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The monthly mooting' of the Otago Land Board, held on the 13th, was attended by Messrs E. H. VVilmot (Commissioner of Crown Lands), P. Kinney, G. Livingstone, and J. C. Anderson.

Hanger O’Neill forwarded a report upon the application of James Robertson to purchase (section 15, block X. Waitahuna West district. —Recommended that the area be sold to applicant at capital value of £4 nor acre.

David M’Nutt wrote requesting that, in the event of his not obtaining a renewal of his lease over parts sections 29 and 51, block VIIT, Glenomaru district, he be granted compensation for draining the said area.—Valuation to be allowed at the end of the lease for drainage of a permanent nature effected after this date. Mr David Scott wrote with regard to section 2 of 1 block XT. North Molyneux district, and requested that he be granted a 21 years’ lease over the said section.— Dc dined.

'The board fixed the rental for the following sections granted under occupation lease-—(a) Section 79. block I, Leaning Rock district—Mr Leonard Marsh, capital value £3 per acre, rent 3s per acre, with valuation for fencing; (b) section 80. block I, Leaning Rock district —Mr H. E. Orkney, capital value £2 10s per acre, rent 2s Cd per acre; (c) section 81, block I, Leaning Rook district—Mr John Wright, capital value £2 per acre, rent 2s per acre. Ranger O’Neill forwarded reports upon the following applications for occupation leases over areas in Bcngor survey district, which were granted at the following rentals;—(a) Section 39, block VI. Benger district—Mr Edward O’Connor, rental 2s per acre, valuation for fencing £36 16s; (b) section 82, block I. Benger district— Mr James Riordan, rental 2s per acre, ”uluation for fencing £94 7s.

The following’ applications for occupation leases were withdrawn: —Section 83, block f, Benger district, Mr William Scott; section 84, block I, Benger district, Mr Edward Patchett.

Alex. Borthwick again applied for permission to occupy gravel reserve, sections I, 2, and 3, block XXXY, town of Dunkeld.—Granted yearly license at £1 per annum.

Ranger O’Neill reported upon the application of Mr Alex. Taylor to purchase an estimated area of about five acres in Fraser district. —Application to purchase declined, applicant to be informed that an application for an occupation lease would be favourably considered.

Hanger O’Neill forwarded a report upon the application of Mr Daniel Tohill for a renewable lease over an unsurveyed area of about 120 acres in Leaning Rock district. - Declined.

Mr John Bogg. on behalf of the South Otago Freezing Company, applied for a license to camp stock on the area fronting sections 14 and 15, block XXXIII, Clutha district. —Granted yearly 'license at £2 rcr annum.

John Crichton also applied for a over the same area.—Declined.

The board was requested to approve of the lease over the eastern portion of sec-

tion 11, block LXXXIII, Clutha district (education reserve), being- issued in the name of Alexander Maclean Macdonald. — Lease to be issued as requested. Mr Alexander Reid requested permission to sow down in grass an area of about 30 acres on section 84, block VIII, Leaning Rock- district, held by him under miscellaneous license 2453. —To be informed that he might sow down the area in grass, but the board would not guarantee any valuation for improvements.

Ranger O’Neill forwarded a report upon the application of John M’Gill to purchase or lease an area of about six acres situated to the south of the Ettrick School Reserve. —Granted over an area of about three acres under yearly license at a rental of 10s per annum.

Ranger O’Neill reported upon the application of Thomas D. Ferguson for a license over that part of the mining reserve opposite sections 66, 67, and 69, block 111, Benger district.—Held over at the request of applicant. Ranger O’Neill forwarded a report upon the application of Mr James Walker for a grazing license over portion of the river frontage opposite sections 55 and 59, block 11, Benger d strict. —Granted five years’ license at rental of £3 per annum.

Ranger O’Neill forwarded a report upon the question of reopening for selection section 17, block X, Tautuku district. —Section not to be offered in meantime on account of want of access.

Ranger O’Neill reported that Mr Charles Smith, holder of section 21, block XIII, Rimu district, under cash certificate No. 19 had not effected the improvements necessary to entitle him to the Crown grant.— Held over in meantime pending completion of required improvements. Ranger O’Neill furnished a report upon the improvements effected on section 44, block VII, Woodland -district, over which the occupier, Peter Furse, jun., had applied for the issue of a certificate of title. —Title to bo issued.

Ranger O’Neill reported that Mr Samuel Griclgeman, who holds section 6, block XI, Woodland' district, under I.i.p. 1345. had not yet complied with the residence and improvement conditions of his lease.—To effect required improvements within throe months or forfeiture would ensue without further notice.

Ranger O’Neill reported upon the application of Mr James Pollock to select under renewable an area of about 40 acres in the town of Alexandra, already occupied by him under coal lease. —Declined. v Ranger O’Neill forwarded a report upon the application by Mr Walter Maynard to purchase an area of about four acres in block IX, Loaning Rock district.—Referred to warden and to be advertised. The Bruce County Council forwarded a statement of “ thirds ” and “ fourths ” for the period January 27, 1913, to April 26, 1915.—'The Clutha County Council forwarded a statement of “thirds” and “fourths” for the periods October 23, 1912, to January 25. 1913, and January 27, 1913, to April 26, 1913.— —The Lake County Council forwarded a statement of “ thirds ” and “ fourths ” for the period January 27. 1913, to April 26, 1913.— —The Maniototo County Council forwarded a statement of “thirds” anxi ■’fourths” for the period January 27, 1913, to April 26, 1913. -The Taicri County Council forwarded a statement of “ thirds ” and ” fourths ” for the ncriod January 27. 1913, to April 25, 1913. The Waitaki County Council forwarded a statement of “fourths” for flic period January 27, 1913, to April 26, 1913. —Receiver authorised to pay over the amounts. An application was received from Mr P. R. Sargood for permission to fence with rabbit-proof fencing and cultivate an area of about 200 acres on run 505. —Recommended. Mr R. M. Johnstone apnlicd for exemption from residence on his small grazing run lease No. 398. —Granted during pleasure of the board. The sanction of the beard was requested to the issue of a new lease in the name of Mr Matthew Dalglcish, the original document, I.i.p. 5025, oyer allotment 4a, Pukotapu Settlement, having been destroyed by fire.—Lease to bo issued as requested. An application was received from Mr William Kingham, jun., for permission to fence with wire netting and to cultivate and sow down in grass an area of about 300 acres in sections 12 and 13, block V, Lower Wanaka district, hold by him under pastoral license 1232. —Recommended. Mr Francis G. Buchanan wrote in response to his being called upon to show cause why his occupation lease over section 4, block XVHI, and section 9, block XXI, Crocks ton district, should not bo declared forfeited for breach of the residence condition thereof. —To bo given two months in which to take up residence on the land. An application was received from Mr s ßa,vid Kano for permission to cultivate an area of about 20 acres on his run No. 340 b Mr John Joseph O’Donohue applied for permission to occupy section 28. block XI, Waitahuna West district.—Held over for report from ranger. An application was also received from Mr Edward Hughes for an occupation lease over the same section.—Held over for report from ranger. A letter was received from Mr Donald MTntyre requesting that he bo granted a reduction in the rent on his pastoral license No. 1440 over Leithen Hill Run.—Declined. Hannah J. Osborne wrote showing cause why her lease should not be declared forfeited for non-compliance with the improvement conditions of her lease over section 11, block VI. Woodland district.—To bo informed that, under the circumstances, the time for effecting improvements would be extended to the end of the current year. R C Shearer applied for a five years’ license over sections 59 to 62, Conical Hills Settlement.—Granted yearly license at a rental of 10s per annum. The Warden, Cromwell, through the Mining Registrar, furnished a report upon the application of John N. Robertson for an occupation lease, with right of purchase, over an area of about 17 acres adjoining section 10. block I, Fraser district.—Declined ; to be offered an occupation lease if application is made for same Mr R. Cockburn. on behalf of Mr Andrew Young, applied for an occupation lease over an area of about eight acres in block I. Tcviot district, already hold by him under mise. lie. 2355.—Referred to warden, and to be advertised. Messrs Duncan and MacGregor, on behalf of the trustees of the late Mr Alex. Thomson, requested that they he granted valuation for improvements on part section 2, block XIII. Groenvale district, lately occupied by them, and also that part of the said urea be reserved to them to give access to their land adjoining.—Recommended that an area of about half an acre

at the north-east corner of the section be ! sold to the trustees for the sum of £2, fence to bo shifted by applicants, fencing on the roadline and half fence between Gordon and Abram to be valued by the ranger and valuation to be allowed therefor. Messrs Indcr and Cochrane, on behalf of Mr Donald M‘Glashan, wrote, in response to his being called upon to show cause why his lease over allotment sa, Conical Hills Settlement, should not be declared forfeited for failure to comply with the residence condition thereof.—No action to be taken until further report from the ranger be received.

Mr R. Cockburn, on behalf of Hercules Martin, applied to purchase an area of about two acres and a-half in block 11, Teviot district.—Referred to ranger for report. Mr Silas Hore applied for permission to occupy for grazing purposes section 166 (sand reserve), town of Komako. —Granted five years’ license at rental of 7s 6d per annum.

Mr Robert M'Phail wrote requesting that he bo allowed to surrender his yearly license over an area of 56 acres situated between the Clutha River and section 11, block I, Teviot district.—License cancelled. Mr Charles James Morris applied to have included in his occupation lease No. 288 over section 30, block IV, Lower Wanaka district, an adjoining area of about 40 acres, which he .holds under yearly license. —Referred to ranger A letter was received from Mr John O'Connor requesting that he bo granted a five years’ lease in lieu of the present yearly license over an area of 80 acres in the Adam’s Flat mining reserve.—Declined. Ranger O’Neill forwarded a report upon the capital value and valuation of improvements on section 2, block V, Lauder district.—The section, excepting portion granted to Mr Francis, to be offered on renewable lease at capital value of £4 per acre, subject to favourable report from warden.

Mr George A. Francis applied for a license to occupy, for grazing purposes, an area of about 20 acres opposite section 2, block V, Lauder district. —To be granted under renewable lease, subject to favourable report from warden. Application to bo advertised.

Applications for permission to transfer were dealt, with as follows: —0.1 358, sections 90 and 91, block IX, Maruwcnua district, Mr Wm. Frater to Mr Herbert Lory. —Recommended. M.l. part section 6, block XIV, Maniototo district, Mr- Leslie Field Reid to Mr Alex. Matthew Jordan.-—De-clined. L.i.p. 783, section 54, Tokarahi Estate. Mr Geo. Arthur Green to Mr Neil M’Kinnon. —-Approved. M.l. 2113, section 4, block VIII. Mooraki Town, Mr Jae. Cormac to Mr Ohas Victhorson. —Approved. L.i.p. 14545, section 4a, Totara Settlement, Mr Andrew Aitchison to Mr Allan Claranoe Anderson.—Approved. 2. block V, Gimmerburn district, Jane Wright Armour to Mr James Wright Elliott Armour.—Held over for a month. 0.1. 318, sections 60, 77, block IX, Maruwcnua district, Mr Anthony B'anchard to Elizabeth Jane Cook.—Referred to ranger for report. L.i.p. 3895, section 32, Macrewhenua Estate, Mr Jaa. Dalgcty to Mr Patrick Gorman.—Approved. L.i.p. 14475, section 15, Plunket Settlement. Mr Michael Walsh to Mr Geo. Robt. Worley.—Approved.

A letter was received from Messrs Dawnie Stewart and Payne explaining Miss Jane Wright Armour’s non-residence on section 2, block V, Gimmerburn district. —Held over for a month.

Ranger Atkinson reported that Mr Joseph Condon, lessee of allotment 9a, Kurow Settlement, was not complying with the residence condition of his lease.—To show cause before next meeting of the board why lease should not bo declared forfeited.

Ranger Atkinson reported that Mr Geo. Warwick was not complying with the resi- / dcnce condition of his lease over section 19a, Kurow Settlement. —To show cause before next meeting of the board why lease should not be declared forfeited.

Ranger Atkinson reported that Mr Wm. Warwick, jun., .lessee of allotments la and 15a. Kurow Settlement, was not complying with the residence condition of his lease. — To show cause before next meeting of the board why lease should not be declared forfeited. SECOND DAY. The Otngo Land Board continued its sittings on Thursday, the Commissioner of Crown Lands (Mr E. 11. Wilmot) presiding. The following applications to purchase theofreeliold of land held under the lease-in-perpetuity tenure were granted :—Sections 6 and 9, block XIV, Grecnvalc district, Mr Win. Alex. M'Kenzie; sections 22 and 23, block IX, Rankleburn district, Mr David Henry Whytock Keir; section 12, block VIII, Gatlins district, Mr Arthur Geo. Speak; section 55, block I, Rock and Pillar district, Mr Guy Francis Hooper; section 70, block VI, Glcnomaru district, Mr Andrew Moffat. An application from Mr Wm. Gwyn to purchase rural sections 35, block VIII, Tautuku district, was granted, and a similar application by Mr Frances O’Conncil, with respect to sections 32 and 33, block VIII, Tautuku district, was declined.

Mr David Ireland applied for a grazing license over an area in blocks \II and VIII, Rankleburn district. —Granted under section 130 of Land Act for a period of live years at a rental of £2 ner annum. A letter was received from Mr Geo. B. I. Gunn, lessee of section 58, block I, Warcpa district, requesting that he be granted exemption from residence for live days in the week. — Granted. Mr Win. Dowall applied for permission to clear olf 'the scrub and surface, and sow an area of about 1000 acres on Run 51a, Waipori district. —Granted. Ranger O’Neil! forwarded a report upon section 35, block X, Glcnomaru district, and suggested that the lessee, Mr Thos. O. Bennett, be called upon to show cause why he is not complying with the improvement condition of his lease.—Approved. Ranger O’Neill reported upon section 16, block X, Tautuku. Ranger Leonard forwarded a report upon the application of Robert Toms for a miscellaneous license over an area in block I, Bannockburn district.—Granted for a period of five years at 10s per annum. The board decided that Mr Peter James Jenkins bo called upon to show cause why his lease of S.G. Run 507 should not bo forfeited, and also declined his application for exemption from the residential clause of hia lease, —In connection with this application, Ranger Leonard reported that the applicant had not effected any improvements on his run.

An application by Lucy Robertson to purchase an area of about one acre in block 1, (Jroinvvell district, was granted subject to the report of the warden being favourable.

'Tiie applications of Messrs Jas. Leslie and Geo. (Jrabbe to purchase three and five acres respectively, set apart for closer settlement at Bannockburn, were granted. Mr James Millar Lowe's application to purchase sections 41 and 43, 1 Lock vl, Tiger Hill district, was approved, the Minister to bo informed that the applicant waa entitled to a grant. A similar application by Mr Robert Love, in respect to section 47, block VI, and section 8, block VII, Tiger Hill district, was granted. Charles Adams apjffied for sections 46, 47, and 48, block Vil, Woodlands district. Granted.

Ranger O’Neill forwarded a report upon the application by Mr James Curie for a license over an area of about two acres opposite section 4a, Duncan settlement. Granted at a rental of £2 per annum. A letter was received Irom Mr James Knarston with respect to the rent over section 1 of 47, block VI, Clarendon district.— Ha was given 14 days m which to accept this land at a rental already stipulated. Ranger O’Neill reported that section 54, block VI, Tiger Hill district, over part of which Mr James Carroll applied for a grazing lioense. was at present field by the Lady Annie Dredging Company. —The application was declined. Ranger O’Neiil forwarded a report upon tho application by Mr F. C. Spain to purchase the following eight sections for casn: 24 acres in block X, Leaning Rock district; 24 acres in block X. Leaning Rock district. —The application was held over. An application by Mr Joseph A. Cook for a five years’ license over sections 18 to 25 (inclusive), block IV, town of Livingstone, was granted in terms of sect.on.T3o of tlie Land Act at a rental of £1 per annum. Mr A. Richardson, lessee of allotment 59a, Conical Hills settlement, applied for permission to take a crop off an area of about 50 acres on tho adjoining allot. 31a. —Declined.

Mr William Wright’s application to purchase the frccho-ci of h 6 land, held under perpetual lease tenure, was approved. Tho Executors of Mr Andrew King (deceased) applied for permission to transfer their interest in section 2 of 64, block 111, Hillend district, to Mr Alfred John Glen.— A lease to bo issued under section 6g for tho balance c-f the term. The board granted the application of Mr John Thomas Genevan to. transfer h s lease of sections 10 to 37, block 1, Hillend district, to Mr John W dices. _ . The following applications for permission to transfer were approved:—S.G.R. 283, section 12. block XIV, Maungatua district, Mr Michael Graham to Mr Robert Aitken; 0.1. section 108, block 11, Teviot district, Caroline Watson to Rowland Alfred Parker; pastoral license, runs 27 and 34, W auatipu, Mr Coulson Spurway Pitman to Mr Francis Clisso.d K nub ley; pastoral license, run 6, Wakatipu, Mr Henry Herbert Pitman to Mr Arthur John Blakirton ; l.i.p, 1122 section 25. block VUV Gatlins district, Mr Clias. Hook Gordon Berney to Mr Wm Leslie Abcrnethy; section 262, town of Port Chalmers (School Commission reserve), ]Vlr John Young to Mi John Kemp; pastoral license, run 2353, Mr Tertius Martin Munro to Mr Henry Thomas Winter. Tho following appheat ons for permission to transfer were granted; S.G.R.. sections 122-124, block 11, s.g.r., section 10. block VI m.!., section 14, block VI. Leaning Rock district. Mr John Edward Bodkin to Mrs Grace Emily Attficld; r. 1., section 21, block VI., Lauder district. Mr Wm. Young to Messrs Charles Henry Kellett and I bos. Geo. Muirhoad; 1.i.p., section 54, Tokarahi estate, Mr Geo. Arthur Green to Mr Neil M’Kinnon. , Tho following applications for permission to transfer were declined : —M.L. 1560 section 49, block I, Warepa district, Mr Henry Robinson to Mr Robert G. Shcaiifi-g; r. 1., 115 s, section la. block HI, Lauder district. Davidina Suthei’land to Ann C,ark Sutheiland . r Tho following applications for permission to transfer wore recommended for the Minister’s approvalL.i.p., section 11. block XV, and section 6, block XVII, Greenvale district—Mr John Ambrose Kirke to Mr Charles Vere Kirke; s.g.r. 360. Run 225, Gimmerburn district—Executors of Mr Robert Shaw to Mr Peter Morrison Law; section 51. block VII, and section 55, block IX, Leaning Rock district—Transfer of shares held by Messrs Robert Samuel Kinnaird and John Eustace to Messrs William Lowe and William Robert Duthio. The following applications for permission to transfer were referred to the ranger for a report;—L.i.p.. section 8. block IX, Tarras district —Mr Herbert Charles Hording to Mr William Alfred Henry Schcib; mA., section 79. block VII. Lauder district— Mr Michael Ryan to Julia Ryan; lease 928sc, section 20, block V, Maungatua district (School Commissioners’ lease) —Margaret Johnston fo Mr Jos. Copland; lease part section 5i block V, Tuakitoto d’striet (School Commissioners’ lease) —Agnes Fraser to Alice Mary Smith; lease section 2 of 47, block IV, Waikcuaiti district (School Commissioners’ lease) —Mr Thomas Pratt to Mr Archibald William Douglas.

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Otago Witness, Issue 3101, 20 August 1913, Page 18

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OTAGO LAND BOARD. Otago Witness, Issue 3101, 20 August 1913, Page 18

OTAGO LAND BOARD. Otago Witness, Issue 3101, 20 August 1913, Page 18