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The Mercantile Gazette reports the registration, as a private company, of J. Rattray and Son (Limited), of Dunedin, with a capital of £20,000, divided into 20.000 shares of £1 each. The sub-

scribers are: — Ada F. Rattray, 1000; Katherine A. Rattray, 1000; Frances C. Rattray, 1000; Isabella Y. Rattray. 1000; Lorna A. Rattray, 1000; Charles W. Rattray, 10,000; Howitt K. Wilkinson, 4000; William Dawson, 700; George S. Gully, 300— all of Dunedin. The objects of the private company are to acquire the goodwill of the business of general merchants hitherto carried on by J. Rattray and Son, and to carry on the same. I AUSTRALIAN MARKETS. SYDNEY, March 11. Wheat. Milling, 4s 6d. Flour, £10. Oats: Algerian 3s 2d to 3s 3d ; white, 3s 2d. Barley: Cape, 4s 3d to 4s 6di. Maize: 4s 9d Bran: £5 12 6d. Pollard: £7 2s 6d. Potatoes: Tasmanians, £5 to £5 10s. Onions: Victorian, £6 10s. Butter: 98s to 101s. Cheese: 6d to Bd. Bacon: 9d to lljd. MELBOURNE, March 11. Wheat, 4s 4Jd. Flour, £10. Oats, 2s lOd to 3s. Barley: Cape feeding, 3s BJd. Maize, 4s Id. Bran, Is 3d. Pollard, Is 3Jd. Potatoes, £3 to £3 15s. Onions, to £5. ADELAIDE, March 11. Wheat. 4s 3d. Flour, £9 ss. Bran, Is lid Pollard, Is. 2Jd. ADDINGTON LIVE STOCK MARKET. CHRISTCHURCH, March 11. There was a very large entry of all classes of sheep, and fair yardm^s of other classes of stock at Addington yards to-day. Store sheep were not in such keen demand as last week. Fat lambs were without change, and fat cattle were rather firmer. Owing to a. small yarding there was a rise in fat ewes. Figs ware in good demand, and cattle met with a fair sale There was a. very heavy yarding of store sheep, the larger proportion being ewes. There was not so much briskness in the bidding as the previous week, the hot, drying wind prevaihng not being encouraging to graziers. Taking the quality of the sheep into consideration, however, there was little or no change ir> prices. Tkare was also a. very larg« -entry of fat lambs. The quality was not at all satisfactory to buyeis, only a small proportion cf the yarding being prime. There was a good demand for all weights for export, and late rate 3 were firmly maintained. Tegs made 15s id to ]7s 6di, extra prime to 18s 4d, ordinary weights 12s 6d to 15s, lighter 10s to i2s. The yarding of fat sheep barely sufficed for the butchers' requirements, and there was a sharp rise in ewes, while prime wethers also sold better. The range of prices was: Prime wet'aers 17s to 22s 9d, lighter 13s 6d to 16s 6d, wethers and maiden ewes 12s 9d to 17s lOd, prim© ewes 16s to 18s 9d, medhim 12s 6d to 15s 6d, aged and light 9s 6d to 12s. The number of fat cattle penned was 219 head, which were mostly light heifers and cows Ihera v,as an improved tone in the market, and good quality sold at rather firmer rates. The range of prices was : Steers £5 10s to £9 15s, heifers £4 15s to £9, and cows £4 to £7, equal to 20s to 23s for prime, 17s 6d to 19s 6d for medium, and 14s to 17s for cow and inferior per 1001b. Weal calves sold at 4s 6d to £2 15s. The entry of store cattle was a small one, and the class was about up to the average. The demand was steady, and prices remained about the same as last week. Fifteen to 18 months old realised £1 19s to £2, two-year steers £2 7s 6d to £2 15s, two-year heifers to £2, three and four-year steers to £5, and dry cows 15s to £2 ss. A small entry of dairy cows, mostly of a good class, met with a. fairly keen demand at prices ranging from £3 10s to £8. There was a medium entry of pigs, and there was a good demand) for all classes. Some large choppers were offered, and they made 50a to 85s, heavy baconers 60s to 755, and lighter 39d to 555, or equal to 5d per lb; porkers 37s to 455, or equal to s|d to 5Jd per lb. Stores were in strong demand at increased prices. Large stores made 20s 10 345, smaller 15s to 19s, and weaners 10s to 14s. WEEKLY LIVE STOCK AND PRODUCE REPORTS. Burnside. Wednesday, March 11. ! Fat Cattle— lso yarded. The majority of the [ entry consisted of medium and inferior quality, which sold at about last week's rates. Good quality beef was scarce, and sold at an advance on late rates. Quotations: Best bullocks, to £11 7s 6d; good, from £8 10s to / 10 10s; medium, from £7 5s to £8; light and inferior, from £6 10s to £7. Best heifers brought up to £8 10s; good, from £6 to £1 10s; light weights, from £4 to £6. 'me Otagc Farmers' Co-operative Association ofc New Zealand (Ltd.) yarded 54, and sold: For Mr John Bruce (Allanton), 3 bullocks at £8 17s 6d; Mr D. Sutherland (E. Taieri), 6 bullocks to £7 15s, 5 heifers to £6; Mar W. Kirk (Mayfield, E. Taieri), 6 bullocks to £10 sa ; Mr William Kirkland (Elm Grove, E. Taieri), 6 bullocks to £9 7s 6d, 8 heifers to £4 2s 6d; Mr J Dove (E. Taieri), 4 bullocks to £7 10s, 1 heifer at £4 ss; Mr William Henderson (Leith Valley), 6 heifers at quotations. The National Mortgage and Agency Company of New Zealand (Ltd.) penned and sold: For a Southern client. 3 bullocks at £8 17s 6d. 2 do at £8 ss, 2 do at £8 2s 6d, 1 do at £7 15s ; I Mx W. Kirk (E. Taieri), 1 bullock at £8 10s; ! Henley Estate, 3 cows at £3 ss; a client, 2 bullocks at £9 7s 6d, 1 do at £9. Donald Rem and Co. (Ltd.) yarded 29, and sold: For Mr John Dickison (Mainholm), 5 heifers and bullocks at £8 2s 6d to £7 7s 6d; Mr Walter Blackie (Glasgow Farm), 8 bullocks and heifers at £6 7s 6d to £6; Mr William Kirkland (Elm Grove), 3 bullocks and heifers at £8 to JKfi 15s; Mr William Kirk (Mayfield), 5 bullocks and heifers at £8 2s 6d to £5 ; Messrs C Williams, Hall Brothers, and others, 8 head at £5 12s 6d to £3 10s.— -Wright, Stephenso-., and Co, (Ltd.) sold: For Mr Robt. Wood (Beaumont), 5 bullocks at £11 10s. 8 do at up to £10 15s, 1 heifer at £10; Mr John Bruce (Allanton), 2 bullocks at £10 ss, 2 do at £9 10?; Mr W. Kirk (Mayfield), 3 bullocks at £8 ss; Mr William Townley (Highclift) 3 bullocks at £6 10s. Dalgety and Co. (Ltd ) yarded and sold : For Mr John Bruce (The Firs), bullocks to £9 10s ; Mr R. Cuppleß. iun. (Otautau), 3 pens bullocks to £8 15s; Mr George M'Doiiald (Stirling), 8 pens buliocks to £8 15s; Mr S. C. Ellis Jlnvercargill), bullocks to £6 15s ; Mr J. Fmlay, cows to Store Catt!e.-The Otago Farmers' Cooperative Association of New Zealand (Ltd) yarded 150, and sold: For Messrs T. Udy (Waipiata), W. Townley, J. Donaldson, Shale Bros., J. G. Burt, T. Lynn, W. Kirkland, John Bruce, Hornall Bros., R, Jolly, W. > Hamilton, and clients, cows to £2 12&, bulls to £4 17s, steers to £2 14s. The National Mortgage and Agency Company of New Zealand (Ltd) penned and &old: For Mes'U A. and J. Brown, 2 cows at £2 18s, 7 do at £1 4s, 6 heifers at £1 6s, 1 cow at £3 10s 3 do at £2 4s, 6 bulls at £1 19s, 1 at 13s: Mr J. Kirk (Mosgiel), 5 steers at £2 11s; Mr W. Currie (Hyde), 6 cows at £1 16s, 2 at 17s; Mr R. Stewart i#*ihala), 2 bullocks *t £3 ss, 1 cow at £2 12s, 1 &t £1, 1 bullock at £3 7s, 1 at £3 17s, 1 cow at £2 12s; Henley Estate, 15 cows at £2 11s, i 10 yearlings at 16s «d, 1 bull at £4 10»,

2 steers at £1 10s, 7 cows at £2 10s. m , Donald Reid and Co. (Ltd.) yarded and sold: For Messrs Hall Bros., Mr Geo. JtSrown, and others, 4 head at quotations. Dairy Cows. — 35 yarded. There was a goocl market for first-c'ass dairies (second calvers) 1 . Good cows brought from £4 5s to £7 10s; heifers, from £2 12s 6d to £5 2s 6d. Tha Otago Farmers' Co-operative Association of New Zealand (Ltd) sold: For Mr T. Preen (as agent for the North Otago Farmers' Gooperative, Oamaru), Messrs J. O'Connell, M: M. Dwyer, D. Sutherland, and M. Wyber, 191 cows and heifers at quotations. Wright* Stephenaon, and Co. (Ltd.) sold: For Ms John Doogue (Kaikorai), Mr A. Smaill (Tomahawk), Mr J. Freeman (Lea Flat), and ethers, 9 head at up to £6 7s 6d. Calves.— The Otago Farmers' Co-operativ« Association of New Zealand (Ltd.) yarded 12, and sold : For Mr T. Preen (as "agent foe the North Otago Farmers' (Jo-operative), Mv W. Townley, Mrs W. PcrTy, and Mr J. G* Burt, calves from 3s to ±1 4s. Stronach, Morris, and Co. (Ltd.) penned and sold fox; various vendors calves up to £1 Is.- The National Mortgage and Agency Company of New VSealand (Ltd.) penned and Bold: For Mr Jtt. Stewart, 1 at £1 Is, 2 at 10s; Henley Estate, 25 heifer calves at 8s 6d; Messra A. and J. Brown, calves up to £1 3s. Fat Sheep.— l36o penned. A small yarding-, with only a few pens of extra prime sheep. At the commencement of the sale prices wera up fully 2s per head, but towards the finish slackened off to about last week's rates. Taking the sale all over it was fully firmer • than laart week. Quotations: Prime wethers to 20s; extra, to 21s 6d; good, from 18s to 20s; lighter, from 16s to 18s. Ewes, good, brought 15s 6d to 18s; extra, to IDs 3d; light and aged, from 13s to 15s 6d. Th» Otago Farmers' Co-operative Association of * New Zealand (Ltd.) penned and sold: For Mr James Grey (Milburn), 20 wethers at 18s • 9d, pen ewes art 16s; Mr R. B. Paul, sen. (Milbuin), pen of ewea at 16s 9d; Mr James Scott (Owaka). 20 wethers at 17s 3d; Mi O. J. Bennington (Waitahuna), 22 ewes at quotations. — -Stronach, Morris, and Co. (Ltd.> penceJ 233, and sold : For Mr J. I>. Wilson (Brockville), 36 wethers at 21s 6d, 14 do at 21s; Mr H. Palmer (Otokia), 45 wethers aft 20s 9d, 18 do at 18s 3d; Mx 11.I 1 . Moynihan (Sutton), 36 ewes at 11s 9d, 28 do at 10a 3d; Messrs Murray, Roberts, and Co. (Gladbrook), 28 ewes at 19s 3d, 27 wethers at 18s 9d.— — The National Mortgage and Agency Company of New Zealand (Ltd.) yarded and Bold: For Mr 1). Bowers (Clinton), 18 wethers at 18s, 32 wethers at 17a, 30 do at 15s 9d, 22 do at 15s 9d 8 do at 17s 3d, 5 dp at 19s 9d; Mr A. Kernohan (Greenfield), 22 wethers at 10s 3d, 38 ewes at 9>s 6d; Messrs Rutherford and Sinclair, prime wotheirs a>t 22s (top price to-day). Donald Reid and Co. (Ltd.) penned 284, and sold: For Mr J. H. Jaffray (East Taieri), 37 wetheTS at 21s; Mr R. Mitohell (Portobello), 68 ewes a.t 17s 6d to 17s; Messrs Brydie Bros. (Lawrence), 76 ewes at 13s 9dl to 11s 6d; Mr Thomas Mcc (Forest Farm), 70 ewes at quotations; a client, 82 ewes aft 13s to 12s 3d. The New Zealand Loan anct Mercantile Agency Company (Ltd.) yaxdectand sold: For Mr J. S. Fleming (Clarkaville), 66 wethers at 20s 3d; Mr Henry Palmer (Otokia), 45 wethers at 19s 9d, 16 do at 18s 3d; a client, 3 ewes at 19s 9d; a client, 18 ewes at 10s; Mrs Davidson (East Taieri), 18 ewes at 10s. Wright, Stephenson, anj Co. (Ltd.) sold as follows:— For Mr Davia Bryce (Lovell's Flat), 24 wethers at 20s 9d, 28 ewes at 19s 3d; Mr R. Fleming (Craigsford), 62 wethers at up to 20s 6d; a client 58 wethers at up to 18s 6d. Dalgety ana Co. (Ltd.) yarded and sold: For Mr F. Perneskie (Stirling), wethers to 20s; Mr A, , Prendergast (Otautau), ewes to 18s; Mr D. . Murray (Balclutha), wethers to 17s 6d; Mr P. Studholme, ewe 3to 18s 3d; Mr G. H*« Hille (Kurow), ewes to 12s 9d. Fat Lambs.— The quality this week was scarcely as good as the previous week. Tha • yarding was small— 64o altogether. Prices advanced from 6d to 9d per head, but this was due to the small yarding only. Best lambs brought up to 16s 9d, good from 16s» medium from 14s to 15s, lighter from 12s ta 14s. The Otago Farmers' Co-operative Association of N.Z. (Ltd.) penned 213 and sold: For Mr Jas. Scott (Owaka), 12 lambs at 16s 9d; Mr H. M'lntyre (Owaka), 30 to 15s 9d; Mr Mark Finch (Milton), 11 at 15s 3d; Mr Jas. Grey (Milburn), 1 pen at 15s 9d; Mr R. B. Paul, sen. (Milburn), a pen of lambs at 15s; Mr C. J. Bennington (Waitahuna), 19 at 16s 6d; a client (Waipiata), 84 at quotations; Mr Jno, Andrews (Catlins River), 41 at 16s 9d.— — Stronach, Morris, and Co. (Ltd.) penned and sold: For Messrs Murray, Roberts, and Co. (Gladbrook), 1 pen lambs afl 13s 6d; Mr G. Henry (Mount Cargill), 10 at 12s 6d. Donald Reid and Co. (Ltd.) pennecß 215 and sold: For Mr W. H. Salmond (Milton), 106 lambs at 16s 6d to 14s 3d; Ms Mark Finch (Milburn), 11 at 16s; Mr Jno. Finnerty (Leith Valley), 12 at 14s. Th» National Mortgage and Agency Company of N.Z. (Ltd.) penned and sold: For Messrs Rutherford and Sinclair (Kuriwao Estate), 40 at 14s, 10 at 12s 9d. Th» N.Z. Loan and Mercantile Agency Company (Ltd.) yarded and sold: For Mrs Davidson (East Taieii), 28 lambs at 14s 9d and 14 do at 12s.- — Messrs Wright, Stephenson, and Co. (Ltd.) • sold: For Mr D. Bryce (Lovell's Flat), I pen lambs at 16s 2d. Dalgety and Co. (Ltd.) yarded and sold: For Mr W. Begg - (Milton), lambs to 14s; Mr Con. White (Omakau), lambs to 13s 9d; Mr J. Corfigal, jun. (Liauder), lambs to 13s 9d. Pigs. — 95 penned, including a line of stores from Canterbury. Theie was a fair competition, and prices all round were good. Bidding! was brisk for poTkers and baconers. Prices for these sorts showed an advance of from 4s to ss. Quotations: Suckers, from 11s to 14s ; slips, from 16s to 18s ; stores, from 20s to 33s'; porkers, from 38s to 435; light baconers, from 45s to 535; heavy do, from 1 563 to 645; choppers, up to 955.— — The Otago Farmers' Co-operative Association of New Zealand (Ltd.) penned 25, and sold: For Mr H. Bruhns (Hyde), W. Moynihan '(Springs), F H. Perry (Rough Ridge), Hoult and Dunn* (Pine Hilli. D. Booth (Leith Valley), W. Sutherland (Goodwood, F. Kropp (NorthEast Valley), pigs from 10s to 645. Donald Reid and Co. (Ltd.) yarded 56, and aold:l For Mr J L. Clarke, 3 baconers and choppers at quotations; Mr A. Murray (Riverside), 13 suckers to 10s; a client, 40 stores at market rates. The New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company (Ltd.)j yarded and sold: For Mrs Thomas Shal* (Fairfield), 5 pigs at 255. Dalgety and 00. (Ltd.) yarded aaid sold: For Mr R. WileoM (Thistle Hill), pigs to 445. [The individual report* of stock agents, wool, xabbitskin, or grain brokers oan be inserted in the Daily Times and Otago Witness at special rates.] BUNEDIN WEEKLY MARKET REPORT. Messrs A. Moritzson and Co., auctioneers* wool, stock, station, grain, produce, and coat* mission agents, Dunedin, report (wholesale} for th« w«ek as under. All quotations ar« subject to market fluctuations. Farmers ar« asked, when sending samples, always to puH » prioe os them, as buyers do not feel inclined to make offers: — Wheat. — Prime milling, new season's, 4s on trucks; fowl wheat, 4s Sd to 4s 6d ex atox«

Oats.— Milling, 2s 6d; B grade, 2s sd; Inferior, 2s 3d, ex *tore, sacks extra. Barley.— Good malting, 5s to 5s 6d; pearling, 4s; feed barley, 4s. Ryecorn, 4s 6d. Maize, 6s. Prussian Blue peas, from 6s to 6s Gd. Partridge peas, 4s 6d to 4s 9d. Ci»ff.— Prime bright heavy, £3 15s to .£4; medium, £3 5s to £3 10s; inferior, £3. Clover i*y, £3 10s to £4. Ryegrasa. — New seed, farmers' dressed, 3s Bd to 3s 6d for heavy weights; machiaed, from 5s to 5s 3d. Cocksfoot. — Market remains firm. FaVmers' dots, 6£d to 7d; machined seed, Bd. Linseed, £12 10s to £13. Chewing's Fescue. — Farmers' samples, 4Jd ito sd; machined seed, 6£d. Potatoes. — New, 5s 6d to 6s. Onions.— Canterbury, 6s 6d; Melbourne, 7s to Bs. W« can offer a few tons of pure fish manure rici in ammonia; valuable for root or gran, crops; can be used with drill; £7 per tos. Fish oil, 3s 6d gallon. Babbitskins. — We hold our sales every fortnight. The market is continuing firm. We quote: Suckers and runners. 3d to od; springs, 5d to 9d; summers, full grown, 6d to 8d; autumns, 13d to 14d; incoming winters, 14d to 16d; blacks, up to 20d; fawns, lid to 14di; winter greys — bucks, 15d to 18id; does, 19d to 24d; outgoings, 12d to 13Jd. We supply labels. Sbteepskins. — Half bred, 8d to Bfd; £ne crossbred, 7£d to Sid; crossbred, 6Jd to 7Jd; merino, 7d to BJd; lambs, 7d to BJd; pelts, 6d to 7Jd; inferior pelts, 3d to 4Jd; fallen skins, Id to lid per lb lower. Hides. — W« held out usual fortnightly sale on March 6 in the presence of a good attendances of buyers. Clean and well flayed hides ■were Id to ljd per lb higher, but there was a decrease of Jd to Id in inferior hides. We quote as follows: — Heavy stout prime ox, up to 8d; heavy stout ox, to 7£d; heavy ox, 6d to 7d; medium ox, up to 5Jd ; light ox, from 4d to 4fd; heavy stout cow, up to 6Jd; heavy cow, 5d to sfd; medium cow, 4d to 4|d; light cow, to 41d; bull and stag, 3d to 3|d; calfskins, 3d to 5Jd; yearlings/ up to 4Jd; horseiides, 10s to 12s. Catskins, 3d to 6d each. Goat skins, 9d to Is Bd. Cowha-ir, from 9Jd to lOJd; oowtips, Is 6d 4o Is 9£d per dozen. Wool. — Good clean crossbred, up to 9d; crossbred, 6d to 8d; dingy and biddy, 5d to 6d; pieces and bellies, 4d to sd; locks, up to 3Jd; dead wool, 5d to 6Jd. Horsehair. — There is a good demand for all classes, especially clean hair, which is quoted 17d to 19d; mixed, 14d to 16Jd. Sough, fat, -from 14s to 18s, according to quality. Caul fat, from 16s to 20s. Wallow, in tins, 16s to 225, according to quality; prime whit* mutton, in tins, 20s to 235; prime white mutton, in casks, 29s to 955; mixed tallow, 16s to 20s; mutton cakes, fiOs to 235. Storing Grain.— We are prepared to store, receive, deliver, and insure for three months fre* storage at 3d per sack. Grass Seed Cleaning. — We advise farmers ti consign all their seed to us, as tie cleaning will be attended to with up-to-date machinery, and the cleaned seed sold or returned free of railage. We supply new and second-hand sacks, also stack and cow covers, and all other farmers' materials. Farm Proiuc* and ITrmt. — We receive all kinds of consignments, and render account ■ales promptly. Walnuts; 5Jd to 6d per lb. Salt butter, lOd to lljd; separator, 1b to Is Id. Fresh butter (in pate), storekeepers' lots, lOd. Eggs, Is 2d to Is 3d per dozen ; full supply. Cheese.— Factory, 6d; Akaroa, 5Jd to 6d; loaf, s}dHoney. — In eood demand. Section honey, aew season's. 6s to 8s t>er doz. ; bulk, large tins, 4d to 4£d ; small tins, 4§d to 4Jd. Beeswax, Is 4d, wanted. Hams. 96 Bacon.— Boll, BJd to 9d; sides, 7d to 8d (slow of sale). Pigs. — IHrst-elass Imcoiiers, -ui> -to 17Oll>, Rid, very firm; over weights. 3d to 4d. Poultry lor I/ocal Consumption. — Hens, 2s to 3s; roosters, 4s 6d to ss; ducks, 3s to 4s 6d; geese, 3s to 4s. Fruit. — In good demand. INVESTMENT STOCKS. March 16. Union Steam Ship Co.— Buyers £1 13s 6d, Sellers £1 .14s 6d. Westport Coal— Sellers £7 4s. D.I.C. (ord.)— Buyers ss. D.I.C. (pref.)— Buyers £1 2s, sellers £1 3s. National 'Mortgage — Sellers £3 4s. Milburn Lima (10s paid) — Sellers 13s 9d N.Z. Drug (£2 paid)— Buyers £2 11s 6cl, tellers £2 12s 6d. N.Z. Portland Cement — Buyers £1 10s, sellers £1 12s. LABOUR B.EPORT. - Central Labour Exchange, Dunedin, reports that during tie- last two weeks very . few inquiries have been made by farxaera for employees, although many un-em-ployed are' 'in town ait present, the majority being of » good stamp. Owing to the flaxmills closing down this also has ielped to swell the numbsrs. .The ruling wages are: — Ploughmen, 255; milkers, 22s 6d; labourers, 8s; married oouplea, £85; station blacksmiths, 30s; cooks, 255; cook-bakers, 30s.

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Otago Witness, Issue 2818, 18 March 1908, Page 40

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COMMERCIAL. Otago Witness, Issue 2818, 18 March 1908, Page 40

COMMERCIAL. Otago Witness, Issue 2818, 18 March 1908, Page 40