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Fibst Day — Thursday, April 29. The weather was fine, and .though r&im'Dg early in the morning none fell during the meeting. The at the back was a liofcle holding. Results :

WATWETU HANDICAP, Of 75sovs ; second horse 103ovs. .Seven furlongs, 93 — Mr Cave's b gOn Dit, 4yra, by Lord Maude-

ville— Rumour, 0.10 ... (Hercock) 1 66— Mr Pross6r's The Miser, 8.8 ... (P. White) 2 23— Mr Hose's Hillstone, 8 0 ... (D. Herd) 3

Also started : 53 Undine 7.5, 36- Return 7.0, 20 St. Elmo 7.0.

On Dib was the firsb to break the line, and all alorjg the back stretch he increased his advan-

tage, and romped in an easy winner by six lengths ; The Miser, under whip, beating Hillstone for second place by three-quarters oE a length. Time, lmin 34£seo. Dividend, £2 17s. Maiden Hack Race, of BO3OVS. Six furlongs.— In the Swim 1, Thunder 2, Sylph 3. AJbo started : Murua, Saltatorial, Sherwood, Lady Mary, Te Kohi, Taniatea, Maatu, and Mist. Won easily by two lengths. Time, lmin 21j8ec. Dividend, £i 12s. Thompson handicap, Of 300sova ; second horse 30sovs, third horse lOsova from the stake. One mile. 1 195— Mr S. M'Guinness's br h Waiuku, by St. Leger— Musket Maid, 8.13 (T. Russell) 1 151— Mr Chaafe's St. Paul, 8.12 ... (J. Chaafe) 2 I 44— Mr Paul's Pompom, 7.4 ... (F. Price) 3 ! Also started : 98 Strathbraan 8.7, 168 Mannlicher 8.7, 204 Barshot 8.4, 97 Lorelei 8.0. 66 The Miser 8.0, 69 Loveshot 7.6, 89 Marino 7.6, 110 Sylvia Park 7.0. Immediately the tapes were released Waiuku's colours were prominent, while Marino was left at the poab. When fairly in their stride Waiuku had three-quarters of a length advantage of Sb. Paul, with Barehot on the outside of the latter, the others being bunched except Sylvia Park, who was tailing off, and Marino hopelessly in the rear. Waiuku showed the way iobo the sbraighb, and here had a length advantage of St. Paul and Barshot, who were racing together, tha others, with the exception of the above-mentioned pair, being locked together. As they approached the turn by the road Waiuku was just clear of the Auckland colt, while Pompom could be seen threadiug his way through the field, and Barahofc losb his position. A desperate fioisb. resulted in » verdict for Waiuku by half a leDgfcb. Pompom, who came very fast on the iuside, finished a length and a-half behind Sb. Paul, Earshot fourth, Sbrathbraan fifth ; Sylvia Park *nd Marino pulling up were last. Time, lmin I 45sec, Dividend, £5 19s. I FIRST HURDLES HANDICAP, Of SOsovs; second horse 10jov.s from the stakes. One mile aud three-quarters. 16— Mr G. Cooper's eh m Much Ado. by Burlington — iiady Dagworfch, aged, 10 7 (W. Buckeridge) 1 Also started : 16.FHrb 9.5. Flirt foil at the firsb fence and took no fucbhec pare in tho race Time, 4inin 3sec. Dividend, £1 16 a. Graham, tbo rider of Flirt, escaped injury. WELTER HANDICAP, Of 75dovs ; second horse lO^ovs from the stakes. One mile and one furlong. 148— Mr F. Tilley's Voltigeur, by Tim Whiffl-.r Voltarina, (iyrs, 9.5 (Hall) 1 251)— Mr Connop's Lotion, 10 10 ... (Ginnop) 2 132— Mr Rose's f [illstone, syr 3, 9.11... (Herd) 3 Also started; 100 Nero 9. 10. Hillstone led the field, followed by Hero for three part 1 * of the journey. A« they approached tbo entrance to the straight Lotion drew oub and IpA into the home stretch, bu 1 ) half way home Voltigeur camo again, and smobhering the leader, won comfortably by four lengths. Time, 2min 3icc. Dividend, £3 17s. First Hack Handicap, of TOsovs. One mile.— Stockdale. 7.0, 1; Mmcitel, 8.9, 2; Tbo Guardsman, 8.5, 3. Also startPd : The Major, Warnote, Whario, lluamahanga, Orescent, Roseleaf. Yellow Rose, Rodara, Lidy Agnes, Listener. Winnie, Sherwoo'l, anrl Raupo 11. Woo by half a lengbh. Time, lmin 48Jsec Dividend, Xl 7. RAILWAY HANDICAP, Of 120sovs ; second horso Issova. Six furlongs. 316— Mr J. Loughlin's br g Goldspur, by RubeKvhl— Ko*espur, 4yr3, 9.11 ... (W. Pine) 1 lli-Xr Cave's O . Oik, 7.1 (Hercock) 2 63— Mr Jorgensen's Strathbraan, S.ll (M'Taggart) 3 Also started: 207 Boreas SO (mo. 71b ovar), 59 AuiuebiH 7.0, 4-2 Sylvia Park 7.5, 111 Umslopogaas 7.5, 35 Undine 7 2. Alter coma delay, occasioned by the fraotiou*nes* of Goldspur, Mr Piper got the fieH away on fairly even terms. Uoldspur aad On Dtfc were qusckssb on their legs aud raced together for a hundred yards, wheu the former drew out; clear and from that time nevor gave his backer* any anx'eby, winning easily by a length and s.-h^lF, Strafchbraan a moderate third, with tha olherd beatan off soirn distance away. Time, lmin 18 4-ssec. Dividend, £2 13s.

Second Da.y, May 1. iiutt patuc handicap, Of 75sovs ; second horse lO^ovs. One mile.

103— Mr F. Tilley's br g Voltigeur, by Tim Whiffler-Voltarina, (iyrs, 7.11 (Mkeet-) 1 22!)-Mr Paul's Pompom, 7.12 ... (ft. Price) 2 88-MrOonnop's Lotion, 8.10 ... (Conn op) 3 Also started : 45 Sylvia Park 7.10, 53 Hillstone 7.7

Sylvia Park lei for bhree-parts of the journey, when he was done with, and then Voltigsur tcok charge, and, easily staUing off a challenge by Pompom, won by a lengbh and a-half. Time, lmiu 46aec. On the totalisator, £521 ; dividend, £4 Bs. Hack Welter Handicap, of 60sovs. One roile and one furlong. — Stockade'l, Sherwood 2, Vaseline 3. Five other* started. Won by a length. Time, 2min s=>ec. Dividend, £% 18=5.

AUTUMN HANDICAP, Of 200«vs ; second br.rse 20sovs and third lOsova from the st*k;s. One mile and a-quarter.

415 -Mr J Chaafa'sb c St. Paul, by Sfc L-ger — Sitanella. 3yrs, 8.11 (J. Ohaafd, jun.) 1 200— Mr Jor<*eusen's Shrathbraan, 8 0 (Derrett) S 213 -Mr Collins's Lorelei, 7.11 ... (C. Jenkins) 3 Al°o started : 19i Waiuku 9.7, 103 Marino 7.0, 98 Boreas 6 10.

Boreas and Lorelei led pasb the sband, with tho others bunched. Rounding tha river turn the same pair were in the lead, but Sb. Paul was gradually drawing up to them, with Strathbraan whipping in. After another couple o£ furlongs had been traversed Boreas praveway to Lorelei, hub almost irnoiedi/itely Sb. Paul joined the mare, aid they weed on tognther to the road, when SS. Paul galloped clean away from the field and never gave anything else a chance, romping home in the easiest manner by five lengths from Sbrathhraan, who came with a rafcble in the straight and beat Lorelei by half a length, Boreas and Waiuku were the two last to pass the po^b. Time, 2cnin 13£s3C Oa the totalisator, £1253 ; dividend, £2 103. SECOND HURDLES, Of 70sovs ; second horse lOsovs from ths stake. One mi'e and a-half. 233— Mr R. Connop's b m Tally-ho, by "Forerunner, aged, 11.5 (Mitchell) 1 100— Mr Adean's Elirt, 9.0 (Graham) 2 158— Mr Measene's Britannia, 9.0 ... (Green) 3 Also started : 90 Much Ado 11.5. There was little to choose between the field for the best part of the journey, but a couple of furlongs from horna Tally-ho slipped the field, and she won rather easily by half » dozen lengths. Time, 2min 56 3-5*63. On theintialisator, £581 ; dividend, £2 4s. SUBURBAN HANDICAP. Of lOOsovs ; second horse lOaova-. Seven furlongs. 72-Mr J. Paul's b cc Pompom, by Wapiti— J.egara, syrs, 5.2 (G. frice) 1 232— Mr Cine'a On Dit, 8.0 ... (Derretfc) 2 Si-Mr Richmond's Loveshot, 7.0 (W. Gall) t 479— Mr Rathbone'«Barshot, 8.9... (Donovan) t Also started : 33 Hill stone 7.5, 67 Arquebus 7.5, 133 Return 6.7, 32 Derringcotte 6.7. Loveshot on the outside dashed to the front, with On Dib and Arquebus as closesb attendants, Hillsbone being the last bo move. On entering the stretch opposite the stand Arquebus passed the other pair and led to the sbraight, with On Dib and Loveshofc together, about a lengbh away. Nearing the straight Arquebti3 wai still in front;, but; Derrefct on On Dib immo«-

diately tackled him, and had him beaten as they turned for home ; but then Pompom put in his claim, and a good race down the straight resulted in Pompom's favour by a head, the judge being unable to separate Loveshob and Bar shot, who were oaly a neck "behind the leaders, DerriDgcotte being last. Time, lmin 31 3 53ec. On the totalisator, £1127; dividend, £14 Is.

Hack Flying Handicap, of 60sovs. Six furlongs.—The Major 1, Lady Agnes 2, Warnote and Listner dead heat for third place Sixteen others started. Won by a length. Dividend, £16 14s.

FAREWELL HANDICAP. Of 70sovs ; second horse lOsovs. Five furlongs. 578— Mr J. Loughlin's br g Goidspur, by Rubezahl — Rosespur, <iyrs, 10.12 (Lnughlin) 1 75-Mr Tillsy's Voltaire, 6.10 ... (Hercock) 2 102— Mr Collins's Undine, 7.8 ... (C. Jenkins) 3

Also started : 102 Loveshot 8.2, 70 Boreas 8.1. 171 Sylvia Par* 8.0, 89 Umslopogaas-7.4, 44 St. Elmo 7.5

After a brief delay the field were sent away to an excellent start, and Goldspur taking charge made , every post a winning posfc, never giving anything a chance, passing the post a length to the good. Time, lmin 55-3ec. On the tofcalisator, £1231 ; dividend, £1 183.

The following are the chief winners : — S. M'Gumness, £24-7; J. Chaafe, £190; J. Loush'in, £156 15s ; F. Tilley, £133 ; J. Paul, £104- 10s ; A. Ferguson, £104- 10s ; A. W. Cave, £8b 10a ; G. Cooper, £66 10s ; R. Connop, £66 10s ; J. Goodwin, £4-7 103 ; P..F. Tancred, £42 15s ; smaller amounts increase the total to £133415s.

At tfce 1 conclusion of the race meeting the staff attached to the totaliaators presented Mr Joseph Aime3, the proprietor of the machines, with a handsome traveilißg bag in appreciation of the esteem in which he is held by theai.

SOUTH CANTKRBURY RACES. First Day— Thursday, April 19. High- weight Handicap, of 40sovs ; second osovs. Six furloDgs. 36— Mr Hankins's Lady Lear, by Chaiashot— Miranda, 7.7 (T. Buddicomb) 1 S2— Mr Goodman's Pitch and Toss, 7.7

(Murray) 2 6— Mr Friedlander's Double Event, 7.10 (N. Williams) 3 Also ran : 22 Speculator 9.10, 6 Vanquisher 8 5, 13 Esau 8.3, 106 Miss Orwell 8.2. Won comfortably by a length. Time, lmin 34sec. Dividend, £6 15s. Washdyke Welter, of SOsovs ; second ssovs. Oi'e mile. 29— Mr Brodie's Glenore, by First Lord— Youog Alice, S. 12 (J. Tripp) 1 24— Mr Stewart's Padlock, 8.9 (J. Johnson) 2 50— Sir Heffernan's Liberty, 9 2 (T. Euddicomb) 3 Aleo ran : 76 Tale of the War 9.0, 24 Rowlvn 8.11, 24 Iz*l S.lO, 16 Gloaming 87, 8 Victor II 87, 5 Ammunition 8.5, 5 Strongbow 5.2, 4 Pony Moore 8.0. Won by a length. Time, lmin 43isec. Divi- : <Jend, £S 4s. Hack Race, of 2030v5." Minimum weight, 7.7. Four furlongs. 5S— Mr Hay-Smith's Miss Orwell, by Arlillery — Foils Far'ne (T. Buddicomb) 1 15— Mr Sheenan's Alcestis ... (J Evans) 2 38— Mr Longfellow's Toxa (A. KiDg) 3 Also ran : 3 Nigger, 6 Rotomahaua, 7 Kosehill, 18 Admiralty, 3flydroline, and 3 Rosy Morn. Won by a head. Time, 50^ec. Dividend, £3. Autumn Handicap, of GOsjvs ; second ssovs. One mile and a-quarter. 62— -Mr Wynn-Williams's Telemeter, by Artillery — Advei turees, 7.11 (C. Cochrane) 1 123— Mr Rutherford's Jewel, 8.12 (H. Thompson) 2 71 — Mr Swan'i Lady Soinnus, 7.4 (T Buddicomb) 3 i Also started : 54 Vandyke 8.7, 63 Salvo Shot 7.5, I 22 Belligerent 7.7. Won by a length and a-half. Time, 2min llsec. Dividend, £5 14^. Two-mile Trot, of 30*ovs ; second osovs. 37— Mr Binuey's Factory Girl, 42sec .. ,"(A. Slee) 1 32 — MrTilforu's Craigmore, 42sec... (Owner) 2 14 — Mr Jackson's Huotley, 47sac ...(Owner) 3 Also started : I) spider scr, 2 Marguerite 21sec, 5 Fairchild 2Ssec, 1 Doubtful Sfcec, 21 Kilmbh 38ssc, 75 Jay Gould 40sec, 16 Statesman 40sec, 0 Pareora 47sec. Won by two lengths. Time, smin 40sec. Dividend, £5 17 a. Selling Race, of 25sovs. Six furlongs. 19— Mr Loughlin's Stockfish, by Piscatorma — Lacteal, 7 7 (Emmersjn) 3 6— Mr Longfellow's Toxa, 8.4 ... (Byrne) 2 14— Mr HobWs Bold, 7.8 (Macdonald) 3 Al-so Btarted : 3 Alcestis P. 5. Won in a canter. Dividend, £1 19s. I Flying Handicaj?, of 40sovs ; second ssovs. Six furlongs. 66— Mr Rutherford's Jewel, by Artillery—Trinket, 8.7 (H. Thompson) 1 65— MrCurran'sVanil'a, 8.5 (W. Buddicomb) 2 98— Mr Wise's Molly Darline, 7.5 ... (L.King) 3; Also started : 60 Liberty 6.11. Won by two lengths. Time, lraiu 153ec. Dividend, £3 4s. Sucond Day— Friday, April 30. Stewards' Stakes, of 40sovs; second ssovs. Six furlongs. 63 — Mr Klingen stein's Salvo Shot, by Chainshot— Kosebud, 9.0 ... (G. Matthews) 1 29— Mr Haakius's Lady Lear, 8.5 (T. Buddicomb) 2 11— Mr Friedlander's Double Event, 8.0 (A. King) 3 -Also started : 72 Jewel 10.12, 27 Stockfish 9.0, 11 Miss Orwell 8.6, aud 8 Vanquisher 8.4. Won by a length aud a-half. Time, lmin 15Vsec. Dividend, £3 3<. County Plate Handicap, of 25hovs ; second ssovs. Six furlougs. 71— Mr Brodie's Glenore, by First Lord — Young Alice, 9.5 (Tripp) 1 79— Mr Nichol's Izal. 8.9 (Byrne) 2 41— Mr Fitzgerald's Gladys 11, 8.4 (J. Lindsay) 3 | Also started : 11 Ammunition 8.2, 2 Nigger 7.8, 5 Traitor 7.9, 5 Montigcy 7.5, 24 Strongbow 7.8. 3 Pony Moore 6.7. j Won by a short head. Time, lmin 17sec. Divi- j dend, £3 Is. j Jockey Cldb Handicap, of 60sovs ; second ssovs. Oae mile. 56— Mr Fitzgerald's Vandyke, by VanguardLady's Maid, 8.!) (G. Matthews) 1 45— Mr Goodman's Pitch aud Toss, 6.7 -.« „• (Murray) 2 26— Mr Klingenstein's Salvo Shot, 8.1 ai „ i. ...t (N.Williams) 3 Also started : 44 Jewel 9.2 and SSjTelemeter 8.12. Won by a couple of lengths. Time, lmin 43Jsec. Dividend, £4 3s. _ Novel Race Handicap, of 25sovs. Six furlongs. 57— Mr Longfellow's Toxa, by The DauphinDuchess, 812 (Byrne) 1 18— Mr Brown's Rosehill, 7.10 (N. Williams) 2 78— Mr Loughlin'a Stockfish, 9.0 (Kmnierson) 3 Also started : 82 Admiralty 7 9, 0 Kosv Horn 7.4. 3 Hydroline 7.0, 9 War Cry 6.12. Wou by half a length. Time, lmin 16V3ec Dividend v£3 19s. " ' Siiorts Handicap, of 3530vs ; second ssovs. Five furlongs. 41— Mr Fitzgerald's Vandyke, 9.3 (G. Matthews) 1 113 -Mr Curran's Vanilla, 8.12 (W. Buddicomb) 2 61— Mr Wise's Molly Darling, 8 5 (A. Kinc) 3 Won by half a length. Time, lmin 3jsec. Dividend, £4 14s. Electric Tkot, of 25sovs ; second ssov3. One mile and a-half. •41 — Mr Slee's Mist, by Kentucky, Bsec (G. Kett) 1 4— Mr O'Grady's Devil's King, 12sec (Skevington) 2 45— Miss Button's The Mddler, scr (D. Price) 3 Also started : 2 Winchester 4sec, 5 Factory Girl I Bsec, 14 Ishulet llsec, 8 Kilrush llsec, 24 Craigmore J2-*ec, 79 Jay Goald 14sec, 2 Huutley 14sec, , 4 Statesman 14sec, 7 Wear Well ISsec, 4 Sea King . 18sec, 27 Makikihi 21sec, 8 Chancellor 2lsec

f Won by two lengths. Time, 4min siec. Dividend, M. Consolation Handicap, of 3030v5 ; second 53ovs. One mile. 16— Mr Friedlander's Double Event, hy Boz — Countess of Kolniar, 7.0 ... (L. King) 1 85 — Mr Swan's Laeiy Somnus, 8 9

(T. Buddicomb) 2 10S— Mr Murray-Ayn&ley's Belligerent, 8.7 (!;. Wilson) 3 Also started : 20 Speculator S.lO, 9 Liberty 7.3. Won comfortably by a length. Time, lmin 44sec. Dividend, £13 7s.

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Otago Witness, Issue 2253, 6 May 1897, Page 34

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RACING IN NEW ZEALAND. Otago Witness, Issue 2253, 6 May 1897, Page 34

RACING IN NEW ZEALAND. Otago Witness, Issue 2253, 6 May 1897, Page 34