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LONDON, March 1. The wool sales arrivals to date number 364,500 bales, of which 229,000 have been forwarded direct to the manufacturers, leaving available for the next sales 141.000 bales. March 2.

At the tallow sales 425 casks were offered, and 345 sold. Mutton: Fine, 375; medium, 345. Beef: Fine, 36s 6d; medium, 345. The American wheat supply is 52,566,000 bushels.

March 4. Ths Bank of England returns show the stock of gold coin and bullion to be £31,720,000; reserve, _ £26,136,000; proportion of reserves to liabilities, 50.73. The notes in circulation total £28,264,000; public deposits, £11,249,000; other deposits, £40,252,000; Government securities, £13,976,000. Short loans are discounted at If per cent., and three months' bills at 2 5-16 per cent. The bank rate is 1 per cent.

Contois are quoted at £Bl 10s,

The following are the quotations for colonial Government stocks, compared with those ruling a week previous.

Vvcol *-\uotxaxi-au ■ u w Wheat: The markets are dull. American is lower, and there is but little demand from the Continent. There is little prospect of improvement. Liberal shipments continue. Thirty-eight shillings and ninepence is asked for New South Wales, February shipment; 39s 6d for South Australian and Victorian steamer (January); 39s 9d was paid for a steamer parcel afloat, and 58s lid was paid for an Australian March and April shipment. (?No) inquiry for spot; price nominally unchanged. Flour: Quiet. There is a fair quantity of Australian afloat, and a March shipment sold at about 28s, c.i.f., London. Butter: Very firm. Colonial arrivals are all cleared. Australian, choicest 120 s (occasionally 1235), secondary (scarce) 116 s to 118 s; New Zealand, 122 s to 1245, secondary 113 s; Danish, 128 s to 130 s; Argentine, 120 s to 1225. Cheese: Dull. New Zealand, coloured 58s to 595; white, 59s to 60s. At the sheepskin sales 4850 bales were offered. There was an average attendance and good competition. Long-woolled skins sold at par to id advance. There was less demand for short-woolled, which sold at par to id dearer. Silver, 23|d per oz. Copper: Spot, £6O 11s 3d; three months, £6l 8s 9d; electrolytic, £62 16s. Tin: Spot, £149 17s 6d; three months, £l5O 10s. Pig iron, 51s Bd.

German, 14s 4d; first marks, 16s 4d. Bradford wool is quiet, but firm, merinos being occasionally a shade higher. March 5. Sheep: North Island, 313-16 d; best brands, 3 15-16 d.

Lambs: North Island, 4fd; selected, 4fd. Australian sheep: Heavy, 3 5-16 d; light, 3|d ; Lambs : Best brands, 4£d; fair quality, 4|d; inferior quality, 4id. Beef: fores, 3 l-6d; hinds, 3id. River Plate sheep: Heavy, 3£d; light, 3 9-16 d. Beef: Fores, 3 l-16d; hinds, 3id ; lambs, 4|d. March 6. Wheat: 14,000 quarters of Australian sold at 395.

Rabbits: Firm. Large Sydney are retailing at 17s to 18s; Melbourne. 16s. Larsje sales of Sydney Februai'y and March shipment were made at 13s, c.i.f. Hemp: Dull. March and May shipment, £24 15s. Kauri: The stock is 335 cases.

Copra: Firm, and large business. South Sea. (in bags), £24. Cotton: March and Aoril shipment, 7.79£d. Antimony: £8 ss.

Copper: Soot, £6O 6s 3d; three months, £6l 3s 9d. Tin: Spot, £149 10s; three months, £lsl 2s 6d. Lead: £l3 ss. Galvanised iron, £l4 10s and £l4 ss.


WHOLESALE PRODUCE REPORTS. Mr J. Fleming, Princes street south, reports under date the Bth inst.:

Wheat per bushel. Best milling 4/3-4/1 Medium do ... 4/1 Fowls' ... 3/10 —4/0 Milling oats ... 1/10 Feed oats... 1/B—l/9 Malt barley ... 3/0 Feed barley 2/o—2/3 Cape barley ... 3/0 Maize 4/0 per ton. Hour, in 200’s ... 215/0 Flour, in 50’s ... 230/0 Pollard 80/0 Bran 05/0

per ton Oatmeal, in 25'r 210/0 Oaten chaff 55/0-62/6 Ryegrass hay 52/6-60/0 Straw ...27/6 to 35/0 Pearl barley .. 340$ cwt Onions, good 5/6—6/0 • \>er lb. Rolled bacon 7Jd—Bd Side bacon ... B£d Smoked hams ... 91 Cheese ... 6d—6§d Good salt butter, 9d to lOd. according to quality

' New potatoes, 4s to 5s per cwt. Good potatoes, scarce. Market bare of good hay.

FARM AND DAIRY PRODUCE. Messrs Irvine and Stevenson. George street, report paying lor produce during the week Ai-irtin rt ttie fif'Vi just, as follows:™

ending tne &in mst. as i'.acon (roll), 8d per lb I ] Ham, 8d per lb | Fresh eegs. lai’d doz I !

s lUtuows ; Fiesh butter, 8d to 9d per lb Silt butter : not buying

Fresh butter, good ordinary (in 11b and Jib prints), 8d to lOd per lb. Figs, 130 lb to 1801 b, 3d. Honey 3Jd. Fowls, 3s to 3s Cd (boiling).

HIGH COMMISSIONER'S CABLEGRAM. WELLINGTON, March 7. The High iOornmissioner's market report, dated March 5, is as follows : Mutton: Better demand. The stocks on hand are light, and firmly hold in a few hands. Average prices—Canterbury mutton, North Island, 3Jd. Lamb: The market is very firm. There

is great competition to secure the moderate supplies that are going, and forward prospects are rather more encouraging. Average prices—Canterbury, s^; other New Zealand larnb. sd.

Beef: Market quiet, but firm. Buyers arc making forward purchases at present prices. The supply ; s small, but constant. Average prices—New Zealand beef, hindquarters fore-quarters o{d. " Butter: Market very firm. There is a brisk demand, and buyers are waiting for supplies. Averaue prices—Choicest New Zealand butter, 1235; Australian and Argentine. 121 s; Siberian, 113 s; Danish, 130 s. Cheese: Market quiet, with tendency in favour of buyers. Average prices—New Zealand, finest white 59s 6d, coloured 58s 6d. .. i Hemp: Market remains very depressed. Prices—On snot, New Zealand good fair •395 fair £24, Manila, fair current £25; forward shipment, good fair £24 15s, fair £23 15s, Manilla £24. The Manila output for the week was 19,000 bales.


The C.C. and D. Company to-day received the following cabled report:— "Frozen meat market: Slightly better demand, and market To-day's quotations: Mutton—Napier. Wellington, and North Island. 3gd. Lamb—first, quality, s£d; second, sd. Beef-hinds, 3|d; fores, 3&d."

DAIRY MARKET CONDITIONS. Messrs J. B. Mac Ewan and Co. (Ltd.), report under date February 25: Butter.—The total of shipments from the opening of the dairy season (September 1) is 12,794 tons, as compared with 11,053 for the same period last season—an increase of 16 per cent. Latest cables from the British markets advise that best New Zealand brands were selling at an average ot 117 s Prices are again expected to advance. Cheese.—The total of shipments from the opening of the dairy season (September 1) is 13,046 tons, as compared with 11,072 for the same- period last season—an increase of 27 per cent. Latest cables from British markets advise that best New Zealand brands were selling at 59s 6d to 60s. Conditions are favourable, and we are hopeful that prices will still advance.

i THE SHEEPSKIN MARKET. The New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company (Ltd.) is in receipt of the following cablegram from its London office:—" Since last sales clothing merino and short and shorn skins have declined id per lb. Merino combing, crossbred combing, and crossbred lamb skins from par to id dearer."

OAMARU MAPvKETS. CFsou Ouk Own Correspondent.! OAMARU, March 7

Millers are showing a good deal of discretion in their buying just now, and treat overtures for business nonchalently, with the result that prices show no tendency to go up, while those who want wheat are filling their requirements well ahead, both here and in South Canterbury, knowing that later in the season so favourable an opportunity will not present itself. From 3s lOd to 3s 10£d was paid for grain delivered in town. Sales made included the following lmes:—3oo sacks velvet at 3s 9d -net, delivered at country mill; 150 sacks at 3s net, at sidings; 60G sacks of Marshall's white, and 350 sacks Tuscan at 3s lOd at siding; mixed line of 600 sacks velvet, and 160 sacks Tuscan at 3s lOd. delivered at Oamaru;.2sl sacks velvet and Tuscan, mixed, at 3s 9gd on trucks, less commission ; 280 sacks velvet at 3s less commission, over a long rail; 2000 sacks velvet at 3s lOd, less commission, at siding; 150 sacks mixed Tuscan and velvet at 3s 9d on trucks, less commission; a mixed line of' 800 sacks velvet, 800 sacks Tuscan, and 600 sacks red chaff at 3s 9d, less commission, at handy rail. Oats.—There is some inquiry *or oats, but few are offering. They are nominally worth Is 8d net on trucks for best Gartons. Good feed lines brought Is 7d to Is 7gd. One or two lots of good feed Gartons changed hands at the latter figure, whilst purchases of best grade were made at Is 8d net, delivered at Oamaru.

A few samples of barley have been offered during the week, but sales have been difficult. Some inquiry was made for old barley, but the price asked by holders was too high to permit of business. There has been some Hnaiiwws in the potato market, merchants having shipped freely. It is doubtful if ever previously so much shipping was done 60 early in the year as "has been done this year. Activity here, however, is occasioned by the lack of it in Christchurch and other southern ports. It was expected that prices during the week would drop, but, contrary to expectations, a firming-up set in, and the value to-day may be- set down as £3 7s 6d to £3 10s 6d on trucks, and £3 12s 6d delivered in store at Oamaru.

GRAIN AND PRODUCE SALES. Messrs Donald Reid and Co. (Ltd.) report:—We held our weekly auction sale of grain and produce at pur stores on Monday. Our catalogue comprised most of the lines of produce in, demand locally, but competition was not keen, and only a portion of the offering could be quitted at satisfactory prices. Values ruled as under:

Oats.—The market is only moderately supplied. Prime Gartons and sparrowbills have good inquiry at late values, but the quantity on offer is small. Shippers are not active, as most of the consignment* coming forward can be placed beyond their limits for local use. We quote: Prime milling, Is 9£d to Is lOd; good to besb f fed. Is 9d to Is 9£d; inferior to medium, Is 6d to Is 8d per bushel (sacks extra). Wheat. —During the past week considerable business has Veen done for difreub consignment to milks. Values are practically unchanged, but several millers beingwell supplied are not 60 anxious to purchase, and sales are therefore not effected) quite so readily. Velvet 16 scarce, and i« in itcuest. Fowl wheat i? offering mora plentifully. Good clean whole wheat is in fair ' demand, but smutty and 'nferior lots are without inquiry. We quote: Prime milling, 3s lOd to 3s lid; medium milling end best•■ whole fowi wheat, 3s 8d 9gd; -medium fowl wheat, 3s 4d to 5s 7d; broken and damaged, 2s 6d to cs 3d Deibushel (6a'cks extra}. Potatoes.—The market is more fully supplied, and only freshly-dug lots have readysale. Medium and stale lots are out of favour and difficult to place at a reduction in -value. We quote: Best lines, £4- to £4- ss; medium to good, £3 10s to £3 15s; inferior and stale, £2 15s to £3 5s per ton (bags included). Chaff.—Heavier consignments have corns forward, and although prime quality is still in good demand sales are difficult to effect at last week's rates. Best oaten sheaf is the only class ir request, medium and inferior lots being almost neglected. W* quote: Prime oaten sheaf, £3 2s 6d to £5 7s 6d ; medium to good, £2 156 to £3: inferior and light, £2 5s to £2 15s per ton (bags extra). . S'lraw. —Market moderately supplied with both oaten and wheaten, which sells at 30s per ton (pressed).

Messrs Daigety and Co. (Ltd.) report as follows: —We held our usual weekly auction sale of grain and produce at our stores on Monday, when we submitted a good catalogue to a fair attendance of buyers. W« cleaved our catalogue under good competition as under: —

Outs.—The new season's oats are,not yet offering freely, and tt>e local demand keeps prices i-till above shipper's limits. Consignments of good feed oats are readily taken at quotations. We quote: Prim* milling, Is to Is lOd; good to best feed, Is 9d to Is 9J.d; inferior to medium, is 6,'d to Is 7£d. Wheat.—The market shows, if anything, an easier tendency, and millers are inclined to only taike the pick of offering* at. quotations. We quote: Prime milling, 3s lOd to 3s lid; medium to good, 3s 8J to 3s 9d; best whole fowl, 3s 7d to 3s 9d; broken and damaged, 2s 6d to 3s 3d per bushe' (sacks extra). Potatoes. —Offering's being sufficient for local demand, prices are inclined m ease. We (]uote: Prime Up-to-Dates, £4 to «4 2s 6d/ medium to nx>d, £3 15s to £4; inferior, £2 10s to x>Z 15s per ton (sacks in).

Chaff. —Consignments were considerably heavier towards the end of (ast week, and prices eased considerably. Medium and inferior are not in request. We quote-:' Prime oaten sheaf, £3 to £3 ss; extra prime old, to £3 7s 6d; medium to good, £2 15s to £2 17s 6d; inferior, £1 15s to £2 per ton (bags extra 1 . Straw. —Oaten, 30s; wheaten, 27s bd {pressed, ex truck).

HIDE SALES. Messrs Wright, Stephenson and Co. (Ltd.) report as follows:—We held our forfc\ nightly sale in our Maclaggan street stores, on Friday, when we offered a catalogue totalling 288 hides. There was a full attendance of buyers, who competed very keenly for all lines submitted. Our top price for ox hides was 7£d, which we ob« tained for two lines, averaging 691bs and 701 b respectively. We also sold several lots at 7?d and 7fd. Our top price in cow,

hides was 7§d, and we obtained this price for six different lots. The following are actual prices paid at our sale: Ox hidesOne 691 b at 7|d, one 701 b at 71d, one 521 b at 73d, two 681 b at 7|d, three 601 b at 7|d, two 661 b at 73d, one 641 b at 73d, one 701 b at 7|d, three 601 b at 7|d, five 651 b at 7§d, two 561 b at 7fd, one 561 b at 7|d, four 591 b at 7fd, three 591 b at 71d, five 681 b at 7|d, nine 621 b at 7|d, one 761 b at 7|d, one 661 b at 7|d, seven 601 b at 7|d, six 661 b at 7|d, nine 671 b at 7fd, one 601 b at 7§d, four 521 b at l{d, one 521 b at 7-£d, three: '63lb at 7£d, five 771 b at 7Jid, two 561 b at 7Ad, four 551 b at 7Ad, two 471 b at-7§d, three 601 b at 7gd, one 481 b at 7|d, one 581 b at 7|d, two 441 b at 7|d, three 581 b at 7gd two 481 b at 7id, four 561 b at 7£d, one 561 b at 7id. Cow hides—One 601 b at 7§d, five 441 b at 7|d, seven 401 b at 7|d, one 481 b at 7§d, six 571 b at 7|d, one 681 b at 7|d. four 481 b at 7*d, three 531 b at 7Ad, one 521 b at 7id, two 481 b at 7*d, eight 431 b at 7id, four 491 b at 7*d, one 401 b at 74d, one 341 b at 7&d, one 541 b at 7£d, one 541 b at 7Ad four 411 b at 7d, three 39ib at 7d, two 481 b at 7d, one 521 b at 7d, two 381 b at 7d, one 321 b at 7d. It may also be of interest to vendors to give a few of our gross averages per hide. Ox hides—One at 45s 9d, five at 45s 7d, one at 43s 4d, one at 42s Bd, one at 42s 7d, two at 41s 4d, five at 40s Bd, two at 40s Id, nine at 40s, six at . 59s sd, one at 39s sd, five at 38s lOd one at 38s lOd, nine at 36s lOd, three at 36s lOd Cow hides—One at 39s 4d, one at 54s'5d, six at 32s 7d, three at 29s Id, one it 29s Bd, one at 29s 2d, one at 28s, four it 27s 2d, one at 275, six at 26s 7d. The following are prices ruling in this market it present: Ox hides-Extra stout heavy, in prime condition, 8d to 83d; heavy, 7fdl to 7£d; medium, 7id to 7|d; light, 7d to 7id. Cow hides-Heavy, 7£d to 7|d; medium 6ld to 7£d; light, 7d to 7id; yearlings, 5 3 d to 6|d; calfskins, s*d to 9d, according to weight and condition. Bull—3d to on. Slippy and damaged hides at lower rates Messrs Stronaeh, Morris and Co (Ltd.) reoort ns. follows :-We held our fortnightly sale of hides at our stores, Crawford street on Friday, 4th inst., when we sabSitted a catalogue totalling 241 There was an average attendance of buyers present, and competition all round was very keen, late rates being fully maintained, and in some cases being exceeded. Mediumweight hides especially were in very keen demand, and both ox and cow of tiua description realised up to 7gd. Our top price for ox hides was Bd, which was paid for one weighing 841 b, and we also secured 7|d- and ' 7|d for several other lines. In money value we sold ox to £2 13s 4d and oow hides to £1 12s sd. The following are prices paid at our sale:—Ok—Prime stout heavy, 7gd to 8d; Brood heavy. 7Ad to 7£d; medium-weiebt, 7id to 7|d; Hoht-weiVht, 7d to 7Jd; inferior and staggy, Hd to. s|d. Cow—Prime boavv, none forward : mediumweight, 7id to 7|d: light-weight, 7d to 7Jd ; bferior, 4Jd to 6d. Yearling, 4d to 6jd. Calfskins, Id to 9£d. The National Mortgage and Agency Company report as follows: —We held our fortnightly sale of hides on Friday, 4th inst.. when we submitted n. catalogue of good to medium quality. The usual number of buyers were present, and good competition wart the rcsjlt. Prices for all classes were fullv maintained, especially -so in well-con-ditioned cows. Quotations :—Ox : Prime stout heavy, %A to 3d per lb: goodTheavy 7d to 7^l; median. 63d to- 7^dflight 6|d to7id-; J&%& Bff: heavy 7$ tdx.TW;. medium, 6§d to 7- 4 d; light, to to 5&l( yearling, 4d to 6d; calfskins, 4d to 9 Messrs Waters. Ritchie, .and Co report as follows: -We held our wual fortnightly lie of hides at our stores Crawford street on Saturday morning, whence offered a very large catalogue, consisting of 1136 S and 125 yearlings and calfskins-a

total of 1261. There was a good attendance of buyers, and, under very keen competition, we cleared the whole of our offerings at prices which compared favourably with those of the previous gale. We topped the market with tifd, B£d, B£d, and Sd per lb. In money value our best return for ox was £2 14s and for cows £2 0s 7d. The following were some of our individual sales:—Ox: One 711 b, B|d; two 741 b, B|d; one 781 b, Bid; one 661 b, B£d; one 7Ulb, Bid; one 721 b, B£d; one 731 b, B£d; three 581 b, 8d; one 641 b, 8d; one 711 b, 8d; six 671 b, 7gd; two 701 b, 7|d; two 581 b, 7|d; one 621 b, 7gd; one 661 b, 7|d; three 70ib, 73d; two 681 b, 73d; four 631 b, 7|d; 24 621 b, 7|d; five 671 b, Tfd; six 661 b, 7§d; twelve 511 b, 7|d; three 681 b, 7|d; 35 571 b, 7|d: 16 621 b, 7|d; 25 581 b, 7|d; four 671 b, 7Jd; nine 651 b, 7fd; two 631 b, 7|d; three 691 b, 7|d; one 751 b, 7|d; one 721 b, 7gd; two 551 b, 7jd: one 641 b, 7|d; nine 621 b, 7±d; 20 57ib, 7^d; four 541 b, 7£d; six 611 b, 7£d; two 501 b, 7id ; 28 531 b, 7^d; two 721 b, 7£d; six 551 b, 7id; four 641 b, 7A.d ; two 741 b, 7Ad; 12 561 b, 7Ad; three 671 b, 7£d; 10 601 b, 7id■; 11 521 b, 74d; one 421 b, 7id; two 481 b, 7|d; two 731 b, 7gd; three 471 b, 7|d; eight 461 b, 7gd; three 531 b, 7|d; one 761 b, 7|d; one 601 b, 7-ld ; 10 521 b, 7^d; 16 451 b, 7id. Cow : Two 601 b, 7 J 2 d; four 531 b, T7Ad ;41 531 b„ 7±d; three 521 b, 7id; _ three 481 b, 7|d; seven 621 b. 72d; seven 441 b, 7|d; six 521 b, 7gd; 12 451 b, 7|d;' seven 551 b, 7£d; 17 431 b, 7id; four 571 b, 7gd; 145 451 b, 7id; nine 361 b. 7id s two 531 b, 7id; five 431 b, 7|d; 40 461 b. 7|d; six 441 b, 7|d; 10 521 b, 7|d; four 551 b, 7id; five 621 b, 7±d; three 541 b, 7id; 29 451 b, 7id; two 501 b, 7*d: three 561 b, 7Ad; 10, 461 b, 7£d; 52 531 b, 7*4; two 581 b, 7£d; folk 611 b, 7id; three 441 b, 7£d; three 481 b, at 7Ad per lb. We quote:Ox: Extra stout heavy, Bgd to 9 B d; stout heavy 73d to 8d; heavy, 7id to 7|d; medium, 7id to 7id; light 7d to 7|d Cow: Stout heavy, 7gd to 7fd; heavy, 7id to 7gd; medium, 7Ad to 7Ad;_ light, 7d to 71d. Damaged and bad-conditioned ox and cow from 4d to 6Ad; bull and stag, «d to sid; calfskins, 9d to 9id for best, and from 8d to B|d tor medium, while damaged and inferior sold at from to per lb.

Messrs Donald Reid and Co. (Ltd.) report as follows:-We held our usual fortnightly sale of hides at our stores, Cumberland and Vogel streets, on Friday, 4th ihst. The catalogue comprised an unusually even lot of good medium weights, and for-these the competition was very keen, with prices showing a shade firmer. For heavy weights the demand still rules very firm, while calfskins and yearlings are meeting with strong inquiry, best calfskins realising up to 9d per lb. Taking prices right throughout the sale, values showed a rise of up to id per lb for all classes. We quote:—Ox: Extra stout heavy, 8d to B|d; heavy, 7fd to 7gcl; medium, 7£d to 7£d; light, 7d to 7±d. Cow: Heavy. 7£d to 7gd; medium, 6jd to 7£d; light, 7d to 7i«d; yearlings., fcgd to 6|d; calfskins, to 9d; bull, 3d to 5d per lb; slippy and damaged hides at lower rates.

SALE OF CLYDESDALE HORSES. The Otago Farmers' Co-operative Association reports soiling to Mr J. P. Belle- , ville of Victoria, the following highly-bred | Clydesdale horses: For Mr William Cowan i (Highcliff), brown filly, 3yrs, sire Pride's j :grand-sire Lion King, g-g-sire ,| : British Lion, dam Ro%a, by Marshall Neill, .'.gr,ina-dain Heather .Bell, by Blue Ribbon; Mr Alexander "Allispn (Clarkesville), bay mai'e, Queen of : 'the Meadows, 5 years, by Shepherd Lad, grand-sire Herd Laddie (imp.), dam by Lord Cranbourne, by Lord Salisbury (imp.), grand-dam by Pride of Palmerston, by Sir George Grey (imp.); also bay filly, 3 years, by Elderslie's Pride, by Crown Prince, by Lord Salisbury (imp.),

dam by Clyde Ba,>ik (imp.), grand-dam byClan Ranald, by Clansman; Mr G. 11. Gilroy (Stirling), bay yearling colt, by Calder Lad, grand-sire- Shepherd Lad, g-g-eire Herd Laddie (imp.), 1863 C. 5.8., g-g-g----sire Jenney Grey (1454), dam Jean, imported by Loch Fergus, bred by Mr Andrew Allen, Mernoss, Galry. Scotland by Loch Fergus, champion 448 C.S.B.

DUNEDIN HORSE SALEYARDS. Messrs Wright, Stephenson, and Co. report as follows: —For last week's sale there '• was a very good entry of horses forward, the chief attraction being a spier, .lid coni signment of heavy draughts from Mr ' William Baird, Invercargill, all being young [ and fit for-immediate hard work. Owing to the completion of Mr Baird's contracts all the horses forward were for bona fide sale, and as a. consequence a very good 6ale resulted. There was a very full attendance of the public, but, owing to the coal--1 men's picnic, a few of the contractors were absent, though farmers were well represented, and competed keenly f#r the various animals as they came under the auctioneer's hammer. As indicated above, the consignment from Tnverciargill was composed of heavy draughts from four to six years' old. and the major portion of this lot changed hands at prices ranging up to £4l One or two nice spring-carters were included in our ! entry, and for the best of these competition was good, and our highest price in I this section was £29 10s. The buggy class was rather poorly represented, and the best of them changed hands at up to £l7 15s. We note a strong demand for draughts, both heavy and medium, if young, sound, and stauch, also for first class springvanners and spring-carters. Consignments of fresh horses of all are badly wanted in this market, and it is with confidence we recommend clients to avail them- ) selves of the present keen, demand for the i disposal of their surplus stock. We quote: Suoerior young draught geldings at from £4O to £45; extra go<xl ditto (prize-winners), at from £45 to £SO; superior young draught mares at from £SO to £6O; medium draught mares and geldings, at from. £3O to £4O; aged, at j from £lO to £ls: strong spring-van horses at from £25 to £3O; strong spring-carters |at from £lB to £25; milk ; cart and butchers' j order-cart horses at from £ls to £25: light hacks at from £8 to £l3: extra good j hacks and harness horses at from £l3 to : £25; weedy and aged at from £5 to £7.

OTAGO FARMERS' HORSE BAZAAR. The Otago Farmers' Co-operative Association report: —At our weekly auction sale on Saturday last we offered altogether 40 draught mares and geldings, heavy and light spring-carters, harness horses, and hackneys. The attendance of farmers and others was good, and a considerable amount of business resulted. We offered for sale draught and other horses from Gore, Waihola, Taieri Beach, the Taieri. and Waitati. A number of useful farm horses changed hands at satisfactory prices. Heavy draught mares and geldings were scarce, and although we sold several there was a good margin between buyers and sellers' ideas of values. There was a fair demand for active harness horses, and young hackneys, and for both classes we obtained good prices. We quote: Good young draught mares at from £3B to £43, extra good Clydeedah* mares, suitable for tstod purposes, £45 to 70 guineas; superior young draught geldings, fit for abaft and lorry work, £35 to £42; extra to £55; ordinary draught mares and geldings at from £25 to £32; aged draughts at from £lO to £ls; good stronor. Upstanding vanners, at from £2l to £3O; heavy spring-carters at from £2O to £25; Ordinary epriner-carters at from £ls to £18; upstanding buggy mares and geldings from

1 £l6 to £22; hackney and cob ponies, from I £8 to £l4.


Great interest was displayed in an auction sale conducted by Messrs Park. Reynolds (Ltd.) at their rooms on the 7th. when a large crowd was present. lnc land offered was the farm known as feeaview Estate,, and situated between St. Clair, Caveraham, and Green Island Bush, being sections 50 to 56 67, 68, and parts of sections 64, 65, 66, 69, and 70, Ocean Reach survey district, an.i. part of block XIII Dunedin and East Taien district, together with buildings and erections thereon and appurtenanees subject to the arrangements for an exchange of the new road line through sections 64 65, 66, and 69 for the old closed road line intersecting sections 64 and 65). The first bid was one of £lO per acre, but the price soon jumped to £ls, and after steady competition the Messrs Hamilton became the purchasers at £22 per acre.

New South Wales. 4’s ... Feb. 25. ... 107 Mar 4. 107 New South Wales 34’s ... ... 98| 98-i New South Wales 3’s ... ... 89 87 g Victorian 4’s ... 103§ ' 1034 Victorian 34’s ... 984 984 Victoiian 3's ... 854 ?b Queensland 4’s ... 1034 104 Queensland 34’s ... 9B 98| Queensland 3’s ... ... 854 86 South Australian 34’a ... South Australian 3’s ... 98 98 ... 84 844 New Zealand 4-’3 ... 106 1064 New Zealand 34’~ ... 98;j 984 New Zealand 3’s ... 88 81 Tasmanian 34’s ... 97 2 974 Tasmanian 3’s .... 864 864 West Australian 34’s ... 98| 99 West Australian 3’s ... 884 89

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Otago Witness, Issue 2921, 9 March 1910, Page 21

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COMMERCIAL CABLEGRAMS. Otago Witness, Issue 2921, 9 March 1910, Page 21

COMMERCIAL CABLEGRAMS. Otago Witness, Issue 2921, 9 March 1910, Page 21