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THE CHAMPfONSHIP MEETING. . ,! WE&LQJGTON WINS THE SHIELD, i TeTxruary 1. The New 2<ealand Amateur Athletic • Aseooiation held, its annual Championship - meeting on the Sasin Heserve this alter- . noon. The -weather was fine, with a fresh, cooL southerly freeze blowing across the ground, -which was of some assistance v to the competitors as 'they ran 'along the ' back of the track, but which militated , against them in the home stretch. The attendance, which -was estimated at between 4000 and 5000, included a lax^e num- ' ber of -visitors interested in athletics. The ' performances in the field -events were far below -championship form, and rfche heel-and-toe events were robbed of interest by disqualifications 'by the judge. In the "Mile ■fVsfHi JSerr feirly -eaeily, -aitS -no 'esjteepfcian was -taken to his gait.- but two Jooal - competitors were disqualmed though they walked on to the finish. In the' Three Mile event the xaoe had not long been started when "the judge ordered Kerr off — v a 3ecision wlich did not meet -with the - approval tif spectators, "who roundly, hosted ' the official, and throughout the Tace he barracked right and left. The more moderate, however, were not much surprised, as on former occasions -there -has been a doubt as to whether the walking Kerr was fair Jtoael and "toe. 'The flatraees, though in some instances the fields ,were not large, created some exciting . finishes, notably in the -Three Mile, the result being in doubt almost until the tape ' was reached. Sh&rpe^ -the local representative, held out just sufficiently long to defeat Moore, of Canterbury, *by a short distance. It was undoubtedly the best race df the day. "Trenabath, of Southland, proved "himself * champion 'by winning -both the iftuaisfcer-jnile and Half-mile events, and • running into -third place in the 220 Yards Race. In ?the last-named event he had a bad passage and was "brongnt Sown • -through competitors him "when ' neatring the >home turn. "IDbe short Suadle , Sane, which would b»ve been contested between Cook And "Munav, reaulted in an easy win for the former througi the latter tumbling over flic iiist iiurdle. In ishe Quarterrorle event, 'however, Murray made - no Tace ot it, Tunning -eleßn «sway from Tthe . field and iwinning^ in iame -well under > -stendard. In tiie Reh\y -Race, -for which ; Wellington and Canterbury entered teams ' -of lour men aside, Canterbury -Jed Tip to the third heat, in which •Casey f^eilmgton) and Sobs -{Canterbury) competed. Casey got c break on «nd «aye Wellington a i?ood lead in the final heat, and .although 'Murray made desperate efforts to catch Fisher, he failed to ;get <np by about five yards. The <*rr«mgemente were well on*- , ried out. -with the exception of 'towards the* finish, .when the ZLong Jump delayed the proceedings iar quite &n. hour beyond ' tne time fixed ior the la^t event. . The ssum ot £180 was "taken at ttre gatesBeante:— HAI>F-MH»E CHAMPIONSHIP. Australasian zeoord, amjn *6 ASsec ; New .Zealand amateur .recozd, JTnin 68 l-ssec. Present champion, H. G-. "Bulk (Dunedin). W. F. Trembath (Southland) ..'«■! j A. Bnige'fWjfllDngton:) .. „ 2 W. H. D. Patrick (Wellington) .. ; | Also Tan: W. Gosling (Wellington). From a. good start Groaling set a steady pace, followed by Trembath, "Burge, aria, Patrick, ana in -fliis oraer ih«y passed the post' on the first round, Gosling being a couple of lengths in tulvjince. After traversing "100 yards on the second" xound Trembath ran through and soon put ten yards between him and Scaling. The latter also gave way to Bu%e, who set put after the leader, but had no chance with him,. aSembatb. winning b$ fully 10 lucißt

Patrick headed G-oeling before reaching the ' tape. Thne, 2mfn 2 l-ssec. j HIGH JUMP CHAMPIONSHIP. j Australasian amateur record, sft 11 l-sin; New Zealand amaieur record, Sft 9&in. •Present champion; C. I*. Orbell (Canterbury) C.X. O*bell (Oanterbu*3j) 'grt 7in ..1 * £r. Thomassen (Wellington) fift s|in 2 H. Call&ghan (Wellington) .Sft 3Jin .3 Xi. M'Kay (Wellington) and B. Sl.S 1 . Mitchell (Otago) jumped Sft lsin, and B. J. Martin Bit lm. I C. L. Orbell jximpea splendidly, and equnl- , led the -standard. The -winner -sfteroaxds j attempted .the New-Zealand .record, but failed. Steventy-Sve TarSs "Handicap —^Final: A. i Cunnmglwme (Wellington), 3yds, 1; A. t3oias (Wellington), 3yds, 2; G. A. Drake (Christ- ' church), Byds, 3. A. splendid reoe.; just won -on ' the jiost. O^ime, 8 l-ssec. jCunningh»me -woai the first heat .in 8 2-ssec, Dawson the .second in -Bsec, and A. Golds the third in 8 l-ssec. 100TAEDS CHAMPIONSHIP. j Australasian and 'New Zealand amateur. owcoras, 9 4-ssec. ■• Present .champion," M. Henderson (Wellington). . H. Henderson -(Wellington) . .. 1 '■ .S. J5 1 . Bass (Canterbury) ...... 2 ' - F. W. JB. Goodbehexe .(Welhngton) S Also ran: B. Fisher (Wellington), R. Bxidge (Wellington), D. MfPhail (Canterbury). ■From a good start the men were well togetber ULatil wifhin about 15yds of the pout-, •when JBase' ■mac -just -tslettr. His -victory -was loudly ■proclaimed, but last year's champion put :in * decided challenge, and ffiirly wjji^ ing -£he leaaer down, -won an excellent race by a yard. 'Time, 10 l~ssec, which equals the' standard 'thne. ' OKE-MILE -WAI.S' CHAMPIONSHIP. Australasian .and .New Zealand amateur/ . record, .6min 27 i^sec. Present champion, A. E.-JI. Rowland (Christchuarch). , H E. Eerr (Wellington) ....... 1 P. H. -Stubberfield (Centerbury) .. (2 J. G. fW«Hington and P. 1. JFitz- j gerald -(Wellington) also 'Started. I Fitzgerald led the first round, Stubbarifield next. Shortly after entering on the second TOxmd Kerr went to the -front, and Stubberfield also passed {Fitzgerald, frith Gdw Jhqpelessly in the rear. Kerr, .in fine style, .gradually opened the gap between him and the Canterbury representative, and eventually -by -about '40 yards. Fitzgerald finished about a similar distance »wsy, but ' both ie and Gow had 'been disqualified ior lifting. Time, 6min 56sec. PTTTTING-THE WEIGHT CHAMPION--SHIP Australasian amateur record, 44ft 3in; New ■Zealand amateur record, 40ft "3in, Present champion, G. Thomassen (Nelson). W. de Their (Canterbury), 36ft Bin 1 4 G. Thomassen (Wellington), 86ft 2in -3, L. JiiKay (Wellington), 34ft llin . . 3 1). A.. MTSailane (Otago) was disqualified. W. H. Madill (Auckland), who retired, and ; S. J. Martin, 32ft 9in, were the other competitions.- - " " .' "One "Mile and .a-Half Flat Handicap. — J. Finn (Wellington), 170 yds, J.; H. Hodgson (Buneaia),-4«yds, 2; H. 'T. Thompson (Wei- , lington), HOOyds, ,3. Four others xan. Finn ' leopractiically the. whole way, but on 'turn-rl ing for home had to stall off a .determined; challenge by Hodgson. He won by a couple of yards. Time, 7oain 24sec. . s 'Three HuridTed Yards Handieap.-^-D. <laaev • (Wellington), 17yds, O.; G. A. lipake (Christchurch) 12yds, 2; H. H. -Dawson .(Wellington), , 9yds, 3. Ten others ran. A splendid race, ' t Casey just winning on -the -post. Time, 33sec. ONE-MILE JEIiAT CHAMPIONSHIP. Australasian and TJew -Zealandi amateur, record, 4min -22sec. Present champion, H. X3c. 0un«cliB). A. B. Burge (Wellington) 1 ' S. W. Moffiue .(Canterbury) .. «. S T. A. Claugkton .(Canterbury) .. 3 Also .r«n: W. Gosling, W. H. C. Patrick, .fWellington), £r. Thomassen (Wellington), F. Mace tOtago),"W. H. 3Stadill (Auckland). "The, last->named gave up after going half a-mile.-qaMJ-e-wart, -mhiek-iwss Jcoiasd iorwaid -±B •switt considerable urtsreet, a -very -easy victory for B.urge. On the .pistol -sounding, Burge at once went to "the front, followed toy Moore und 'Clttugbton. This order -was maintained 'throughout, but in l««t lap Burge slipped his field, «ndi gradually drawing aj^ay. won by 15 yards. Time, 4min 42 2r6sec. POLE JUMP-CHAMPIOKSHIP. - , Aufltßalasiam and New Zealand amateur record, ilft Jin. Present champion, ±t., ITKay (Wellington). E M'Kay (Auckland), 10ft 3in' „. 1 X. T£ < K*y (WelKngton), '10ft .. ... -=2 H. Callaghan (Wellington), 9ft 9in -3 / - A. /JEftenson (Welliugton) jumped 9ft Sin. After -the event 'had "been deciSea, both the, MlCays ess«y«a to gain <» standard fb*Qg& f (their previous jumps having .been anaaewith the wind). IDhe jwsition of -the jump' was alteiea so as to be of no .advantage. « M'Kay (WelHngton) jumped .10ft 2in, but M*Kay (Auckland) -failed. • { 120 XAKDS HURDLES CHAMPIONSHIP.: Australasian -an 3 Ttfew Zealand amateur reccxds. 15 4-Ssec. Present champion, iH.'T. -XJook (Nelson). TINAI.. <■ H. Ccok (Wellington) 1 C. Jj. JDrbeU <Canterburj») .. ..2 H. fit A. Maater .{Canterbury) .. 3 These were .the only .starters- Murray idEaU .at the -first hurdle, but mh -on for Qoxd. points. Cook led 'throughout, and won 'easily by five yards. Time, 16 14>sec, which is Jevel Trith -the »t«aid«ra. w j „ . o!hs &6*ts !re«ul±ed «s .follows : — Foist : Cook 1 .Callaghan -2. HJime, 17 J.-ssec. Second:. -Murray 1, Drbell 2. Time, I7soc 220 XABDS FLAT CHAMPIONSHIP. r Australasian jmatem jrecora, SI **saeo; !NewtZealand. recofH, 22 < 8-ssec Preront champion, E. E. Fisher TWelhngten). ,3EINAL. IS. E Tisher fWelli^gton) -« « 1 JR. Hendeason fWelli*gton) .»., ». 2 > W- F. T«mb«th .CSoumlana) .. B AU the placed an«n in the "heats .started. TChis was a splendid race in -die turn, when He-ttaerson bad * alight .-advarrtage. In the straight iFisher went -ap to *he leader, «nd ( Hendexson appeared to tire, when facing the wind. Fisher just got up, and beat .himon the tape. Trembath was 2yds away. Tone ,28 4-^sec . _. A The resutta of the heats were:— First: Hendeison 1, Fisher 2, M'Phail 8. Won easily. Time, 93 S^sec. Second: Bass and Txambaih a dead heat, Gooabeher* 3. Won easily. -Timej 24 3-ssec three-mile walk championship. Austrslasian «matextr Tecord, .21min 86 l-ssec ; New Zealand .record,-' 2lmin 87«ec. Present diampion, A- 3S. M- Rowland (Christchurch). P. S- Stubberfield (Canterbury).. 1

H. E. Kerr (Wellington) and T. M. Hogben (Wellington) also started. This" race developed into a .fiasco. 'Kerr was oraer«d oft io^ lifting shortly after going halt a mile t

ana this lefi "Stubberfield with>a commanding I lead. At tire end of two miles 'and a-half'' Hogben was 'called 'Off by-'Qie judge, end' Stubberfield -walked -on alone. At this &me> ths latter had overlapped Hogben. Time,' 28mm 7 4-saec. i THROWING THE 161b HAMMER l OHAMPIONBHIP. Australasian .amateur record, 151 ft lin ; 'New , record, 136 ft 4£in. Present' champion, J. "Wanaoe (Auckland). J. Wallace (Wellington), 111 ft Sin .. .'. 2\ G. P. Anderson (Wellington), 90ft 6in . 2. G. Themessen (Wellington), 'B3ft ~Sin .. .. 3 The others who took pait were:— L. Paul (Wellington), "BTft "3m; L. 3ff*K-ay (Wellington) .«Ht .Zin; "W. MaSill (Auckland), 79ft 2in ; S. "J. "Martin "(Wellington), -B7ft "4in. "WiallaEe was far too -for Bis oppone^W YARDS !FLAT CHAMPION-SHIP. Australasian amateur record, 48Jsec; New' Zealand lecord, 50 3-ssec. W iF. .Tiemhtfth (Sonihlana) . . . . 1 W." H. Pollock (Wellington) - . 2 E. E. Wisher (Weffington) „ .« 3 A. <Cuimm^bam (Walßngton) started. i The T»ce «t .the -staxt =w*s not ■ ?e3^_^ una > : but with ialf the .-journey -over on speed, wad won fswriy -easily by about < sTds5 T ds Fishei -about tiie same Sistance. away third. Time, 63 . ,- i THREE-MIKB F<LAT-~CHAMPIONSHIP, ! AusWlasian and SSTew '?-]*>* JS^f record, 14min49sec. Present chwnpoan, d. H. Prenderville ' .G. Sharp (Wellington) " ,1 • S. W. Moore (Canterbury) 2 J. F. Frew (Otago) 8 ' Also started : T. Lambert :(WeUmgteii, W. Gosling (Wellington), M. Mulcahy (Weling-, •ton), T. A. ClaughtQii (Canterbury), d . Betftson Otago), A. C. Murray (Wellington), -and Wilton. 3For thefirel couple of miles Wilton, Sharps, >, Ciaughton, Beatson, and Moore -were m ac lead, but an entering the third mile .Frew ( ! ran through and took up the fea€. Beatson - then began to fall -to the tear, ana 'half » i mile further on Clfcughten fell exhausted.' When Hihe bell sounded Sharp, Wilton, Frew, ' end Moore were together. Then Sharpe went , to the front. «nd, despite "the 'aesperate <efforte of "Moore to get an termß, -won by 4yds, with 'Frew a few yards away. The only others ,to fmißh %were Gosling and Beatson. Time, , ISmin 40sec. ' LON.G JUMP CHAMPIONSHIP. Australasian ain*teur record, -33ft 7Jin; New Zealand .xecord, 23ft_ 3in. Present champion, L. JBTBLay (Wellington). L M^ay (Wellington), Jflft Bin 4 B. JUatcbell (Otago), 19ft Bin . . . . + ' W. H. Pollook (Wellington), 19ft lin '3 The others who njumpea jwere: H. Dawson (Wellington), 16ft £im ; L. Paul (Wellington), 16ft 7in; Hubb'ard (Wellington), 18ft 61in; Thomassan' (Wellinjgton), .Ifilt- lin^ Orbell * • (Canterbury), 18ft sim; Macfarlane (Otago), , 18ft 6Jin;.end S..J. Martin (Wellujgton), .16ft 1 9in. , MO "SARDS HURDLE Außicalasiaai amateur reoord, 58 2-ssec; New ' Zealand .amateur xecord,- 58 4-ssec. Present i phampiom, 'H. St. >A. Murray (Canterbury). f H.' St. ,A. Murray (CanteTbury) 1 j - H. '.Oook v(Wellington) „ „ ... 2 - iP. M«Gm*h (Wellington) .. ►• ..3 "^ Also -started :/vG. ¥. Sogle (Wellington) *nd j R. M. B(»st '(Southland). .Murray, was <saom. in front, and simply buried the others for pace, winning very -easily'' in ithe excellent time of 59 4-t>sec, wMch is ; 1 J.-saec inside the standard- ; ONE-MH/E CENTRE . RELAT •RA!CE. Wellington C^asey, Fishes, Bridge, Cunnrnghame) >1 ' Canterbury (Drake, Murray, Bass, 'MiPhjuti) 2 "in" the third heat ■'Canterbury 'lost ;gronn6, which spractica'lly gave Wellingtcai -Qic victory. . Time, 3min 41 3-ssec. ALI^ROXIND CHAMPJONSHIP. * The «.11-Jound championship, awarded to the , Weight, 3Oa Yards Flat, one-mile Mat, Throwing 'the 'Hammer, and Long Jump, resulted as follows: — X.'M'Eay (Wellington) i Xi. li. P-aul (Wellington) 2 ,-G. TChomiassen (Wellington) .. ..3 The conditions attached to this -event igive no jreal idea «s to the best -Athlete on the, ground, and the item .should 'be eliminated from future .programmes -or the, conditions should be a.tered -so. that the middle-dist«ace And .hurdles 'events are. included. BANNER POH&TS. Baimer points .were gained as follows:— Wellington .. ' »."'.. 79i points. OaarteEbury „ »» ,X .. 41 SautKland „ ,„ 13 points. •4a.ubklana ..... „ 6 joodnts. ; Otago .. „ .. .j ,, r 5i points. ' The -shield has again been Tvon -by- Wellington, -and the question df fpo£nto was' freely -discussed "on the jpround, the opinion, "being expressed that the ohanoe of -winninj? the shield was «il in favour .of the : town in which -fehe .meetiasr -was dield rowing ' to the Jorge number >jexE eompfititoxs tit could £ put on 4 the .tuaok, thus soonin# minor ♦ .paints. It was openly admitted that 'm.; championship events only fiesta should t count. iHad ~ this -system been dn torub it would not bave adEeoEett -±he result,- as W«l- ; 'lin«±on-*cored.7i wins, '.Gantartoury 4, :Stouth- v land 2, Auoklend 1, and -Ota«o rk- Hie qnes- , tion of points -is -one which should .receive > the earnest :coneideration ,of rthe "New "Zc»- f land Council. t

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Otago Witness, Issue 2812, 5 February 1908, Page 63

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N.Z. AMATEUR ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION. Otago Witness, Issue 2812, 5 February 1908, Page 63

N.Z. AMATEUR ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION. Otago Witness, Issue 2812, 5 February 1908, Page 63