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The meeting of the Otago Land Board, held on Wednesday, was attended by Messrs R. T, Sadd (Commissioner of Crown Lands, chairman), G. Livingstone, J. Smith, and C. J. Inder. TRANSFERS Applications to transfer were dealt with as follows: —■ P.R. 1395, run 339 f, . 8630 acres—Messrs Edward John Iversen and G. M. Marshall to Mr Edward John Iversen, Theresa Annie Duncombe, and Mr Andrew Caid Iversen.— Recommended for approval. O.R.P. 380, section 39, block X, Glenomaru, 180 a lr 16p—Mr Thomas Curtis to Andrew Thomas Guthrie. —Declined. O.L. 322, section 33, block I, Bannockburn. 50 acres—Mr Henry Murray to Messrs Thomas A. Crabbc and George Crabbe. — Consideration held over. P.R. 1017, runs 228. 228 a, 439, 55,780 acres —Mr Frederick John Dalgety to Mr Walter M. Wilson. —Recommended for approval on condition that the right to select one subdivision is confined to the Hawkdnn Run. E.R. 1871, section 15, block XVIII, town of Herbert, lr—Mr Joseph Wansbonc to Mr Leonard Vivian Couch. —Approved. O.R.P. 298, section 5, block XII, Tautuku, 191 a lr 12n; 424. section 12. block XII, Tautulm. 105 a Or 350 ; and r.l. 53. section 11, block XTT, Tautubu, 195 a 3r_24p— Mr Anthony M'Master (as executor in the estate of Mr James M'Master, deceased) to Messrs Stuart James M'Master and Derrick Glyn Keith Munro. —Approved, subject to S. J. M'Master submitting proof of enlistment.

O.R.P. 294, section 14. block XI. Tautuku, 98a lr 24p—Mr T. G. Dovvtir to Mr Thos. Chambers.—Approved. ML. 2386. urea in bloek TT, Teviot, 15a 2r—Mr Robert, William M'Pherson to Mr Nicholas J. Harliwich. —-Approver!. L.T.P.. 1318. section 3 (L), Sntton. 84a Or 4p—Mr James W. Burns to Mr Fred G. Glover.— Approved. M.L. 39. sections 3-9, block IX-X, town of Dunkeld, 7a Or 35p—Mr Hugh Craig to Mr Edward Pearson. —Approved, subject to revision of rental, if necessary. R.L. Ills, section 6a. Kurow Settlement, 14a 17p—Mr Robert Sutherland to Julia Murphv.—Transfer refused. L LP. 553, section 35, block TIT. Cromwell. 179 a Id 14n ; 634, section 13, block V. 596 a lr 26p; and section 65. block 11lMr Thomas Johnston to Mr James YV. Johnston. —Withdrawal approved. R.L. 133. section 48. bloek V. Teviot. 490 a 3r—Mr Robert W. M'Pherson to Mr Archibald J. M'Pherson.—Recommended for Minister's approval. LLP. 13445, 9r and 10a, Barnea-o Settlement—Messrs George Htmter Blair and Herbert J. Clarkeon to Mr George Hunter Blair aa sole lessee. —Approved. L.I.P. 1426. section 2. block XV, Tnrras. 10a—-The Public Trustee in the est.'it" of Mr William White to Margaret Ethel Mackav. —Approved. PR, 1523. run 430 b, 13,270 acres—Mary Faulks to Mr William Hugh Patterson.— Approved. P.R. 1377. run 99, 52.000 acres—Mr John Faults to Mr Samuel Barr Paterson. —Approved. LT P in°6s. section 10, hick XTTT. Pomahn'ka. 271 a3r 20p—Mr David Pringlo to Mr John Alexander Kern's. —Approved. 0.1. 360, section 23, block VII, Teviot, 3 acres 0 roods 25 poles—Mr David Watson to Mr James Buchanan.—-Approved. E.R. 929, section 25, block V, Matmrnitua, 36 acres 2 roods 20 poles—Mr Thomas Brvant to Mr William Home.—Approved, M.L. 2036. in block IV, Lower Hawea, 33 acres —Executors in estate of Mr Harry G. Wood to Mr Charles W. Harvey. •—Approved.

S.G.R. 579, run 223 k, Lauder, 3810 acres —Mr Patrick Landers to Mr Vincent Denis Griff en.—Approved. P.L. 1161, sections 17 and 20. block V, Strath-Taieri, 55 acres 1 rood. 10 poles, and 37 acres 2 roods 34 poles; 1162, section 25, block Y, 51 acres 2 roods 16 poles; section 24 Strath-Taieri, 52 acres 2 roods—Mr John E. O'Connell to Mr Michael A. O'Connell.Approved. DISPOSAL OF LAND. Applications for land within the area held by Mrs M. Jackson in block 11, Bannockburr, on miscellaneous license.—Grazing license granted to Mr J. Crabbe, on condition that ho bears the whole cost of fencing boundaries which do not abut on Mrs Jackson's run; rent to be fixed by ranger. The Secretary of the Maerewhenua Commonage Committee forwarded a yearly statement for the 12 months ended October 31, and asked that the license for the ensuing year be issued in names of Messrs Charles E. Adams, John Meiklo. jun., William Parncs, John Adams, Fred Bedford.— License granted from November 1. _ _ Mr P. D. Smith applied for permission to plough and sow down in lucerne portions of the area at Galloway held by him under miscellaneous license.—Approved. Mr P. D. Smith's application for an area of land at Galloway was reconsidered.—Tho ranger's report was adopted, additional area to link up" holdings granted. • Mr A. Pruce applied for land on Galloway. —Ranger's report adopted. Mr John Adamson, a discharged soldier, applied for an area on Galloway Flat.— Resolved to grant provisional approval, subject to receipt of a proper application, with evidence of financial ability. Mr T. W. Sanders asked for further reconsideration of his application for land at Galloway.—Commissioner to arrange boundaries, subject to proof of enlistment. The Ranger submitted a report upon the application of Mr John Baird for an area of unsurveyed land at Galloway.—Report adopted; application referred to warden. ■ Land was applied for by Mr C Henry and Mr J. Baird, with an alteration in boundaries. —Resolved to amend boundaries of area applied for by Mr Henry in accordance with the resolution re Mr Baird.

Mr John Patrick Parcell applied for an occupation lease over an estimated area of 30 acres of unsurveyed land in block I. Bannoekburn district.—Referred to ranger to report. Mr Thomas Chapman applied for a grazing license over the portion of the "map" reserves at, the junction of the Rankleburn with the Pomahaka River, in block XI. Rankleburn district, that was not occupied by the Acclimntisation Society.—Referred to ranger to report. Mr John Andnrson inquired if the board would sell to him or to one- of his pons eeetion 7, block 111, Warepa district. —Resolved that ranker value sections 2 of 6 and 7. block 111, and report whether the sections should be disposed of without competition, whether they should be opened to ihe rrenernl pub! : e. or whether they were suitable for settlement by discharged soldiers.

Mr Allan Crombie. who holds section 7, block IV. Bannoekburn district, under grazing license applied to be allowed to take up the section (88 acres 2 roods 35 poles) on renewable lens", —Declined. •

Mr 11. Raekloy's application for a license for a crib site at Hull was reconsidered.— Approval of application rescinded. Applications for crib sites at Brighton were made by Messrs J. A. Storer, section 11: L. S. Dyer, section 24; C. E. Wooten. section 10.—Approved, at, a rental of £1 per section per annum; balance of sections to bo offered for lease at £1 per year. The lease of section 8 (XI 1 , town of Hampden, held by Mrs J. Thomson, was considered. —Resolved that lease be determined as from August 27, 1916. and that a license be offered to Mrs Robt. Douglas, of Hampden, at a rental of 10s yearly; no fee to be charged. Resolution of November 8, 1916. amended accordingly. Regaridng section 11. Shag Point, the ranger that a license to occupy he issued to Mr Jam-en Hailstone, at a rental of 7s 6d vor annum.—Right to occupy granted at 7s 6d per annum. No license to issue.

With regard to section 14, Shag Point, the ranger recommended that a license to occupy be issued to Mr Herbert Dunn, at 7s 6d per annum. —Right to occupy granted at 7s 6rl per annum. No license to r-sue.

With regard to section 15a, Shag Point, held under license by Mr J. Prentice, it was resolved that license 1133 bo cancelled as from August. 1916, and that a right to occupy (without license) be granted to Mr Andrew Wilson from August 9, 1916, rent to bo charged as from August 9, 1917, at 5s per annum.

With regard to section 15. Shag Point, held under by Mr J. Prentice, it was resolved that "license 1133 be cancelled as from October 4. 1916. and that a right to occupy be granted (without license) to Mr Andrew Wilson, as from October 5, ut a rental of 5s per year.

An application was made by Mr Thos W. Whitfield for the right to occupy section 9, Shag Point. —Right to occupy such portion of the area as is Crown land granted at a rental of 10s per year. The Commissioner reported that the area of section 95, block 1. Cromwell district (granted to Mr Frederick Arthur Robertshaw) had been increased to 76 acres 3 roods 08 poles, for the purposes of the title— Resolution of Septembei 13 to be amended by omitting therefrom all reference to capital value and rental; and that the capital value be fixed (it £2 17s.

Completion of .survey of land in block X, Leaning Rook district, provisionally granted on the occupation lease system to Mr Donald M'ln tosh. —Lease to bo, finally granted; capital value fixed at 30s per acre, and rental at Is 6d per aero per annum. Completion of survey of land in block 111, Fraser district, applied for by Mr William •John Philhpps, u discharged soldier.—Application finally granted, lease to be for 66 years, with right of renewal. Capital value to be £25, and annual rental £1 in terms of section J 62 of the Land Act, 1908, relating to second class laud. The Commissioner reported that Mr Jonathan .'. i'oek had failed to make' the necessary payemnts in connection with the grazing license granted to him on October 11.— Grant to be cancelled.

The Electric Cold Dredging Company applied to purchase two aicas of land in block I, Cromwell district, held under residence site licensers and occupied by the company's clredgemaertei*. —Application to 100 advertised and referred to warden and ranger. Mr John Henry Forbes applied for a license to occupy 3 acres 1 rood 14 perches of hind in the town of Glenorchy, the area being an ungazctted reserve for Government buildings.—License under section 130

of "Land Act, 1908," from year to year, granted at an annual rental of £l, license to the extent of two root crops, followed by one white crop, after which land to be sown down in good permanent grass. APPLICATIONS TO ACQUIRE FREEHOLD.

P.l. 1016. section 41, block VII, Glenomaru, 109 acres 3 roods 23 poles, and 1018, section 43, block VII, Glcnoiporu. 228 acres 24- poles, Mr Henry Jones. —Approved. O.r.p. 165. section 24, block V, and section 17, block VI, Woodland, 270 acres 1 rood 18 poles, Mr Duncan Campbell.—Approved. P.l. 600, section 26. block XIII, Blackstone, 144 acres 2 roods 10 poles, Mr Jas. M'Keeman. —Recommended for Minister's approval. P.l. 625, section 14, block XI. Greenvale, 73 acres 2 roods, Mr Robert Bell Middlemiss.—Recommended for Minister's approval Application for issue of title over sections 1,2, 3,4, block XIV, Rimu district, purchaser Mr David Millar Fca. —Approved. LEASE REQUIREMENTS (IMPROVEMENTS).

Section 9a, Otckaiko Settlement, Mr Peter Aitchison. —Improvements required reduced to £791 ss. Sections 6a and 10a, Meadowbank Settlement, Mary M'Cabe and Mr John L. M'Cabe —lmprovements reduced by 50 per cent.

Sections Ba, 9a, 11a. Meadowbank Settlement, Mr Edward Pirie, lessee.—Amount required reduced to £9BB 9s.

Section sa, Meadowbank Settlement Lucy M. Hughes, lessee. —Improvements re quired reduced to £797.

Section 60a, Otekaike Settlement, Mr Peter Wilson M'Gradie.—lmprovements required reduced to £629 14s.

Non-fulfilment of conditions of lease held by Mr Robert Wyllie over sections 30 and 39a. Tokarahi Settlement. —Lessee to be called on to show cause why his lease should not be cancelled. REVALUATION*. An application by _Mr W. J. Cross for revaluation of section 11a, Otanomomo Settlement, was considered. —Application to be submitted to Revaluation Committee in terms of section 15 (2) "Land Laws Amendment Act, 1915." An application by Mr R. D. Evelyn for revaluation of allotment Ba, Otanomomo Settlement, was considered.—Application to bo submitted to Revaluation Committee in terms of section 15 (2) "Land Laws Amendment Act, 1915." RENEWAL OF LICENSES. Ranger O'Neill reported on small grazing runs, the leases of which expire en February 28_, 1918.—Renewals approved, Hunger O'Neill to bo appraiser. Expiry of license over run 425 b (Eraser Basin) ; licensee, Mr Stephen T. Spain.— The Governor to be recommended to grant a further temporary license for three years, from January 1, 1917, at £lO per annum, under section 255.

Mr J. Swindlcy, lessee of section 22, block XXVII, town of Oamaru, asked for re-consideratiaon of the upset rental at which the land is to bo re-offercd.—Upset rental fixed to be adhered to.

Renewal of pastoral license under section 27, of the Land Laws Amendment Act, 19i4—residue of run 2216, Vincent County. 2340 acres. Licensee, Mr Chas. R. Attfield. --Renewal for 14 years agreed to at a rental of £SB 10s per annum. Renewal of pastoral license from March 1, 1917. The ranger and the lessee agreed to the annual rent being fixed at £25. —Renewal for 14 years agreed to at a rental of £25 per annum. The board was requested to fix the rent on pastoral license over run 10 (Wakatipu), held by Mr James M'Kinlay.—Rent fixed at £lO5 per annum. The board was requested to fix the rent payable on pastoral license over run 419, Lake County, held by Mr Henry F. Elliott.—Rent fixed at £25 per annum. The board was requested to fix the rent on pastoral license over run 11 (Wakatipu), held by the Public Trustee, acting in the estate of Mr Stewart Duke (deceased). — Rent fixed at £4O per annum. The board was rcc[ucsted to fix the rent payable on pastoral license over runs 17, 20, and 22 (Wakatipu), held by Mr Andrew H. Manson.—Rent fixed at £6O per annum. Adjustment of boundaries between runs held by Mr Andrew Manson and Mr T. S. Elliott. —Boundaries to be amended by surrender of portion of license p.r. 1061 lying between Shiel Burn and Polnoon Burn (about 1700 acres), .with a view to adding the area to license p.r. 1218; rentals to be ad j ustcd. . The lease of small grazing runs 3 of 23, and 4 of 23, will expire on February 28, 1918. The ranger reported that the run was not fit for sub-division. —Lease to bo renewed. Ranger Atkinson to be appraiser. The lease of small grazing runs 17d, Maruwenua district, will expire on February 28, 1918. The ranger reported that this run was not fit for sub-division.—Lease to bo renewed, Ranger Atkinson to bo appraiser. THIRDS AND FOURTHS. Proposal for expenditure of "thirds and fourths" were submitted for approval as follows: —Waikouaiti County Council. £l4 14s 2d; Bruce, £2 3s lid; Clutha, £66 15s 6d; Maniototo, £415 8s 7d ; Lake. £24 18s 5d- Tuapeka, £lO7 10s 9d; Waitaki, £317 5s 6d; Southland, lis 9d; Taieri, £42 4s 3d; Alexandra Borough Council, £7 9s 4d. —Approved; recommended for Minister's approval. MISCELLANEOUS. Mr C. M. Rapson applied for permission to remove a hut and stable from section 17a. Windsor Park. —Approved. The license held by Mr N. Jansen over an aren of 4 acres adjoining section 71, block 11, Shotover, the area being now absorbed in miscellaneous license 2010. was cancelled, the new rental under miscellaneous license 2010 to be fixed at 15s.

Mr J. W. Brown, lessee of section 113, Block V, Shotover, under miscellaneous loaso, applied for a reduction of rent on account of area washed away.—Rent to bo reduced to 5s per year from 12th November, 1914.

"Report on proposal to set aside sections 1. 2, 3. 37, block XXXII, town of Havelock, as a police reserve. —Reservation recommended.

Messrs Dalgeiy and Co. applied for an extension of lease of Hawkdun run for 1 one month, until March 31, 1917.—Recommended for Minister's approval. A report by the surveyor on the question of cutting off 500 acres from run 585, Hawkdun, was adopted. A letter from the St. Bathans Land Leaguo re commonage, Hawkdun and Downs, wns held over pro tem.

A petition by the lessees in To Puke settlement for a remission of rent was left in the commissioner's hands to report. Mr J. A. Moyle, on behalf of Mr James

Bennett, applied for issue of duplicate of license No. 2394 over area fronting Clutha River.—Approved, subject to production of declaration of loss and payment of 10s 6d fee.

Mr G. Stringer (Otekaike) applied for permission to put a pelton or overshot wheel on the race through his land at Otekaike.— Held over.

I'KE BKEADSIIIFs AXI) I»RO--1)1 ICE lIA It KI IS. Friday evening. The most important of news in the wheat world this week is the infomiation that the British Government has purchased the new crop of Australian wheat and the balance of last season's grain, not exceeding 3,000,000 tons, at 4s 9d a bushel, f.o.b. Referring to the probability of the British Government purchasing the Australian supplies, the Australasiun of December 9 stated that " it is believed that the price will be not far short of 4s 6d per bushel f.0.b., which implies that the buyer provides the means of transport. Many growers, doubtless, will regard this figure as too low, in view of the fact that in London our wheat commands 10s per bushel, but -ain in Australia is one thing, and the same wheat safely landed in the United Kingdom is quite another proposition. Seeing that the Germans are sinking merchant vessels at the rate of 10 per day, rates of freight and insurance have risen enormously. The cost of freight alone works out now at the equivalent of fully 5s per bushel, and if the loss of tonnage is not reduced very shortly, it will be difficult to transport goods overseas at any price."

There very littie doing in the wheat market The decision of the Government to remove the import duty on flour has quite xipset the market, and m.'iJcrs are confining their business to odd oilers at lower prices than have been ruling lately. Small lines-of Tuscan, rad chaff, anu velvetear have changed hands at 5s 8d to 5s lOd, ex store, Dunedin, and velvet at about 6s, 2d. Prime fowl wheat cannot now be purchased at much under 5s lOd.

Oatmeal is quoted at £l6 a ton for 25's; pearl barley, £l9; pollard, £6 to £6 10s; bran, £4.

The current quotation for flour is now £ls.

The local oats market is very t\uict. As is usual at this time of the year, North Island merchants are refraining from buying, as they do not want supplies arriving during the holidays. Moreover, heavy supplies have been shipped north from Bluff, on consignment. The lines on consignment have had the effect of knocking back prices. A small line of A Garton3 has been sold at as low as 3s (f.0.b., _ sacks in). Locally prices are named (nominally) at 3s lo (f.0.b., sacks in). One Dunedin merchant puts the position thus: —"Nobody wants any oats—we cannot do business." Whether the position will liven up at the beginning of the year remains to be seen. PRODUCE REPORT. Consignments of chaff of good quality are very scarce, and as a result prices have ad vanced 2s 6d a ton. Straw and hay are not inquired for. Eggs are in full supply. Current wholesale prices are as follow: Chaff.—Prime oaten sheaf, to £4 15s; medium to good, £3 to £3 15s (sacks extra). Straw.—Oaten, to £3; wheaten, £2 10s. Melbourne Onions. —Prime, £l2. Hay, £4 to £4 10s. Eggs.—Fresh and stamped, to Is 2id; case lots, up to Is Id. Butter. —Milled bulk, Is 2d per lb; dairy and separator, in lib packets, Is Id to Is 2d; separator (bulk), Is Id to Is 2d. Pigs.—Baconers, 7d per lb; porkers. 7d. Bacon. —Rolls (in quantities), local, Is; Christchurch, Is; sides, lid; hams, Is per lb; ham rolls, Is Id. FRUIT REPORT

Fruit agents report a busy week Largo consignments of strawberries have arrived from Waimate and cherries from Alexandra and Clyde. All these fruits met with a ready sale. Peaches have made their appearance on the market. The first consignments to come under the hammer was sold at 6gd per lb. It is expected that apricots will be on the market by the Now Year. Owing to the dislocation of the steamer services from Auckland bananas have been in very short supply. Some of the bananas were railed from Auckland to Wellington, and then from Lyttelton to Dunedin. Prices have ruled from 22s 6d to 25s per case. One small lot realised as high as 33s 3d per case —the highest price every brought in Dunedin for green bananas. Tomatoes are coming in almost daily from Canterbury and the local hothouses. Prices have jumped fully lid per lb during the past few days, and it is expected that they will remain firm until after Christmas.

Supplies of new potatoes are not equal to the demand, and wholesale values have advanced from 2id to 2|d per lb. Green peas nrn plentiful, and sales were made on Friday at" up to lid and 2£lb per lb. The following are the current wholesale prices:— Apples.—Good supply. Californian, 15s to 16s 6d for prime. Oranges.—American Navels, 27s 6d per double case; Sydney, 5s to 7s; mandarins, 4s to 6s

Peaches. 6£d per lb. Plums.—Black, to 4|d; cherry plums, 7s to 8s per caso. Lemons.—Auckland. 5s to 9s; Cahforman doubles, 40s per double case. Bananas. —Market bare; Fiji, 22s 6a to 255; Raratongan, 20s. Strawberries.— 7£d to Is per pottle Cherries.—7£cl to U£d; inferior and damaged, 3d to sd. Tomatoes. —Christchurch hothouse, Is to Is 3£d; local hothouso, Is 4d to Is 6id. Cucumbers, 7s 60l to 14s per dozen. Cabbages, Is 6d to 2s per dozen; Is to 3s 6d per sack. Cauliflowers, now spring, 4s 6d to 6s 6d per sack, 5a to 6s per dozen. Carrots, new season's, Is to Is 6d per dozen bundles. Turnips. 6d to 8d per dozen. Rhubarb. Id to l£d per lb for choice red; others, 6s to 7s per cwt. Lettuce, 4d to Is per dozen. New Potatoes.—Local. 2d to 2*d; Auckland, l|d. Green Peas.—2fd to 3£d for choice; medium, lid to 2{d. Gooseberries.—-l|d to 2d for largo; medium, l|d to lid. MERCHANDISE MARKET. Merchants will closo their premises from mid-day on Saturday till Wednesday, January 3. C.M.O. and C.F.M. tinned tongues have been advanced by 6d per dozen. Advice has been received that the now season's Persian Gulf dates, muscatels from Spain, and crystallised cherries have arrived

at Melbourne, but that it will be impossible, on account of the shortage of freight, to get them away from the Victorian capital tili about January 6. These goods will thus miss the local Christinas trade.

A parcel of the new season's salmon came tc hand ex the Kurow. Another line lias just reached the dominion by the Makura. Read’s Dog's Head ale and stout liavo been further increased in prices. 1 lie manufacturers in Christchurch ol large-size black Nugget boot polish ad visit that, consequent on the shortage of tins, they are unable to supply orders just at the present. Further supplies are premised in the near future. Owing to the great demand for Hawaiian pines the market is quite bare of stocks. DUNEDIN MARKETS WHOLESALE PRODUCE REPORTS. J. O’Kaue (late J. Lindsay and Co.), Princes street south, reports under date the 18th inst.:

T rHS u ... I Onions.—Melbourne, £l2 10s. Potatoes. —£9. Straw Chaff-—Wheaten, 50s; oaten, 80s. FAUt.I AND DAIRY PRODUCE. Mr B. J. M‘ Arthur, (successor to Messrs M’llroy Bros.), George street, reports paying for produce during the week ending the 18th inst., as follows: .'■u.inijcU ire.-.U biggs I Honey (bulk), sJ'i lb 1/i doz Honey {section), 5/n doz Salt Butter, l/l lb | Honey (Cartons),n/- dez. Sep. Butter, J/-ib | Beeswax, l/i. OAMARU MARKET'S. (From Our Own Correspondent.) OAMARU, December 15.

Business in the grain market has been brought to a standstill by the uncertainty as to the future position in regard to wheat, and flourmillers dcclino to buy until they know what final action has beer resolved upon by the Government.

SOUTHLAND MARKETS. (From Oub Own Coebespondent.) INVERCARGILL, December 16. The price for oats has receded since last report, or perhaps it would be more correct to say that no business whatever is being transacted. There is quite a holiday tone about the market, and this remark applies to all produce lines. A grade Cartons are nominally worth 2s 6d on trucks at country sidings, but no merchant would be prepared to pay that figure, except under exceptional circumstances, such as considerable other business being attached to the transaction. It is difficult to foresee the future of the market, as the next opportunity will have of connecting with Auckland will not bo for another month. Those farmers who can spare the time for delivery seem decidedly more inclined to get rid of stocks which they have held, so long in hopes of a rise. Merchants' stores being now required for wool purposes, tho quantity of chaff offering is in. excess of tho demand for the small local consumption. As the whole wool clip must, perforce, go through Invcrcargill stores this season, nothing being shipped direct by the big sheep-owners, this will accentuate the position so far as chaff is concerned. The tendency, therefore, is for pricea to go lower* Ryegrass and seeds generally are still in strong demand, both by merchants in tha north and for local sowing down. Stocks are so light as to be now almost negligible, many local buyers having to avail themselves of the stocks of their competitors. HIDE SALES. MELBOURNE, December I*. At the hide sales to-day there were moderate supplies. Lights and kips were £d to id dearer; others, firm. The Dunedin Woolbroktrs' Association (Messrs Dalgety and Co., A Moritzson and Co., National Mortgage and Agency Company, New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Compny, Otago Farmers' Co-opera-tive Association, Donald Reid and Co., Stronach, Morris, and Co., and WrigM. Stephenson, and Co.) report:—The fortnightly sales were held on Thursday, when medium catalogues were submitted to a full attendance of buyers. Competition was good, and prices all round showed a slight advance on values ruling at last sale. Mora particularly was the advance noticeable in cow hides. Quotations: Ox hides —Extra stout heavy, to 13id; stout heavy, to 121 d; medium, to 12d. Cow hides—Extra stout, to llid; medium and heavy weights, to lOJd: light, to 10|d. Stags, B£d to B|d. Yearlings, 9id to 12d. Calfskins—Best, 12d to 13d; medium, 10id to ll^d: inferior, to 9d.

Messrs Waters, Ritchie, and Co. report having held their fortnightly sale of hides at their stores, Crawford street, yesterday afternoon. There was the usual attendance of buyers, and competition was again very keen. Prices, as compared with the previous sale, can be emoted i'vom par to id per lb higher. Included in the offerings were some lines of stout substance, and for these wo obtained up to 14Jd per Ik Our catalogue consisted of 803 hides ant 258 yearling and calfskins, a. total of 1066. The' following were some of our best' prices:—Ox: Two 771 b, 14|d; two 641 b 144 - fivo 641 b, 14£d; five 661 b. 13? d; one 721b'l3|d; three 521 b, 13id; R 6 611 b, 13d ■ 47 53ib, 12|d; nine 631 b. 12|d j 10 661 b: 123 d; 22 531 b, 12&d; five 621 b. 12dj 12 521 b, ]13«1 ; 46 521 b, llfd; seven 671 b. ll§d; 10 511 b Hid; four 541 b. Hid; 17 541 b, Hid; 12" 42!b, Hid: six 531 b. Hid: five 521 b, Hid Cows: SoYcntein 511 b, ll|d; 58 511 b, llld; 14 421 b. Hid: 2i 421 b, Hid; 23 50!b, lid • 55 511 b, lOfd per lb. We quote : Ox:' Extra stout, 14d to 15d; stout, 123 d to 133 d; medium and heavy-weight. 102 d to 12id. Cows-: Good-conditioned, medium, heavy, and light-weights, from lOi.d to lljjd;" heavy-conditioned ox and cows, 9£d to 10id: damaged. 6 ; id to 9d; calfskins, 12»d to 13d for best; medium, 12d; damaged and inferior, 6d to lOd per lb OTAGO FARMERS' HORSE BAZAAR. The Otugo Farmers' Co-operative Association of New Zealand report:—We held our

weekly horse sale on Saturday, when we offered an entry of 30 horses. Consignments were forward from Lawrence, Taieri, Otakou, and the districts surrounding Dunedin. With the exception of four or five draught gelding.?, the entry was comprised of light horses of only medium quality The attendance was largo, but owing to the absence of good draughts and the medium quality of the light horses, no high prices were obtained. A largo number of horses changed hands at current rates. We quote: Young draught mares and geldings, £27 to £3O; extra good young geldings, fit for shaft or lorry work, £3O to £35; ordinary draught mares and geldings, £2O to £25; aged draughts, to £l6; good spring-van mares and geldings, £lB to £24; springcarters, £l4 to £18; upstanding harness horses, £lO to £l3; hacks and ponies, £4 to £B.

Wheal per bushel. Oaten chafT Rest millin'; ... 7/n Prime S5/U—110/0 Fowls’ ... ... e/3 Oood 100/0 Millinc oats ... 3/« Inferior 00/0 —SO/9 Feed oats.. ... 3 /« Ryesrass and clover Malt barley ... F/0 hay ... 100/0-110/0 Feed bar'ey ... 5/0 Cape bailey ... (7Straw: Maize ... ... fi/o Wheaton 40/0-55/3 per ton. Oaten 60/0—65/0 Flour, in 200’s ... 2PP/0 Rolled bacon ... 1/0 Flour, iu oil’s ... 275/0 Side bacon ... 0d Pollard ... i-o/o Smoked hams ... 1 /& bran ... so/o. Cheese ... ... lid Oatmeal, in 25's 4-0/0 Sail butter 0d—1/0 Pearl barley .. 430/11 (according to qualityl Fee', fresh ... 1/4

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Otago Witness, Issue 3275, 20 December 1916, Page 17

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OTAGO LAND BOARD Otago Witness, Issue 3275, 20 December 1916, Page 17

OTAGO LAND BOARD Otago Witness, Issue 3275, 20 December 1916, Page 17