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Monday. All Saints’ Church on Tuesday afternoon was filled with people to witness the wedding of Miss Benita Bridgeman (only daughter of Mr J. O. Bridgeman and the late Mrs Bridgeman) -and Mr Irvine. Both bride and bridegroom being so well known in Dunedin great interest was taken in their marriage by the many friends and onlookers w-ho were present. The church looked beautiful with its lovely decorations of massed pink and heliotrope hydrangeas intermingled with other flowers of the same shade. Dean Fitchett performed the marriage ceremony, assisted by the Rev. Canon Button. The bride entered the church on the arm of her father, looking charming in a most beautiful silver lace robe over silver tissue made in the long coat effect, and fastened in front at the waist with a chou of orange blossom. Her long court train, hanging gracefully from her shoulders, was composed of silver tissue draped with real old Honiton lace, and caught at the foot by a wreath of orange blossom, and her exquisite old Honiton lace veil was fastened to her hair by a wreath of orange blossom with tiny bunches of blossom at the sides. She carried a dainty sheaf of Lilium auratum gladioli and maidenhair fern. Her only ornament was a string of pearls. She was attended by four bridesmaids—her three cousins and a niece of the bridegroom. The Misses Norrie and Helen Fenwick walked together, and were gowned in mignonette green georgette made with simple two-decker skirts, and tied at the side witli bows of ribbon of a deeper shade. Their small silver lace caps made almost in the mop style, but fitting quite closely to the head, were trimmed with silver ribbon and beads, and they carried sheaves of hydrangeas. The two small bridesmaids, Misses Shirley Irvine and Gertrude Neill, who acted as train bearers,' carried small pink and heliotrope posies. zYll wore long chains of jade beads, the gift of the bridegroom. Mr Tom Irvine, of Invercargill, brother of the bridegroom, and Mr Charles Bridgeman, the bride’s brother, acted as best man and groomsman. The happy couple were the recipients of many congratulatory telegrams, beautiful and costly presents, and cheques. The reception was held at the home of the bride’s aunt and uncle, Mrs and Mr H. S. Fenwick, who had kindly lent their house for the occasion. The guests were received by Mr Bridgeman and Miss Fenwick in the hall, which was gaily decorated with pink and heliotrope flowers and greenery. The bride and bridegroom stood on the stairs, over which was hung a wedding bell composed of pink and heliotrope flowers. The large ballroom and drawing room, opening into each other, was where the wedding breakfast was held. The flowers about the rooms and on the tables were principally pink and heliotrope sweet peas, hydrangeas. and maidenhair fern. Later in the day Mr and Mrs T. Irvine left amidst showers of confetti by motor for the Lakes, where the honeymoon was to be spent. The bride’s going-away dress was composed of winecoloured inarocain, with a long coat of the same shade, and a hat to match. Mrs Fenwick (the hostess) wore a charming frock of heliotrope chenil velvet, with hat to match ; Miss Irvine, smart black inarocain made in the long lines, with short coatie and waistcoat of grain coloured marocain embroidered in heliotrope, and a black velvet hat; Miss Bill Irvine, an elegant rustpleated chiffon coat robe over marocain, and a deep chocolate velvet hat with ostrich feather aigrette ; Mrs Brent, navy blue I crepe de chine, and a wine-coloured velvet ■ hat; Mrs Robert Irvine (Oamaru), blue and red floral robe, with hat of pink silk ; Mrs Don Irvine, pink georgette robe, and a black hat; Mrs C. Rattray, black georgette with cream lace vest, large black hat; Mrs Sydney Neill, cyclamen marocain, with large felt hat of the same shade, and white fox furs; Mrs Terence Bridgeman, cinnamon silk robe, and a hat to match ; Mrs Neill Rattray (Waimate), apricot georgette, and a large blue crinoline straw’ hat ; Miss Neill, ■ silver and black lace robe over black silk, ’ and a large black silk hat; Mrs Maitland, I black marocain with grey chiffon, and a ; large black hat; Mrs J. M. Ritchie, black marocain with a touch of red, and a black hat; Mrs lan M’Kenzie, corn-coloured marocain and a large hat of the same shade; Mrs Norman Haggitt, fawn robe, with a blue hat; Mrs J. Munro, mulberry marocain embroidered in silver, and a hat of the same shade; Mrs Russell Ritchie, navy blue and fawn robe, and blue hat; Mrs Gallaway, black chenil velvet robe with georgette, and a black toque; Mrs J. A. Cook, navy blue inarocain with fuchsia, and a hat of the same shades; Mrs W. O. M’Kellar, cinnamon georgette, and a large hat to match ; Mrs Finch, black, and a black hat; Mrs Cheeseman, fawn robe, with hat to match; Mrs Harman Reeves, wine-coloured satin inarocain ; Mrs .Branson, black robe relieved with white, and a black and white hat; Mrs Oldham, mulberry costume, and a felt hat of the same shade ; Mrs Elliston Orbell, navy blue robs, and a large black hat; Mrs J. A. Roberts, navy gown, and small navy hat with lace crown; Mrs Fulton, black, and a black hat; Mrs George Roberts, gold chenil velvet, and a black picture hat; Mrs Laidlaw, black georgette and lace, and a large black hat; Miss Rattray, deep ruby georgette, and a black plush hat with aigrette ; Miss K. M’Lean, fawn striped satin marocain, and a black toque ; Miss Webster, blue marocain with touch of red, and a blue velvet hat: Miss G. Webster, black figured crepe de chine, and a large black velvet hat; Mrs S. Cheeseman, black and fuchsia floral crepe de chine, and a hat to match; Miss Williams, fawn ensemble suit, and a black bat; Miss C. Williams, navy blue crepe de chine, and a blue felt hat; Miss Finch, bright blue and white check robe, and a blue hat; Miss Cargill, black silk, and a bla,ck hat with feathers ; Miss Gallaway, grey georgette, and a grey felt hat; Miss Macassey, navy blue taffeta, and a blue hat; Miss D. Ramsay, apricot georgette, and hat to match ; Miss Clapperton. brickcoloured georgette, and a black toque; Miss Law, heliotrope and black robe, and a heliotrope hat; Miss M. Law, black marocain, and a black hat; Miss Sise, navy blue georgette, and a blue hat. Also present were Mesadmes Ibbotson, Stock, Edmond, Petre, B. C. Haggitt, Macassey, Wilson, Black, M’Master, and T. Theomin, Misses M’Lean, E. Roberts, Cotton, Nichols (2). Hartman, Gilkison, J. A. Cook, Edmond, and W. Laidlaw, Messrs J. C. Marshall, Webster, C. Butterworth, Wilson, Sise, J. Laidlaw, Edmond, Richards, Solomon, Bristed, D. Neill, Masters, G. Irvine, and D. and T. Brent.

Mr and Mrs R. Irvine and family, who were in Dunedin for the Irvine-Bridgeman wedding, have returned to Oamaru.

Sir Charles and Lady Statham anil Miss Marjorie Statham are at present spending a short time in Wellington.

Miss Helen Williams left on Saturday for Wellington, en route for England.

Mrs Blunden, of Canterbury, accompanied by her son, who has come to study at the University, has been the guest of the Misses Webster, Heriot row. The Misses Irvine, of St. Clair, have motored north, en route for Timaru, where they intend spending a short visit. Mr and Mrs Neill Rattray, of Waimate, who were in town during the week, have .returned. Miss F. Denniston, after a short time spent in Wellington, has returned to Dunedin. The autumn flower show was held during the week in the Victoria Hall, when a beautiful mass of flowers was to be seen. A large attendance was present both days. Mrs Smith, of Sydney, is the guest of Mrs John Hudson, Driver's road. Mr and Mrs Richard Hudson have gone to Auckland for a short visit.

Dunedin visitors to tho Taieri Mouth and a number of local residents—a company of upwards of 60—were the guests of Mrs J. Callander, of “ Riverbank,’’ on Saturday, 2Gth ult., at a very enjoyable dance held in the Public Hall. An instrumental trio from the city supplied excellent music, and with the floor in capita) order dancing was a sheer delight. A pleasing touch of variety was lent to the proceedings in pianoforte and gramophone selections, recitations, etc., obligingly given by lady and gentlemen visitors. An excellent supper was dispensed, and before dispersing hearty cheers were given for the popular hostess of “ Riverbank.” Among the ladies present were : Mesdames J. Callander, Grounds, Isaacs, A. Callander, Stewart, Bigwood, M’lntosh, and Miller, Misses Rutherford (2), Miller (2), Flockton. Joseph, Hocking, Blue, M’lntosh, Milne, Marshall (3), Geary (3), Stewart, and Jeffs (2).

INVERCARGILL, March 5. Miss Gladys Rankin, Yarrow street, has left for two months in the Auckland province. Mr and Mrs T. Bats, Yarrow street, left last Monday for Wellington, en route for a tour of Great Britain, the Continent, and America. Mrs J. W. Douglas (nee Miss Raeside), of Sydney, is at present visiting the home of her childhood, and is the guest of her sister, Mrs George Munro, Teviot street. Misses Marjory Copland, Gwen Kensington, and Marjorie Manson left for Dunedin during the week to take up studies at Studholme House. Miss Catherine Webb returned also to the Otago University Mrs A. S. Gilkison is on a holiday in Gore. Mrs E. R. Wilson has returned from a, holiday in Auckland and Dunedin. Mrs W. H. King and her threee daughters, accompanied by Mr A. G. King, all of “Riverfall,” Hokonui, have begun a motor tour of the North Island. Mrs O’Donnell has left to take up residence in Dunedin. Last week Mrs R. J. Israel gave a large afternoon in her honour at her home in Georgetown. On Saturday afternoon "of last week Mrs O’Donnell was guest of honour at a delightful function in the pavilion of the Southend Croquet Club, when she was presented with a case of stainless knives by the president, Mrs J. Thomson, on behalf of the members. The engagement is announced of Vera, daughter of Mr and Mrs J. C. Bcws, “Warepa.” Dalrymple road, to John Ronald, only son of Mrs and the late D. M’Leod, “Ashbury,” Raukapuka, Geraldine. In interesting guest of the committse of the Southland Women’s Club on Monday at afternoon tea was Lady Ferguson, president of the Otago Women's Club, who passed through Invercargill on her wav to Bluff to join tbs Moeraki, en route for Great Britain and the Continent.

OAMARU, March 5. Mr and Mrs Lee, who have been spending some weeks at Paradise, have returned. Mrs Buchanan and her little daughter, of Christchurch, are the guests of Mis Darling, Eden street. Mrs Orbell returned from Dunedin last week. Mr and Mrs Sumpter and Miss Sumpter have gone to Dunedin. Miss Noelein Reid returned from Auckland on Wednesday. Miss Darling is visiting friends at Kakanui. Mrs Humphries, who has been spending a few days at Kakanui, has returned. Mr and Mrs Irvine, who were in Dunedin for the Bridgman-Irvine wedding, have returned. Miss Virginia Nicholls, “Kuviheka,” who has been the guest of Mrs Pinckney, returned last week. Miss Williams has gone to Christchurch. Mrs Macpherson, who has been visiting her son in the country, returned to Dunedin, on Tuesday. Nir and Mrs "W. T*. Keid and Miss Betty Reid have returned from Queenstown. Mr and Mrs Milner returned from Auckland on Monday.

TIMARU. March 4. Mr and Mrs F. A. Raymond, Beverley road, left to-day on a week’s visit to Wellington. The Misses Durose returned to Christchurch yesterday after a fortnight at Cadogan, Sefton street. Mrs T. F. No'rthcote is expected from North Canterbury on a visit to Mrs Hope, Tumanako. The Misses Hassell, Nile street, and Miss Borton, Oamaru, returned from Tekapo. yesterday. The latter is the guest of the Misses Hassell. Mrs Bridgman arrived from Christchurch to-day, and is at the Bungalow. Mr and Mrs Malcolm Miller, of Wellington, are the guests of Mrs Edgar-Jones, Otiritiri. Miss Margaret Harper, of North Canterbury, who is the guest of Mrs Maurice Harper, Wattawa, will return north on Tuesday. Mrs C. H. Gorton, Nelson terrace, and her daughter, Mrs George Prouse, are paying a round of visits in Christchurch and North Canterbury, prior to Mrs Prouse’s return to Australia in the s.s. Ulimaroa. Mrs L. Drummond has returned to Hawke’s Bay after a visit to Mrs J. Thomsson, Bldwill street. Mr and Mrs R. D. Halstead left Timaru on Tuesday for their new home in Dunedin. Miss Ethel Tarr, Wal-Iti road, is spending a fortnight in Auckland.

Miss M. Roberts, of Wellington, is visiting Mrs C. J. Le Cren, Grey road. Mr and Mrs L. 11. Orbeil, Winchester, have returned from a tour of the Southern Lakes. Miss Molly Murray, Braetnar, is visiting Christchurch. Mrs E. J. Mirams, Beverley road, is spending a holiday in Christchurch, Wellington, and Auckland. Mrs J. C. Templer returned to Wellington yesterday after a few weeks with Mrs A. W. Wright, Secheron. Miss N. Fenwick, who was with Mrs C. A. Paterson, has returned to Dunedin. Madame Winnie Fraser, of Oamaru, is in Christchurch. Miss M. Hay, of England, is with Mrs .W. H. Walton, Park lane. Professor and Mrs D. B. Copland, of Melbourne University, are spending a holiday with the latter’s parents, Mr and Mrs F. W. S. Jones, Waimate. Mr and Mrs W. Alex. Moore, formerly of Dunedin, have come to live in Timaru, 'and have gone into residence in Kitchener square ASHBURTON, March 4. A most successful autumn flower show was held in St. Stephen’s Hall on Friday last. Beautiful gladioli, roses, asters, and lilies were displayed, and many complimentary remarks passed at the displays for exhibition only. The total sum realised was over £7O. Mrs Trevor, who has been visiting friends in the North Island, returns home this week. Mrs Bushgll has returned from Wellington. Mrs College, of Auckland, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs Murdoch Bruce, has gone to Christchurch. The Hon. W. and Mrs Nosworthy have gone to Wellington for the festivities In honour of the Duke and Duchess of York. Miss M. Roberts, Wills street, is visiting Mrs C. J. LeCren, of Timaru. Mr and Mrs A; North are leaving Ashburton shortly to reside in Hawera. Mr and Mrs W. A. Morgan are staying in Christchurch. Dr and Mrs W’. J. Mullin are visiting Christchurch. Dr and Mrs Daunt went for a short holiday to Mount Cook. Miss Ferin, of Westport, is the guest of Mrs F. W. Seldon, Peter street west. Ashburton was en fete to greet the band <*f the Ist S.C. Mounteds on its return from the Wellington contest on Tuesday. About 600 people assembled at the station, and the Mayor expressed the gratification of the Ashburton people on hearing that the band had won the A Grade quickstep. Lieutenant Osborne suitably replied. Mrs C. W. Nicoll, Mrs Jack Nicoll, Mrs and Miss Patey returned on Friday night from a motor trip to the southern lakes. Miss M. Buchanan, accompanied Dr and Mrs Daunt as far as Fairlie, and is the guest of her aunt, Mrs Buss.

CHRISTCHURCH, March 4. ' Mrs Morton Anderson and Mrs Douglas Anderson have returned from a visit to Akaroa. Miss Margaret Stevenson has gone for a ■ visit to Marlborough. Mrs Henry Acland, Park terrace, has re- • turned from a visit to the North Island. Miss Marjorie Wait, Riccarton, is the guest of Mrs Loughnan, of Fairlie. Mrs Mowbray Tripp is In town for- a few days, and Is staying at Warwick House. Miss N. Reeves, Montreal street, has rc» turned from a visit to the North Island. The beautiful grounds at Riccarton House, the scene of the fete of the Victoria League, were kindly lent by Mrs Deans. Stalls for the sale of goods were placed under the beautiful trees, and were well patronised by ■ visitors, the result being most satisfactory. The band of the 4th (Oadet) Battalion, Canterbury Regiment, during the afternoon provided excellent music, which was greatly .appreciated by all present. The stall- ■ kelders were: Produce, Mesdames J. F.

Studholme. P. J. Overton, Alister Clark, Suckling, and Misses Barron (2), and Hynes, and Mr T. Taylor; afternoon tea: Mesdames George Hanmer, J. B. Beckett, J. G. L. Vernon, A. R. Bloxam, Trevor Foster, Arthur Chapman, and T. F. Gibson, Miss M'Owen, and a number of girl helpers ; cake stall: Mesdames Eric Harper, H. T. J. Thacker, E. G. Hogg, and S. Clifton Bingham, and Miss Suckling; ice cream and soft drinks: Mrs Percy Whitcombe and Misses Overton (in charge), Mary Hogg, Mollie Carrington, Betty Evans, and Maisie Harris (helpers) ; sweets stall: Misses Nancy Gard'ncr, Joan Cooper, Margaret Stevenson, Betty Overton, and Molly Bean; sideshows: Messrs Morrow, Shepherd, Webster, and Mitchell. A very successful garden party was held in the grounds of Mr and Mrs Keith Hadfield, Shirley, to bid farewell to the Rev. Mother of the Order of St. Elizabeth, who is returning to England. The hope was expressed that she would return at some future time. The Rev. Mother explained that the patients would be attended by nurses trained in England and some New Zealand nurses, and that the domestic side would be in the hands of sisters, there not being a sufficient number to nurse as well. An additional £4500 would be required to enable St. George’s Hospital to start free of debt, and public generosity 'was appealed to for that sum. Marston’s Band provided the music, and exhibition dances, tennis, and croquet were provided and aided the passing of a very interesting and pleasant afternoon.

BLENHEIM, March 2. On Saturday afternoon at the Anglican grounds in Alfred street a garden party took place as a means to raise funds for the Girl Guide movement here. The various stalls did good work throughout the afternoon, and the afternoon tea ’stall was particularly well attended, so that those working were well rewarded for their efforts. Some of those there were Mesdames B. Clouston, Rudd, Churchward, Graham, Brammall, Richardson, Mitchell, Taylor, Cook, Ford, Murchison, Evatt, Wilson, Fisk, " Commissioner Seymour, and others. The Marlborough lawn tennis and croquet courts were well attended on Saturday afternoon, when Mrs L. Bary and Miss Mead dispensed afternoon tea in the pavilion. Some of those there were : Mesdames White, Best, Huddleston, Bull, Mills, Harle, Munro, Orr, E. Reid, Young, Robertson, and Brooks, Misses Mead, Smith, Neville (3), Smith, and Williams, Messrs Brooks (2), M’Donald, Mitchell, Robertson, Bary, Wiffen, Brammall, Dr Bennett, etc. Dr and Mrs Noble-Adams accompanied by Mr Fergus Noble-Adams have returned from a delightful tour by motor car of the North Island. Mr and Mrs H. E. Burden, who have been across to Wellington to meet their daughers, Misses Leslie and Jean Burden, on their return from Sydney, returned to Blenheim last evening. Mrs Goyder, who has been visiting Mrs J. Mowat at Springlands, has returned to Woodville, preparatory to taking up their residence in Marlborough. Misses K. Wemyss and Martin, of Wellington, are the guests of Mrs E. Rose, at “Kai Iwi.” Mr and Mrs T. Renwick, of Dumgree Station, have gone for a trip to England. Mr and Mrs Coles, of Christchurch, accompanied by Mr and Mrs Taylor, of Christchurch, left by motor car for south on Saturday morning. At the Wesley Church, Blenheim, on the evening of the Ist inst., the marriage took place of Joan, only daughter of Mr and Mrs E. M. Rose, of “Kai Iwi,” Blenheim, to Edward Greig, eldest son of Mr and Mrs D. Greig, of Blenheim. About 400 friends of both parties assembled at the church for the ceremony, the marriage being solemnised by the Rev. Bateup. Picton. The church was prettily decorated by friends and relatives of the bride for the occasion. The bride wore a lovely ivory embossed georgette dress set off with a handsomely era-

broidered white veil (nearly 200 years old, and lent by an aunt of the bride). This was arranged with the usual orange blossoms, and fell over a silver tissue train. She carried a shower bouquet composed of pale pink and white carnations arranged with maidenhair fern. The bridesmaids were Miss Kathleen Wemyss, of Wellington, who wore a frock of pale green taffeta with a panel of silver lace frills down the front, and let into the skirt; Miss Dorothy Martin, of Wellington, heliotrope taffeta; Miss Winnie Davis (cousin of the bride), pink taffeta; and Miss Sinclair Breen (cousin of the bride), blue taffeta. All the frocks were made in tlie same pretty style as that of the first bridesmaid, and each wore a silver band round her head, and carried a posy of pink and blue hydrangeas, pink roses, and maidenhair fern, and silver lace. Miss Cara Evatt (cousin of the bride) was flower girl, and wore a sweet pink velvet frock with velvet hat to match, and carried a gold basket of rose leaves, which she scattered as the happy couple came out of the church. Mr C. Saunders carried out the duties of best mam and Messrs 11. Greig (brother of bridegroom), R. Agar, and R. Davis (cousin of bride) were groomsmen. After the ceremony a large reception was held at the Masonic hall, where Mr and Mrs E. Rose (the parents of the bride) welcomed the guests on arrival Mrs Hose wore a charming gown of black georgette with a panel embroidered in colours down the front, and a pretty black satin hat, and carried a bouquet of pink and mauve flowers. Mrs Greig (mother of the bridegroom) wore black niarocain with a rose pink hat, and carried a bouquet of pink tiger lilies. Miss Greig (sister of bridegroom) wore peacock blue taffeta- relieved with silver lace and blue hat. The bride and bridegroom welcomed the guests and received congratulations under a large bell composed of flowers and streamers of ribbon, which was suspended from the centre of the ballroom. A gorgeous supper was dispensed in the entrance hall, the long tables being arranged with vases of lovely pink and red roses and silver candles with crimson shades. Others present were Mesdames Evatt (aunt of the bride), T. Davis (aunt of bride), Pawson, of Auckland (aunt of bride), C. Parker (aunt of bride), Crump (aunt of bride), E. Reid, and J. Rose (aunt of bride), bliss I.orna Rose (cousin), Mrs J. Mowat, Mr and Mrs K. Mowat, Mr A. Mowat, Mrs Conolly, Mr and Mrs H. Stace, Miss Nicholson, Mr and Mrs Girling, Mr and Mrs L. Clouston, Mr and Mrs J. Corry, Mr and Mrs H. Redwood, Mr and Mrs E. Parker, Mr and Miss M‘Rae, Mr, Mrs, and Miss M'Callum, Mr and Mrs F. Parker, Mr and Mrs C. Mills, Rev. Archdeacon Yorke and Miss Yorke, Mrs Cornelius (Wellington), Mrs P. Monro, Mrs Gane, Mrs Adams, Mr and Mrs A. Adams, Dr and Mrs Redman, Mr and Mrs G. Trolove, Miss Chaytor (Picton), Mr and Mrs M. Grace, Mrs B. Clouston, Mrs and Miss Noble-Adams, Mr and Mrs Nathan, Miss Stace, Misses Davis (2), Neville (3), Mr and Mrs P. M'Lean, Mrs and blisses Bell (3), blisses Gard, Mr and Mrs Wadworth, Miss N‘Nab, Mrs Churchward, Mrs Griffiths, Mrs A. J. Maclaine, Misses Horton (2), Mr and Mrs H. Horton, Mr and Mrs Bull, Mliss Redwood, and Mr end Mrs Freeth. The bride’s travelling dress was a bois de rose crepe de chine with a velvet hat to match. She wore a fox fur —a gift of tns bridegroom. The honeymoon will be spent in the North Island.

WELLINGTON, March 4. A large attended reception was held by Mrs Sprott, wife of the Bishop cf Wellington, on Tuesday afternoon at the Sydney street Hall, when the guest of honour was the Bishop of London, whose visit to Wellington has caused immense interest. The hall was beautifully’ decorated with hydrangeas, pink and white lilies, and manv vividly coloured asters, all intermingled with autumn foliage with excellent effect. The stage was carpeted and furnished, and many palms adorned ths hall as well. A string band played acceptable music, and afternoon tea was served under charge of Mrs Coleridge and Miss Campbell. His Excellency tire Governor-General was present, attended by Captain Wentworth. Mrs Snrott received the guests, wearing black lace over georgette, and a black hat up-turned with green. Among those present were Sir John and Lady Luke, Sir Frederick and Lady Chapman, Hons. F. J. Rolleston, J. A. Young, and R. A. Wrisht, Miss Downie Stewart, Mrs and Miss Hawker., Mr Justice Alpers and Mrs Alpers, Mr and Miss Harcourt, Mr and Mrs J. W. Henderson, Mrs Tripe, sen., Mrs and Miss Stowe, Mrs and Miss Powles, Mrs and Miss blestayer, Mr and Mrs H. D. Bennett, Hon. T. Shailer Weston and Mrs Weston, Dr A. Paterson, Dr Agnes Bennett, Mrs and Miss Dyer, Mrs W. J. Johnston, Mrs J. Joseph, Mrs R. Kennedy, Mrs W. J Blundell, Mrs C. H. Izard, Professor and Mrs Florance, Professor and Mrs RankineBrown, Professor and Mrs Sommerville, Mrs R. J. Seddon, Mrs J. Barton, blisses Haise, Medley, and I. Fraser, Mr and Mrs E. F. Hadfield, Mrs Macdonald, Colonel Campbell, Dr and Mrs Hardwick-Smith, Mrs Shand, Mr and Mrs Shirtcliffe, Mrs F. Hodson, Mrs W. H. Field, Archdeacon and Mrs Hansell, Archdeaoon and Mrs Johnson, and most of the clergy and their wives from the parishes of Wellington and suburbs. A well-patronised dance was held recently at Day’s Bay pavilion, organised by the Mayor and Mayoress of Eastbourne and the committee working for the Red Cross queen. The hall was decorated, and with excellent music and supper the function was bound to be a success. In addition to a large number of bay residents present, a large bus load came out from town, including Miss Doreen M'Cubbin, the queen, and a number of the maids of honour. Thesa had all a most enthusiastic reception, and later Mr M. H. Robinson, the chairman of their committee, thanked the Mayor and Mayoress as well as the people of the borough for the good support they always gave to any work for the Red Cross, and particularly to the quean committee Among those present were Captain Galloway, Captain and Mrs Sand, Mrs J. H. Isaacs, Mr‘ and Mrs D. R. Hoggard, and many of the well-known dancing public of the district. A. successful garden party was held at the residence of Captain and Mrs Chudlev at Seatoun, in aid of the funds cf the Navy League queen candidate (Miss Bevan), who will represent Britannia at the forthcoming ■pageant. The weather was perfect last Saturday, when the party was held, and the sruests had a t-horoughly enjoyable outing. There were games, including bowls, afternoon tea, and pleasant music from the Adelphi Cabaret band. Among those present were Sir Douglas M'Lean. Sir John Luke, Mr and Mrs James Findlay. Dr Valintine, Mesdames Hull, Marsh, Buddle, Hollis, Bevan, Beauchamp-Platts, Whyte, M'Eredy, and many others. Mrs Justice Owen has arrived in Wellington from Sydney, and will be the guest of her mother, Lady Chapman. Alpers has returned from a visit to Nelson and Blenheim. Mrs Caro, of Naoier, is the guest of Mrs George Tripe, Bolton - street. Mr and Mrs Costello, of Wairarapa, returned by the Manuka from a tour of E” r one and the East. Mrs Laurence Chayton, of Blenheim, the guest of her mother, Mrs H. M. Tripe.

Mrs Blair, of Heretaunga. and Miss L. Scott have left for a visit to Nelson. Mr and Mrs Gordon Short were among the passengers who returned by the Makura from overseas. Mrs Barnett is the guest of blrs Sheridan, Tinakori road. Mrs R, W. Tate is visiting tn the Wairarapa, and will be in Wellington shortly. Miss E. Drummond, of Wairarapa, is tho guest of blrs A. M. Johnson during the gaities of th e Royal visit. Mrs F. Hay is the guest of Mrs T. E. Y. Seddon, Greymouth. Mrs S. Eichelbaum has returned to town with her family from the country. Mrs David Aiken is visiting Hastings. Miss A. Bunny, of Lower Hutt, is the guest of Mrs A. Hatrick, Wanganui. Dr Mary Coutts has returned t-o Wellington from the South. A. very pleasant reception was given at the Wellington Lyceum Club on Thursday afternoon to Mrs J. G. Coates, a vice-warden of the club. The rooms had been charmingly decorated with blue hydrangeas, pink lilies, and brown birch by members of the house committee. The guest of honour was wearing a costume of beige laoe over ninon of the same shade, with touches of jade green, and a green hat. She was received by the president, Mrs J. C. Andersen, with some of the members of committee, including Meedames Smythe, Wylie, J. Aston (vice-presi-dent), J. J. Clark, Goodwin, Gill, and others. Tea was served by Mesdames Wylie, Oakley, S. Aston, and H. Lyon (lion, secretary). Mrs Coates snoke interestingly about some of the receptions she had attended when abroad, including a visit to the London Lyceum Club, and a luncheon given by the League of Empire. Some delightful music was given by Mrs Ray Brown (accomnanied by Mrs Treharne) and the Misses Henry, and a story poem by Mrs Reginald Fildes.

CARTERTON, March 4. The marriage took place at Trinity Methodist Church, Wellington, on Saturday of Maud Winifred Kenning and Mr B. S. B. Williams, fourth son of Mr and Mrs Arthur Williams, “ Hirmain,” Pownall street, Masterton. The Rev. A. N. Scotter, 8.A., was the officiating clergyman. Miss Muriel Kenning acted as bridesmaid, and wore a frock of pink floral georgette with a bouquet to tone. Mr Lloyd G. Williams was best man. A wedding of considerable interest to the residents of the district took place on Wednesday last week at Rangiora, North Canterbury, when Beatrice, eldest daughter of Mr Mark Barrell, one of the oldest and most respected residents of Eketahuna. was married to James P. Matheson, only surviving son of Mr and Mrs W. B. Matheson, of “ Tiratahi.” Rongomai. The marriage, which was after the manner of the Religious Society of Friends, took place at a meeting for worship which was held at the residence of Mrs Gerald Beattie, Ashley street, Rangiora, the sister of the bride. The bridesmaid was Miss Vera Barrell and Mr Tan Anderson, of Kurow, Central Otago, was the best man. The engagement is announced of Miss Dorothy Howard, of Birmingham. England, and Mr John Hirschberg, of Masterton.

The marriage took place at St. Mark’s Church. Wellington, last week of Miss Elsie Alice Munns, eldest daughter of Mrs L. Herbert, of Masterton, and the late Mr A. C. Herbert, of Pongaroa, and Valentine Herbert Heath, youngest son of the late Mr and Mrs J. H. R. Heath, Karaka Bay, Wellington. A quiet but pretty wedding was celebrated at St. Matthew’s Church, Masterton, on Monday, when Sophia, third daughter of Mr and Mrs E. D. Oakley, of Masterton, was married to Hubert Ivan, sou of Mrs and the late Mr Greaves, of Mangatainoka. The Rev. W. Bullock performed the marriage ceremony. Miss May Oakley acted as bridesmaid, and little Beryl Dickason flower girl. Mr Douglas Rutherford was best man, and Mr Syd. Greaves groomsman. The future home of the young couple will be at Petone. The wedding was solemnised recently at St. Cuthbert’s Church, Eketahuna, of Winifred, eldest daughter of Mrs E. E. Goodhue, of Eketahuna, and the late Mr W. F. Goodhue, formerly of Kawa Kawa, to Claud, youngest son of Mrs S. Mackay and the late Mr Samuel Mackay, Molesworth street, Wellington. The Rev. G. Watson officiated, and appropriate music was played by Mrs Bath. Miss Florence Goodhue, sister of the bride, attended as bridesmaid, and Mr Frank Bowering (Eketahuna) was best man. On February 10 a quiet wedding was celebrated by the Rev. J. Davie at the residence of the bride’s parents, Johnstone street, Masterton, when Eva. third daughter of Mr and Mrs R. T. Tankersley, was married to Walter Philip Cooke, of Nelson. Mr and Mrs Murray Jackson and Miss Jackson (Masterton) have left for a holiday motor tour of Taranaki. Mrs M. Murray, of Auckland, who has been staying with Mrs H. A. Cunningham, of Lansdowne, has gone on to Dunedin. Mrs Leslie Jago, of Napier, is visiting her sister, Mrs Hugh Perry, Masterton. Mr and Mrs A. Hollings, of Wellington, are the guests of Mrs Stanley M'Laren, Lansdowne.

Miss Margaret Bagshaw, Masterton, Is in Dunedin on holiday. Miss Fiona Taylor, of Masterton, is visiting Wellington. Miss Nester Saunders, of Solway, is spending a few days at Levin. Captain and Mrs J. R. Bird, of Lower Valley, are spending a holiday at the French Pass. Mrs R. M. Low, Alfredton, is on a visit to Auckland. Miss K. Morrison, of Masterton, is visiting Wanganui. Mrs David Caselberg is in Auckland on holiday. Miss Una Janies has returned to Masterton from a holiday in Wellington. Mrs James Andrew, of lea, is the guest of Mrs Betts, of Nelson. Mrs Lewis and Miss May Lewis have returned to Masterton from Wellington. Mrs Geoff Rawson is the guest of Miss Morrison. Lansdowne. Miss N. Cooper, of Wellington, is staying with Mrs A. R. Bunny, Masterton. Mrs T. B. Crump, who has been the guest of Mrs Harley Donald, has returned to Eltham. Mrs Archer Hosking. of Masterton, left for Sydney on Friday, en route to England. Miss Nina Boddington has returned home after an extended visit to Auckland.

Mrs A. S. C. Robertson, who has been visiting Dunedin, has returned home.

Mrs Calder, o£ Wanganui, is staying with her daughter, Mrs Haise, Lansdowne. Mrs Gray, of Pongaroa, is the guest of Mrs Robertson, Masterton. Mr and Mrs J. W. Perry and their son left Masterton on Friday on a visit to England. Miss Jessie M’Laren has returned from Lyall Bay. Mrs and Miss Wesney returned to Wellington on Thursday after spending some weeks in Masterton. Miss Rita Saunders, of Palmerston North, is visiting Mastertoir, and is staying witli her cousins, the Misses Saunders, Fleet street.

FEILDING, March 3. Misses O’Halloran and Brown had a very pleasant little bridge party during the week. Those present were: Mesdames Evans, Parkes, Phillips, Weaver, Connell, Tingey, Misses Pearpoint and Moncrieff. Miss Hanger was hostess at a bridge party. Those present were : Mesdames Fair, Phillips, Kingston, Tingey, Brewer, Little, Sandford, and others. Mrs Woollams is visiting her daughter, Mrs Oliver Waymouth v Christchurch. Miss O’Halloran and Miss Brown are visiting Wellington. Mrs W. Shannon is spending a few days in Wellington. Mrs Duffy, Auckland, has been the guest of Mr and Mrs Len Gllsen. Miss Kitty Buchanan is visiting New Plymouth. Mrs W. H. Webb, who resides with her daughter, Mrs G. H. Foote, of Feilding, celebrated her 102nd birthday on March 2, entertaining her friends and relations at afternoon tea. Considering her years Mrs Webb is still most active, and is in possession -of all her faculties. She can see and hear and converse quite freely. Mrs Webb is still able to rise every morning, and continues on the move until nightfall. Retaining a keen sense of humour, she can relate many happy little incidents of her life. Her memory is splendid, and she recalls accurately many important events, even remembering the coronation of Queen Victoria, when she was 12 years old.

PALMERSTON NORTH, March 4. Miss Ruth Putnam sailed to-day for a trip to Australia. Miss Chapman, of Wellington, is the guest of Mrs S. V. Trask. Miss Beatrix Loughnan is spending a few days in Wellington. The Misses M’Hardy gave a small dance this week at their home, “Tiritea.” Amongst those present weits Misses N. and G. M’Hardy, B. and M. Williams, R. Putnam, M. Gbldingham, M. Guy, N. Moore, M. Sim, S. Macdonald, and B. Johnston, and Messrs J. Johnston, K. Guy, D. M’Hardy, J. D’Oily, C. Moore, 11. Retie, S. Goldingham, and S. Gibbons. Miss Barbara Griffiths, of Blenheim, is the guest of Mrs Grant Sim. Mrs J. T. Bosworth has returned from Eltham.

' HAWKE’S BAY, March 4. A fashionable wedding ’ of considerable Hawke's Bay interest took place at~ St. John’s Church, Feilding, when Dorothy Beatrice, elder daughter of Mr and Mrs R. Levin, of “Westrella,” Feilding, was married to Neil M’Lean, second' son of Mr and Mrs

IT. M. Campbell, “Horonui,” Powkawa. Tils service was choral, and was conducted by the Rev. Canon Petrie. Miss Sally Russell (Hastings), Miss B. Loughnan (Palmerston North), Miss E. Lloyd (Auckland), Miss Paddy Levin (sister of the bride) and Miss Mary Campbell (sister of the bridegroom) were the bridesmaids. Mr H. R. Campbell, brother o£ the bridegroom, as best man, and Mr W. R. Levin and Mr Donald Campbel) the groomsmen. Mr and Mrs Campbell leave for England this month on their honeymoon tour. Mrs S Johnston, “Oruawharc,” Takapau, has been on a visit to Palmerston North. Mrs Klemick, who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs T. G. Prescott, Takapau, has returned to her home in Wellington. Mrs Jack Hobson, of Hatuma, has gone to Auckland to farewell her daughter, who is leaving for Fiji. The Rev. F. J. Parker and Mrs Parker were tendered a farewell social prior to their departure for Auckland, where they will in future reside. Sister Davis Goffe, who has been 0:1 a holiday visit to Waipukurau, lias returned to G isborne. Miss Fleming, of Wellington, who has been on an extended holiday visiting her sister, Mrs A. E. Hunt, Takapau, has returned home. Miss Joyce Paulsen, of Takapau, who has been completing her studies iir England, is returning home this month. Mrs Douglas Lane and her sister, Miss T Wright, have left on a holiday trip to Melbourne. Miss Ottway, of Auckland, is staying with her sister, Mrs Ken Richardson, Taunanui. Mrs Fowler, of Hastings, is- at present the guest of Mrs C. H. Cato, Wainui Beach, Gisborne. Mrs C. C. Callendar, of Takapau, is visiting Christchurch. Mr and Mrs O’Meara, of Hastings, have gone on a holiday’ trip to the Bay of Islands. Mrs Borlane, of Napier, who has been on a visit to Mrs Sanderson, Glenross, has returned home. Mrs A. Wallis, of Gisborne, has been the guest of her sister, Mrs Barcroft, at her beach house, Te Awanga. Miss E. Horton, Hawke's Bay, is on a holiday visit to Gisborne. Mrs H. E. Maud, of Gisborne, is visiting friends in Hawke’s Bay. Mrs C. Woon, of Wanganui, is on a visit to Waipawa. Mr and Mrs W. Hales, of Waipukurau, have left on an extended holiday for Australia. Mrs O. A. Jones, of Wairoa, is at present visiting Wellington. Mt and Mrs Geo. Rand have left Hastings on a holiday visit to the Old Country. Mrs T. Groome, of Waipukurau, has been visiting Woodville. Mr and Mrs M’Clurg, of Napier, leave by the Aorangi from Auckland on a tour of America, England, and the Continent. Miss Phillips, of Wellington, is the guest of Miss Vigor Brown, Westshdre, Napier, . Miss J. Branson, of Napier, is at present Visiting Wairoa.

‘ HAMILTON, March 2. The Hamilton ‘ croquet tournament - v - =: well attended, and - the trophies were pre-

sented by Mr H. H. Howdon at the lawns on Saturday. Those present were :—Mesdames J. Horton, T. Platt, P. E. Stevens. E. M. Masters, L. Totman, T. Dillicar, L. Sheppard, Lucas, M r . J. Stevens, Blythe, York, Johnson, Coombes, Adam, Powell, Ewen, Hutchinson, Murchie, Belgrave, Evans, O'Brien, Higgins, Lauric. Potter, J. Murray, M’Ewan, Nealie, Osborne, and A. Joll. A most enjoyable time was spent at tennis on Saturday at the home of Mr and Mrs Strawbridge, Hora Hora, Cambridge. The winning pair in the Yankee tournament were Mrs F. Day and Mr L. Mason. Those present were: Mr and Mrs Armer, Mr and Mrs E. Nickle, Mr and Mrs C. Peake, Mr and Mrs F. Day, Mr and Mrs E. J. Peake, Mr and Mrs F. Adams, Mr and Mrs La Trobe, Mr and Mrs Griffin, Mrs Budge, Misses J. Strawbridge, M. Purchcll, R. Osborne, N. Worthing, F. Strawbridge, and A. Osborne. A “ china ” afternoon was given for Miss Clare Oates at Mrs Neil Reid’s on Friday afternoon. The bride-elect received some beautiful pieces of china. Those present were: Mesdames R. Thomas, S. Reid, R. Gillard. M’Callum, and M’Gregor, Misses Oates, D. Vowless, D. Vickers, N. Coop, E. Walker, T. Torrens, H. Ryburn, M’Pherson, F. Reid, R. Saunders, Stringer, D. Reid, and M. Ryburn. An enjoyable bridge evening party was held at the home of Mrs G. G. Taylor, Cambridge, on Wednesday. The function was a farewell to Mrs Boston Couper and Mrs H. Lewis. Glorious zinnias in the new shades were used for decorating the drawing room. Those present were: Mesdames Jennins, E. E. Roberts, N. Banks, Rowland, A. H. Niccol, ' and D. Lundon, Misses J. Couper, Gwynneth, A. Cox, M. Christophers, Jackson, Brann, Cook, and S. Brann.

WANGANUI, March 4. Mr and Mrs Hope Gibbons (Mayor and Mayoress of Wanganui) have accepted an invitation to attend the opening of the Truby King Karitane Hospital in Wellington by the Duke and Duchess next Monday. Madame Ivo Symes and Miss Doris Symes have returned from Wellington, where they were the guests of Mrs Coventry, Kelburn. Miss Edith Ellis, of Christchurch, and formerly of Wanganui, spetji the week-end in Wanganui, cn route for Hawera. Mrs Ancerson returned to Wanganui this week after a holiday spent in Christchurch. Miss Mary Mansen, of Greymouth, is at present visiting Wanganui. Mrs John Macleay, sen., was hostess at a ’’ linen ” afternoon given last week in honour of Miss Lexie Macleay, Turakina, who is shortly to be married. Miss L. Lillburn, St. John’s Hill, left this week for Napier, where she will attend the wedding of Miss Kelly. Mrs C. L. Duigan and Miss Harper motored to the country this week to visit Mrs Ray Scott. Mrs W. L. Burgess is at present visiting Rotorua. Mr and Mrs Edward Parsons and family, of Waitotara, left last week for an extended holiday to be spent in England. Mr and Mrs D. Lethbridge, of Waipukurau, passed through Wanganui this week en route for Rotorua. Mrs Collins was hostess at a ’ delightful bridge evening last Tuesday. % Mrs Alan Good and Miss Katherine Good left last week for India: The many friends of Mr and Mrs R. Collins, formerly of Wanganui,' now of Hobson street,' Wellington, will be inter-

ested to hear of the engagement of their only daughter, Eileen, to William Westbroke, eldest son of Mr and Mrs W. W. Squires, Nelson." Mrs H. Lewis was hostess last Thursday at a tennis party given in honour of Miss Jean Cameron, Marangal, who was married this week. Mrs J. B. Bradley, of Auckland, is the guest of Mrs Swan, sen., Gonville. Great interest was attached to a wedding' r^i‘i C ? • t t ° ok o ? lace at the Wanganui BoyiF Collegiate School Chapel last Tuesday, the bride and bridegroom belonging to two ‘ Wan S anui families. The bride aS xT MiSS Cameron, youngest daughter of Mr and Mrs A. Cameron, “ Marangai,” Wanganui, and the bridegroom, Noel Heathw A D 7^A Cy ’ se ? oad son of Mr and Mrs W. A. D Arcy, of Wanganui. The ceremonv was performed by the Rev. C. F Pierce he °J’ l he Collegiate School, and cha P el had been beautifully decorated age th The CC h S m° n Wlth h y dra ngeas and foliage. me bride was gowned in a frock nf georgette and silver lace over sßver lame if a ' n of - ivory g eor sette and silver veil Her h hoi' Plnl F a " d She Wore a tulle ven. Her bouquet was of pale pink and were™ four 8 ’ 'hZ mai ? anha ir fern. There were four bridesmaids— Miss Camnrnn (chief), whose frock was of white floral taffetas, with .tight bodice and full skirt Show a frll,ed lace and ribbon Face hat’ Sr iin« sh ° es ’,J nd a green guipure mce nat, Miss Pauline Christie Ctriin wkh e a’brnd ar of S fl Pale blue floral taffatas MiVi a o a nd of flowers around her head • M...s Marshall, in lemon floral taffetas in and S Mu e c S f yle i’i With lemon shoes and hat; and Miss Inglis, garbed in floral taffetas t™" match* 16 Zu 6 Styl ?’ , With shoea and h" 12 nla Y. 11 • A, l carried Victorian posies The bridegroom was attended by Mr F O a - i, K s “-ss Th» Z-Z hc ! me of the bride, “Marangai” fi-Z brlt J e al } d bridegroom left by car, the Ztn travelling in a model coat of winere<! J' eI ? ur ’ cut w ith the -new p" UC h vHne velour hat and S6t S ' eeVeS ’ and a

Wifi ti i j AUCKLAND, March 3. With the departure of their Royal Hio-li-nesses the Duke and Duchess of York studied slackness and dullness seem to have settled upon our city. Never before has Auckland lost its heart so quickly, and so completely, to any guest who has come to our shores as it did to her Royal Highness the Duchess of York, who, with her sunny smile qnd charm of manner, fascinated the many thousands upon thousands who were ready with a welcome. H.M.S. Renown was en fete last Tuesday afternoon when the Captain and, officers en.ertained a large number of guests. Lines of were strung from bow to stern; on the quarter-deck palms and pot plants were massed at intervals, and a fountain placed from the midst of a plot of feathery ferns and flowering plants. Dancing to music from the ship’s orchestra was also enjoyed on the Quarter-deck. Tea was served from long tables decorated with flowers and palms. Among those present were Lady Lockhart, Mrs Swabey, Mrs Bradlev, Mrs H O. Nolan and Miss Nolan, Mrs' Campbell, Mrs Clutha Mackenzie, Mrs J. M Carpenter, Mrs and th c Misses Vaile (2), Mrs J. B. Macfarlane and Miss Macfarlane, Mis and Miss Rathbone, Mrs Mervyn Reed, Mrs F. Waller and Miss Waller, Mrs and Miss Brigham, Mrs and Miss M. Kissling, Mrs Holderness, Mrs A. M. Ferguson, Mrs C. Buddle, Miss Fullerton, Miss Hunt, and Miss Boyle, etc. Mrs A. V. M’Donald, daughter of Sir Thomas Mackenzie, is returning from England with her father by the Tamaroa, which is due in Auckland on Saturday. While in Auckland, Mrs M’Donald will stay with Mr and Mrs Clutha Mackenzie in Parnell. Lady Richardson, wife of Sir George Richardson, Administrator of Western Samoa, accompanied by her son and daughter, are at present in Auckland. Lady Richardson will not return to Samoa until May. Mrs Hoare, who has been the guest of her sister, Mrs G. Stephenson, New Plymouth, has returned to Auckland. Sir Robert and Lady Stout, who have been staying at Cargen for the past three weeks, are returning to Wellington on Saturday.

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Otago Witness, Issue 3808, 8 March 1927, Page 63

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THE LADIES PAGE Otago Witness, Issue 3808, 8 March 1927, Page 63

THE LADIES PAGE Otago Witness, Issue 3808, 8 March 1927, Page 63