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(PBB AIAMBDA AT AUCKLAND.) AUCKLAND, AagUSt 16. The E.M.S. Alameda with date* irom London to Jnlv 13 and San Francisco 3uly 27. arrived to-ntght. Paajengero : For Auckland— Ml*B A Hoat, Messrs R Goad, J. A Gray W A Boat. H Scorn I. H. Henton, Dt C Lonlebeck Mr W. Sc&elaikoff, and 7 steerage; and 55 in transit lor Sydney. GBSBEAL SUMMARY.. Two thousand guestt were at the reception of the National Liberal Club oo tho evening J July 20, "n cetobration of Mi Gladstone* golden wedding It vita a brilliant aflalr. Mr Gladatont wai presented with a commemorative album. th» work of many leading artists He replied io «n eioqueat speech. He said he felt he was being drowned hi an ooeaa ot kindn<j»«. A London despatch of inly ?0 ttjt tfcat Qoeen Vlotorla I* making arr&ngamenU io» tne Prinoe ot Wales to relieve her of the l&Dotir of considering State documents The* prinoe iv this case assumes all responsibility. <md wishes, it is &ald, to adopt the title of prince regent,, and have the osc of BUckliigoam Palaot and Windsor' Ca6tle the Que«>a retiring to Oiborne and Balmoral If thfc arrangement is carried out, Prinoe Albert Victor will obtain pos oeaslon ot Maryborough House. Christine Nelleson, the Swedish prima aonna, uaa Becom6 deaf, as the result of Illness The doctors are confident they will pull Mr Wilftle Oollliu through the present crisis ot his Illness, but that he will never be able- to work again. Residents of Hawardeu propose to ereot a monument in honour of Mr Gladstone's goidea wedding, which was celebrated ia graad style on July 25, The whole United Kingdom sent memorials, address*^, and other tributes of reßpeot. The JPrince ot Wales and * thousand dignitaries cent pleasant words of congratulation. The Premier, Lord Sa'lsbury. In a speech at Mile end, on July 16, told his hearers that, they must not expect the day ever to come when tbe colonies would. become a federation in the same sense as the United States, but he hoped that by oommoa agreemeut the present dimcultiee would be removed. Remarking on Irish - affairs he said it was appalling to t.hlnk that years hence their sons and graudsous might still be discussing the Irish problem with nothing new to 8»y on the subject. i A despatch of July 9 says the Queen and Prince of Walfts a.ra chagrined &fc th<j acuon of tbe House of Commons in referring the question ot dowries (or young princes and princesses to a committee on royil grants. Sarah Bernbardt'* husband is confined to an insane asylum He fa threatened with Incurable insanity, the rf.oult of morphine. At a moeting-of tha jockey club on July 5 Ifc waj decided to accept the resignation of Sir George Ohetwynd as a member. The Hon. James Lowther, who presided, addressed tha members saying .— ■ In our minds Sir George Chetwynd has completely exonerated himself from the charge against him We do not place the same meaning to certain charge» aa was placed on them by Sir George Ohotwynd's lawyers." Sir George has written a Tetter to jockey club, in which he says when he accepted the arbitration on the charges made against him by the Barl of Durham he believed that it was not a tribunal to condemn hirai He denies that his, resignation involves an admission of the justice of the award of damages made against him by the arbitration. Tbe withdrawal of tho Pamellite c6uasel on July 16 from the special commission by . ordet of their clients, who have abandoned tbe case againit'Tha Times, creates a profound sensation. The action of the Irish leader is a determined protest against the exclusion of the books of Seoretary Houston, jof the Loyal and Patriotic League, from which they proposed to probe the Pigott conspiracy against them t i and the iniquity of The- Times in publishing, the ParnelHsm and Crime artioleß Inspired by Pigott. Although their counsel have left the court, tbe Irish leaders deolare their willingness to answer any questions that the judges may desire to ask. 'Theodore Schmidt, the Dutoh Consul at Hamburgh, failed on July 4, with liabilities at 12,000,000 marks and assets at 8,000,000 marks. A number of bishops have petitioned the Vatican to canonise Christopher Columbus on the anniversary of tho discovery of America. The fruit aad wine crop in Northern Bohemia ia reported an utter failure, owing to almost constant storms. The German Imperial Admiralty has just uucovered a nest of corruption in the Navy Department, involving many high officials. Several naval officers have been arrested at Berlin and Kiel and charged with wholesale bribery. One of the accused officers shot himself dead. Large quantities of gold coin from South America are passing through Antwerp for Russia and Austria, the same as during the Franco-German war. Fifteen thousand workmen struck at Brunn (Austria) on July 2nd, including all the bakers in the city, but there "was no rioting. The strikers demanded an increase of 3 per cent, in their wages. Mills, an English jockey, waa billed at Spn (Belgium) on July 2nd. He fell from his horse during a race. Advices from St. Paul de Loando say that tbe English removed the French Hag from the house of Sultan Brunton, King of Qranri*Hassana, a French town in Upper Gaiuea. The French claim a protectorate over the place. Prince Nicholas of Mingrelia, formerly a candidate for the Bulgarian throne, died in the Caucasus on July 9. The Government of Russia has completely suppressed tbe Lutheran Church in that empire. It is believed that the niiflaion of ex-King Milan, who has returned to Belgrade, is to surrender Servis wholly to Russia. Count Sparre, a mftDober of a prominent Swedish family in Copenhagen, committed suicide on July 24 after he had killed, his mistress, a circus performer named Elvia Madigan. He was married, and with his wife moved in the most aristocratic circles in Europe. Canada will not alter her Sour duties till nest session of Parliament. Canadian millers complain of the discrimination in favour of the United States. The Canadian-Pacific Railway Company has arranged all difficulties with the United States authorities, and will in future use their short line for Canadian sea-borne traffic in maritime provinces through Maine. The annexation of Chicago suburbs to the city proper, carried on June 29, has added 200,000 to the population 'of the place, and makes its census second in the cities of the Unioa. The July statement of the public debt of the United States showed a reduction of over 16,000,000d0l in the month of June preceding. IHB OAHADIAN-PACIFIC SERVICE. A cable to the Montreal G-3zettß of July 13 sayo — The British Postmaster • general ha* signed a contract with the Canadian • Pacific TBilway for a fast monthly China - Japan service, guaranteeing £500,000 yearly. The company's bonds are now being. floated, and steamers being built to carry mails and passengers, the former going by the Cana'dian-Pftcific railway to the Pacific Coaßt, and thence to China and Japan by tho new Pacific line, instead of as formerly by the American line from San Francisco. Steel steamers, -which can be converted into war cruisers if needed, will be used for the service. The latter feature is considered important, and is whispered as being th«- principal reaeon?for the big subsidy granted, aa it is much cheaper than keeping warshipß at great expense in the Pacific in case of trouble with Russia. AN AMERICAN STEAMSHIP LINE, President Carbin, of the Rallroad'and Rapid Transit Steamship Company, has purchased 320 acreß of land, and all available water frontage at Montalk Point, Long Inland, New York, as a landing point in the United States {or his new steamship line. In New York 5.000.000d0l have beeu subscribed, largely by Vandotbilt, to build eight steamships with power to cro3s the Atlantic in five and a half days. The new vessels yd\l be corwt^eted in, Americ|^and

carry only saloon and second cabin passengers. The hafxhes are not tc be opened for general Ireight. Only mails,' expresi packages, coin,ia.nd bullion will be carried. The contract, lor the construction ot the steamer* wlllbeawardedaa eoon as thenew WhlteStar , Line steamship Majestic proves a success The new type ot twin-screw propeller vriU_ be tried on this vessel. It (uc'cessfnl, they promise to revolutionise sorew propellers It the contracts cannot be filled here within a reasonable time, the yard will be le&aed and the vessels to be constructed by the company. IHB SAMOAN QUESTION. i The Bern York Herald ot July ii prints tbe follow'vcg Washington despatch i— '■ It will not t>6 surr,r's!ng U the treaty agreed on at Berlin regarding tLt Islands oi 'Samoa should be rejected by the Settle. The Democratic senators. II reports are true that art leaking out fr^nc the State department and lrom l he German Foreign Office, will have much reason lot v.iiirig hgaiust the treaty than their RepuUioau colleagues had lor voting against the Fisherlet Jnuty. It seemi that Mr Elaine is nob •atisfied with tne terms made at Berlin, but yielded the point rtaber than have tht coulerence a failure It is «aia Messrs Kasson and Phblpa had theit eyes ou th 6 minlou to the German Court, and tf they have yl&laea American rights it will naturally give rise to criticism* mat they were more anxious lo conciliate Germany than detenu American Interests at ttit> risk of unpopularity in Berlin. The comrnlselou f?a» ZiGt ttarmonloLt at any time, as the mem* t>e« warn Influenced toe ration by Prinoe Bismerok, At the settlement ot titioi to estates 1b left In, the h&Dda of a tripartite advisory board representing England, German?, and tht United State*, the majority will always be ib the hands of ths two European Power* voting together. So attempt ieems to have beet- mado by our commissioners to secure native possession of land and check German aggreosiona. STANLEY'S MOVEMENTS. A London despatch, June 36, says —Tie friends ot Stanley, trio explorer, art cot discouraged «t oot receiving additional advices by Tippo Tib'% ion, who has just arrived at Zanzibar, There is general satla- ! lactiou in circlet connected with British Interests In j Itaet Africa, that Stanley came acound by the Viatorta Nyanza. and uot through Ungoro and Uganda. I There is little doubt that Stanley has been In Uslata j where otores have boea accumulating for tome time. : Besides the store* he would nnd there letters j acquainting him with the situation la British Bast Africa. It so he would advance on the north-east of Victoria Nyanza, and on the country between that and Wadelal to checkmate the efforts of the Germans to get up the Tana river and aroundby Uganda, and cut oft British Bast Africa from the Interior, tn ' well Informed circles it is thought probable that when Emm get* a supply of guns, ammunition, and itores tram Stanley, he may return to Wadelal and continue to hold the province until steps are taken to secure it. Stanley has enoouatered shooklng privations. His hair is now nolle, his clothes in rags, and being without ahoes tie la obliged ;to use okins to cover his feet. THE PAPAOY. The New York Mail and Express ha*> special cable from Borne, under date July 6, to the effect that the Pope hnd arranged to leava the Vatican, and hod prepared a list of court personage* to accompany him. The Vicar-general would remain at Borne with part of the Papal household. The Spanish Ambassador to the Vatican arrived In Madrid on July 5, and reported to the Spanish Government the decision of the Pope to quit Italy and hit desire to reside in Spain. , He will be granted an asylum tn Valencia. It is announoed In ecclesiastical circles that the Pope's expressed desire for the cardinal! to •elect Cardinal Lavlgerie as hit successor meetb with the approval of the prelates, and that there Is no doubt Lavlgerie will be the nest Pontiff, A despatch from Berlin of July 22 tays that Prince Bismarck, through Dr Yon Bchioeger, the German representative At the Vatloan, has dissuaded the Pope from leaving Borne, and one from Madrid of the same date says the Spanish Government bat torbidden demonstrations calculated to encourage tbe Pope to come to Spain In the event of his leaving Italy* MATRIMONIAL GOSSIP. A despatch from London (June 29) Bays t — The announcement that Queen Victoria had consented to the marriage of Princess Louise, eldest daughtet of the Prince of Wales, to the Barl of Fife, was the principal topic of the week . It appears that the Prinoa of Wales wanted to arrange a marriage for hia daughter with the Duke of Portland, which would have been a far higher and wealthier alliance for the princess ; but the duke declined, preferring to make n love match with the beautiful Miss Dallas- Yorke. Hoyalty was offended at the refusal. This is why the Prince of Wales and his family started off to Paris on the eve of tho Dukb of Portland's wedding, and why the Queen omitted to send even her customary present of an Indian shawl to the bride of her master of the horse. The Prince of Waleo promptly arranged the marriage of his daughter with Lord Fife, in order to reßent the snubbing he received from tho Duke of Portland. The girl friends of Princess Louise of Wales have presented her with a flexible band of large diamonds for a bracelet. The wives of Cabinet Ministers have given & hoop bracelet with 11 large diamonds. A magnificent diamond comb has been given by the Prince of Wales' household, and the Queen's household has given three splendid diamoud stare. The Prince and Princess of Wales gave a flexible tiara of diamonds, and a cross of brilliants is given by the gentlemen of Norfolk. Lord Fife's presents were a tiara and two necklaces. The tiara U a mats ot diamonds, and one of the moat valuable pieces of work in England. Mrs John W. Maokay gave a pair of diamond earrings costing 15,000d01. The value of the wedding presents amounted to £150,000. j The wedding took place at .Buckingham Palace Chapel. The services were full choral, and were i solemnised by the Archbishop of Canterbury, i assisted by the Dean of Westminster, the Eev. Edgar Shepherd, the Bishop ot London, the Hector ot Sandrlngham, the Dean of Windsor, I and the Bishop of |St. Albans. The bridesmaids j were Princes* Victoria ol Walei, Princess Maud ot ! Wale*, Counteis Ftdora Qleicben, Countess Victoria Gleioben, Govmte&s Helen Gleichen, Princess Victoria ol Teck, Princess Victoria of Schleswig-Hol-steln. The Earl of Fife's best mau was his cousin, Horace Farquhar. Tbe levee dress vras worn and the ceremony carried out in what is known '.as the semi-State which, tlnce the Prince Consort's death, has usually taken tht place of full State, and is almost equal in magnificence. The wedding breakfast was served in the supper room of Buckingham Palace. The Boyal Family breakfasted separately in another room with the Queen The Barl and hlo bride drove back after breakfast to Marlborough House. AMBRIOAN BUMMARY. Sah Francisco. July 27. Miss Kate Driecel, who" recently entered Plttsburg Convent, has donated 250,000d0110 found a Catholic college in Philadelphia exclusively for coloured students. The Be«. Solomon Bour, Babbl of the first Hungarian cougregatlon. Chicago, has sued the members of his floolc for lO.OOOdoI on the grounds that they hired a Thug lo give him a pummelling. Harold Marsh Sew ell, late United State* Consul ai Apia, Samoa, who aooompan'ed ths American Commission to Berlin, libb entered a complaint before the United States Secretary of State that he ■was treated with contempt while in the German oapithl &nrt unmercifully snubbed. Some excitement was caused on the 25th July by United State* Secretary Wimdour ruling in favour of Chinese tourists at Rew Orleans and permitting them to pass through the country as such The suit was brought by the Southern Paolflc Ralirnad Company. The Chinese transit route is considered virtually reopened, and the question will be thrown into politics with an important bearing ou the coming elections In tbe United States. The officers of the United States Treasury, Washington, have made the startling discovery that a conspiracy has bet>n in operation among those who print Government securities, by which a large amount of Government money has been fraudulently issued printed from platet and dies in the bureau. Secretary Wilson, of the Hew York Chamber of Commerce, i? at work trying to find out the effect of the Chinesft Exclusion Act on American interests In China- Circulars have b?en sent to American consuls and missionaries in that Empire asking their views. A few responses hare al<eady been received They favour the repeal of the act. AH replies will be read at a meeting of the chamber in September, and an effort will be made to have next Congress repeal the act. The British Minister at Washington sailed for Europe on July 10. It is reported he carries a rough draft of an agreement between Great Britain and tho United States concerning the Cf>naclian and Bt bring Sea questions, to be submitted to Lord Salisbury for consideration and suggestion. _ A amjden Disking of the earth tools place in Prin.ce

George County , Virginia, on July 17, covering a wide area ol territory. In one plaoe the depression is from 10ft to 60ft. This embraces 12 acres, and a lake fed by subterranean .water has formed. John Lewis, a saloon and gambling housekeeper at Fossil, Wyoming territory, who flogged his wife '.for teaohing their ohild a prayer, waa visited on July 17 by about 20 women, armed with black snakes, buggy whips, and willow switches, by a vigorous application of which they nearly flogged him to death Ha struggled, ouried, and ftwore, but the flagellators were too much foi him. English capital is seeking Investment In tbe United States just now ia enormous quantities. Syndicates have been formed to buy breweries, restaurants, match faobories, to control dry goods trade. The latest organisation is a salt trust, with a capital ot 20,000,0C0d01. Tho dry goods project called for £10,000,000 sterling, and the money was ready. The United States Navy department tent by the steamei Australia, which left San Francisco for Honolulu on July 19, a oast iron screw for the warship Neipsfo, expected at that port. Thfl order of Admiral Kimberley, in sending the Nelpslo home in tow of tho Alert, is looked upon as a moat extraordinary one. The village of Princetown, Ohio was almost wiped out by a tornado on the afternoon el July li, »na from 15 to 30 peoplb were killed. Not a house escaped damage, and some of them were blown away bodily. In many Instances not a tiaoe was left of the structures that had stood on the spot. Generally la Ohio and Missouri the storm wrought fearful damage. A bloody battle took place at Dalutte. Minnesota, on July 6, between 2000 striking street labourers and 36 police. The military were called, out, and attacked the rioters vigorously, bayonetting several, and shooting many more. Seven official! were wounded by the mob, but none seriously. The police were attacked while guarding 70 men wotking in a sewer trench, who, being satisfied with their wages, preferred not to go on stride.

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Otago Witness, Issue 1970, 22 August 1889, Page 3

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THE SAN -FRANCISCO MAIL. Otago Witness, Issue 1970, 22 August 1889, Page 3

THE SAN -FRANCISCO MAIL. Otago Witness, Issue 1970, 22 August 1889, Page 3