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The eleventh annual show of the StrathTaieri A. and P. Society was held lundor perfect weather conditions on the Bth inst. at Middlemarch, visitors from town—of whom thcro wero a large number — getting a taste of what summer weather reallv is like. Notwithstanding the lateness of tho harvest, which prevented many country people from attending, there' was a* very big gathering throughout the afternoon, amongst those present being Messrs R. Scott and T. K. Sidey, M.P.'s, and, taken all in all ,the society has every reason to congratulate itself upon a very successful show. The entries wero numerically quite up to tho average, totalling between 400 and 500. There was a noticeable falling away in draught horses, however, this again being duo to the late harvesting operations; also in farm produce and poultry The feature of this latter section was an exhibit from the State farm at Milton, and although the time of year is not suitable for showing birds it oarno in for a good ileal of favourable comment. There were no entries Ln the classes for aged stallions or three-year-olds, and there was only one entry each in the two-year-old and yearling classes, both these latter being very creditable atiel the yearlingbeing awarded tin; ticket for champion entire. The brood mares were very good, the prize-winners, in the judged' opinions. being fit for exhibition in any show ring. The best of the lot wero the three-year-old fillies, tho prize-taker in this section being placed champion. The two-year-old fillies wero extremely oreelitablo to the oistrict, but the yearling' fillies wero rathor poor. Only three entries ware forward in the class for teams, which was not so representative of the district as might have been expected, with places inthe district like W. Kirkland's and Gladlaook Station, etc. As the judge expressed it, the fat cattle were mostly out in the fields, but mention must be made of the magnificent Polled Angus cattle that wore shown, the quality of which reached a very high standard indeed. The shorthorns were very fair, being the usual class seen at a country show. In the fat sheep tho lambs, although very good, showeel signs of the severe season; but in wethers, uny weight or age, there were four pens showing exceptionally good quality. The exhibit of pigs, though small, was very good, and the judge gave it as his opinion that it was tho best local exhibit he had seen. Tho produce forward was very good, especially the potatoes and swede turnips. In tho Aberdeen yellow-tops nine out of tho 11 exhibits were wrongly ckrssed, and were disqualified. Tho cakes and scones were very good, while a fine exhibit of fruit by R. Dawson and another from Taieri Lake Station attracted favourable comment. An interesting exhibit was a plant of the Chou Moellier. or marrow cabbage, grown on an experimental plot at Sutton, the leaves of which can bo cut down for fodder at intervals during the season. This particular crop when cut yielded 10 tons to the acre. Tho Middlemarch Brass Band dispensed musio during tho day, while variety was lent to the proceedings by a number of interesting contests, the results of which, together with some other sections, wero not available when our reporter left the ground. All the officials worked hard, but special praiso is due to the secretary (Mr R. Walker), who proved courteous and obliging, and a capable organiser. A ball was held in the evening. The following is the prize-list: CATTLE. Snoiuitoitx. Judge: Mr A. Douglas (Oamaru). Bull, any age. Three entries —Jas. Tisdall, sen.," 1, C. Patterson 2. Two-veai ol<J. bull. One entry—Jas. Tisdall I.' Best yearling. Two entries —Jas. Tisdall 1, C. Patterson 2. Cow, three years or over. Four entries —Jas. Tistlall 1, champion, and 2, G. Fisher 3. Heifer, two years. Four entries —F. Moynihan 1, Jas. Tisdall 2 and 3. Heifer; one year. Four entries —C. Patterson 1, Jas. Tisdall 2. W. Robertson 3 AvßsmitKs. Bull, anv age. Three entries Jas. Tisdall, sen. 1, \V. D. Mason 2. Cow, thrco years and over. Four entries—W. Moynihan 1. W. D. Mason 2 and 3 Heifer, two years. One entry— W. D. Mason 1. Heifer, one year. Three entries—W. D. Mason 1 and 2. Ohaxnkl Island Cattle. Bull, anv age. One entry —T. H. Pugh 1. Cow, three years or over. Five entries —F. Moynihan 1, W. D. Mason 2, W. Robertson 3. Heifer, two years. Two entries —W. D. Mason 1. Heifer, one vear. Two entries—W. D. Mason 1. Polled Angus. Bull, any age. Two entries—Roberts and Co. 1 and 2. Bull, two years. Two entries—-Robert3 and Co. 1 and 2. Bull, yearling. Two entries—Roberts and Co. 1 and 2. Cow, three years or over. Two entries — Roberts and Co. 1. champion, and 2. Jleifer. two years. Two entries -Roberts and Co. 1 and 2. Heifer, one year. Two entries—Roberts and Co. 1 and 2. DAIRY COWS Judge: Mr A. R. Kompshell. Cow most suitable for dairy purposes. Fight entries F. Moynihan 1, F. Atkinson 2, W. Robertson 3. Three cows most suitable for dairy purposes. Six entries F. Atkinson 1, W. Kobertson 2, Thos. Elliott 3. Cotter's cow. Six entries L. Valentino 1, G. Scandrett 2, R. Walker 3. Two heifers, one or two years. Eight entries—W. D. Mason 1, C. Patterson 2, John Elliot 3. Two heifer calves. Four entries—Jas. Tisdall, Jim., 1, Thos. Elliott, sen.. 2. FAT CATTLE. Judge: Mr A. Douglas. Two fat heifers. One entry—C. Patterson 1. Two calves, under six months, hand-fed. Two entries—Jas. I'i-.dall, illtl., 1, W. Kobertson 2. HORSES. Draughts Judges: Messrs A. Allison (Clarkesville) and W. Charters (Mosgiel). Kntire coll, two years One entry—Jas. t;„1»I1. sen., 1.

. Colt or gelding, one year. One entry— Jas. Tisdall, sen.. 1. Brood maro with foal at foot. Four entries—Jas. Tisdall, sen., 1 and 2, W. Moynihan 3. Foal, colt, or filly. One entry—Jas. Tisdall. sen., 1 Throe year-old fillv. Four entries—Jas. Tisdall, sen., 1 and 2, J. Keast and Sons 3. Iwo-y ear-old filly. Three entries—Jas. Tisdall, sen., 1 and 3, \Y. Moynihan 2. One-year old filly. Two entries—J. Keast and Sons 1, F. Moynihan 2. Dry mare, any ago. Four entries—Ja3. lisdaJJ, sen., 1 and 2, F. Atkinson 3. Mare, with two of progeny. Two entries - Jas. risdall, sen., 1, .]. Keast and Sons Pair mares any age. Three entries— Jas. Tisdall, sen., 1 and 2. Gelding, any ago. One entrv—W. Movnihan 1. Gelding, three years. One entry—W. Moynihan 1. Three-horse team, most suitable for farm work. Three entries—Jas. Tisdall, sen. 1 and 2, \Y. Moynihan 3. Best foal by Lion's Pride—W. Moynihan. Hackney oh Carriage Houses. Judges: Messrs D. Grant and J. Leedham. Entire, three years or over. One entrv —E. J Docherty 1. Mare, three years or over, with foal. One entry—R. Young 1 Colt or filly, two years. One entryMrs E. Williams 1. Fourteon-stone, hack. Five entries. —G. Rcandrett 1. J. Turn bull 2, F. Moynihan 3 ELevon-stono hacik. Ten entries—G. Peat 1. H. W. Beattio 2 G. Scandrett 3. Lady's hock. Seven entries—H W. Beattio 1, F. xMoynihan 2, J. Turnbull 3. Dog-oart horse. Nino entries—G. Scandrett 1, J. Turnbull 2. Mrs E. Williams 3. Buggy horse Ten entries—Walker Bros. 1. J. Anderson 2. F. Moynihan 3. Pair buggy horses. Two entries—B. Irwin 1, J. Turnbull 2. Cob, not over 15 hands. Three entriesWalker Bros. 1, A. Matheson 2, Mrs C. Rose. 3. Pony, 14 hands or under. Three entries —G. Fisher 1. J. Loitch 2, Mrs J. L. Kerr o. Spring-cart horse, tip to lOcwt. Four entries—D. Fisher 1, W. Moynihan 2. Jas. Kennedy 3. Best dairyman's turn-out. One entry— Mrs Osborn 1. SHEEP. Judge: Mr John Elliot. C'ORRIEDALES. Half bred ram, four-tooth or over. Three | entries—Roberts and Co. 1 and 2. Half bred ram, two-tooth. Three entries j —Roberts and Co. 1 and 2. HaJfbred owes, four-tooth or over. Three '• entries—Roberts and Co. 1 and 2. Halfbred owes, two-tooth. Two entries — ! Roberts and Co. 1 and 2. Border Leicester. Ram, four-tooth or over. Three entries | —Roberts and Co. 1 and 2. Ram, two-tooth. Three entries—Roberts j and Co. 1 and 2. Pair owes, four-tooth or over. Three ; entries—Roberts and Co. 1 and 2. Pair ewes, two-tooth Three entries—Roberts and Co. 1 and 2. RoMNEYS. Ram, four-tooth or over. One entry — j Roberts and Co. 1 and 2. Pair owes, two-tooth. Three entries—son 1, Roberts and Co. 2. Pair ewes, four-tooth or over. Six en- i tries —Roberts and Co. 1 and 2. Pair owes, two-tooth—A. Matheson 1 and 2 Fat Sheep. Judge: Mr A. Douglas. Three fat wethers any breed or weight i Five entries—T. Connelly 1 and 3. A. I Mlatbeson 2. Three fat wethers, two-tooth or over, not | oxeoe<ling 1401 b live weight. Two entries — I F. Moynihan 1, A. Blakely 2. Three fat wethers, two-tooth, any breed or weight, suitable for butchers. One j entry —F. Moyn'han 1 Three fat maiden ewes. Three entries F. Moynihan 1, A Matheson 2 and 3. Three fat lambs for freezing, not exceeding 421!). Five entries —Fraser Bros. 1 and | 2, W. Bennett, jun. 3 . Three fat merino wethers. Two entries — G. Fisher 1. A. Blakely 2. Three fat crossbred lambs, any weight. Three entries—F. Moynihan 1, W. Moynihan 2. Three fat lambs, any weight. Four entries—W. Movniham 1 and 2, F. Moynihan 3. prcs. Judge: Mr A. Douglas. Yorkshire boar, any age. One entrv — R. Young 1. Yorkshire sow, any acre. Two entries — Mrs K. Williams 1. R. Young 2. Sow and litter (not less than six), any brood, six weeks or under. Two entries — F. James 1, R. Young 2. FARM PRODUCE. Judge: Mr Waller Blackio. j Whoxt. velvet. Two entries—G. Currio 1. . I Wheat, Tuscan, On.! entry—J. Kinney 1 Wheat, any other variety. One entry G Currio 1. | Black oats One entry—F. Mbynihan 1. Dun oats. Two entries—W. Moynihan i ' Mangolds, long red. Two entries—Jas Tisdall, jun. 1, John O'Connell 2. | Mangolds, yellow globe. Two entries—W . j T), Mlason 1, Jas. Tisdall, jun. 2. _,..., Six carrots. Five entries.—Jas tisdall, ; jun., 1, John Williamson 2 Six white carrots. Two entries—Jas. Tisdall, jun., 1, W. Higgins 2. Six turnips, green top yellow Aberdeen, j Eleven entries—John O'Connell 1, A. Blakely 2. . Turnips, purple top. Two entries —Thos. i Elliot 1. it. !•:. Matheson 2. Turnips. Devonshire Grovstono. Two entries—R. E. Matheson 1 and 2. _ I Turnips, purple top mammoth Four I entries -R. J. Thompson 1, W. G. Thompson 2. Swede turnips. Thirteen entries—A. I Blakely 1. J. O'Connell 2. Joseph Beattio he. J. Keast and Sons o. Derwcnt potatoes Four entries—W. G. | Thompson 1, W. G. Newman 2. Kidney potatoes. Three entries —W. G. Newman 1 Up-to-Date potatoes. Nine entries—W. (!. Newman 1 and 2, M. Moynihan he and c. E'otatoes, anv other variety. Two entries T. I!. I'ugh" 1. Joseph Beattio 2. Best collection potatoes, six of each kind. Two entries —W. G. Thompson 1. Joseoh Beat tic 2. BeM collection parsnips. Four entries \V. Higgins 1. Mrs J. E. Matheson 2. Best collection vegetables. Six entries M. Higgins 1, Mrs J. E. Matheson 2.

WOOL. Judge: Mr G. M‘Handle. One fleece merino wool. Three entries — John Steel 1, A. Matheson 2. One fleece halfbred. Six entries—Fraser Bios. 1, A. Matheson 2. Fleece crossbred wool. Four entries —- Fraser Bros. 1, A. Matheson 2. DAIRY PRODUCE. Judge: Mr D. Grant (Outram). Home-made bread. Seven entires —Mrs D. Ballingall, jun,, 1, Mrs W. Bennett 2. Brown bread. Two entries—Mrs W. Bennett, sen., 1. Oaten cakes. Two entries—-Miss B. Bel- | cher 1. Girdle scones. Six entries-Mia A. Cameron 1, Harry Spratt 2. Oven scones. Fourteen entries—Mrs A. Cameron 1 and 2. Fruit cake. Six entries—Miss Birdie Fisher 1, Mrs John Anderson 2. | Seed cake. Six entries—Mrs D. J. i Rutherford 1, Miss B. Belcher 2. i , SP ori: " e cake Eight entries —Mrs G. | W illis 1, Mrs F. James 2, Home-made biscuits. entry—Miss B. Belcher 1. i '} p, i entries—Mrs A. Cameron 1, Mrs \\ . G. Jones 2. Fresh butter. Seven entries—Miss C. Belcher 1, Mrs J. Steel 2. Powdered butter. Seven entries—Mrs J Steele 1 and 2. Salt butter. Three entries —Mrs Ha.rvie I, Miss 11. Fraser 2. Fancy butter. Two entries—Miss C. Belcher 1, Mrs F. James 2. Best collection fruit. Two entries—R. Dawson 1 and 2. DOGS. Judge; Mr John Elliot. Rough-coated collie. Eleven entries—A J. Guild 1, F. Haves 2. Smooth collies. Eight entries—F. Haves 1. 11. E. Matheson 2. Bearded collies. Two entries—R. K. Matheson 1, D. Ballingall 2. POULTRY. Judge: Mr F. Brown (Milton). Ihiff Orpingtons. One entry—R. Jenkins Black Minorcas. Two entries —C. Scandrett 1 and 2. White Leghorns. Two entries—J. W Graham 1. Thos. Keast 2. Brown Leghorns. Six entries —R. Jenkins 1. Mis Agnes Robertson 2. Silver Wyundottes. Two entries—ll W Beattie 1, I’. 11. Pugh 2. i Any other variety. One entry II W I Beattie 1. ' Tuife.i-s, any variety. One entrv—R. Walker 1. " ( Ducks, ajiy variety. Two entries—W. M Elliot 1, Mrs John Elliot 2. Indian Runner ducks One entry— G Fisher 1. Geese, any variety. Two entries—J. W Graham 1 and 2.

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Otago Witness, Issue 3030, 10 April 1912, Page 21

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STRATH-TAIERI A. AND P. SOCIETY. Otago Witness, Issue 3030, 10 April 1912, Page 21

STRATH-TAIERI A. AND P. SOCIETY. Otago Witness, Issue 3030, 10 April 1912, Page 21