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Notes from the West Coast. (From Our Own Correspondent.) GREYMOUTH, April 9.

A comparative return of the yield of gold from the Coast dredges for the first three Jnonths of 1901 and 1902 shows a very substantial increase, and gives evidence of the advancement of the industry. During the Id weeks of 1901 the total gold yield wad 13530z Idwt 22gr, or an average per dredge per week of 220z 2dwt. For the thres months ended Qast week the yield was 71160z 13dwt sgr, or an average of 270z sdwt per dredge per week. The arumber of dredging returns recorded in the quarter of 1901 was 61, the greatest number of "dredges working in any one week being seven. In the quartet of the present year the number of leturns was 261, the largest number of dredges in any week being 25. The expansion of the andustry is very satisfactory, the yield having [increased nearly sixfold. This in a great degree ris owing to the large number of dredges at firork- but a particularly bright feature of the ndustry is the fact that the actual yield per week per dredge during the three months just ended was soz 3dwt in excess oi the average of the corresDondmg quarter, and reaches the fiighly payabfe sum of £108. This at tho lowest estimate means a profit per dredge per week of £50. , , „ The Greenstone Junction Company s halfyearly report shows that the liability of £2500 fcas been cleared off, the profit being £2400. The report says:— "The dredge has been working |on the flat at the fool of Cape Terrace, on the 'north side of tho creek, sife from floods. Kot-t-withstanding tho fact that a good height of /tailing above the water level has been treated with the wash proper, the average weekly return has been over 450z, the actual return toeing 1061oz of gold for 22 weeks' dredging. The wash treated at times was rough and tight, and trees buried by tailing heaps occasionally gave trouble and caused loss of time. The dredge is expected to be out of the tailings in h month, when better returns should be obtained. The- screen is greatly worn, and will shortly have to be replaced." The Garibaldi dredge is finished, with tha exception of the tables, which will take three weeks to complete. Tha Grey River Consolidated dreige has bee-, repaired and altered, and got a start on Monday morning. It is expected that with improved tables the claim will turn out a succes*. The Maori Gully dredge is working well. A fair return will be forthcoming on Saturday. The Kapai and Great Lead dredges are still "on the hard, waiting for a flood to be floated. The Ahaura dredge is working well m 301 1 •of wash. A fa:r return is expected. The Hokitika River dredge is working ground where the old dredge worWed, and it is expected that the present we?k will see a laige leturn. Mr J. A. Shgo, of Dunedin, secretary of the rrafalgar, YV'atterson's Consols, Victory, ErickBon's Reward, and Orwell Creek Dredging Companies, is at present on the Coast looking after jthe interests of the several claims. Apiil 10. The return from the Xel^on Creek "dredge is expected to be considerably ovei 200oz if not further interrupted. Already the dredge has liad several stoppages. This claim last year yielded 15240z gold. Starting with a debt of £1200, which has been paid off, the ciaiin has already, in addition, paid 9s 6d in the =hape of dividends. After the last dividend was paid ./there was a good balance in hand. In addition to the accrued leserve funds, lasi wesk's areturn gave a profit of £1140, and the piospe-,'5 this week indicate about 2300z, with cqualiy good ground ahead, so that April is likely to se-e a. 5s dividend, which will bring the amount returned to shareholder 111 less than \% month I»ip to 14s 6d out of 20s — this, too, before tl.c claim proper has hardly been touched. The company up to the present have been woik.n^ a spare piece of grrund, and only got into the:--cwn claim a few week 9 ago. As to the life of ■the claim, there is, according to computat on, ample ground for the next 10 years, and the wash justifies the belief that a weekly average cf 70oz will bo obtained. On tins basis, a 2s dividend per month for the next decade soern^ assured, with a prob?bihty of sensational returns being now and then obtained. Ihe Tereinakau pontoons, maclnnrr}, and claim have been purchased by a Grcj mouth (syndicate for £2000. It is the intention of the isurchasers to go to work at once, put the machinery together, and do everything legardlrss of expense to have a thoroughly up-to-da*e dredge upon the ground, which is generally held to be an excellent dredging claim, being considered richer than the Greenstone Junction. The Oiwell Creek dredge has been c'.o=>ed down for the present. Mr Shgo, the secietary. is at present on the ground. Before the dredge resumes work again it will be necessan to have a good many alterations effected. Whpn work was stopped the machine had bottomed at a ilepth of CSft from the natural surface, or 76ft, from the ordiuary surface It is generally understood that negotiations for the purchase by the Mo~quito Xo 2 Company of the Wfstland Company's machinery, etc., been brought to a successful :==ue. The amount is stated to be £310!) The Mosquito No. 2 claim is ncai the Mosquito Company's ground. It is expected that the Aldmga, Yictoiv, ami Trafalgar dredges wiU be all working 111 the course cf a r lhc=e three claini« aie on the Nelson Creek, and «hould get good leturns when once the properties aie opened up. After prospecting the claim over which they held the option, the Grey Rivei Company decided that the prospecting 1 exults were not sufficiently good to warrant the lompany 111 removing the dndgc thcron. In all s:x shafts were sunk. The Bullor Ju'idoii diedge 1= cn^af-d openIng out a peddocW v.> ibc we-.', sicl.- of the nvei ft. fair return is ci.ppctrd on SaUudiv. Quartz njii'ins; in tip Rccflon cli-ti.ct apnens to have taken another tun Xo '. «« than tlnoe tlifferent Tp? r3r 3 ha\e bo^n lcr-o'tivl (hinrc the past week btone 12m has liren Mnick in the Stor.pv Crpck mine, and a!-o 111 the Golden Lead. Thp latter company ha= c died up all its capital, and a rev. company i*. now m course of formation, and ;t is anticipated that with a very sma'l outlay tie or which they have been dnvir.i; for c oim coi.-ideiub'o tuiic will be cut. The new Scotia reef, 111 the nort'i \\nl7p m No 1 level, is still ro> t 1 uin». A» lire-ont it is small, and carries pavsble rod The Ko-ep-it-Dark returns for ihi- _\e.u ba\c been very poor, but an improvement will be shown Ihis mont 1 ' A well-known pro = r>p( tor, Robert Ler = . is row •rj;2<;sii tn drui^e ■* tuiuifl i" the .Mpriih.' S'.tUict, to intersect a rich re:f he lon^rl on the sur'ace some tme back. So fai atjou< iK'ft has been driven, and with 20ft more urn mg >i ii auluina'ff' thu the reef will be cut. X peculiar katuro is tiiat an cxcd'e.t -earn if coa! i'l'.'i. or 50it ?i"r', h.i* !>• c ' en» tlrough ILc quailz reef v.'.l ie i<t mr a r o' Ap'il I 1 Th" Co: r waii c].cd = c <-> ./ t,ot to wo-1- y=-

already given way, whiJe a new tumbler had to be put in position. The Hokitika dredge is working within 200 ft of the face where the old dredge was working on good gold. The "dredge is working well, but the ground is very rough. The Woodstock dredge is opening out, but is dredging nothing but mud and timber. The return from the Bu.'ler Junction dredge is 430z for 300 hours' v ork. The machine has been engaged opening up on the western portion of the river. The Hauhau dredge met with an accident to the ladder. It appears a log got under the pontoons and jammed between the buckets, causing a twist in the ladder. New parts will have to be constructed, which means considerable delay. The Welcome dredge reports a return of 650z for last week's work, which constitutes a record for the Buller dredges. The screen of the Greenstone Junction dredge has become worn out, but with a few repairs ! work will probably be carried on until a new J one, which has been ordered, arrives. i The directors of the Foley's Extended Company are calling an extraordinary general meeting for the 18th inst. to voluntarily wind the company up. The notice states that the above procedure is recommended by their solicitors, as doubts have been expressed as to the validity of the meeting held on August 23, 1901. Thi* is evidently the outcome of protests from Kumara shareholders against being sued by the liquidator for arrears of calls, particularly in view of the fact that they had never received notice of the meeting to liquidate. The Waipuna dredge has been let on tribute. At the Warden's Couit, in thp ca«e of Chester v. Cook, claim £220 for reporting on dredging claims, judgment was given for Chester for £214, with costs. The Teremakau dredge, near completion, was bought for £2000 by a local syndicate, with the intention, to finish the dredge and work the claim. April 13. j The past week has had its usual number of j surprises in dredging. A number of claims have fallen back, whil? others come to the front 111 an unexpected manner. The share market has not been much of a guide to go by, several lines having a good run, wh-ile others, without j any apparent cause, w?re neglected or at a silght decline. Pactoluses are strongly held, and went up as high as 775, while Kelson Cieekh were wide in quotat.on, varying from 65s to 6d. All the Nelson Creek division of dredging stock are in ffir demand, while Grey River Consolidated, which were very low, sprung 4s dunrg the week, with an indication of a further rise. The Nelson Creek and No Town returns are not yet to hand. The former dredge had a good deal of lost time, and the wa a h was not so rich, but 1 anticipate 140oz. The No Town h?d timbei trouble, and may show a falling off. The Pactolus dredge wa3 expected to give lOOoz, but variable v. ash and some stoppages brought the return down to 78oz 13dwt for 131 hours. The woik in connection with the second dredge is getting on rapidly. The Red Jacks diedge got a bettei mn than has yet been recorded, .md 51oz Bdwt for 104 hours :s the lesult. If this dredge could get clear of timber the claim would be among the first on the Coast. The timber is mostly about 4ft below the surface, covered with tailings, and it is held by some cxpeits that if the water iii the dam was lowered by 4ft the top tailings could bo easily washed into the clam, and the timber exposed and easily dealt with. The Hokitika Rner dredge, as expected, showed a considerable increase, yielding 50oz for 124 hours. The ground continues rough, the bm-kets rarely coining up full, but the dredge 1= doing lemarkably well when the difficult nature of the material is considered. Tho Greenstone Junction dredge gave 13oz B].dwt foi seven dsus. She had no end of difficulty vith a peifect r.est of timber She is, howevei, at present oS the 11111 of god. 'I "he Leviathan lc-tuin was "Mo& 13dwt for 73 horns. The dredge only got a start on Wedripsday, and then nad several stoppages. The wash is improving in nchness hut so is the thii'kness of the pug on top. The Noith Beach return is 440z 9dvvt of gold f o • a fortnight. The machine lost a good deal of time thiough the scipci 111 1 oilers and nngs having lieccm>» v.-on; out. Tii'se are b'.rg replaced by a steel set. The Maou Cully drsdge got lGcz for 118 hours. The machinery is now woikmg well, and the wt'.hli is about 20ft deep, and is now looking well. The G rev R.\er Consolidated got HJoz for the first week's wash-up. Mr R9y, the new <"rdgeir<<s l ci 1- doing good so':d work, and 1m ].jo\pcl i.^tui'iS *re looked for. The dredge? is not doing as well as was expected. It is contended that she is not >et on to the run of gold, and that she will do much better shortly. Last week's return was 16oz. The Greenstone Creek dredge obtained 1307 There is very little alteration in the wa«h . Tho Kohikoln letur.i is 15oz for 124 hours Thp w?"=li continues rough and difficult to deal with. The Al return i« 40oz for 140 hours. The Shel'back machinery had a tnal run last week. The niaciiiiu-iy is not working \ciy wcH. The Culler Junction obtained 430z for 300 hour- opening out on th» wc-tein side ot the claim. The Welcome diedge cblaired 6507 foi 134 houis In the Progress quartz mine the total quantity of stone mined was HC'i tons for a return of"lG67oz sdwt 17 ? r of bullion, valued at £0014 11=. Se\enty tons of concentrates werechlonnatH, yielding bullion \ allied at £382 123 Id. v. hile 12G6 tons of taihnps were cyaiuded, yielding bullion valued at i.JU In tip Wealth of Nations during the month 93i) tons of quartz were crushed, vieldmg 2GBoz 2dut of bullion, valued ac £1523 0-5 3d Six toiis of conoentiates were produced, and 592 tons of toar^e sands w re cyaruded, the latter yielding bullion valued at £315 11s 2d In the Golden Fleece mine 108(5 tons of quartz were crushed for 105oz ldvrt 3gi, \alued at 1.1650 12s 6d. Ten tons of con-c-cntiates were produced, and 930 ton= of tailing", were cyai ided, the latter yielding £401 5-s 'Jd. Apiil 14. Mi Cubboii 8 . of Maiton, puicha'-er of Hip Totuia dredge, about the lc-Uii'is of which c o many 'ni'-atiunal Tumour« weie current «ome 12 months ago, is gclt'ii" the dredge repaired and put 111 thoiough working order, and it ir> anticipated that it will htait operations 111 about a month's time. The Xcl c ou CiecU dredge, wlmh gave 141oz 7dwt fur 121 hours, 1= not vi 01 kins; well. Last wt-ck veiv little 1111,10 ihai. halt the u>ual amourt of dirt was lilted The dredge b'oke the leg of the tup ttiirb'i r j'lan.nir, al c o 1 tlu bottom tumbler fid <-X f t, and 1^ now ■•'opped for 0 few d.iy-, to effect ropan-, to the bo'tom tumblpi. ai 1 other paiU of the inachik.j -were =ent to tie foundry todn\ Iho nit .md ha- tinned vciv i< ui;h .Mid <-U:iv late'v Owing to the exrpptmial dm "", tho water K\r-1 ha-> fallen \ erv much bel^w 1101 mal. niaki"f! dridmns g,!Ct.Uiom<- iiiiuh lf-s pfiic -out J „m ■'atisricd lh<- ruur,.; v._ll ere 'o--_-icwdi llie prcMOWi record Coed progiess 1= being ma'lf with (lie Com i;ii=.sio)ier'b Flat dredpc iiijchnicr>, and ? \ery bl'crt time should tl'.s dredge chiuiii in c jllivc operation^ Main a»"e n:ol'i.ed to the opinion trift tL r - .ow being won by the IluU.t ka R vo: clfc'tje nu:s into the Com-Mi--ioner's Flat claim

of the cramped position, and it should get to a real good face within a week or 10 days. The Prince of Wales Comprny has started the fitting up of the machinery, and we may expect that before long this celebrated claim will be yielding dividends. As an indication of the revival in quartz mining, the lecord flotation of a quartz mine is reported. At Merrigigs, a claim, known as Lee's Reward Company, was placed on the market on Saturday rught, and was over-sub-scribed in Reefton by noon to-day The company consists of 24,000 shpres of 10s each, Twelve thousand shares were placed on the market, and to show the vendors' faith in the venture, they have retained the other 12,000 contributing shares themselves. Threepence per share was aske-d on application, and 3d on allotment, the proceeds of which go to the vendors of the property. The reef outcrop is exposed from sft to Bft in width. The prospects obtained from the stone were excellent, and the samples of stone exhibited in town to-day were much admired by mining men, coaiso gold being freely seen in the stone. Tho No Towu dredge got -lloz odwt for 126 hour«. During the last 48 hours the dredge got into a better sample of wash, and an increased yield is looked for this week. The Enckson's Rewrd dredge got 30oz for 100 hours. The dredge is expected to shut down shortly for overhaul and increased power. Coal was struck in the Dobfeon bore hole this forenoon at a depth of 556 ft. Th<re is a seam of 4ft Oin. It is a fine sample, the mam seam of which should bo about 20ft thick It is supposed to lie 30ft below, and should be struck bj Wednesday. The discovery is an important one, tuid goes to prove that coal exists on the long flat through which the Brunner railway inns. It is thought likely that this will bring the coal to within three miles of Grej-mouth. If this proves correct it will be by far the largest and best seam of coal in New Zealand.

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Otago Witness, Issue 2509, 16 April 1902, Page 24

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Notes from the West Coast. (From Our Own Correspondent.) GREYMOUTH, April 9. Otago Witness, Issue 2509, 16 April 1902, Page 24

Notes from the West Coast. (From Our Own Correspondent.) GREYMOUTH, April 9. Otago Witness, Issue 2509, 16 April 1902, Page 24