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- LONDON, March 22. Consols, S6. Coppers Spot, £57 12a 6d; three months, £57. Lead, £12 Is 3d. The quantity of wheat and flour afloat for the United Kingdom is 3,720,000 quarters, and for the Continent 1,365,000 quarters, for Atlantic shipment 61,000 quarters, and for Pacific shipment 1900 quarters. Shares: Bank of Australasia- are quoted at £87; Union Bank, £43 15s; New Zealand Loan and Mercantile, £84. Other shares unchanged. _. . Maich 25. Ihe JNfew Zealand Shipping- Company has declared a dividend, of 5 per cent. Copper : Spot, £58 ss , three months, £57 17s 6d. Tin • Sopt and three months, £130 ss. Lead. J612 3s 9d. Silver, o s 15a per ounce. At the tallow auctions 355 casks were offered and 105 sold; prices ".re unchanged. The American visible supply of wheat and flour is estimated at 51,286,000 bushels. The Bank of England returns .show that the -stock .of gold coin and Bullion is £-33,734,000, and the reserve £26,560,000. The percentage of re- j serves to liabilities is 49.27. The ;notes i in circulation total £27,683,000; public deposits, £15,308,000; other deposits, £38,557,000 ; Government securities, £19,225,000; and other securities, £26,358,000. Three (months' bills are discounted at £3 Is 3d. Consuls are quoted at £86. Quotations for colonial Government stocks are subjoined, compared with those ruling a week since : —

Wheat: Australian cargoes afloat are lield for 30s 9*l and 31s 3d ; March and April shipments, 30s 6d and 31s. Buyers are offering 6d and 9d less respectively. Minneapolis flour 4.50 c. San Francisco wheat, 1.40 c. Copper : Spot, £58 5& ; three months, £58. Tin : Spot and three months, £129 ss. Pig Iron, 43s lOd. Sugar : Firmer. First marks, 10s 5d ; I German, Ss od. The Bradford wool market is stronger, and there is improved business. Forties. 12-2 d. Rabbits: Dull. Best, 7d. Butter : "Weaker, and in poor demand. Danish, unchanged ; New Zealand', 94 s ;, occasionally 955 ; Victorian, 92s to 935 ; Neiv South Wales SBs to 90s ; Queensland, SG« to 9(K The Corinthic's shipment ariived in excellent condition. Cheese : Stoadj 7 , and unchanged. Mai oh 27. Copper: Spot, £57 17s 6d ; three months, £57 12s <3d. Tin • Spot £123 : three months, £127 17s 6d. Linseed oil, £18 10=!. At) the kauri sales 3006 eases were offered, and 650 sold, mostly three-quarters scraped, at £125. Frozen Meat ; Canterbury hght, unchanged ; medium, 4Jd ; heavy, 4£d; Dunedin and Southland, unchanged ; North Inland, ordinary, 4|d ; lambs — Canterbury. 5Jd ; Dunediii and Southland, unchanged ; North Island, 4|d. Beef : i Unchanged. River Plate sheep, light and heavy. 3ld; lambj 42d; beet unchanged.

Wheat. — Tha Montgomeryshire's cargo of New Zealand is sold.

At the wool auctions -there was a brisk sale, prices being firm. Crossbreds display a hardening tendency. ;a March 23. The wool sales ' closed firm. The highest prices of the series were realised by the following clips: — JNTgapara, 9§d ; Moeraki, 9£d; and Akiteo-Ngatapa, BJd. The following wool clips were «old : — Teiioko, 9£d ; Whanga, 'Sid; Heatherdean, 7±d. In merinos there have been occasional: withdrawals, but prices are unchanged. Crossbreds realised prices equal to the highest rates of the last series. March 24. At the wool sales 78,000 bales were sold for home requirements, 64,000 for the Continent, 12,000 for America, and 14,000 held over. Compared with the January sales, medium, and good merinos were unchanged, faulty 5 per cenf. lower, fine crossbreds 5 per cent, higher, medium 7-i per cent, and coarse 10 per cent, higher. Prospects are brighter than at the opening 'of the series. The Americans operated chiefly in crossbreds. The Department of Industries and Commerce has received the following cablegram from the AgerC-general, dated London, 24th: — The wool market closed very strong, principally due to the demand from America and the- Continent. The chief feature of the market is the demand for all grades of coarse crossbreds. There is general confidence that the present prices will be well maintained. It is generally acknowledged by manufacturers that supplies do not mee.t reqxiirements. The following are the estimated values to-day: — Fine crossbreds from lid to Is o£d per lb; medium, 9d to 10£ d; coarse, B^d to 9d ; superior merino, lid to Is Id ; medium, 9d to 10^-d ; inferior, 7d to 'Ojj Cl - The New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company (Limited) is in receipt of the following cable advice from its London office: — "Since close of last sales prices are. about par to 5 per cent, lower for greasy merino euper, greasy merino lambs super, scoured merino super, and greasy merino lambs medium and. inferior. Since close of last sales prices are almost 7-| per cent, to 10 per cent, higher for coarse greasy crossbred. The sales closed firmly." Messrs Dalgety and Co. (Limited) report having received the following cable from their head office, dated London, March 23: — " Wool sales closed firm and active, with brisk competition. As compared with elos-' ing rates of last series, prices of Victorian super (Western district) greasy wools and superfine wool (scoured) unchanged. Other descriptions of merino wools, 5 to 7i per cent, lower, particularly inferior, faulty, heavy, and earthy wools. For fine crossbred and medium crossbred any change in j price is in favour of sellers. Coarse de- | scriptions, 5 to 10 per cent, higher."

WHOLESALE PRODUCE REPORTS Mr J. Hem ing, Princes street south, renorts under date the 2J)th insfi. :— Wheat nei- bushel. v pei'toß Best milling 3/3 Barley dusfc ... 70/!) Medium do 2/11—3/0 Oatmeal, in 25's 190/0 Fowls' ... 2/3-2/5 Oaten chaff -35/0—65/0 Milling oats 1/8 Ryegrass hay 50/O—SO/0 Teed oats 1/2—l/4 Straw 30/0 Alalt barley ... 3/9 Pearl barley ... 260/0 Feed barley 2/t3—2/9 Onions 5/0 cwt. Cane barley ... 3;6 aer lb. Maize ... ... 3/6 Rolled bacon ..7 Ski per ton. Side bacon ... 91 ■Ulour, in 200*3 ...190/0 Smoked hams .. 9£d Flour, in 50's ...200/0 Cheese .. s£d—s|d Pollard 90/0 Good salt butter, 7d to Bran SJ/0 Bd. according to ' quality Best Oamaru Derwenfc potatoes, £2 7s fid to £3, 10i ; kidney potatoes, £2 7s b'd per ton. The potatoes this seabon are arriving in p-or condition. If there was a little more care in picking them, they wculd find a better market. FARM AXD DAIRY PRODUCE. Messrs Irvine and Stevenson, George street, report paying for produce during the weekendics the 29 h inst. as follows :—: — Bacon (roll), 8d p. lb Fresh butter, 8d to Hum, 9d p. lb 10} d per Id Eresh eggs, Is Iddcz Salt butter ; not buying Fresh butter, good ordinary (in lib Rnd ilb prints), 7d to Sd pbr lb. Pigs, 1301b to 1701b, 4£d per lb. THE AGENT-GENERAL'S KEFOET. WELLINGTON, March 28. The Department^ of Industries and Commerce hrs received the following crblegiarn lfrom the Agent-generpl, dated London, 26th mst.:—"Mutton: The market -is very diiill, on account of the absenoe of demand. Stocks on hand are very light, but, any increase in supplies would lower the pnices>. Tlio average 2Jric3 to-day is.—Canteibury mutton, 4Jcl; Dunedm, Southland, and W.M.E. Company's brands, 4^d; other North Island brands, 4£d; River Plate mutton, 3Jd. Lamb. Ths market is very weak. The quantify going into consumption is disappointing; anu is nuuh less tiitua. *

that for Ihe usual Easter demand. Shipments of lamb now arriving- are very heavy, and there is an inciinatioa on the part of consignees to force the sale of lamb. The average price to-day of New Zealand kmb is- — Canterbury, biand old j brands ofher than Canterbury, 4|a ; Australian lamb, 4Jd; River Plate, 4J. "B2ef:| The market is depressed. 'Supplies are-'inode- ! rate, but sufficient to meet all requirements. Argentine chilled hind quarters are selling at 3|d per b. The average price to-day for hind t quarters of New Zealand beef is 3d; fores, 5 2|d. Quotations for New Zealand beef are j nominal. Some holders of New Zealand j butter are forcing sales, which is very seriously • affecting the market. Buyers, exiting prices to go lower, are'holddrig back. There are very heavy supplies of butter on hand, and the market generally is very depressed. Tiio average price f<?r choicest New Zealand butter ,to-day is 9-ls per cwt; Australian. S2s; Argentine, 925 ; Danish, 106s. Cheese : 'The market is firm, and market prospects favourable. There is general confidence in the jnsintenance of present prices. The average price fpr- finest NewZealand cheese fe 60s per cwt; Canadian, 51s. ihe offerings of hemp are very srnall,\ind likely to remain, so for some time. The price of New Zealand hemp is: Good to fair Wellington, grade, on spot to-d^y, £31 10s ; ' April to June shipments, £B0 10a. The price of maaila ol^ V> Il'I 1 ' currenl g^de, on spot to-day, is £30 per ton; April to June shipments, ' ,-635. Ihe demand for cocksfoot seed is improving . but prices are unchanged. lam of- opinicSJ ' that the demand will further increase on X.V °7 sup Pl ies " The average wrice for bright, clean New Zealand cocksfoot seed weighing I7ib per bushel on spot to-dry is 52 3 per cwt. Fruit pulp: The market is very *£ "J4, supplies are commg forward, QnnfLt It e?S S 8 dolDg and » nces are weakquotations nominal; raspbarry r ulp, £28 per GRAIN HAULAGE. The grain haulage on the railways for th. week ending Saturday, March 12, is as follows i Paliherston. Kurow to to Olmton. Palmerston. Total nr , „ Sacks. Sacks. Sacks March 14.. 962 2,004 2 966 March 15.. .. 650 9 645 s'w: March 16.. .. i3OSi 3OS 2sl S March 17.. .. 1434 o 078 3510 March 18.. .. 482 2 g{e aS? March 19.. _ .. 704 2,178 2,882 Totals .. 5540 14,122 1^662 Total for cor- "~ responding week last year .. igs 3.606 3774 The totals for the previous weeks sre as fo'lows: -March 12, 15,296; March 5 in 966 ■ Feb. TlU 7 ' IB f f %\ lFehTWiT y 20 > 3150;' February 13, 8188; and February 6, 2912; making a total haulage for the present season to date of 74 936 S3.CKS* i THE PRODUCE COMMISSIONER'S REPORT. 'WELLINGTON, March 23 Mr Cameron, the New Zealand Produce Com- • imssioner at Home, reports that immediately aiter the 19th February a considerable quantity of unsaJted butter had been coming forward. The demand for that class of butter is m small compass, and lie discourages the export of it. He has* heard few complaints of tire quality of New Zealand butter this season, but our butter this season is too mild for the South Wales 'trade, and would be more satisfactory with heavier salting. Owing to

Mar. 1£ New South Wales 4'g „ .. 105 a New South Waies 3i's „ .. 96 New South Wales 3~s .., „ 84 Victoria 4' s 105 Victoria. 3i's 96 Victoria, "3's 86 South Australia 3Vs .... 99 South Australia 3's 88 Queensland 4's 101£ Queensland 3Va 9o| Queeuslancl 3's 86" New Zealand 4' 9 106 New Zealand 3a's 100 New Zealand 3'a 87 Tasmania 3i's 97 Tasmiama 3's .. .. .. .. 87 West Austialia 3£'s 96 "V\ est Australia 3's .. „,j .. 80 8. 1 Mar. 25. 105| 96 84i 105 97 86 99 86 104 95} 86 106 1001 87 97 87 96 86

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Otago Witness, Issue 1851, 30 March 1904, Page 17

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COMMERCIAL CABLEGRAMS. THE WOOL SALES. LONDON, March 21. DUNEDIN MARKETS. Otago Witness, Issue 1851, 30 March 1904, Page 17

COMMERCIAL CABLEGRAMS. THE WOOL SALES. LONDON, March 21. DUNEDIN MARKETS. Otago Witness, Issue 1851, 30 March 1904, Page 17