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Wednesday, August 9 Fat Cattle.— The supply was a very meagre one, barely 100 head being yarded, ani not more than half of them were what could be regarded as '/tillable." A very excited sale was the result, extreme prices being the order of the day. Prime bullocks brought from £10 to £12 ss, ordinary from £8 to £9 10s, small from £6 to £7 10s; prime cows (heavy) from £9 to £11, ordinary from £7 to I £8 10s, aged and inferior from £4 to £6 10.*.Wright, Stephenson, and Co. sold 35 head as follows :— ForMr James Gard'ner(Holinwood), 2 prime bullocks at £12, and 3 prime heifers at £10 10s; for Mr Thomas Kirk (East Taieri), 5 cows at from £6 to £9 17a 6d ; for Messrs A. and A. Souness (Otakia), 5 prime heifers (small) at from £7 10s to £8 17s u'd ; for Mr William Jatf ray, jun. (Ea t Taieri), 4 primes heifera (light), at £8; for Mr James Wright (Broomlands), 5 cows at £6 12s 6d; and for Messrs Mcc Bros. (Erin Hill), James Curie, William Townley, and others, 11 cows at quotations— Mr Andrew Todd (on behalf of the New Zealand Land Association. Limited) sold privately aiiice last report 45 head at quotations. — I'uis Mutual Agency Company ok New Zealand (Limited) sold : For Mr W. Jaffray, jua., 1 cow at £8 2s 6d, 2 heifers at £8 17s 6d, 2 at £7 10s ; for Messrs Early and Sons, 1 cow at £6, 1 at £5 17s 6d ; also privately during the week 40 head at full market rates.— The Farmers' Agency Company (Limited) yarded 34 head, and sold : For Mr W. JCiikland (Elm Grove), 1 bullock .at £12 12s fid, 5 heifers at £6 15s to £7; for Mr W. Jatf ray, jun. (tfast Taieri), 6 bullocks at £8 to £8 17s 6d, 2 cows at £6 17s 6d ; foHSdendale estate, 15 bullocks at £12 ss ; for Mr A. M'Kay (Otaria), 1 cow at £7 7s 6d, 2 heifers at £4 7s 6d; for Mr Warnock: (Green ; I land), 1 cow at £5 17s 6d, I heifer at £4 15 .— Donald Reid andjCo. yarded and sold : For Mr W. Currie (North Taieri), 3 bullocks at £10 12s 6d £9 2s 6d ; for Mr William Jaffray, jun. (E«t Taieri), 5 heifers at £7 10s to £6 10s ; for Mr Alexander Douglas (Bast Taieri), 5 cows at £10 to .£7 ss, 6 bullocks at £8 10s to £6 2s 6d; for Mr Thomas Kirk (East Taieri), 3 cows at £7 5s to £6 7s 6d ; for Mr James Harvey (Taieri), 5 cows at £12 to £7 ; for Mr Archibald Rutherford (Kaikorai), 3 bullocks at £7 to £5 2s 6d ; for Messrs Shaw. Craig, Mitchell, and others, 11 head at quotations. Ifat bheep.— l7l9 penned, and of these 265 were merinos of medium to good quality. The sale for sheep lacked animation, and prices, although not quotably lower, with one or two exceptions ruled in favour of the trade. There were no extra prime heavy weight sheep forward. Prime crossbred wethers (medium weights) brought 16s i6d to 17s ; medium, 15s to 16s ; light, 13a to 14s ; crossbred ewes, 12s 6d to 16s 6d ; good merino do, lls to 12s 6d ; medium do, 6i 6d to 9s.— Wright, Stephenson, and Co. sold 286 as follows :— For Mr Andrew Wright (Woodlands), 31 crossbred wethers at 17s, and 29 half bred wethers at 17s ; for Mr James Wright (Broomlands), 100 crossbred wethers at from 16s to 16s 6d ; for Mr John Low (Gimmerburn), 26 halfbred wethers (small), at 148, and 41 merino wethers (small), at 9s 9d ; and for Mr Donald M'Rae(Middlemarch), 59 halfbreds ! (small), at 12s 3d to 13s 9d.— Stronach Brothers and Morris sold for Mr Watson Shennan (Conical Hills), crossbred wethers at 17s to 14i 9d, and ewes at 14s 3d.— Mr Andrew Todd (on behalf of the New Zealand Land Association, Limited) sold for Mr James Liddle (Taieri Beach),.3O crossbred wethers and maiden ewes at 15s 9d, 23 at 15s fid, 33 at 15s 3d, and 16 at 15s ; for Mr Robert Fairbairn (I'aieri Beach), 2 J mixed crossbred at 153 6d ; for Mr James Ross (Kartigi), 65 crossbred wethers (prime quality, but small) to 15s; for Glenledi estate. 27 crossbred wethers at 15s 9d, 27 at 15s 6d, and 13 at 14s 9d ; for Mr John Low (Patearoa), 29 crossbred wethers at 15s, 48 small quarterhacks to 10s, and 58 merino wethers to 9s 6d.— The Mutual Agency Company of New Zealand (Limited) sold : For Mr D; Murray (Pukerau) 30 crossbred ewes at 16s fid, 28 at 15s ; for Mr James Ross (Kartigi), 65 halfbred wethers at 14s 3d ; tor Messrs Peat Brothers (Mount Govsrie), 37 crossbred wethers at 17s, 30 at 16s, 23 balfbred wethers at 15s 3d ; for Messrs W. andJ. Cullen (Orookston), 25 crossbred wethers at 17s 9d, 28 at 17s, 33' cross! bred ewes at 18s 3d, 47 at 17s, 35 at 16s ; for Messrs M'Ritchie and M'Leod, 55 crossbred wethers at 15s, 34 at 14s 9d, 38 at 14s 6d, 17 at 14s.— The Farmers' Agency Company'(Limited) penned 291, and sold : For Mr John Law (Gimmerburn), 23 halfbred wethers at 13s 3d to 14a 6d, 44 merino wethers at 6s 9d to lls ; for Messrs Peat Brothers, (Mount Gowrie), 56 crossbred wethers at 17s to 17s 3d, 44 halfbred do at 15s 9d ; for Messrs J. A. Duthie and Co (Milton), 10 crossbred wethers at 16s ; and turned out 114 unsold.— Donald Reid and Co. yarded and'sold : For Mr Robert Birron (Hindon), 45 crof sbred wethers at 16s 6d to 13s 9d ; for Mr William Brown (Middlemarch), 100 merino wethers at 8s 3d to 8s ; for Me sra A. and J. Boyd (North Taieri), 100 merino wethers at lls to 13s ; for Mr Robert Curie (St. Leonards), 15' crossbred hoggets at 7s ; for Mr W. Currie (North Taieri), 49 crossbred wethers at 14s fid to 14s. pjgg. — 178 penned, consisting for the most part of prime quality bacon pi'ga and porkers. Under good competition very satisfactory sales were made as follows :— Heavy weight bacon pigs from 58s to 6fa; ordinary, 38s to 675; porkers, 29s to 365; stores, 18s to 28s; suckers, 6s to lls.— Wkight, Stephenson, and Co. sold 130 at foregoing rates.— Stronach Brothers and Morris sold stores for Mr Thomas Martin (Kaikorai) at quotations. — The Mutual Agency Company of New Zealand (LIMITED) sold-: For the Waimate estate, 2 bacon pigs at 62», 3 at 56d fid, 5 at 51s, 4 at 48s, 4 at 45?, 4 at 38.— The Farmers' Agency Company (Limited) sold a draft for Mr A. C. Thompson (Otakia) at 21a to 42s.— Donald Keid and Co. yarded and sold for Mr William Shand (Keith Hall), 7 at 18s, 4 at 15s 6d. Store Cattle are -much wanted, and sales for present and future delivery could be easily effected were supplies more plentiful. Inquiries are not confined to any class in particular. Prices no doubt, owing to the enhanced of fat cattle, have a hardening tendency. Store Sheep.— There is very little doing iji this class of stock at present, the business passing heing chiefly in crossbred hoggets an,d crossbred ewes in lamb. Country Sales.— The Mutual Agency Company of New Zealand (Limited) report aa follows :— On Tuesday, August P, we held our usual fortnightly sale at the Milton yards. The entry comprised about 2000- sheep, 15 head of cattle, 10 horses, and a quantity of harness, saddlery, &c. There was a fair demand for good hoggets and sound-mouthed sheep, though the inquiry was probably no brisker than it was a fortnight eince at the same place. Among other lots we sold : Crossbred ewes at 12s 2d. halfbred wethers at 1&, crossbred ewes at 12s 4d, crossbred hoggets at 9a 9d and 10s 6d, three-quarterbred Leicester ewes at 203, draught howea to £20 10s (a very gooddeißand being experienced for such), oows at £6, and other lines at full current rates. Sheep3kins.-At the weekly Bales yesterday there was an excellent attendance of buyers, and as the catalogues put forward contained a superior geltctlon of okine. competition was most animated, and values obtained show an improvement on lant week's priuoa. In butohera 1 green skins and

freezing skins there is a large business being transacted, and for the latter (from theOamaiuand Timaru works) up to 5s lOd hai been obtained, whil ess is the hignest price quotable for skins from the southern factories. Quotations : Butchers green crossbreds and halfbreds from 4s 3d to 5s 6d : do merino, 3s to 4s 2d. Dry skins : Crossbreds and halfbreds full-wooled, 4s 6d to 5s 8d ; do half to three-quarttr-woolled, 3s to 4b 4d: do quarter to half-woolled, 2s~2d to 3s ; do pelts. 9d to Is 2d ; merino full-woolled, 3s 7d to 4s 9d ; do half to three-quarter-woolled, 2s to 3s 6d; do, quarter to half-woolled, Is 4dto 2s; pelts, jod to Is. "We might here draw the attention of farmers and others to the practice of sending in skins to auction with the trotters left on. Trotters should be always cut off as they are wortblei-s and only increase the freight on Bkins, besides causing the skins to be much damaged by tearing during handling. Rabbitskins.— At Monday's sales laige catalogues were offered, and although prices were distinctly easier all round, competition .was satisfactory, and values obtained fully equal to their London equivalent. Buyers and tellers alike await with interest the result of the London periodical auction sales, which take place on the 18th inst., as upon it in a great measure will depend future values. In well informed quarters it is not anticipated that there will be much, if any, change one way or the other. Current rates at Monday's sales were as follows : -Prime winter grey (selected does). 16id to 17d per lb ; prime winter grejs (bucks and does), 15d to 16d ; prime winter blacks and fawns, Hid to 12Jd ; prime winter silver greys, 12d to 14Jd ; second winter greys, 13d to 14d ; autumn greys, lOd to lid ; summer greys, 7d to B£d. Hides —Market unchanged. Quotations are : For best well flayed ox hides (601b and over), 2Jd to 3d : medium hides (in good condition), ljd to 2Jd ; light, ljd to ljd ; inferior and slippy, Id to lid. Tallo w.— l he usual quantity continues to ai rive and is readily purchased by lb" local buyers at full rates. Quotations : Prime rendered mutton, 21b (id to 22s (id ; medium to good, 18s 6d to 21s ; infeiior to medium, 14^ 6d'to 18s. Rough fat— best mutton caul, 14s to 14s 6d ; medium to good, 12s 6d to 13s 6d ; inferior, 11s to 12s per cwt. Grain.— Wheat : There is very little doing in this at present, stocks in sellers' hands being low and buyers, except for seed, unwilling to pay late quotations. Millers having made large purchases within the past sixweeks are not now inclined, in the face of the low prices ruliDg for flour and the very dispiriting. reports of the London market, to increase their stock, preferring rather to run the chance of any shortage in the local supply of wheat. Fowls' wheat is in good demand, and commands comparatively high values. Quotations ; Prime milling, 2s lOd to 3s ; medium. is 8J to 2s 9d ; inferior, 2s 6d to 2s 7d ; fowls' wbeat, 2s 3d to 2a sd. Oats : A rather better demand has been experienced this week, caused by the fact of several buyers, who have up to the present held aloof, making purchases. Owing to the small quantity offering, the market is very sensitive, and the increased competition, though small, had the effect of hardening values. Quotations: Prime milling and heavy bright feed, it 2d per bushel ; good ordinary feed, 2s Id to 2s lid; inferior to medium, Is 10 J to 2s. Barley: Commands a ready sale at quotations. Prime malting, 3s lOd to 4s; milling, 3a to 3s sd; feed, 2s to 2s 6d. Ryegrass.— The business passing just now is confined chiefly to the supplying of occasional orders from farmers Holders are fairly well stocked, and at present high prices do not care about holding more than they actually require Quotations : Best machine-dressed, 4s to 4s 3d : specially choice lots, up to 4s 9d ; medium, 33 9d to 4s. Potatoes.— The market remains firm for really prime Derwents, which are easily placed ; while for any other than really good there is less demand, and very much lower prices have to be accepted. Quotations : For best Derwents, £5 to £5 ss ; medium. £4 103 to £4 17s 6d ; kidneys, for seed, £i 15s to £5 per ton (ex store, sacks weighed in, net). Chaff.— The market is bare of really well cut, good coloured heavy chaff, which this week shows a further rise, best being worth 65s to 72a 6d ; medium, 42s fid to 52s 6d; inferior, 87s 6d to 40s per ton (ex truck, sacks extra). Dairy Produce.— There is no change to note in the market, with the exception of best salt butter, which is easier. Dairy-made is now only worth 6id to 7id ; medium, 5d to fid ; factory, 10d to lid per lb. Factory cheese firmer, medium size and loaf shape being worth 5d to s£d ; dairymade, 2d to 4d per lb. Flax.— There is some inquiry, but owing to the absence of supplies there is little or no business doing at present. Quotations : Best, £16 to £17 ; medium to good, £14 to £15 10a ; inferior and strawy, £10 108 to £12 10s per ton (ex store).

like individual reports of Wool, Ralibitskin, or Wain Brokers can be inserted in the Daily Time* tnd Qtago Witnestat Special Rate*.]

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Otago Witness, Issue 2059, 10 August 1893, Page 24

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WEEKLY LIVE STOCK AND PRODUCE REPORT Otago Witness, Issue 2059, 10 August 1893, Page 24

WEEKLY LIVE STOCK AND PRODUCE REPORT Otago Witness, Issue 2059, 10 August 1893, Page 24