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Wellington, August 10th,

Flour, Adelaide, £23, £24 . Colonial, £18 to £18 10i Oats, 4s Gd ; bran, Is 4d ; pollard, 7s Od ; wheat, 43 6d. Hams, 9d ; bacon, BJd ; cheese, 8 d ; potatoes, £3 10s to £3 15s ; maize, 4s bd.

CinusTCHtmcii, August 10th. Wheat, saleable at 7s 3d, best milling ; oats, 3s 6d for feed, 3s 9d for milling. Barley, dull, 3s 3d to 4s 91. Potatoes, £3, stock low. Flour, £17 to £18. Bran, £4 10s; sharps, £5 10s; cheese, 6fd; butter, dull, quo.atioas nominal.

Auckland, August 10th. Canterbury potatoes, 633, 64a. Mr Buckland reports : — Cattle advanced 3s to 4s per 1001b, realising S2s to 343 ; sheep, 3Jd.

Sydney. August 11th. Commerce quiet, with little alteration. Wheat, 8s; flour, 18s to 19s ; b>ack awan tobacco, Is 6d : Barrett's, Is sd.

Arrangements have been made to ship 8000 sacks of New Zealand wheat by YVhampua, clearing the market of this description.

Messrs Gillies. Stbebt, and Hiblop, on Saturday, sold 50 acres of land situated in South Molyneux, being section 1, block 11., for £5 2a 6d per acre.

Mr J. A. Mackenzie reports for week ended 11th August as follows : —

Sales.— Colonial Bank of New Zealand (Limited), £2 Is 6d and £2 2s ; National Insurance Co., £1 12s 6d ; Standard Insurance Co., 17a 6d and 17s 9d ; Keep it Dark (Keefton), 15s; Anderson's Extended (Reef ton), 5s 6d.

Buyers. — National Bank ct New Zealand (Mmited), £3 10j ; Colonial Bank of New Zealand (Limited), &i Is ; National Insurance Co., £1 12s; Standard Insurance Co., 17s ; South British Insurance Co., £1 ; Mosgiel Woollen Factory Co., £3 7s 6d ; Kenp it Dark (ttecfton), 14s ; Anderson's Extended (Reefton), 4s 6d. Sellers —Bank of New Zealand, £22 10s ; Colonial Bank of New Zealand (Limited), &i 2i 6d ; Insurance Co., £1 13s; Standard Insurance Co., 17s 9d ; Mosgiel "Woollen Factory Co., £3 10s ; Union Steam Shipping Co., £8 ; Wealth of Nations (Keefton), £5 ; Keep it Dark (Keefton), 16s ; Just iii Tims (Reefton), 15s (id ; Andersons Extended (Keeftoii), 5* (id.

Messrs Whitelaw and Co. report sales of shares during the past week as follows : —

Insurance.— National, 335; New Zealand, 97s 6d; South British, 853 ; Standard, 17s 6d. Banks. - Colonial, 42s and 42s 6d (ex div.) ; New Zealand, £22 ss ; National, 72s (cum div.) Other Companies. —Albion Brewing, 4s 6d ; Greymoath Coal, 455 ; Mc-giel Woollen Factory, 67a 6d ; New Ze>laud Shipping, 75s (cum div.) ; Walton Park Coal, 13s.

Buyers. — Insurances : National, 33s ; New Zealand, 97s 61; Standard, 17s; South British, 85s ; Union Fire and .Marine, 2s 6d premium. Banks :— Colonial, 42s (ex div.) ; New Zealand, £22 ; National, 71s (cum div.) Other .Companies: Albion Brewing, 4s 6d ; Greymouth Coal, 455 ; Hopeful Gold Mining, Reefton, West Coast, 100s ; Keep it Dark Gold Mining, Reefton, West Coast, 12s 6d ; Mcsgiel Woollen Factory, 65^; Mount Ida Pastoral Association, £8 103 ; New Zealand Shipping, 73a (cum div.) ; Otago and Southland Investment, 255 ; New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency, 97s 6d old issue, 62a 6rt new issue ; Walton Park Coal, 13a ; Welcome Gold Miuing, Reeften, West Coast, 425.

Messrs Moss and uo., <af Grej mouth, telegraph reporting 3*les of shares as follows :—

Hopeful, 100s— now freely he'd for £5 10s ; Wealth of isations. £5 ; Energetic*, £6 10s ~: Welcome, 40i ; ,Tust-in-Time, 13s 61 to Us : Keep-it-Dark, 13s 6d ; Golden Fleece, 21s ; Fiery Cross, 17s.

Mr Henry Driver (on behalf of the New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Co.) reports for tho week ending August 15th, 1877 : —

Fat Cattle.— Although only about 100 head of prime cattle were yarded, lam unable to report any material advance in prices. A draft of 35 very prime bullocks from Totara reali-ed a shade over £14 each, or equal to 32s 6d per lOOlbs., which may be quoted as the market price for best quality. At the yards, we so!d 40 head on account of Messrs F. D. Rich, M'Donald, and others.

Fat bheep. — About 2300 were penned, and although this number should have met the requirtmeuts of trie trade at about last week's quotations, an advance took pkco owiug to most of the lots having been bought up previous to the auction sale. Best cross-breds brought up to 17s each, and a few good merincs 12a each— or equal to 3d to 3Jd per lb. for former.

Store Cattle and Sheep. — There is a fair demand for cros3-breds, and for quiet well-grown store cattle. Of the latter, we have placed 300 head under oflrr. '

Wool. — The August and tfet»tember London wool sales would commence yesterday. The result of the opening, as to prices, ia anxiously awaited by the trade snd shippers.

Sheepskins continue actively sought after. W« catalogued 1100 at Monday's auction, wh eh were all sold at full rites. Butchers' cross-brad 3, 5s 6d to 5a Sd ; merinos, 3s to 4s 8d ; full-wool merinos, 5s 6d.

Hides were actively competed for ; on« lot of special value sold at 84s 3d each. Butchers' green hides sold at 2)s 6I to 22s 6d ; wet silted, 4jd to 5d per lb. We told 200 at above rates.

Tallow was in good demand, and brought — prime, £33 to £34 ; medium, £28 to £30 103 ; inferior £24 10s ; rouah fat, 225.

Grain is very quiet. Wheat is not in demand, excepting very choice samples of milling, and even ia best descriptions lower prices would have to be accepted to p ace any quantity ; medium and inferior are unsaleable. Oats are in good demand. "We sold 650 bags at our auction on Friday. Some light and inferior sold at 3a ; fair to good feed brought 3a 3d to 3s 6d ; we quote mtliine; 3s 7d to 3s Bd, good demand. Barley is more inquired for; ?ood samples malting are saleable at 4s 3J to 43 6d ; medium, 4s ; inferior 3s Ud to 3s 9d.

Messrs Wright, Stephbnson, and Co., report fo the week ending 15th August, 1877, as follow) :

Fat Cattle. — A small supply cime to hand for to-day's market — only 90 head being yarded, of which the greater part was of really prime quality, consequently prices ruled a shade firmer. We sold, on account of the N.Z. and A. Land Company and Mr Hobert Muir, 50 head. Bullocks brought from £11 to £15 10s ; cows, from £8 15< to £10 103— prices equal to 32s 6d per lOOlbs. for prime quality, and 27s (jd formedium. Privately during the week we have placed 60 head at figures equivalent to 30s per lOOlbs. Fat Sheep.— The market was fully supplied, 2700 cross-breds and merinos being penned, all of which found buyers at prices equal to 31 per lb. We sold, on account of James Smith, Esq., Greenfield, 450 cross breds (prime quality and heavy weights) at 163 to 17s 130 msrinos at 12s 6d ; on account of MrD. M'Donald, 500 cross-breds (good quality) at 15s to 16* 9d ; on acaccount of Mr George Wilson, 270 crosvbreda (small) at 10s 6d to 14s ; on account of Mr John Bruce 100 merino wethers (poor quality) at 7s 6d. Privately, we have sold for forward deli\ cry 2500 cross-breds at 3d per lb.

Store Cattle and Store Sheep.— "We have no transactions to report.

Horses — The demand is on the increase for good heavy draught and strong coach or cab horses. At our y.irds on Saturday last a fair amount of business was done in all classes. We quota first tfass draught-, at from £50 to £60 : medium. £35 to £43 ; light, £25 to £30 ; good hacks and light harness horses, at from £25 to £30 ; medium, £14 to £20 ; li<ht and inferior £4 to £10.

i-'r-eep^kias. — At our weekly sale en Monday we catalogued 15(53 &kni3, for which there was spirited competition, the whole of them being quitted at prices showing an advance on last week's quotations. Butchers' green skins, half-brods, Bold, at irom 43 fi

to 53 10 d eich ; merinoes, 4s to 4? 6d ; station skins up to 4s lOd. Hides continue in good demand, and we'l conditioned lots bring full values. We sold several parctla medium weights at from 16s to 21s each, and. quote heavy weights at from 4}d to 5d per lb.

Tallow wanted, but very little offermg. We sold some small lots prime mutton at from £33 to £34 10s per ton. Grain.— Wheat : Market well supplied with medium and inferior samples of this cereal, which are very sl>>w of sale, the millers only requiring- prims quality, which is very scarce, and saleable at from 7s 6J to 7s 9d per bushel. Oats are in less demand this week, but we hive no alterations to make in quotation*. Prime milling are wor'h 3s 7d to 3s 8i ; good feed, 3s 4d to 3s 6 1 ; inferior, 3s to 3s 2d. Barley : Milling anmple3 saleable at from 3s to 3i 3d ; malting dull of Bale.

Messrs Maclban Brothers report for the week ending 15th August, as follows :—: —

Fat Cattle.— For this day's market there was a very shoit supply, 108 head only being yarded, of these a. considerable portion was of really prime quality, the remainder being very good beef. Prices "consequently were firmer on the whole, and best quality may b» quoted at 23 6d higher than last week, or say, up to 353 per 1091b. Good ordinary quality from 27s 6d to 32s 6d. At the yards we sold 25 head at from £9 to £12 2s 6d. A very superior lot from the New Zealand and Austalian Co., Totare Estate, fetched from £12 2s 6d to £15.

Fat Sheep.— 26l3 were penned, nearly al! of which were of excellent quality, and as the stock in hands of bvtchers was very light, all were readily disposed of at an advance on last, week's rates. At the yard 3we sold, on account of A. and W. Cochrine and others, 524crosa-b'eds at 153 each, 560 do, at 12s 3d e?cli— equal to fully 3d per lb. for be->t quality. We would remark, notwithstanding reports to the contrary, that not one ef these sheep changed hands pror to the sale by auction.

Store Cattle. — We have no trans ictions to report, the demand, except for well-conditioned stores, 1a very slight.

Store Sheep are without material change, there being a good demand for both younsj mciinos and cross-breeds. Very few, however, are offering as is usual at this season, and in the absence of sales, quotations are nominal.

Country Sales —At Blanket Bay, on 13 h inst., we sold on account of F. Smith, Esq., 13 head diiry cows, at from £7 5s to £10 sa ; 7 head horsei (young stock), at from £7 10s to £17. Imp emeuts, etc., at satisfactory prices.

Wool. — In this market -there has been no business done_ during the week, tellmongers' lots beiug the only discripMonß on offer. Considerable anxiety is manifested in rfgard to t v e opening of the August sales on -14th inst , and of which advices are hourly expected. Sheepskins.— Our catalogue on Monday la*t comprised 115) skins, for which the competition was active. Dry skins brought from Is 2<l to 4s Id ; green cross-breds of average quality up to 03 7d. Hides continue in fair request, and last quotations are fully maintained — say up to 4J4 per lb. for good sound wet baited.

Tallow.— Only 10 packages were on hand for our sale on Monday, which sold at from 22s to 29s 3d. We quote good bright mutton at up to 333 6d per cwt. ; fair mixed, at 29s to 31s Cd.

Grain.— Wheat: Prime s-amples may still be quoted up to 7s 9 J per bushel 'I he demand, however, is le s active, and very few transactions have been concluded during the week. Oraiuarv descriptions are worth from 5s 6d to 6s 9d, according to quality. Fowl feed and inferior milling, 3s Oi to 5s Barley ha* been more freely enquired for, and a few parcels of malting have changed hands at 3s 9d to 4s 3d, at which quotations we have placed 500 sacks : feed and milling descriptions we quote at 3s 3d to 3- 6d. Oa'^s have come forward more plentifully during the week, and the demand referred to in our last has not been maintained. Quotations, however, are without charge ; say, for prime m'lling and seed, 3' 0 t to 3.s 9d : feed, 3s 2d to 3s 4d.

Potatoes have lately come to hand very freely, and prices realised have consequently n'>t been satisfactory to consignees. The market is at present glutted.

Mr Moore's Wakanui property was offered for sale by public auction on Thursday, at Ashburton. There was a large attendance, and many of those present h&d come from distant parts. Of the firms suoinitted fur sale, 31 were sold. None of the farms brought lets than £3 per acre, and the highest £14 per acre, aud the average price of all trie l,»nd disposed of was between £4 and £10 per acre. A farm of 699 acre*, about, five miles from Southbridge, wa<. we learn from the Christchurch papers, sold for £9800. Numerous sales of small properties in and aro ma Ohristchurch have of late been made.

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Otago Witness, Issue 1342, 18 August 1877, Page 11

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COMMERCIAL TELEGRAMS. Otago Witness, Issue 1342, 18 August 1877, Page 11

COMMERCIAL TELEGRAMS. Otago Witness, Issue 1342, 18 August 1877, Page 11