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The opportunity the editor of the official OTg&H (the Otagcj Witness) affords the judgo of having the last word is a boon that cannot b3 too -highly appreciated' It gives him time to prepare excuses for the ughiaiypy awards

he makes when dealing out the caa-de m his own hh? guided v/ay, and quite oblivious of same of those critics prcaswit who still maintain the .style of our old friend of "having forgwttMi more than any judg« ever knew." It is also useful, when at a safe distance, to be able to explain to exhibitors what a niistatks they have made as to the value of their exhibit before it acmes before you for dissection. Having said this, I sKall now proceed to review the classes that it was my privilege to adjudicate upon at tine late &how of thei Wellington Kennel dub. 1 must commence my report by thanking exhibitors for the grand support extended to my classes, nofcwitlwtanding the threats of certain mdividucls that if I appointed t omciat-e a.s judge «4 the W.K.C. elww net dogs shouixj be sent down from certain distriet-3 of the' iS'o<rth 'Island; but ia face of an entry in my jodnt classes of close en 300 I, for my part, can-not ©cc .anything in it. The quantity wasfar above the average 1 , and as to the quality, I ina.y aaf«ly -say that no such 00-llectiom of "stars" has ever appeared at smy New Zealand show. In St. Bernards there were only two entries) hotb. fair. TJioto is now a gra.nd opening foT breeders to ende-avoiir to make up their last position, ag at no time has there been such an opportunity ior- good animals of the sacred breed to come to the front.

Deer hounds had four entries in tare* classes, Mr Win. .Tans-on istill taking mast c-f the honours with Whareroß, Victor and Frouch Millie though a fresh face in Mr W. Rodgers's June Laseie, first in novioe bitches, will probably be heard of again in thei near firtuxe. Only seven greyhound's were shown, and all ■vilsr& r.itiher iabc-ve tihe average, with Mr Brewer's 'San Tby as the pick oi the lot. These cl&ssies aire handicapped by the coursing club trials being held upon •the same days as the show.

Pc-intens were in quality, if not in number, the best classes I have ever seeoa in Kiew Zealand. In puppies, dogs and bitches, Mr E. Bernascone was first with Semaphore Satanic-, a neavHy-nrarked dog with good bone/. He is soaffcely ribbacl up enough yet, and a little more muscle in. the loins and second* thighs would be to his advantage. Mr H. Smith's Oriental Top, a pleasant mover, with a ndes he-ad and eye, though a trifle short in neck, canvo second. P. H. Smith's Sprag, another nice one, was up, third. .In open dogs, first, Semap-hoi'e Satanic; second. Mir L. AT'Kenzie's Captain, w!ho has furnished into real good pednter -with fair shoulders and 1 nice depth .of body; E.. M'Nab's Seeker, third, lias grown rathe? lihick generally, -which gives nrs shaald'eirs a somewhat upright appearance, and shortens his neck; has body, le-gs, aaid feet are all that can be desired. Mr Cook's Drake, v h.c., has a good front and shoulders, and was close up. In tho corresponding bitch class Mr P. H. Smith's Spray is brim'fiil of qoiality, and wag shown well ; a trifle more propelling powar would improve hear. English' se-oters -were itlie bost classes s-een at Wellington far some time, tuid the average Duality was undoubtedly very high indeed. Malay of the old! school who remember the days vihen coarse, crimpy coats and thick hoads w-eore a correct description of the breed imitih have been astonished at the greaA wii-foa-niity of type, intelligent heads, good flat

f coats, and sound bo,, ( J majority of the e>r.tay. -J a « :d be hard clogs in the open c : as* that it w more length of neck. ™.;»it*ruwit «ia Irish Otters were a ' drsappomtme^ owing to Mr O'Neill having mMsed t.ho boat Ids well-known team didnot f**™-, In Gordon setters Mr^KeriXct *%?*ea*™°* dog in Ifa. PW d-J «J batter with mor.3-s.ize. In the Mr K. A. Rowe 3 fi«t with tho TuVre^ever, were to fi« . J«* £g show. Mr Wand's Blacfclosk, & M'.r^l rot in tbo bast, condition, » : wf> g*°* I \;^ a ± -Jfiga, feeS. and oaauge «f ebern that he. had no clifficultT in b&a.'.dng Roverly; who is open m .curl, is'not so good in bone, but has p.cnty, ■° Bulldog* w«re a gcod eutay for Wellington, though tfie qua^lT in the.pupEy claas otfivo Royal, being.- tho- pick.- Open pom "««« entiiea Mrs KeiTiof s -Arquesfeusier-bMng^farst -a red fawn do* «ft good, elndl,' pkoty °f loose sfem. and fair lie-ba«k. -His body as -not compact enough yet, but will no-doubt ug?°™ .with age Cf H. Barton's -Maliswyn* -V^tte, second, avus not in tbe bast condition. lie is a dark brin^le, with good-'baoe. body, aaicl set on of stem, fair skull, ,goc<i l eye. and fair lie- , back— third to BunKer, still »,. pupjjPv .^f-^f' wca'o sdx entries iii the open bitch- cltfes) Jbirst, Mr W-atson's Lubra* has a well-shaßwß-'iors skui'i, good under jaw, inrned ifp;nie--back; second, same owners Mlgf; olo^up -third, F."- Jecason's Oo.untess: wants. .fflafemg <up in face. ■ " - • Cockeir spaniels weare nico''quabty class-ea, ovary i>ne able to win, first at maay of our shows, and th»T© was a, grea.t deal moitf con-, sistency of type than I ever -rememb ex seeing. In open dogs G-ainsboiro' sEilot again. wx)n: I< may have seen Jbim.loo'k bettor, -still-ilnsre is nogeiting away 'from' his. lovely- type of.neaa, furll of c ocker^. expression ; second, GlaseietA Shot, another good' onnc; and, third, PapaJiui Jinamy, not qiute sr^.goodi in head a® tlicso placed, over him. Open bit<? Tiad only thirea 'entries — .first, A. C. .Howe's - ,G«insboro' 'Countess, a bc-auitifu'l bitch, stands- yrell ■ out by herself, evetr in2thi«r.opmpaj3y:. J'.icom^ sidcr her ooio of- the besfr quality coekcor bitches I have sasn. Second, 'ffi. C LBversidge'a .Papanm Bell, another .quality, bitch, whose "bea.utifub domed s£ulP.iaaid";Bioe expression jnust keep her" w«ll upjin -any •■company j third; ,Mr E. Hornabrookfs long in body,, was outclassed." \ ~. . .. ,v • Black "field" spaniels, dogs; aftex-Mr Wikoa's Manga., were, not tip to sltow* form.^ The^bitoh class was' better, the two"-enrries both bsing. fair, Mr J. N. I>aivis's" Topsy winnirig, w=etll. Hca: boiiy aiid.bone leave little, .to be desired;-.. her defect- baing jusfc a waut'vof 'defpth. of flew. Mr Grant's Moorifetone ,I>inda was- shown -too •fait, which takes from heff' appearance. Only one bull lerriertPJit,in"an appearance, a dog of fair quality, with, an exceptionally good eye. I received a. most flattering, entry in foxterriers, and' there was a great deal more con-, sisteney of typa than I ever remember seeing. In maiden dogs Mx T. M. Wilford'-a Win ton . Wax was first. This is- a dog with \ a. bad sbsrn, tut otherwiso good., He is quits hisrh_ enough on the leg, ' ?jid would do with more-baae. Seoaud, Chic;ioses to winner in length and qu-ality of head.. Third, Master Alex, is boibter in. body aad bone than those placed o.vcsr'him, buife loses m bead and neck. Maaden bitches; first, JBTazelraere Snowbal!, au all-white' bitch, built om tb.e best lines. f-Tie is a beautiful terrier all round 1 , her size being .about perfect, - with grand head, . beautiful legs'and' feet, and;teeming with terrier character. She is gocd in top loiu and hiadquarteirs, good in oar, back, and shoulders. Second, M/CtoH's Mac's Trixio, a fair liitch, far behind t-ha first; third, Mr Hall's Lady Tipster, good in body,- legs, feet, and b,one, loses in head; v.h.c, Mr Cirengl«'3 Gipsy Queen, too la'gh in hone and shorfc in. | head. Puppy diogs, lirsb, Hides's Oyama, a really grand terrier, gooc! all-round, a very, stylish and shapely tecrier; second, Golthorpe's -Selby Smoodgcr, a ra.ttling- geco! terrier, was unlucky td run up against such a- hot led as he met to-day ; third 1 , .Tinowall's Selby Secretary, another good' one ; vjh.c, Jas. TbiomiSon's AVa-ironga, another good one, loses in head and neck to those placed over-him. Puppy bitches, first, Snowball, beforo'- nnsn'tioiied ; second, Tinewell's Selby Sunbeam, loses to first an atyle and ch-iiractier; third, Lady Tipster, already -mentioaied. Novice dog,- first,', Wirston War; socond, Wairoaiga; third, Mast*. Alex, all before mexriaoned l . Kovice bitches, all repeats. Qpian dogs w«re a hois lot. Fiorat, Liindien ]jicsi«l; second, Oyama. It Vjas c close thing between these Wo foi first place, tfie winner .scoring in oaar, eye, coa,t, loin, back, hindquarters, feet, and character. Oyama is sligiitly better in shoulders, ako in neok. He has not as nimch bone aa his conqueror, but he has quite sufficient. Third, Winton Wair; and ih& v.h.c. should have included the rest of- the class Mr 1 Fitzgerald's EDazelmere Danoer is .retting rather thick in head, while Porretfs Colonel, Linden Law, and Oh. Kano are Icad.^d in' shoulder, and the lattcor has also gone cheeky. Open bitches, first, Hazslm'ere Snowball-" second, a new faoe in Mr Tyreo's H-aaelmere Vixen, a real terrier, -woll shaped, but -with a tendency to stand slightly between her lc-"3 instead of on them. Graf-ton Buggy, third °is quite wide enough in front, and her shoulders are not quite nice.

BefoUe writing of the wire-haired section let me say a word of cmttion to the breettors of the smooth terrier-s. In the craze after long heads I would call 'their attsntacwi td tike fa,c« thn,t they are getting ovtfshob mouths. Sewral nice dog-s would havo been in, tho tniency only for this- vervi sOTiou.s fault, fox whatever I may da with a pig-jawed colhs (vsfli-o is not wanted to uses Ms teeth on the flock), terrier breeders may jiest assured that I -will never knowingly give a terrier with 2n uneven mouth a -ticket so vhosj'o who may bo uncertain why their does' did! not win under mo after previously scoring heavuy may kindly examdae ihem, and from their dogs own mouths will they get their answer.

Wire-hair fox terriers were a great advance upon anything yet seen in. Wellington. In maaden dogs I. D. Iremonger's Victor won. He has a good long head, plenty of bone, a fair coat, good eye, and fair lees and fepf Second and third Mr I. p. S'a Ltet Spike and Poneke Sting, both coarse and soft in expression; v h c W. H. Tumbull's Castlepoint Spit, a nice dog rather short in head, who would have been first had he shown himself but he refused to do so, either for me or his handler. Maiden Bitches- Watson's

Berenice first, a Beautiful puppy with grand I lead neck, topi badk, "and loin. She has also good lega and feet, good front and if she does not grow too big will be often heard of , NipSr, a lively terrier full -of fire and go, and I S the beit mover I . bave seen amongst the Wire-hairs. He has a beautiful head, nice eye TdS small ears, 'not always comctly Kandy,- another fair bitch, _ open m coat but "with good hea"S and expression. Open Dogs : ChlnJordNippco: first; Victor second, Poneke Spikf third, all previously mentioned. Open Sft«V«* • Fir-sit - tiffin- Tassock, . a, very nioe^ fair;? second, ; Pjanefee /Belle. % ■_>' Tn'e "Produce "Stakes were won by,HMelmene'Snowball, -Selby , Smoodger, and .Selby Sunbeam^'in " the ..order named. * There "were* three. Skyo-ierriers shown— first, - Miss ''May '.Seddon's -,Baby;; second,- _W. J. Jorgensen%.S>.wart;;;thiTd;'F,. Dyer s<-Mack... . IrisK'terriera were^goqd-clas^es. -.-In-Maiqen dcgsrvD: Jldbgrtson's Mick' won. -.'This.;* is a. remarkably; well-mafle .Epg, fiuite.big enough.I should like' 4' little more under .jaw, but !his iead is., almost first-rate, and his coat,. ks, .and feet are . good;., second, Collins s, Kory-xO'More, .: another nice dog,- hardly, straight' in -front,- but with good coat ; third, Janson'a Whareroa. Mixer, a nice puppy, not., level'on "top, and weak ,at-> pasterns. Maiden Bitches: ' Pirsjr, - Jens6n*s -"Whareroa Lady,' a highiClass little, bitch, full 1 of quality, .won well; eecond, "WiilkiiisonV-Neir Gwynne, a good bit behind' the winner. Puppy' Dogs * First;, Robertson's^Mick;' second, "JtJrittain's Mickie, -.a fair dog, inclined to Ibe "silky;on top ; £ third, ,M'Cuk loch's Waipawa- .Chips, -would have changed places. y;with- th'e.;' second had he shown more dash 1 : "Puppy- Bitches : - Whareroa- Lady alone:Novice Doge":'. First, Robertson^s Mick;; 1 secondj-" p. ,6-f Clark's--. Whareroa Blaze.- This is a grandpuppy,-- f witib beautiful headstrong jaws, good- eye, plenty .oLbone, and- good "ears and coat. <tn to© puppy * claag= he "refused^to show "his 'quality, but in this 'class came'- J -weir i to the -front! ; .Third,- ■ , M'Culloch's ■ WaipawaBrund;7 another v'nice puppy: I^am afraid, 3iowevei;~h« 'will 'yet be too big which niay stop.' a-^'successful * career. Novice rßitches': Whar«roa> Lady, an^ Nell- Gwynne. were alone. Open dogs broitght-outafreshjot. ,Kell'Cajli,a gfaiacl c J:acy?'ierrleri--.w£th • the, Best - legs 'and ieet-I'Eh'sve; yet -"seen -on »<-^aredevi].-"' He has a beautifaJ..-sead,",'iiiße" eye;ijovely 7 --nack, is <x>rre<rt' i in^Bize' ; and' i synime ; tryV r iad' is full of . ierr%'-|cfraa»cter.^Secoad, s R. H. Sheppard'a ATn»gli>Jicliiever, : aaoi&er mice terrier,- 'loses- > tb'firs£^ifi"a"lin^tVevefything; i '--<He -is jrather*t&e J ground,; not "iiearly" "iracy «n"ougKyH§, T might "have given, place to 1 Clark r ß'-f,sn^erpa.'\Bla"zes," ,thiidi who con-" tmues'fto^improve every 'time he. comes out. Bitches'(open)f, Andthw-'flyer from th£Wh'areroa Kennels won; in Alta Melody, .one of the best bitches ever seen of her breed' in New Zealand. - She excels^' in almost everything. I would Have liked her a- little stronger in front of the eye/i but; one 'can't have all one wants. Second, Sheppard's Armagh Ambush, a long way -behind the winner; third, M'Culloch's Waipaw'a Mover, a nice bitch showing signs of age.-' •'-"-";•■ ' ■ ' " i Airedale terriers" were not well represented, Mrs King's Hobson's Choice," first in dog!?, and T. 1 - Stevenson's Beckon, first in bitches, being the best. ■> - • i- ■' , • Pugs? ,were good classes', but call for -no ! special* mention, as with the exception of ! Mr,L. W. D." Andrews' a bitch Piri; "a nice 1 youngster- or correct size and -carriage, -who \ won in 'her two classes, there was nothing out ' of the 'common. One or ■ two 'with fleshcoloured noses were shown, and it is quite . possible that others iad - the flesh colour hidden -by lampblack and lord. I have heard of -such • things, ' and am informed that a well-known southern fancier sent up a box of the yompound to a Wellington fancier "of - pugß,' but' .whether he used it or not is .unknown/to • r <" ■ ' -'~ \AtEX. CIUTOED-BhAMAH, Colliesi-Maiden Dogs:" The winner was found in Neill and Eennie's Eoslyn Bine- . leader-a nice dog of the right type of head sooardass'-of coat, good eye, and splendid »ar carnage, and won well; second, Joshua Turnout! s • Strathenden Prince— another -nice dog,_rather shy-,»and''a bad shower, wants size, third, John- Horrpx's Harlech^fair coat, good ears, but rather vshort aid strong in head, and round eye/ which ' .spoils; ■ his expression. M a i^en^itche|^ First, .J. R. Hayne's Zeal ]andm Pot— Mght type, "good -liead- topped with perfect ears, and' good' expression, good coatjust won' from Zeaiaadia Gem-a.'young puppy with beautiful chiselling of head; well filled-in' in foreface, and.'tihe best-headed collie in 'the «how, and when she'gets her ears xxp she. will trouble the best and' 1 fun the winner very close; tiurd T. "Brisdon's Lass o' Gowrie. Nowpe Bitches: First, J. E. -Hayne's Zealandia J^et, mentioned above; second, J. T{. Haynes -Zealandia Gem/' alsc mentioned; third, -Neill and Rennie's Roalyn Rona— nice type, little ehort in. head, and rather small. did not show herself well, good coat and eye. Dogs (open): First and shield, J._R. Hayne's Zealandia Hero, previously mentioned ; 'second, i fi' /r- 3^ 6 ' 8 * Zealandia Perfection— nice length of head, good eye and ears, just a shade cheeky, and -wants a little more filling-in under ..the eye, lan thewinnei close; third, Neill and Benme a Eoslyn Bingleader, previously men*MPg; Bftdw. (.(open): First and special, J. M. Haynes. Zealandia Bride; second, ZeaWia Belle; third, Neill and Rennie's Rpslyn Bona-all previously mentioned. Puppies <Dogs :. First J. E. Hayne's Zealandia Herogood length of head, but could do with more filling-in under the eye. perfect ears, and good dags of coat, a typical dog this, and won wellj second, Nem and Rennie's Roslyn Bingleader; third, J TurnbulFs Strathden PrinJe-both mentioned m maiden dogs. Puppies (Bitches) : Pirst and special gold medal, J. R. Hayne's Zealandia Bride-a' beautiful tricolour, with grand outline and front, splendid coat of right texture, good;lengtK of head topped with good . ears, beautiful expression, and eho-wed herself well; second, J> R. Hayne's Zealandia Belierather small, and ."short in head, go&'ears; thud, Alex. Begg's Andante, loses to second an ears, which require to go higher. Novice pogs: First, Neili and Bennie'a Roslyn Ringleader; second, J. Luke's' Macdonald— fait coat, but lacks quality all through; third, J. Turnbulls Strathden's Prince, previously jnentioned.

In my-general remarks I might say that the collies at this show far excelled my expectations. I was very pleased to find such a typical lot, and amongst the winners are does that could hold their own against the English dogs. They are of. the right type, with true collie expression, and the only thing that -is

lacking is they want a little more length of head and size, not being nearly as big as meet of our collies at Home. I was pleased to note the absence of "pig-jaw" amongst them — a bad fault in otherwise good colhes 2 — and can con- > gratulate the exhibitors on having such good ' degs, considering the few breeders there are ' here and the few opportunities they have of I improving the bre^d compared with i/ne j breeders of the Old Country.

Chas. Prttchahd. f J

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Otago Witness, Issue 2686, 6 September 1905, Page 36

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WELLINGTON KENNEL CLUBS CHAMPION SHOW. Otago Witness, Issue 2686, 6 September 1905, Page 36

WELLINGTON KENNEL CLUBS CHAMPION SHOW. Otago Witness, Issue 2686, 6 September 1905, Page 36