas lilies. The bridesmaids were Misses Elsie and Jessie Grant, sisters of the bride. Miss Elsie wore a dainty frock of palest pink crepe de chine, her bouquet being of sweet peas in pink and mauve. Miss Jessie’s frock was of crepe de chine, in blue, and her bouquet was in pink and blue sweet peas. Both wore veils of tulle to tone with their frocks. Mr R. S. Cooper, of Havelock North, was best man. There were two little train-bearers—Miss Phyllis Grant and Master Teddy Roake. The little girl was in apricot crepe de chine, and carried a basket of flowers, while the little boy was in a cream suit, and carried a decorated crook. After the ceremony a reception ' was held in the Foresters’ Hall, when about 150 guests were present. ' Mr and Mrs Grant received the guests, the latter wearing a handsome navy blue crepe de chine ensemble, with hat to tone. Mrs J. Grant, mother of the bridegroom, wore a black satin coat over her frock, with a black hat. The happy couple left later for New Plymouth, the bride wearing a saxe blue ensemble, with dainty crinoline hat to tone, and fox furs.

Mr and Mrs Hislop, of Cobden road, Napier, have returned from their annual visit to Rotorua.

Mrs J. Shand, of Hastings, is visiting the South Island, and is the guest of her son, Mr R. Shand, of Centre Bush, Invercargill. The engagement is announced of Mildred Swarnson, youngest daughter of Mr and Mrs J. Gordon-Glassford, of Milson’s Line, Feilding, to Frederick Slyndon, second son of Mr and Mrs Robert Holt, of Napier. The engagement is announced of Miss Nancy Stock, of Gisborne, and Dr E. B. Jardine, of Wairoa. The engagement is announced of Chum, younger daughter of Mr Ralph Emerson, of Dunedin, to Rupert, only son of Mrs de Renzy Worker, of Napier. Mr and Mrs R. Stewart, of Southern Hawke’s Bays motored to Napier for the wool sale week.

Miss M. Dallow, of Napier, who has spent the last three years in- Sydney, is to be in Napier shortly. . Mr and Mrs Noel Roake. who were the guests of Mrs Newbigin, of Hastings, have returned to Blenheim. Mr and Mrs Winter Mawson, of Lincoln road, Napier, are the guests of Mr Mawson, sen., Waipawa, during the tennis tournament. Mr and Mrs J. A. Rosewarne were Masterton visitors to Waipawa. Miss Delcie Williams, of Waipawa, is the guest of Mrs W. Ellis, of Ollivier’s road, Christchurch. Mrs I. Kight, wife of Captain Kight, of Dannevirke, was the guest of her parents, Mr and Mrs F. Armstrong, of Akitio. Mr and Mrs S. M’Farlane, of Dannevirke, motored to Napier during the week. Miss Madge Higgins, of Marine parade, Napier, intends leaving on a visit to England shortly. „ . , Mr and Mrs C. F. Barker, of Dannevirke, are on a motor tour of the Taranaki and Rotorua districts. . Miss C. I. Drummond, matron of the Waipawa Hospital, has returned from her holiajiiss B. Sharp, of Wairoa, is the guest of her uncle, Mr J. Maudsley, of Takapau, Hawke’s Bay. Mr and Mrs Norman Beatson have returned to their country home after being the guests of Mr and Mrs Newbigin, of Hastings. Mr and Mrs O’Meara and their three daughters have returned from a three-weeks’ ....... thn llnrprn Snrinsrs Hotel.

stay at the Morere springs norei. Dr and Mrs Graham Robertson, of Wellington, and late of Napier, were in Napier for a short visit. Mr and Mrs Common, of Hastings, were in Taranaki for a holiday trip. Miss Mary Cornford, of Lighthouse road, Napier, has returned from a visit to Masterton. Mrs Gear, of ‘Wellington, spent a holida Mr n and a Mrs’ Patrick, of Napier, left on a trip to Christchurch. . Mrs R. Todd, of Thompson street. Napier, who has spent some time in England, has returned to New Zealand. Mr and Mrs G. Tripp, ot Wellington, were the guests of Mrs Donnelly, of Havelock K °Mr and Mrs M’Clurg, Miss Beth M’Clurg, and Mr Allen M’Clurg spent a holiday in Rotorua, and motored through this week. Mr and Mrs H. Stratton, of Hastings, are on a visit to Wanganui. Mrs A. Avery is in Christchurch the truest of her mother. Mrs C. Beadel, of Merivale lal Mrs M'Master, of Carterton, was a visitor to Waipukurau for the tennis tournament. Miss H. Stowe, of Palmerston North, was the guest of Mrs Nairn, of Hastings. Mrs W. G. Penlington, of Havelock North, is a visitor to Auckland.

Mr and Mrs Burtenshaw, ot Napier, have returned from a visit to Taupo. Mrs Adams, of Wellington, was a visitor to Waipukurau during the week. Dr T Bakewell, of Wellington, is the guest of Mr and Mrs E. R. C. Bowen, of Cameron road, Napier. Mr and Mrs H. Grant, of Wairoa, were in Napier on a brief visit. Miss Florence Hooper, of Wellington, was a visitor to Waipukurau. Mr and Mrs H. Stevens, of Hastings, have returned from a visit to the country. Mrs A’Court, of Christchurch, has returned from a visit to Hawke’s Bay.. Miss Sheila Moore, of Napier, is on a visit to Waipawa.

Mrs Simpson and Miss Simpson, of Cobden road, Napier, have returned from a motor trip to Rotorua and Taupo.

WANGANUI, January 19,

On January G a -wedding of considerable interest was solemnised at St. George's Church, Turakina, when Maude E. Hazeldean, elder daughter of Mr and Mrs Hazeldeen Barber, of Sheffield, England, was married to Frank Winton, elder son of Mr and Mrs George G. Lethbridge, of Waipawa, Hawke’s Bay. The church had been most beautifully decorated with dainty shades of pink and blue hydrangea and pink gladiola, making a tasteful setting for the bridal party. The bride, who was given away by Mr B. P. Lethbridge, wore a frock of dainty apricot brocaded satin, and a handsome veil caught with orange blossoms, and carried a bouquet of pink and rich cream gladiola, roses, and carnations. She was attended by Miss M. Blackshow, of England, who wore Jilac georgette; and Misses E. Lethbridge and T. Adams, of England, who wore pale green georgette frocks. All maids wore Dutch caps to tone with , their frocks, and carried shower bouquets in tones of helio, rose, and apricot blooms. The bridegroom was attended by Mr E. Hazeldeen Barber and Messrs E. and H. Hare, of Feilding. The ceremony was performed by the Bishop of Wellington, assisted by the Rev. A. Ashcroft, of Marton. After the ceremony a reception was held at the residence of Mr and Mrs B. P. Lethbridge, of “ Annbank,” Turakina, who received the guests in their beautiful garden, where tea was served. The tables were attractively decorated with sweet peas in shades of rose, pink, and helio and treptocorpus. Mrs B. P. Lethbridge received her guests wearing a model gown of black lace and georgette, and a large black picture hat, and carrying a bouquet of crimson and pink roses. Mr and Mrs Lethbridge left for the south by car, the bride travelling in a navy blue accordeon-pleated frock worn under a navy georgette .coat trimmed with oyster grey. Her hat was to tone, and trimmed with flowers. Mrs T. V. Morrin is visiting Marton this week for the annual show. She will return to Hastings early next week. Miss' P. Campbell paid a brief visit to Wellington last week-end.

Mrs C. Tustin and Miss D. Tustin, of Christchurch, are guests of Mrs F. WebbJones, of Gonville. Misses J. and A. Currie are spending a holiday at Mount Cook. Miss Grace Drummond, of Birkenhead, is spending a holiday with Mrs M’Kenzie Brunswick, of Wanganui. Mr and Mrs R. Lilburn and family are visitors at Titahi Bay, Wellington. Mrs Turnbull, sen.; and Mr and Mrs F. Turnbull have returned from a holiday at Napier and King Country. . The Misses Stead, of Christchurch, are visiting Wanganui. Mr and Mrs R. A. Howie have returned from a holiday spent at Hot Lakes regions. Mrs A. D. M‘Rae, who has been the guest of Mrs R. Craig, of Gonville, has returned io Tltnaru. Miss B. Cleland is visiting Auckland. Miss Eileen Wilson has returned from a holiday spent at Auckland, Rotorua, and Taupo.

Mrs* C. N. Stavely and family are .the guests of Mrs Williamson, of Manakau.'

WAIKATO, January 19

A quiet wedding was celebrated at Bishopseourt Chapel, Hamilton, on January 10 between the Right Rev. Cecil Arthur Cherrington, Biihop of Waikato, and Miss Ellen Diana Terry Price, daughter of Mr and Mrs A. E. Price, of Thames. The ceremony was performed by the dean of Hamilton. The bride wore a pretty frock of white georgette, a long tulle veil, and a wreath of orange, blossoms, and - carried a beautiful bouquet of pink carnations. Mr L. B. Gilfillan, of Hamilton, gave the bride away. Miss M. Forrest attended the bride. Her frock of rose pink georgette and her pink tulle veil were worn with a bouquet of rose pink -blooms. After the ceremony the breakfast was partaken of in the dining room at Bishopscourt. The table was decorated with choice flowers, artistically arranged. The guests were: Mrs T. E. Jeffrey, daughter of the bishop, who wore a smart cream cloth costume: Mrs G. R. Barnett, in a pale grey frock, and a grey and green hat: Mrs H. T. Foster, navy blue crepe de chine, and a black hat: Mrs L. B. Gilfillan, floral crepe de chine, and a black hat; Mrs A. B. Whyte, green georgette, and a black and green hat ; Dean P,«> •••„»»• ; Messrs A. B. Whyte, 11. T. Foster, and L. B. Gilfillan.

An enjoyable progressive bridge party was given at Cambridge on Monday by Mrs J. Lewis and Miss Dunne. The rooms were decorated with blue hydrangeas. Those present were: Mesdames E. E. Roberts, Tod, Boston, Couper, M. Wells, W. Stopford, Calvert, and Caldwell : Misses Attfield, C. Willis, Gwynneth, Calvert, Christophers, S. Brann, and E. Attfield. The prizes were won by Mrs Calvert, Misses Gwynneth and Attfield. A very delightful afternoon tea was giv«~ at the home of Mrs L. Swales, of Hamilton, on Friday, for her aunts, who are on a visit to New Zealand. The rooms were gay with lovely summer flowers artistically arranged. Those present were: Mesdames Thomson (Capetown), Rowley (Perth), A. E. Manning, A. S. Brewis, and W. J. Hunter; Misses E. Jolly, C., Hunter, B. Manning, C. Jolly, Wallnutt, and J. Manning. A jolly day was spent on the Whitiora eroquet lawns on Saturday. Progrere l ,* eroquet and target croquet were played, lunch and afternoon tea were served in trie pavilion. The competitions were won by: Mesdames Turbott, Newson, Andrews, and O’Brien. Those present were: Mesdames O’Brien, Evans, Hodgkinson, Drube, Nealie,

Andrews, Turbott, Parker, Wigzell, Brockelsby, and Runciman ; and Miss Rowe. Mrs C. L. Mac Diarmid and family are spending the holidays at Thames Beach. Mrs A. H. Wilde has returned to Greymouth from a holiday spent in Hamilton. Mrs G. S. Crimp has.returned to Hamilton from a visit to her people in New Plymouth.

Mrs W. Thomson, of Capetown, is the guest of Dr and Mrs Brewis, of Hamilton. Mrs N. Johnson has returned to Hamilton from a trip to Wellington. Mr and Mrs Kitto, of Hawke’s Bay, are on a visit to Hamilton.

Mr and Mrs J. Dunn, of Wellington, were recently staying in Hamilton.

Miss Inman, of Waingaro, is on a Visit to friends in Cambridge.

AUCKLAND, January 19. ■ “ The Barn.” Milford, has become a very popular resort for luncheon and tea parties, although one has to cross the harbour to get there. Last Tuesday it was the scene of a luncheon party given by Mrs Trevor Brett in honour of Miss Nancy Brett, who is shortly to be married. Bowls of blue hydrangeas were used to decorate the large room in which the party was held, the tables being also decorated with the same flowers. Amongst those present were: Mrs Eve Bentley, Miss Jean Macindoe, Miss Mabel Jackson, Miss Meg Kissling, Miss Jean Lawford, Miss Fay Boyle, Miss Audrey Bayly, the Misses Peggy and Betty 3!‘Clennan and Miss Sadie Mitchelson.

Mr and John Buchanan, of Remuera, are the guests of Mrs E. Gibson, of Dunedin. Miss Una Buddle Dysart returned to Auckland last week after an extended visit to Sydney. Mrs George Helmore, of Christchurch, is at present in Auckland, preparatory to leaving by the Tamaroa on a visit to England. Miss de Chair, daughter of the Governor of New South Wales, is remaining in the Dominion for a few weeks longer, and has been joined by Miss Shirley Bavin, who arrived by the last trip of the Niagara. Dame Clarissa Reid is returning to Sydney this week.

Miss Ethel Upton, of Waimai, is visiting Auckland, and is staying with Mrs Northcroft, of Parnell.

Miss A. Masters, of Dunedin, is visiting friends in Auckland.

Mr and Mrs Frank Abbott, who have returned from a trip abroad, have taken Miss Horton’s house in , Remuera during . the latter’s visit to England.

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Otago Witness, Issue 3854, 24 January 1928, Page 63

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THE LADIES' PAGE Otago Witness, Issue 3854, 24 January 1928, Page 63

THE LADIES' PAGE Otago Witness, Issue 3854, 24 January 1928, Page 63