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The meeting of the Land Board, held on the 11th, was attended by Messrs B. H. Wilmot (Commissioner of Crown Lands), J. A. Macpherson. G. Livingstone, C. Anderson, and P. Kinney. Donald Reid and Co. (Ltd.), on behalf of John Stanaway, applied for a yearly license over five acres, part of township reserve, near new bridge at Outram. —Application withdrawn. YV. M'Pherson applied for a yearly license over nine rcrcs adoining section 93, block XI, Teviot district. —Granted at rental of £1 per annum. Alex. Borthwick applied for a yearly license over sections 1,2, and 3, block .XXXV, Dunkeld Town, for residential purpose}. —Held over; present licensee to be notified.

W. A. Bodkin, on behalf of James Sutherland, applied for a yearly license over a small area in block XXXIX, town of Alexandra. —Granted at annual rental of ss.

The Clerk of the Manic to to County Council wrote to say that th-n '■'v.inoil had no objection to M. Prendov; application for a yearly license ovi of section 18, block VI, town of h.. ert anted at annual rental of 10s; gate to be provided on read line at the bridge. J. Wright and Sons applied for a yearly license over foreshore opposite section 2, block I, Otokia district.—Declined.

Charles Templeton applied to purchase a section in block 11, town of Newcastle. — Sections 17 to! 22 to be offered at auction at upset of £2O per acre capital value. Hugh Tohill applied for rural land on renewable lease —140 acres, —part of coal reserve in blocks VII and IX, Leaning Rock district.—Declined.

John Rivers applied for occupation lease on behalf of James Peterson Brown, for an area near the junction of the Molyneux and Manuherikia Rivers (block VI, Cairnhill). —Referred to ranger for report.

John A. Morgan applied for permission to plough section 20, block XVI, town of Ranfurly, held by him under yearly "license. —Granted; land to be sown down in grass.

Archibald Steel applied for occupation leaso of area adjoining section 17, block B (mining section), Leaning Rock district. — Held over until question of fruitgrowing areas is considered.

The Secretary Education Board wrote to say that section 18, block 11, Tautuku district, would not be required for school purposes.-—Application of F. Truby King granted, under section 128 of the act, at capital value to be fixed by ranger. A letter was received from Benjamin Price, lessee of section 30, block IV, Glenkenich district, who was given two months' time from last July m which to effect residence upon the section.—Permanent residence must be. effected within three months. .

Edwin Ellictt asked that section 19, block IX, Tarras, be included in tba renewable lease already granted him over adjoining sections. —Granted on condition that residence site license be surrendered.

Ranger O'Neill reported on sections 118, block I, and 179, block 11, Leaning Rock district, formerly Jiclcl under occupation lease by Thomas Holt. —Report adopted. James Elliott applied 'or exemption from residence upon small grazing runs 2620 and 262h.—Exemption granted during the pleasure of the board. R. Gockburn, on behalf of Robert M'Phail, applied for permission to cultivate paTt of the land held by him under yearly license—being an area in Block I, Teviot district.—Granted; land to be sown down in grass.

R. Cockburn, on behalf of Walter Ccckburn, applied for permission to cultivate part of the land held by him under yearly license—area in block VII, Benger district. —Permission granted for two crops; land to be sown down in grass. V. Freed applied lor rural land on renewable Case, area of three acres adjoining section 16, block CXI, Loaning Rock district. —Referred to warden for report. Application for arrears under renewable lease on Moutere Run. —-Area of 600 acres, Robert Lewis—Declined. Area of 162 acres, James M'Arfchur, run.—Declined. Parts of sections 125 to 126, block 11, Leaning Rock district, John Bodkin—Held over. Part of Run 221 a, John Dickie, jun. —Held over.

Robert Lewis applied for a renewable lease over sections 34 to 36. block VIII, Leaning Rock district, at present held by him under temporary license.. —Declined. The Clerk of the Waihem© County Council wrote to say that his council had no objection to the purchase of part of section 24, block IV, Dunback district '

raeo Settlement)r-_-by the Dunback Coronation Hall Committee.—Application recommended for approval. John Bemoy applied to purchase section 19, block VII, Woodland - district (quarry reserve). —Declined; applicant must arrange with County Council. John Langrramr applk-d for rural land for cosh under section 128 of " The "Land Act. 1908," section 31, block X, Woodland district. —Declined. The Secretary Gtago Education Board wrote with regard to the position of section 8, block X, town of Balclutha.— Mutter referred to ranger for report. A letter was received from Messrs Newton and Borton with regard to the application of T. M. Munro to subdivide Run 235 b, and transfer portion to R. G. C. Munro. —Report from* rangers to be obtained.

The Land Board concluded its sitting on Thursday, there being present—the Commissioner (Mr E. H. Wilmoc), Messrs J. A. Maepherson, G. Livingstone, C. Anderson, and P. Kinney. Bi-odriok and Chalmer, on behalf of Thos. Howell, applied for a yearly license over part of section 6, block XIV, Maniototo district. —Ranger's report adopted. Area'to be offered to Mr Howell at a rental of £lO per annum. Helen M. Fletcher applied to purchase land held under perpetual lease p.i. 448 (hs), section 9, block V, Strath-Taieri district.—Held over.

Francis George, the lessee of section 81, block I, Cromwell district, under, occupation lease, applied for exemption from residence for 12 months. —Granted. Ranger O'Neill forwarded a report on the mining reserve on the Clutha River, adjoining sections 3 and 4, block IX, Beaumont district, and section 15, block XII, Tuapeka West district.—Area to be divided into either two or three portions and offered under renewable lease.

The Secretary of the Alexandra Progressive Settlement League write with regard to the disposal of areas of land oil the Galloway or Dnnstan Flats. —Received, and contents noted for consideration. D. Stewart and Son, on behalf of Samuel Dunlop. asked that steps be taken to give their client further road access to section 2, block I, Pomahaka district. —Received. The following applications for permission to transfer "were approved :—Miscellaneous license 2224-—John Christian to Joseph Alexander Cook. R.I. 107. section 19, bkek XII, Tarras district —Robert Anderson to Edwin Barker (recommended for approval subject to declaration l being in order). L.i.p. 13745, allotment 36a, Greenfield Settlement —John Brand and Peter Brand to Andrew Telfer. Miscellaneous license 762, part of Bridge Reserve at Dunk eld Town, 3i acres, miscellaneous license 1892. area at junction of Clutha and Beaumont Rivers, 5 acres, and miseelleanous license 1862, sections 1,2, and 31, block 111, Beaumont district, 16 acres—Neal Dempsey to William Phillips; O.k.p 178, section 30, block V. Glenomaru district, James E. Ewart to William Rule Ewart. School Commissioners' lease, section 18 and part of section 7, block V, Kauroo district —George Robert Fiddes to Daniel Lenehan. L. and p. 1203, allotment 19a, Windsor Park Settlement—William Drennan to Angus M'Donald; cash certificate 72, section 22. block VI, Kuriwao district —'Margaret 11. Harward (nee Begg) to Percy James Lister. School Commissioners* lease 141, section 10, block XXIV, town of Oamaru —Johanna Hunter to Thcs. Alexander Familton and Harold Laurenson Familton. School Commissioners' lease 789, section 1 of 27, block IX, Oamaru district, and allotment 29, Totara Estate — Mary A. O'Donnell to Samuel Stevenson Cain. Small grazing run 620, sections 17, 24. and 25, block IV, Mount Hyde districtMargaret Harrison (a® executrix in the estate of the late J. W. Harrison) to Mary Fowls Harrison. L. and p. 625, section 20, block IV, and section 14, block V, Mount Hyde district —Margaret Harrison to Mary Fowls Harrison. Miscellaneous licenses 1183, 1212, and 1419 over sections in blocks IV and V, Mount Hyde district—Margaret Harrison (as executrix) to Mary Fowls Harrison. Miscellaneous license 2067, section 7, block 111, Highlay district (Quarry Reserve) —lsabella Freeland to James .Freeland. 6.1. 289, section 67, block 11, Teviot district —David Henry Parker to Rowland Alfred Parker. L. and "p. 1350. allotment 7a, Greenfield Settlement—William Reynolds, ju.n., to Arthur Thomas Allison and James Dowlimg Allison. S.g.r. 497. Run 224 y—F. A. M'Knight to Samuel M r K night (recommended for approval). L.i.p. 1469, allotment 23a. Totara Settlement —Ellen M'Auley to Arthur Orr (recommended for approval). O.r.p. 396, section 33, block IV. Glenomaru district—G. T. Randall to Richard Wright. Miscellaneous license 2120, area adjoining section 100. block IT. Teviot district—Matthew Ha.rli'wich to Robert Glendining. Henry Whittomo applied for rural land for cash, section 67, block VIII, Glenomaru district. —Ap-proved. John Mulrino applied for rural land under o.r.p. license, section 25, block 111, Glenomaru district.—Approved. Edwin Wm. Hardy applied for small grazing Run No 506. Lower Wanaka and Lower ITawea district.—Approved. The following applications for permission to transfer were declined:—L. and p. 563. section 71, block 11. Oamaru district (Ardgowan Settlement), and 1. and p. 564, section 72, block 11. Oamaru district (Ardgowan Settlement) —Annie J. Harrington to John Sinclair: 1. and p. 1095, allotment Ba, Barnego Settlement—half interest of Clias. Shand, jun., to Joseph ShiMa; 1. and p. 1094, allotment 7a Barnego Settlement—half interest of Joseph Shand to Charles Shand. jun. The following applications for permission

to transfer were held over:—R.l. 77, section 64, block VII, Lauder district—Mary Peek to Alfred Samuel Peek; r.l. 18, sections 22 and 23, block V, Lower Hawea district—Thos. J. Tate to Mungo Allison. Mary Anne M'Combe applied for occupation lease, 14 acres, in block IX, Beaumont district.—Declined.

M. Bernstono applied for a yearly license over Quarry Reserve, section 19, block VIII, Catlins district.—Declined. Dr F. Truby King applied for a sawmill site opposite section 12, block 11, Tautuku district. —Granted for a term of seven years; ranger to suggest rent. Ranger Atkinson reported on the application of Thos.' Lindsay for a yearly license over part of ballast pit reserve, section 76, block IV, Moeraki district.—Granted at yearly rent of ss. Sievwright, James, and Nichol (on behalf of Douglas Robert Barron) applied for a yearly license over the mining reserve adjoining sections 1 and 6, block VIII, Shotover district.—Granted at yearly rent of £l.

Charles M'Cann applied for a yearly license over a small area opposite sections 3,4, and 5, Town of Outram. —Granted over area opposite sections 4 and 5 at yearly rent ot £3 10s. Willows growing on land not to be interfered with.

Donald M'Lean and G. Kofoed applied for a yearly license over a small area opposite section 6, block XV, Town of Outram. —Referred to ranger for report. Ranger Leonard reported on the application of Jane M'Lennan to surender pastoral license over Run No. 11.—Received.

Jabez Burton (on behalf of J. H. Haughton) wrote with regard to the area granted under yearly license to R. Cockburn at last meeting of the board, and asked that the matter might be reconsidered. —Previous decision adhered to. Mr Cockburn to pay valuation for draining done by Haughton as assessed by the ranger. George D. Pringle aprdied to purchase la.nd under section 131 of " The Land Act, 1908," section 84, block IX, Maruwcnua district.—Held over for one month. M. Hanrahan applied for permission to plough half the area in section 10, block XV, Town of Ranfurly, and sow same down in grass. —Granted. Ranger O'Neill reported on the application of Hercules Martin for a yearly license over four acres adjoining section 9, block 11, Tcviot district.—Granted at 15s per annum. Owner of fencing to be allowed time to remove fencing. Bruce, Christie, and Co., Oamaru, wrote with regard to the loss sustained by Wm. Ravonwood, lessee of allotments 18a and 20a, Otekaike Settlement, owing to the failure of his crop--Board could not see its way to grant request. _ W. Price applied for rural land under renewable, 'lease, seeftion 2A, block IX, Warepa. district.—Granted. The commissioner and Messrs Kmney and Anderson were appointed to visit Kurow Settlement to look into the position of the water race there. . Richard L. Stringer applied'for a yearly license over the river frontage of nis leasehold allotment 59a, Otekaike SettlementReferred to ranger. V . , ■ Robert Cotton applied for permission to fence in an area of 200 acres situate in blocks XIV, Tuapeka East, and IV, Waipori district.—Ranger to report. James Minear appeared before the board in respect of his application to nave_ a road taken through section 66 to give access to section 57, held under lease by him.—Board could not see its way to recommend request.

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Otago Witness, Issue 3005, 18 October 1911, Page 23

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OTAGO LAND BOARD. Otago Witness, Issue 3005, 18 October 1911, Page 23

OTAGO LAND BOARD. Otago Witness, Issue 3005, 18 October 1911, Page 23