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Millers' linea have ruled during the week as follows Flour, £7 15s to £8 10s per ton; oatmeal, £8 10s per ton ; chaff, 45s to 50s per ton ; bran, £2 15s to £3 per ton; pollard, £3 10s to £4 per ton; pearl barley, £16 10s per ton.

The New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agenoy Company (Limited), In their circular for the March mails report that in consequence of the unfavourable accounts of the new crop of New Zealaud seed, several parcels of cocksfoot had changed hands ou speculative account, bat as the trade was generally well supplied, and with American offering freely, the market quickly returned to its former dullness. Latterly, however, a much stronger tone prevailed, and prices were somewhat firmer. Under the pressure of heavy arrivals and the sharp decline experienced in the market for Manila and sisal, New Zealand hemp had continued extremely dull of sale during the month, and clearances had only been effected at gradually receding prices. Some 4080 bales had been offered at public auction, of which about 1800 bales had found buyers at or shortly after the aaleß at irregular prices. Fair medium Wellington had brought from £24 down to £22 10s per ton, and only fibre, mixed in colour and rather strawy, from £10 15s to £^1 10s per ton. For good medium hemp, bright and well cleaned £25 per ton had been pßid, and for one mark of fine quality £27 10s per ton. Ordinary Auckland fibre had changed hands at £22 103 per ton. Compared with the rates ruling a monl h ago, these prices represented a deolino of from £3 10s to £4 per ton. The market, however, closed with a firmer.tone in sympathy with a reoovery in Manila. The late Mr Andrew Grant's properties were offered at auction at Tinwu on Saturday— 440 acres near Temuka, 208 near Washdyke, and 1200 at Orari and Lilybank Station on the Godley. Except one lot of 60 acres at £22, all the freeholds were passed at £16 to £20. One homestead was passed at £27 10s, and a small odd paddock of 14 acres at £26. Of Lilybank run, of 70,000 acres, only 20,000 well grassed, rent £220, with 13,500 sheep, fetched £6500, Mr W. Pringle being the buyer.

The New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company have received the following cable advice from their London office:— "The tallow market is unchanged. The frozen meat market is quiet. Wellington mutton is worth 4jd per lb ; New Zealand beef, forequarters, worth 4d per lb. Other quotations unchanged." Mr Henry Lamer reports having gold during the past week equal to 800 cases oranges at from 5s to 8a per case; also, 150 cases Canterbury apples from 4s to 0b per case.

The North Otago Times reports that a large sale of wheat was made on Tuesday. The quantity consisted of about 1500 bags Tuscan and about 1300 bags velvet, and the price was 3b 2d f o.b. The 8.8. Nairnshire, which is the largest vessel that has yet entered BluflE Harbour, takes away 9650 carcaßei of mutton, besides wool, grain, and other produce.

The following table shows tbe total number of bags received since the Ist March to date, with the figures for the corresponding period last year:— 1890. 1889. Oats ... ... 118,069 115,218 Wheat ... ... 40,860 42,476 Barley ... ... 9,410 8,904 Potatoes ... ... 13,529 12,297 Flour, bran, &o. ... 7,483 8,699 By the light of the most recent information as to the production of wheat in the several countries last harvest, Beerbohm gives a revised statement of the probable supplies ot exporting countries, and the requirements of importing countries for the whole of the cereal year, including, of course, what has already been supplied and consumed since September 1, 1889. As the figures are interesting, they are transcribed below : — Probable Supplies. Qrs. U. S. America ... ... ... 15,000,000 Russia and Roumania ' ... ... 11,000,000 India ... ... ... ... 3,250.000 , Austria-Hungary ... ... ... 750,000 r Australasia, Chili, and La Plata ... 1,000,000 Canada, Turkey, sundries ... ... 1,000,000 Total ... ... .. 32,000,000 Probable Requirements. U.K. ... ... ... ... 18.000,000 France ... ... ... ... 3.750.000 Belgium, Holland, and Germany ... 4,000,000 Switzerland ... ... ... 750,000 Italy ... ... ... ... 4,000,000 Spain and Portugal ... ... 750,000 Greece, Norway, and Sweden ... 1,000,000 West Innies, China, Brazil, &c. ... 2,500,000 Total ... ... ... 34,750,000 Here there is a deficiency of 2,750,000qr5, and as requirements have been fully met for the firit half of the cereal year just ended this deficiency stands the same for the remaining six months, and presuming the figures to be approximately correct, stocks of wheat usually held in reserve, and not reckoned in the table, will have to be drawn upon pretty freely.


Fat. Sheep.— For the week's supply 3323 came forward, which number included 250 merinoe. Competition was rather dull at the beginning of the Bales, but showed considerable improvement a little later ou till values steadied down at about the level of laat week, except for sheep of poorer quality for which prices were easier throughout. Beßt croßsbred wethers made 133 6d to 16s 6d -, ordinary, lls 6d to 13s ; ewes, prime quality, 12s 6d to 14s 6d ; ordinary, 8s 3d to lls 6d ; merinos, 4s 6d to 6s 9d. — Donald Stronach and Son sold drafts on account of Mr J. Henderson and Mr J. Rutherford at quotations.—Reid, Maclean, and Co. yarded and sold 881 as follows :— Ou account of Messrs ISHis Bros. (Kive Rivers estate). '24 crossbred owes at 13s, 36 at 12b ; on account of Mr H. C. Cameron (Balclutha), 136 do do at quotations; on account of Mr D. M'Kellar (Brook6dale, Tapinul), 30 prime do wethers at 15s 9d, 30 at 15s 3d, 30 quarter-bred do at 123 9d, 30 at 12s 3d; on account of Mr R, B. Paul (Ardgowan, Milton), 30 crossbred ewe 3at 12s ; on account of Mr W. Stubbs (Milburn), 27 do do at lls 9d, 7at 7» 9d ; on account of Messrs A, aud J. Brown (Green Island), 59 mixed crossbreds at 14s 6d; on account of Mr W. Jaffray (Saddle Hill), 40 lightweight crossbred wethers at 12s, 46 at 11s 3d, 20 do ewes at lls 9d; on account of Mr M. Baxter (Wingatui), 45 halfbred Down wethers (lightweights), at lla, 31 ewes, also light, at 7s ; on account ot Mr J. M'Lean (Kedcastle, Oamaru), 48 crossbred wethers at 16s 6d (top price for the day); and for Messts Oumminc Bros. (Warepa), 2oo halfbred do at Ils9d — Wuight, Stephenson, and Co sold 1405 as follows :— On account Mr Chas. Ward (Oakhill), 30 extra prme tlnee-quart'r-bred wethern (very heavy weights) at 16a r.d ; on account Messrs Bryoe Bros. {Lovell's FUt>, 120 very prime haltbred wethers at 15b 6d ; on account Mr James Black (Southland), 136 very pritne cros3brcd wethers at from 15s 9d to 13s 3J ; on account Mr James Logan (Greenvale;, 52 crossbred wethers at from 15s 3d to 14b, 60 crofsbred ewes at from 13s 6d to 13s 3d ; ou account Mr James M'lntyre (Balmoral), 31 extra prime croßsbred ewes (very heavy weights) at 15s 3d ; on account Messrs Ellis Bros. ;Hve River*), 120 very prime crossbred ewes at from 14a 6d to 13s 9d ; on account Mr Watson Shennan (Conical Hill), 36 prime crossbred wethers at 14s, 22 maidtn crossbred ewes at 13a ; on account Mr G. F. B.Poynter(Dalveyi, 60 halfbred wethers at from 14s to 13s ; on account the N.Z. Agricultural Company (Waimea estate) 160 prime crossbred ewes at from 13s 9d to 12s9d ; on account Mesirs Robert

Robinson and Sons (Granton), SOS halfbred wetherß at from 13s 6d to 12s ; on account Mr Alex. Fleming (Henley), 123 small halfbreds at 10s 6d ; and for Mrs C. Miller (Braemore) and others, 254crosebreds at quotationß.—The New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company (Limited) sold on account of Meaßrs T. and J. Taylor (Wairuna), crossbred wethers to 13s [6d ; Messrs Cummine Bros. (Lochendorb), merino wethers to 6s 9d, and mixed crossbreds to 8s 9d.— George Todd (on behalf of the Mutual Agency Company of New Zealand, Limited) sold on account of Mr H. O. Cameron, a draft of crossbred ewes from 13s 3d to 12s 6d.— Donald Reid and Co. yarded 717 and sold on account Mr R. Stringer (Flag Swamp), 31 crossbred ewes at 9s 6d ; on account Mr H. Murray (Olarksvilie), 62 crossbred wethers and eweß at 12s to lls 9d ; on account Mr D. M'Bain (Otama), 37 crossbred wethers at 14s, 89 crossbred ewes at 14s 6d to lls 6d ; on account of Messrs Wilson and Scott (Walhola), 33 croßsbred ewes at lls 3d, 76 merino wefhers ; on account of Mrs Kempshall (Maungatua), 48 crossbred wethers and ewes at 10s 3d to 8s 6d ; on account of Messrs A. and J. Boyd (North Taieri), 140 merino wethers at 10s 3d; on account of Mr William Grey (Milburn), 66 orossbred eweß at 12s 9d to 11s ; on account Mr L. D. Robertson (Sandfly), 45 halfbred wethers at 9s 6d, 69 crossbred ewes up to lls 9d, and turned out 121 unsold. — John Grindley (on behalf of the Farmers' Agenoy Company, Limited) sold as follows :— For Mrs Rose Anderson (Bddington Mains), 111 halfbred eweß at 13s 6d ; for Mr William Smith (Fattingham, Waitahuna), 40 halfbred ewes at 12s ; for Mr Thomas Morley (South Spit), 65 2-tooths at 13s 3d to 12s ; for M James R. Thomson (KTosgiel), 15 crossbred ewes at 10a 6d ; for Messrs A. and J. Brown (Abbots Hill), 25 ewes at 12s 6d, 58 halfbred wethers and eweß at 14s 3d to 15s 9d.

Lambs.— 39o were penned and sold at from 3s 9d to 10s 9d. Quality was not quite so good as usual. Donald Stronach and Son sold 76 at 8s 6d, 8s 9d, and 10s 9d. — Weight, Stephenson, and Co. sold 187 bb follows :— On aocount of the New Zealand Agricultural Company, Limited (Waiwera), 40 at from 10s 9d to 10s 3d ; on account of Mrs C. Miller '(Maungatua), at up to 10s Id ; on account of Mr Alexander Grant, 60 at from 10s 9d to 9s 6d ; and on account of Mr Thomas Green (Gore), 35 at 7s 6d.— Donald Reid and Co. yarded 97 head, and sold on account of Mrs Kempshall (Maungatua), 11 at 8s 3d ; on account of Mr L. D. Robertson (Sandfly). 37 at to 5s 9d ; on account of Mr Alexander Thomson (Mosgiel), '9 at 9s 9d.— John Gbindley (on behalf of the Fiv mers' Agency Company, Limited) sold as follow b :— For Messrs Wilson and Scott (Waihola), 10 at 18b, 23 at 8s ; for Mr James R.Thomson, 15 at 8b ; for others, lineß at 8s to 9s 6d.

Fat Cattle. — An average supply of 209 head was yarded to-day. Owing to the late, hour the anles finished, prices suffered considerably befoie the close. Cattle of good quality were veiy bcarco. and any answering to that description mid off«red earlier in the day brought lair value at about last Wednesday's rates. Best bullocks sold at £6 10s to £7 173 6d -an odd pen or two a shade more; medium, £5 5s to £6 5s ; light weights, £3 2s Gd to £5 ; cows, £i 15s to £6 10s.— Reid, Maclean, and Co. yarded and sold 44 head as under :— On account Mr W. Hunter (Saudymount), 2 bullocks at £5 15s ; on account Mr W. Lind (Mornington), 2 cows to £3 10s ; on account Mr S. Hinkley, 1 cow at £4 17s 6d, 1 at £3 10s ; on account Mr John Bunce, 3 bullocks at £7 7s 6d ; on account Mr D. Sutherland, 2 cows at £3 7s 6d ; on account Mr S. A. Palmer (Invercargill), 3 bullocks at £7, 2 at £6 10s, 2 cowj at £5 10s ; on account of Mr J. Mulr (Portobello). 2 bullocks at £6 15s ; on account Mr Lewis, 2 steers at £3 12s 6d, 2 cows at £4 12s 6d, 2 at £2 12s 6d, 2 at £3 7s 6d. 1 oalf at £1 3s ; on account Mr J. Shepherd, 1 bull at £1 4s ; on account of a client, 3 cows at £3 ; on account Mr J. Nyhon (Portobello), 6 heifers at quotations; on account Mr W. Lindsay (Greytown), 4 bullocks at £5 12s 6d ; on account Mr C. Clark (Qreytown), 1 bull at £1 4s.George Todd (on behalf of the Mutual Agency Company of New Zealand, Limited, sold 41 head as follows:—On account of Mr Joseph Cullen, 7 lightweight bullocks from £i 10s to £6 15a ; on account of Mr Neave, 5 cows at £3 17s 6d ; on account of Mr James Curie, 3 heifers at £4 2s 6d ; ou account of Mr John Bruce, 3 heifers at £5 7s 6d ; an account of Mr D. Sutherland, 3 steers at £5 ss ; on account of Mr R. Charters (Ury Park), 7 light-weight good quality heifers and steers at £7 10s to £6 ; and on account of other vendors, 13 head inferior quality up to £3 10s.— Weight, Stephenson, and Co. sold 74 head as follows :— On account of Mr Peter Brown (Pern Lea), 6 prime bullocks at from £9 to £8 ; on account of Messrs Ellis Bros. (Five Rivers), 6 bullocks at from £8 12s 6d to £8 ; on aocount of Mr Hugh M'Master (Saddle Hill), 11 bullocks at from £7 10s to £6 108 ; on account of Mr T. G. Robertson (Spylaw), 7 bullocks at £6 ss ; on account of Messrs Bryce Bros. (Lovells Flat), 7 steers and heifers at up to £6 7s 6d ; and on account of Messrs J. M'lntash, J. Wilson, R, Ohisholm, and others, 37 head at quotations.— Donald Reid and Co. yarded 61, and sold on aocount of Mr John Orr (Burnside), 2 cows at £2 10s ; on account of Mr R. M'Donald (Riverside), 3 bullooks at £5 2s 6d; on account of Mr R. Mitchell (Portobello), 13 bullocks at £2 5s to £4, 14 head at £2 10s to £3 ss ; on account of Mr Wm. Kirkland (Elm Grove), 2 bullooks at £i 7s 6d, 6 cows at £6 5s to £3 10s ; on account of Mr A. Lee Smith (Lakeholm), 8 heifers at £5 17b 6d to £4 12s 6d ; on account of Mr A. Fleming (Henley), 4 bullocks at £6 to £5 12s 6d, S cows at £4 6s ; on account of Messrs D. M'Quilkan, John Orr, Andrew Johnston, and others, 6 head at quotations.— John Grindley (on behalf of the Farmers' Agency Company, Limited') sold as follows:— For the Henley Company, 7 bullocks at £5 to £5 ss, 13 cows at £3 to £5 ; for Mr John Spensley (Mount Claret), 10 bullocks at £5 10s to £9 2s 6d, 10 cows at £3 to £6 7s 6d ; for Mr David Sutherland (Loohend),2 cows at £5 5s to £7 2s 6d ; for Mr John Bruce ( Grey town), 4 small heifers at £i 12s 6d ; for Mr William Lindsay (Greytown), 4 cows at £5 15s ; for Mr Peter M'Gili (Milton), 1 bull at £3 ss.

Pigs.— -To-day's exceptionally heavy entry— viz., 751— coming after the several overstocked markets of late proved far too many for the trade to deal with, except at prices considerably lower than ever before known at Burnside. Suckers brought 6s to 9a ; stores, Iss to 21s ; porkers, 20s to 26s ; bßconers, 28s to 375 ; and extra heavy, 41s.— Reid, Maclean, and Co. sold 119 on account Mrs Monaghan (Pine Hill, Wyndham), 6 stores at 14s, lat 21s, 11 at 13s 61, 10 at 9s ; ou account of Mr J. Harper (St. Andrews), 6 porkers at 275, 4 Blips at 18s, 10 at 17s 6d, 15 at 11s 6d, Bat 9s ; on account Mr O. Blacken, 3 pigs at 375, 24 at 29s 6d, al at 23s 6d.— The New Zealand Loan and Mercantile .Agency Company (Limited) sold 120 at quotations.— Wright, Stephenson, and Co. sold 413 as .follows :— Bacon piga (heavy weights) from 37s to 418 ; ordinary, 25s to 36a ; porkers, 20a to 245 ; stores, 7s to 225 ; suckers, 6s to 11s.— George Todd (on behalf of the Mutual Agency Company of New Zealand, Limited) sold suckers at 7s to 8s 6d ; stores, 13a 6d to 15s 6J, and bacon pigs at 40s to 47s 6d. — Donald Reid and Co. yarded and sold' on acaount of Mr Alpheua Hayes (Waimate), 5 baconers at 27a to 355, 21 stores at 7s to 10s; on account of Mr Geo. Harris (Oamaru), 12 heavy baconers at 36s to 40s, 20 stoics at 9s; on account of Mr A. Mangan (Anderson's Bay), 7 suckers at 6s —John Grindley (on behalf of the Farmers' Agency Company, Limited) sold 10 at from 14s to 36s

Country Sales.— Gborgk Todd (on behalf of the Mutual Agency Company of New Zealand, Limited) reports the following sales for the week, viz.: — Friday, 9th met., at Crown Yards. Balclutha, monthly sale of sheep. A Urge quantity of stock, principally of good quality, came forward, for which there was a good demand, in all 31158 being disposed of as follows : -1523 wethers from 11s to 14s 9d ; 2036 c wes from 8 s 7d to lHsjHdl; 32 Leicester ewi s, at 20s ; aad 367 lambs from 7s to 9s. On Saturday, 10th lust., we held a clearing sale at Mr Charles Smaill's Balloon farm, Kaitangata. The attendance was good, and every lot was disposed of at satisfactory prices, viz :— 35 cows and heifers from £4 10s to £6 2a 6d j horses, £10 to £.15 ; turnips, £3 16s per acre ; and a large assortment of farm implements, household furniture, &c, ac value. And on Monday, 12th i ist., we held a oleariug sale at Inch-Olutha on account of Mr T. Bishop, jun., when we disposed of 33 cows and heifera from £4 to £7 17a 6d ; 20 bullocks at £5 Is ; 18 draught homes from £13 to £21 ; together with the usual stock of farming implements, furni-tu-e, dairy utensils, &c , at prices satisfactory to vendor.

Wool.— Latest cable advices from London read :— "May 11. 305,000 bales wero catalogued for the sovles of wool sales just finished, of which 100,000 biles were held over. Besides this, 101,000 bales were exported." Telegrams received by the various agents here would go to show that the decline in prices compared with closing values of previous sories may be taken at about 7J per cent., except for crossbred and lambs', which have fallen Jd per lb, and for superior merino greasy, for which the market is easier. It is, however, satisfactory to note that the tone of the market at the close was rather firmer for New Zealand wools. Locally, the usual small weekly catalogues have been cleared at fair rates.

Sheepskins. — A keen demand is still experienced for all qualities. Tuesday's auction sales were well attended, and prices— allowing for the usual slight advance in green skins for extra growth— ruled about

level with last week's. Quotations run :— Butchers' green crossbred, 4s (id, 4s 3d, 4s 3d, 4s, and 3s lOd for beat, other qualities in proportion; merinos, 3s 6d 3s 3d, 3s Id, 3s, 2s 9d, 2s 6d; lambs', up to 4s. Country skins : Dry crossbred, inferior to medium, Is 3d to 4s 3d ; do merino, Is 4d to 3s 6d ; full wool crossbred up to 6s 3d, and merino to 10s 6d for an extra line and 6s 3d for ordinary. Station skins in bales : Merino, 6jd ; crossbred, 6d. Hides.— The market shows no change, ordinary supplies being readily placed at the following range of priceß :— Beit heavy, 2fd to 3d ; medium, 2Jd to 2£d ; light, 2d to 2jd ; inferior, ljd to lfd. A large number of the hides that reach this market bring much lower prices than they should, on account of the damage they receive through cuts in flaying ; a little care in this respect would make a great difference in the value of many of the hides sold in Dunedin. , _ , , Rabbitskins.— Supplies are very meagre. Prlcesat the usual weekly sales are well maintained : 2d to 8d for suckers to ordinary summers, and to lOd and Is for autumn skins. , Tallow.— Business Is only small, but late prices are firm. Medium to good, 15s to 17s ; inferior and mixed, 18s to 14s 6d ; rough fat, best, 11s 6d to 12s 12s 6d ; Inferior to medium, 8b 6rt to 10b 6d. Grain.— Wheat: Really prime sample» are in good demand, but scarce, at fully last week's quotations. Second quality is more plentiful and not so easily placed, but still commands fair attention. The market is bare of fowl wheat, which would command high prices if obtainable. 1 ast week's quotations may be repeated :— Milling : Prime Tuscan, 3s 2d to 3s 4d ; best velvet, 3s to 3s 2d ; best red wheat, 2s lid to 3s Id ; medium to good, 2» 8d to 2s lOd. Oats : Arrivals are sfcill heavy, and stores are filling rapidly. A fair amount of business has been done at about equal to late figures, say Is 4§d for prime milling, and Is 2§d to Is 3id for good feed. Barley i Nothing doing. Quotations nominally 2s 9d to 3s. All quotations sacks extra, ex store. Ryegrass : No business of importance passing. Dressed seed is worth 4s to 4s 6d ; undressed, 2s 6d to 3s 9d, ex store. Cocksfoot, 3}d to 4jd per lb. Potatoes.— The market is without animation in consequence of large supplies forward. Quotations, £2 to £3 per ton. Chaff is in good supply, and saleable at 35s to 47s 6d per ton.

\_The indiidual reports of wool, rabbitskin, or grainbrokers can be inserted in the Daily Tiviet and Otaao Witness at special rates.]


Wright, Stephenson, and Co. report as follows : Owing no doubt to the wintry aspect of the day our weakly sale was an unusually small one. The trotting lioises Nigger and Lord Onslow attraoted a number ol buyers of that class of horses, and both found pm chasers at £20 and £17 respectively. The rest ot the horses entered were of tbe common classes of draught, and light harness horses a fair number of which changed hands. Next Saturday weshall offer a draft of very supei lor young draughts and spring cart horoeß from Mr John Smith's Langlea farm, North Taieri. We quote : - First-class draughts at £20 to £2s; medium draughts, £12 to £15; first-olass hacks, £10 to £17 ; medium, £6 to £8; Inferior, £1 10s to £5 ; carriage pai: s, £40 to £60.

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Otago Witness, Issue 1892, 15 May 1890, Page 20

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COMMERCIAL. Otago Witness, Issue 1892, 15 May 1890, Page 20

COMMERCIAL. Otago Witness, Issue 1892, 15 May 1890, Page 20