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FIRST DAY—FRIDAY. RINK PLAY. The Easter Bowling Tournament was commenced on the Kaituna, Roslyn, NorthEast Valley, and St. Kilda Greens on Friday. The weather was not. good for bowling, but the competitors exhibited all the zeal and enthusiasm for which bowlers are noted. There were three competitions merging into one another, and the green winners in each of thoso have to plav off to decide the contests. Defeated players in the Provincial Match were qualified to compete in the City Match, and those beaten in the City Match passed into the Suburban Match, so that three games at least were assured before any rink made its final exit. The prizes competed for were:— Provincial Match, first £8 6s, second £6, third £5. and fourth £3; City Match, first £6, second £3; and Suburban Match, first £4 4.5, second £2 2s. Sixteen ends were played, the time limit being fixed at two hours. The Kaituna Green, though apparently a bit on the damp side, was in fine playing order, the bowlers expressing themselves as highly satisfied with its condition. Some rather interesting games were witnessed during the day. The conclusion of play saw Slater (Mornington) declared the green winner in the Provincial Match, and the City and Suburban Matches advanced to tho third and second rounds respectively. The final between Slater and Thompson was a very poor game, neither team playing well. " Indeed, Balmacewen, including their generally reliable skip (Thompson), showed a decided falling away from tho high standard which had characterised their play during the first three games of the tournament. Mornington started off with ihree singles, and then Balmacewen got 1, after which Slater's men went to 11 before Balmacewen again scored. On the ninth head Thompson scored 4, and in tho tenth lie added 2 more, bringing him up to 7. Then Mornington scored a 3 and a 5, following on which Balmacewen scored 1 on the thirteenth, 1 on the fourteenth, and 3 on tho fifteenth heads, the scores then being 19 —12 in favour of Mornington, who added 4 more on the last head, the game resulting in a win for Mornington by 23 to 12. The Provincial Match was completed on the Roslyn Green, D. G. Watson defeating J. Tait for green winner. Tho St. Kilda Green played very well, but the wind in tho afternoon made the draw a little tricky. There were a lot of runaway games, and teams achieving a big victory wont down just as badly in subsequent rounds. The p!*-.v, generally speaking, was not brilliant. In tho semi-final Payne was lying 3 shots at the last end, with the scores standing even, but Clover drew a very fine shot and finished 1 up. In the final Balk ran away from Clover, anil at tho end of threo heads was 13 up, his score including an 8. He continued to fecorc up to the sixth end, when ho was 22 to nil, and finished 23 up, his score including an 8, a 5, and a 4. Glover retired at the fourteenth end. Mr H. M. Ewihg made an efficient and obliging Kreen umpire. At North-East Valley tho green played well, but the wind made it somewhat tiicky. Excellent arrangements had been made for the day's play, .and in consequence everything went well. Mr C. Russell Smith made an efficient and courteous green umpire. In the final in the Provincial Match Smith's rink went away with a rattling lead, and increased its advantage all tho way along. At the thirteenth head the Otago team had 17 to its credit and the Taieri 4, and the latter, recognising the futility of trying to make up the deficiency, retired. The- following are the results: — KAITUNA GREEN. Pkovincial Match. First Round. J. Thomson, D. Blyth, 11. Davis, and A.

Slater (Mornington) 25 boat Mann, Anderson, Mann, and A. Ross (Fairfield) 9. Murray, Austin, Wilkinson, and Brown (Caversham) 14 beat Berry. Adess, Falconer, and J. M'Curdy (St. Kilda) 11. Hay don, Foster, Smith, and Scott (Caledonian) 18 boat Christie, Whitson, M'Le:vd, and Turnbull (Taieri) 15. Burton, Jefcoate. Wausrh, and Ixacke (To Rangi) 19 beat M'Alister. Ashton, ScottAllan, and Morrison (St. Kilda). C. Ra\vli,nson, Bryson, Johnston, and A. Rawlinson (North-East Valley) 15 beat Lindsay, Watters, Buchanan, and W. M'Donald (Green Island) 11. Souter, Wallace, Betts, and D. Brown (Kia Toa) 17 beat Dickson, Frew, Wales, and A. Barnott (Roslvjri) 15. Paters-on, Blackwood. Young', and Howard (Roslyn) 31 beat. Woods. Hosie, Gebbie, and Tilburn (Wakari) 5. Beeby, Pilkington. Wilson, and Thompson (Balmacewen) 21 b?at Maxwell, Honovman. Fynmore, and J. Cooke (Otago) 11. Second Round. Slater 25 beat Brown 9. Scott 12 beat Locko 11. Rawlinson 16 beat Brown 13. Thompson 22 brat Howard 16. Semi-final. Slater 16 teat Scott 14-. Thompson 16 boat Rawlinson 10. Green Winner. Slater 23 beat Thompson 12, thus proving himself jrreen winner. City Match. First Round. Ross 19 beat M'Curdy 13. Morrison 20 beat TurnbuJl 18. Barnett 15 beat M'Donald 14. Cooke. 22 beat Tilburn 9. Second Round. Ross 19 beat Morrison 18. Cooke 21 boat Barnett 12. Locko 20 beat Brown 11. Howard 18 beat D. Brown 15. Third Round. Cooke 18 beat Ross 12. Locko 14 beat Howard 12. Sbott 17 beat Rawlinson 12. Suburban- Match. First Round. Tiirnbull 14 beat M'Curdy 13 M'Donald 20 beat Tilburn 8. Second Round. M'Donald 21 beat Turnbull 12. Barnett 30 beat Morrison 12 D. Brown 17 beat J. Brown 12. ROSLYN GREEN. Puovixltal Match. J. M'Tanmey, W. Midge. R. Tompleton B. W. Fell (Waikouaiti) 31 beat Rodtiers Williams, White, J. Gilmour (Dunedin) 7 N. Duncan, A. Middlemass, T. Sharpe H. Carson (Kaitanjrata) 19 beat R. Frew. K. H. Fountain, J. Scoular, G. Wedderspoon (Roslyn) 16. Nelson Bryce, D. Scott. Smcaton (St. Kilda) 16 beat M. J. Pearoe, Trcthaway, R. A. Cieland, T. Meekison (Caversham) J. Marcel la, S. Turnbull, W. Allan J Tait (Taieri) 23 beat J. Darkness, W. E. Christie, H. Morton, J. Hunter (Kaikorai) 0. A. J. Shaw, C. H. Hushes, J. G. Mcodv J. Connell (Kaituna) 17 beat J. Ford J Hoi gale, A. Napier, A. J. Rotting (Morning ton) 16. G. Hadlie, R. C. Jones, G. Shillitto, D. G. Watson (Kia Toa) 18 boat R. Douglas, A. Sinclair, W. Henaehan, H. Andrews (Caledonian) 13. J. Kirkland, A. Love. P. Allen, W. Allen (Fairfield) 14 beat W. Morgan, J T Wylie. A. Bellior. T. Collier (Port Chalmers) 13. J. H. Matheson. W. E. Chisholm. A. Matheson, W. Nioolson (Roslyn) 18 beat G. M. Pizev. F. Wrisrht. J. Allan. W. Beira (North-East Valley) 8. Second Round. Carson 27 beat Fell 14. Tait 15 beat Sms'aton 9. Watson 19 beat Connell 6. Nioolson 22 beat Allan 11. Tliiid Round. Tait 19 beat Carson 4. Watson 22 beat Nicolson 11. Final. Watson 16 beat Tait 14. < 'ity Match. First Round. Wedderspoon 13 beat Gilmour 11. Meekison 17 boat Hunter 9. Botting IS beat Andrews 15 Collier 29 boat Begg 7. Second Round. Wedderspoon 16 l>eat Meekison 15. (.'oilier 13 beat Botting 12. Smcaton 18 beat Fell 17. Connell 22 beat Allan 8. Third Round. Wedderspoon 25 beat Collier 12. Connell 15 heat Smeaton 11. Oarson 27 beat Nioolson 13. Suburban Match. First Round. Hunter 18 beat Gilmour 7. Andrews 26 beat Begg 16. Second Round. Andrews 14 beat Hunter 12. Meekison 20 beat Botting 10. Foil 17 beat Allan 13. ST. KILDA GREEN. Provincial Match. First Round. J. Kemnitz, A. M'Leod. W. R. Don, and J. R. Glover (Otago) 15, beat J. Stevenson, A. M'Donald, J. Corrio, and J. Collins (Caledonian) 11. C. H. M'Neill, J. A. MKinnon, J. M'Laohlan, and A. M'Leod (Taieri) 19, beat J. 19. Forrest, J. H. Wilkinson, J. Peterton, and A. Black (Dunedin) 10. J. Sanders, J. C. Stephens,T. Sanders, CJ. Payne (Kaituna) 18, heat Burt, 0 Flamauk, J. C. M'Clymont and 11. P. Donald (North-Last Valley) 11. R. Prcbble, J. F. Himberg, E. Tamblyn, and A. H. Allen (St Kilda) 21. beat W. Sutton, J. Emerson. J. Cook, and J. A. Peters (Port Chalmers) 14. A. M'Gregor, J. Barron, G. Piddington, and A. Mitchell (Caversham) 14, 'neat W. M'Dougall, Jas. Kyle, R. Carson, and J. Gago (Kaitangata) 13. J Scott. G. Scott, R. 11. Scott, and D. Seott (Roslyn) 20. beat, Lochhead, Garsidu. and P. C<arolin (Mornington) 14. Jno. Breck, J. Smith. S. Clements, and A. Buchanan (Milton) 16. beat P Barrett, J. 11. Wright, A. Summerell and J. Buist (St. Kilda) 8. J. L. Passinore. J. R. Wilson, W. M'Donald, and 0. Balk (Balmaocwen) 12, beat W. Evans, A. Falconer, J. M'Mullen, and A. Young (Green Island) 8. Second Round. Glover 21 beat M'Leod 10. Payne 18 boat Allen 7. Scott 16 beat Mitchell 9. Balk 19 beat Buchanan &

Semi-final. Glover 19 boat Payne 18. Balk 17 boat Scott 10. GRKKN FINAL. Balk 34 beat Glover 6. City Match. First Round. Collins 15 beat Black 11. Donald 27 beat Peters 7. Gago 16 beat Carolin 12. Buist 22 beat Young 20. Second Round. Donald 21 beat Collins 10. Buist 17 beat Gage 10 Allen 17 beat M'Leod 12. Buchanan 23 beat Mitchell 14. Third Round. Scott 16 beat Pavne 10. Buist 18 beat Donald 16. Bucbanan 16 beat Allen 13. Suburban Match. First Round. Black 19 beat Peters 13. Carolin 27 beat Young 10. Second Round. Gage 23 beat Collins 18. .M'Lood 19 beat Mitchell 18. Black 19 boat Carolin 11. NORTH-EAST VALLEY GREEN. Provincial Match. First Round. G. F. Smith J. Brown, W. Crawford, and C. Russell'Smith (Otago) 29, beat Edwards, Garden* Edwards, and Sheddan (Clinton! 14. F. W. Barnett. T. Linegar, G. Clark, and A. M'Dougall (Roslyn) 20, beat M. C. Alien. M'Millan, Walker, and Allnutt (Kaikorai) 11. _ ,' .., J. Logan, W. Austin. C. Foster, and M. Sinclair (Dunedin) 29. boat A. Langford, B. Nicholls, W. Kirk wood, and E. a. Allen (Balmacewen) 8. . D. M-Laehlan, A. W. Christie D Christie, and D. Stevenson (Taie") 17, beat T. Wallace. S. Hunter, J. Holloway. and J. Wain (North End) 13. A. Cameron. T. M'Fatten J Campbell, and A. Davidson (Taien) 19 beat Spong, J A. Cardno, J. G. Robertson, and D. M'Farlane (St. Kilda) 11. **„«. miliar. Hutoheson, Bradlay, and J. Moyee (Timaru) 17 beat Morrison, Burgew, G. Dunn, and D. Hutoheson (North-Last Vallev) 16. „ _ , » m n„ e f G F. Edwards, L. Tuckey, A. T Basting and J. Edwards (Caledonian) 15 beat rrapwp.ll, Sainsbury, Blyth, and Ooiill (Mornington) 10. _ „ W. V Kingston. W. Maddox. L. Pope, and W. R. Piddington (St, Clair) 24 beat G Withers J. Buchanan. A. Anderson, and R. G. Scott (Outram) 12. Second Round. Smith 28 beat M'Dougall 3. Stevenson 14 beat Sinclair 9. Davidson 20 beat Moves 14. Piddington 19 beat Edwards 14. Semi-Final. Smith 17 heat Stevenson 12. Davidson 17 beat Piddington 14. Green Final. Smith 17 beat Davidson 4. City Match. First Round. Sheddan 20 beat Allnutt 7. Hain 16 beat Allen 15. Hutchison 17 beat M'Farlane 15. Coull 16 beat Scott 12. Second Round. Hain 'l9 beat Sheddan 17. Hutchison 17 beat Coull 16. Edwards 24 beat Moves 10. Sinclair 19 beat M'Dougall 17. Third Round. Hutchison 15 heat Hain 14. Edwards 17 beat Sinclair 15. Stevenson 18 boat Piddington 7. Suburban Match. First Round. Allnutt 14 beat Allan 11. M'Farlane 17 beat Scott 15. Second Round. Allnutt 17 beat M'Farlane 8. Coull 22 beat Sheddan 12. Moyes 23 boat M'Dougall 18. SECOND DAY-SATURDAY. THE DOUBLES COMPETITION. Bowlers have so far been exceedingly fortunate in the matter of weather for their Easier tournament. It is truo the wind both on Friday and Saturday upset the calculations of most of the players, but the rain held off, and play was at least possible. On Saturday the greens in the majority of instances showed an improvement on Friday, inasmuch as they were playing keener. This was due to the fairly stiff gale blowing on Friday, which had dried the sward considerably, and made the bowls run easier. The green winners were found in nearly every instance without a tie. or ties, having to be decided, which is a rather unusual circumstance, and one good result of this was that play was finished in good time. The prizes are £4. £3, and £2, and a certificate for the club of the winning pair. The sectional system was adopted, four cames being assured to each pair, and 16 heads were played, or a time limit of an hour and 40 minutes enforced. Play on the Dunedin Green was carried on under very favourable conditions. The wind was at no time troublesome, although during one part of the day it might have been tricky. All the players concurred in their enconituna on the work put in by the green-keeper. A good deal of excellent play was seen, and the numerous spectators, especially during the afternoon, were given the opportunity of witnessing some really fine bowling. The conclusion of the fourtli round saw MTlwrick and White (Dunedin) and Hunter and Holloway (North-end, Invercargill) each with four wins. Needless to say, a trood deal of interest was taken in the final for the green between these two pairs. A sterling contest eventuated, resulting in a substantial win for the southern representatives. The North-East Valley Green was in splendid order, reflecting great credit on I lie zealous green-keeper. Upon the completion of the third round Holgate and Lotting (Mornington) were in the lead with no losses, and, as they were drawn for tho fourth round, it looked as if they must run out as green winners. However, tho unexpected happened, and they went down to Trethoway and Pearce (Caversham), who hitherto had not won a game. The Balmacewen Green felt the force of the wind pretty severely during the earlier part of the day, and again late in tho afternoon, otherwise bowlers had but littlo to complain of. The conclusion of the fourth round saw W. Foster and D. Smith (Caledonian), J. Lambourno and 0. Tillie (Caversham), and J. Breck and G. Clements (Milton) with four wins each. In the draw for the semi final Tillie a bye.

Smith had an easy win over Clements, and in the play off for green-winner, by (rood generalship compassed the defeat of 111 lie, Tho wind sweeping over the St. Kdda Green again proved troublesome, but with Fridav'3 experience players negotiated tho uneven draw with better results. In the third round Fountain was 17 at the tenth end to Buchanan's 6. but the Outra.rn players subsequentlv scored 2 twice and 3 twice, and eventually finished 1 up. The Taieri pair, Tait and Campbell, proved a strong combination, and came through with an unbroken record, the only game in wliich they were placed upon their mettle being that against Buchanan, of Outram. Mr H. M. Ewinsr had charge of the play. The wind was less troublesome on the Caversham Green than might have been expected. This green is vapidly improving, and bids fair to be one of the best about Dunedin in a few years. Souter aiid Brown, of Timaru, had three substantial wins, but in the fourth round, defeated their opponents, Prebble and Tamblvn, by only one point, and became winners on the green. At the end of the third round Maddox and Piddington and Scuter and Brown were on even term*, with three wins each, but in the fourth round Piddington succumbed to Begg. Mr W. Begg acted as green umpire. There was a good attendance of the public at the Roslyn, Otago, and Kaituna Greens, and the various games in progress were watched with keen interest, especially those in which the contestants vied with each ciher for green championship honours. The following are the results:— DUNEDIN GREEN. First Round. G. Burt and J. M'Clvmont (N.E. Valley) 16 beat G. Murray and F. Wilkinson (Caversham) 8. W. MTlwrick and J. White (Dunedin) 18 beat C. Lambourne and P. Seelye (Kaituna) 10. S. Hunter a.nd J. Holloway (North End) 12 beat C. Dickson and A. Barnett (RccIvn) 10. J. Anderson and W. Mann (Fairfield) 21 beat J. Wiison and W. M'Donald (Balmacewen) 10 J. Garside and P. Carolin (Mornington) 16 beat A. Patterson and T. Howard (Ros-!-.n) 13. G. F. Smith and C. R. Smith (Otago) 21 beat C. Leith and A. M'Leod (Taieri) 5. G. Hadlee and G. Shillito (Kia Toa) 12 beat S. Edwards and L. Edwards (Clinton) 10. G. G. Addess and J. M'Curdy (St. Kilda) 18 beat Miller and Bradley (Timaru) 14. Second Round. —M'Clvmont 14 beat Seelye 6, White 16 beat Barnett 13, Holloway 12 beat M'Donald 11. Wilkinson 16 beat Mann 15, Howard 17 beat M'Leod 15, Smith 19 beat Edwards 10, Shillito 14 boat Bradley 7. M'Curdy 24 beat Carolin 4. Third Round. —M'Clvmont 15 beat Barnett 14, White 14 beat M'Donald 11. Holloway 23 beat Wilkinson 13, Mann 17 beat Seelvo 7, Edwards 18 boat Howard 14, Smith 21 beat Bradle-v 11, Carolin 13 beat Shillito 6, M'Leod 17 beat M'Curdy 10. Fourth Round.—M'Donald 14 beat M'Clvmont 9, White 26 beat Wilkinson 4, Holloway 18 beat Seelye 12, Mann won by default "from Barnett. Bradley 12 beat Howard 11, Carolin 12 boat Smith 6, Shillito 16 boat M'Leod 12, M'Curdy 13 beat Edwards 12. Gheex Winner. Holloway 22 beat Wiiite 6. KAITUNA GREEN. First Round. H. G. Williams and J. Gilmour (Dunedin) 14 beat D. Flamank and 11. P. Donald (N.E. Valley) 9. A. Austin and J. Brown (Caversham) 19 beat W. Suinsbury and A. T. Blyth (Mornington) 8. W. Nicolson and A. Matheson (Roslyn 18 beat J. Emerson and I. A. Peters (Port Chalmers) 17. D. Waters and W. M'Donald (Green Island) 20 boat D. Blyth and W. J. M'Callum (Kaituna) 16. G. Haydon and J. Scott (Caledonian) 20 beat J. 11. Matheson and J. Patterson (Roslyn) 15. A. N. Christie and D. L Christie (Taieri) 15 beat A. Honeyrnan and C. Fynmore (Olago) 6. J. Kyle and R. Carson (Kaitangata) 19 beat" J. Kirkland and A. Love (Fairfield) 14. A. Macgregor and A. Mitchell (Caversham) 15 boat R. Scott Allen and A. Morrison (St. Kilda) 14. Second Round. —Brown 14 beat 11. P. Donald 13, Matheson 22 beat Blvth 15, M'Callum 19 beat Peters 17, M"'Donald 15 beat Gilmour 14, Christie 14 beat Patereon 12. Fvnrnore 18 beat Carson 10, Mitchell 21 beat Love 16. Scott 19 beat Morrison 9, Third Round.—Donald 15 beat Matheson 13, Blyth 15 boat M'Callum 13, Gilmour 20 boat Peters 9, J. Brown 17 boat M'Donald 9, Carson 14 beat Paterson 12, Fynmore 18 bear Mitchell 17, Scott 17 beat Love 16, Christie 19 beat Morrison 9. Fourth Round.—M'Callum 20 boat M'Donald 17. Gilmour 16 beat Blyth 12. Peters 17 boat Brown 16, Matheson 17 beat M'Donald 4, Mitchell 15 boat, Paterson 14, Scott 20 boat. Fynmore 8, Carson 17 beat MorrisoD 14 Christie 21 boat Love 14. This loft Haydon and Scott with four wins, and they became green winners. NORTH-EAST VALLEY GREEN. First Round. F. S. Wright and J. Allan (North-East Valley) 22 beat A. Trctheway and M. Pearce (Caversham) 16 J. Holgate and A. J. Rotting (Mornington) 2?. boat G. T. Edwards and D. S. Jollv (St. Clair) 12. J. Scott and R. 11. Scott (Roslyn) 17 boat. T. ('. M'Lennan and W. C. Ailnutt (Kaikorai) 11. P. Pilkington and W. C. Thompson (Balmacewen) 13 beat J. Sanders and T. Sandors (Kaituna) 12. G. Scott and D. Scott (Roslyn) 14 beat R. R. Douglas and A. Sinclair (Caledonian) 9. T. M'Fadden and A. Davidson (Taieri) 15 boat A. M'Leod and J. R. Glover (Otago) 10. W. Webster and J. Hollows (Wakari) 19 beat A. C. Jones and D. G. Watson (Kia Toa) 8. P. Barrett and A. Summerell (St. Kilda! 21 beat L. Christie and J. Marcella (Taieri) 4. Second Round.—Ailnn 16 boat Jollv 12. Bolting 17 beat R, H. Scott 14, Thompson 20 boat. Ailnutt 12. Sanders 18 boat. Poarce 9 D. Scott 17 boat Davidson 6. Glover 11 beat Hollows 10. Watson 15 beat Marcella 11. Summerell 20 boat. Sinclair 19. Third Round.—R. H. Scott 19 boat Allan 11. BoUing 19 beat Thompson 8, Ailnutt,

15 beat Pearce 13, Sanders 26 beat Jollv 12, Hollows 21 beat D. Scott 11, Glover 18 beat Marcella 13, Sinclair 18 beat Watson 12, Davidson 19 beat Summeiell 7 Fourth Round.—D. Scott 16 beat Marcella 13. R. H. Scott 15 beat Sanders 8 Pearce 17 beat Botting 13. Hollows 19 beat Summerell 16, Davidson 12 beat Watson 11, Thompson ' 21 beat Allan 17. Ailnutt 23 beat Jolly 11, Sinclair 18 beat Glover 14. Fifth Round.—R. 11. Scott 11 beat Thompson 5, Botting 7 beat D Scott 2. Sixth Round.—Davidson 9 beat Hollows 2. R. H. Scott plays Davidson for green winner. BALMACEWEN GREEN. First Round. C. Rawlinson and A. Rawlinson (NorthEast Valley) 15 beat J. Logan and P. Walker (Dunedin) 14, J. Lambourne and C. Tillie (Caversham) 12 beat J. H. Ford and A. Napier (Mornington) 10, F. Berrv and E. Falconer (St. Kilda) 21 beat C. Baoby and C. A. Wilson (Balmacewen) 15. H. Harrawav and W. Watters (Green Island) 23 beat'W. H. Duke and R. Brown (Kaituna) 7 W Fester and D. Smith (Caledonian) 13 beat J. FTew and R. Wales (Roslyn) 11. J. Brown and W Crawford (Otago) 19 beat D. M'Lachlan and D. Stevenson (Taieri) 15 „ „. . . W. H. Kingston and L. Pope (St. Clair) 14 beat Allen and W. Allen (Fan-field) 13. J. Breck and G. Clements (Milton) beat M'Alister and T. Ashton (St, Kilda) 10. Second Round.—Tillie 16 beat Rawlinson 14. Falconer 20 beat Napier 12, Brown 18 beat Wilson 10, Walker 17 boat Watters 14. Stevenson 18 beat Wales 13, Crawford 1 12 beat Pope 8, Clements 17 beat Allen 11, Smith 26 beat Ashton 11. Third Round.—Rawlinson 25 beat Falconer 8. Naoier 27 boat Brown 8. Walker 17 boat Wilson 15. Tillie 15 beat Watters 12, Wales 15 beat Pope 9. Clements 18 beat Crawford 16, Smith 19 beat Allen 9, Stevenson 19 beat Ashton 11. Fourth Round.—Rawlinson 24 beat Brown 14. Walker 24 beat Napier 20. Tillie 8 boat Wilson 7. Watters 22 beat Falconer 10. Clements 21 beat Wales 8. Smith 14 beat Crawford 13. Stevenson 27 beat Allen 6, Pope 25 boat Ashton 13. Fifth Round.—Smith 12 beat Clements 0, Tillie a bve. Green Winner.— D. Smith 5 beat Tube 3. ROSLYN GREEN. First Round. Sinclair and Foiter (Dunedin) 19 beat Dunn and Burgess (North-East Valley) 7. Crawford and Wilson (Roslyn) 15 beat Allen and Himburg (St. Kilda) 9. M'Leod and Whit-son (Taieri) 15 beat Kins and M'Peak (Otago) 13. Ross and Mann (Fairfield) 16 beat Coull and Dick (Mornington) 14. Buchanan and Linclsav (Green Island) 19 beat Thomson and Cole (St, Clair) 13. M'Dougall and Clark (Roslyn) 20 beat Collins and M'Donald (Caledonian) 7. Sharpe and Duncan (Kaitangata) 19 beat Lockhart and Wright (Balmacewen) 13. Buist and Wright (St. Kilda) 15 beat Scrvmgcour and Trounce (Kaituna) 9. Second Round.—Ross 17 beat Dunn 14. Coull 15 beat Crawford 9. Cole 16 beat Allen 11. Buchanan 12 beat Sinclair 10. M'Leod 18 beat M'Dougall 16, Lockhart 16 boat King 7, Sharpe 19 beat Buist 7, Trounce 11 beat Collins 10. Third Round. —Crawford 20 boat Dunne 9, Cole 17 beat Coull 16. Sinclair 14 beat Allen 9, Buchanan 17 boat Ross 14, Lockhart 15 beat M'Dougall 14. Buist 14 beat King 13, Sharpe 16 beat Collins 15, M'Leod 21 beat Trounce 11. Fourth Round. —Cole 18 beat Dunn 8. Coull 15 beat Sinclair 14. Ross 19 beat Allen 15. Buchanan 11 beat Crawford 5. M'Dougall 16 brat Buist 8. Collins 15 beat King 9. Sharpe 16 boat M'Leod 8, Trounce 19 beat Lockhart 8. Green Winners. —Buchanan and Lindsav tied with Duncan and Sharpe with four wins each, and in the play-off the former won--16 to 6. OTAGO GREEN. First Round. Morrison and D. Hutchoson (Xorth-Ea«t Valley) 20 boat J. C. Stephens and C. J. Payne (Kaituna) 14. Evans and A. Young (Green Island) 14 beat Linegar and Barnett (Weslraha) 9. A. Anderson and R. G. Scott (Outram) 24 beat llowio and C. Tilburn (Wakari) 12. Jefooate and J. Waugh (To Rangi) 19 boat Bott and G. Wallace (Timaru) 10. Thomson and A. SJlater (Mornington) 24 boat J. Secular and G. Wedderspoon ( 10. m . . % „„ , Dr Allen and W. Allan (laien) 17 beat Kemnitz and W. R. Don (Otago) 15. Garden and W. Sheddan (Clinton) 19 boat W. L. Christie and H. M. Morton (Kaiko'rai) 10. Nelson and 11. Smeaton (St. Kilda) <:3 beat M'Tamney and R. Templeton (Waikouaiti) 18. Second Round.—Barnett 21 l>eat Hutchison 11. Young 21 boat Tilburn 9, Waugh 18 beat Scott 15. Wallace 19 boat Payne 8. Allan 15 beat Wedderspoon 12. Don 17 beat Sheddan 12. Morton 15 beat Templeton 9, 'Smeaton 13 boat Slater 8. Third Round.—Tilburn 22 beat Hutchison 6. Waugli 11 boat Young 8. Wallace 14 boat Barnett 9, Wedderspoon 16 beat Sheddan 15, Templeton 13 beat Don 6. Slater 26 boat Morton 8. Allan 19 beat Smeaton 9. Fourth Round.—Waugh 16 beat Hutchison 6. Allan 18 beat Mortem 8, Payne 16 boat Young 15. Allen 18 beat Morton 8. Sheddan 13 boat Smeaton 8. Tilburn 16 lx?at Wallace 7, Scott boat Barnett, Wedderspoon 19 boat Templeton 10, Sflater 15 beat Don 11. Green Winner-. —.Tefeoato and Waugh having secured four wins became green winners. ST. KILDA GREEN'. First Round. P. Brvson and J. Johnson (North-East Valleyl 16 boat A. Middlemass and 11. Careon (Kaitangata) 13. I) M. Fastier and J. M'Mullen (Green Island} 14 boat P. M'Millan and A. Walker (Kaikorai) 12. W Mudee and B. W. Fell (Waikouaiti) 15 beat J. Hutchison and J. Moves (Timaru) 10. J. C. Butson and J. Look (To Rangi) 18 heat A. Gardner and J. D. Cameron (St. Kilda) 6. R. Frew and E. 11. Fountain (Roslyn) 14 beat J. Forrest and J. Pietersen (Dunedin) 12. ,:. C iui.i-eU an 1 J. Tait (Taieri) 23 brat !. i , . .:i;d A. T. Bastings (Caledonian) i 1. (4. V.': s and J. Buchanan (Outram)

17 beat A. W. Hillier and T. Collier (Port Chalmers) 15. T. Wallace and J. Hain (North End) 16 beat W. Spong and D. M'Farlane (St. Kilda) 11. Second Round.—Walker 21 beat Johnson 12, Moyes 14 beat M'Millan 12, Lock 15 beat Fell 10, Carson 15 beat Cameron 11, Fountain 25 beat Bastings 16, Tait 15 beat i Buchanan 13, Collier 15 beat Ilain 12, .M'Farlane 16 beat Pietersen 9. I Third Round.—Johnson 15 beat Moyes 12. M'Mullen 11 beat Lock 10, Carson 12 beat Fell 8, Walker 18 beat Cameron 13, Buchanan 18 beat Fountain 17, Tait 19 beat Ilain 17, Pietersen 23 boat Collier 17, M Fa-rlano 16 beat Bastings 13. Fourth Round. —Lock 10 beat Johnson 8, M'Mullen 15 beat Carson 8, Fell 10 beat Walker 8. Moyes 19 beat Cameron 7, Hain I. beat, Fountain 15, 19 boat Pietersen 10 Bastings 20 beat Collier 14, M'Farlane 13 beat Buchanan 8. Tait and Campbell (Taieri) having obtained four wins became green winners. CAVERSHAM GREEN. First Round. Lindsay and A. Harraway (Green Island) 17 beat Pizev and W. Begg (North-Bast Valley) 10. J. H. Wilkinson and A. Black (Dunedin) 15 beat Barclay and T. Anderson (Fairfield) 12. E. T. Wood and J. Gebbie (Wakari) 14 beat J. T. Wylie and M'lntyre (Port Chalmers) 7. W. A. Maddox and W. R. Piddinffton (St. Clair) 16 boat T. Emmerson and T. Meekison (Caversham) 7. Hamel and A. G. Blackwood (Roslyn) 14 beat Hannigan and H. Andrews (Caledonian) 7. M'Kmnon and J. M'Laehlan (Taieri) 14 beat Maxwell and J. Cooke (Otago) 7. J. Souter and D. Brown (Timaru) 20 boat M'Dougall and J. Gage (Kaitangata) 15. Smith and A. Buchanan (Milton) 13 beat Prebble and E. Tamblyn St! Kilda) 7. Second Round. —Begg 17 beat Anderson 13, Black 16 beat Gebbie 12, Piddington 25 beat M'lntyre 8, Harraway 10 beat Meekison 9, M'Laehlan 19 beat. Blackwood 18, Brown 14 beat, Cooke 7, Buchanan 18 beat Gage 15, Tamblyn 12 beat Andrews 11. Third Round.— 11 beat Gebbie 10, Piddington 25 beat Black 9. M'lntyre 20 beat Harraway 10. Anderson 14 beat Meekison 9, Brown 19 beat Blackwood 9, Cooke 15 beat. Buchanan 14, Andrews 16 beat Oate 13. Tamblyn 17 boat M'Laehlan 13. Fourth Round.—Begg 16 beat Piddington 10, Harraway 17 beat Black 16, M'lntyre 13 beat Anderson 11, Meekison 18 beat Gebbie 16, Blackwood 22 beat Buchanan 14, Cooke 11 beat Andrews 8 Gage 11 beat M'Laehlan 10. Brown 15 beat Tamblyn 14. Souter and Brown finished with four wins and became green winners. THIRD DAY—MONDAY. Bowlers were again fortunate in having fine weather on Monday for the continuation of the Easter tournament. As the tournament was approaching finality there was an additional interest in the play on Monday, and the Dunedin Green, where most of the games took place, was patronised, not only by bowlers, but by a large number of ladies. North-East Valley Green was also well patronised by onlookers. Both greens played well, and many competitors expressed satisfaction at the running. Strenuous efforts were made to get the tournament completed, but this proved impossible. A word of praise is due to Mr R. 11. Hanning, the centre's secretary, for his most careful and unremitting attention to the duties that devolved upon him. The final in the Provincial match re suited disastrously for Smith's rink, which suffered defeat, at the hands of the Mornington rink skipped by Slater. Mornington was first to break tho ice, and maintained the lead to the end. At the fourteenth end JMornington was 18 to Otago's 5. and though Mornington never got, a " hatfuJl " they finished up with a majority of 18. Watson and Balk played off for third place, and although the Timaru man was 10 before Balmacewen started to score, Balk and his men made matters even at tho twelfth end, and only suffered defeat by one point. In the City Match the Milton team, skipped by Buchanan, proved too much for tho Taieri rink, skipped by Tait, and finished 10 up. The scoring was verv small all through, and Taieri retired without playing the final end. The Suburban Rink Match,, which was commenced on Friday, was continued on the North-East Valley Green on Monday, tfie final being played off between rinks skipped by J. Hain (North End. Invercargill), and A. Rawlinson (North-East Valley). The game resulted in a rather hollow victory for the visiting rink, the scores at tho finish being 21 to 6 in their favour. The visitors led oik> up on the first head, and in the succeeding head they added five more. Rawlinson was two and three up respectively on the next two heads and in tho fifth North End increased their score to 8. In the sixth head North-East Valley scored one and then did not add to their total until tiie thirteenth, when one more was added, this being their final score. Haiti, however, had compiled a number of points, including five on the eighth, the concluding score being 21 to his opponents' 6. The visitors played splendidly throughout. The Doubles were advanced another stage. Following are the results of the day's play. RINKS. Provincial Match. Semi-final. C R. Smith 17 beat Watson 16. Slater 15 beat Balk 13. Fl N A L. J. Thompson. D. M. Blyth. IT. Davie*. and A. Slater (Mornington) 27. beat G. F. Smith. J. Brown. W. Crawford, and C. R. Smith (Otago) 9. Third Place. G. ITadlee, A. C. Jones. G. Shillito. and I) G. Watson (Timaru) 19. beat J. 1.. Passmore. J. S. Wilson. W. M'Donald, and O. Balk (Balmacowen) 18. City Match. Fourth Round. Hutchison 26 l>eat Edwards 9. Stevenson 22 beat Davidson 9. Weddersnoon 12 beat. Council 11. Tait 18 beat Carson 7. Cooke 13 beat Lock 11. J. Scott 11 beat Thompson 10. Buchanan 18 bent Buist 14. Glover 17 beat D. Scott, 16. Fifth Round. Stevenson 15 beat Hutchison 10. Tait 15 beat Wedderspoon 10. J. Scott 13 beat Cooke 9 Buchanan 28 bent Glover 14.

Semi-final. j Tait 18 beat, Stevenson 9. ; Buchanan 18 beat J. Scott 7. J Final. J. Breck, J. Smith, G. Clements, and A. Buchanan (Milton) 17 beat S. turnbull, J. Mareella, W. Allan, and J. Tait (Taieri) 7. Stibtjßbaji Match. Third Bound. I W. B. Piddington (St. Clai-1 "• '-at M. Sinclair (Dunedin) 12. W. C. Allnutt (Kaikorai) U i«.ai S. C. Coull (Mornington) 13. T. Collier (Port Chalmers) 11 beat B. W. Fell (Waikouaiti) 10. W. Nicolson (Roslvn) 13 beat H. Smeaton ' (St. Kilda) 11. A. Bos s (Fairfield) 19 beat D. Brown (Kaitoa) 12. A. Bawlinson (North-East Valley) 11 beat S. Howard (Roslvn) 10. I A. Black (Dunedin) 12 beat J. Gage (Kaitangata) 11. C. J. Pavne (Kaituna) 10 beat A. H\ Allen (St. Kilda) 9. Fourth Round. Ilain (North Etui) 19 beat Moves (Timaru) 13. I Collier 22 boat Nicolson 14. Allnutt 14 beat Piddington 8. Meekison (Caversham) 12 beat Andrews (Caledonian) 10. Rawlinson 15 beat Ro<?s 13. M'Donald (Green Island) 15 beat Barnett (Roslvn) 10. Black 18 bsat Pavue 16. 1 M'Leod (Taieri) 15 beat 11. P. Donald (North-East Valley) 9. Fifth Round. ! Main 19 beat Allnutt 13. Collier 19 beat Meekison 4. Rawlinson 20 beat M'Donald 10. M'Leod 13 beat Black 10. Semi-final. j Ilain 24 beat Collier 14. Rawlinson 14 beat M'Leod 7. Final. T. Wallace, S. Hunter. J. Ilolloway, and J. Ilain (North End, Invercargill) 21 beat C. Rawlinson, P. Bryson, J. .lohnson, and A. Rawlinson (North-East Valley) 6. | DOUBLES North-East Valley Gdeem. R. 11. Scott and A. Davidson tied for the position of green winner, and in playing off on the Dunedin Green Scott 13 beat Davidson 9 (seven heads were played). DI'NEDIX Greex. Fifth Round. Buchanan 21 beat R. H. Scott 4. J. Scott 15 boat Tait 14. D. Smith 23 beat D. Brown 13. Ilolloway 15 beat Waugh 11. FOURTII DA Y— Ty ESDAY. The tournament was brought to a close yesterday. Play in the Doubles was shirt.m! at 10 a.m., in fine weather, but shoitly after 11 o'clock the rain began to fall. Play was nevertheless continued until the games in progress were finished. These were the semi-final, in which Scctt and Smith had easy victories. Ho'.loway ai'd Buchanan then played off for third place. The game was fairly even up to the sixth end, after which Ilolloway got a couple of 3'e. which gave him a lead of 7. Subsequently hardly anything but singles was scored by either side, Ilolloway getting the mat seven times to his opponent's five, and finishing 10 up, The final between J. Scott and D Smith, both of the Caledonian Club, started shortly after 2 p.m., by which time the rain had cleared off, but it came on again, and the game was continued under unpleasant conditions. Notwithstanding this, some very good play was exhibited, pomeof the onlookers being of the opinion that no finer play had been seen during the tournament. It was pretty well level pegging all through the 21 heads, there never being a greater difference than 3 in the scores. The twenty-first head resulted i:i favour of Smith, and left the scoics even at lb all. and on the deciding head Scott scored 1 shot, and won the Double-. Following are the details: DOUBLES. Semi-final. .1. Scott 22 Buchanan 12. D. Smith 23 beat Ilolloway 11. Final. G. Ha\don and J. Scott (Caledonian) 19 beat W. "Foster and D. Smith (Caledonian) 18. For Third Place S. Hunter and J- Ilolloway (North End, Invercargill) 19 beat .1. Lindsay and W. Buchanan (Green Island) 9.

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Otago Witness, Issue 3030, 10 April 1912, Page 62

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DUNEDIN TOURNAMENT. Otago Witness, Issue 3030, 10 April 1912, Page 62

DUNEDIN TOURNAMENT. Otago Witness, Issue 3030, 10 April 1912, Page 62