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Fihst Day— Thursday, August 3. Glorious weather prevailed, but there was not more than . the usual attendance. Mr J. Blaney, the judge, made ons glaring mistake during the day, when he decided in favour of Lottie in the trial between the slut and Kotuku, for the latter must have scored sufficient on the lead to have entitled him to the verdict. In some other rases the decision of the judge was coutrary to that expressed by a fewt spectators, but in those instances the courses were closely contested, and the judge was certainly the more likely to be correct.' la the last course but two of the programme, Mr Blaney decided in favour of Everton Lad in a trial in which the other dog, Banjo, became unsighted ; and in this case also his judgment is open to question, because — although' BaDJo would probably nob have won iv any event — ib is a recognised rule of the sport that both dogs must be sighted. Details follower- . ; Champion Stakes.— For 21 all-aged dogs at 44 • each ; winner £45 (and a purse of sovereigns collected privately), runner-up £20, third dog £7, and three doga at £i ;— total, £84. Mr W. Harley's brd "w d Sydenham, by BrewerDeception, beat Messrs Leslie and Black's brd wd Motley, By Kinsky-^Miranda Mr S. S. Myers' b b Break-'o-Day, by Brewer— Stormy Night, beat Mr J. Jennings's f a The Friar,, by Bporiierang— The Nun Mr K. Blackham's > r wt& Sweetmeat, by Red Pine-Whiff, beat Mr W. Harley's w d Douglas, by Fpanker— Jenny Mr E. R. Kidd's brd w d Kinsman* by Kiwi— Fly, beat Mr R. Blackham's blk w d Blackmount, by Red Pine— Whiff ; Messrs Scanlan and Swans brd d Marine, by Mariner— Miss Theresa, beat Mr T. Stoddart's r w b Alpine Rose, by Red Pice— Fly Mr J. Cooper's w brd d Tainui, by Aorangi— Snowfiight, beat Mr J, Swan's r w b Midge, by Rad fine— Fownhope Mr A. T. Price's f w d Cardigan, by Rotomahana—Kathleen, beat Mr W. Davis's rw dßed Jack, by Red Pine— Misfortune Mr W. Davis's blk w b Ravenswing, by Red pine—iljsforfcune, beat Mr B. Crawshaw's f d Beadonwell, by Red Pine— Meg Dods Mr 8. . Crawshaw's f w d Lancashire Lad, by Kinsky— Bed o' Stone, beat Mr S. S. Myers's f d Stormy Petrel, by Brewer— Stormy Night Mr VV. Harley's brd-d Pine Hut, by Red PineFly, beat Mr A. Cursey'B f d Mars, by Newton— Briarront Mr- J. N. Mills's r d Fuguist, by Red PineFugue, a bye. Sydenham led up from Motley by three lengtb.3, and, in the early Btages of the course, put up a score which the latter could not equalise. Break o' Day beat The Friar in pace and the exchanges were divided. Sweetmeat had very little to spare in the run-up, but he maintained his advantage throughout the course. Kinsman led up by ltss than a length, and Blackmount's chances were j i sacrificed through his falling. Alpine Rose showed more pace than Maiine, but was not nearly such a good worker, and was beaten evenly. I After a rattling runup Tainui scored everything. , Cardigan led up, and though he stumbled kept i possession while hescored enough to win. BeadonI well's pace gave him the turn, but he was outclaßsecf in the working. Lancashire Lad had a i very even race Yip with Stormy Petrel ; the hare seemed to favour the former, who was the faster. in the subsequent exchanges in a close trial, in which he secured the judge's verdict. After a very close race with Mars, Pine Hut secured possession and killed. ~? Maiden Stakes,— For 64 all-aged dogs (that have never received £2 ys in one Rtake) at £% each : winner £SQ, runner-up £30, two dogs at £8 each, four dogs at £4 each, eight dogs at £-2 each ;-total, £128. Mr J. T. Cox's'brd w b Little Maid, by S^itt— Jane, beat Me J. Mitchell's f b Fairy Q^ueen, by Kingask-rßeUa Glen Mr S. S. Myers's r d Lord Zetland, by Newton — Effie Deans, beat Mr L. A. Harris's r or f w b Rubina, by Kingask— Taieri Lass Mr J. David3on's brd d Confidence, by Kingask — Beauty, beat Mr J. Mitchell's f b Jane, by Red Pine— Jeannie Deans • Mr W. Patching's blk w d Moderation, by Brewer— Fairy Queen, beat Mr R. G. Diack'a w f d Waterbury, by Gordon— Logic Mr S. S. Myers's brd b Starry Night, by Brewer —Stormy Night, beat Mr J. Mitchell's f d Election, by Kingask— Bella Glen Me T, Alton's r b Lottie, by Red Flue-BWHuI

Lady, beat Mr E. R. Kidd's brd w b Kotuku, by Cliff-Solitude Mr J. M'Kewen's blk w d Oddfellow 11, by Bedfellow ll— Nell, beat Mr J. Morrell's i b Banglo, ' by Kingask— Bella Glen ■ i : Mr J. Mitchell's f b Nettle, by Totara IIFinella, beat Mr J. Pattinson's w brd. b Durham Lass, by Firetop— Gallant Foe Mr A. Henderson's f w d Young King, by King Bruce— Hazel, beat Mr J. Harty's brd b Roie, by Bushboy— Sandfiy Mr J. Smith's f brd d Rawei, by Risk -It— Nell, beat Mr D. Smith's br d Pinftre, by FirelockCinderella . ' Mr D. Henderson's brd d Electric, by Nimrod— Waimea, beat Mr F. Farquharson's w- f d Rainbow, by Firelock— Nell Mr A. R. Morrison's w b Snowfiafce, by Carlo— Vie, beat Messrs Scanlan and Swan's f w d Master Mariner, by Mariner— Miss Theresa Mr J. Cooper's w f d Blucher, by Aorangi— Fly, beat Mr W. Gardiner's r w d Thornwell, ' by Thorn well Duke— Pet' Mr M. Btandon'a brd f b Burd Helen, by Scamp— Langley, beat Mr A. T. Price ns brd f w b Marvel, by Kinsky— Actress. Messrs Leslie and Black's brd w b Norma, by Kinsky— Miranda, beat Mr W. Foster's blk w d Little Arthur, by Spring— Needle , , Mr J. Kirby's w d Rangipai, by Aorangi—Brilliant, beat Mr O. Brading's r d Volunteer, by Wolf— Lucy Mr H. Murdoch's r w b Belfry, by Romeo— Bt-1« • gravia, beat Mr G. Newman's w blk d Soloist, by Lochiel— Solitude Mr J. Drumm's brd b Tempest, by Mariner— Tarawera, a bye, Mr W. Harley's brd w b Malt' 1 , ress, by Brewer— Deception, being withdrawn > Mr J. Kirby's brd b Dahlia, by BoomerangAuricula, beat Mr R. Blackham's w f d Dusty, by Red Pine— Fownhope ' ' , Mr E. R. Rowntree's f w b Florrie, by Snowden -Finella, beat Mr B. R. Kidd's brd w d Irene, by Cliff—lona Mr J. Kirby's r w d Kangaroo, by Le Caron-* Queen of the West, beat Mr J. Harrington's r w b Amy, by Black Pine or His Lordship— Flying Beauty Mr S3. Wynn ns blk w d Sailor Jack, by Jack Tar-Water Lily, beat Messrs Allan and Finlinson's blk w d Union Jack, by Aorangi— Brilliant Mr W. Williams's r d Castaway 11, by Red Pine —Waimea, beat Mr H. Murdoch's blk w b Adeline, by Allegro— Verbena Mr J. Moreland's f w d Young Phail, by Phail— - Fan, beat Messrs Clark and Gray's blk w b Miss Nettie, by Peter— Eclipse Mr J. Cooper's r d Belfast, by. Aorangi— Peggy, beat Mr W. Davis' r w b Clematis, by Red PineMisfortune Mr R. Blackham's blk w d Blackhawk, by Red Pine— Whiff, boat Mr A. R. Morrison's blk w d Crystal, by Aorangi— Brilliant ' ■ Mr C. Smaill's brd b Pine Flower, by Red PineFly, beat Mr R. Blackham'a r w b Waihopai, by Red Pine— Fugue * '. ' Mr J. T. Cox's f w d Cast-off, by Smbko-Girofta, beat Mr C. Brading's blk w b Pine Beauty, by Black Pine— Flying Beauty ' ' ' r \ Mr D. Henderson's blk w.d. Vengeance, by Rocket— Belle, beat Messrs Allen and Finlinson's j w blk d First Water, by Aorangi— Brilliant Mr J. Boyle's f d Everton Lad, by MagicianFly, beat Mr J. Hailstone's blk w d Banjo, fey Foretop— White Rose , >' w Mr J. Dunne's w blk d The Scotchman, .by Aorangi— Brilliant, beat Mr J. Harringtons brd w d Duchess, by Hotspur— Ruby Mr J. N. Mills' f d Fortissimo, by 'Impostor— Fugue, beat JVLr H. M'Conechy's blk w d Kintore, by Sardius— Lufra ' s . Little Maid, led up by four lengths, and had the superiority throughout a longish couvse in whfeb neither dog worked well. Lord Zetland led Rubina a couple of lengths, and scored nearly ° everything, the slut running very green. Confidence led;up from Jane, and scored a few points, which sufficed to give him the course, as the slut did very little work. Moderation was faster than Waterbury, and won the next course, though neither mowed even decent form: the hare stopped, apparently from fright, and was killed by Moderation. Starry Night was cleverer thaa Election, but her display was disappointing. Kotuku led by three lengths and wrenched, after which Lottie chased to corer, without, however, apparently making thd hare-swerva from its course, yet the -judge gave hia decision in favour of the slut. Oddfellow H raced clean away from Bangle, and working very cleverly made' an exhibition or the latter, whosa only score was a by no means meritorious kiU. Nettle just beat Durham Xass in the run-up and thereafter scored nearly eyejything- . Young King, after hanging in the .slips, raced past Rose and led up by 10 lengths, while the subsequent scoring, wnicn was small, was divided- .Rawei was the faster in the next course, and though Finfire worked better in the early stage's .pf a somewhat lengthy couvse, the former, showed good form towards the finish, and wound-up with a clever kill. Electric beat Rainbow pointless. Master Mariner led up by several lengths from Carlo, bu,t worked very poorly* and the white rushing in at the bare scored sufficient to ' secure for her the judge's verdict. Blucher beat Thornwell rather easily in a course in /whichneither showed much form. Burd Helen -led. up several lengths from Marvel, and working closely Bcored everything. Norma vras ever- so ntuch faster than Little Arthur, -leading up by a score of lengths, and thereafter doing all' the work. Rangipai led Volunteer by a couple of lengths, and the rest of the eoura*, which waa . • terminated with a kill by the white, was fairly ' even. Soloist led- up from Belfry, but this was his only score, as the slut then got in, and working cleverly did not give the white another show. 'As it was discovered that Mattress had won more money in a stake than qualified her to pud, Tempest had a bye. Dusty proved very fast but scored nothing but the run up, after which the hare favoured Dahlia, who had a profitable - ■ innings. Florria led up from Irene and the ex- • changes were fairly equal, the former working more steadily than the othev, who showed good speed. Kangaroo led Amy several lengths, and had the advantage throughout. Sailor Jack led up by » couple of lengths and did all the work in a short course. Adeline got iurighted,but Castaway II had j,ust turned when she joined him. The slut flicked the hare, Castaway Wrenched, twice: Adeline again rushed in and tossed the hare, ana Castaway then killed. Young Phail led up byseveral lengths from Miss Nettie, .and scored nearly everything. Belfast was «p to thehare a length in front of Clematis, and, working, with great cleverness, rattled up a big score before the escapes weie reached. Blackhawk led Crystal half-a-dozen length;, and beat her pointlesa. Waihopai led up, but Pine Flower then got in and did all the work, the former never again obtaining possession. Cast-off was leading up by several lengths when he stumbled, and Pine Beauty was first up to the hare, but Cast-off then got in and obtained the judge's verdict in a course in which there was very little scoring. Vengeance headed First Water in the run-up and did all the scoring. Everton Lad had the next course to himself, Banjo stopping in the run-up. The Scotchman had a commanding advantage in the run up and the best of the exchanges. K'ntore made a closething of the run-up, with Fortissimo, but the latter did all the work. ' Second Day— Fbiday. Champion Stakes. skcond hound. Sydenham beat Break-o'-Day Sweetmeat beat Kinsman . Marine beat Tainui Cardigan beat Lancashire Lad Fuituist beat Ravenswing Pine Hut a bye. Sydenham led up by three or four lengths, turned, wrenched, turned again, and subsequently gave the go-by twice to Break-o'-Day,. who never got in— the hare reaching the escapes safely. The' course between Sweetmeat and .Kinsman was a splendid one. The former led up by three or four 1 ' lengths, and scored half a dozen p'ointa before Kinsman got in. A give-and-take course ' after*' wards ensued, the whole lasting five minute*. _ The hare was a very strong one, and gaye'ihia pursuers a hard chase— both dogs eventually stoppingiairly overcome. Marine led up Tainui ana turned, and after a good course the former secured the judge's decision. Cardigan led up ancfr turned; Lancashire Lad then got in and put in. some good work, but Cardigan Bhowed up well at' the finish, icoring a kill, FuKulet led up and mtthe first turn; Ravenswing then got io, but w«#< sot able to. h01d,,h19 own vfth his opponent, .> • .

THIRD ROUND. Sydenham beat Sweetmeat Cardigan beat Marine Pine Hut beat Fuguist. Sydenham beat Sweetmeat pointless. Cardigan led up Marine and killed on the turn. Pine Hut had it all his own way with Fuguist, leading up and scoring every time. Maiden STAKES.-For 64 all-aged dogs that have never received £2 14s in one stake at £2 each ; winner £50, runner-up £30. SECOND ROUND. Lord Zetland beat Little Maid Moderation beat Confidence Lottie beat Starry Night ' Nettle beat Oddfellow II Young King beat Rawei Snowflake beat Electric Burd Helen beat Blucher Rangipai beat Norma Belfry beat Tempest Florrle beat Dahlia Kangaroo beat Sailor Jack Castaway II beat Young Phail Belfast beat Black HaWK Cast-off beat Pine Flower Vengeance beat Everton Lad The Scotchman beat Fortissimo. Lord Zetland led up and turned, after which Little Maid got in. The former dog, however, again came up and afterwards did all the work, securing a kill JModeiation led upand did a lot of work before Confidence got in, the former scoring the most points >n a good couise. Lottie lea up and turned. Starry N.ght then got m but was soon distanced by his lival who scored a good maDy points. Nettle led up by a couple of lengths from Oddfellow It, and won easi y afters » short course. Young King led up by about 10 lengths and did a lot of scoring before Raym got m. .* Snowflake led up-aod turned, after which Electric git in, but all the work was subsequently done by the former dog. Burd Helen led up from Blucher end won after an even course. Norma le I up from JKaugipai, but both dogs did a lot of work, Kangip'ii Bcoring the most points. Belfry led up and turned twice, Tempest only getting in one* Florrie led up by half a dozen lengths from Dahlia, and~won easily. - Sddlor Jack led up and turned twice, but Kangaroo then got in and did nearly all the scoring before the hare reached the escapes. Castaway II led up and turned, but Young Phail then got in, both dogs working well. Black Hawk led up by a length and turned, but Belfast put m some good work in the latter part of the course. Cast-off led up and had the hare all to himself. Jfine Flower, putting in very little work. Everton Lad did not score a point in his course with Vengeance, the latter leading up and turning several times before the hare reached the escapes. The Scotchman led up and never allowed Fortissimo to get m. THIRD ROUND Lrod Zetland beat Moderation Nettle beat Lottie hnowfl»ke beat Young King Burd Hblen beat Rangipai Florrie beat Fblfry Kangaroo beat Ca*.taway II Cast-offbeat Belfast Vengeance beat Tho Scotchman.. Lord Zetland led up from Moderation, turned and killed. Nettle led up and scored two or three points before Lottie got in. Snowflake led up and turned twice. Young King then got in and scored a few points, but Suowflake showed up well near the escapes. Kangipai never got in in his course with Burd Helen. Florrie led up from Belfry, turned, and won with little to spare. KaDgaroo secured first turn in his course with Castaway, and won after a gooa course. Cast-off led up from Belfast, and the latter did a lot of work at the finish, but was unable to equal the score put up by Castaway at the commencement. Vengeance led up from The Scotchman, and won after a capital course. Sapling Stakes.— For three saplings at £2 each ; winner £5, runner-up £2. Despised beat Minnie Kingdom a bye. Minnie was beaten pointless.

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Otago Witness, Issue 2059, 10 August 1893, Page 23

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DUNEDIN PLUMPTON COURSING MEETING. Otago Witness, Issue 2059, 10 August 1893, Page 23

DUNEDIN PLUMPTON COURSING MEETING. Otago Witness, Issue 2059, 10 August 1893, Page 23