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SUNDAY SERVICES TTANOVER STREET BAPTIST CHURCH. Minister: Rev. E. W. BATTS. 11 am.: " CONCERNING THE BEARING OF LIFE'S BURDENS.” 6.30 p.m.: Preacher, R. A. ALCORN. Missionary-Designate. New Zealand Baptist Missionary Society. Mr Alcorn will be leaving very shortly for the Field and has a message to pass on to you. The Hanover Street Choir will sing. (Communion to follow this service.) “ There’s a Welcome for YOU at Hanover Street."

QT. PAUL’S CATHEDRAL. TRINITY XVIII. Thank Offering Sunday. Holy Communion. 8 a.m.Sung Eucharist (Stanford in B flat), 11 a.m. Evensong (Stanford in C), 6.30 p.m. Anthem, “ Jesu, the very thought of Thee” (Bairstow). Canon WEBB. "\T ORTH-EAST VALLEY BAPTIST CHURCH. Minister: Rev. J. RUSSELL GRAVE. 11 a.m.: ’’ THIS ONE THING I DO.” 6.30 p.m.: The Second in Series of Gospel Addresses. “ WHO KEEPS YOUR RECORD.” Communion. QHRISTADELPHIAN FREE PUBLIC LECTURE, Unity Chambers. 137 Lower Stuart street. SUNDAY, 6.30 p.m. Subject: "HAS SCIENCE OUT-MODED THE BIBLE"? All Welcome. No Collection. HAT CHRISTADELPHIANS HAVE BELIEVED AND TAUGHT FOR MORE THAN 100 YEARS— The establishment of Christs L- ln ®‘ dom upon earth presents the only hope to an aggravated and troubled world. The Law shall go forth from Zion and the Word of the Lord from Jerusalem and He (Christ) shall judge among the nations. ... and they shall beat their swords into plow shares and their speais into pruning hooks: nations shall not lift up sword against nation neither shall they learn war any. more. (Is. 2: 3,4). All other Peace organisations are alike impotent ' HURCH OF CHRIST, King Edward street, South Dunedin. Minister: E. RAY VICKERY, B.A. 11 a.m.: Broadcast Service. Preacher: PRINCIPAL A. L. HADDON, M.A., D.D. 2.30 p.m.: Sunday School Services. 7 p.m;: Evangelistic Worship. * ■ Subject: " TO EVERYMAN.” Anthem by the Choir. Weds, 7 p.m., Mid-week Worship. Subject: "THE RESTORATION MOVEMENT.’ c Spiritualist church of new 3 ZEALAND, DUNEDIN BRANCH. Pioneer Women’s Assembly Hall, 362 Moray place east. 6.30 p.m.: Inspirational Address by Mr D. L. CUMBERBEACH. Spiritual Messages. Strangers Invited. IIHE THEOSOPHICAL SOCIETY L 236 HIGH STREET (Just above Clark street). [JNDAY, ‘6.30 p.m.: PUBLIC ADDRESS, By Miss A. V. INGLIS. SEVEN SCIENTIFIC REASONS WHY A IVINE INTELLIGENCE GOVERNS THe WORLD.” All Welcome. iIOCESE OF DUNEDIN. ECOND SESSION OF THE TWENTYEIGHTH SYNOD. The Synod will assemble in the SYNOD ALT,, S. Paul’s Cathedral Schoolroom, l MONDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1949, at 3.30 m., when the President will deliver his Synod Service in S. Paul’s Cathedral at Preacher: The Archdeacon of Central in aid of Synod Expenses. By Order. R newcombe _ Diocesan Registrar. PLANTS AND PRODUCE ARGYLL NURSERIES, Gardens Comer, Dunedin. C. A. MCLAUGHLIN, Nurseryman. Phone 18-247. Private 18-347. MULTICOLOUR SEED PACKETS. lan you imagine the colour (fewer Nemesia, Viscana and Cornflower, nbined with the fragrance of mghtinted Stock and Mignonette? at you have in the sea of colour that nes from Argyll “ Multicolour Seed ckets These contain a high-class, per-, :tly blended mixture of hardy foot-high .niials, including:— 31ue Cornflower Nemesia . Candytuft Night-scented Stock Sschscholtzia Pink Cornflower Liinum Virginian Stock Unaria Viscana vtng°a fragrant massed effect of deli:y and great beauty. Is per packet. DELPHINIUMS. PACIFIC GIANIS. rhese are the most beautiful perennials is possible to imagine, far removed >m the older varieties. Huge florets on assive spikes in every shade of blue, irple and shot effects, giving a sheet of lour this summer • and autumn. 3s ba r dozen. . _ _ . Mail Orders, Please Include Postage. grow only the best. GLADIOLI FOR EVERY GARDEN! IOHN BRIGHT does it aga!nl Never fore have quality Gladioli been offered cheaply Plant these NOW for a ignificent summer displayl ' COTTAGE MIXTURE- A blend ol dO mly colours, including Scarlet, Blue, ame, Gold, Cream, Biscuit, Pink. Smolftr, :. 3s 6d dozen: 3 dozen for 10s. 10ME MIXTURE: Big. superior quality ,rms, over 100 different colours, pricing magnificent blooms This is ITRA SPECIAL VALUEI 6s dozen: dozen for £l. rOHN BRIGHT’S ’ ON-PURPOSE [XTURE: A glorious lend of 250 of » newest, finest Gladioli, ncluding pracally all the most recent show nners. A super-quality mixture for the ality garden. 10s dozen: 5 dozen for 3very order will contain the latest inductions for planting, growing, timing, ading, manuring and spraying. Plant- % time is NOW—Order Right '.way from JOHN BRIGHT. The QUALITY Seedsman. Rangitikei street, Palmerston North. O R A E, :wt KING EDWARD SEED POTATOES, 10s 6d cwt. BRENSELL BROS., ’hone 55, Outram. Mosgiel R.D. Potatoes. King Edward. 27s 6d :k, on rail, Alexandra.—Russell HenderLtd. IHLIAS: Order now from our prizeming stock for early delivery: send for e catalogue.—Mason’s Dahlia Nurseries, eston, Canterbury. [RYSANTHEMUMS: Quality collections, dozen; catalogues free. —W. B. Oloreniw, 58 Birdwood avenue, Cliristchurcft.

ETHODIST CHURCH OF NEW ZEALAND. TRINITY CHURCH (Stuart street).—ll a.m.: Rev. J. DODD, M.A., visiting from England. 6.30 p.m.: Rev. L. GREENSLADE. WEDNESDAY. 19th: BAZAAR in Schoolroom, from 11.30. Luncheon served. DUNDAS STREET CHURCH—II a.m.: Mr E. HEPPLETHWAITE. 6.301 pan.: Rev. G. R. TREBILCO. WEDNESDAY, 19th. SALE OF WORK in School Hall, from 7 p.m. RAVENSBOURNE CHURCH. Church Anniversary Services. 11 a.m.: Family Service. Rev. G. R. TREBILCO. 6.30 p.m. Rev. D. J. D. HICKMAN, Chairman of District. TUESDAY. 18th, 8 p.m.: Anniversary Concert. Programme by Dundas Street Choir. p LENAVEN METHODIST CHURCH. SUNDAY SCHOOL ANNIVERSARY. 11 a.m.: Junior Service. Preacher: Rev. A. E. TARDIF. 2.30 p.m.: Sunday School “At Home." Items. Afternoon Tea. 6.30 p.m.: Evening Service. Preacher: Rev. A. PETER DORRIAN. Children’s Choir at Each Service. YOR K 11 a.m.: PLACE Worship. HALL. 2.30 p.m.: Sunday School. 6.30 p.m.: Speaker, Mr ALEXANDER KIRK. Subject, " SOME THOUGHTS ON GOD.” A Hearty Invitation to Strangers. WEDNESDAY. 7.30 p.m.—Bible Reading and Prayer. M ORAY PLACE CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. 11 a.m.: Dr S. F. HUNTER, 6.30 p.m.: Rev. J. B. CHAMBERS, M.A. Subject, " THE RACE OF LIFE.” Anthem, “ Dear Lord and Father of Mankind. Parade of Dunedin Division Girls’ Life Brigade, Organist: Mr P. Upton Harvey. NITED CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH, Albany street. Rev. lAN P. GORDON. 11 a.m.: “Marks of a Christian.” (1) “Love.” 6.30 p.m.: “Opinions or Convictions? ” Soloist, Mr Frank Dyer. m rjIHE LAW OF THE LORD IS PERFECT. THE LORD'S"RELEASE. THE LORD'S RELEASE WAS THIS: At the end in every seven years thou shalt make a release. And this the manner of the release: Every creditor that lendeth ought to his neighbour or his brother, he shall not exact it of his neighbour, or of his brother, because it is called the Lord’s release. Of a foreigner thou mayest exact it again; but that which is thine With thy brother thine hand shall release. (Deut: 15: 1-3.) If Anglo-Saxon Israel (Britain and America) instead of International Finance, had been in control of our economy, the present world situation would never have arisen; because they would have been no interest of any description among ourselves; and all debts would have been automatically cancelled at the end of every seven years. BRITISH-ISRAEL WORLD FEDERATION (DUNEDIN BRANCH). ’ MACHINERY FOR SALE OR SALE, 1-ton HERBERT MORRIS ELECTRIC HOIST. 15cwt ELEVATING TRUCK, rubber tyred. POWER HACKSAW MACHINE; heavy duty; motorised. HOLROYD GEAR REDUCTION UNITS HIGH-TEST FABRIC BELTING. “ MANGROVITE ” LEATHER BELTING. VEE PULLEYS and VEE BELTS. MYLES, WALKER. LIMITED, 259 Cumberland street, Dunedin. Famous kelvin marine diesels, 22 h.p. to 132 h.p., are guaranteed capable of developing without smoke within 3 per cent, of the power and consumption stated. Low running costs, no time lost with long and expensive overhauls. Any repair is possible without lifting engine. Earn more with more trouble-free time at sea by installing or changing to KELVINS. SHIPBUILDERS, LTD., Poore street, Auckland. \\TELDERS built to Skiaky specifications VV by Aston cut costs, speed production in electric spot, butt, stitch and seam welding. Oil cooled, portable pedal and pneumatic models available. R. P. M. MANNING & CO., LTD., Crust and Crust, Manse street, Dunedin. Y TTE NTION 1 Diesel Generating Sets; Diesel Marine Engines; Diesel Stationary Engines; Petrol Marine Engines; Petrol Stationary Engines; Automatic Clutch Couplings. Remote Control for Diesels. Welding, Machining, Engine Overhauls DIESEL ENGINEERS & AGENTS, LTD ' 227 Antigua street, Christchurch. Phone 31-868; P.O. Box 573. Telegrams: “ Dieseleers." Ball - bearing thickness’ PLANER. 16in x Bin, complete with motor. In excellent order. £225. VERTICAL BALL-BEARING SPINDLE MOULDER. Vee drive, with 2 h.p. motor. £95. 1-TON PACIFIC PUNCH PRESS. New. £35. ASHFORDS. Box 12, Rakaia. rp S C U R R. LTD JL . New Address, 123 St. Andrew street Railway and Tramway Rails (ail weights and lengths). Boiler Tubes, Pulleys, Belting, Fans, Chains Truck Wheels. Winches Wheelbarrows Pumps, Pipes. Electric Motors. ONE Set of Ransome “ Triplex ” Gang Mowers; completely overhauled; with horse hitch, tractor hitch, and transportation trailer; demonstration can be arranged; price £2OO. —Address P.O. Box 147, Timaru. WOOD Lathe, 4j,in centres, 4ft bed, hollow spindle, fitted 4in S.C. Chuck; also Compound Slide Rest, suitable lathe, Gin centres; £2O; the two will sell separately. 1210, Times. FARMERS, Contractors, etc.: Engines, any h.p., for stand-by or power units For advice and' quotation, Reid and Gray. Ltd., Balclutha. INJECTOR, Penberthy, lin, with check valve, £4; also 2in Steam Valve, 10s;,other valves available. —P.O. Box 230.

EARLIEST Pea Moneymaker; crops in 6 weeks; luscious pods, dwarf; 3s lb posted.—Griffiths, Mt. Eden, Auckland ALLWOODH Carnations, scented Dianthus; brilliantly coloured: free flowering; prolific, hardy; 6 named. 9s 6d—Griffiths. Mt Eden, Auckland. DAZZLING Phlox; hardy perennials; vivid pinks, blues, red shades; 6. 8s 6d Griffiths, Mt Eden, Auckland. ; 2 New Dianthus, Sweetiess and Loveliness; highly perfumed; bright shades; 6 for 10s.—Griffiths, Mt. Eden, Auckland. MICHAELMAS or Perennial Asters; vigor - ous flowering; glorious new shades: 8 8s 6d.—Griffiths, Mt. Eden, Auckland FREE Garden Book, crammed full of information for spring planting.—Write today Griffiths. Mt Eden. Auckland CARNATIONS: "Otaki Pink,” the famous florist all-year-round cut flower; healthy plants, 13s 6d per dozen. £2 15s per 50, £5 per 100.—E, M. Scott, Iti street, Otaki, FOR Sale, King Edward and Arran Chief Seed Potatoes; 10s manure bag.—J. A. Jones, Middlemareh. COREOPSIS, .Sunburst, Yellow, Roots, Is each, 5s half-dozen.—J. Rawle, Winton. CYCLES SALE AND BUY pOR YOUR CYCLE REPAIRS— No Job Too Small —No Job Too Bigl JACK FOGARTY, Cycle Specialist, Cargill’s Corner. Phone 24-072. KACING CYCLE FOR SALE: All alloy. fittings, including rims and brakes; fitted “ Super Olympic" 4-speed gears. French Durex cranks and chain wheel. A super job; new. “ CYCLE,” Box 116, Oamaru. FOR Sale: Lady’s Cycle; £7 155.—105 Richardson street, St. Kilda, or . phone 23-765. CYCLE, Gentleman’s Roadster, good tyres, tubes; newly painted.—Phone K. Logan, 13-956. FOR Sale, Lady's Sports Bicycle.—Apply 14 Belle Vue place, Port Chalmers. GENTLEMAN’S Sports Cycle; as new; £12.—24 Allandale road, St. Clair. LADY’S B.S.A. Sports Bicycle; almost new; highest offer. —1126, Times.

MACHINERY WANTED ANTED TO PURCHASE, OLD ENGINE LATHE, Any condition. Apply REID & GRAY. LTD., Burnside. Phone 15-447. WANTED to Buy, Briggs and Stratton Engine; state horse-power and price.—No. 1244,. Times. PIANOS ||USICIAN’S PIANO, Full iron frame. Overstrung underdamper action. Perfect condition. 1280, TIMES. REQUIRED by small institution, English or German iron-frame Piano; consider inspecting country replies; state price.— 1062, Times. PIANOS Wanted, highest cash prices given for good instruments.—F and F Martin. 3 Octagon. BROADWOOD, Challen, Rogers, or any other similar high-grade English Piano wanted; spot cash.—loo7, Times. PIANO: Beautiful instrument; iron frame; absolutely reconditioned throughout 3 months ago; £llo,—Phone 22-604. PIANO Wanted for cash; don't mind' borer; price.—Box 537, C.P.0., Dunedin. FOR Sale, good Iron-framed German Piano.—loo6, Times.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 27212, 15 October 1949, Page 11

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Page 11 Advertisements Column 2 Otago Daily Times, Issue 27212, 15 October 1949, Page 11

Page 11 Advertisements Column 2 Otago Daily Times, Issue 27212, 15 October 1949, Page 11