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o and Provincial Section

WAITAKI'S DOUBLE WIN ROYAL EMPIRE SOCIETY ESSAY COMPETITION Securing two firsts in the Royal Empire Societies essav competition for 1940. the Waitaki Boys' High School's double win constitutes a record in the history o\ this Empire competition extending over 25 years. In the senior division 76 essay:; were received. , , The following awards were gamed by the school:—First prize. Christopher Morgan Stubbs, silver medal of the Royal Empire Society and inscribed books worth £6 6s; head of honourable mention list, P G Scouler: fourth on honourable mention list, D. F. Hall. /.„.»„ The examiner's report stated that the English language was a bond between the peoples of the British Empire, and the st.-mdard reached was surprisingly high in stvle, knowledge, and appreciation. The enthusiasm for the Empire and the English language was refreshing. The first prize went to Christopher Morgan Stubbs. pupil of the famous Waitaki Boys High School, for an essay on the English language, which did not wander from the theme, and in which the level of writing was consistently high. In the intermediate division 106 essays were received, the awards to the school being as follows:—First prize, T. M. Thorp: second On honourable mention list, G. G. Elvidge" twelfth on honourable mention list W. M. Leggett. The examiner's report stated that the standard was veryhigh and the essays mature in style." Both subjects set were popular, though the balance weighed slightly in favour of " The Part the Navv Played in Building Up the Empire." Thorp, of Waitaki. and Joslin. of Barry County School, Wales, did excellent work. ARDGOWAN PATRIOTIC SOCIETY ELECTION OF OFFICERS The following officers were elected at a special meeting of the Ardgowan Patriotic Society on Thursday: President, Mr D. Morrison; vice-president, Mr W. Sparks; secretary, Mr E. Grave; committee — Messrs C. Payne. B. Callaghan. J. Gibson, J. Gordon, Mesdames G. Calder, W. Smyth, ana C. Payne. Mr Morrison reported that over £4O had been collected, in addition to the radio appeal, for the " Comforts for Fighters' Fund." It was decided to hold a function and presentation to Signaller W. Clarke and Private Lowry on May 14. LAUNCH MISSING GEAR FLOATING IN OCEAN The fishing launch Mabel, the property of Mr Manuel Aspros, of Oamaru, was taken from the boat harbour, Oamaru, between 9 o'clock on Saturday night and 6 o'clock yesterday morning, and has not been seen since. A small flat-bottomed boat is also missing.- The launch is 30 to 36 feet long, double-ended, and is painted white with red facings. Shortly after noon yesterday the Oamaru police received word that the small boat, fishing lines, and gear had been seen floating about in the ocean about three miles out to sea, and a search made outside the harbour by Mr Aspros revealed a patch of oil on the surface about a mile and a-half out to sea. It is thought that the launch has been sunk in 30 feet of water.

TRAVELLING EXPENSES PAYMENTS JO COUNTY COUNCILLORS In response to inquiries on the subject, the county clerk (Mr R. K. Gardiner) states that travelling expenses are paid to councillors in accordance with Government regulations, and upon a scale approved by the Auditor-general. The allowance is 8d per mile, counted both ways, from the residence of the member to Oamaru, and living expenses .at the rate of lOd per hour, the period allowed for to commence from the time of departure until the time of return home. This allowance is also payable to a councillor attending to any business, other than a regular meeting, when authorised so to do by the council. The county clerk states that no councillor, includin'g the chairman, has ever claimed or been paid expenses for inspection trips in his riding, even when authorised to do so by the council. The council may vote the actual travelling expenses of the chairman when travelling on the business of the council, apart from regular meetings, or may vote a lump sum not exceeding £IOO per annum in lieu of travelling expenses. The chairman never votes on a motion of this nature. Amounts drawn by individual councillors, Mr Gardiner said, can be ascertained on application to the county clerk. DOMINICAN CONVENT END OF TERM DISPLAY The end of the term display at the Dominican Convent, Teschemakers, took place in the Ignatian Hall, when the following programme was presented: Part songs—" Spring's Return " and " Grasshopper Green," seniors; choral recitation, "Fairy Queen" (Howell)), "Good Morning" (Lehman), juniors; series of exercises, juniors, intermediates, and seniors; Gipsy Dance, juniors; rhythmic movements and dance, intermediates; companion exercises, seniors; Greek line, figure waltz, combined squads. The following awards were made: Drill stripes, seniors: Patricia McDonnell. Dorothy Baker, Mary McKinnon, Zelie Hart, Madeleine Fraher, Ruth Jenkins. Intermediates: Marjorie Georgeson, Anita McKinnon. Kathleen Mitchell. Juniors: Rosemary Goodger, Barbara Fahey, Josephine Burkett, Teresa Fahey, Betty Duff. Swimming certificates: Half-mile—D. Boland, J. Higgins. M. Caddie, H. Holloway. G. Phillips. C. Fahey, M. Georgeson. 440 Yards: V. Wilson, M. Caddie. 220 Yards: M. Bretherton, H. Mead. Q. Hassell, H. Payne, A. McKinnon. 100 Yards: M. Valentine, C. Shirris, N. Shirris, L. Harvey, J. Finch. 75 Yards: Z. Hart. 50 Yards: J. Douglas, J. Burkett. 25 Yards: K. Mitchell, L. Hall, R. Goodger. Life Saving Society awards: Elementary and intermediate certificates—D. Baker, M. McKinnon, M. Fraher, N. Grace, M. Caddie. Bronze medallions: D. Baker, M. McKinnon, M. Fraher, N. Grace, M. Caddie.

JUVENILE FORESTRY COURT PROSPERITY CR. Bro. R. Grimmett, jun., presided at the fortnightly meeting of Court Prosperity, and extended a welcome to members of Court Princess Margaret and Court Victoria. It was decided to invite the juvenile branch of the M.U.1.0.0.F. to a friendly match in the near future. More than usual interest attached to the meeting, on account of the presentation by PCR. Bro. V. E. Doran, jun. (Juvenile Council), to Bro. V. E. Doran, sen (president), of the Wright Memorial Shield and the Folley Memorial Shield, which had been- won by Court Prosperity making the highest numerical and percentage gam for the year throughout the united Otago district. ' Congratulations were received from Court Pride of Oamaru and Sister Webster (Court Victoria). P.C.R. Bro. J. Flanagan, on behalf of the Management Committee, presented Bro. R. Grimmett sen., with an inkstand in recognition of his work as secretary on behalf of the juveniles, saying that the success of the Juvenile Court could be traced to a laige extent to its efficient secretary P.DX:.R. Bro V. E. Doran. sen., P.C.R. Bro. V. fc. Doran iun.. and P.C.R. Bro. O. E Twist also paid tributes to Bro. Grimmett, who made a suitable reply. AIR "fORCeHbAND POPULAR CONCERTS The visit of the Air Force Band to Oamaru has proved a popular event with the townspeople, who have attended n laree numbers the concerts given by the band. On Saturday afternoon the banc. Cave an attractive display of the quickstep and slow march on the Oval at the Show Grounds, before the football match commenced, and during the interval the band Played several selections, which were greatly appreciated by the crowd. Under the sunny conditions, there was a large attendance at the gardens yesterday aftirnoon, when the band included the following popular numbers in its programme?-" Colonel Bogey on Parade and Suppe's two overtures. Poet and Peasant" and "Morning, Noon, and It*night the Opera 'House was Tilled with an enthusiastic audience, the programme including the numbers The faflet," " Maori Rhapsody," Friedman s "Slavonic Rhapsody," "The Band Came Late " " Lo, Hear the Gentle Lark, arranged as a duet for flute and clarinet, and the trombone solo "Lend Me \ our Aid " At noon to-day the band will march from the railway station to the Town Hall, where an appeal will be made for Air Force recruits. POWER STOPPAGE CAUSED BY OPOSSUM About 8.15 o'clock on Saturday night there was a stoppage of power for about 20 minutes throughout North Otago, the whole of the town and country being plunged into darkness. The trouble was traced to an opossum in the Oamaru power house, the intruder causing a short circuit which blew out the switch at the Weston sub-station. This necessitated the changing of switches at Weston, and further delay was caused at. the power house by having to try-out all the switches before the power could be turned on. The opossum hapoened to be on a rubber mat at the time of the interference with the power current, and so was not killed outright. AMUSEMENTS MAJESTIC THEATRE What must surely be the most difficult assignment ever to confront a young reporter was that which confronted Henry Morton Stanley when he was placed in charge of an expedition to find Dr Livingstone. This great adventure in which Stanley was successful, but not believed when he returned to civilisation, is told in " Stanley and Livingstone," the film which will head to-night's bill at the Majestic Theatre. Two great actors, Spencer Tracy and Sir Cedric Hardwicke, handle the difficult principal roles with outstanding success. OPERA HOUSE " The Saint Takes Over."—As in the preceding films, George Sanders is cast as the debonair, deadly gunman, who wars on criminals in his own unlawful fashion. Wendy Barrie supplies the romantic interest in this exciting drama, while Jonathan Hale, Paul Guilioyle and Morgan Conway have other prominent roles. In " Bank Dick." also to be shown tonight, W. C. Fields takes the part of a detective in a bank with hilarious results. Una Merkel, the well-known comedienne. is also in the cast.

SQUASH AND BADMINTON OAMARU CLUB'S ANNUAL MEETING Mr H. J. S. Grater (president) occupied the chair at the annual meeting of the Oamaru Squash and Badminton Club, held on Friday night. The club, it was reported, had a membership of about 100, of which 19 were on active service. The healthy recreation of squash and badminton was commended to young people. The following'office-bearers were elected:—President, Mr H. J. S. Grater; committee—badminton, Messr H. W. Kelk, J. H. Main, and A. H. Pearce; squash. Messrs R. S. Duthie. F. S. Milnes, and D. McKelvey; secretary, Mr R. S. Duthie; treasurer, Mr R. S. Mitchell; auditor, Mr A. W. Woodward. A minute of appreciation of his services as secretary was passed to Mr A. W. Woodward, and it was agreed to forward a letter of appreciation of his valuable services to the club to Mr S. G. McDougall. A ballot for two £5 non-interest bearing debentures was held, the following being successful: No. 77, Dr A. Smith Morton; No. 31. Mr A. C. Nichols. RUGBY FOOTBALL OLD BOYS BEAT COUNTY Attractive football was played in the match between Old Boys and County at the Show Grounds, in which Old Boys ran out the winners by 8 points to 3. There was no scare in the first spell, though both Gardiner (Old Boys) and D. Grant (County) narrowly missed from penalties. County fielded a bustling pack of forwards, who set a merry pace throughout, and it was only the clever work of tne Old Boys' inside backs, Robertson and McKone, that brought victory to their side. The first score came from an interception by Robertson in County's twenty-five, when he ran McKone into position for a try between the posts. Robson converted. From a strong County forward rush Richardson scored, and just before time Old Boys added another try to their score. This time it was McKone who cut off a pass in his own quarter, to send Robertson away in a spectacular run three parts of the length of the field to score. Mr C. Campbell was the referee. Juniors.—Old Boys 3. Excelsior nil. Fourth Grade.—Excelsior 19. Waitaki 6. Fifth Grade.—Athletic 21, Waitaki nil. RAILWAY SOLDIERS ACTIVITIES OF FAREWELL COMMITTEE A review of the activities of the Oamaru Railwav Soldiers' Farewell Committee during the oast year reveals, inter alia, that the following members received presentations prior to going overseas.—Messrs G. L. Wisuesky, L. A. Nicholson. A. 1. McMurtrie. J. R. Johnston, R. W. Thomson. A. L. Robinson, James W. Robson, j Aitchison. J. Peneamene, E. Flaherty. F Lvnch, W. A. Mason. C. Lyons. E. C. Currie W K. Middlemass. J. R. Mitchell. W. Stringer, P. J. Hunter, C. O. Clapp. L Muir, F. Reed and J. Edgar. The total receints amounted to £IOB 16s. the expenditure Deing £66 Is 2d, leaving a credit balance of £42 14s lOd. At present there were several members in training for the army and the Air Force.

WOMEN'S CLUB MUSICAL CIRCLE Mrs M. F. Qualter presided at the monthly meeting of the Musical Circle of the' North Ot.ago Women s Club, at which the following programme was presented:—Miss McQuade (pianoforte solos). Misses K. and H. Cartwright (pianoforte duets) Miss H. Sumpter (songs I, Miss B. Butterfiekt (reading). The. musical switch pvesented by Miss McQuade was won by Mrs Tweed." Miss M. Lindsay proposed the vote of thanks to the performers. SHIPPING ACTIVITIES PORT OF OAMARU High Water.—May 12: 3.21 a.m. and 3.50 p.m. Coastal Movements The Wainui is expected to load to-mor-row for Wellington, Napier and Gisborne. via ports. The Waipahi will load about Tuesday, May 20, for Wellington, Nelson and New Plymouth, via ports. The Waipiata, leaving Auckland to-day, is due about Saturday. She will load for Wellington and Auckland, via ports. ITEMS OF INTEREST IN AND ABOUT TOWN ■'Comforts for Fighters" Fund.—ln the Papakaio list of contributions to the " Comforts for Fighters " Fund the name of Hastings Bros., £2, was inadvertently omitted. HOCKEY In the North Otago Men's Hockey Association's competition on Saturday Oamaru B beat Oamaru A by 12 goals to 4. For the winning side. L. Blair (8). G. Minly (3) and K. Thomson (1) were the scorer.-., whilst T. Thorpe (3) and M. Tonkin (1) scored for Oamaru A. Next Saturday a five-a-side tournament will be held. WAIMATE Unemployment Relief.— During the past year the Wain'iale Borough Council has paid out a total of £6628 In relief wages, making the total pay-out since the commencement of unemployment schemes up to £6TvfG4. Home Guard.—The (Tome Guard now lias a strength of 800 in the county and 171 in the borough, In the Emergency Precautions Scheme some 160 men have been enrolled in the various sections. Rugby Football. —In a senior match on Saturday, Southern defeated Makikihi by 14 points to 3. Junior matches resulted: Old Bovs 3 v. Southern nil; Huimai 9 v. High School 6.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 24604, 12 May 1941, Page 9

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THE OAMARU DISTRICT Otago Daily Times, Issue 24604, 12 May 1941, Page 9

THE OAMARU DISTRICT Otago Daily Times, Issue 24604, 12 May 1941, Page 9