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The ordinary monthly meeting of the Waikouaiti County Cotmcil was held at the Council Chambers, Hawksbury, on Friday. Present — Messrs A. Kilpatrick (chairman), J. Foote, J. Porteous, A. S. Orbell, W. Souter, and C. Duke. THE LATE JIB JAMES GHEEN. The Chairman said members of the council would no doubt have noticed that since the council last met Mr James Green had died as the result of an accident. The late Mr Green, as they were aware, had been closely connected with the council and the district for a long period of years, his connection with the council being as representative of the Blueskin Ridirg. He was sure that he was -expressing the feelings of every member of the council when he said that they all deeply deplored the circumstances under which Mr Green had met his death, and they would all join with him in the desire to place on record a minute expressing the county's appreciation of the late Mr Green's services in his many public capacities. Their late chairman was a public man who. in whatever attitude he took up, acted from conscientious motives : he was a man who always had an opinion of his own, and was one who never feared to give expression to it, and to stand by it. He would move — " That the council notes with deep regret the death of Mr James Greeli, whose association with this council extended over 20 yeass, during which period he was for 17 years its chairman. The long years of service devoted by the late Mr Green to the interests of the county while in the council, and also in his lepresentative capacity in Parliament, together with his valuable public services in other public bodies, entitles his memory to the lasting respect of the people of Waikouaiti County, and the council herewith places on record its appieciation of his seivices. The council also resolves that a letter of condolence be forwarded to the family of the deceased member expressing the council's deepest sympathy in the loss they and the community generally have suffered by his death." Cr Porteous, who seconded the resolution, said he shared with the chairman the regret expressed at the sudden death of their late member. The late Mir Gren was a public man who was never at rest unless he was doing something for the advancement of some public obiect, and was a type of very useful public man. Cis Foote, Duke, and Souter also referred to the services rendered to the county by Mr Green, and Cr Orbell also paid a tribute to the woath of the late chairman, and said his' services and labours in public matters would be missed by the whole of the people of ©tago. The late Mr Grean was chairman of the council when he (Cr Orbell) first entered it, and he had occupied the position for a, greater period than any other member, and in ni a capacity as chairman be displayed considerab'e tact and judgment when dealing either with deputations or with questions of policy. He was, in the ' speaker's judgment. ou« of the best chairmen the council ever had, and his loss, and the circuin starless surrounding it, would be deeply regretted throughout the whole district. The chairman's resolution was then unanimously adopted. inspector's repokt. The Inspector of Works reported that covers on three culverts in Blucskin Riding required renewing, and an extra, man had £0 be put on with the dayman to effect the necessaryrepairs. A man was also requiied for about a. week on the Hayward Point road beyond Mr Mitcheison'a to put the io;u1 in goo_.l

order and a man for four days was required for blinding metal on the Port ChalmersBlueskm load. Two culverts in the Hawksbury Riding had to be repaired during tho month— one on the Main load broken down by a traction engine the other on Mount Royal road, which reouired rebuilding. The two culverts in the Hawksbury Riding were repaired, and the three in Blueskin Riding aie being attended to.— Approved. THE USE OF SLEDGES ON COUNTY EOADS. On the motion of Cr Porteous, seconded by Cr Footo, it was resolved—" That Messrs Topping and Gardiner's attention bs drawn to county by-law No. 26, which piohibits the nse of a" sleclge on any county road, and that xmless they at ouee cease sledging on the road leading from Waxrington to M'Kinlay's the penalty of £5 will be enforced." CORRESPONDENCE. Thomas Mackenzie, M.H.R., wrote acknowledging receipt of copies of road requirements, and stated that the matter would have his attention. He also stated his willingness, as requested, to represent the council at the New Zealand Counties Conference. — Received. The Treasury Department wrote notifying that sums of £6 14s 8d and £13 Is had been 1 emitted to the credit of the council. — Received. The Hon. Secretary of the Dunedin Hospital Extension Fund Comniitfree (J. M. E. Garrow) wrote notifying the steps that were being taken in Dunedin in support 01 the fund, and expressing the willingness of the committee to as&lst in any way to make the movement a s-uccess in tha Waikouaiti district. — Rsceived. A notification was received- from the Department of L&nds and Survey acknowledging receipt or the council's letter asking that the recreation nnol commonage reserve in blocks VIII P.nd IX, Waikouaiti survey district, containing 1131 acres 32 perches, should ba biought u.ider the provisions of " Tlie Public Domains Ac-t. 1S81,"-- and the Waikouaiti County Council appointed a Domain Boaid to manage and control the area. The department repliad that the proposal could only be given effect to if the council would execute a transfer of the lard to his Majesty the King. — Received. A'exander Michic wrote forwarding the sum of -26 on account of half cost of nic-taMing the road a~t his property at Waitafi. — Received. The District Health Officer wrote complaining of th.© condition of a piggery in tho Port Chalmers district, and requesting tlie council to take prompt action to have the nuisance abated. — Attended to. John Kemp, J Offon, Henry Green, Joseph Williams, an-d David "Winter wrote complaining of the condition of ths District road into ihe Mount Cargill Estate. — Inspector to report at next maeting. J. D. Rorhfori wrote stating that the road opposite his house at Evansdale required grading aad gravelling. — Received, and writer to ba informed that the work cannot bs attended to in the meantime owing to the financial condition of the riding. T. Dempster. A. Dempster, jun., A. Brown Scott, John Galbi-aith, David VYilspn, and R. CuraberbE ach wrote petitioning the council to have Jeffrey's road at Flag Swamp gravelled. — Referred to the members of the riding and the inspector to report at next meeting. G. W. Mann wrote' applying for permission to form a pathway and erect a fence on the Deborah Bay to Biueskm road. As he hsd publicly slatVd that the £3 allowed him for the work was I'ot onp-* him thp._cost, ho cn-clc-sicl a statement for the council's perusal. — Received ; work to be done under the supe.r-■vis-ion of tbe inspector, and during tlio will of the t.-0-uiici!. D. Reid wrote stating that he had arranged v. ith G-. VY T '^ SOJI 1° complete the contract on the SeacMff-Puketeraki road, a.ncl asked that the contract be transferred to him. — Transfer approved. Robert M'Gillivray wrct9 requesting that something be done to the read at Merton, which required a quantity of rotten rock. — Work to bo carried out. G. "Wilson, James Storey, and Gilb-srt Frasor, Merton riding, petitioned the council to havo some roDfcen reck put on the worst, parts of ihe rca'l through Fraaer's property. They also asked that a small culvert be made at the end of the. road. — Inspector to repoit.

John Downcs. David Ferguson, Peter Masttiton, and George D^^n•^can, of "Warringf/m, petitioned tbe council to reduce the grade of a few difficult places on the road lending from Warrington Church towards •.lieir pioperties.— lnspector to report. The following tenders were accepted : — Contract No. 916: Formation, culverts, and gravel through Run 121G, Macraes- -C. Ho-od, jun.. £11 las. Contract 918: Gravel Mount Wa-tkin's road— G. Kerr, £50 3s 9d. Contract 921: Metal on Clark's read, Blueikin riding — H. Bland, £12 Contract 917 : G. Kerr. £10. Accounts amounting to £217 4s 5d were passed for payment.

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Otago Witness, Issue 2685, 30 August 1905, Page 10

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WAIKOUAITI COUNTY COUNCIL Otago Witness, Issue 2685, 30 August 1905, Page 10

WAIKOUAITI COUNTY COUNCIL Otago Witness, Issue 2685, 30 August 1905, Page 10