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The newly-formed Taieri Club and the Outram. Club intend applying for affiliation with tfee O.R.F.U. as junior clubs. The Canter buiy Rugby Union has a credit balance of over £500. of which £450 is invested. The year's working shows a profit of £318 17s lOd. At the annual meeting of the Canterbury Bugby Union the chairman will move the following, on behalf of the committee: — "That the following- be added to the rules of the union: (1) All matters in connection with the accident fund shall be under the control •of the Genera 1 Committee, who may appoint a Mib-committee foi the carrying out of these hij.'-». \2) Each club shall subscribe one E,uio°a (21s) for e-\cry 30 members or fraction thereof included in the lists supplied under Unle 5. Rich subscription to be paid before the C.R.U. competitions commence. (3) Each player antitJed to participate in the fund shall have the services of the doctor or doctors appointed by the union, and, in addition, shall be paid one pound (£1) per week whilst unable to follow his occupation, !>y reason of an accident received whLst playing football under the control of the C.R.U., but in no case shall a claimant receive payment for a longer peri-od than ten (10) weeks. (4) No claim ehall be allowed for injury incurred otherwise than in senior, junior, and President's Cup matches, or in trial representative practices or games, or in Thursday Flag I matches. (5) That the secretaries of all clubs shall furnish to the secretary of the union a list of the financial members of their clubs, and no player shall participate in the fund j whose name had not been forwarded prior to the accident. (6) No claim shall be entertained unless the accident in respect of which tho claim is made has been reported to the referee in charge of the match, or to one of the committee of the union, upon the day of the match. (7) No claim shall be entertained j unless accompanied by a doctor's certificate, I to the effect that/*he applicant has, by reason of the accident specified in_the claim, been incapacitated from following his occupation during the period claimed for. (8) Any ' i contingency arising in connection with the fund which is not provided for in the rules. Bhall be left to the discretion of the General Committee." At the annual meeting of the Canterbury Referees' Association it was decided to request captains of teams to send names of touch judges to referees for approval, and a 1 recommendation was passed that when asked to submit referees the names of members of the association only bo sent. Mr W. G. Garrard was le-clected secretary. The Alhambra First and Second Fifteens had a combined practice at Opolio Park on Saturday. Some good and useful work was pufi in during the afternoon, the accurate passing of the banks being the main feature of the 1 game. Tries were scored by W. Dodds, T. ; Bond, J. Ferens, R. Bennet. and W. Dacre, Bennet being most successful with the goalkicking. Mr A. Downes controlled the game in an efficient manner. The other members of the club held a successful practice match on the Reclaimed ground. The club will proI bably run two third grade teams this season. Th% Zingari-Riehmond Club held a practice at Mcntecillo on Saturday, when over* 4o players put in an appearance, and a fast and interesting game took place. A strong wind blew .across the ground and prevented the backs from passing accurately, consequently most of the play was confined to the forwards. Good form was shown by most of the old players, and the team selected to visit Gore at Easter should give a good account of themselves. The young players and new members show promising form, and, with practice, should prove a great help to the club during the coming season. The Kaikorai Club held a very successful practice match at Bishopscourt on Saturday, in which about 40 players took part. Sides were chosen on the ground, and a serviceable game followed, a number of the men displaying good form. There was a good muster of players on the North ground on Saturday, when the Union Club indulged in a practice match. A fast and interesting game took place, the majority of the players appearing to be iv good form. The Southern hold a practice match at Fjraser's paddock on Saturday— President v. Vice-president. The President's side won by 10 points (two goals kicked from two tries scored by M'Kay) against one try gained by M'Dermott. There was a good attendance of members, and the play was very fast throughout, last year's juniors and some new players showing very good form. The Kaikorai Club intend sending a team to Invercargill at Easter to do battle with the redoubtable Star Club of the southern city. The match will take place on Good Friday, as the folio wine; day is not observed as a general holiday in Invercaugill. It is understood that Mr H. Harris, who has been a member of the Committee of Management of the O.R.F.U. for the last four years, will be proposed at the annual meeting next Saturday night for the office of treasurer of that body. The following notices of motion arevto be moved at the annual meeting of the Otago Rugby Football Union next Saturday night : — Mr Jas. Hutchison to move — "That the Com- ' niittee of Management be empowered to deal | with any applications that may bs made to the , unicn for grants in aid of the improvement of grounds, with the limitation that their aiithority shall be restricted to an expenditure not exceeding £25 on any one ground." Mr Jas. Hutchison to move — " That the Committee of Management be empowered at their discretion to vote sums of money out of the funds at the disposal of the union in aid of charities or q! objects oi a public character, 1

. but the total expenditure in such directions shall not exceed 10 per cent, of the balance iv hand of the union at the close of the season." The Secretary to move — " That by-law 14 be . amended by the addition of the words . ' Siich t c'tibs shall be elected by the annual meeting, or after the date of the annual meeting, by the Committee of Management. " Mr Gallaway to move — "That by-law 2i be ' amended by the deletion of the words 'by a : referee' m line three, and 'm the opinion of the said refeiee' in line six.' The President to move — "That by-law 5 be amended by the alteration of ime three to read 'And e-ght other membeis. Five shall form a quorum. These officers.' " Mr G. Smith (Athletic Club) to move— "That by-law 13 be altered to read "The annual sub- ' , scription for senior clubs m Dunedm shall be ' , three guineas, for senior club 3 out of Dunedin two guineas, and for all junior clubs one guinea and a-half, which subscription shall be payable to the treasurer at the annual general meeting in March. Should any club's subscription be in arrears on the Ist June notice shall be. sent to -that effect by the secretaiy, and if the subscription is still unpaid on the Ist August, such club shall cease to belong to the union. Each senior club in Di^nedin shall be entitled to receive 50 copies and each junior club 25 copies of the O.R.F.U. Annual free of charge.' " j The war in South Africa has levied a heavy j toll on the devotees of sport in its varied phases, and the following names of those killed last year show us that exponents of football have added their quota to the list .of those who have fallen when fighting the battles of the Empire: — Captain Cecil William Boyle (April 6) Killed at Boshof, South Africa. Was a clever Ru?by halfback at University College, Oxford. Represented England v. Scotland, at Patrick, Glasgow, in the spring of 1873. Lieutenant A. C. S. Fletcher (May 24): Aged 20. Died from enteric fever at Bloem- [ fontsin. A Rugby forward for Surrey, R.M.C. | Sandhurst, and Cheltenham Town. Was serving with the Royal Irish. j Sergeant E. J. Green (November 19). A %aluable forward for the Middlesex Wandereis and Middlesex County. A victim of dysentery at Heilbron while with the 77th Company of the Imperial Yeomanry. Mr G. L. Greig (October) ■ A forward for the Fettesian-Lorettonians and Jed Forest. Was ' serving with the sharpshooters m South Africa. Trooper T. M. Kerr (November 2) : A Rugby forv.ard of London Scottish (A), Norwood, and Upper Clapton F.C.'s. Died from gastritis at , Kimberley. Captain H. W. Masterman (November 2) • Assisted the Old Weymouthians md Richmond Association ; also plaj'ed in the Christ's College team at Cambridge. Died at Prieska, South Africa. Second-Lieutenant M'Lure (February)- A Kelvinside Academical player. Killed at Paardeberg at the early age of 19. Mr D. B. Moneypenny (February) • A speedy and clever threequarter-back of the London Scottish, who represented Scotland in all three internationals of the season 1898-9. Fell in the South Africaa campaign. Mr W. G. Motion (November) : Wcs ex-cap-tain of the Sutton F.C. Died from enteric fever at Standerton, South Africa, whilst serving with Thorney crofts Horse. Lance-Corporal A. C. Nixon (February 16)Died at Ladysmith. A clever Association footballer. Played for the Casuals, Corinthians, and Cambridge "University, bsing centre-for-VMiTd 1 for the Light Blues in the drawn game v. Oxford in 1888-9. Dunn Pride ('February) • Played for the 2nd Coldstreanis. Succumbed to enteric fever in South Africa. Mr W. Smith: A member of the Sutton F.C. pack. Died after forming one of the besieged 1 in Kimberlev. Mr C. B. Stone (September) • Halfback for the East Sheen Association F.C. Died from enteric fever at Pretoria, while serving in the Imperial Yeomanry. Lieutenant F. G. Tait (February 9) Though bis name is better known at golf, he played , Rugby llootball at S^sdbergh School, and R.M.C., Sandhurst- also for the packs of the Edinburgh Wanderers and Academicals. Was killed at Koodooaberg, aged 30. Mr C. A. P. Tartoutt (February 13)- Died from typhoid at Pretoria whilst serving with the South African Light Horse. A Blackheath and Cornwall forward. SOUTHERN FOOTBALL CLUB. The annual meeting of the Southern Football Club was held on the 19th, inst. Mr T. K. Sidey, vice-president, 'occupied the chair, and } there were 60 or 70 gentlemen present. j The Committee, in submitting their second i annual report and balance sheet, regretted that the past season was not so successful from a player's point of view as could be desired. The First Fifteen played 12 matches, winning three, drawing two, and , losing seven. Thirty point 3 were scored for, as against 64 by their opponents. The Second Fifteen were even less successful, not winning a match. The Third Fifteen • won eight matches and lost three. During the Easter holidays a. team from the club journeyed to Christchurch, but were defeated by the Albion Club by 9 points to 5 points. Although defeated, the team had an enjoyable trip, and were well treated by the local club. This year the Albion : Club returned the visit, and the committee ask that members would do their best to render their stay an enjoyable one. The finances of the club were in a healthy condition, and this was largely due to the success of a concert, at which a good profit was made. The thanks of the club were due the president, vice-presidents, and Mr Evans for liberal donations to the funds of the club, to Mr Souness for the use of a committee room, and to the pres3 and , the Referees' Association. The club was : represented in the mterprovincial match, against Southland by Mr W. Olsen, and in the goldfields team by Messrs W. Olsen, N. Willefct, A. Bennet, and M. Casey, who all played with credit to their club. t The Chairman, in moving the adoption of the report, remarked that it augured well for the future of the club that there should ' be such a large attendance at its annual meeting. He urged members to go in for systematic training, and if they did this | they would be quite able to hold their own . against their opponents — (Applause.) : The report was adopted unanimously. ( The balance sheet showed the receipts for : the past year to have been £28 13s 4d, and ■ the expenditure £21 3s 6d, leaving a credit ] balance of £7 9s lOd —Adopted. I ; The following office-bearers were elected ! ; for the current season : — Presidents, Dr Milne and Mr J. M. Gallaway; -vice-pre3i- ' dents — Messrs A. Morrison, M.H.R., D. Stevenson, T. K. Sidey, G. M'Laren, A. ' Griffiths, G. Reid, R. G. Whetter, W. ' Wardrop, A. Cowie. and the Rev. D. Duttoia ; i secretary, Mr R. Cavanagh; treasurer, Mr ' E. J. Cassels ; general committee — Messrs ' W. Foster, H. Allen, A. Bennet, N. "Willefct, ! J. Neil, R. Duncan, C. Hodges, H. Alexan- ! der, T. Leydon; match committee — Messrs ' K. Cavanagh, A. Willett, and the captain; i delegates to the O.R.F.U.— Messrs N. Wil- i lett and R. Cavanagh; auditors, Messrs B. : Briggs and A. Miscall j practice captain, R. i < PuacMu, ~ •--->-. i j

s This concluded the general business. (J Mr D. Stevenson said that some time ago their worthy friend Mr Briggs got mar- * ried, pnd it was usual on such occasions _ for clubmates to make a presentation. Mr ■' Briggs had been connected with the club c for about 20 years, and ever since he (the speaker) could remember, had taken an artivo and intelligent interest in football. — c (Applause.) He had very much pleasure in presenting him, on behalf of the club, c with a travelling bag, and a Mosgiel rug 0 for Mrs Briggs. — (Renewed applause ) 1 The Chairman, Mr G. M'Laren, ond Mr R. Cavanagh also spoke of the sterling sert vices Mr Briggs had rendered to football i- ' in Cavprsham. c j Mr Briggs, in reply, warmly thanked the i gentlemen who had spoken for their kind i remarks, and said that he had been eon- - neited with the Caversham Club for 17 1 years. In fact, he was one of the founders - along with Mr Wildy and the late Mr * M'Kinlay. — (Applause.) He hoped the 1 young members would now come forward * and do their share in the matter of hold2 ing the club together. * On the motion of the Chairman, resolu- « tions were passed conveying the sincere sympathy of the club to Dr Milne and, Mr ! A. Morrison, M.H.R.. in their illness. r . i On the motion of Mr A. Bennet, a reso1 lulion was passed instructing the club's - delegates to vole in favour of paying £25 " i per annum to the secretary of the O.R.F.U. ' i> __^_— . 1 RAVENSBOURNE CLUB. I The annual meeting of the Ravensfoourne ■ Football Club was held in the boatshed on ■ the 15th inst , when there were 50 mem- ■ bey present. The Mayor (Mr Moller) occupied the chair. An apQlogy was received i from Mr Ross president), he being unable ; to attend. On the motion of Mr Moller. 1 • seconded by Mr Macdonald, the report and j balance sheet wore adopted. The Chairman I spoke at some length concerning the past I fsason, and closed by impressing on the I players the necessity for training if they • wished to keep up the standard of the club. The following office-bearers were elected for the incoming season: — President, Mr H. E. i Moller ; vice-presidents — Messrs T. Ro&3, A. j Ahlfeld, C. E. George, G. MaedonaJd, J. ■ Collins, E. Kellett. W. Webber, W. Barker, and F. C. Cray ; General Committee — Messrs . R. Cairney, A. Low, F. Harridge, C. Baird, and W. Blackie; delegate to the 0.R.F.U., Mr Macdonald ; secretary, Mr H. George ; treasurer, Mr D. Graham ; Match Committee — Messrs T. Pope, W. Barker, and the captain. It was thought advisable to lea\e the election of captain and deputy-captain fill after the first practice, which will he held on March 30. J. Grant was elected practice captain. On the motion of, Mr Macdonald, it decided to join the Otago Athletic Clubs' Protection Association, to which society the secretary was elected the club's delegate. A vote of thanks to the chair closed the meeting. OTAGO FOOTBALL ASSOCIATION -The following is the annual report of the committee for the season 1900: — Your committee in laying before the delegates the eleventh annual report have to congratulate you upon the continued prosperity of the association. Although the support extended by the public to the Association game in Dunedin is somewhat limited, still it is very gratifying to know that the affiliated clubs still continue to ra.xler the association their usual valuable assistance. In fact, iast season may be looked upon as the most prosperous ever experienced by the Otago Football Association. As evincing the growing popularity of the game 111. this province, it is with pleasure your 1 committee have to record the fact of two new clubs having been started. One of these, the Kavtangata, became affiliated to this association at the beginning of last season ; the other, Sawyers' Bay, although they did not affiliate on account of- having started rather late in the season, have applied to be admitted m time to participate in the coining season's matches. The total number of citibs now affiliated to the O.F.A. is eight, each ciub playing one senior and one junior team. Banner Matches. — Last season saw a slight alteration made m regard to reckoning the points for the bantier, in thnt the whole of the two rounds of inter- club matches were taken into account. This your committee considers a step m the light direction, and their action was amply iustified when at the end of the second round it was found that only four points separated the first four teams. The play all thjough the season was up to the usual standard, although the weather upon many occasions interfered gTeatly -with a first-class exposition of the game. During the whole of the second round of matches groat excitement prevailed, and speculation was rife as to which two teams would be left in the final. This was not decided until the very last match, when it turned out that the Southern team was top of the list with 15 points, Roslyn coming next with 13. These teams played off for the banner on Saturday, 21st July, at Wakari Park. A howling gale was blowing the whole time, and rain showers -were intermittent throughout the afternoon. Nevertheless, the game was very closely contested, Roslyn winning in the end by the narrow margin of one goal, thus securing the honour of holding the banner for another year. Junior Cup. — In the junior ranks Green Island Second still continues to reign supreme. Last season they succeeded in ■winning nine out of the ten inter-club matches, and made a, draw of the other. Roslyn, Mornington, and Wakari closely vied with each other as to who should have the honour of meeting the Greens in the final for the cup. This distinction fell to Itoslyn, and the game played at Wakari Park on the 28th July proved one of the most interesting during the season, victory finally resting with Green Island Second by 7 goals to 4. Judging from the high standard of form displayed by many of our juniors, supporters of Association in Dunedin need have no fear of the game deteriorating for want of able exponents. Five-a-Side.— The fivc-a-side tournament last season easily surpassed previous tourneys, not only jn the number of entries, but also in the interest displayed by spectators and the general brilliancy of play ruling throughout the various contests. The senior competition was carried off by Wakari No. 2, and the junior, for the third time in succession, by the Roslvn No 3, Roslvn No. 1 being runners-up in the I senior round, and Green Island No. 3 in the I junior. Referees' Club. — After several season's nonexistence this very important body was reformed. The gentlemen comprising this institution flischarged their onerous and thankless duties with credit to themselves and satisfaction to the players. During the season your committee had occasion to suspend two players for using abusive language to referees. .This practice is happily of very rare occurrence, but such cases as are reported to the association must be firmly dealt with, as it behoves offi- , cials and Blayera alike to uphold the moral I stn-ndine of thp game in Dunedin. '< New Zealand Tournament. — It ia indeed gratifying to your committee to be able to inform j you of the unqualified success which greeted ' Ihm eSeits to. xiUs •uflki<?ai fuels fer fhi if-

spatch of a team to the tournament at Auckland. The cost of such a trip in the limited state of the association's finances was stupendous, but supporters, clubs, and members of the team alike stood shoulder to shoulder with the association m their endeavour to bring the undertaking to a successful issue. You have already been made aware of how your representatives upheld the honour of this province, and succeeded in carrying off the muchcoveted Challenge Shield. The following players comprised the Otago team- — Goal, W. Lothian, full backs, W. Brown, G. M'MilJan: half backs— G. Dodd, R. Nagle, G. Middlemiss; forwards— S. Brown, J. M'Millan, D. M'Millan (captain), M. Chadwick, W. Morrison ; emergency, A. Lang. All the members of the team speak m the highest praise of the hospitality extended to them in both Wellington and Auckland. As the Auckland team purposes visiting Dune-din during the present season, your committee trust that they will have the assistance of the various club 3 in their efforts to suitably entertain the visitors. Your representatives on their return from the northern trip were tendered a complimentary smoke concert at the Provincial Hotel. This function was most successful m every way, and amongst those present were conspicuous several old representatives of this province, who, it is gratifying to note, have lost none of their interest in the " socker " game. Acting upon instructions received at the last annual meeting of delegate? to suitably recognise the services of Mr A. Sligo, jun., who for thrae years had acted at secretary to the association, your committee issued subscription lists -to the affiliated clubs. The players willingly contributed for this purpose, and your committee were enabled to present Mr Sligo with a handsome set of gold studs and a silvermounted umbrella. Finance. — Financially the association is flourishing In spite of the very heavy expense I of (he Auckland trip there is a balance of cash. i in har v l of £10 5s Id. Such a state of affairs is gratifying in the extreme, in fact, at no time in- its previous history has the association been. •so financially sound. From the final tie in the Charity Banner round of matches the sum of £1 5s was nettrd. which amount was handed over to the Patients' and Prisoners' Aid Society. The gate takings at the fiive-a-side tournament and trial matches were not so large as nn^ht have been expected, but your committpfi hone to see these sources of revenue co^sidrab'y improve this coining season. In conclusion, your committee desire to tender their heartiest thanks to our president (Mr S Mvers) for thp continued usp of his room for meetings, to Mr O-. S. Mackie (our enerpetir delegate to the New Zealand Association), to the press for reports of the nroceedings of +Vie association, and T)articularly to th« Keferees' Club for their highly atireciated and successful efforts to further the best interests of the game in Dunedin.

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Otago Witness, Issue 2454, 27 March 1901, Page 50

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FOOTBALL. Otago Witness, Issue 2454, 27 March 1901, Page 50

FOOTBALL. Otago Witness, Issue 2454, 27 March 1901, Page 50