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PLUNKET SHIELD COMPETITION. OTAGO ANXIOUS TO CHALLENGE. At a meeting - of the Otago Cricket Association, held last night, and attended by Messrs C. .R. Smith (chairman), J. Hope, C. G. Wilson, G. Wycherley, A. Nelson, T. Ritchie, J. Haig, and H. G, Sredeberg, the question of whether Otago will challenge Auckland in. connection with the Plunkct Shield competition was brought up for consideration. The Chairman, said that he had asked the secretary to give him a statement showing the association’s credit balance and its liabilities, and also the approximate cost of a trip to Auckand. This had been prepared', and showed that they had a credit balance of £216. Their liabilities were —£81. due to the? players Macartney and Wordsworth; £26, expenses in connection with the interprovincial and Southland matches; and £25, extras. Thus they were left with a balance of £Bl-. Tno estimated cost of a trio to Auckland was £lll, made up thus: Railway fares, £66; steamer fares, £2l; hotel allowance, £24. That was the full allowance for 12 men. They would, gat 30 per cent, of the net profits of the match, so that would leave them about square, after they had pawl the major part of the expenses of this trip out of the pockets of the association. The question therefore was:. Could they, get a team together? If they could, he thought it was certainly desirable to challenge. Mr Hope said that he had not as yetattempted to ascertain if players could make the trip. He wished first to know what action the committee • proposed to take. Ho moved—“ That, providing a fully representative team can be despatched, the association challenge Auckland for the Plunkct Shield.” The Chairman said that, if they could come hack with the shield it would e-ive Otago cricket a very great Slip, particularly after the reverse sustained in the match with Canterbury. Mr Wycherley remarked that th»re was the other side of the question to be considered: If they did not oome back with the shield they would nevertheless have spent all their money, and would he without funds next year. The Chairman; Yes, we practically stake the progress of the association on it.

Wo will be handicapped- severely for a year ' or two if we are unsuccessful. Mr Hope said that they would be doing more good for Otago cricket by going to Auckland than by risking a large sum of money oh the tour of the Australians. ; Tho motion was put and carried unanimously. I It was decided to recommend that tho matclT bo held on the 18th, 19th, and; 21st days of February, while the matter of interviewing players was left in the hands of the Selection Committee (Messrs Wilson, Hope, and Ritchie) and the president, who were empowered, in the event of a satisfactory team promising to make the trip, to wire a challenge to Auckland. The matte- of making an appeal for public subscriptions to cover travelling expenses being brought up, the Chairman said that he thought such a proceeding wouldbe unwise. If they cams back with the shield, they might be justified in drawing public attention to their empty coffers, and he bad no doubt that public subscriptions would be readily obtained’. A Member said that he would not be surprised if subscriptions came in- unsolicited, lie knew that a number of gentlemen were willing to contribute to defray the expenses of ?,n Otago team going to Auckland. A WELLINGTON MESSAGE. The attention of the committee was drawn, to the fact that the Wellington Association was prepared to arrange a match with the Otago representative team when the latter was on its wav to Auckland or returning, and w-ould allow it half the profits. It was decided that the suggestion was impracticable, as to put it. into effect would men an extr?. four or fivo days added to the tour, and the members of the team could not afford that amount of time. THE AUSTRALIAN TEAM. The whole matter c-f the association taking a- share in financing the tour of the Australian Eleven in New Zealand was discussed at some length, and a private letter bearing on the question was read. It was pointed out that some little time ago the Otago Association decided: that it preferred the pooling system in this matter, hut it agreed to guarantee £l2o. Now, it was argued, it Auckland was. able to go back on the pooling system, tbs Otago Association considered that it had a right to •go back or. its offer of £125. - Mr Wilson moved —“ That we adhere to the original arrangement for pooling finances, and are not prepared to depart, -from that arrangement.” He thought, however, that the previous resolution should be- rescinded. Mr Ritchie pointed out that the offer C-f £125 that had been made by the association'had never been accepted; therefore they were at perfect liberty to withdraw it and support pooling. The Chairman said that while they had passed this resolution, they wer-s not inclined to go in unless the other associations joined in. , . ... It. was finally resolved that the cnairmari be authorised to wire to the cp-uneil this morning advising tHrt tho Ota,go As-soe-ia. tton was not prepared to join the other associations in providing for the Australian team’s visit unless the- pooling system was brought into operation. CHALLENGE BY HAWKE’S BAY. AUCKLAND, January 13. Mr J. 11. Watt, secretary of the Auckland Cricket Association, has received advice, from the secretary of the Hawke’s Bay Association that his association intends challenging Auckland for the Blanket Shield, the match to be played some time ia February, WELLINGTON CRICKET ASSOCIATION. WELLINGTON, January 11. The financial aspect of the proposed visit of the Australian cricketers to New Zealand was further considered by the Management Committee of the Wellington Cricket Association to-night. _ It was decided to offer £125 for a match in Wellington on conditions that each of the otheir larger associations did the same on the nompooling basis, also if necessary to assistthe finances, of tire New Zealand Cricket Council, the association to give, on condition that the larger associations did likewise. 20 per cent, of any profit of such matches towards tho expenses of the council in connection with the two test matches which it had been decided would be played. It was decided to make an the Otago Association for a match against its representative team when going to Auckland or coming back, providing the dates did not conflict with the proposed tour of the Australian team. The offer of the association to be 50 per cent, of the net profit of the match, provided it extended over three days, one of which was a Saturday. In regard to a communication received from the Hawke’s Bay Association asking for a match at the end of tho month, it was decided to ask the Selection Committee if it would get a- team to travel to Napier provided it paid its own expenses. No decision will be arrived at until the report of the Selection Committee is received. FIRST GRADE. A Liu ox v. Cahisehook B. Tho above match was commenced, at the North Ground on Saturday, and when play closed for the day had reached a very interesting stage-. The- following are- the scores; Albion.—First Innings. M’Farlane, Ibw, b Chadwick .. 20 Hiddlest-on. o and b Chadwick .. - 21 Williams, b Macartney .. .. i Baker, b Macartney 14 Shelton, c Fenwick, b Chadwick 1 Cramond. b Macartney 0 J. Shepherd, b Chadwick .. .. 27 Wordsworth, not out 29 Drake, c Barron, b Chadwick .. 0 Duthie. c Cameron, b Chadwick.. 0 Cumings, b Chadwick 0 Extras 5 Total 121 Bowling Analysis.—Barron, 12 balls, 11 runs; Macartney, 108 balls. 1 maiden, 62 runs, 3 wickets: Chadwick, 84 balls, 4 maidens, 39 runs, 7 wickets. Second Innings. ■Baker, b Chadwick 4 Williams, Ibw, b Miacartney .. 6 Shelton, not out 5 Hiddl-eston, not cut 12 Extras 9 Total for two wickets .. 36 Cahisurook B.—First Innings. Austin, b Cummings £ 1

Macartney, c anti b Wordsworth 19 Siedeberg, b Wordsworth .. •• 17 Godfrey, b Wordsworth 25 Barron, b M‘‘Farkne - Dm mm, c Duthie, b Wordsworth 0 Fenwick, c Drake, b M'Farlane .. 15 Columb, b M'Farlane * Cameron, b M'Farlane 1 M’a.rtyn, low, b M"Farlane .. •• 0 Chadwick, not out 1 Extras 3 2 Total 104 Bowling Analysis.—Cummings, 18 balls, 33 run®, 1 wicket; Wordsworth, 84 balls, 47 runs, 4 wickets; MJ'Faxlane, 42 balls, 12 runs, 5 wickets. Cahtsbkook A v. Dokedin. An almost perfect wicket had been prepared at Cai ishrook for the above match, and Carisbrook, winning the toss and going to the wickets, gave the Dunedin men an afternoon in the Geld Adams played a splendid innings for his 84, included in his score - being 14 4’s and a 6. Adams scored all round the wicket, and played the bowling with case. Following are the detailed scores: — Carisbrook A. —First Innings . Watson, b Torrance .. .. •• 9 Hopkins, Ibw, b Mackersy .. .. 3 Fisher, b Torrance 25 Blamires, c Young, b Mackersy 54 Rutherford, b J. Wilkie 74 •».’? Ramsden, st Wilson, b Tor nance 2£. Bannerman. b Wilson - 7 Adame, st Wilson, b Mackersy .. 34 Uttley, b Torrance 8 Wilkinson, c and b Do la Mere 8 Harraway, not out 8 Extras 27 Total 298 Bowling Analysis.—Torrance. 162 balls, 5 maidens. 92 runs, 4 wickets; Mackersy, 90 balls, ‘2 maidens, 51 runs, 3 wickets; Latham, 48 balls, 23 runs; Wilson, 4 overs, •28 runs, 1 wicket; J. Wilkie, 66 balls, 2 maidens, 40 runs, 1 wicket.; Eckhold. -4 balls, 37 runs; De la Mere, 6’'balls, 1 wicket. Dunedin.—First Innings. Young, not out .. .. U- .. 16 Wilson, b Fisher 20 Do la Mere, not out .. .. .. .. 4 Total for 1 wicket .. .. 40 Grange v. Oroho. The match Grange v. Opoho was com* rrienoed at Opoho on Saturday, and afc the close of the day’s play the latter appeared to have a decided advantage. Grange made 131 in. their first innings. Gall and contributing 40. Callaway took six wickets for 49 runs, Eckhoff throe for .35, and Casey one for 31. * At the call oE lime Opoho had lost four wickets for 129, the chief contributors beiugy. Kilgour (40), Callaway (24), and Casey (20). SECOND GRADE. The match Sr. Kilda v. Opoho was started at Culling. Park on Saturday, Opoho taking lir.?f' strike and making 89 runs. Collar (17), Ingram (13). and Webb (17 not out) batted; well. G. Edwards secured five ' wickets..;.foil-,' 43 runs,-N. M'Farlane three for 12. for ; :St. Kilda. On Jgoing in to bat. Si., Kilda 110 run®, : : ;M ‘Pari a,he '(22), Fioldeh (38), Lochart (15 hot out) batting well for their runs. Being,'2l runs behind, Opoho started their second and had ono, wicket down for 28 runs, Abbott not out 18.' Ingram got seven wickets for 45 for Opoho,; including the hat trick . , The match Mornington W. Carisbrook 1> was commenced at Carisbrook. The visitors winning the toss, decided to bat, and compiled 117, Scott (37), Morgan (25), (13), and Haig (10) being chief scorers. JV Harraway took five wickets for 13. Caris-r brook’s batting started badly, but when time was called had made 107 for eight wickets, Holmes (37), Nugent (35 not out), and Moen-: (21 not out) being the highest scorers. Morgan and M’Farlane bovvlea well for Mornington. This leaves Caries brook with 11 runs to get to win and two wickets to fall. The match Grange v. Albion was commenced on the North Ground. Grange, in their first innings made 129 runs. C. Lax (35 not out), G, Wright (17), Bailes (16), Johnston (15). Robinson (14), and Beeby (10) were the chief run-getters for their side.Hart, Binnie. and Worrall secured the wickets for Albion. Albion, on going in to bat, made 104 (Stewart 21, Strang IS, Grigg 15, and Burke 16), thus giving Grange a lead of 25 runs in the first innings. Wright (four for 23) and Fogarty (4 for 43) bowled well for Grange. Grange, in their second innings, have lost six wickets for 92 runs (Lar 53, Robinson 19 not , out, and G. Wright 11). The match Dunedin- B v. Dunedin O was commenced on the Caledonian Ground on Saturday. The B team, winning .the toss, batted on a splendid wicket, and completely collaring the bowling, knocked up 255 for four wickets in two hours. Graham hit hard and clean for 78 not out, A spina It (75 not out), Levs (45), and Thomson (39)i ail batted soundly. At this stage the innings was declared closed, and the C-teani 1 going in lost eight wickets for 110. Eyre (20;. Kavanagh (32), and D. Wilkie (12\ batting well. Clarke secured six wickets. THIRD GRADE. The two teams, Dunedin and Christian Brothers A met on the Caledonian Ground, where an excellent wicket was provided. Christian Broilers, batting first, made the verv creditable score of 188, Collins (79), Waklin (50), and Clancy (23) being top scorers. No less than four of the team were run out. Hardie, who secured four wickets, was most successful with the ball. Dunedin then tatted, bitt although the time was extended, only four wickets had fallen for 115 runs when stumps were drawn. Johnstone accounting for 46, French for 17, Tweedie for 15 (nor out), and Ahlfeld for 10. The match will be resumed afc 5.45 this evening Carisbrook F defeated Albion B (seven men) by five wickers and 319 runs. Scows: —Carisbrook, 359 for five wickets (J. Smith 135 retired, do Lautour 113, Tily 55 retired, Bradley. 11, Swinncy 11 not our, and Cr.ddiie 10). J. Smith and de, I.autour batted splendidly for their runs, both scoring freely all round the wicket*. Albion made 40 runs. O’Connor (12) and Marks* (12) were the m-inoinal scorers. For Carishrook Tily and Caddie secured (he wickets, while Move:- was the most successful howler for Albion. The match b'tween Albion A and Anderson’s Bav on Saturday was not finished. Albion A, winning the toss, put Anderson’s Bay in to bat. The Bav team remained at tiie wickets all afternoon, and at the close of fime bad- six wickets down for 251. runs. The following made ton scores tor Anderson’s Bay:—Kirkwood 73. Luke 54 not out, Kerr 23. Walker 21. North 20. The match St. Kilda v. Christian Brc*

B was played at Cubing Park, and resulted in a win for St. Kikla, by 67 runs. For St. Kilda, Wyatt (20), Ross (17), and Tillyshort (22) batted very welt. Christian Brothers could only make 33 against the bowling of T. Edwards (five wickets for 11 runs) and Wyatt (four for 14). Grange (231 for live wickets, innings declared closed) defeated Mornington (71) by 160 runs. Buchan (86), Perry (58), Stephens (33), Dunkley (27 net out), and Graham (11) were in fine iorm for Grange ; while for the losers J. Durston (17), Provost (15), and G. Durston (14) shaped best. Graham (three wickets for 2 runs) and Lawlo-r (four for 35) captured the wickets for Grange. FOURTH GRADE. Mornington defeated Christian Brothers by 37 runs. For the winners, Deuchrass liatted well for 47 runs, also. Smith with 14. A. Haig secured five wickets for 28 runs and D. Haig four for 25. Grange defeated Albion by 97 runs. Saywell (50) and Taylor (24) batted well for Grange. M‘Laugh!an (five wickets for 11 Mins) and Say well (four for 8) shared the bowling honours for their side. MATCHES IN AUCKLAND. AUCKLAND, January 16. The district championship matches of the Auckland Cricket Association were resumed yesterday afternoon after an interval of three weeks, caused by the Christmas holidays and the Plunket Shield matches. The weather was fine. In the Senior Grade North Shore, against Grafton made 171 (Howden 40, Hadden 52). In ‘.ho’ first innings F. R. Mason took seven wickets for 45 runs. Grafton made 66 for six wickets (Gray 27). Eden, against University, made 290 (Cummings 89. Rdf 75, W. B. Smith 74). Taylor took five wickets for 32 runs. Ponsonby, against Parnell, made 66. Cliff took seven wickets for 24 runs. Pa.rnell hss lost four wickots foi 114 (Wright 54 not- out). NOBLE’S RETIREMENT. SYDNEY. January 16. M. A. Noble has notified the Cricket Board of his retirement from first class cricket owing to business exigencies. The board has recorded its appreciation of Noble’s great services to Australian cricket. \USTR ALI AN TEAM TO VISIT NEW ZEALAND. SYDNEY, January 14. At- the annual meeting of the Cricket Board of Control it was decided to send a team to tour New Zealand. The team will consist of 13 members and a manager. Mr A. Mackenzie, a prominent Wavcvley cricketer, has been appointed manager. If possible, four members of the Australian Eleven which recently toured England will be included. The team will sail for Wellington on January 29, playing the first match against Wa-iravana on February 4 and 5. SOUTH AFRICANS’ VISIT TO AUSTRALIA. SYDNEY, January 14. The board has decided to ask the South African team which is visiting Australia to commence its tour in December this year instead of January next year, as was proposed originally. TRIANGULAR MATCHES. SYDNEY, January 14. The Cricket Board has approved of the scheme of triangular matches. The scheme provides that England, Australia, and South Africa will each play six test matches in England, each playing three matches against the others. Each country will taka" half the gross gate taken at tire matches wheren it takes part. Each visiting team, in addition to tests, will play one match with each first-class county and the Mnrylebone Club. SOUTH AUSTRALIA BEAT NEW south wales. SYDNEY, January 11. The cricket match between South Australia and New South Wales _ was concluded: to-day, the former winning by seven wickets. The visitors required to m-vke 178 runs to win, and these they compiled for the loss ot three wickets, the chief contributors being J. N. Crawford (75 not out), S. Hill (62), and Mayn-s (35) The weather was showery, but Crawford and Hill shaped excellently on the wet wioket. M.C.C. v. NATAL. DURBAN, January 12. The match Between the Marylebone team and Natal was drawn. The home team made 250 runs in their first innings, Nour-se contributing 12-9. The M.C.C. team responded with 331, the highest scorers being Hobbs (i 63) and Rhodes (64). In their second innings Natal made 152 for eight wickets (Noarse 54 not out).

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Otago Witness, Issue 2914, 19 January 1910, Page 65

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FORTHCOMING CRICKET FLXTURES. Otago Witness, Issue 2914, 19 January 1910, Page 65

FORTHCOMING CRICKET FLXTURES. Otago Witness, Issue 2914, 19 January 1910, Page 65