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A SUCCESSFUL ISTEETESFG. - The Jirst .amniftl sports meeting of the *ecen%-oj&amsea Palmeraton Amateur Athletic "Ch* torik place on /the Show Gsomrd -at IBalmerston -yesterday. „,1c, ,,1c, 1 5 c n«ely-:formed chib opened its athletic career under the happiest auspices. I/verything tended towards the success of the meeting. The weather -was ideal, though a too Jrot Ear -some of tne competo- . tore the TAcing excellent, the finches close, and the various events .keenly .contested. There .was a stilendid^attendanoe, and the presence of -the ladies in "their crammer dresses fitting 'cound the terrace on. tne picturesque .ground lent jsjlonr^nd *aaea ianmatron to' the scene. , "Visiting^thletes were amesent itam Oamaru -and Dunedm, «nfl the presence of Sector Burk, the JDun©din champion-, gave .additional tntereet \o this fathering". THiese =were splendid en£L°*or -S «vM and 4U -fig*tbroughoHi; were dose. All the oftciau , •worked well. >and "the races, were gotoff . with commendable promptitude. J-he track w«s a trifle bard, tart ;this did not preVent -excellent times being put up-* Hoa», of Dunedin, iran a Mortal <race in ite feral «f -the 75 Yards Bash, fining with * *R»at jam *JtoJ^^™w% on ihe tape. In the Half-mile, *oster oi ftanedin, *an well off 35yds, and lasted . long enough to <beat Hector Burk, who ran in^Ueoond q>ta» off *hs -mark m ±ne » -good time, coiwideMnß'the teaok,^f.2imn 5 JL-sae& , C Morris, .ofPalmexston, *«»«&-& very < win in .the filial «* thefflO *«% . She race of fhe day. was the W>^ ds > ™ which three-craote in^ngley (of *®™2jBttfk and Hoa-re (.of Dunedin) «ained the ■ pieces. Ongley, who /»<».*■*■ a *#*£ . jrace off the 22yds mark, but it was left to Bulk to put up "the best -P^ 01 ™* 10 ® £ this event: Starting -off scratch,, £c got to within 4ft of .Gtagley «t the finish m iheremarfcably iaat time of 52 •3-se»o. Burk raTin -thf Mile .Flat, won by "Foster, but the Dunedin champion was palpably tired, and did not -finish, though, taking the time, smin 33aeo, he might have won easily. - Burk showed his versatility, hoy?-, The^Relay race \ras--won by *he P<almerstoii teamrWwiom^Oagleir (of Qaiparu) and Hoare (of *>unedin) were .permitted to mi. At the of iie meeting Dr Bslop, a«troa -of the - club, presented, the p&es to the successful .competitors.. Amongst a hatfl-working lot of officials, , Ss due to %lv A. Gkr^ who , <sreried out -fehe-iluties'of press Reward wWi , the utmost satisfaction. Mr J*. w. . Wheeler, -torn., made an energetic secretary • Mr TS. Xefevre -was the hwndioappeT, •na iir 3. Crisp the starter. V™™? }^ afternoon the Palmerston Band added lurther enjoyment to the meeting with several weU-played selections. Following axe the details*— 100 Takds Mairaar (Scratch). "F. -Orav \ D. "Reid - A. a. Gow '• 3 Ahso started: C. Biack, W. J. Sloan, A. Douglas. The men got *roay to a #o©a start CwTwas the finrt to show clear, and led all ihe -nxy. -winnnur at -She -finish *y a -from Beia, -who sfiansted » yard in irant of Gow. ■ Time, 11 J.-sßec. . SaEP, and Jujcp. A. JTacksoiL (lft), 37tt "^m - -- * j 3>. :Pra«n- '(2ft). 37ft 6in 2 ; Also competea: W. A-tkinson (lft), B4ft ' «n3 A.. S'erguson (lft Bin), 85ft 4in. 75 Yakds HAanxtoAP. .First Ho»t.— B. Ongley, sor, 1 ; -D. -Ro^, ' -2. Also staxied: A. Jackson l£yda, A. "Sow A. JPerguson 4y3s. ~8. Duffey ' 6£y3s. -A «losie finish. Time, * 12-Bewc. BTCOim Meat.— A. Hoare, 1; F. Gray, Byds, and &. -Scott, -4yds. daad heat, 2. Also started: .H. Pittaway 2yds, W. Gwynne syds. iWon an the "tape. 'Time, 8 2-ssec. Oaiird Heat.— A. Ttauglas, -4Jyas. 1; W. Hiskrp, 2ydß, £. Also started: 'E. Ttfilhams. lya, C. Morris 3iyds, D. Stewart syds. Won ( ly a yard. Time, 8 4-sseo. • Final. - " 'A. Hoare, scr .«• „ us •» •• »«■ P. 3yas 2 K. Ongley, scr ..>.-.««•>• 3 All qualified started. The men jumped ftiwcy art jpißtol-fira, and at the Izalf-distance Cray was showing -clesr of b> bunched field.' Hoaxe oame .wifh a jrattle in the- last halfdozen yards, "and .won a fine race on the tape. Time, 8 5-ssec. ZLajMam HATfDiciap. A. Foster, 36yds . , „ 1 H. Burk, scr .. .. » -2 "W. Jl'Kenney, COyds .-3 Also stwtea: A. Jackson 3Qyas, *V. Young' 85yB», &. Scott -SOvds, W. Aflcinson fisya«, Crwymie 55yds, '"W. Sloan 70yds, A. ;: Wilsoin 70yds. 3siom ,c. -good ,st*rt sSlcin was the first *o show dear, and led for the first *coupk>of rounds, with iffi'Eenney close iandy. tie' xertitf fee -fieia -tailing off m"<lihe re«r. Goin*; " lound for the third time BK^Kemuey -went -±o theJront, but -w*s .supplanted by Foster, SRho, was inimiiig .strongly. At tlhe last Jap Burk msoe bis run, jtod, coming BtroDgly, lookeu all ov«r a winner, bttt faded w«y the ' ' ettsught, Foster -winning by *bout ltfcfas from Burk, -who was «y*3 in front o£ M'Kenney. , Time, ?. l-"ssec. Bj&h: Jxikp. ' ID. Fraser &in), 4ft *in r I ! A. Jackson («xr), i£l .7in *„ 2 j Also oompeied: W. -Astkiason sea:. The', winner *bowedj?ood jumiping powers, but took ■ off badly. A. Jackson .failed at 4ft Bin. i!2O Yards Handicap. First H«rt.-SP. 'Dray, TBJydB, 1; G. S.cert*. lSiyfls, '2; D, Stewart, a«Jyds, 3. Also •tajrked: S. Burk scr, B. Pitta-way 9yds. A. ■EVsrgusoa 11yds. Won by a yard* Time, 25 l-ssec. Second Heat.— C. Morris, 1; --£ Williams, l%rds, A; B. >Ongley, scr, 8. Also parted: A. Jackeon TySs, A. fiow IQyds, D.. Fr«Ber 164 yds. 'Won By 14yds. 'Time, 25sec. ■*< -Final. C Monis, 13JydB „»»,,. a E. Waiiams, ISJyds .. „ . .„ 2 F. d»y, l^ya 8 ..... „ Jj. „ 3 JElsa rstertea: G. Scott lSJyds. D. Stewar* 16Jyas. From a, start Stewart, the limit mam, was the 4i*t to show out, hut he was qaickly -supplanted by Morris, who took the lead and .maintained it to. the finish, Just lasting long «nough to stave off » run by Wilb*in», jflio wag * -yard and a-lmlf in front •< Cray. Tune, 25sec*

Boss' "SUOE, 2QOXDS. - •Jas. Stewart . ._, . ... 1 *W. ©reaver .„ ' , ». 2 :S. ©reaver .. 3 A ing field >of 16 started. A splendid' -race '- 'and a (gxeoKt finish, the three placed boys breasting -the tape almiost together. > Potting tkf. Shot. 'H. 3urk (2ft), 32ft .. .. „ .. 1 A. -ITaokson (Sft), B€st Sin . r ., .. '2 : A 'Clfcrk .(Sit), 30ft 2in . r. . . 3 Ako competed,! D. M'iDonald scr, G. .Douglas 2ft, J3-, McGregor 2ft 6in, J. Parkhill • lft -6in. *fl) Y*EDS PIAT E.KBDZCEB. B. Ongley, 22yds . , . j» . .. .--- 1 JH. Burk, scr .. j -i aa •* .. -2 ' A. Jttoaxe, 20yds --, .-3 Also started': A. Jackson 20yds, 13. Williams 20yds, *W-r-Hislop 24yds, B. "Pittaway 24yds, A. Atkinson 36} its, A. Perguson 37yas, A. Douglas Slyds, G. Scott SOyds, D. Eeid 80yds, A. Wilson 30yds, A. Poster 30yds, P. Stewar-t 33yas, T>. Fraser 34yds. A big field of 16 faced, the starter. At pistol-dire men -rose together, and -made the -pace a cracker from ' the outset. Stewart was tlte first to abxrw i clear, .and led the field for the first aODyds.,' when -Ongley, HoaTe, 'and weie seen "to be 'coming through the field. 'G.oittg rcraad the > turn- Ongley was .in front, and r-acing iox his life. 'Hoare was lying close "handy, ana Burk" was coming -with a great run, -a yard -awey. | Entering 'the :fftr^ight tOngley was going s±a rare ■ pace, with Hoare and Biirk coming with a j»ttle in the Tear. Within 40yds of . the finish .Bnrk, -who bad come up irom screrteh, "HcaTe and got to wttbin a ' Tard,. and a-ha-Jf of -Oijgley, who won <mth a ' fine .burst at .speed .at the finish. .Burk /ran a splendid race ior second jpLace;. Hoare third, 2yds -uway. Time, S^Ssec. ' OBSTACI^ BACE, 440YD3. A. Jaokson ,- ? -. 1 W. MTlenney i j .. .') .2 'W. V. Grwynme „ ." .... .3 Also, started: W. Dray, W. >&. Bh»n, -G. E. Scott. This was ;a '-very amusing race. ■ The winner finished -lQyds in iront of M'Kenney, who was 15yds in- Iront of the third -m«n. One-mile "Handicap. A. -Poster, TTOySs . . ..... 1 T. sToung, -70yds .. .» ... , fc i 2 : " W. JEK-enney, J.4dyds « .... ,3 Abo .started: M. 33uik scr, W. Atkinson 80yas, B. Pittaway lOtfyds,- A. Wilßom 120 yds, G. Dolfin 170 yds. From tbe 'start the convpetitoßß strung out in rf&e order of their iandicapp, Pitta-may and Poster alternately ■taking 4he lead. At the bell iox the last lap Foster went <away in the lead, with "Xoung lying close hanay, «nd !Bf^Cenney a «few yards •way from the rest of the field. Going -round the turn Foster put on the jpace and drew away from Young. Once in "tbe straight Foster -eased up, and X'oureg, coming vrith. & late .run, gat >tt> within « y«rd and a-half of Foster, -who, however, won at the finish, lime, Smin ~32sec. Relay Race, One iffln-.Tg Psimezston (W. -M^enney, "R. . Eittaway, R. Ongley, A. Hoare), 50yds iandicap .. X Dunedin Q?. Cray, G. S cott," A. Poster, H. !Burk), scr -' .. .. « « 2,

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Otago Witness, Issue 2812, 5 February 1908, Page 63

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Untitled Otago Witness, Issue 2812, 5 February 1908, Page 63

Untitled Otago Witness, Issue 2812, 5 February 1908, Page 63