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Burr side, Wednesday, January 29

Fat Cattle. — 215 were yarded to-day, consisting principally of medium quality steers and coy beef. Owing to the very large entry, prices suffered a further decline of from 10a to 20s head all round- Best bullocks brought from £9 to £10; extra heavy, to £11; medium weight. £8 to £8 15s; light and unfinished, from £5 ; best heifers and cows, to £7 2s 6d; medium do £5 15s to £6 15s; others from £3- Tho New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company (Ltd) yarded and sod: For D. J. "Bower (Stoney Creek), E. Ottrey (Heriot) and Mrs Carr (Woodside), 19 head at up to £9 15s Donald Reid and Co. (Ltd.) yarded 52, and sold: For Mr W. G- Scott (CheeUvrod), 8 bullocks at £9 17s 6d to £G 17s 6d; Mr J. T. Gibson (Otokia), 12 bullocks at £10 to £7 17s Cd ; M"r Wm. Blackle (Glasgow Farm). 9 bullocks at £8 5s to £6 17s 6d : Mr Wm. Kirk vMayfleld), 10 bullocks and heifers at £7 to £5 ss; Mr Geo. Skey (Leith Valley), 1 heifer at £3 15s; Mr Jno. Kirk (Mosgiel), 1 bullock at £6 10s, Messrs W. Merrilees. R Borthwick, and others, 11 bullocks and heitors at quotations Dalgety and Co (Ltd) \ aided 61, and solf F<n Mr Geo. M'Donald (.Stirling), 4 pens 'ju'locks to

£10; Mr T. C. Ellis (Invercargill), 6 pens bullocks to £9 ss, and 4 pens heifers to £6 15s; Mr T. Craigie ard Sons (Henley), 2 pens heifers to £5 ss ; Mr P. Toomey (Waikoiiaiti), 9 head to £5. The National Mortgage and Agency Company (Ltd ) yarded and sold For Mr W. Knk, 2 bullocks at £8 10s. 3 heifer? at £5 2s 6d ; Mx J. Scoit (Mos3vale), 2 bullocks at £6 17s Cd, 2 heifers at £1 17s 6d ; Mr C. Armstrong (Tapanui), 6 cows and heifeis at fiom £3 5s to £7 2s 6-1; Mt James Brown, 1 cow at £i 15s, 1 do at £4. — —Ilia Otaga Farmers" Cooperative Association of New Zealand (Ltd.) yarded 66, and sold: For Mr H. M'lntyre (Owaka), 5 bullocks to £9 ss, 3 heifers at £6 17s 6d; Mr D. Sutherland (East Taieri), 3 heifers at £5 ; Mr James Scott (Owaka), 9 bullocks to £7 12s 6d ; Mr A. B. M'Donald (Otekarama). 6 bullocks to £7, 2 heifers at £4 15s; Mr Wm. Kirk (Mayfie'd, East Taieri), 7 bullocks to £11; Mr W. Kirkland, 5 heifers to £5 ss ; a client, 8 bullocks find heifers at quotations: Mr R. Charters (Uiy Park, Mosgiel), 12 bullocks to £9 15s. Wright Stephenson, and Co (Ltd ) yarded and old For Ma- W. Kirk (East Taieri), 3 bullocks at £10 IO3; Mr J. Wilson (Kelso), 8 heifers at £6 7s 6d; Mr John Gibson (Ashley Downs). 8 heifers at up to £5 10s , Mr J. Patuck (Outram), 3 bullocks et up to £8 10s, 2 heifers at quotations ; Mr J. Gemmell (Maheno), 8 heifeis at quotations; Mr J. Knox (Green Island), 1 cow at quotations; Mr J. Cadzow (Anderson's Bay), 2 cows at quotations ; Mr T. Murphy (Pme Hill) and Mr G. Rodgers (Pme Hill), 2 heifers at quotations.

Store Cattle — The New Zenland Loan and Meicantile Agency Company (Ltd) sod: For Mis Carr (Woods^de) and others, cows, heifer 51 , and steers .- at current rates. Donald Rsid and Co. (Ltd.) yarded 29, and *o d For Mr R. A. S. Cantrell (Waikouaiti), 3 heifeis at £3 6s to £1 18s; Mr F. H. Bottirg (Mosgiel), 13 at £2 15s to £2 13s 6d ; Mi M. Harty (Mosgiel), 4 heifers at £2 5s to £1 , Mr R. Borthwick Beach), 4 bullocks «nd he.fers at £3 17s 6d ; Mr R. Dalziel (Bi-ockville), 1 cow at £\ 18s ; Mi J Gamble (Wylhe's Crossing), 1 bullock and 1 heifer at quotations ; a cnent, 2 heifers at £2 15s. Wright, Stephenson, and Co. (Ltd.) yarded and sold For Mr A. Smaill (Tomahawk), 2 cows at quotations; Mr J. King (Tomahawk), 2 cows at £2 17s; j.Ur T. Rodgers (Pine Hill), 6 heifers at £2 10s; Mr T. Murphy, steer at £5 ; Mr Cadzow (Anderson's Bay) and Mr D. Dav.dson (Saddle Hill), 2 cows at quotations. Dalgety and Co. (Ltd.) yarded 51, and sold : For clients, bulls, heifers, and ccnvs at to £5 15s. The Otago Farmers' Co-ox^erative Association of New' Zealand (Ltd.) yarded 65, ard sold . For Mr James Patrick (Outiam), Mr R. Fmnie, Mr J. Kirk (Mosgie'), Mr A. Ccwan, and Mr W. Tawn'ey. steers to £1, cows to £2 19s, heifers to £3. bulls to £5 2s.

Dairy Cattle. — The Now Zealand Loan and Merciutile Agency Ccmpany (Ltd.) sold For Messrs D. J. Bower (Stony Creek), J. Graham (Outram), W. A. Tcdd (Mosgiel), and Mrs M Garr (Woodsid-e), cows and heifers to JE4 12s 6d. Denald Reid and Co. (Ltd.) yaTded and sold: For Mr R A. S. Cantrell (Waikouaiti), 1 cow at £1 ss; Mr D. M'Dona:d (Bradshaw street), 1 at £3 23 6d, Mr Wm. »Boyd (Kuri Bush). 2 at £5 17s 6d to £5 15s Dalgety ai;d Co. sold 9 to £3 15s. The Otago Farmers' Co-operative Association of New Zealand (Ltd.) yarded 5, and sold : For Messrs D. Sutherland (East Taiexi), T. Maxwell, and clients, cows from £2 17s 6d to £6 7s 6d. Wright, Stephenson, and Co. (Ltd.) yarded and sold. For Mr D. B Shand (Taieri), 1 cow at £i; Mx D. Davidson (Saddle Hill), 1 cow at quotations.

Calves. — Da-lgety and Co. (Ltd) sod: For Mr P. Toomey and Messrs R. Cragie and Sons, calves to £\ 6s. Donald Reid and Co. (Ltd.) yarded and sold : For Messrs R. A. S. Cantrell, John Gamble, and others, calves at quotations. — Wright, Stephenscn, and Co. (Ltd.) penned and sold. For Mr F. H. Botting, 12 at up to 203 6d ; Mr D. Davidson (Saddle Hill), lat 20s 6d ; Mr T Murphy (Pine Hill), and Mr T. Rodgers (Pine Hill), 3 at quotstions. The Otago Farmers' Cooperative Associatioa of New Zealand (Ltd ) yarded 13, and sold: For Mess-rs R Fmme, A. Edgar, J. Hunter, and clients, cahes from 4s to 17s.

Fat Sheep. — 2411 yarded, consisting principally of medium wethers, with a few pens extia prime, also a fair portion of ewes. Although the freezing works are open no buying was dore for export, and in consequence of the large entry and the absence of outs:de buyers, the sale was a very dragging 01. c, and a good many pens had to be IDa^£?e.d out Prices wece from 2s to 2s G<3, m some cases quite 3s below last week. Quotations: Best wethers brought from 18s to 19s (extra prime and heavy to 223 6d); good do, 168 to 17s 6J ; light and unfinished from12s 9d ; best ewes brought from 15s to 16s 6d ; extra good do, Jo 19 3d , medium do, 13s to 14s 6d ; others from 9s The New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company (Ltd ) penned 453, and sold ■ For Mr Alexander Dickson (Clinton), 119 wethers and ewes to 16s 6d ; Messrs J. A. and D. M'Phail (Clinton), 63 wethers to 183 6d , Mr Harry Palmer (Otokia), 47 wethers at 17s 9d ; Messis Dickson Bio«. (Portobello), 20 ewes at 16s; Mr Dai id Coibett (Hildethorpe, lOi wethers ai d ewes to 16s 6d ; and passed out 3 pops unsold Stronach, Morris, and Co (Ltd.) penned 363, and sold. For Messrs Murray Kobaits and Co (Gladbrcok). 42 wethers at 17s 9d, 14 ewes at 35s 3d, Mr Watson Shennan (Conical Hills), 45 eve 3at 18s 3d, 13 do at 16s ; Mr G. H. Gilr^y (Sibling), 124 wethers from 20s 6d <o 22s 3J; Mr W. Barion (Bon Accord. Crookston), 42 ewes at 355; Messrs C and J Findlay (Fu dlayston), 1 pen wethers at 20s, 17 ewes a. 14s- 6d ; Mr Peter Sim (Crookstcn). 1 pen wdhfrrs at 17s 9d, 1 pen ewes at 14s 3d; Mr D. Grieve (Middlemaich), 1 pen ewes aiul wether* at up to 16s 3d The National Mortgage and Agency Company (Ltd.) penned '\-,Q, ard sold . For the NZ. and A- Land Company (Moeiaki Estate), 34 wethers at 16s 9d, 30 hßlfbred ewes at 15s 9d. 46 Lincoln ewes at 15s; Mr A. Brown (Abbotsford), Zi wetlifi-s at 18s, 27 do at 153 6d, 16 ewes at 16s ; Mr A Douglas (Ilampden), 40 wethera at lls, 34 do at 13s 3d, Mr C. Had"field (Greenfield), 23 wethers at 14s, 10 ewes at 14s 3d, 27 do at 13s hd; and turned out 121 unsold. Donald Reid and Co. (Ltd.) penned 378, and sold- For Mr Thoa. Soper (To Houka), 63 wethers at 18s to 17s ; Mr Jno. Robertson (Crctokston), 60 ewoa at 19s 3d to 16s 9d; Mr Jno. Niirmo (The Grange), 44 wethers at 170 9d ; Mr Robert Pateison (Hillend), 64 wethers at 18<5 6d. to 17s; Mr Chas. Lowery (Milton). iS wethers at 17s 6d to 16s »d, Mr A C Giay (Hyde), 33 owes at 13i Sd, Mr Donald Nicholcon (Rough Ridge), 36 wet'iors at IGh 9d ; Mr Wm. Lindsay (Allanton), 12 ewes at .03 Cd , Mis A^noi Strain (Mil bum) 6 wethers and ewos at 18a 9d to 13s .id; Mr Josooh Cumpbn'l (Milburn), C ewes at 10s 6d , Mr Jas- liiucc (Milhiiin), 1 ewe at 16i 9d. Dnlgcty und Co (Ltd ) For Mr John Wilson (Lauder). 3 pens wethers to 173; Mi J. If. Crutchley (Kyoburn), 3 pens wcthors and ewes to 15s Gd. Otago Fa Ijnors' Co-ci erativo As«ooiation of New /£caland (Ltd ) penned and sold For Mr Jno. Njrnmo (The Grange, East Taieri), 43 wethers at 17s 6d; Mr Jas. Patrick (Lee Cieek, Outrruv) 2 r«=ns wethsis to 16s 9d , a client, 4 pens stoi-p wethers at quotations; Mr O-. Williamson (Milburn), a pen of ewes at quotations. Wiight, Stephenson, and Co

(Ltd) penned and sold: For Mr John Gibson (Ashley Downs), 8 wethers at 22s 'VI, GO at up to 21s; Mr J- Walker (The Gask), 60 wethers at up to 20s 9d, 60 at up to 18s Pd; Mr Jas. Patrick (Outram), 34 wethers at up to 17s, Mr D. M'Gill (Dipton), 31 wetheis at up tc 15s 6d ; Mr James Nimmo (Taieri), ■12 wethers at 16s 6d; Mr D. Andiew (Mofg'el), 29 ewes at up to 13s 3d; and turned out 60 ur.sold.

Fat Lambs. — 406 yarded, and owing to the small entry prices at the commencement of the sale showed an advance of from Is to I<= 6d on last week's rates. Towaids the end of the sale, however, prices were on a par with lust week's The New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company (Ltd ) yarded 111, and sold: For Messrs C. and j Findlay (Mosgiel), 20 lambs at 14s 6d; Mr David Corbstt (Hildethcrpe), 27 at 16s 6d ; a client, 33 at i7s 6d, 31 at 16s. Donald Reid and Co. (Ltd.) penned 181, and «old • For Mr James Bruce (Milburn), 15 at 15s 6d; Mir John Cowie (Milburn), 20 at 16s 3d; Mrs Agnes Strain (Milburn), 12 at 14s 9d , Mr William Lindsay (Allanton), 12 at 16s; Mr Donald Nicolson (Rough Ridge), 34 at 15s 6d to 14s 6d; Mr A. C. Gray (Hyde), 42 at 14s 9d to 14s; Mr Joseph Campbell (Milburn,), 13 at 13s 9d; Messrs C. and J. Findlay (Findlayston), 33 at 13s 6d. Stronach, Morris, and Co. (Ltd ) penned and sold: For Mr G. Henry (Mount Cargill), 9 at 15s 9d, 1 pen at 14s 3d ; Messrs Murray, Roberta, and Co. (G ladbrook), 10 at 15s 9d ; Mr D. Grieve (Middlemiarch), 1 pen at 15= 3d, 16 at 14s 9d, 1 pen at from 12s 6d to 13s 9d. The National Mortgage and Agency Company (Ltd.) penned and sold • For Messrs A. Brown and C. Hadfield, lambs at from 14s 9d to 16s The Ota^o Farmers' Co-operative Association of New Zealand (Ltd ) penned and sold : For Mr P. Williamso* (MilLum) and clients, lambs to 14s 9d Wright, Stephenscn, and Co. (Ltd.) penned and sold: For Mr J. Smith (Stirling), 41 at up to 16s 9d; Mr Kearney (Balcluiha), 12 at 10s 3d; Mr G Fraser (Alexandra), 65 at quotations ; Mr J. E. Bodkin (Clyde), 55 pt quotations.

Pigs. — 100 yaided. Prices for small sorts werj much the same as last week, but the demand for large pigs was not so keen. QuotDt'oiis :— Suckers, los to 18s; slips. 25s to 28s; stores, £<2s to 38s; porkers. 40s to 455 ; light baconers, 47s to 525 ; heavy do. 53s to 645. Donald Reid and Co. (Ltd.) j arded 27, and sold : For Mr E. Heenan (Maurgntua), 5 at~6os to 575; Mr Georgo Graham sen. (Berwick), 4 at 40s; Mr JnoWaldie (Halfway Bush), 1 at 463; Mr Geo. Skey (Leilh Valley). 2 at 465; Mr Denis O'Brien (Wmgatui), 8 at 19s; Mr J. M'Neill (Alknton) 2 at 645; Mr J. Shaw (Otokia), 1 at 41s- Mr J. L. Clarke (Leith Valley), 4 at 45s Dalgety and Co. (Ltd.) sold : For Mr John Wilson (Laudei) and Mr G. Mackie (Heibert), C 2 to ]5s Stronach, Morris, and Co. (Ltd ) yarded, and sold : For Mr F. E M'Lean (Henley), and other vendors, 3 slips at 225, a'ld bacon pigs at full market ratesOtago Farmers' Co-operative Association of New Zealand (Ltd.) penned 23, ard sold : Fa,.- Mr H. Bruhns (Hyde), 6 at 19s; Mr J S. Stanhope, 8 to 17s; Mx G Sne 1 (Momona) 4 to £2 13s; Mrs Reeves, 1 at £•2 10s 6d, Mr Jas. Wyllie, 4 to £3 4s. Wright, Stephenson, and Co. (Ltd ) penned ar.d sold • For Messrs W. Pearce (Henley), Jas- Birtles (Allanton), and Young and Perkins 25 at up to £3.

Sheep Skins. — This market is well suppoited, competition being good. Prices obtained aie satisfactory, considering tho^o pecured for wool. Quotations for best halfbreds, 7^d to B\d ; medium, 5d to 7d ; best crossbreds, 6d to 7d; medium. 5d to 5Jd; inferior and coarse, 4cl to sd ; best merinos, 7Jd to 8d ; medium do, 6d to 7d; mei^no pelts, 3d to 4d ; crossbred do, 3Jd to 4Jd, lamb skins, 4d to sid per lb. Rabbit Skins. — A moderate amount of business, is passing in these, and with a fair demand full puces are secured- Best furred winter does fetch 17d to 18d ; do do bucks. 14d to 16d; medium do mixed bucks and does. Is Id to 15d : spring mixed, 7d to 9d ; summer do, 6d to 7d ; half-grown and hawktorn, 2Jd to 5d per lb. Hided. — Theie is a fair demand for these, more especially heavy sorts and of good substance, at late rates. Prices obtaining on Thursday will be seen in Fnday's reports-

Tallow and Fat. — Consignments coming to hand are leadily taken up for local requirements. Quotations for best country rendered clean and bright, 23s to 245; good to best, 13s to 235 , inferior and medium, 14s to 17s 6d; best lough fat (clean), 17s 6d to 19s, medium 15s 6d to 17s ; inferior, 12s to 15s per en t

Grain. — Wheat- Tte demand for milling at the moment is somewhat slow, and until tb-e new grain is on the market operations will be limited. Even then it is difficult to arrive at any conclusion as to the future course of prices. Meantime quotations for prime milling, which are nominal, say, 5s Id to 5s 3d. Fowl wheat is in good demand, but, there being no supply, buyeis have to fall back on milling, for which they pay 4s lOd to ss; medrum, 4s 8d to 4s lOd; inferior and broken, 4s to 4s 6d per bushel (=acks extra, ex store). Oats: A moderate demand is experienced for good to best feed, but for milling there is little or no inquiry. Quotations • Prime nulling, 2s 3d to 2s 4d ; best bright feed, 2s "2d to 2s 3d ; inferior to medium, 2s to 2s Id per bushel (sacks extra, ex store). Barley. Ma"rket quiet; little or none so far offering ; quotations nominal.

Ryegrass Seed — A few samples of the new crop are to hand, but buyers show no great arxiety to purchase at prices expected meantime by growers. The little demand there is is for well-grown, heavy, e'ea-n seed, bright and shotty, which might fetch 2s 9d to 3s; light and medium. Is 6d to 2s 6d per bushel (ex store, sacks extra).

Potatoes — The market continues fairly well supplied. Fresh dug have preferemoe, beat fetching £i 15s to £5 ; medium, £4 to £4 10s ; inferior, £3 to £3 15s per ton (sacks in. ex store).

Chaff. — Consignments' to hand lately are in excess of requirements, and in consequence sales are not so readily effected, except at prices somewhat below current quotations. New chaff, inferior, and discoloured old is not by any means easily placed. Quotations: Extra pnme, £4 to £4 2s 6d; good to best, £§ 109 to £3 17e 6d ; inferior and new, £2 17s 6d to £3 5s per ton (sacks extra, ex truck). Straw. — The supply is equal to the demand. Best oaten fetches £2 2s 6d to £2 7s 6d ; v/heaten, £2 to £2 5s per ton (ex truck, pressed).

[The individual reports o! stock agents, wpo!, rabbitskin, or grain brokers can be in•erted hj the Daily Times and Otcgo Witness »t special Tntes.]

DUNEDIN WEEKLY MARKET REPORT. Messis A. Moritzson and Co, auctioneers, wool, stock, station, grain, produce, and commission agents, Dunedin, report (wholesale) for the week as under. All quotations are subject to market fluctuations. Farmers are asked, when sending samples, always to put a plica on them, as buyers do not feel in - chued to make offers-. — Wheat —Prime milling 1 , new season s, 4s 3d to is Cd on trucks; fowl wheat, 5s (scarce).

Oats —Milling, 2s 3d; B grade, 2s 2d; ir> ferior, 2s. Barley — Good malting. 4s 6d to ss ; peax]< ing, 4s ; feed barley, 3s 6d. X) ecorn, 4s to 4s 3d. Maize, os. Prussian Blue peas, from 6s to 6s 6d. Partridge peas, 4"? 6d to 5s 6d. Chaff — Prime bright heavy. £3 15s ; medium, £3 10s; oaten gtraw, 50s; wheaten, 40s. Clover hay, £3 10s. Ryegras« — New seed, farmers' dressed, 2a 3d to 2s 6d for heavy weights, with likely lower prices ; machined, from 5s to 5s 3d.

Cocksfoot — Market remains firm. Farmers* lots, sd , machined none offering. Linseed, £12 10s to £13. Chewing'B Fescue — Farmers' sample?, 3Jd to 4d ; machined seed, sid to 6Jd.

Potatoes — New. 6s. Carrots, 50s.

Onions. — Auckland brown Spanish, 9s 6d. We can offer a few tons of pure fish manure rich in ammonia; valuable for root cr gTain crops ; can be used with drill ; £7 per ton. Fish oil, 2s 6d gallon Rabbitskins. — We hold our sales every Monday. The market is continuing firm. We quote — Suckers and runners, 3d to sd ; springs, 5d to 8d ; summers, full-gTown, 63 to 8d ; autumi.s. 13d to 14d ; inco ung winters, 14d to 16d; blacks, up to 20d; fawns, lid to 17d , winters, up to lSd; does, 19d to 24d; outgoings, 12d to 13id. We. supply labels.

Sheepskins — Prices are as follows: — Halfbred, 8d to 9idj fine crossbred, Sjjd to SJd; coarse crossbred, 7Jd to 8d ; Merino, 7d to B£d; lambs. 84d to 9d ; pelts, 6d to 7*d.

Hides. — We he'd our usual fortnightly sal» on the 10th of January to a full attendance of buyers. There was a decrease of Id per lb on heavy, medium, and light hides, also on inferior and shpy hides. We quote: — Heavy stout ox, up to 7id ; heavy ox, 4cl to sd ; medium and light, up to 3Jd ; bulls and stags, from 2d to 3d; heavy cow, 3d to 4d ; medium and light, up to 3Jd; inferior hides, from Id to 3d; calfskins, from 2d to sd; horsehides, up to lls; yearlings, up to 4d. Horsehair. — There is a good demand for al 7 classes, especially clean hair, which, i.9 quoted 17d to 19d ; mixed, 14d to 16Jd. Wool. — Good clean crossbred, up to 9|d ; pieces and bellies, 3d to 6Jd ; locks, up to 4d ; good clean dead wool, ud to B£d ; seconds, 3d to 6Jd.

Cowhair.— From 9Jd to lOJd; cowtips, Is 63 to Is 8d per dozen

Tallow. — In tins, 16s to 225, according to quality; prime white mutton, in tins, 20s to 225; prime white mutton, in casks, 20s '.o 255; mixed tallow, from 16s to 20s; mutton cakes, *20s to 235.

Rough* Fat. — From 17s to 20s, according to quality. Storing Grain. — We are prepared to store, receive, de'iver, and insure for three months free storage at 3d per sack. Grass Seed Cleaning. — Wo adviso farmers, t-> consign all their seed to us, as the cleaning will be attended to with up-to-date machinery, and the cleaned seed sold or returned free of milage. We supply new and second-hand sticks, also stack and cow covers, and all other farmers' materials.

Farm Produce and Fruit —We receive all kinds of consignments, and render account sales promptly.

Walnuts s£d r>er Ib. Salt butter, 7Jd to B*d; separator, B£d to 9*d. Fresh butter (in cats), storekeepers' lots, 6d to 7d; lard, 6£d. Eggs, Is Id per dozen. Cheese.— Factory. 6d; Akaroa., sd; loaf, 6id. Honey — In sood demand. Section honey, new season's. Gs to 8s per doz. ; bulk, large tins, 4d to 4Jd ; Bmall tins, 4Jd to 4Jd. Beeswax, Is 4d, wanted. Hams. 9d Bacon.— Roll, BJd to 9d; sides, 7d to 861 (slow of =a'e). Pica —Porkers, 5Jd to 6d ; first-class baconers. up to 1701b, 5Jd to 6d, very firm; over weights, 4d to sd. Poultry for Local Consumption. — Hens, 2s; roosters, 3s 6d ; ducks, 6s to 6s ; geese, 3s to 4s. Fruit. — In good demand.

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Otago Witness, Issue 2812, 5 February 1908, Page 40

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Untitled Otago Witness, Issue 2812, 5 February 1908, Page 40

Untitled Otago Witness, Issue 2812, 5 February 1908, Page 40