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The Dunedin Fanciers' Club is to bo coajzratulat-cd on feho auspicious opening to iis 29th annual show, vsbkh took place on the Ist, and was sufficiently striking to mar'; an epoch in the history of the widelyknown body. The idea of holding the show concurrently with that of the- Ota.go Agricultural and Pastoral Society proved, as was anticipated, a happy one. The premises were crowded fro'Ti 2.30 p.m.. when they were opened, till 10 (p.m., when they closed. The buildings were lent by Messrs Thomson and Co. There is considerable Poor space arid fair light. The rings for judging were of necessity in the or»n air. There were two of them, which greatly expedited judging, of which there was a great deal. The judges did their work with thoroughness and celerity, and their decisions w>v* regarded with general, if act always individual apnrovaJ. Mr H. Gr. Hunt (Leghorn*}, Mr P. C. Sinclair (WyansJcttes), Mr E. O'Reilly (Orpingtons, Larigshans. Plymouth Rocks, Minorcas, game, ducks, etc.) are already well known to the public, and the expedition with which they nr.t through the (poultry section was greatly conducive to the smooth running of the day's programme. In this they were ably by the Schedule and Benching Committees. The fancy pigeons were judged by Mr J. Smith, and the homers by Mr A. F. Clark. The canaries are abnormally difficult b:rd« to judge, and some strenuous work wa« done by Mr T. Scott, who made a highly efficient judge. Change nt venue end other conditions make the vvork of comparing this show with last year's somewhat difficult. The quality of the poultry is probably better. As to entries, the club have received 1006. being 120 in.excess of those received' , at last year's chow. All parts of the South Island and many places in the North Inland are well rep^er-prsted—for instance, such centres as Auckland, Napier. Wellington. and Palmersion North. The entries in the dog section are (practically the same n.s last year; there are fewer pigeons, but many more of poultry and canaries. It will r>o doubt he remembered that this >year the South Island championships are being competed for in this connection, which may in a measure account for the splendid canaries which are being shown. In the dog section bull dogsi form the stronger class: All varieties are more than promising, and Mr W. Stanton, who judged the bull dogs, spoke of the marked improvement in this class. St. Bernards are a fine type, and the shooting dogs are very ..much above the average. This Section was a remarkably heavy one to handle, and Messrs F. .Rogers. W. Stanton, and W. Hon denser are to be felicitated on their skill and decisions. The children's pete and cats will rot,he judged till Friday. This class is remarkably full. Messrs J. Hayne and J. Ee-B&S'wiH "have a fine collection of Persian eats en exhibition. Yesterday good work was done by Mr P. W. Wates, who looked-' carefully after the exhibits—rath or refractory customs, by the wav. Mr E. 9,] Wikon's tact, patience, and experience again proved him a highly valuable secretary,.. All concerned have worked hard to make the Fanciers' Club annual show attractive to the public, and the success/which .has attended their efforts is well deserved. POULTPvY. In all the various sections of poultry there were very numerous entries,, and in most instances the oompetition was very keen. _ White Leghorns constituted a fair class, in which ,the winning hen showed good body, but an inclination- to run to leg. TiiGreAwais a big- entry of cockerels, and the winner was a good-coated bird, with good t colour and showing good type, ■although inclined to be rather "on the leg." _ The second prize cockerel lost to thp winner inr lobes and comb, whilst the third prize bird, although "typey," was somewhat narrow. The first and second prize pullets showed good lobes and body, but were rather leggy. The third prize bird was also a good sample of the breed, but was shown in rather backward condition. A month hence its chances should fos much brighter. Black Leghorns mad© a good section, the pullets being rather easily in the first place as regards merit. Brown Leghorn cockerels constituted a gocd class, the winning bird showing pood type and marking, but being a little faulty in the breast —as a matter of fact, it was the evidence of type and marking that swayed the judge in its favour. The only difference between the first and second prize birds was the deficiency in lobe shown hv the latter. The third prize bird was somewhat young, but was of the right colour and showed the proper type. There was a fine even show of pullets. Speaking generally, it mav be said that the brown Leghorns' were trw best of their class that have been shown here for seme Tears. ff ftTiite< leghorns were a good even class, out. in orevious years better have bson ex-

r hibited. The rose-comtb whites, nowever, | although only a small class, gave decided ! evidence of improvement on past shows. Wyandotfces throughout were strongly represented, and there was some very keen competition-. In the opinion of Air Sinclair, the judge, silver Wyandotte© make i the best show the breed has dene here for ! some years. The first prize :oek gains its place in type, colour, breast, and »iaciriig; and the winning lien, also shows all the characteristics of the coming out in front of a very strong entry. There was a big and strong entry of pallets, and the chief prizetaker took precedence because of the superiority of its lacing. There was a large entry of golds, but the quality, taken all round, was not up to the t>ta,ndard. The cockerels were too dark, whilst. th# puliets' shewed a deficiency in lacing. White Wyandotbes were not so numerous as might have been expected, but tome splendid birds were placed before the judge, and in each class ,tbe winners were really .good specimens. Taking the Wyandottes as a whole, there is a distinct improvement shown on p;!,st exhibitions in Dunedin, and this year's show is well up to the New Zealand standard. There was a remarkably good show in all the gam.a section's, with black-red taking pride of place. The special prize for best game bird in the show went to a black-red pullet, shown in the pink of condition, with good Legs and shoulder. The piles were rather small, haying hardly reach enough, the best of the class beinjr a very young bird, which was hardly forward enough to show. Sebright's steed out among a fine lot of barrtams. and this class of game birds, as evidenced by the present display, only requires to be taken, up by a few enthusiastic fanciers to become popular. There was nothing special to mention about the Hamburgs, but fchsre were some exceptionally fine birds amongst the Plymouth Rocks shown, the claiss as a whole being better than has been in Dunedin for fome years—in fact, it is questionable if a finer show of the class" has ever been made here. Tbie pullet which scored first prize had a beautiful colour, and was finely marked with a fine body and typical symmetry. The first prize cockerel also showed. good, points throughout, and reflects credit o?i its breeder. Langshans mad? a good class, and in the opinion of the judge it would foe difficult to find a better lot of cocks and bans in a.:iy show in Australasia. fioudans, although not numerous, .were quite up to show standard, and Andalusians compared move than favourably with previous shows in Dunedin. Minorcas again wore not numerously represented, but there oar be no cavil at the quality. The best of the "Ws wero the cockerels, which wctfe of nice size and of good_ type and colour. There was a gcod showing of rose-coloured ' Minoroas, but breedere of this class wiii have- to improve considerably upon the present standard hefore fanciers will pay much attention to the breed. The birds on view show a tendency to the black Hamburg type, and this must be avoided if exhibitors desire to make a success of the breed. Black Orpingtons were not' numerous, but the judge thought so highly of them tha-t h» considered the black cockerel fully entitled to the snecial prize for the best bird of the br.-ed'itr the show.-' This bird shows beautiful type and colour, and might well he taken"" as a standard by breeders. Pullets, hens, and cockerels were also strong in their respective classes. There was a smaller show than. usual of buff Orpin/rtons, but, the quality was well up to the standwssL. A special feature' of. this department of the show, in the judge's oninion. was the duck classes. The collection of ducks was the best the judge, Mr Oswald Reilly, has seem for many year®. The Indian Runners, constituting a large class, have never been equalled in New Zealand, and it is doubtful if better exhibits in Aylesburys, Rouens, and Pekins have ever been seen in the Dominion. PIGEONS. Taken as a whole,- the exhibit of pigeons was not as good as that of last year. Nevertheless, several of the classes were of considerable merit. The first and second prizetakers in pouters were gcod birds, but the prize-taking fan-tail was inclined to carry its tail a little to one side. There was a very medium exhibition of dragoons, but some of the exhibits evinced really good quality, especially the first prizetaker. The first prizetaker in magpies _ was a ,good one of its class, but in turbits and owls there was only a mediocre display In tumblers the competition was not so gcod as last year. In' bald-heads the birds generally were rather low-cut, but the "flights" and markings were fair. There was good colour in the red tumblers, but it was from amongst the yellow tumblers that the bird as the best in the section was chosen by the judge as a selfcoloured bird- Taken all round, the class was a YSi'.y fair one. Children's classes are as a ruLs dismissed in so many words, but this, year, apart from the general excellence of the entries forthcoming the section contained one bird which stood out as-the best pigeon in" the show. This bird, of the magpie family, might with credit be shown in any collection in New Zealand. The 'second prize bird, a homer, also stood out as a really good specimen of the general class, although shown amongst the juvenile erftries. The quality in the homer classes right through was good, but at the same time it was not up to last year's standard. There were quite as good outstanding birds-, butthe general run of exhibits fell short- of previous years in regard to quality. The "Finnegan" standard has not been maintained, and birds of that grade were Badly missing this year. One of the exceptions was the fii'st prizetaker in the 100-mile cock class, this bird showing all the attributes of a perfect homer. There was a general imoression that the birds shown were soft, lacking flyiitg oractioe —a condition which should not' obtain at a metropolitan show. CANARIES. Taking them all through, canaries were a very even lot, and well up to the standard. In the opinion of the judge, Mr T. Scott, the show of Yorkshires was the bast that has ever been seen in DunedinYorkshires is a class that apparently is coming to the front, as evidenced by the entry. The two outstanding birds in the class were those shown by Mr Tailboys. In the Norwich there were c om very fine birds, both in the natural colour and in

the colour fed. Pre-eminent amongst the natural colours was a yellow bird shown by Mi- Wilkinson, of Christchurch. In the colour fed class there was a. very fine buff bird shown by Mr Robertson, also of Chi istchurob, which is the finest this year's judge has ever had before him. The section was a fairly numerous cne, and on the whole the quality was high, comparing very favourably with what has been shown in Dunedin in the past. Tho show of dogs must stand out as one .of the best ever seen in Dunedin. In ail departments the entries were large., and a, very high standard of quality has been maintained. Collies did not make a good showing apart from the main prizstakers. In the open class the prize dog was clean away from all the others, and stood second to none in the show, gaining the special in the section. Field spa.niols. ivere a. medium to gocd lot, and made a poor showing when the prize-winners are excepted. The whole ■grade of the breed, however, was considerably raised by the splendid braes of cokers shown by Mi- Liv~-rs".r!g'e. of Christchurch, a pair which would be hard to beat anywhere. These dog* won irr their • tive- claisseis, and took first a.nd special for best sporting brace in the show. In all point? they showed excellence. As a matter of foot, they hold an unbeaten record, and their presence lends a considerable interest tovthe dog sections of the show. Tn the bulldog seeion -■> record for Dunedin has been, established, there being no fewer than 52 entries in the respective clashes. It is also probable that this is a record for any show in the Dominion". There was, as might naturally be expected, a preponderance of local dog-, but at the sani.e time there was n. very 'air outside entry. A marked improvement on last year is observable in both dofrs and bitdbes, the dog cl-nes bein.;r this y.eiar very strong indeed. The most noticeable improvement was irr the heads—skulls and underjaws. As a matter of faet there is a. marked improvement all round, probably due to the "Green-tone" strain in.trodijocd recently to New Zealand by Mr Watson. of Palmewsion North. In the opinion of dosr oxport', " Creenf-torre " is a representative of one of the finest bulldog strains in the world. Smooth-haired fox terriers madifl a splendid exhibition, and Mr R-ogen's Sardonyx, which took first a.nd epeSial, v is alone worth goinjr to the show to see. He quite fills the. bill of what a fox terrier should ba. The competition amongst the prizetakers was vsrv keen, all being potential winners. The winninig bitch in three classes ftlorejand Motorist), shown by J. W'. Th-msorr. excelled in head, ear, carriage, and bono, but was somewhat long in the body. She is a bitch that no judge could pass. There was a strong entry in the wire-haired clashes, from amongst which Mr Webster's pair stood out oromincntly. In iho opinion of the. judge, Mr Webster's dogs nre the best ware-haired terrier.j. that hove been shown in New Zealand —at any •■' '■ \ in his experience. The Irish ter- ■ \ aJthouarh not numerically strong, n,s •' ■ ■■•• tvasted with some of the other 'classes, haye considerable merit, Mr Harper's firs 1 , prize dog being an animal eaual would be hard to meet in the Dominion. The show of skye terriers although email. Was a worthy oiTe. Retrievers did not make a big showing, but srood type end quality _ were displayed. There was no comnetifcion in th<& "lasses for Australian. terriers and Australian silky terriers, but tins single _ entries forward were remarkably good srieoimeinis of the respective breeds. The following is the nrize list: POULTRY. Game. —Black-red hen (three entries) — S. Solomon 1 and 2, C. J. Arnold 3; blackred cockerel (five entries) —Alf. Walker 1 and 3, S. Solomon 2; black-red pullet (five entries)—S. Solomon 1, A. Walker 2 and 3; pile oock (one entry)—D. L. Christie 1; hen (two entries)—D. L. Christie 1 and 2; cocekerel (four entries) —A. Walker 1 and 2, S. Solomon 3; pullet (three entries)—A. Walker 1,2, and 3; duckwing cock (two entries) —Herbert M. South 1, A. Botting 2; hen (one entry)—S. Solomon 1; pullet (two entries) —Alf. Walker 1 and 2. Game Bantams.—Black-red cock (five entries)~.L. C. Mowat 1, H. M. South 2, W. G. Crawshaw 3; hen (five entries) —E. Vernon 1 and special, W. M'G. Allan 2, L. C. Mowat 3; pullet (two entries) —W. G. Crawshaw 1, E. Vernor 2; pile cock (two entries)—Joe Casey 1. L. C. Mowat 2; pile hen (two entries) —Joe Caeey 1, L. C Mowat 2; pile cockerel (two entries)—W. Gordon 1, E. Vernor 2; duckwing hen (one entry)—E. Vernor 1. -Bantams (not game).— Sebright cold or silver cock (three entries)—P. W. Wates 1, W. J. Omand 2, R. 0. Kino- 3: hen (three entries)—P. W. Wates 1. W. J. Omand 2, R. O. King 3; coek°.rel (three entries) —J. H. Day 1, R. j O. Kin,«r 2. A. Gillam 3: nullet (two eni tries)—P. W. Wates 1, W. J. Omand 2. ! • Hamburg?.—Golden-pencilled oock (one entrv)—T. R. Pearson 1; pullet (two entries) —T. R. Pearson 1 and 2; cockerel ; (on°. entry)—C. J. Arnold 1. Plvmouth Rocks.—Barred cock (two enI tries) —Albert Bills 1; hen (five entries) — S. Solomon 1 and 3, Miss Sinclair 2, Sinj clair Korner v h c: cockerel (seven entries)—J: B. White 1 and special and 2, ! J. A. Ainge 3, Sinclair Korner v h o: nullet (six entries) —Miss F. Sinclair 1 and 2, J. B. White 3. J. A. Aingev h c. Leghorns.—White cock, single comb (seven entries) —G. C. Lane 1. C. Carter 2, P. W. Wate« 3, A. Gillam v h o; hen (six \ entries)—R. Vincent 1, G. C. Lane 2. A. i'Gillnm 3 and v h c: cockerel (17 entries) — ! C. C. Thompson 1. R. Vincent 2, A. Gillam 3 and v h c. P. W. Wates h c: pullet (13 ! entries)—C. C. Thomnscn 1. J. C. Lane 2. P. W. Wates 3, A. Gillam v'h c; rock, ro'fl comb (two entries) —J. H. Oliver 1. A. E. Hobbs 2 ; cockerel (one,entrv)—J. IT. Oliver 1: brown oock. single comb (one entry)— T. Miller: hen (six entries)—G. M. Drvden 1. T. Miller 2. J. Betten 3: cooWel (16 entries) —J. Betfen 1 and 2. J. H. Shaw 3. F. J. Breach v h c; pullet (six entries)— W. W. Robertson 1,2, and 3, J. Batten vh c; brown cockerel, rose comb (two entries)—G. M. Drvden 1 and ?.; pullet (one entry)—G. M. Dryden 1; black cockerel, sinoTa comb (two entries) —P. W. Wales 1, R. Hastie h c; pullet (four entries)— R. Hastie 1 and snecial, C. Carter 2, C. T. Bissett 3. P. W. Wates h c. Langfihans.—Black cock_ (two entries)— W. Henderson 1 and special, J. A. Ainge 2; hen. (three entries)—W. Henderson 1 and 2, J. A. Ainge 3; pullet (one entry)— I J. A. Ainge l. ; «

I Houdans. —Hen (two entries) —Mrs D. Munro 1 and 2: cockerel (three entries)— Albert Heard 1 and 3, Mrs D. Munro 2; pullet (three entries) —Albert Heard 1 and 2, Mrs D. Munro 3. Wyandottes. —Silver-laced cock (five entries) —All' Walker 1, Double and Wilson 2 and 3; hen (eight entries)---R. O. King 1 and 3, J. B. White 2 and v h c; cockerel (15 entries)—J. B. White 1 and 3, Alf. Walker 2, P. Carolin v h c, Double and Wilson v h c and h c; pullet (17 entries) J. B. White 1 and 3, P. Carolin 2, Doubb and Wilson and R. O. King v h c; goldenlaced hen (one entry)—W. J. Omand 1; cockerel (16 entries)—A. W. V. C'a.rk 1, 2 and 3; pullet (10 entries)—A. W. V. Clark 1 and o, A. D. Bremner 2 ; white cock (six entries)—G. J. C. Smart 1, J. B. White 2 and 3, G. W. Draper v h c; hen (fiv<3 entries)—G. W. Draper 1, G. J. C. Smart 2, J. B. White 3; cockerel (six entries) — J. B. White 1, G. W. Draper 2, A. S. Jarvie 3; pullet (four entries)—J. B. White 1, G. W. Draper 2 and 3. Andalusians.—Cock (three entries)—D. L. Christie 1, Joseph Evans 2, George Hunter 3; hen (three entries) —Joseph Evans 1, Geo. Hunter 2 and 3; ccokerel (three entries)—T. H. Dalton 1, Joseph Evans 2 and 3; pullet (five entries) —Joseph Evans 1 and 2, Geo. Hunter 3. Minorcas.—Black cock (two entries) —E. H. Jamieson 1, D. J. M'Donaid 2; hen (one entry)—C. H. Cunningham 1; cockerel (five entries)—W. H. Wilson 1, A. Crosswell 2, James Prentice 3; pullet (six entries) —James Prentice 1, C. H. Cunningham 2-and 3, W. H. Wilson v h c; black cock. rose comb (five entries) —D. J. M'Donald 1, E. S. Ball 2 and 3: hen (three entries)—T. Kennedy 1, D. J. M'Donald 2, J. M. M. Brown 3; cockerel (six entries! — T. Kennedy 1. D. J. McDonald 2 and v h c. J. M'M. Brown 3: pullet (seven entries)—E. S. Ball 1, D. J. M'Donald 2 and 3. . Orpingtons. —Black cock (six entries) —R. Fountain 1 and 2. C. T. Bissefc 3, Henry Ives v h c; hen (four entries)— Henry Ives 1. R. Fountain 2, J. A. Ainge 3; cockerel (.six entries)—R. Fountain 1. Henry Ives 2 and 3; pullet (eight entries)—Henry Ives I, R. Fountain 2 and 3; buff cock (five entries)—N. A. Fountain 1, J. A. Ainge • 2 S. Solomon 3: hen (five entries)—N. A. Fountain 1, R. Coxon 2. Mrs .1. A. Rea 3: cockerel (four entries)—S. Solomon 1 and 3. N. A. Fountain 2; pullet (six entries)— R. Coxon 1, S. Solomon 2, J. Casey 3. Ladv's Bracelet.—Cock or cockerel, hen or millet (eight entries)—Miss G. Rogen 1, Mrs J. B. White 2 and 3 Ducks.—Drake, Aylesbury (one entry)— James Mowat 1; duck (one entry)—James Mowat 1; drake, Rouen (three entries)James Mowat 1 and 2, J. H. Day 3; duck (three entries)—James Mowat 1 and 2; drake, Pekin (three entries)—James Mowat 1 and 2, J. H. Day 3; duck (three entries) —James Mowat 1 and 2, J. H. Day 3; drake; Indian Runner (five entries)— Prebble and Pryde 1, James Mowat 2, J. H. Day 3; duck'(six entries)—James Mowat 1 and 2, J. H. Day 3; drake, Indian Runner, under 12 months (nine, entries) — T. M. Lucv 1, James Mowat 2 and v h c, R. Coxon "3; duck (nine entries)—T. M. Lucy 1 and 2, J. H. Day 3; James Mowat v h c; duck, Buff Orpington (two entries)— T. M. Lucy 1, R. Coxon 2. Selling Classes, pTice not to exceed £1 10s.—Orpingtons: Buff cock ot cockerel (two entries)—N. A. Fountain 1, R. Coxon 2; hen or pullet (two entries)—N.'A. Fountain 1, R. Coxon 2. Wyandottes: Gold, silver, oock or cockerel (one entry)—P. Carolin 1; hen or pullet (one entry)—P. Carolin 1. Leghorns: A. 0. V., occk or cockerel (one entry)—W. W. Robertson 1; hen or pullet (two entries)—W. W. Robertson, C. T. Bissett 2; Any variety drake (one entry}— F. J. Conn 1. PIGEONS. Pouters and Pigmy Pouters. —Cock (three entries)—F. Alexander 1, A. J. Dryden 2, i D. L. Christie 3; hen (four entries)—W. M. G. Allan 1. F. Alexander 2, James Fleming c; cock or hen under 12 months (two , entries) —F. Alexander 1 and 2. j Fantails. —White cock (three entries)—W. ' M'G. Allan 1, J. J. Rawson and Co. 2 and j 3; hen (one entry)—W. M'G. Allan 1. I Jacobins (any other colour). —Cock or hen (one entry)—*W. M'G.. Allan 1. | Dragoons.—Blue or silver, oock (two ' entries)—R. W. Brown 1, J. Fisher 2; I chequer cock (one entry)—R. W. Brown 1; hen (one entry)—R. W. Brown 1; any other colour oock or 'hen (two entries) —R. W. Brown 1 and 2. Magpies.—Black cock or hen (two entries)—R. W. Brown 1 and 2; black cook or hen, under 12 months (two entries) —A. Schmidt 1, J. G. Woodhouse 2 A Turbits. —Black cock or hen (two~enfcries) —George Nicolson 1, W. M'G. Allan 2. Owls. —English cock (one entry)—A. J. Dryden 1. ' African cock (one entry)—W. M'G. Allan 1; hen (one entry)—W. M'G. Allan. 1; African cock, under 12 months (one entry) —W. M'G. Allan 1; hen (one entry)—W. M'G. Allan 1. Nuns.—Black cock or hen (two entries) — R. W. Brown 1 and 2. Tumblers. —Long faced, black bald oock* (two entries)—W. M'G. Allan 1, F. Alexander 2; hen (one entry)—W. M'G. Allan 1; black bald cook or hen, under 12 months (two entries)—W. M'G. Allan 1 and 2; black self oock (four entries) —F. Alexander 1, R. W. Brown 2 and 3, H. M. South h c; hen (two entries) —R. W. Brown 1 and 2; black self cock or hen, under 12 months (one entry)—H. M. South 1; red self cock (one entry)—H. M. South 1; hen (one entry)—H. M. South 1; red self cock or hen, under 12 months (two entries) —H. M. South 1 and 2; yellow self cock (one entry)—R. W. Browr. 1; hen (one entry)— R. W. Brown 1; yellow self cock or hen, under 12 months (one entry)—H. M. South 1; any other colour (one entry)—R. W. Brown 1, Working Homers.—Flying homer cock, 500 miles or over (six entries)—T. Veitch 1, W. J. S. Tattersfield 2 and he, E.- J. Reeve 3; hen (two entries) —James Robertson 1, W. J. S. Tattersfield 2; cock, 400 miles or over (seven entries) —W. Gordon 1, A. Stone 2, T. Veitch 3, J. Muir h c; hen (six entries)—A. E. Hunt 1 and 2 and special, James Robertson 3, H. W. Hilton h c; cock, 300 miles or over (seven entries) —T. Veitch 1, A. E. Hsnt 2, James Robertson 3, C. E. Butcher he; hen (seven entries)—A. E. Hunt 1,2, and special, E. J. Reeve 3, M. Anderson he; cock, 200 miles or over (nine entries)—A. E. Hunt 1 H. W. Hilton 2, J. Muir 3, W. J. S. Tattersfield he; hen (seven entries)—James , Robertson 1 and special, H. W. Hilton 2 £,n E '-, Hunt 3 ' R - A - Umbers he; cock' 10a miles or over (eight entries)—A E [ Hunt 1 and 2, t T. Ruufc. 3, S. W. Watson

he; hen (eight entries)—P. Clark 1, A E, Hunt 2, J Muir 3; oock. 100 miles or over, under one year (12 entries)—ll. W. Hilton 1 and special, P. Clark 2, 11. Short 3, A. Turnbull he; hen (seven entries) —A. Ston© 1, R. A. Umbers 2, T Veitch 3, A. E. Hunt hc; occk, 50 miles or over, under one year (six entries)—P. Mason 1 and special, A. E. Hunt 2, H. W. Hilton 3, James Robertson he; hen (four entries) —A. E. Hunt 1, H. W. Hilton 2, W. J. S. Tatters- ' field 3, T. Veitch hc; occk, most likely flyer (eight entries)—S. W. Watson 1, E. J. Reeves 2, A. E. Hunt 3, J. Muir he; hen (four entries) —-J. Muir 1, A. E. Hunt 2 and 3, S. W. Watson hc; cock, most likely flyer,. under one year (seven entries) —A." E. Hunt 1. T. Veitch 2, J. Muir 3, S. W. Watson he; hen (two entries) —P. Clark 1, A. E. Hunt 2. Teams class (three entries)—A. E. Hunt 1 and 2, W. J. S. Tattersfield 3; under one year (two entries) —A. E. Hunt 1, S. W. Watson -2. Soiling- classes (one entry)—M. Anderson 1. Boys' Classes.—Working- homer cock, any age (14 entries)—W. J. Fyfe 1, S. Ringrose 2, Moi-rie Carson 3, Walter Young hc; hen (11 entries) —Edwsird Applegate 1, Morrie Carson 2 and he, Walter Young .3, James Scoular c. CANARIES. Novice Classes.—Norwich, yellow, plait bead, clear (three entries) —Albert Ings 1, Mrs E. T. Clarke 2, G. F. Prattley 3; yellow, ticked, or variegated (one G. Connor 1; buff, clear (three entries)— I>. M'Laan 1 ar:d 2, H. H. E. Blagdon 3; buff, ticked, or variegated (four entries) — D. M'Lean 1 and special, Albert lirgs 2 and 3 ; crest-bred, any colour (one entry)— Albert Ings 1. Breeders' Classes.—Norwich, plain head, clear, yellow (five entries)—T. Wilkinson' 1 and special, A. Robertson 2, E. J. Ooloewell 3; ticked or variegated (six entries) —A. Robertson 1 and 2, W. T. Talboys. 3; buff, clear (eight entries)—W. T. Talboys 1 and special, R. Hopkins 2, E. J. Oekewell 3; ticked or variegated (three entries) — E. J. Oekewell 1, A. Robertson 2; crested, any colour (three entries)—E. J. Oekewell 1 and special, Thomas Muirhead 2; crestbred, any colour (three entries)—R. Hopkins 1, A. H. Timms 2; Yorkshire, clear, yellow, or buff (six entries) —W. T. Talbovs 1, Mrs E. T. Clarke 2, E. A. Oma.nd 3: ticked or variegated (three entries) —G. Langdon 1 and special, W Morrison 2. T Wilkinson 3. Open Classes.—Norwich, nlain head, yellow, clear, non-colour fed (.=even entries) — Thomas Muirhead 1, R. Hopkins 2, A. RoberUcn 3; ticked or lightly variegated (seven entries) —A. Robertson 1 and 2, R. Hopkins 3; heavily variegated (two entries) —A. Robertson 1 and 2; plain head, buff (eight entries)—W. T. Talboys 1 and soeeial, A. Robertson 2 and 3; ticked or lisrhtly variegated (six entries) —A. A. Binnie' 1, A. Robertson 2 and 3; heavily variesrated (three entries) —A. Robertson 1 and 2; dark crested, colour fed (four entries) —E. J. Oekewell 1. Thomas Muirhead' 2; grey crested (one entry)—Thomas Muirhead 1, crest-bred, any colour, non-colour fed (three entries) —Thomas; Muirhead 1 and special, G. Connor 2, Thomas Daviea 3 ; vellow, clear, colour fed (two entries) — A. Robertson 1. R. J. Brown 2: ticked or variegated (three entries) —T. Wilkinson 1, A. A. Binnie 2: buff, clear, colour fed (two entries) —A. Robertson 1 and special, A. A. Binnie 2; ticked or varieerated (two entries) —A. Robertson 1, T. Wilkinson 2; Yorkshire, yellow, clear, colour fed (seven emtries) —W. T. Talboys 1 and special and 2, E. A. Omand 3: ticked or variegated (four entries) —T. Wilkinson 1. W. Morrison 2, W. T. Talboys 3; buff (four entries)—T. Wilkinson 1. W. T. Talboys 2, W. J. Omand 3; t ; cked or varies-ated (one entry) —G. Langdon 1: Yorkshire, cinnamon., variegated (one entry)—T. Wilkinson 2 f evenlv-marked, anv varietv (three entries)-*. T. Wilkinson 1, 'A. Robertson 2, F. J. Oekewell 3. Se'llins' Classes. —Pair, any variety, not to' exceed £1 (one entry)—E. J. Oekewell 1; rot to exceed £1 10s (one entry)-—E. 3. Oekewell 1. MnU eroldfrnch: Light (one' entry)—George Nioofeon 1 and Gpsoial; dark (s~ven entries)—T. Wilkinson- 1, George Nioolson 2. Cage of fouv, an/, varietv (one entry)—E. J. Oekewell I. Goldfinch (one entry)—G. C. Lane 1. DOGS. Judges: Collies and spaniels, Mr F. Roger* J bulldogs, bull terriers, and Dugs. Mr W. Stanton; all other breeds, Mr W. Henderson. St. Bernards.—Dogs and bitches, open (two entries)—Mr E. J. Longdin's Admiral and Gipsy Queen 2. Deerhounds.—Dogs and bitches, open (one entry)—Arthur Adam's Glengarry (breeder, L. E. Broad), by Chieftain Bran —Juno Lassie Bran, 1. Pointers. —Dogs, pups (three entries) —J. S. Newton's Bylands Bingo, bv Togo—Bylands Bell, 1; A. Newton's Frolic 2; F. Brading's Comet (breeder F. Walker) 3;, dogs, open (three entries)—J. S. Newton'a Bylands Bingo 1, A. Newton's Frolic 2. F. Brading's Comet 3; bitches, open (one entry)—J. S. Newton's Bylands Bell, by Brag of Badhill (imp.)—ch Bylands Betsy, 1. Setters. —English, puppies, dogs (ona entry)—John Lupp's Major 1; dogs, open (one entry)—J. Smith's Spot 1. Setters, Gordon.—Dogs, open (two j entries)—J. Griffin's Melthorpe Spark : (breeder, S. S. Davis), by Morning Thropdonne—Sparkling Lass. 1 f J. C. Crawford's j Kuri (breeder. G. Strong), by Jock—i National, 2; bitches, open (one entry)—M. Roche's Naomi (breeder. W. J. Brookes), by 'Nero (imp.)—Milly (imp.), 2. 'Setters, Irish. —Dogs, open (three entries) —A. W. Nicolson's Nic (breeder. W. King), by Tom—Floss, 1, A. M'Gill's Carlo (breeder, J. Keogh) 2, W Evans's Jack' (breeder, J. Keogh) 3. Retrievirs. —Black, curly, dogs, puppies I (one entry)—J. Turner's Sweep (breedoiV Mr Penny), by Jack —Crib, 1; clogs, (six entries) —J. F. M'Donald's Rewimoxei (breeder, R. Patterson), by Jack—ltqyrJS Nell, 1; L. Spedding's Fritz (breeder, G.Alexander), by Major Glitters—Black Charm, 2; J. Masterton's "Chips 3. Brown, curly, dogs, puppies (two entries)—-Hv Bruoe's Beilwood (bred by owner), by, Bruca Rewi—Lady Betty, 1; C. A. Hamil* ton's Punch 2; dogs, open (five entries)—: Messrs Vause and Bates's Glen (breeder, J. Russell), by Bulls-wool—Flo, 1; H. Bruee's Beilwood 2; Messrs Vause asd Bates s Griff 3; bitches, punpiee (two entries)—H. C. Govan's Brown Bess (breeder, H. Bruce), bv Rullswool—Bellbird, 1 ; ft. W. Job name's Lady Nora (breeder, 11. Bruce), by Bruce Rewi —Lady;

Biddy, 2; bitches open (two entries)—Mrs H. Bruce's Lady Biddy (breeder, W. Ruslell), by Bullswool—Flo, 1. Collies.—Rough, dogs, pups (two entries) —D. M. Brown's Lord Lennox (breeder, W. J. D. Milne), by Jack—Caprice, 1; Miss J. Dunbar's Taipo Teufel Diable Diavolo (breeder, R. O. French), by Laddie—Glen, 2; dogs, novice (four entries)—D. M Brown's Lord Lennox 1, J. Dreaver's Tcss (breeder, Mr M'Kewen), by Zealandia King —Riwera, 2; Miss J. Dunbar's Taipo Teufel Diable Diavolo 3; dogs, New /euian<l bred (nine entries)—D. M. Brown s Lord Lennox 1, J. G. Parker's Mopgiel Wallace (breeder, owner), by Dominion Mack —MosQueen, 2; J. Dreaver's Toss 3; dogs, open (nine entries)—J. G. Parker's Mosgiel Wallace 1; Alexander Beggs's Southport . gulton (breeder, W. E. Mason), by Squire of Tytton—Southport Miss Hope, 2; D. M. Brown's Lord Lennoc 3. J. Dreaver's Toss vhc; bitches, novice (one entry) —F. Restail's Princess, by Bowmont King—Andante, 1; bitches, Zealand bred (two entries)—F. Restates Bowmont Princess 1, W. J. D. Milne's vaprice 2. Collies.—Smooth, dogs, pups (one entry) >—A. Stanley's Cromwell Boy 1; bearded bitches, open (one entry)—A. J. Guild's Wild Wave (breeder, E. Docherty), by Storm —Queen, 1; workers only, dogs and bitches, open (two entries) —R. Phelan's Poss 1, A. J. Guild's Frank (breeder, H. Kirkpatrick), by Toy—Lady, 2. Bulldogs.—Dogs, pups (three entries) —F. E. Watson's Wharekoki Mans (bred by owner), by Greenstone —Bellisima, 1; S. T. tJren's Tartar (bred by owner), by Rewa— Lady Harty, 2; dojrs. novice (nine entries) —F. E. Watson's "Wharekoki Mars 1, S. Oates, jun.'s, Prince Louis (breeder, A. Tindall), by His Majesty—Beauty, 2; J. - - W. White's Tiger Jim (breeder, J. B. Reid),- by Bromley Swasher —Gyp, 3; Mrs (Whiteima-n's Premier Dick (breeder, H. Reynolds), by Don—Cleo, vhc; dogs, New Zealand bred (11 entries)—T. Snow's Hukarere King (breeder, owner), by Chadwell 'Prince—Little Lady, 1; F. E. Watson's jWharekoki 2, S. Oates, jun.'s, Prince Louis, vhc; dogs, open (eight entries)—F. P. Watson's Greenstone (imp.; breeder, W. F. Pollard), by Dick Storm—Tauribelle,-1; R. S. H. Menzies's Glenledi Rector (breeder, .C. Olney), by Smyesdale Vicar—Neauger Cueen, 2; T. Snow's Hukarere King 3, S . .Pates, "jun.'s. Princess Louis, vhc; pitches, pups (three entries)—F. E. Watson's . /Wharekuki Bellona (bred bj owner) by . Greenstone—Bellissima, 1; R. S. H. Meniies's Glenledi Duchess (breeder, F. C. Reynolds), by Greenstone—Kathleen MavourJieen, 2; R. S. Menzies's Glenledi Fashion fbreeder, Mr Holmes), by Greenstone, 3; bitohes, novice (five entries)—F. E. Watson's •tWharekuki Bellona, 1; S. K. Gardham's Flounder (breeder owner), by Bromlev Swasher—Oysters, 2; R. S. H. Menzies's Clanledi Duchess, 3; bitches, New Zealand fcred (four entries)—F. E. Watson's Wharckuki Bellona, 1; E. H. Lough's Lady Betty {breeder, A. A. Hudson), by Gentleman Wack—Glenledi Beauty, 2; R. S. H. Menses's Glenledi Duchess. 3; and Glenledi Fashion, v.h.c.; bitches, open (three pntries)—R. S. H. Menzies's ch. Glenledi Bargemietress (breeder, Alban Gee), by Bargemaster—Battledore, 1; F. E. Watson's Dona (breeder, H. E. Carey), by Donor (imp.)—Kincora; brace—F. E. Watson 1, . it. S. H. Menzies 2, E. H. Lough 3; team ~-F. E. Watson 1, R. S. H. Menzies 2. —lrish water, dog 3, pups (one >ntry)—J. M. Smith, Tim, 1; dogs, open {two entries) —S. Ryan's Rory O'More. by patsy, 1; Alex. Steel's Carlo, 2; black cocker, under 301 b, dogs, pups (five entries) —Chas. Goodwin, Sydenham Boy (bred by owner), by Frisky Lad—Sydenham Girl, 1; E. D. Day's Boss (breeder, W Jooseman), by Chum—Queen Sydenham, 2; R. KirkJiam'a Prince (breeder, G. Pratley), by Brown Boy—Papanui Corelli, 3; dogs, novice (11 entries) —Alf. Robert's Glen 1, H. H. Bagshaw's Toronto Lascar 2, H. De O. Arthur's Rakiatia Transit 3; dogs, New Zealand bred (eight entries) —Mrs Leversedge's Kirwee Denis (breeder, W. C. Leverledge), by Epsom Merry Boy—Papanui Lee, I; R. H. Bagshaw's Toronto Lascar, 2; Chas. Goodwin's Sydenham Boy, 3; dogs, open (nine entries)—Alf. Robert's Glen 1, •Mrs Leversedge's Kirwee Denis 2, R. H. Bagshaw's Toronto Lascar 3, Chas. Godd•win's Sydenham Boy vhc; bitches, pups {one- entry)—J. H. Lomas' Gonville Eliza {bred by owner), by Papanui Ted—Havelock Ruby, 1; bitches, New Zealand bred {three entries) —J. H. Lomas' Gonville Eliza , 4, Conn and Harland's Musselburgh Armlet (bred by owners), by Toowoomba Ti-ansit —Musselburgh' Stella, 2; Geo. Wakelin's Fanny (breeder, J. Crabbe),'by Dandy— Fly, 3; bitches, open (three entries) —Conn and .Harland's Musselburgh Sappho 1 and Musselburgh Armlet 3, G. H. Lomas' Gonville Eliza 2; brace (one entry)—R. H. Bagshaw 1; bitches, novice (one entry)— 'A. Pringle, Huia Ware, vhc; bitches, New Zealand bred (two entries) —W. C. Leversedge's Papanui Lee (bred by owner), by iPapanui General —Papanui Ivy, 1; A. SPringle's Huia Ware, vhc; bitches, open ftwo entries) —W. C. Leversedge's Papanui feunrise (bred by owner), by Papanui General —Papanui Ivy, 1; A. Pringle's Huia fWare vhc; brace (one entry) —W. C Xeversed'ge, 1. —Spaniels, field, black, dogs, )jups (one entry)—W .S. Fisher's Binks {bred bj owner), by Nooks—Zoe, 1; dogs, open (two entries) —H. Lee's_ Pickles; bitches, pups (three entries) —Captain Alex. Forbes's Dinah (breeder, W. S. Fisher), by Nooks—Zoe, 1; R. Hastie's Vesper Bell (bred py owner), by Jack —Rubina, 2; G. Nicolipn's Tui, 3'; bitches, open (one entry)— 0. Nieolson's Tui, 1. Spaniels (any other Bitches, pups (one entry)—Arthur Jteorge's Jean (breeder, R. Hastie), by Jack Fox Terriers, Smooth-Dogs, puppy (four fentries)—Taylor and Henderson's Ricearda {bred by owner), by Rector—Cranston Loo, 4; J. T. Sinclair's Tulloch-ard Defiance {bred by owner), by Akarana Ability—- ■ pnden Lisle, 2; J. A. Brown's Sans Peur fbreeder, T. H. Glendining), by Sundowner Bristle®, 3 dogs, novice (seven r tries)—Taylor and Henderson's Ricarda J. T. Sinclair's Tulloch-ard Defiance 2, t". B. Smith's Myrtleton Majesty (breeder, '. B. Hall), by Akarana Prince—Hauraki ilda, 3; J. Hindmarah's Second Single [bred by owner), &y Double First—Akarana Dragon, vhc; clogs, New Zealand bred 110 entries)—F. Rosen's Sardonyx (bred by |>wner), by Raby Oxlip—Lyndie, 1; Taylor fcnd Henderson's Ricarda, 2; J. T. Siniqlair's Arakana Ability (breeder, J. W. Spence), by Double First—Akarana Flossie, g; Tulloch-ard Defiance, vhc; dogs, open {l2 entries)—F. Rogen's Sardonyx 1, Taylor ifld Henderson's Ricarda 2, J. T. Sinclair's fijearana AbUity 3, Tulloch-ard Defiance h c, fe Ina M'Krnzie's Pipce Patsy vhc; bitches, puppy *ssm W ' *f°?" jon's Moreland Motorist (bred by owner), by

oh. Gludon Major —Brunswick Cicely, imp., 1; W. Perry's Ruthven Pride (bred by owner), by Raby Oxlip—Ruthven Raby, 2; H. Griffith's Trixie's Double (bred by owner), by Double First—Trixie; bitches, novice (seven entries)—J. W. Thomson's Moreland Motorist, 1; H. Griffith's Trixie (breeder, Smith), by Raby Oxlip—Forbury Pridi° 2 • W. Perry's Ruthven Ruby (bred bv owner), by Glendon Ma^'or—Moreland Midge, 3; H. Griffith's Trixie's Double, vhc- W. Perry's Ruthven Pride, he; bitches, New Zealand bred (six entries)J W Thomsons Moreland Motorist 1; H. Griffith's Trixie 2, W Perry's Ruthven Ruby 3, Ruthven Pride v h c, J. U. Macdcu-all's Lady Zetland he; bitches, open (five entries)-J. W. Thomson's MoreTand Motorist 1, H Griffith's Trixie 2, J. T Sinclair's Gl4ndon Mischief (breeder A. MosesT by Oxo of Doneastei— Glendon Magpie, 3 y ; W. Perry's Ruthven Pride V Fox Terriers (wire)-Doors, p«t entries)—E Webster's \\aingawa Quago Tbred by owner), by ch Ching old Nipperht V„ Mist 1- S H. Dobbin's Soonhope ?rtbref by owner)! by Northfield . Tip fep-loonhoje Dot 2; T. H Gkndg. Melrose Whiskers breeder, E. A. bhanaj, bv Surdowner-Moreland Bristles. 3; dogs, novice Webster's Wam"awa Ouaro 1; Charles Essex's Paddy fbreeder, P° J. M'Shane), by Chingord Bob-Sweet Nell, 2; dogs, New Zealand bred Swa Quago 1; E. Shand's The Sundowner fbreeder, E. Webster), by ch Glondon Major-Gartmore Tatters 2; S. H. Dobbin's Soonhope Tip 3; dogs, open four Pntries^—E. Webbers Waingavva Q«aS° 1 E Shand's The Sundowner c, Charles Essex's Paddy 3; bitches, PUPPY entries)-E. Webster's Waingawa Slambo (bred by owner), by ch Chingford Nipper— Gleldon Mist, 1; T H Glendining's Melrose Bess (breeder, E. A Shand), by Sun-downer-Moreland 2; bitches, novice (three entries)-E. Webster sWamgawa Slambo 1; T. H. Glendining s Melrose Bess 2; Miss E.-B. Shand's Chertaey Mist (breeder, E. A. Shand) by The Sundowner—Roma, 3; bitches, New Zealand bred (one entry)—E. Webster's Waingawa Slambo; bitches, open (two entries)—.b. Webster's Waingawa Slambo 1, Miss &. B. Shand's Chertsey Mist 2. Irish Terriers.—Dogs, puppy (one entry) —W E. M'Dougall's Mike 0 Shea (breeder, owner), by Larry Dooian—Beta Mollie, 1; dogs, novice (one entry)—Mrs Macknight's 'St. Clair Scamp (breeder, R. H. Shepherd), by Por.sonby Phenomenon— Rippingdale Jess, 1; degs, open (three entries)—W. J. Harper's Lurgan Teefy (breeder, Rev. R. M'Keown), by ch Towers Barney—Lurgan Linen, 1; Jansen and Clarke's Lurgan Looney (breeder, Rev. R. M'Keown), by ch Roiiey Lane Ambassador—Lurgan Linen, 2; W. J. Harper's Ponsonby Phenomenon (breeder, Rev. R. M'Keown), by Brixton Jimmy—Lurgan Linen, 3; bitches, puppy (two entries)—W. E. M'Dougall's Beta Nance 2, F. J. Earl's St. Clair Biddy 3; bitches, open (five entries)—Jansen and Clarke's Whateroa Imp (bred by owners), by Lurgan, Looney —Whareroa Lass, 1; W. E. M'Dougall's Beta Nance 2, F. J. Earl's St. Clair Biddy 3 Scotch Terriers- Dogs, open (one entry)— Captain A. Forbes's Mac 1. Sky'e Terriers.—Dogs, open (on© er.try) — W. Mills's Casa Jim (breeder, Mrs Falconer), by Jim —Flo; bitches, open (on© entry)—W. Mills's Princess (breeder, Mrs Falconer), by Jim —Flo, 1; dogs, open (two entries) —C Gee's Te Kowhanga Scott.y (bred by owner), by Toby—Brodor Floss, 1; W. King's Dinny (breeder, Woods), by Walkh Jim—Tess, 2. Australian Terriers. —Dogs, open (one entry)—Mrs White's Kelso (breeder, J. O'Loughlin), by Kelso Boy —Duchess, 1. Silky terriers (one entry)—Mrs White's Gypsy (bred by owner), by Gipsy Jack —■ Huddersfield Floss, 1. Toy Terriers (any variety under 51b). — Dogs and bitches, open, (one entry) —J. Peterson's Bill 1. 'Pugs.— Fawn (one entry)—Miss D. Cheyne's Royal Guard ibreeder, J. Smart), by Blue Moon—Ruby, 1; dogs, open (two entries) —Mrs J. Holmes's Togo Matsumai (breeder, J'. Mortland), by Admiral Togo — R-eta, 1; Miss E. M'Beath's Mikado 2; bitches, open (two entries) —Miss E. M'Bt-ath's Jess (breeder, Mrs M'Farlane), by Toby—Snip, 1. Pomeranians.--Dog' or bitch, open (one entry)—F. P. Cookson's Avanex Chocolate Dandy (breeder, W. Burnard, England), by Granville Victor—Chocolate Minnie, 1. Variety Class.—Dogs and bitches, open (one entry)—Miss Tui Hanlon's Pat-a-Pcodle 1. Sporting Brace (si* entries) —W. C. SPECIAL PRIZES. Sotjth Island Championships. Canaries. —Clear yellow Norwich, plain head, T. Wilkinson; clear buff Norwich, jplain head, A. Robertson; any other variety but Norwich, W. T. Talboys. Challenge Clashes Daerhounds, Arthur Adam's Glengarry: pugs, Miss M'Beath's Jess; collies (rough), J. G. Parker's Mosgi'el Wallace; Irish terriers, W. J. Harper's Lurgan Teefy. Poultry Section. —New Zealand Colthing Factory's prize for best buff Orpington in the show, Mr S. Solomon; Dresden Piano Company, for best black Orpington in the show, R. Fountain; Crown Milling Company (sack of wheat), for best gam© bird, S. Solomon; Messrs Waters, Ritchie, and Co. (sack of oats), for best game bantam, E. Vernor; Messrs Kempthorne, Prosser, and Co. (trophy), for best Langshan, W. Henderson; Messrs S. F. Aburn, for best golden Wyandotte, W. J. Omand; Mr A. Chiaroni's prize for best Andalusian, D. L. Christie; Mr W. Binsted's prize for best Minorca (single comb), E. H. Jamieson; Messrs Reilly, Scott, and Gill's prize for best Indian Runner duck, T. M. Lucy, and for best Pekin duck or drake, J. Mowat; Mr R. Menzies' prize for second in the Lady's Bracelet, Mrs White; Messrs A. Harris and Co.'s trophy for best buff Orpington duck or drake, T. M. Lucy; Dunedin Timber and Hardware Company's prize for best Rouen duck or drake, J. Mowat. Canary Section. —Trophies: Mr W. trophy for best Yorkshire canary in novice, and breeders' classes (to be won twice, not necessarily in succession), G. Langdbn; Mr E. Webster's trophy for best colour-fed canary (to be won twice, not necessarily in succession), A. Robertson; cash prize presented by Mr C. Bills for best mule in show, George Merlson; hat presented by Mr J. H. F. Hamel for the best Yorkshire canary in open class, W. T. Talboys; Messrs Ahlfeld Bros., canary cage for_ best bird in novice class having

the largest number of entries, D. M'Lean; Messrs Nimmo and Blair (J>cwt canary seed), for best crest-bred bird in show, Thomas Muirhead; Mr J. J. Connor, Leviathan Hotel (10s), for best crested bird in show. E. J. Ockwell; Mr J. Isaaes, trophy for best bird in breeders' class having the largest number of entries, W. T. Talboys; Mr T. Fogo (10s 6d), for best bird in open class having the largest number of entries, A. Robertson. Dot Section.—Mr Alex. Begg, for best novice bulldog or bitch in show, F. E. Watson's Wharekoki Mars; Grocers Association, for best black cocker spaniel dogin show, A. Roberts's Glen; Mr James Sanson, jun. (one pair field glasses), for best sporting brace, W. C. Leversedge; Messrs Park, Reynolds, and Co., for best black cocker spaniel bitch in show, Conn and Harland's Musselburgh Sappho; Messrs Reidle and Scurr, trophv for best field spaniel in show, W. S. Fisher's Binks; Messrs Nelson, Moate, and Co. (box of tea), for best pug in show, Miss M'Beath's Jess. SECOND DAY, JUNE 2. The exhibition of the Dunedin Fanciers' Club, which was continued yesterday, was again a pronounced success, the attendance at all sessions, particularly in the evening, being very large. The takings for the two days are well ahead of last year's figures, The management throughout has been admirable, and in Mr E. S. Wilson the society lias an ideal secretary. The following completes our report of the SPECIAL PRIZES. Poultry. Challenge trophy, presented by the Dunedin Fanciers' Club, to be won twice in secession or three times at intervals (open to members of the club only), for the best bird in the show; present holder, Mr J. Tindall.—R. Fountain. Trophy, presented by Mr J. W. Thomson, for best Wyandotte in the show, any variety; to be won twice in succession or three times at intervals; present holder, Mr A. Walker.—J. B. White. Cash trophy, presented by Dunedin Fanciers' Club (to be won twice, not necessarily in succession), for the most points in Black Orpingtons; open to members of the club only; present holder, Mr R. Fountain. —R. Fountain. Cash trophy, presented by Dunedin, Fanciers' Club (to be won twice, not neeessarilv in succession), for the most points in White Leghorns (single comb only); open to members of the club only; present holder, Mr R. Vincent.—G. C. Lane and C, C. Thompson. Cash trophy, presented by Messrs Omand Bros, (to be won twice in succession or three times at intervals), for best White Leg-horn (single comb) ; present, holder, Mr G. C. Lane. —C. C. Thompson. Cash trophy, presented by Mr Maurice Coughlan, for most points in Silver Wyamdottes (to be won twice in succession or three times at intervals); present holders, Messrs Double and Wilson and J. B. White.—J. B. White. Mr R. C. Glendining's trophy for the best gold or silver-laced Wyandotte in the show, to be won three times; present holder, Mr A. Walker.—J. B. White. Oil painting, presented by Mr J. H. Oliver, for the best barred Plymouth Rock (to be won twice). —J. B. White. Silver cup, presented by Mr H. L. SprosSn, for most points in rose-comb Black Minorcas (to be won twice in succession or three times at intervals). —D. J. M'Donald. Silver cup, presented by local fanciers, for the most points in Silver and Golden Wyandotte cockerels and pullets (to be won twice in succession or three times at intervals) ; in the event of a tie most points in co'kerels to win.—J. B. White. Silver cup, presented by local fanciers,, for most points in brown *nd white singlecomb Leghorn cockerels and pullets (to be won twice in succession or three times at intervals); in the event of a tie, most points in cockerels to win.—C. C. Thompson. oup, presented by local fanciers, for the most points in black-red duckwing and pile Game cockerels and pullets (to be won twice only).—A. Walker. Silver cup, presented by Mr J. Morrison, for the most points in Langshans (to be won twice in succession or three times at intervals). —W. Henderson. Silver cup, presented by Mr John. Collins, for most points in ducks and drakes, all kinds (to be won twice in succession or three times at intervals). —Jas. Nevirat. Lamb, presented by Mr J. H. Day, for the best Indian Runner drake in show.—T. M. Lucy. Mr T. G. Race, Farmers' Arms Hotel, for best White Wyandotte in show.—J. B. White. Mr J. A. Ainge, 21s, for most points in barred Plymouth Rocks—J. B. White. Mr H. M'Neill, trophy, for best bantam (not Game).—P. W. Wates (Sebright hen). Messrs Farra Bros., copper kettle, for best Brown Leghorn.—J. Belted. Mr C. Taylor, 10s 6d, for best Black Leo-horn.—P. W. Wates (pullet). Messrs A. Steven and Co., 501 b sack or flour, for best White Leghorn, rose comb.—J. H. Olliver (cockerel). Messrs Hordern and White, 10s 6d, for best Pile Game bantam.—J. Casey.' Pigeons. Trophy, presented by Dunedin Fanciers' Club, for the most points in pigeons (to be won twice, not necessarily in succession); open to members of olub only; present holder, Mr W. M'G. Allen.—A. E. Hunt. Mr W. Allan, trophy, for most points in fancy pigeons.—R. W. Brown. Messrs R. Hudson and Co., goods to value of £1 Is, for best bird in classes 395 and 396.-T. Veitch. . . Mr Joe Casev, hat, for best bird in classes 397 and 398.-A. E. Hunt. Mr S. Geddes, Gridiron Hotel, 10s 6d, for best bird in classes 399 and 400.—A. E. Hunt. , , A Mr Stewart, Prince of Wales Hotel, 10s 6d, for best bird in classes 101, 402, 403, 404. —James Robertson. Messrs Reilly, Scott, and Gill, 10s 6d, for best bird in classes 405 and 406.—H. W. Hilton. . . . , . Mr R. Dunne, picture, for best bird in classes 407 and 408.—P. Mason. Southland Milling. Company, 10s 6d, for best self L.F. Tumbler other than red R. W. Brown. Mrs KeEgher, Crown Hotel, 10s, for best Dragoon or Pouter other than pigmy.— R. W. Brown. Mr W. Tattersfield, silver cup, for best flying Homer under one year (to be won twice).—H. W. Hilton. Canaries. Special prize, silver cup, presented bv

J. Kerr, Esq., for best Norwich canary, (plain head, crested, or crest-bred (to be won twice, not necessarily in succession).— T. Wilkinson. Trophy, presented by Mr W. Omand, for best Yorkshire canary in. novice and breeders' classes (to be won twice, not necessarily in succession}.—G. Langdon. Trophy, presented by Mr T. Scott, for best Nor-wioh canary in novice and breeders' class (to be won twice, not necessarily in succession).—T. Wilkinson. Cash prize, 10s 6d, presented by Mr C. Bills, for the best mule in show.—G. Nicolson. Messrs J. Speight and Co., 21s, for most points in Yorkshire canaries.—W. T. Talboys. Hardware merchants, 21s, for meet points in breeders' classes. —A. Robertson. Messrs Nimmo and Blair, £cwt canary seed, for best crest-bred bird in show.—T. Muirhead. Mr Peter Aitken, one pair nickel trouser stretchers, for most points in novice classes.—D. M'Lean. -- Mr J. Isaacs, trophy, for best bird in breeders' class having the largest number cf entries.— R. Hopkins. Dogs. Messrs Wright and White, for best black retriever dog or bitch in show.—J. F. M'Donald. Messrs llarraway and Son, for best pointer in show. —J. S. Newton. Mr R. Menzies, 10s 6d, for best coloured cocker spaniel in show. —W. C. Leversedgc. Mr J. W. Thomson, rose bowl, for best brown retriever in show. —Mrs Bruce. Mr J. W. Thomson, rose bowl, for best wirp-hair fox terrier puppy in show. —E. Webster. Cash trophy, presented by the Dunedin Fanciers' Club (to be won twice), for mo«t points in fox terriers; present holder, Mr E. A. Shand E. Webster. Trophy, for the best collie in the show, presented by Messrs C. Begg and Co (to be won twice in succession, or three times at intervals): present holder. Mr Alex. Begg. —J. G. Parker. Trophy, for the best smooth coaUd fo-x terrier in show (to be won twice in succession or three times at intervals); present holder, Mr W. Henderson.—F. Rogen. Cash trophy, presented by the Dunedin Fanciers' Club (to be won twice), for the most points in bulldogs; present holder, Mr R. S. Menzies F. E. Watson. Mr T. P. Williamson's trophy (to be won three times, not necessarily in succession), for best bulldog team; present holder. Mr F. E. Watson.—F. E. Watson. Mr J. Wood, suit of clothes, for best New Zealand bred smooth fox terrier puppy dog (to be won twice in succession, or three times at, intervals); present holder, Miss Ina MacKenzie. —Taylor and Henderson. Challenge trophy presented by Mr J. Hislop, for best wire-haired fox terrier in show (to be won twice in succession, or three times at intervals).—E. WebsteT. South Island British Bulldog Club. Club's trophy, to bo awarded to the best bulldog in the show, either sex (to be won three times, not necessarily jn succession); present holder, Mr F. E. Watson.—F. E. Watson. Trophy, to be awarded to the best bull bitch in the show (to be won twice, not necessarily in succession); present holder, Mr R. Menzies.—R. S. H. Menzies. Trophy, for the best New Zealand-bred bulldog in the show (to be won twice, not necessarily in succession); present holder, Mr A. E. Evans—T. Snow. Trophy, for the best New Zealand-bred bull bitch in the show (to be won twice, not necessarily in succession); present holder Mrs A E. Evans.—F. E. Watson ; Trophy, for the best puppy bull dog in show.— F. E. Watson. Trophv, for the best puppy bull bitch in show. —F. E. Watson. Trophy, for best bulldog in show.—F. E. Watson. A carved and silver-mounted shield, offered for competition, to be held for 12 months by the exhibitor gaining the most points in bulldogs at shows in the South Island at which the South Island Bulldog Club offers special prizes: present holder, Mr P. E. Watson.—F. E. Watson. Third Day, June 3. The attendance at the Fanciers' Club show on Friday exceeded even those of the two previous days, and proved a fitting conclusion to what has proved a most, successful exhibition from all standpoints. The exhibits of cats and children's pets were judged yeete=-4ay, and in almost every class.the competition was exceedingly keen. A source of great attrition and _ general admiration was an exhibit of Persian eats bj Messrs J. Kerr and J. Hayne. It comprised about a dozen of these fluffy felines, all of which were verv fine specimens. The following concludes the prize list: CATS AND CHILDREN'S PETS. (Judges, Messrs Rogen and Webster). Cats (Long Hair). Blue Persian. Four entries—Mrs Henderson 1,2, and 3; Miss Grant v h c. Silver Persian. One entry—C. A. Hutton 1. .. . . Any other class of Persian. One entry —Miss Alethea M'lntyre 1 Cats (Short Hair). Black.. Two entries —Charles Gray 1, Winifred Johnston 2. White. Two entries—Mrs A. Breeze 1, Cecil Lane 2. Tabby. Two entries—Jack Sinton 1, Kate Salter 2. Any other class. Three entries—Vera King 1, M. Grieve 2, Isabel Manning 3. Heaviest cat. Two entries—Jack Sinton 1. CHILDREN'S CLASSES. Poultry. Eight entries —Master D. Solomon 1, Clarence Carter and Hunter Day (equal) 2, Charles D l . Stewart 3, Ernest Haggett vhc, Russell and Winifred Byfield he and c. Parrots. Two entries—Cecil Lane 1, M. Samson 2. Cockatoos. Three entries —George Gray 1 and 2, N. Brettell 3. Cage birds. One entry —Miss Burrell 1. Rabbits— Short hair: R. 0. Douglas 1, J. King 2. L. Duncan 3, G. Wheeler he; long hair: George Gray 1, M. Padman 2, E. Burke 3, R. Stout, Mrs Ingram, and N. Brettell vhc, C. Lane he. Pair of rabbits (long hair) : Gordon Beck 1, R. O. Douglas 2, J. Wates 3. Guinea pigs. Five entries—E. Dredge 1, W. Brown 2, George Gray 3, T. Fitzpatrick and G. Gray vhc. Any other varietv of pet. Three entries —Na'ttj Yaks-.(fantails)-1. Henry Gilbert (pigeons! 2. SPECIAL PRIZES. Be-i :-i'.-.;!•!; : "od c;;t in show (Mes?,Glak •!• :;:'..; '■'• ey's prize)—Charles Gray.

Best Persian cat in show (Messrs Lane and Co.'s prize)—Mrs Henderson. Best rabbit in show (Mr J. Murphy's prize)—George Gray. Best pairrott (Mr F. J. Townsend's prize) —Cecil Lane. Children's pet, poultry (Mr 4. Lees'o prize)—Master D. Solomon.

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Otago Witness, Issue 2934, 8 June 1910, Page 43

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DUNEDIN FANCIERS' CLUB Otago Witness, Issue 2934, 8 June 1910, Page 43

DUNEDIN FANCIERS' CLUB Otago Witness, Issue 2934, 8 June 1910, Page 43