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1 he revenue collected at the CiiatoreT house during tbe past month on goods oleared for consumption] amounted to £28,118 IDs 9d. The beer -duty for taej mnnth amounted t • £10-5 15s 6d, and the cold duty to £714 19a. , A surplus of ,£19,134 over the' Treasurer's estimate is shown in the Customs returns for the seven' months of the financial year' that have elapsed. The' collections last month amounted j 'to £123,518, the returns, for tbe foil principal ports being as follow s — Auckland. £28,2^6;' Dune iin' '£38,063; Welllng-j ton. £24.088 j'Lyttelton and Christchuroh, £21,481.; In October last year the sum collected was £117.667.; Thrt beer duty shows a deficit so lar of £928. Lasc month's a Elections amounted to £4ft94, of which! Auckland contributed £1149; ' Dunedin, £1085;' -£hrJttohuich r -£1044.; and.Wellinßton. £544. j Tito New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency! Company .(Limited) have received^ the following telegram frdm 'their Lon'dbn offiois, dated 28tB Inst.: " Wheat market steady, but inactive. New' Zealand wheat is worth 35i 6d, and long-berried 36s 9d per 4961b. New Zealand wheat to arrive, iron 1 ship, is worth (c.i f ) 365, 3d,' per 4801b, Augutt-j September bill of lading. 1

A cablegram hat been received by the local mannger advising that at the nalf-vearlv meeting of the proprietors of the Bank of New South Wales) h*ld at Sydney, tbe unual dividend nt the rate of 18 per cent, and bonus at the rate, of per <?e.ut., eqtmj to 17£ per cent, per annum, was declared' and, £10,000 added to restrve.fmid, wfjich now stands at £960,000. ' ' " ' " '

Mestrs Murray, Roberts, and Co. have received the following cablegram from their London house (Messrs Sanderson. Murray, aqd .C 0.),, dated 30th Insfc. — " New Zealand -hemp : Prices have advifnbed Ri per ton." \J> -> Tlie New Zealand Loaa and Mercantile Agency) Company (Limited) have received the 'following telegiam from. their London o,ffice,,dated 3 1st mat.: -j "Wool: The Antwerp sales are lower. Australian has, declined id per lb there since, the cose of last safes.'" lv London tailbw Is dull r 'of T sale". 1 It had declined- 6d pet owt sinaa last report. The hemd mSrket ia aotivev In 4ympath*-wittf file advance of £4 per ton In Manilla, New Zealand has advanced £2 Pr' r ton. The mutton market is weaker. The beef market is bettor. Quotations are, however, unchanged'" .1, 1 ,'<-'.'. ; In their monthly Melbourne circular, Messrs Goldsbrough, Mort, and Ob. state that oats have peached the lowest price of the season, and as stooks are Urge there is fickle 1 prospeat of immediate improvement, quotations ruling from 2s to 2s 9dJ Hides: Of late prlues have -shown a tendency to harden, due principally to, the short supplies offering; the uumbers T *rrivihg' f Ajftf-New Zealand and tho adjacent colonleHbelng very, limited ,for some 'Ktpß/ihdfcyf IWii1 Wiis i ; l fte>frd'in cuts,&o< As> fpqulre* r after. ' -Prides 'ribW currant: Hew, Zea'ana heavy-weights, iv sound oonttition,' and free from offal, &o —superior, 3d toii4d,; ordinary, Sfd to 3d per lb. ' ' The New Zealand Loan .andTM.e'roantile Agency Company (Limited) havfe received the following tele^ gram from their London office, .dated 4th inst. i— "Wheat: MarkeC'firm.' On the spot there is a rather better dema.d. New Zealand wheat has! aivancid 6d per since last report. Other quotations unchanged." ' ' j


• report; •<

WHDNB8 IDfjti1 Dfjti\ > NoyBMBKRS ! Fat Cattle. • The market: was 'moderately supplied to-day with 148 head, r about>.so&Q&d being prime and the rest ranging from mediun^jto inferior. For best pens there w»s ag-iin-.jbri^K competition, and prices realised were quite lOs&'ne'HdDmter than those ruling last week. Me'llumand Inferior participated Jn the rise, but not to the same flxt(Fr>tf vl H&>tj, bullocks sold at £8 5s to £11 ; medium to'Rokl? ig6 -15s to £7 10* J light and inferior. ,£3 15s to £\ lO.i ; cows aud helfersi 83 5s to £7 55.--1. > onald Kkid and Co. yarded 62, and sold, V>n' account 'of a snutherri client, 'Scows at £6 10s, 2 cow* »fc ' £5 -ss; >2 jjCowo at £5 2s 6d :on account Mr Jam»s Harrison^^krath-Taieri), 3 bul; looks at £7 12s 6d, 'i do at £6 15s ; on account Mr Alexander Adilm (North .Taleri), 2 cows at £5 15s; on .account" Mr Thomas Kirk (Easn Taleri),, 2 • bullooks Cat • £9V 17s 6d, 2 do at £8; on account Of l^r,M..W. Fleming (Henley), : cows at £7. 4 do at £6 7s'tfd, 3 doTab£s 12s 6d. 3 do at £i ss, 3 bullocks at £5 15s ; on account of Mr Willian i Lindsay (Greytown), 3 bullocks at £7 2s 6d, 2 do at £7, 1 do at £6 6s,i2aov>rs ,At'£o 2s 6d; on account of Messrs Clark, v Mitchell, Wilson, Allan. Fox, Robrrtion, apd others, 22 bead at quotations. -r Gkorsk Tcdd (on behalf 'of tbe Mutual Agency Company of New Zealand, Limited) told on account of Mr James Harrison (Strath-Taierl), 6 head cattle from £6 15s to £2 17s 6d;'du 'account of Mr Sparks (Strath-Taieri), 12 calves from 15s to 10s ; on account of Mr James Tu'looh (Bomahapa) 6 head cattle from £7 16s to £5 17s 6d ; on acdount of Messrs Warnock. Douglas, and other* 13 head £5 13s '6d' to 30u ; — Stbonach and b'ON sold ori aocount of Mr James Harrison (Strath Taieri), .bullocks afc £6 17s 6d, and cows at £5 15s ; on aeeoiM'of Mr William Kirkiand (Ulmgrove), bullooks from £7 to £9 10s, and heifers from £5 7s Gd to £6 5s ; on account! of Mr J. Wylie (Q-rey town), bullqcka , at, from £6 5s to £7 ss, and heifers at £5 12s 6d; on account of Mr Thomas Kirk' (Bast Taierl), bullocks from '£6 12s 6d to £8 15s. and heifers at fh?!^ -£6 l7s 6d to £6 2s 6d.— Wright, Sthphenson, and 06: sold 68 bead a^ follows:— On acoount of Mr Alexander Crawford (Hawthorndale), 5 very, prime - 'bullooks — heavy weights— at £10 15s ; on account of Mr Henry Casoells (The Meadows), 6 -very prime do — heavy weights— say, 3at £11, 3 At £10 :i7t 6d; on account of Mr Bobert Brown (Ede'tidale)? 18 prime bullocks at from £9 2s 6d to £10 6s ; pn acoount of Mr John Anderson (Fortrose), It bullooks at from £10 to £3 2s 6d— one very prime heifer at £7 lTs'Bd'; on account of Mr Thomas Q-. Bobertson (Spylaw).' .7' bullooks at quotations; on account, of. Mr John M'Bobie (Waiwera). 1 oow at £B— steer* 1 at £5.; on account of Messrs Alexander Douglas (Bicoarton), Gavin Warwick (Oorstorphine), P. Hegarty (St. Clair), Henry Driver (Clarendon), James , Einnie, and T.- Landels '18. head at quotations. — Reid, Maclean, and Co. sold for Messrs Mosely Bros. (Inoh-Olutna), 2 bullocks at £9 ss; 2 at £8 12s 6d, 3at £7 17s 6d, 2at£B 7s 6d, 2at £7 12s 6d, 2at £8; and for Messrs Coxhead. Astimure.'Warnook, aod others, 10 head light weights at quotations.--John Grutdlky (on behalf of the Farmers' Agency Company, Limited) sold 44 as follows :- From the Lana Company (Hdendale), 18 prime bullocks at £10. to £11 2s 6d; for Mr Sanders Forest (Fairfax), 14 prime bullooks at £7 18s to £8 17s 6d ; for the Henley Company (Taieri), 12 bullocks at £6. Fat Sheep.— 2584 orossbreds and 20C merinos were penned to-day, about half ,of which were wethers, the remainder principally old ewes. There were several pens of extra prime wethers, large and heavy weights ; but a large proportion of the sheep yarded were medium weights, though prime quality. The ewes forward represented all sorts, aßd ranged from prime to inferior, all penned being good .useful mutton. Prices were somewhat irregular, bht on the whole the average showed a decline of nearly Is on last week's ratet. Best crossbred wethers sold at 17s , ; to 265 ; medium to good, Hi 6d to 16» 3d ; light and

linferior, 12s to 13i 6d j best crossbred ewes. IBs 6d tdt |17s6n ; ordlbary,l2(JtoTßß9d; «b6rhdh^fa,?B9dtoiauJ IDONAI* Bstb AND CO. penned 530 and sold oil jaooount of Messrs A. and A. Sounesa (Otakia), 33 crossbred wethers at 15s 6(1. 22 do at 14s 9d ; on aocouutf of a olient, 31 crossbred wethers ab lPs ( 27 oroisbrvd ewes at 18s 3d ;■ on account Messw Wilson and Soolt' (Walhola).3Borossbri&-wetf]ers-&t 16a to 15s 9d; 39 do at 14s; on accourtt Mr (Bantasktn), 1 20 crossbred wetnere at 19a9d,2l do at 18ji 9d, 51 crossbred wethera and^ewes at 16s, 50 do at 15s 6d; 37' do at 15s ; on account Mr William StrainKMilbarn),' 12 crossbred' wethers at 17s 3d, 18 crossbred ewes at IBs 9d ; oh account Mr Wm. Gray (Mllbtfrn), 27i orossbred maiden ewes at 17s 6d, 50 orossbred wethers at 18s, 21 do at 17s 6d, 12 half bred > wethers at 17s 3d, 6 orossbred ewes at 16s ; on aooount of Mrs Agnes Strata (Hweburn), 12 crossbred ewes at 14s.— Gbob&k Todd (on behalf of the, Mutual Agency Cempany of New Zealand; Limited) nold on account; of a Southern client, 143 sheep at from 10s t'Jßs9d.— i STRONXOH AND'Son ipld on aooount Messrs A. andl J. Brown, half bred ewes at 14s 9d.— Thb JNkw Zka-I itASD Loam and Mebcahthib Aqbncx Company! (Limited) sold :— On aocount of Mr James Burnett (Waikoikol), a magnifloent draft of mixed orbssbreds (principally wethers) to 20s ; on' account : of Mr James Taylor '(Walrtlna), a very nice lot of crossbred wethers to 18s;' on- account of Messrs J. A. and D. M'Phail (Kuriwao), orossbred wether* (light) to 15s 3d.— Wright, Stkphsnson, ami* Ooi sold 600 aa follows «— On aaooun 1 ; of. Mr Alexa_nder_.M'lntyre (Heatherfield), 100 very prime orossbred wethers at 20s ; on aooount of Mr<James Williamson (Ashwick), 186 extra prime halfbrepVdo at fromlßs lo'lOf 6d j on accouut of Mr- AVth'ur "Broad (Auhttown), 54 orossbred wethers atfrom'l9B'to F7g ; onacoount of Mr F. <}. Robertson (§py}aw!, ;llb< battered dp at from 18i to 165,: on aooount of Mr Kbberb. J phartprs [ (Ury Party/Sb halfbred wkKferi'and rnalden-ewea (shorn) at 12s 6d; on account '-of -Mr James Macandrewj (OolinßWO£d)rls- crossbred Tewes (shorn) afelOsrTon. accouut of Mr, David Sues'ell (Birchwppd), 63j6tfes-| bred ewes aud wethers at 17s ' odj and T>n! liocount of Mr' '' Alexander 'Dougiasf (lilcoarJ ton); " 43 merino ■Wethers, (oboru) at quotations.— j Hkid, Maclean, Awp >Co.< yarded arid sold<lo32 asi udder :— On nocount of , Mr Wm. Pagan . . Waiwera), 1 34 mixed orossbreds at 19s6d, 30 at 18s 9d,25 crossbred ew«s at 17s 3d ;"b'n account of a oltent; 81? crossbred' wether's at 19s'3d, 3&H 19s 3d. 40 at 18b 3d, 40 at 18' 3d, 136 at 18s 3d, 40 at ITS 3d, 38 at 16s- 3d; 36 &t 'Its 3d, -32 at 17s 6d,i -83,! at- 17s 6d.' 40, at 16s; on account of,,, Mr J. Bruce (Grey-! town), 13 orossbred gwes^at 15,5., 23 at 16s 9d. 2\ at 14t j on account of Mr'tf, Brown (Watwera), 49 'merino wethers at lls to US' 6a, 43 af 9a 3d'to'los«d ;'on! account of Mr AT Nb'rttTCPoi'tObbHoT, 10-DroaSbred 1 ewes at 18s 6d ; on account of Mr Brooks (Waiwera)J 17 mixed crossbreda at, 16s 6d ; on aooount of Mr D, 1 Murray (Pukerau). lt'iigh'twyifeht mixed orossbreds 1 at 13s 9d, 15 at 12s 9d, 33 merino wethers at 9s 3d ; oni account of Mr J. M'G-lashan (SummerhlU estate), 20 four-toofihdwei{««dl<am I tt-eigafcß)>at!i<{l'Bd-, 44 four-j tooth crossbred ewes at 14s 6d > on account of Mr John Grey (Milburn), 23 c ossbred' wethers a(j 18j 6d, 22 ati rlßsr 18s «a, 70' fcwotooth' <3rdSibrWl«'(oW*fly wetbersi llubfi we(Khts)'s% I 4n r 4djbn: Account ' of Mr J. Russell ,(M,Uburn) ,16, merino wethers, at lit 9d j .privately during the week they pavortqld several lines of fat sheep at pride's fulty'up to market' quotations.- J-Sn G-rimdlrt (Ori^beKalf of^Ke'F^rmers' Agenoy Com. mnyt' Limited), yarded 740; and sold as follows :- For Mr Wm/lSheath(Tspanui), 100 prime wethers ai follows : 30 at 20s, 28 at 19s 3d, 21 at 18s, 21 at 17s 9d .for Mr A. M'Laren (Toko), 88 at 15s 9d, 38 at 15s 9 1 lW<' / at i ISB' l fidV ! 2s''ati2s; 9*d j-for'-Mr J. M Baft (Wafpfchl), 25 crossbred wethers at ;17i'9d; for Mi Wm...Turnball (Ollnton), JO qrossbreds at 15s; foi! Meear* M'JBitohie and M'Leoti (Tapanqi), 6 ntnrinc wethers, at ""ltSs," 68 shorn, "hilt ''and quartet back ' 'Wethers' "to ' ' 13s - } 6d i 4i 4 'for Mr B P. Palmer (Otakia), 21' croisbred nn W ethers at 15s 6d; on account , Mr, , Dispute (South). 33 orossbred eWes atf 15s' 9d, v4 3T Wt'Tl/s 1 fa. lWat 18s ; foi Miessrs "A; and J<'Browor'l&.bbotshill>,i23 three-,quarter-brod, ewes,' very ta6a.vy.,«lr>»9.s}9d:; for M> Uanld Olark (Waip^ht), 17,crosabred wethers at 17( 6d. 8 crossbred' ewes' at ies,'3shalfbfed' ewes at 17( '9d 5 : '?4 J do'nt i«'3d'24'lio ! 'at 18i'!Bd"; i !for'Mr-Johii 1 Dupple^(O6lac),43"hbg£efs afc'lSs 9d;' alsbioutside for-MT Charles Strand (ffld Honka), 179/orosqbredi ao. 15s ; for Mr Janaes^ Lamona;(Puerua), 2l^df a,t|lss,9d, v , , i!t „._ "_, x,\ „„„„* p i,,^ Lambs.— Only, 94 came forward for to-day '• sale. rangingTn quality from medluni to extra prime. 1 Tlie'se were baVely sufflcfenf to meet! the rtqblre ments"ofthe trade, anda-hrlsTtJa'ale ifesult^d. prioei being from Is to Is tid totton th'anHairf wfeek. Best rperis,isold!«t(l2Si6fl to)l6sf medium. r 9» toc f los'9d.— ,ppNAi,i>.^Kip.a.itp Coj yardecji and'So|d,on,aoooun< pfjlri. Agne^.Sfra'in f Milburn). Hi 6d!ko,los 6d, S-yfioHAtJiT isi> Sor/sold t on r ac6tfu'nt > 'orlllr J?6naU oUnn tSWidyMobii^, a'ara'ft 1 of lSmbs.-'tlte best ■offered *t (Burnslde this"' aebion'/whloh-tdppcd the ? markets tmdVer.e bought; byl Mr Ohatn&Uen-Bt 15s — ,IWjpGHT,,.,BTTOHKfSOif, I WjpGHT,,.,BTTOHKfSOif, J ,Aifj> l po. >501d,55, a». follows : ,OaaJßCount,.of Mr. 7.. Todd. 6, extra prime at 14s i on aooount of Mr Bqb'erfc' CharteriYTJfy Park), ' 26 at 'ttftix U'rf gd'td < lla; r/ afld b'il'«cc6ufifi'ol Mr Ja*s .M»candrßvri(Oollrjs^ood)('34"nffrom> 10s 3d to ft 9di-JoHW GRttrbißT (on behalf of the Farmers Agency Company, gjl£nlt«?),,;iold ,tor, Mr Joht Pijpp^e/Oolac), 35 at fti 3d for r Mr Joht ' ' ' r WgßV^2M%etm'ed? iiearly 'allW whlbh came ■ from the North. ''All 'descriptions, except stores, wen represented) -and net &.srefy'<irilhtsaleirprie6i al round being lower than at last sale. Suckers ,sold at 8| r to 11b fti; sliDß,lsq to porieri 3fs tp.2Bi b'aooneri, 27* t» l 4oß.'^lioMiti>'rincb iWfJd/yardec android on flcpount of Mr P. Winders (Kofllyn), J pig»'»«J' lW ; 6d;lon A a(ib!)iiht of Mr William Tweec (North Taieri), 9 at 10s 8d; on acoount of MrW Rdwards, sat 325 ; on accourit of Mr John Blaokh (Kant : at.^- I fc»7a / fid i - r Ow>BaBToDD (or behalf •ottritfMuMara^c/bo'mJafiy of New Zealand, Limited) sof&ndnrntfclmdt Mr William Kirkland (Motgiel), 13 suckera.from 10s to 8s — Stbonaob and Son sqld, ,Qr| account fltMr, J. T. Cook (Wynd ham), small suftkers- at 7a.— Wright,' Stephenson and 00. sold 162 as follows":— Bacon pigs at from 25i t4:35»P pbiWiW,'nßrito 7 2«^ stibfes/ISi 1 to' '20s \ suokers, 6s 6d to lls.Bd.— John Grindlky sole porkers at 30s 6d, 31s edf.^Ss, and 34i. Flock Hjois.,; Stron-ach;aiji> ; report the sal< of all Mr George L. Stse's flock; rims from bis cele brated pure American' flock -'near Hampden, at 1 satisfactory figure, and-that orders have since comi HilJon a' toonsiderable, number, Whioh ufifortunately „pannqt be supplied. , > ' ,<; , '1 i, , Hfa>r\ C|actle.— There 1b ,» fair demand for store cattle of all sorts, well-bred, quiet bullocks balnj; most ln'reque»t; but all sorts find buyers at proportionate values; Large f6ur-year-6ld bullocks in fotv ward condition are much wanted, and this olask wotild at present meet a ready' sale and at full pricesl . During the weefe John'Gbindlby Con behalf of the '.'Farmers' Ajjenoy Oompany, Limited) sold at auction at Balolutha, and privately,. as follow*: 176 four and five-year-old bullofikq,.a little low in condition', at an average of £4 7a 6d, and ranging from £3 10s to £6 9S ; 260 head mixed cattle at £3 all round ;4 •total. 436. ' •

Store Sheep.— There la a strong demand for wellgrown crossbred wethem and hoggets, but in view of shearing being so "close at hand owners are not deslroru of selling until after shearing. Pur Ing the week Bbid, Maclean, aud Co. have' sold one or two lot* of ff.ftt}pn, merinos for forward delivery, and nave'^other, ,s,alea nendtDg.— John GBiNDtBV (on behalf '6l' the Farmers' Agency Company) iold at auction and privately as follow:— 6oo 'Very good hoggets,; lit 6d;< 200 crossbred,! do, I3s>jßd; 45 db ,do .(small), 11^; 74 do hoggets, Us; 70 do do ; (smaller),!lls 3d ; 70 merino ewes (lamb's at foot), 9s '; 300'me'Hnoewe»,8s. ' - '' 'Sheepskins.— The usual gathering of local buyers was in attendance at the sales on Tuesday, when large catalogues of dry and green shins of all classes were submitted. There was brisk competition throughout the' sales ; prices 'were, howevr, hardly up to last week's quotations. Green crostbreds oo'd at 4s to 6s 3d. halfbreds 4s 3d to fla Bd, merinos 3s lOd to 4s lid, lambs 8d to Is 3d ; dry orossbreds 2s 3d to 5s 7d, halfbreds 2s 8d to 5s Id. merinos Is lOd to 4b 7d, pelts and lambs 6d to 2s sd. Hides.— Sittce last reporting there bat been no alteration in values. Heavy good conditioned hides meet a ready sale at comparatively fair values. Light and inferior sorts are difficult to place, and can be sold only at a great sacrifice, owlog to the market being seriously-overstocked with hides of thit olaiS We quete: — Prime heavies (in faultless condition) 2jd to 3d per lb, medium to good SJM to 2sd, light 1M to 2d, inferior (bulls and alippy) UA to lid.

Babblttkins continue to meet a fair demand, r although the market is not so buoyant as it was during the last few weeks. 'The attendance of buyers at the sales on Monday was not quite so large, and prices were deoidedly lower. There were only small catalogues submitted, and the bulk of the skins offered were made np of spring take. Prices ~ for best skins ranged up to 17d. Tallow.— The little coming forward is readily bought up by the looal manufacturers at quotations. Prime rendered is in demand, and sells at from 20s to 21s per cwt ; medium to good, 17s to 19s • infeiior and mixed, 13s 6d to lffs'Bd ; best mutton caul 13s 6d to 14s ; inferior to medium, 9s 6d to 13s per bwt Grain,— Wheat: The market Is quiet, though bare

df pVlme milling and not over strpplied with medium Suality. ? ' ;»n; »ne IS'have's»fflbient'atookßI S'have's»fflbient'atookß for present r'eq^iwments'.'bbfhsa baVe marke-fc hlfli6J^S^ah I f li6 J^S^ a from Canterbury, we may expeot price* to Imrden as sdofaas'tHettiocikß'offldttr they at present hold are. rertuded.' We quote : -> Prime milling Tuseani 3s &* to 3s 10d : beft do velvet, 3i 8J to 3s 9d j medltim togood 3sßd"to3j7d: best red^wheafc (nominalU'SS 6a to 3s 6d ; medium 3s 3d to 3s 4d ; inferior and fowls wheal. 3< to 3s 3d (ex-store). Oats: A considerable export busiuess has been done In this cereal since last repo: ting, aud all qualities of, ehorfc oats have met with ready sale at .quotations. Long tartarina ami Danish are. however, very difficult to quit. Black oats, of whioh. there are considerable stooks on hand, meet with little or no demand., Wequoto: — Milling, Is 3}d,to 1* 4d (saoks extra) ; feed. Is to Is 31 (sacks «xtra). . Barley: There is no demand whatever, the mntket for this grain being quite stagnant. Weiqooto : - Prime malting. 2s 6d to 2s 9d ; medium, 2s 3d to 2s 6d j feed and mllling,ls 6d to 2s (ex store, lacks extra). ■ ■ ' Grass Setds.— The season, which has been a ownparatively l bußy one, is now nearly past Occasional lots still find buyers, and there will be Httle if any seeds 'to' carry forward, We quote : Best machine dressed perennial ryegrnss at-3s, best farmers' dressed «,-badly,dres«edand iuferior 2s4dto3»9d. . Cocksfoot is ia demand for shipment, We quote best sample* at from 4jd to 5d per lb. Potatoes. — The market l« well oleared out of old Unpicked lots, and as none have been arriving for some time past, prices are firming a little. Freshly nicked consignments now coming forward could be disposed of at from 30s to 40s. For old lots, out of condition, and Inferior sorts from 10s -to 20s has to be accepted to avoid total loss. , Chaff —The market Is supplier! with sufficient for requirements. Pries a>-e firm, at for prime well out oaten £1 I7a6dto £i 2s 6d, medium and mixed £1 10s to £1 15s.

Dairy- Produce. — The market Is quiet. There is little demand for factory-made cheese, but stocks are low. Butter is- in over supply, and is difficult to quit at for prime salted 7d to Bd, fresh from 3jd per lb. We quote factory cheese at from 4jd per lb.

i Tite indiviauat report* or wool,- rabbiUkin, or grainbrokers can be inserted in tht Daily Time* and Otago Witness at tp'etiitfrttUi.y " '■'" '• '

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Otago Witness, Issue 1916, 6 November 1890, Page 19

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COMMERCIAL. Otago Witness, Issue 1916, 6 November 1890, Page 19

COMMERCIAL. Otago Witness, Issue 1916, 6 November 1890, Page 19