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j By Hosi Poexe.

MELBOURNE, August 21. AN " OFF " DAY AT FLEMHSTGTON. The outlook -was vsry discouraging about niid» day on Saturday, and as the proceedings at headquarters didn't start till 2 o'clock, whilst the programme was considered to be somewhat of a so-so character, the attendance was very limited. But those who undertook the journey were well repaid, whatever slight discomfort they experienced; for it was worth a barefooted pilgrimage to witness Gladsome straggling along under her burden of 10.5 in tho : Three and Four-year-old Handicap, and eventually come in '"on her own," though the odds at one time loked Collins street to a cv- ' cumber against her. It was one of the , grandest • finishes — considering tho heavy state of the going and the disability tho daughter of j Seaton Delaval and Miss Gladys laboured under through, being badly positioned three fur]ongs from horne — ever witnessed at Flemington j the excellence of the performance being intensified from the fact that air cur recognised horse-watchers were of opinion that she was not quite seasoned enough to do herself thorough justice. This evidently was the opinion of Mi J. H. Da-vis, who: deputed his four-year-Old Harmonist — Grand Canary horse Corroboree 9.10 to keep the New Zealander moving- from barrier-rise — instructions which were carried out with such effect that he entered ,the straight with, a commanding lead, whilst ; G-ladEOme was battling along in the centre of the field. Her case looked a hopeless one; but on Bobby Lewis applying the flail she gradually decreased the gap 'twist her and the leader as the , distance post was reached, and getting on terms with him half a furlong home she beat him in the handsomest of manners by a length and a-half ; Harvest Home 6.7 beinig the nearest of nine others, the seven furlongs being registered in Imin 29Jsec. Corroboree ran the first furlong in 13f sec ; so that the last six were covered in Imin lolsec, whilst the offcial timekeeper clocked the concluding halfiniie as being traversed in 49§seo;, albeit as a matter of fact Gladsome must; have irnprov\Ki * on that gait by quite a second- and- a-half. It was the first time we had' had a chance- of wit- - nessing Gladsome performing on Victorian turf, I the unanimous verdict, being that she' is a. - "boshther." Mind, you, it is quite on tbe • cards that she is nob near cherryripe yet"; and if so, Emir, Abundance, Lord Cardigan, Fitr- ' G-rafton, and Co", will- have to look out for their"' laurels during the approaching A.J.C. spring • . meeting; To run through, the afternoonls events, the sport commenced" with a two-mile Hurdle Race, for' which nine started. Amongst these vine was a very ancient of racing days named Trent, formerly owned by Mr Jack O'Lcugitlan, ard in his day fancied more than once for a Cauifield Cup. That was some years ago -(he i,s a 12-year-old now) ; but although he won number of second-rate races on 'the flat he never quite realised the high opinion his stable connections formed of him. He is a wellbred neddy though, being by Trenton from Sumatra; «.nd pome time back was made a. present of by Mr CLcughlan to a Fiemington friend — ilr M. . Murphy. Thi3 gentleman tried him over the sticks, and finding there was-some racing life ! .in the veteran yet he entered- him in last Saturday's irurdie' race, in •which he was apportioned 9.0. At one period of the wagering : 100's to 5 were procurable about him; but • eventually his party supported him, and to such a weighty tune that he- eventually started; , favourite* at 7 to 2, The "Waster 10.3 being at 4's, Zircon 10.7 at 5-s, and 1 The Merry Prices 9.10, Pctherton 9.12, and Caslanqs 9.T at 6's. I The favourite waited on. the field tilt the \ abattoirs was reached, when, he went to *.he j front, was never afterwards headed, and eveni tually won easily by two lengths from Pether- ■ ton, with Shilling 8.7 a- poor third; the time being extremely good— to wit, 3min 49gseo. J A field of nine contested the Show Handicap. i of six. furlongs, and although liis tiro 'recant wins at Caulfield had. caueed' the Padlock — ' Menugoru gelding Manlock to be uplifted to ■' 9.4 he was sent out a. 10-tO'O on favourite, 7 to j 2 being on effef about Gnarpurf 7.0; whilst ' Vesperus 7.11, Landgrat 8.4, and The Critic 7.0 " (the only ones of M.he others to be even nibbled. ; 1 at) figured at 100 to S each. Manlock went to the- front after a iurlong had been traversed and ,_ stopped there, passing the winning post two | iengths'in advauoe oi Landgrai, who in •turn " ' was three lengths to the good of The Critic ; -, j Omej Imin 17§se-j. • The Messrs Manifold's mare Sindhia9.B (Wel- ! lington— Sylvinia) started second favourite at 5 to 1 (Lamond 10.5 being most in demand at 4's) for the August Steeplechase, of about two miles and a-half ; and her light impost enabled i her to outstay Error with 12.7 in the heavy 1 going, Mr Sept. Millers-gelding failing by a couple of lengths, but being a score of lengths j in advance of the third covey — R. Horvie's ' Aloha 10.7 ; time, ornin 21£ sec. j Amongst the 10 starters for the August Handicap, of a mile and a-half, were several Can!* ; field and Melbourne Cup candidates; the bet- | ting market closing as follows: — 5 to 2 Sport ■ Royal 9.7, 7 to 2 Blinker 7.8, 7's New Broom 6.7, fl's Kipling 8.2, 10's each MacDonovan 9.12 , and Muntchaka 6.10, and 12's Methyl 7.8. Seven to two was a rattling good closing price for- ' , such n, consistent performer as Mr James Wilsons Pilgrim's Progress — Reminder three-year-old has proved himself of lato ; and as soon as they were despatched on their journey he and I New Broom- took up the running, closely purj sued by MaeDonovnn (who wa3 evidently ciit , for gore). At the abattoirs N>v Broom" heloE a three-lengths' advantage over Blinker. wLoso - nearest attendants were Methyl, Sport Royai, and Kipling. Five furlongs from homo Blinker rushed up to New Broom, and.led into • and up the straight, defeating MacDonovau ' (who was ridden right out) by a length and ahalf, with Kipling five lengths farther back still; Sport Royal being fourth and NewBroom fifth. The pace — 2min 3925ec — was an I extremely sound one all the way; albeit tha J last five furlong? were of an exceptionally highi ' order of merit — B-linker and MacDonovau skipI ping over them- in Imin ssec. Blinker has 10lb | less to carry in the Caulfield Cup ; and instead of having to hump 9.12, the gay and/ festive HacDonovan will revel therein with 5.3. That's unless he incurs a penalty prior thereto — a contingency which appears to be within, the bounds of probability from the style in «hich he has been shaping of late. Thanks to the support accorded, to Kapoleau

' 8.0 (who finisKed up *t 2 to 1) the backers of Gladsome were enabled to obtain 5 to 4 about lier for the Three and Four-year-old Handicap.- " £Fhe backers of Napoleon never had the pleasure 'of even a look-in for their money, as he was beaten out of a place. A Welter Handicap mile dash brought the proceedings to- a close ; victory declaring in Javour of alO to 1 shot— a four-year-old mare named Merooen (by Padlock — Stella), who carried 8.9 and wc4i with the greatest of ease by ■three lengths from Chassepot 10.12, S.porra.n. 8,i t and seven others, in lmin -47|sec. A ROSEHILL REUNION. They had magnificent weather at Rosehill '(New South^Wales) on' Saturday, and as a num'iber of A.J.O. candidates were likely to be seen .linder silk, there "was a spanking attendance *t that veritable beauty spot. Eighteen started - in the August Handicap, of a mile, Haloya 8.3 '.being installed -favourite at 7 to 2, whilst the •ifriends of Chere Amie 8.5 finally accepted 5 to 1 about Mr Foley's four-year-old Facile— Glen <Vive gelding. They proved to be wise in their day and generation, too, as Chere Amie simply lamped home by a couple of lengths from jThe Psalmist 8.9, who gamely euchred Congest 9.5 out of second money by a neck, with yEadrian 7.3 fourth; the time being, lmin j*62sec. exploit ,makes -Chere Amie's chance' in the Epsom- Handicap, with, half a jstone less to carry, particularly rosy; whilst tth's Palmist (an. Epinicioij — Elvira five-year- ' $old horse), may prove troublesome' with 7.9 in {the Caulfield Cup. '' There was a, "rekerky" [field turned out for the w.f.a. Spring Stakes, Wf a mile and a furlong ; the closing' quotations Jbemg:— 5 to 2 Koop'an 1%, 7 to 2 Lord Car"Sdigan\9.o, B's> Jim Dorset 6.12 and lan-'&.S, 10'« tAbxmdance 9J5, 12's-Graft 719 and Lord-F.itz->oy'7.B, 20's'Patfo.nage 9.4, Sir Leonard 9.4,, JPlayataray 8.10, Ironmould '8.7, and Truce 7.8. f3ir Leonard' led for half -a mile, when. Truce fa three-year-old brother to FitzGraiton)^ defcoeed him, and was first into the straight. jHcre Jim Dorset (Mr H. C. White's. Courage— - JBormette three-year-old gelding, trained by fCom Lamond) dashed to the front, and although both Abundance ■ and Lord Cardigan Vset sail after' hinr, Dorset proved himself to' Ibe good enough. "Stilton" to, last sufficiently>2oitg to secure a sliort head victory from AbuiSdanee, who was a similar '• distance in -front - (of Lord " Cardigan; Sir- Leonard finishing • ff ourth. and Ironmould fifth ; the time ,being fflmin tijsec. Ironmould (Metal— Hopabout) is ,-ijkely" to repay following. . „—, The Rosehill Handicap, of /a- mile and threefurlongs, attracted " 16 runners;' of whom a-)fouT-year-old' half-brother- to Australian Star Australian Colours named' Tartan (Locbiel —Colours) 6.13 and Nothos 8.6 disputed fa4's, whilst Long Tdtn- 9;5 -and ' jßewitcher 8.6 were next in demand at B's. : Tarjtan beat Nothosby a length, -with Long Tom Ithird, a couple of lengths .away; Bewitcher never being sighted. Time, 2mia 28eec. I - ADELAIDE ASPIRANTS. -'VTlue Adelaide Racing 'Olub. brought their "- JGiand National meeting- to a close. oli-Satur-jrin.y, when favourably, weaiiihor failed to attract jnore than a moderate attendance. Totalisa)t6r investments- were/ corteßpoudingly limited', jnnly £6636 being put" through, the machine. •fcCevertheiess,- some of- the races- were very in-■fterestingraa-tending^.io- throw some. light on "ifutuie contingencies so fRT as the farinaceous • 'fcclanj is concerned. 'iThus a Maribyrnong -«?iate candidaterrMr- F. Bailey' a ' bay -colt fetbimose (by - Light Artillery franj the Carbine • Jvy-'S.exik maare/Escopette) -carried "off the Dewuettyille Spikes 'from Flora (Destiny—Flosjfeie), Ziska (Ranfurly^-Beatrice), Shell Storm, 'and .eight others; and, although, he only secured a head victory, he came with a- brilliant iitpi at the finish', imd covered the half-mile jda 49£ sec. * - - i{ Oitt of the 11 starters in the Grand National ' sSteeplechaac only fo'uv sustained the ordeal; Va' fatal accident occurring therein through. tHorHpjp2" coming to grief and rolling oßuhis aider, C. A. Smith, .who succumbed to coiicusjeidn of tho brain in the Actelaide Hospital a pew^ hours afterwards. Mar G. Daily's, aged Welding Convoy (by Pacific firora ia King of the {Hills mare) carried- 10.13 to victory; the disHfatce — about three miles — occupying 6inin fSOsec. There was plenty of daylight — 10. lengths in each instance— between the placed rhoises— ldalia 11.2 and CoaJbos - 9.8. ' - M." AV'h'elan, who scored on , Sarasati in the "" Grand National Hurdle Race, had the mount' on Convoy. - / , Tb* cTennyson Handicap, of - ( a mile and agsuarter, found- two Caulfield Cup candidates jfiyliting out the finish; Mr "IV. A. Blackler's PDerby colt G'-royniedes (by Port Admiral — jCsibrafeoe) eventually defeating Mr A. E. Bour»an'B six-year-old soir of Mos+yn and Gelala — Jj-ol«pt Baar— by a head; with* Bright Pilgrim 8.1 the nearest of half a dozen others; the -itim* being 2min' 13ses:- Tho previous Saturday the same pair met in the Mayor's Mile, fwHen" Barr (who was conceding the colt 161b)' proved victorious ; but in the Tcauiyson Handip*P' Ganymedes, vnth 211b in. his favour, turned -/the tables on his former conqueror../Gany- . '2ued£sjis handicapped «.t 6.12 imi.the Caulfield Cap, whilst Barr has' the feather of 6.9.' ■ ' • - • RACING MEM&. • "GlaiSsomc has been' "withdrawn from the 4l&troi>'., so that'it looks as if her.oiwner, Book- j ariaker" Sol. Green, intends reserving ncr for i rflfo v w.f^iv -events iat Ran3iwick, whatever may j Ibe her mission ~later on at. Caulfield and FlemaiJgton. r ' *. Consequent on liis Flemiington victory on j Saturday Blinker- has eoane into power for tho (Caulfield Cvp — principally in doubles. p?h« double Bright Beauty (for Caulfieldi) and -^Eriadsomo, (for Melb.) was backed pretty stoutly . *>v Monday; it is" rumoured- by stable connecjtdcns. Nous verrons. , . . i Mem'on has. recovered 'Bufficdently from! the; effects of being galloped on iui tihe Malakoff I Stakes to leave her box; but it is feared it wild be some time yet "before she can be put >nto active wcvk again. We' are likely to- sec Sojoumer sporting silk ttt Caulfield on Saturday we«k (September 3), as lio fignres amoug the entrants for tha Ileatherlie "Handicap,- of a. mile and a furlong The Sfemsie Stakes, run the same afternoon, is also a nine-furlong event; but it is contested under- weight for age coradrtions, with /the reservation -that horses whidh have not j received 250sovs in any one race will be allowed 1 141b. The entrants for tihis are: — Red Streak, j »Wingaroon, MacDc-nova-n, Mip&eT&h, BoabtidJ, ' •Nxuicio, Portland Rose, Blinker, Napoleon, iDangai, and Combat. The last two — Dangai j and Combat — are -flic only nominators not entitled to the allo\Kmce. ' Martian has been credited with some sterling good work of late on the 'Randwick -fcraining |traqk, and yesterday morning he quite held his (own against the redoubtable Crucifcrm hex- ' ®elf — the pair registering a mile and a-quarter •|n 2min 17sec. ' The Simmer— Lady Trenton three-year-old (Dividend, in company with another Queens-lander—-to wit, B&lfour;— has commeacedi- to ajowl ■along at Rsundwick. I am not going to - Iflesert Dividend yet, despite Walter Hickenix>thara's ojiinion. A few months make a iwonde-rful oifference sometimes as regaa-ds -young three-year-olds. B&sides, Simmer's fetock have beeni very successful of late ; whilst jmything claiming Lady Trenton as: dam must pcanmand respect.

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Otago Witness, Issue 2634, 7 September 1904, Page 52

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SPORTING NOTES FROM AUSTRALIA. Otago Witness, Issue 2634, 7 September 1904, Page 52

SPORTING NOTES FROM AUSTRALIA. Otago Witness, Issue 2634, 7 September 1904, Page 52