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AUCKLAND, February 27. At the conclusion of arrangements lot next year's supply of sugar for the dominion it was announced by the Prima Minister to-day that an agreement has been arranged with the Colonial Sugar Company, which has not yet been signed, how- : ever. The terms of ,the arrangement ensure asupplV of sugar for New Zealand for 13 months, from June SO. This was the dati to which the previous agreement, which had been due to expire on March 31, had been extended. < A

OAMARU MARKET 3. (Fbom Oue Own Cchskesfondent.) OAM4JEHJ, February 28. In the stock the week -was a quiet one. There- wew practically no ealej of fat sheep. Sales of stovea consisted chiefly of rape lambs, for which a slightly increased demand was prices ranging from 18s to 235, including a nice line of 1000 at 22s 6d. A forward liju of big full and failing-mouth ewes fit for -mpe changed hands at 255, and a line of 250 sound-mouth ewes, new quite so forward, were bought at 235, ■while full-mouth ewes, not so good, sold at 16s 6d. Four and six-troth breeding ewes ■were sold at from ■ 30s to 32a, a line of four-tooth breeding ewes at ffiis. There were few sales of fat cattle. Bullocks in prime condition were sold ai £lB, and cows brought from £l2 to £l3. Fo; cattle prices were obtained! as follow:- -Tvro-year-old bullocks, £10; 15 to 18-months-old steers, £5 to £6; yearlings, £3 to £4; calves, 25s to 30s. There is a good demand for dairy cattla, prices having been obtained from £ls to £l6 for nice animals, to £lB for extra quality. Two-year-old heifers, spring- ealvers, sold at from £5 to £6. SOUTHLAND MARKETS.. (Faov Oue Own Cop.m'.SPONDEWT.J IiSTiffi'ICARGILL, February 23. Tho stock market remains practically unchanged. The weather keeps dry, and very little is doing in all classes of store stock, and until the rain comes we cannot look for any improvement. Even when the rain does com s it cannot do much good, as the season is far too advanced. In the fat stock ' sections also the market is fairly quiet owing to freezing buyers having difficulty in getting space, and this also affects the store market It is, however, hoped that more space will be available shortly. The stock sales held in the different centres during the past week have attracted only small yardings, otherwise the market might have weakened further. Prices may be quoted: Fat Cattle: Prime ox beef, 50s; heifer, 48a; cow, 435; extra prime bullocks, £lB 10s to £2O 10s;-prime, £ls 10s to £l6 10s; light and unfinished, down to £l3; extra prime heifers, £l7 to £18; prime, £l4 to £ls 10a; unfinished, down to £11; extra prime cows, £l4 10s to £ls 10s; prime, £l2 10s to £l3; unfinished, down to £B. Fat Sheep: Extra prime wethers, 40s to 41s 6d; prime, 37s 6d to 395; unfinished down to 355; extra prime ew*s, 36s to 38a; prime, 82s to 335; unfinished down to 275; extra prime lambs, 28s to 30s; prime, 25s 6d to 26s 6d; unfinished down to 225-. ■ Store Cattle: Good forward three and four-year-old bullocks, £ll 10s to £l2 10s; two-year-old steers, £6 15s to £7 ss; yearlings, £3 10s to £4 10s; calves, 15s to 355, according to condition and breeding; empty cows, - -with condition, £7 to £9 103; dairy cows, for which the demand has slackened, good sorts, £l6 10s to £l7 10s; average, £l4; poor and inferior, £7 10s to £B. Store Sheep: Good forward-conditioned lambs, 18s to 20s; extra good, up to 235; average, 16s to 17s 6d; poor and inferior, • down to 10s; two-tooth wethers, extra good, 28s to 30s; average, 25s to 265; inferior, down to 21s; four and six-tooth wethers, with plenty condition,. 32s 6d to 355; average, 31s; inferior, down to 28s; good two-tooth ewes, 28s to. 29s 6d; average, 24s to 25s 6d; inferior, down to 225; four and six-tooth ewes, extra, good, 32s 6d to 33s 6d; average, 30s; inferior, down to 265. THE FRUIT AND PRODUCE WORLD. ReilTy's Central ' Produce Mart, Ltd., reports:—Prime vegetables 'in full supply, experiencing a keen demand. Choice dessert and cooking fruits have been realising good values; Pears have been short of requirements. Canterbury onions are slow of sale» Steady consignments of potatoes continue to arrive. A large yarding of poultry came forward for our sale on Wednesday, and all birds met a keen demand". . Bacon pigs command a ready sale at Is 2d. We are urgently in need of 1000 bags of fowl wheat for our customers. Eggs are realising 23 3d to 2s 4d. Apples: Choice desserts, from 3d to 4Jd; choice cooking, lgd, 2|d; inferior and seco?id grade apples, 7s to 10s cwt. Pears: Prime desserts, to 4|d. Plums: Choice desserts, to Bid; cooking, to.2Jd; gages, to sd. Apricots: Choice desserts, to 0d; cooking, to Id. Peaches: Choice desserts, to 8d; cooking, to 4d. Nectarines: Choice desserts, to 9d; cooking, to sd. Raspberries, lid. Rhubarb, to Bd. Tomatoes: Christchurch hothouse, to lOd; outside, to 9Jd; locals, Is Id; Otago ' Centrals, to Is. Grapee: Oamarus, to Is 4£d; locals, to Is 6d. French beans, to 6|d. Green peas, to 3id. New potatoes: Oamarus, prime, to 16s 6d per cwt; locals, to 2jd. Cauliflowers, to 10s. Cabbage, to 4s 6d per dozen Onions: New season's Canterburys, to 12s 6d ; pickling? to 16s. Garlic, to 9d per lb. Cucumbers :, Outside-grown, to 4s; hothouse, to 10s - 6d. Vegetable marrows, to 8s per dozen. Bacon; Prime, Is 9d lb. Bacon pigs, Is 2d lb. Eggs, to 2s 4d dozen. Honey: Prune sections, to 13s;' bulk, "to 8d; 101 b tins, 7s 6d. Butter: Prime separator, to Is 6d. Beeswax, 2s 4d""lb. Oatmeal, 30s cwt. Ceremilk calf foocLs,"lss 6d per'solb."' Linseed calf meal, 15s. Farro food, £lO ton. A. and P. chick raiser: 80s per 1001 b, Ss per 251 b, 3s 6d per 10lb. Pornsol: Prepared spraying oil, 53 6d in 4gaL lots. M'Dougall's fruit tree wash, 103 6d gallon. "Vallo" Giraffe brand of lime sulphur wash (we advise - ordering early): 2s 6d per gallon in 40-galion casks, 3s per gallon in small lots. Katakilla, 5s per bag of about 2Jlb. " Mysto" knapsack sprayers, £4 18s 6d. C.M.W. spray pumps, 265. Poultry: Hens, Bs 4d to 7s 4d per pair; ducklings, 6s 6d to 7s lOd per pair; cockerels, 5s to 7s 8d p; pair, pullets, 7s 6d to 16s per pair; chickens 2s 6d to 4s lOd per pair, JE. OSWALD REILLY, Managing Director, Moray place, Dimedin. LONDON MARKETS, froas Association—By Telegraph—Copyright LONDON, February 26. Bank of England returns: Gold coin and bullion,_ £109,714,000; reserves, £32,369,000; proportion of reserve to liabilities, 17.02 per cent.; notes in circulation, £96,526,000; Government deposits, £17,332,000; other deposits, £ 172,825,000; Government securities, £85,253,000; other securities, £90,705,000. Short loans, 4| per cent.; three months' bills, 5J per cent. Exchange rates: On Paris, 48.35 francs; Stockholm, 18.27 kronen; Ohristiania, 19.75 kronen; Calcutta, rupee equals 31d; New "York, 3 dollars 37J cents; Montreal, 3 dollars D 3 cents. The Bank of Australasia has declared a (dividend of 14 per cent, and a bonus of 4 per cent, free of tax. There has been added to the reserve £IOO,OOO, and the amount carried) forward is £127,822. At the wool sales there was spirited demand for merinos at late rates; fine and medium croesbreds remain unchanged, while lower sorts were largely withdrawn. At Bradford little business is doing. Prices for merinos and fine crossbred 3 remain unchanged, and lower grade crossbreds are toeglectedi.—A. and N.Z; Cable.

GRAIN'AND PRODUCE MARKET. Messrs Donald Reid and Co. report 33 follows: Oats: The market is very quiet. Arrivals from the country are limited, and stocks in store are very small. On the other hand, there is next to no inquiry for shipment, the North Island being supplied from Canterbury at" prices lower than those current locally. No new oats are yet on offer, though safes have been made oh the Taieri of grain to be cut. Wo quote, nominally: Milling, ss; A. Gartons. 4s lOd; B, 4s 8d to 4s 9d; good feed, 4s 6d, all ex store (sacks extra). Wheat: There is none offering. Fowl wheat is in strong demand. Chaff: Arrivals during the week have been small, and values have firmed up a little. There is no demand* for shipping owing to the want of freight, and the local demand is not a big one. We quote: Best, to £7 12s 6d; good, £7 5s to £7 7s 6d; medium, £7 to £7 2s 6d, all ex store (sacks extra). Potatoes: Arrivals have been barely sufficient for requirements, and values have remained firm in" consequence. We quote up to 16s for best, ex store (sacks included). Messrs Dalgety and Co. report as follows: Oats: Harvesting operations are now in full swing, but very few samples of new season's grain are offering yet. For the odd lines of old season's the demand is not keen, and the bulk of these are going into local consumers' hands. Quotations, nominally, are: Prime milling, 4s lOd to ss; good to best feed, 4s 8d to 4s 9d; light and inferior, 4s 3d io 4s 6d per bushel (sacks extra). Wheat: Very little offering. Millers have readily taken the few lines of early thrashed new season's grain at maximum Government rates. Fowl wheat is in very short supply, and readily placed on arrival at quotations. Potatoes: Fair supplies havo come forward during the past week. There is little change in values, but with increased supplies prices will ease. Best freshly-dug locally-grown lots in cases are realising 2d per lb; best Oamaru and Taieri-grown, in bags, £l4 to £l6 for best. Unripe and otherwise faulty are not in demand at correspondingly lower rates, according to quality and condition. Chaff: Consignments havo slackened off during the past week, and all lines have met with better inquiry. Bright, heavy oaten sheaf is in most demand, medium and inferior lots being more difficult to place on arrival. We quote: Best oaten sheaf, £7 10s to £7 12s 6d; medium to good, £6 10s to £7 ss; light and inferior, from £5 per ton (sacks extra). COMPANIES REGISTERED. The Mercantile Gazette reports the registration of the following companies: John James and Co., Ltd., as a private company, Januarv 8, 1920. Office: 78 Filleul street, Dunedin, Capital: £2OOO, into 2000 shares of £1 each. Subscribers: Dunedin— John James 663, H. F. James 666, A. M'. James 666. Objects: To acquire and cany on business of contractors and slaters at present carried on by John Jamee. Matheson and Roberts, Ltd., as a private company, January 21, 1920. Office: 10 Octagon, Dunedin. Capital: £2OOO, into 2000 shares of £1 each. Subscribers: Malcolm Matheson 1000, Arthur William Roberts 1000. Objects: To acquire and carry on business of general seedsmen, etc., lately carried on by Matheson and Roberts. Wingatui Brick Company, Ltd., as a private company, January 23, 1920. Office: Richardson street, Dunedin. Capital: £6OOO, into 6000 shares of £1 each. Subscribers: W. D.. Lambert, Dunedin, 4800; J. D. Brown, Abbotsford, 1200. Objects: To acquire and carry on business of brickmakers lately carried on by C. and W. Gore. INVESTMENT STOCKS. February 28. National Bank of New -Zealand— Buyers £6 lis, sellers £6 13s. Bank.of New South Wales —Buyers £36. Bank of New Zealand (£6 13s 4d paid)— Buyers £2O 10s, sellers £2l. Bank of New Zealand (£3 6s 8d paid)— Buyers £l6 7s. National Insurance —Sellers 81s. New Zealand Insurance —Buyers 335, sellers 33s 9d. South British Insurance —Buyers £9 Bs, sellers £9 15s, Standard Insurance Company —Buyers 645, sellers 68s. P. and O. (deferred) —Buyers £605, sellers £635. Union Steam Ship Company (pref.)— Buyers 20s lOd. Huddart-Parker (ord.) —Buyers 55s 3d, sellers 55s 9d. Westport Coal Company—Buyers 31s sd, sellers 31s 9d. Westport-Stockton (ord.) —Buyers 7s 3d, sellers 7s 6d (ex div.). New Zealand Coal and Oil —Buyers 4s sd, sellers 53 6d. Brown, Ewing (ord.)—Buyers 265. Brown, Ewing (pref.)—Buyers 21s 6d. D.I.C. (ord.) —Buyers 3s lOd prem. D.I.C. (pref.)—Buyers 21s 6d. Goldsbrough, Mort —Buyers 48s 6d, sellers 49s 6d. National Mortgage—Buyers £5 19s. Wright. tStephenson,. and Ob. (ord.) — Buyers £8 15s. . . Dominion Rubber—Sellers 50s. .. New Zealand-Malay Rubber (ord.) —Buyers 245. sellers 265. Dunedin Stock Exchange Proprietary— Buyers 455. Dunedin-Kaikorai Trams—Buyers 225. New Zealand Refrigerating (20s paid)— Buyers 465, sellers 48s. New Zealand Refrigerating (10s paid)— Buyers 26s lOd, sellers 27s 2d. Central Otago Preserves—Buyers 29s 6d. Bruco Woollen Company—Buyers 50s, sellers 535. New Zealand Paper Mills—Buyers 355. New Zealand Drug Company (£2 paid)— Buyers 59s 6d. New Zealand Drug Company (15s paid)— Buyers 18s prem. New Zealand Express Company—Sellers 18s. New Zealand Hardware (ord.) —Buvers 145~9d. " Wilson's Portland Cement—Buyers 15s lOd. Milburn Lime and Cement—Buyers 35s 9d. sellers 36s 6d. Papuan Products —Buyers 2s sd. New Zealand Sugar of Milk—Buyers 43s 6d. M'Gavin ond Co. —Buyers 265. Eclipse Petrol—Buyers 325, sellers 38s 6d. Howard-Smith—Buyers 46s 3d, sellers 475. Burns, Philp—Buyers 40s.

A train from Glenhope collided on the 23rd with a hawker's caravan on the combined railway 'bridge over the Motuoka River at Tapawera. The driver of the caravan, named "Wiaterhotise. a returned-_ soldier, jumped off and saved-himself by clinging' to the side of the bridge. One horse was killed an<J the other injured. The caravan was wrecked, and was carried a considerable distance by the locomotive.

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Otago Witness, Issue 3442, 2 March 1920, Page 27

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SUGAR SUPPLIES. Otago Witness, Issue 3442, 2 March 1920, Page 27

SUGAR SUPPLIES. Otago Witness, Issue 3442, 2 March 1920, Page 27