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Fanciers and breeders of dogs are cordially to* Fited to contribute to this column. “Terror” will tndeavour to make this department as i*»terestiag and up-to-date as possible, but in order to do this be mast have the co-operation o( his readers, hence he '(rusts this invitation will be cheerfully tesponded to. —Scotch Terrier.—Dogs of this breed are few and far between in this part of New Zealand, but I happen to know of one (a dog 12 months old), which is at present in charge of Mr Edward Webster, 62 Ileriot Row. It is a very attractive little dog, and is, I understand, to be sold. Dr M'Killop, of Seacliff, who has just returned from England, has imported a team cf cockers of grand quality, and it is predicted that they will make history here. Particulars are as follows: —(1) Fulmer Dan, black dog, first prize at C'rupts Kennel Club, Essex, Bristol, Cambridge, Crystal Palace, etc. (2) Fulmer Twilight, black bitch puppy, unshown, full sister to Fulmer Roie, the field trial winner. (3) Felbrigg Joe, black dog puppy, by Felbrigg Beau (now’ renamed Lile Beau Brummel, the sensational Manchester winner). (4) Toiler of Waro (winner at Scotland only time shown), black and white, full brother to Torment cf Ware, who has won every field trial she entered for, also a well-known show dog. (5) Fifinella of Ware, blue roan bitch, by Bsrty’s Choice of Ware ex Brockland Brindle, full sister to Ruler, the well-known stud and show dog. (6) Garth of Garllibeg, a well-bred working collie. A couple of well-bred Airedale bitches are to be shipped north from Mr J. Doe’s kennels, Invercargill, to Miss Ilueston, of Gisborne—viz., Hobson Tui. a good brood bitch, whose sire is Wairiki Wallaby—Hobson Beauty; and a young bitch by eh. Shirlev Mac —Princess Patricia, mated before leaving to Briar Result, who is by ch. Master Briar —Dady Haldane. These should prove good from a breeding point. Mr S. Dunne, of Dunedin, has purchased from Mr J. Doe a young orange sable miniature Pomeranian bitch, who "is

by Itbica Simstar—lthica Biddy. The pedi gree contains Orange breeding right through. Miss Dunlop, who has recently taken up Poms., has sent her pet on a visit to Mr J. Dee's Kabymcre Sable Bossie, a three pounder, who claims as his sire ch, Sunkist Uollewog—Sunkist Kcnvpie. —“R. W.”—To get rid ol or prevent the round worm in dogs you cannot do better than follow the advice of Mr C. J. Davies, who i: a well-known and respected authority. He says: "As a preventative of round worm in puppies it is well as a matter of routine to give a dose of santonin when they reach the age of four to live weeks, and again every month until they are four months old. even if the presence of worms is not suspected. It does the puppies no harm, and may disturb the nucleus of a colony oi parasites.” —Mr W. Beilby, the well-known Australian dog enthusiast and writer, is reported to have retired from hi.s official position in the Bank of \ ictona in Melbourne, and is now on a rich holding, which ne has purchased at Leongatluu Mr Benny has imported many high-class fox terriers from leading English breeders, the last Having been the successful sire Octavius. -'lr Beilby is taking on sheep-breeding and at the recent Leongatha show guinea championship honours in the Romney Marsti section. . .... —To maintain cr attain snow condition in a ‘.log exercise is as important as I°°' • Don-s intended for the show bench should be fed regularly and exercised regularly. A dog’s coat should always be in show condition; regular and not spasmodic groom ing is what is wanted. . . , A leadin''- fancier and dog judge m the Old Country 0 says: "1 have always maoc it a practice to allot a definite amount ol time each day for the dogs’ coats alone, and I have never neglected this wlietnei th clogs are wanted lor show or not. -A dog needs only one feed per (bj, but it should be wholesome and satisfying. Dogs fed too often lose their alertness ana soon fail in condition.. Water should bo available whenever it is requited. the kennel clean and dry, and feed a 1 exercise as advised aco-ve, and, barring in fection, any dog will "be a cred.t to us °-T‘ Pekingese, says a Home breeder, should be short in the back, lot. on the leg heavy of bone, front legs correct Iv bowed gilt rolling, hind legs sound and clo=e together, body lion-shaped, plume earned proudly over the back, eyes large and lustrous, head flat between the eat , iaw and muzzle square and strong, lips even teeth slightly undershot, nose there, but ’in length nothing, coat thick, undti and top, but not curly, carriage feailess and lU i a irish Terriers. —Mr Theodore Harpies, F.Z.S., says that Irish-terners often nave horny feet" and in preparing them for the show! there is nothing better than olive oii constantly applied; also occasionally allowing them to stand in a vessel containing a strong solution of alum and water of sufficient depth to cover the p<ms only, for a couple cf hours at a time. —lt is essential, in dieting a bitch which is in pup, to give her generous and nutritious food, otherwise she and her young must suffer. Manifestly her requirements in the way of structure-building materials are much greater now than when sue had to meet merely the wear and tear on her own body, and as she finds these in very considerable amount and convenient state ir» animal substances only, assuredly must have more of them in proportion than when not in pup. In considering the use of meat for a bitch m pup. the matter of preparation is of great importance. Boiling is the common method of cooking, and against it nothing can be said if the water —broth—used in the operation, is feci out with the meat, for then the most of the virtues of the food will have been saved, and specially certain salts,. extracted by the water during cooking, which the mother must have to pass on to her puppies. Scientific experiments have proved that these salts are indispensable to . healthy osseous growth in the pups. If the bitch does not get them in her food, her own system is drained of lime, etc., to provide the needs of her young. Naturally this means a short supply, resulting in feeble, rickety pups and a mother in low condition and consequently lacking in milk for her young.


THE NORTH ISLAND BODY. DANNEYIRKE, June 7. At Tie annual meeting of the North Island - Sheep Dog Trials Association 23 delegates of affiliated clubs were present. "The election of officers resulted as follows: —Patron, Mr R. D. D. M‘Lcan (Hawke’s Bay) ; president, Mr D. L. Blythe (Wanganui). All the old vice-presidents were reelected, also Messrs J. M‘Hardy (Materoa). W. H. Sprowell tTakanV, P.-H. Sommerfield (Wairoa), E. R. Finlayson (Paparoa) B. 11. Norman (Kumoroa), and J. M‘L. Harvey (Waitahora); hon. treasurer, Mr W. 11. Gaisford (Dannevirke); secretary, Mr W. Cuthbertson (Takapau). Mr A. M Glashan of Kereru, was appointed judge of next year’s trials, which will be held at Wanganui, and the following year at Gisborne. An executive was appointed as follows: Messrs H. Sloane (North Auckland), T. Muir (Main Trunk), A. T. Hunter (Wanganui), W. H. Gaisford (Dannevirke), W. M'Fariane (Central Hawke’s Bay). W. Whvte (Gisborne), and J. R. Corrigan, M.P. (Pctea). The new scheme for the grouping cf clubs was approved, and a vote of thanks passed to the Dannevirke Club for the admirable manner in which it had conducted the championships meeting. NORTH ISLAND CHAMPIONSHIPS. DANNEVIRKE, June 8. The North Island sheep dog championships meeting is still proceeding. The second event, the Championship' Short Head and Yarding Competition, was concluded this afternoon, and resulted as follows: 0. Dunlop’s (Wanganui] Lad, 56 points... 1 T. Leahy’s (Hawera) Spark, 55 2 O. MTntyre's (Mangatuka) Chief, 54 3 L. B. Green’s (Ashhurst) Boss. 53 4 The Championship Huntaway not comply ed. During the day a presentation was made to Mr A. C. Morton, the retiring chairman of the executive, after many years’ service, several speakers paying testimony to the splendid services rendered in fathering the association. CH A MIT ONSII IPS ASSOCIATION. Hie meeting of delegates from collie dog clubs in South Otago, called for the purpose of resuscitating the annual championships, which had been held in abeyance since the

outbreak of war, was attended by Messrs A. Scott and J. P. Walls (Taieri), John Anderson (Marama), A. Matheson and R. Leslie (Strath Taieri), Murray (Waihemo), D. Ross (Palmerston), Scott (Gore), J. B. Purdue (Nightcaps), ivPDonaid (Garston), and (by proxy; A. Scott (Clutha). Mr A. Scott was re-elected president, and Mr Walls re-elected as secretary. It was decided, after an hour’s conversational discussion—(l) that the championships bo restarted in 1924. and conducted on the same lines as the last, cue held in 1916: (2) tnat the subscription from clubs be as before (£2 2s per year); (3) that two-thirds of the total subscriptions be handed to the club holding the championship; (4) that a meeting be held in November at the Summer Show time to arrange details of the championship events, and that to this meeting all the clubs in Otago b:> asked to send a. delegate, and to become affiliated with the association; (5) that those present form a committee to hold office til! the November meeting; (6) that at this meeting steps be taken to include ail clubs in the South Island ; (7) and that a draft copy of proposed rules bo sent to each affiliated club for its consideration prior to the November meeting. A vote cf thanks was passed to Mr Walls for having cailod the delegates together with a view to renewing the championship trials, and to Mr Scott for presiding. The balance sheet presented showed funds in hand to be about £25. TAIERI COLLIE CLUB. Ihe second day cf the fifteenth annual trims oc the Taieri Co-he Club, held on Friday, was. most, successful. There was a large attendance of spectators, who witnessed some splendid work by the dogs. Ihe Maiden Heading event drew 16 entries and resulted: Mr F. Harris’s (Nightcaps) Storm (231 points) 4 Mr J. S. Gow’s (Mosgiei) Sneed (954 Poiids) ' 2 Mr A. Scott’s (Burnside) Tweed (24£points) 3 Mr A M'Millan’s (Pukerangi) (23 points) 4 LOCAL.—N ine entries. Mr J. S. Gow’s (Mosgiei) Speed (25^points) i Mr J. Imrie’s (Mosgiei) Star, Mr M. Reid’s (Wocdsme) Fly, Mr L. M‘Lean’s (North Taieri) Glen (19 points) 2 Mr M‘ Reid’s (Woodside) (18 points) 3 Mr A. Gibson’s (North Taieri) Roy (15 points) ... 4 MAIDEN HUNTAWAY.—I2 entries. Mr W. G. Reid’s (Woodside) Roy (30 points) , ... 4 Mr J. Trotter’s (Kurow) Tip (29 points) 2 Mr A. Scott’s (Burnside) Jock (24 points) 3 Mr J. S. Gow’s (Mosgiei) Don (23 points) 4 DRIVING AND YARDING COMPETITION. 25 entries. Mr A. T. Miller’s (Otautau) Foil (291, points) x Mr R. Anderson’s (Kauana) Wyllie (23£ points) 2 Mr J. Trotter’s (Kurow) Mons (28 points) 3 Mr D. Morgan’s (Tc Houka) Rcss (26 points) 4 Mr R. Downio’s (Balchitha) Bob (24 Points) ’... 5 Twenty-five entries were made in the All-comers’ Heading event, and five of these were run off before dark. sheep-guessing competition, held on Thursday, resulted as follows:—Messrs R. Anderson, John Scott (Glenhani), J. Doherty (Outrani) guessed the correct gross weight (73|lb). Mr Peter Boyd presented two sheep for this competition. A pleasant ceremony took place during the afternoon. Mr Peter Boyd, who had presented the sheep for the use of the trials, was handed a gift from the club of a suitaoly-inscribed walking stick. The prescient, (Mr Gow) handed over the present after thanking Mr Boyd for his many kindnesses. The assemblage sang ‘‘For Tie’s a Jolly Good Fellow,” and Mr Boyd suitably acknowledged the gift. Concluding Day.— The third and concluding day of the fifteenth annual trials of the Taieri Collie Club was held on Saturday on Mr Gilbert’s grounds at Mosgiei. The weather was ideal, and excellent work was shown by practically every dog entered. In some cases it was a difficult matter for the judge to make a decision. In the Open Huntaway every do-g yarded but two. An old competitor said it was tbo best exhibition lie had seen for the past -10 years. Equally good work was put in in the Open Huntaway. The committee worked well, and left nothing undone that would help to make Inc events successful. Mr I. G. Burnet was an obliging and courteous secretary, and the success of the trials was in a largo measure due to his exertions. ALL-COMERS, head, pull, hold in the ring, and yard. Twenty-eight entries. Mr F. Harris’s (Nightcaps) Storm, 36J points I l Mr R. Anderson’s (Ivuana) Wylie, 36 points 2 Mr E. Anderson and Mr A. Henderson (Windsor), equal. 331 points 3 Mr G. Maze (Kakapuaka) 4 Mr J. Trotter (Kurow), 33 points . .. 5 Mr A. T. Miller (Otautau), 32 points .... 6 Mr J. B. Purdue (Nightcaps), 31 points .. 7 Mr J. Trotter (Kurow), 29J points .. .. 8 OPEN HUNTAWAY, slew between three sets of flags. Nineteen entries. Mr A. Chartres’s (Mossburn) Baldy, 30 4Doints 1 Mr F. Harris’s (Nightcaps) Kuri, 29J points 2 Mr J. S. Gow’s (Mosgiei) Don, 29 points 3 Mr J. Watt’s (Warepa) Ben, 28 points .. 4 Mr W. J. lieid’s (Woodside) Glen, 27J Xioints 5 Mr A. Henderson's (Windsor) Jim, 27 ’mints (? Mr W. J. Reid’s (Woodside) Roy, 27 points 7 SPECIAL PRIZES. Special prize of £2 2s, for local dog making the best head at th© trials.—Mr J. S. Gow. Mr J. Irvine’s special prize of £2 2s, for dog making best cast in the maiden heading. Mr F. Harris (Nightcaps). Mr W. Sniellie’s special prize of £2 2s for dog that ran out straightest and took the best cast when sheep were sighted.—Mr F. Harris (Nightcaps). Mr A. P. Gibson’s Cup, value £5 ss, to the winner of the, All-comers, to b© won twice, not necessarily in succession.—l92o, Mr F. Golightly; 1921, Mr J. B. Purdue; 1822, Mr G. Maze; 1923. Mr F. Harris (Nightcaps).’ Mr A. Riach’s special prize of £2 2s, for tho youngest competitor.—A. P. Gibson,’jun. (North Taieri). Mr J. S. Gow’s special 4irize of £2 2s, to winner of Open Huntaway.—Mr A. Chartres (Mossburn). COMPETITIONS. Friday’s sheep-guessing competition was won by Mr E. W. Trotter (Kurow). Dressed weight, 721 b. Saturday’s sheep-guesing competition was won by Mr R. Downie (Balclutha). Live weight, 971 b,

At the close of the trials the president (Mr J. S. Gow) thanked the- competitors and the judge (Mr James Menzics, Koslvnj. Tho committee cheered the competitors, and tho latter returned the compliment. Mr Menzies replied on behalf of tire competitors and hinir CLUTHA SHEEP DOG TRIALS nineteenth annual trials of tho < India fclieep Dog Club, bold in Mr D. Murray s paddock at Rosobank, Ralolutha, on -Monday, iuesday. and Wednesday, attracted excellent entries, competitors coming from points as far apart as Nightcaps, in Southland, and Windsor, in North Otago Mr John Anderson, oi' Kurow. made a very satisfactory judge, and Mr P. A. an efficient secretary. Results were : . MAIDEN. U r A - Anderson’s Tiny Moon. 32 point 1 Mi 1. Harris s Storm, 31 points ... . 2 vT * £ erkms ’s Faiice. 33 points ... 3 Mr A. Houston’s Fan, 28 4ioints ... . 4 Also competed: I). .Fletcher’s Laddie and t» * V ’,a ‘ H azos Glen, M. Fletcher’s Scot, r A Vn £ S Jed and Gob, N. Morgan’s J-uss, A. K Kennedy’s Jack, J. S. Smith’s ■ nip and Lrandy, F. Cooper’s Chip, G. P. Johnstons Wylie, J. Wood’s Digger, IL Anderson s Darkle, J. MLcod’s Toy. ALLCOMERS. aze ’ s Tui, 37 points 1 \t r u' V '! illie: s T°'i, 26 points ... 2 a, t ’ , Alldorsou ’ s Moss, 35 points .. 3 -Mr J. Burrs Sporragle, 34 point* 4 Also completed: P. A. Watt’s Done A Konueay s Jack, J. Waddell’s Trim’ It. I townie’s Gyp and Bob. G. Mare’s Glen’ G Fletcher’s Toy and Laddie. A. Iloulston’s lan, D. Morgans Jute. Ross and Tweed Junior, C. Donald's Don. J. S. Smith’s Hiup, G. Perkins’s Fance and Gyp. A. Henderson's Tiny Moon, F. Harris's Storm, ;'V' ,* • s Gin go, G. P. Johnston’s Wylie and W avo, R. Anderson's Bruce and VVu-y, J. P. Purdue’s Sweep, H. Anderson's Darme and Tweed, J. Donald s Mac. HUNTAWAY. Nil- A. T. Miller’s Snub, 33 points ... 1 Mr A. Charters’s Baldy, 32 points ... 2 M l ' y • -A Taylor’s Roy, 31 points ... + Air J. Walts Ben, 31 points f Also competed: J. Burr’s Hoodlum and Dodger. A. Henderson’s Jim and Dick F Harris’s Kuri and Sharp, F. Watt’s ’Fly and Toss, J. Waddell’s Reek. P. A. Watt’s Bob, J. Donald’s Glen and Toss. D Morgan's Nigger, R. Downie’s Jack and Dick, H. Anderson’s Joe and Tweed R. Rooney’s Ned, A. Kennedy’s Jock. YARDING AND DRIVING. Mr R. Anderson’s W iry, 29 points ... 1 Air G. Johnston’s Waive, £3 points ... 2 Mr D. Morgan’s Tweed, 27 4->oiiits ... 3 Also competed: G. P. Johnston’s Wylie, D. Morgan’s Jute and Ross, A. Ilouliston’g Tan, 11. Downie’s Gyp, Jed. and Bob J. Donald’s Mac, C. Donald’s Don, J. B. Purdue s Sweep, A. T. Miller’s Dingo and Foil, R. Anderson’s Moss, Wiry, and Bruce, W. Waddell’s Trim, A. Henderson’s Tiny Moon, A. K. Kennedy’s Jock, G. Maze’s Tui and Glen. SPECIAL PRIZES. Silver cup, value £lO 10s. presented by T. Thompson, Esq., Balclutha, to winner of All-comers’ event, to be won twice in succession or three times at intervals, 19221. Miller, Cufdeu. 192 o: G. Aiaze’s Tui. Mr D. Morgan (To Houka) donated £2 2s for two dogs (one header and one huntaway) scoring most points in Ait-coiners’ and Huntaway: A. T. Miller’s Dingo and Snub, 33 points. Silver cup, value £lO 10s, presented by Mrs P. Boyd (Lovell’s Flat), to local competitor gaining most points throughout tho trials, to be won twicx in succession or three times at intervals. Present holder, Mr D. Morgan (l'e Houka. 1923: R. Downie, 151 points; D. Morgan, 144 points. Special of £1 Is to oldest competitor: G. Perkins. Special of £1 Is to youngest competitor: Noel Morgan. On Tuesday evening the judge and visiting competitors wore entertained at a smoke concert in the Dalton Hall. DANNEVIRKE, Juno 9. The North Island sheep dog trials were concluded this morning for the Championship Huntaway.—T. Leahy’s (Wanganui) Clyde. 43 points. 1 : K. Thom’s (Havelock North) Tip, 41 points, 2; C. W. Mirfin's (Otorchanga) Tyke, 4 J 4>oints, 3. 'I here were 37 entries.

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Otago Witness, Issue 3613, 12 June 1923, Page 47

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THE KENNEL. Otago Witness, Issue 3613, 12 June 1923, Page 47

THE KENNEL. Otago Witness, Issue 3613, 12 June 1923, Page 47