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SIR Henry Drivkr (on beh?lf of the N.Z L. and M.A. Co , Limited) reports for the week ending 29tli January, as follows :-•

The following fat stock came forward at the janls to-day:— los head cattle, 6 calves, 1652 i-heep, 370 laoibs.

Fat Cittle.— KotwiW standing the moderate bu; ply, there vsasve y little improvement in prices, and the B*!e3we altoijethe' languid. Best Hillocks up to £13 7s 6d ; do cows, up to £10 2s 6d— or ba-ely equ»l to 33s per 1001b.

Fat Calvts.— Those penned sold at f nc pricep, according to size and quality. Fat Sheep.— Owing io the small supply, prices advanced Is per head on last wetk's quotitions Of those penned 300 on y were in store condition Best cross-breds brought up to 12s - or fully 21 per lb

Fat Lambs.— l'bese sold at Cs 6d to 10s, ace )rding to qualify. ,- Store Sheep.— We have placed several large lots under offer, but have uo transitions to repjrr. Store Cattle.— On Thursday, the 23rd instant, we sold at Mosgiel the balance of Messrs Avson and Wati's cattlo (173 beid) at from £5 %& 6d to £8 per head for steers and bulloc.tß, and £3 10s for cows. Privately, we have sold 300 head mixed cattle during tho wetk at £5 per head.

Country Sa'es.— We beg to call special attention io our sale at BalG'uiha on Friday next, at 1 o'clock, when wo thall offer, on account of Mr Kobert Williams, the whole of his coaching plant, co sisting of co ches, horses, buggies, harness, &0., &c. ; also, section* at Forest Hill, New River Hundred.

Wool. — We have no advices from our London office, nor have any sales taken place in this market .since our lsßt report Private inquiry quiet. On Tuesday luxt we offer a catalogue of good wools, greasy, washed, and scoured.

Sheepskins.— Supply sm»ll. The f>>w lotfl offjr^d Bold at full ratos, coiibidorlng their medium qunlitv. Cross- breds brouelit 4s Id to 4s 3d : nieriooa, 4s Id ; pelts, 3d to 6d. '

Tallow.— We hid a goid supply this week, for which there was increased cornre ition Wo sold 45 packages (about eight tonB) at 24s 6 1 to 27s 6d for fair meviium quality; damaged aud infeiior, 17s 01 to 22s ; raugh fat, 21s.

Grain.— Wheat is not in request, except In small Parcels for mixing. M'llers will not incr aso stocks in f ice of the new crop bo near at hand. Quotations are nominal. Oats : Saks of ths new crop have been nnde at 2s fid to deliver uex'. mouth. Old corn brings 3s 6d to 3i 8d for feed. B irley nominal.

Wright, Stepbenson and Co. report for the week ending 29th January, as follows :—

Fat Cattlo.— Tho Biipply was a small one, only 105 bond b»ing y-jrdod ; but as tho trado hold considerable stocks, sales were difficult to effect, cvi n at a reduction nn la'e rates. We sold on account oi various vendors 33 head. Bullocks brought from £9 ro £10 103 ; cowb, from £7 tn £8 10.1-rr say 25s f er JOOlb Fat Calves.-Omy six head were ymded, uhieh' wo sold at from 228 to 303 each.

Fat Sheep— The number pinned (1552), although •]nall ; proved quite adequate for Jhe requirements of

the trsde. We pod 1294 on account of the N Z a»d A. land G.\ ("Depp Doll), M-esrs W. Gellibrand and Co. (Cottesbro-ij), John Bni<e, GfO'go Wilson, and P. Schaw, at fiem 9s to 12s each— prices equal to 2J per lb. Store Cuttle and Store Sheep.— *Vo have no transactions to report Pute-bred Stock —We have to report having sold, on a<:ci'Ubt of tho Hon. M. Holmes, of AwAinoa, to Richaid Olivor, E-q., of Corri(.dal<", ft saiisriifltory once;, one 15-inoniha-old pure shorthorn bull, by Klllfrfiy (imported frc-m England), out o( Orummie'a Jiutteifly, bred by Mrssrs M-nton and Lent h ; als", 12 sDortborn cows, bred by Mm P°ariß, ofKiccarton He have also sold, on account of Mr Downee, to the same buyer, two vory fln> shorthorn ht-ifers; alfo, on account of James Gow, Eeq , Inverary, >'orthTnieri to Thomas Ay.wn, Fsq , of Wynriham, for 150 guineas, one pure-bred shorthorn heifer Cilf, by Stafford, the champion bull at the last Ouhfcdin Show, out of Susan, by Morning Star. Susan was the champion cow at the same .'how. Also, on »ccount of sitne vendor, to Hugh Carswell, Exq , «>f Tol-Ti.ia, at HfUibfaewry prices, two shorthorn cows. Duchess and Gip<y, th« forrcer by Omar Pasha out of v Morning St\r cow, and the latter by the sam 9 bull out cf a cow imported from Vic'oria. Country Sales.— On Fritlay, 2uh instmt, we held a fla c by auction at Messrs Ouskery ard iJv'id's farm. Janet's Pc-ik, near Palrncrston. Thoi c was a large attendance but biddii,g was slack. Merino ew<?g, fullmouthed and broken, with cro.s<i-b>ed Jambs, brought 6i ; horses, £19 10s to £27 ; growing crops, 20i G I to 363 per acra We desire to call special attention to our halo ,at Roselunk, Purtobello ro*d, on Fri-Jay, 3lstinst., at 12 « 'clock, when wo shall submit for public sale the whole oJ Mr Robert Cadzow's dairy stoik, horses. Ac. ; also tho hoiiFtho<d furniture. Hurst'».- Kor mr bale on Saturday last a very large number cjme foiwaid. There was a fair demand for draught--, a considerable number of which (hanged huvds, but light and iufenor 6orts were d'flkult to quit. We whh to direct notice to our Fa'e at the Commercial to-moirow (Thurrdaj), 30th instant, when wo shall offer the whole of Mr Hndglclnton's livery horses, cairiifres. buifKi^'s, h-rnefs, &«., for unreserved sa'e. \Se quote firat-cKtB draughts at from £50 to £f>s ; medium, £40 to £45 ; light, £ sto a 35 ; good hicks and li^ht liarnes" h-^rses, £25 to £30; medium, £15 to £20 : light ai d inferior, £3 to £10. Wool.— We shall hnMou-iifcxt wool bale on Ihu>sday, 6th February, at 3 oWocj. Saeepskms.— Our weekly hale took place on Monday last. There was a full attendance of the fade, and Mr competition for every lot. Our catalogue comprised over 1500 skins, consisting for the part of country lota, which soul i>t about equal to late tates. Hide*. — We have not sold any this week. We quote wet salted at, 3i per lb. TViilow.— We sold severol parcels of inferior and medium mixed, at from £24 to £26 10s },er ton. Prime mut'on rosy be quoted at £i.9 per ton ; medium, £25 to £28; rcuirh fut,£!o. Grain.- Wheat : fro business doirjer in this cereal ; quotations unaltered. Oats : Stocks ore litjht, but tho trade are only disposed to buy from htnd to mouth, and thcra is almost no inquiry for shipments We quote prime samples at 3s 8d ; oidiuary, 3s 7d. Barky ; None offering ; no denund.

Maclean Brothers report for week ending 29 th January, as follows :—

Fat Cattle. —A email supply came forward for fchh day's market-viz., 105 head, and of these on'y onehalf was prime qua ity, the other small aud ordinary. Notwithstanding this, the bi-lding wa< devoid of spirit, sales were diffioult to effe. t at a considerable r. duotion on provious rates, and altogether it w»s the worot market of the season. We sold, on account of the N Z and A Land Company, 30 head prime bullocks and cows— the former at fr< m £10 10s t'i £13 2s Get, the lattsr at from £9 to £10 12j 6d-or equa' to 27s Gl per lOOlbs. We alto sold, on acco'jnt of Messrs Bruce and Palmer, 18 head at from £6 17s 6d to £S 15s- or equal to 258 per lOOibd. Private^, He sold 30 head at above quotations. Fan Sheep.— lss2 were penned, chiefly good quality, forwhkh theie was very slow Cumpetiiion ; and but for 800 of the number having been taken by an enterpr sin* uraz er, pricea would lure been much lower We told on account of Messrs Shand, Samson, and Marshall, 450 best cross-breds, whi h brought horn 10s t> 12s 6d ; medium do, 9s -or equal to 2d per lb. Fai Lambs.— Only 370 came to hand, all of which were good to prime quality, and r> Id at fair prices, con idering the depressed s'a'e of the market. We told 135, at from 7s 3d to 103.

Wool.— We have not held a sale since date of la-t report, hut oh Friday, 31st. we shall offer a large catalogue of choice parcels of washed, scoured, and gieasy wool", inc'.udingseveral we 1-known clips. The sales heid during tho paßt fortnight, although vmjU attcurieJ, have been somewhat dull, aid prices barely up to tho3e of the opening salei. Latest cablegrams fiom the Home market report the money nurket easier, the bank rate being reduced to 2| per cent ; and notwithstanding the great depressiou prevailing, we think we are justified in expecting a inaikcd improvement in tiade at no distant <J»to.

hheei skins. — We had a very small catalrguo for our sxle onJVondoy, but bidding was spirited, and labt week's rates were well maintained.

Hides and lallow.— None offered ; demand light. Grain.— Wheat has not been inquired for, and no transactions ef any con<equeuce havo been vffected. Millers are only open to buy choice samples, of which the market is quite bare. Best may be quotod at 3s 9.J ; inferior and ordinary, 3s 3d to 3i 6d ; fowl's feed, 2s lCd to 3s. Barley, nil. Oats aro in short supply, but the demand bting very limited, prices are unaltered. We quoted fine milling up to 3s lOd • fe> d 3j 6d (o 3i Bd. ' " '

Store Sheop.— Wo have numerous inquiries for youcg merinos, but very few offering, and for aged merinos nnd cross breds . f all descriptions vendor^ prices appoarjj to be beyond the present views of buyers. During the week we have plated 5500 as under— l2so merino wethers, two-tooth, at ss ; ,60 do, four-tooth, at 5s ; 3000 four-year-old merino owes and wethers, at 6s ; 3000 small cross-bred hoggets, at ba. Store Cattle are in easier demand, but quotations a^e nominally same as Lst week. We have hfiveial lur^e mobs on rffur, but lnvo only placed some small lots during the weetr.

Messrs Donald Beid and Co. report for the week ending 29th January, p.s follows : —

Fat Cattle.-The small supply of 105 head c>mo forward for this week's market, consisting of medium to prime qualitr. Although thn number was small the supply prated enough for the requirements of tho trade, and prices a^ain showed a slight decline. Best bullocks brought from £10 to £13 2a Gd ; medium, from £7 to £10 ; best cows, from £8 to £10 ; inferior' to mcd urn. £6 to £8-or tqual to 28* per lOOlbs for prime; 22s 6J to 25h medium" Fat Calves.-Si x who yarded, and sold at 253 to 30s each, according to sizes.

Fat isheep.— An average supply of 1552 penned 300 of this number being meiino ewes, the balance enssbreds, some of which were very prime and heavy weights ; prices were a little firmer th*n last week. Best brought up to 12s 6d ; medium, 9j to 103 6d • merino ewes to 4s Gd. We quote primo mutton at 2d per Ib.

Fat Lambs.- 302 well-grown li>mbs of medium to prime quality were penned. They were all taken by the trade at about late quotations. Best brought 8b to 103 ; good, 7s to 83 ; interior, 6s to 7s. Store Cattle —There are inquiries for well-bred quiet bullocks in forward condition for paddock fattening. There are few offering however, and prices are a little easier.

Siore Sheep.— The dnmand for found young sheep of all descriptions continues pood, arid quotations lire well maintained. We havo several sales pending, but no transactions to report

Wool. -Wo fold privately dining the week two of the clips which wore passed in at our fir.<t sale, ns under:— l7l ba'es grewy merino Tin oiamond, LS under, at lpd ; 22 btJes ureasy cross-bred, tame brand, at, 8 : }:1 ; 152 ba'e^i. Mm diamond, MS under, at lOd. These prices must be considered highly satisfactory, looking at tha prices for wools at the November and December sales, advices of which h <verecent'y come to hand. Wo purpeso holdmir our bccoh 1 Bale m about 10 days, when we will submit a la>ge catalogue.

Sheepskin* — w e held our usual weekly B*le at our store. Princes street south, on Monday )&s\ when we catalogued t-orne 1000 sldns al) of which were sold at— station tkins, in bale', from 4jd to b\i ; fir y cross-bred, 2s 3d to 43 ; merino, 2s 4d to 3s (sd ; lambskii s Is Cd.

Property.— We bo? to direct attention to our sale to bo held .-it W»tson'fl Hotel, Dunedin, on Saturday next, when we will offer Ihe township of Vauxbail.

Grain - Wheat continues vcty dull of silo, and pricea low -beat milltnjr, 3i B'l to 3s lid; inferior, ?.s 2d to Ss 3d. O*ts ate in limited inquiry at fiom 3s 7d tj 3s Od for feed.

Mr Montagu Pym reports having sold on Saturday 41 'eotioiis in the townshlo of (,'siverbhim Extension at prices ranging from £42 Irs to £155 pc- section. Tho total amount realised was £301fi. The four remaining sections arc now for ea:o priYAteJy.

Mr J. A.'MACKRNZißreportsfor the week onded 26th January, as follows :—

Colonial Bank of New Zealand, £2 10«, cum div ; "Now Zealand Insurance Company, £'4 ; South B kii-b lui-ura> cc Company, £3 6* ; National Inpurance C mpany, £1 5? 6<l ; Siandiird Insurance C nip my, 18b ; Union Inauiance Co. 13s ; Colonial Infiirancu Comp«y, 3s 61; Now Zvaland Shipping Compiny, £4 53 ; .National Mortgage ami Agency Comoany of New Zsalanrt, £1 2s 6d; Cromwell Quarlz-mimng Company, £i ss.

Mr J. B. Bradhhaw reports as follows for the week ending Saturday, 25fcri hist., viz. :—: —

Colonial Bank of New Zealand shares, £2 10?. dm div ; National Bank of New Zealand thares, £3 10a, cum niv; national Insurance Co shares, til 4* 6d ; New Zealand Insurance Co shnres, £4 ', South Bmwh Jmuca"ce Co shares, £3 6s ; Kew Zsiiand Lo»»n and Mercantile Agency Co Bharo-, £5 !5i ; Nwional Mortgage and Agency Co shares, £1 ; .Scottish and New Ze viand Investment Co sha es, i7s 6d ; Unio i Steam Ship Co £8 Money secured on freehold property, 9 and 10 per cent, per annum.

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Otago Witness, Issue 1419, 1 February 1879, Page 23

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STOCK, STATION, ETC, Otago Witness, Issue 1419, 1 February 1879, Page 23

STOCK, STATION, ETC, Otago Witness, Issue 1419, 1 February 1879, Page 23