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Amoug'-t the very large number of cables and telegrams received by the Premier containing birthday greetings were messages from the Right Hon. Joseph Chamberlain aud the Mayor of Wigan, Lancashire.

On Saturday evening last (says the Tuapeka Times) Mr John Keppsl, flaxmillowncr, Tuapeka. Flat, ivas presented by hi* employees with a Maltose cross and a handsome gold toarf piu a.s an expression of the good fooling that had existed between them and thc-ir employer. Mr C (iiey, a saddler in the employ of Mr \Vude, Tiinuru, has just received from the New South Wales Defence Department, the medal which he earned as a member of the Australian Naval Contingent which .served with the arinie a of the Great Powers in the China war of 1900. The medal is a handsome ono of silver with l representation of our late Queen's head csi one side and the New South Wales' Naval Brigade coat of arms on the other, the whole buspcuchU by a ribbon in tlie Naval Brigade i-olouiv (red and gold). Mr Uroy served with tin- New South Wales naval forces for mx year*, and was among the A.B.'f- chosen to accompany the late contingent; and. in addition, wa., the caily New Zealand- born man to serve with them.— Timaru Herald Mr D. Stewart, ex- Mayor of Balelutha, is to bo entertained at a public social.

At Clyde on Sunday evening last (says the Dunstan Tunes) Mi*s Keith, who i« It .iving the district, was presented by the congregation of the Presbyterian Church with a handsome 'Tnurch Praise" and a Bible, a-i a reward for her unices rendered in the local Sunday school and church choir.

Mr J. B. Tunbndgp. the retiring Police Commif-ionrr, wa» at Wellington presented with nn address nnd a cheque for £242 from the police force, of the colony. The address k one of M«s finest pieces of work of the kind over executed here. The presentation was made on behalf of the subscril>ers by the Minister of Justice, who eulogioeii Mr Tunbridgp'ts w>rk xn the public service since his arnval in the colony six years ago. He laid special emphasis on the fairness with which the late commissioner had dealt with all matters in his department and on the manner in which he had lalx>ured to bring the force to a high state of efficiency.

The local member* of the lepal profession at Clinstchurch Mr Beetham .retiring stipendiary magistrate, with r gold watch, chain, aud sovereijjn case. On Thursday evening la=t Mr G. M. Ros=. bank maira^er, who was paying his final offuial vfsit to Hampdo-n, \v»s prose n-ted I>V the indents of tho district with a wellfilled vur=p of so\oreifjn«. On Tuos/lav e\ miner last (->avs the Clutha LeaiWi ISIr R. H. Wilson, of Te Houka, near Balrlutha, was, on the occasion of his leaving the district, presented by the re«identa with a -ilver-mounted Malacca hunting crou, a silvei -mounted cigarette-holder, and a pair of spur*. On Tuesday e\f*ning last Nays the Mataura EiiMgn) Mr G Fullarton, for the past 12 years master of the Otamo School, was the

recipient, on the occasion of his leaving Otama, of a presentation from the resident! of the district. The presentation took the form of a beautiful gold albort and pendant and a purse of spvereigns. Mr Fullarton takes up a new position in the Boys' High School, Dunedin.

Mr Stanley T. Uren, who has been employed in the Lawrence branch of the Bank of New Zealand during the paat seven years or more, has been transferred to Dunedin. Before leaving he was presented with silver-mounted umbrella by the officers or the bank as a token of friendship and esteem. — Tuapeka Time 3. At Lawrence on Friday night (says \h.& Tuapeka Times) the Her. T. G. Kay and Mra Kay, who are leaving Lawreuce £qp Wellington this week, were entertained Qfc a social. by the parishioners of Holy Trinity Church.

Mr T. Parata, Southern Maori representative, states that considerable indignation exists among southern Maoris over the gazetting of Maluita as "King of the Maoris " -Mr Parata will make a stronj protest dunug the debate on the Addrese-in-Reply. and will present to the Hcuss a protest from the Southern Council. An old Auckknd boy— Mr, Thomas G. Scott, now residing in St. Louis, United States — has written to the Auckland •■ Oity Council urging that New Zealand products should be represented at a great world's fair to be held in St. Louis this year fd celebrate the 100 th anniversary of tho purchase from France- of what is known aa the Louisiana Territory, in the United States.

Our Christchurch correspondent telegraphs that Captain F. W. Hutton, curator of the Canterbury Museum, has just received word hern, London that the British Ornithologists' Association has conferred on him the honour of eleotirfg him a colonial member of the association. The rules of the association restrict the colonial membership to 10, to be selected horn eminent ornithologists residing in th& British colonies and India.

The Jlev. Hugh Kelly, M.A., of Kilox Church, Ai ckland, is to receive a call tc St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Carlton. The pulpit o£ this church has been vacant for some time owing to the retirement, after 30 years of service, of the Rev. D. S. 5/TEachran, and after a good deal of investigation Mr Kelly has been selected to fill the position. Mr Kelly is a Scotchman by biith, but graduated iii the New Zealand University. v

Mr Evans, the present manager of the Hillside Workshops, is being transferred to tak.o charge of the workshops at Newmarket, Auckland. He will W succeeded at Hillside by Mr Harris, of the head office, who has been acting for some time as relieving officer. Mr J. A. Macdonald. the Block Eomily'a touring representative, is leaving for the North Island to make arrangements for the appearance there of the company. The Black Family, follow on the 30th inst.

Intimation has been received that Surgeonscaptain E. J. O'Neill and A. R. Falconer, of the New Zealand medical staff, after undergoing a course of instruction at tho Volunteer Ambulance. School, had passed the proficiency examination prescribed by the War Office, and conducted by the officers of the Royal Army Medical Corps at headquarters, London. Thi3 entitles them to have the letter " p" after their names in tiho Army List. Both these, officers are Dunedin men, e<»s of well-known, citizens, and served with distinction in South Africn. Tiiis makes threo New Zealand officers who have passed this examination, the third, being Lieutenant-colonel De Lautour, V.D who is one of the vice-presidents of thd Ambulance School of Instruction.

Art circles in tho co!ony (says the Wellington Post) will be interested to learn that an ox-resident of Wellington, Mr John Baillie, is winning the appreciation of London critics. During tfie end of last and the beginning of this month, Mr Baillie gave an exhibition of water-colours rrom his brush in his gallery in London. St. James's Gazette says that not a, few of the pictures represent New Zealand landscape, " which Mr Baillie knows and portrays co well. In some he has attained great nchncss of colour without any sacrifice of truth, and others, though apparently Blight, give nn excellent impression^ of atmospheric conditions." Miss Alice Meynell, the art critic of tho Pall Mall Gazette, is equally appreciative. She says that "Mt BaiLlie has true feeling for landscape and the hour, and a rare sense of co'our." Of the single e bown by Mr Ballhe. " At the Horokiwi, New Zea'and." Mis# Moynell says "the execution is full of promise , it is happy and spirited." The " Henry Symonds " telegraphed na having been kil'ed at Waikaremoana turns out to bo Mr H. H. Simmonds, of Napier, who went to Waikaremoana as landscnoc gardener for the Tourist Department. He leavc3 a widow and five tMldren. The services of Mr Leslie H. Reynolds, C.E., have been engaged by the Dannevirke BoroughCouncil for the designing of a comprehensive Bewer,-(re system for that town. The Hawera Borough Cornell h-.iva also engaged him for the extension of the Bew-rige work for Ha-wera.

His Honor Mr Justice Wilhama was somewhat uidisDosed 011 Saturday, and 1 did not leave for Wellington, as he intended, to take part in the proceedings of the Court of Appeal. Mr George A. Skene. head shopman afc Messrs Nimmo and Blair's, and who has been in the employ of that firm for tho past 15 vcars, was, on the eve of his removai to Wellington, the recipient of a presentation at the hands of his fellow-employess. This took the form of an English travelling-bag and a silvormounted umbrel'a. Mr Skene 13 a general uvount? on account of his gema ity and obliging disposition, and his friends wif-h him every success in Ins new sphere. Cable intimation has been vec?ived that Mr O. W Harty, sou of Mr T. K. Harty, of this ciiy has p»ss c d his final examination in u-edicne at Edinburgh Universit.v. Mr Thomas Mackciisie, M.H R., has been nnmirated aa a oandvdate for election to tho Education Board hv meml>ers of school com-imtfpe--s from several d-itricft. including Stirling, Wakari, Hampden, Mosgiel, and Cha-sland'i. . 1 It, will be £rrati f \u^ to h?r many friends to know thai Xuf=.- Bicknell, a probationer at H ie NVcon HMs't»l, and a daughter of Mr F Bicknell of Ojtmaru has not only^ passed l.«r fin^l cxaminatinn under the Nurses Regiair%>'tm Aft but headed the list for the wiio.e tr'lonv -Xo-th O'ncro Times 0,,r \rrjwtar. -l correspondent t«r graphs : — Mr W Scoloa. an old and resnecf«d resident nrd .1 very old identity, passed awny on Svinday. Mr Stoles fo'lowed the occupation of a hotet-k<cp<--r. and fjrmc-d a lsrge area- o£ lar.d. Ho foiuier'y owned promincrl racehorses. The funeral lake? placi on Wednesday.

A Maryland (U.S.A.) policeman hold up Hip occupants of an automobile on a charge of furious driving, and requested thf- chauffeur to accompany him to the station. The driver, like tno man in Kipling'? " Steam Tactica," offered to give the, policeman a ride, but, when he got aboard, set tho machine goiner at a furious paco. Afi&r tnkinK the oPic-iM- out alx-i.t 30 miles he deposited him on the inr-c'

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Otago Witness, Issue 2572, 1 July 1903, Page 63

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PERSONAL ITEMS. Otago Witness, Issue 2572, 1 July 1903, Page 63

PERSONAL ITEMS. Otago Witness, Issue 2572, 1 July 1903, Page 63