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A meeting of the General Committee "of the Dunedin Hospital Extension Fund was held in the Town Hall Council Chamber

on 27th ult

There was a very large attend-

anoa, including about 40 ladies. His Worship the Mayor (Mr J. Braithwaite) occupied the chair. Amongst those present were Drs Barnett, D. Oolquhoun, Gordon Macdonald, F. C. Batchelor, Stanley Batchelor, the Revs. A. T. Chodowski, J. Chisholm, and

Sinclair, Messrs W. L. Logic, E. C. Reynolds, D. E. Theomin, W. Wills, P. Miller, S. Solomon, J. F. M. Fraser, and J. F. Kirby. Apoldgies were- received from Dean Fitchett, -Messrs J. *Robin, K. Stuart Ramsay, J. R. Smith, Miss Williams, and Mrs M. E. Ewen. The latter enclosed a cheque far £50, while, expressing her sorrow at not being able to bo present. The announcement of tho donation was loudly applauded.

The Mayor congratulated the committee on tho large gathering of ladies to show their interest in the movement, and called on

j Dr Batchelor, who endorsed the congratulatory remarks made by the Mayor as to the largo atce-ndanoe of ladies. He had, he said, always found that m connection with movements like the present if they were successful in securing 1 the active sympathies of the ladies there would be no difficulty in raising all the money required. -The ladies should therefore be heartily thanked for their attendance. A great deal had been said recently about the necessity for now wards being provided for ilie Dunedin Hospital. He could assure them they were greatly needed. He had been connected with the Hospital for about 20 years, and during the greater part of that time the medical staff had worked under very unfavourable conditions. In times past cases under treatment were constantly going wrong for reasons that could not be accounted for. As one of the medical staff, | he felt deeply th© necessity for the erection of new wards that the public were now asked to come forward and supply the j funds to build. The largeness of the prosent meeting would be most gratifying to tho medical staff, as well as to others, and hf would add that if anyone present had any doubts as to th-e necessity for the new wards let them visit the Hospital and see whether they were required or not. The medical profession were not wealthy members of the community, for during his 30 years' experience he had never known of one of their number retiring from practice with a competency, but, on the contrary, many of them had died leaving those de- 1 pendent on them in 'very reduced eireum- | stances. The members of the profession were all working men, and did not want to accumulate money, nor did they expect to do so. He mentioned the^e matters so that they might see the practical interest the medical men took in the present movement, for the senior members of tho Hospital staff had agreed to give £25 each towards the Extension Fund, and this would amount to £150. - If it were subsequently found that the funds raised were insufficient then the same gentlemen would give another £25 each.— (Cheers.) He hoped that all those appealed to by members of the- comniitteo would come forward and help with ' liberal subscriptions, and that these who j were not in a position to give donations would assist the movement by other means within their power. He had the fullest confidence m the success of the movement, and was sure that within two or threemonths the committee would feel its position so secure financially that it would be able to make a start with the new buildings.

The following names were added to the various oommitlr-eo: —

r 1^ 1 t, O^ mlttep ~Meiß3rs~ MeiB3rs °- Butterwor.o, C. W. Hattray, T. W. Kcmpthorne, W Hislop R. Hudson, W. L. Sunnson, L. Wilson, L. c Duthie, J. p. Klrby, C. Speight, P. Branhwaite, F. R. Sbeiir\ el ' dd VV J v Rob =rts, A. Roberts, T. Hunter, Drs lulton S. Batcholor, CTNeill, Robert Donald Williams, Mr Do Beer, Mr W. I<els, IW. W. Thomson, Colonel Smith, fllajor xJurJmson, and Captain Mitchell subscription Committee -1 he executive, the Hon. T. _ Fergus. Messrs J. P. 31. Fi-aser, J. H. Hosking J. Robin, G. L. Denni,ton, L. Hams S. Solo uon, P. R. Sargcod, C. Buttorworrh, W. Pals, J. N. J^-onii J. Mil, W. Dowme Stewart, T. W Kempthorne, R. M. Clark, J. Louden. J. A. Johnstcnc, Dr Fulton. , Bazaar fommittse— Ale*.=r.« J. Mills Vv rj - SL Goodman, El,E 1 , Oakik j, J. S. Thom-

son, I. De Eecr, W. A. Moort, C. W. Rafc tiay, F. J. Stilling. P. W. Maclean, Crosbj Morris, A. Micbie, L. Wilson, Major Myers J. Shaddock, J. F. Kirby, J. Roberts, A Roberts, J. L. Salmond, P. W. Wales, T Hunter, C. R. Smith, L. Harris, J. A. Johnston?, Drs Lindo Ferguson, S. Batchelor, Fitelvett, Barnett, Colonel .Smith, and Captain StranjrHospital Saturday Committee — Messrs C. Speight, J. Hutchison, R. Brec-n, W. Belcher, W. Hood, W. Wathen, P. Braithwaite, J. A. Park, M. Cohen, -*- Fuller, G. C. Israel, H. H. Ingli*, A. R. Barclay, Connor, Small, L<-ud«n, Rutherford, W. L. Logic, A. Thomson, the Mayors cf Port Chalmers, Roslyn, St. Kild«, *Moramgton, Drs O'Neill, M. M'Donald, Captain Mitchell, and th» R«t. W. Thomson. Entertainments Committee — Messrs J. F. M. Fracer, E. F. Duthia, C. R. Smith, W. G. T. Goodman, F. R. Shepherd, H. O. I Campbell, B» C. Reynolds. S. Solomon, T. Soott, T. S. Graham, H. B. Courtis, J. A. X. Riedle, C. Bpgg, G. B. Laidlavr, R. S. Gilkison, T. Hunter, the Mayors of NorthEast Valley, Maori Hill, West Harbour, Palmcarston, Councillors Lawrence, Gore, Fiddis, Drs J. H. Scott, Donald, Williams, Major Myers, repreoentativea of M.U.1.0.0.F., 1.0.0. F., Druids, Foresters, Hibernian Society, Caledonian Society, Gaelic Socdeity. Finance Cojnmi^fceo — Hon. J. MacGregor, Messrs W. Gow, George Penwiok, J. N. Brown. W. S. Thomson, R M. Clark, Cruet, Rutherford, and Arkle. On the nioiicn cf Mr D. E. Theomin the liames of tho ladies pres-eait wcro taken and added to th-e various committees. The additions were as follow : — Hotspital Saturday Committee— Mesdam-cs P. Isaacs, Theomm, Driver, Dor/ling, Davidson, Misses Davies, CuHen, and Farquhar. Entertainment Comm'ttee— Mesdames Denniston, Allen and Sale. Bazaar Committee—Mesdainos Parker, Adams Joachim, Borrows. Church, P. Isaacs, W. A. Moorci, De Boor Reynolds, Dominion, Theomin, Finch' Cohon. Mills, AUon, Hutchison, M'Ccsli Smith, Tapper, Braithwaitc, Fisher, Hcckon ButEsrwv>rth. Oolquhoipi, S. Batc-holor Barnett. P. C. Batcholor, Sale. Riloy, Driver Logan, I 'loss, Wocdhouio, Downing L. Harris. Shand, BcJiham, Washer, C. R. Smith, and Davicisou. Misses Davies, Hutchison, Wilson, Oargill, Cutten, Sinclair, Farquhar, Dennktan, Fra«>r, Law (2), Lainw (2), Hart, and Shacklcck.

; Mr J. M. Fraser said that before sub- ; scriptions were asked for ho would like to submit a mction on the question of providing for the reception of infectious cases. Tho Hospital was essentially an institution f where- the poor classes go for treatment, j but there had been instance* where in- , foofcious cases had been refused admission. j That !>uch refusals were possible was a j scandal to their civilisation. In cases requiring or medical treatment there was only en« person to be eonsideiKxl, and that wa-3 thei applicant for relief; but in infections- cases the whole community was interested. He had no doubt at aII -that "the funds required would be forthcoming, but before they asked for money tho question of providing for infectious cases should ba considered. He moved— " That t!i> question of providing accommodation for casai cf infectious diseases be referred to the medical staff and the Hcsnital Trustees for consideration " — The "motion was fieoonded by Dr Colqtihoun. Mr P. Miller pointed out that the qurstion raised by the. motion had been fully considered by the Hospital Trustees ; a piece of land Lad been selected as a suitable site fcr an infectious d'seaaes hosnital, and that site approved of. Until such a building was provided they could not admit infectious cas-os into the general hospital, and i;o medical man would approve of their doing so. The Hospital Board, by the action it had taken, entirely relieved the General Committee of the Ward Extension Fund from any responsibility in the matter brought forward by Mr Frase>r. If he (Mr Miller) had a relation in the Hospital, he fcr cie would strongly object to "pat/ems with infectious diseases being attend-ed to in the fame institution.

Mr Fraser fa;d he knew of those who would refuse to give one shilling towards the orwtion of new wards unless prov:s=ion wa.s mae'e fcr the reception of infectious cares.

Dr Batehnlor regretted that the question had been introduced. Ho very strcn^iy objected to patients suffering from infectious rfeoases being admitted into a general hospital. They had had cas^s breaking out alter adini&eiou, and then had experienced great difficulty in isolating them. The Mayor ruled that the motion was qiut-e foreign to the object of the present meeting, which was, in fact, a committee mooting, and nofc a public one. and therefore imist rule the i.iotion out of order. Mr Fraser said he hewed to the chairman's ruling, as his object had been gained by vo-ntilating the subject. The meeting then clewed.

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Otago Witness, Issue 2677, 5 July 1905, Page 14

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HOSPITAL EXTENSION FUND. Otago Witness, Issue 2677, 5 July 1905, Page 14

HOSPITAL EXTENSION FUND. Otago Witness, Issue 2677, 5 July 1905, Page 14