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Education Board.

, A meeting of ih6' Education' Board' was^eTfff ' on the, 20th. There were present^Messrs Fraer (JCha'irman)', ' Macgregor, Dr Brown, andiP,rofeßsor £handi; > ; >r KiNANCE 'COMMITTEE.' I' l iT ilf-'jiV Your committee, having "considered the variousmatters referred to it, begs Ito ihako/ the -following' ije.cohimei)dationß : — .. „., .• , >,' ■ ,',jh -ti] That the following sums be granted ,to tlie^undern.i mentioned suhool, commlteees x for buiWhig4^-Akatore.'£3 W : Mdrewhenua.' JB9- 'SKI' Leonard^,' £6 h s; Otakia, £By ! Tua'peka Flat,' £l0 1 r Moßgiel, £11/ , '!..', , i' of. ..r ;*j»". IJoo^rfa Inle,t.— That the ,scjliooi;chimney.,be re-- . built, and tljat the application jfoi; graralling, &c, be-i declined. *■ ( . ' „ ' ' Waipori.— That'UcatlotMbr grant towards, cost ot 'ejecting a verandah be' declined.'. l!l ' ' • " Awamoko.— 'fhafc the stpplitiHiioni for renewal of* fence rqund tlie declined. , "i; (f - Waitepeka.} To\ynsliip,— Your .ppmnu^ttee ffecpmrv ' mends that (a) the soliool building jifthis district be taken, over by thd' Boardy (b) 'ifcnat the, school' Detreated as kn ordinary scliool'nnder 1 Hie'Bortr'd'; fc)' that theuistrlctbe, formed intd'A school district'; (tf)" that new acUoiil bnvldi»#3 .be.erectod in.the. the district!;.' aud (c) that, the preseiiji.building be,conv;ert§d into a. teachec's^jesidence. , ' , „ , >■ ■, ' ; , . Albany Street.—T hat the rippHciniipn'for increased'; Bclidol i 'aedbmmpaiitiou 'life' 'atSlinefd/ 'and thafc"the' ( School t Gommititeeo be inftt'rnled'ithafc fcliere^is' sliffi-'! cienf, school acuoiiujiodation, 'accordingf to t bonrd!au; re.gulat.ions, at.the North,end pf th/J city. '>■ . i „,,•, UnioiiSbreet.— That' the ai;cni,£ec't's,'reeommeuda? tion re gables 'at south end be ifive'ii effect to.' ' "' \' • i Stuart' 1 Street Site.— That %&■ secretly be iu'i stimcted to resist payment 6f 'rates 1 on tins' < sitef us it , is.used'as.a s'chdolplay-grounfl.'rft i 1 • . t • ," ,|"jii .Oamaru.r— That, Mr Allen's, cjainij for .half cpsto^ fencing b$ referred to the Oamarn' School Committee.' " > ■' ' v -'' "-' fl ' '•■/ "■■ ' Broad Bay.— That the&npliea'tiori.fbi 1 hssist-an'de Oil defrajyirrg'cbst of prtperiiig residence' be'deolined.'< f f" I Omce.-rryour' Committee i recommends tliat theofpee be connected, with the telephone., „,,: ;,[,.,,; j Te Houka.— That, the application from the teacherto' be.a llowed the' salary payable to' ,'an oi'dinary" school be 1 declined. . ''i ' '-'"■ '"• " '' ! ' lll!l ■' -• i {f endew'.— Your committee'recommends theaccepfc- ' aiice, of itlie'i'ollowing. tender^ :— Xower ; Harb6ur~- ' New sphopj, Neil Murmy ;, StonebuniT^-^cllodl. , and 'residence, £2(50, Andi-e\\ v Aitken,; <Waitahuni. West^-Sdhool and residence, £2W, ymi^mjfiayj- 11^''] . was adopted. It^'s'ubseqsLen^y" intimated that' the successful 't^nder^fj)r ; school at'er, HarUoup.hafl'with'drawii'his^jfiendei'l'", \ ', . , l',u PORT ciL\I,MBRS. ' '\ ' ''_',', < 'The Port Chalmers Committee jyrpte re/ti^ef 1 ", kppom^meivt, of rector, j'andr sug^estingj .thjit'^a'', rector be.atlvertisedtdr in , the A^ralian COIO7J' nit s, stating that 'the salary, ,'was '£433,' witK .'a^ free house. ' t ' .. '','" ' , „',.. Mr jEiiDEB, moved— " That'the Board ( re-^qyer^ ' tiseV's^atiiig the i'nets, tlie "view of "obia'nWi ing^he'very bost'^tfaciier procurable." ' Dr, J ]VtAC(i]t«,uojt se'coiuled T,he c motion. \ ■ ',''* 1 Mr'FuASßit. objected ,£o, tlie 'motion. These'; schools, were the prizes' 'that' should go to J b'ur , pwfa. ; teachers. ' , He objec|e'd^d their, importing r Victorian teachers now,'thou'gh they had in the, past.receiv ( ed some excellent ; men from' Victpr;^ ?^ The; necessity, however, for'importing fo'refga^ talent was now 1 at an end. There were plenty *- of good men on the board's staff now, and witbl $heir Normal Trainirig College and University continually feeding the staff, there should , be' m o' , lack of suitable men. By keeping these schools,^ from their own teachers he thought the board, would be treating them very scurvily. The" object of the Port Chalmers Committee was ' evidently to get a teacher from another Colony. 'Mr Elder: Certainly not. ' Professor Shaud.,, had no doubt that the local men were quite able I to compete ' against teachers from jother Colo-", nies. Ifjthey were not, then he .thought'tHey' were 'quite entitled to' choose from 'the other' Colonies. However,' he pointed out that' a,, teacher from Victoria could not be obtained, for' 1 two months. Ityould'not be safe to appoint"* any man from a distance simplyon testirn'onialpL They should'be exceeding careful about in'akingv inquiries about any such teacher who applied. . l^ Dr Bhown said h^e' agreed with Professor ' Shand: Mr Elder said the committee wouldadvertise themselves if the board did not. ' The motion was agreed to — Messrs Fraser, Fraer, and Clark objecting. WIIXIAM STREET, SCHOOt. The Chairman "reported that the sub-com-mittee had considered plans for the new William , street school. They had adopted a sketch plan submitted by the architect, after certain amend-/ nients suggested by the committee.' : "', r' , Mr J. B. Park, hea.d master, of the wrote statinghis objections to the proposed plan.; of the new building. His first, was that all the. class-rooms were not on the, same flatj which would militate against proper dispipline andj cause much inconvenience. Hts second'was that" class-rooms of an oblong shape, divided into two nearly square blocks by a passage ' up the middle, with a teacher on one side, and a pupil teacher on the otheiv was an arrangement • detrimental to the discipline and' attention bf pnpils. The long narrow space, in front of the desks cannot be advantageously utilised, and'" three-fo urths of the lessons at least must be given' to the whole^ class , at their seats by the teacher himself.' To' command the class he must either stand, in one corner of the- room, or, if in the centre' of the floor-space- (his proper position), he; must be continually looking from one side to* the other. Further, •he -thought it nnadyisaW to have the infants' and. the 'elder pupils enters ing from the same side'bf the building: ' If tho' board ..decided to adopt the proposed ,plan, fieurged the 'following internal Tliat the seats and desks be placed parallel TjrithL the; ends of the classrooms, having a pa's3¥ge^ down' each side, except the infant' room,' wMcb; would require only one passage down the middle*. - That in every case, where practicable, the dows be on the left of the pupils liyhile's'eafte'cl'afe. ■ the desks. That no other pupils enter iWttm theY same side of the building as 'the infentte,, ami ■that the infants have a court for 1 t&e-H*' eloakii, audhats, and where they' oould 'find'shelterwhen needed. He was pleased- with that parb of the plan which gave ' a ■'large ijifant-room ami two' classrooms attached. "1 "."',. . I'iiDr BroWn • moved ' 'and -Dr "MA'ConHOOH seconded—^ That Xi, Park's -plan ij be 'ad^ted.

Dc "Brown in mqying^icl^that.Mr^ar^jfrpi-u,, "hisJbng .experience 'wjap.qu^picpmpeite^t to gi-ijo. ran' opinion {b'n'stn'e^ niatte[r l , f an4 liquo^ecl(,1 iquo^ecl ( , fr»ni.j author^ies ' to show tha^, his plan wa^.the,. best. ' • i^ii;.-i ni} " i»T n. .I ! -i-i.. Erofessqr , ,a<imjtted; that,, v Mr Jpar,fc;',s plan •wa^ I most,'suitabie', (^here' f scholars i^e r ■mamed 'in, their s;eats , ajn^l ,w;ej.-e* lectured. by t)ie -maßtef." The drilli^gM^ec^ssaryi/for. ypungchildren,, howevei;^ cou}djn 1 9,t I ,b,ef tdo^.wi-fch his system. Se therefore sfdvocatea, jshfl-jOppo^e.i tyve of schoplroßm. ,. ,', '.^Ui-f- in -Jm vdL -«\ I' Mr.jF^EK^-in, view of the, disagreement that,' ■ -wa^r 'anparent,' ' suggpste-^ , ,tbja^ evidence o ( f , -ehp ■ head-t^ach6rs i^nd some , should^ ]pf>.< taken with the view-.iflf; fleciding,. the.Jiest dPrqfessor that jjbhe arphiteofc's adopted, .ai}d,.Jihat he, bje,,instruc'tied ±p,, Viovidp two adssqi}si s^ai-jefts^.' | ,/.,-{..-/.- 1 ; , "^Che amendment was not seconded, and , v ,, ,, Dr Bhoavn .agr.eenig^.t.o^Mc .Ptaser's suggestion, the names of the latter gentleman and Mr Elder were addedn<tbL thefcomnifttee to take evidence, andre^ ne-db me^tia^. -„,,, / , '. <■ , .[THE SCHOOLOP .Aail.j „ ...',„ Dr'BnawN moved' his motion," to rescind tne' ijesclution-of' the boara providing for the' : dis-, missalf of >Miss"Buniside. -Heifirstaskedwho' -was the pupil teacher, incthe school. t .The, Skcketaby, stated that.Dav^d Hutton, 3un.,-was the pupil.teacher. ' > « !.n •• Dr Bnovm then proceeded to reaii from'theletters sent to 'the board' by Mr • Hatton.' r He ■quoted from the writt.en by Mr fitut-' trail to the effect ibhat "his pupil teacher was <iualii&ed to do all the work done by Miss Bum-side,-and that ''therefore he could do -without heir.- This he'sfetfe'dTVOuld be' a saving to the board, and would not in , any way interfere with ■the efficiency of, ijhft,' school'." In a subsequent letter he . said... that ,"he regarded! .it', -as •an imposition ■' to keep ■ -the- 1 lady 'assistanrt ■without having adecjuat'ej-v^ork' for her td'do!'' X6'i\ymu*d be' .seen, T)p "Br'ow,n , cdntinijed,' ■that Miss Burnsidejs dismissaVwas not.askedjfor, on the ground of incompetency; 'Butiasithe 1 attendance at the school had not fallen off he -could 'not see how' there could be' less work for 1 Miss, Burnside. now than ( previously,,'" If there hadjbeen, a falling off .th^t' would' ,be a serious •ma, I tter for the consideration of .the hoard to ascertain whether or not' such falling' off- yas 1 due to the teaching in 'general.' If they were to ■dismiss their teachers 'on the ground of £coribmy| he hel-4 that t^ey should, start with the, highest paid.,servantsj more. especially as, there was- a great dearth of employment 'for- ladies,- and a constant 'cry that men' '.were 1 'taking p'ositibns that'women might 1 very well occupy. It was "A ,<JV?6stion whether . they should not retain Miss Burnside, and give her charge of the School' of Art. She could 1 itinderfcake the 'drawing 'pro Ibably just as well as any mari'cduld. The bbard' should take into serious consideration whethe l^ it would' hot be as well to put Miss Burnside in -charge of the place as to dismiss her. In dealing with this matter he might- say that he 'did ■not know either party, and that he was 1 simply; going" by the correspondence that had c'opW before' the Board. „ ,^ , *Mii Phaser seconded the motion.' He understood iha^Miss Burnside was a most compeiiept teacher j and 'from what he could learn she' was 1 "the,, only teacher in the ' ( School of Art, from Whom, the outside public derived any benefit. Mr,lstytton was no doubt' highly qualified as' a. drawing-master,' dra"tlgh,'|sman',.and so^pn/b'ut'he ■did not seem to have -thW knack of imparting his knowledge to his pupils. It was not necessary to go into the personal side of the ques.tidn. ■They'could easily see through Mr Hutton's^appUcation. He had not behaved in a way that -was honourable to that board, buthad cast dust in their eyes with the" intention ''of misleading theni.' It wai' .absurd for him'jjttf sayjthat he itfßio*e J the ' 'appUcation ' bn grounds , of economy^ It was to b^e the indirect jiieans of elevating his •own,' ,'fcbn to the position .now pcWpied ,by Miss burnside. The w'h'oie' qufes^ibn' , ! of the 'teaching in the'- School of Art 'should ,be very' r 'cjosely scrutinised 'and looked into,"and he believed that if they did look into it^'the b.oaM,wojild,be considerably astonished.' ',, His opinion was that it' was Mr Hutton' wh6 should' go. Like Dr Brown, he did riot know either of the 'parties', and could only s,peak from close inquiry. ( ', ''The motion was agreed to. : . ',' professor Shajjd thought' such statements ■against anybody 'in the board's service should not be made unless they could be "thoroughly well siiibs^antiajfc'ed arid the person', making them was prepared to act upon them.,' A^jio, Dr Brown's remarks, •fchey had ii on the authority of the "head' of, the ' drawing school that two persons could dp the work which three were .now employed to undertake.,, ' ' ,-i „ '' , , 'Oh-Jbhe motion, of Mr .Phaser, seconded by, Prdfesgbr Shand, it, was agreed— " That a' committee be appointed to inquire' into, the .whole working of the School of Art,' the committee, to consist of the chairman, Mr, Elder, Dr Brow, and the mover." „." , > ,', , , ; iIESIGNATIO^S. ' ', ,' ' ' ' The following resignations were accepted :— r Isabella T-urner, mistress, Kaikorai ; Janies G! M'L^mont, headT 'teacher, 'Kakanui; TYilliam Reritbn; , do, Te ' Houka •' ''Charles Richardsbp, do', , Moonlight : ' James , Cout'ts, third assistant^ Port? Chalmers ; Charles Young, head teacher, Warpahi ; A. P. ' Drummdrid,'. do, ; Robert Huie,' 'doj, Warepa;, Margaret M'William, schoolmistress, Otepopo ; W. H. Kneen, head .teacher, Pukeuri ; George Davidson,' relieving teacher ;' Catherine M'Lym'on't, mistress,' Kakan-ui; C. H: Morgan,' bead teacher, Taieri River ; John S. Dalley, do, Glenkenich ; W. S. Saunders, do, Bendigo; R. H. Ferguson, do, Blueskin. f, ; , APPOINTMENT^. ' ( '.The following appointments were made: — ■Robert. Huie, head, , teacher,- B,road Bay, 'vice "Wilson, left , the,,, service; John Moodie, do, Matakanui, w'tfe J Menzies, do; Pinder, do, ,Kuri Bush, wee] .Garry, dp ;, Isabella Turnbulljj.miske'ss, George stre>t,' ( viqe .Spitott', resign'e^;, G^orge^ Ejavidson, second assistant, Alpany street, .vice Heridry, "promoted ; James G, .M^Lymont, do, Port,, Chalm'er,s, i^.Cfi;^,', resign^ :' ' James ', Fleming, f ourjih , Qam'aru District, School, riewapi^pintment; ,W. E.; t ßa^tuigs, fifth , assistant, 9^Y er sham, new appointment ; Andrew , 'Davidson, • pupil-teacher, Sawyer's Bay, new appbintmeri't. «•♦,,/'/ , 1 ■„ . /v/ v ' OAJIARP. , , The, Oa'maru, School Committee asked that Mr, Forbes be retained as m-st' assistant in .the Jtforth School Resolved— « That'Mr Forbes be allpiived to rem,am .untii' after the result of ',the ' next examina^ipiis is known.-;' ,'<•,',, ( ,', ,' f ' m '■" '' BW ' EBX W AND, KrpJBURN., , ,■' ' (" -,-The committees;. asked the board to fix the days, pn which r .thjs, schpol ( is to' be taught in? each, distnct.-rlt was agreed , to allow.,theteacher to teach- alternate days. atKyeburn and |!w:eb,urn,, the.', schpol, being cpnducted dvery Saturday- a*, Kyeburn. | _ , (/ .-.{ „•„ . i( ' >>•' '■> ), J,r, ; <,' CL^aS,BOOKB. i,.,',, „ i Mr Fbaser proposed.the motion, pf, which he tad gjv^ti jnptic^— "^hatjthe.B.ook of Problems forjStjvndard ll\, .edited by, Insp P ctor Goyen, oe not used in the public schools of Otago " Me contended that the book was too difficult

|for ll ch^dr,e^. m, l^e;^r,4 /; SJ;a'ntjard. M ,pne ,osf ' j the i;egul(atiqns| tprovided , t thaf :B r phlems, in ; Mftlmetig , . r |or, lt $ag Stan,dar4; should, in r tvolveonl^'pneiprmcipje... ■', „, , „;..; , '„,, , , ; Shaito* pro , form, 1 se,c,qnded the mqtion, which was,lost.. „v us-jut . . ■/■ ' ' j ' ' ' ' 'CALI-IKO .TENDERS. ' Mr FKASEBrOroppsed-r-'.'^k^iUi' future all leases of "Expenditure Tiy the board for material or 1 repairs 'exceedinfe''J32o hi valuebe tendered )fo^pilbUcly.fVc-Agrefetl»to.".'t) fo^pilbUcly.fVc-Agrefetl»to.".'t« tf '■•■' .•";•"'>' r. , u "(I i.' v.if/ .'i'-iIGCOWNTS.. 1"1 "' 1 ! r' : ' '■ • ' 'AccountsHra the' stun of .t£6843 15sllld were' :passe'dforpayinenfcffiq -\t mj.t .> - u>, ; . -i<i 4 • . vfisftmcß ofJmotoon/" m '" ' " 1 Mr iPBA)3BK ' askefi th«t. tifc v riotice of motion, which he hadltabled/at Jast; meeting, rb inviting , applicati6hs>!iEori-al 50crfetary tfully" qualified to , undertake the datiei^'-of aminspector' should be , flowed to stand Moyerl'wntfr mexti 'meeting. — '> ,Agreed<tov> i- «-:>• -»•-** <d »' ••■ •< > '

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Otago Witness, Issue 1762, 29 August 1885, Page 3 (Supplement)

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Education Board. Otago Witness, Issue 1762, 29 August 1885, Page 3 (Supplement)

Education Board. Otago Witness, Issue 1762, 29 August 1885, Page 3 (Supplement)