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ANNUAL PRIZE GIVING ADDRESS BY REV, J. M. McKENZIE There was a good attendance of the public at the Opera House on Thursday night for the annual prize-giving ceremony of the Waitaki Girls' High School. . Mr W. Kinder, a member of the Board of Governors, was in the chair, and associated with him on the stage were Major H. S. Orbell (chairman of the Board of Governors) and Mrs OrbelLithe ..Mayor '.and--Mayoress - (Mr and Mrs L. J. K. Familton), Mrs W. Kinder, Miss J. B. Wilson (principal), Miss Will (president of the Old Girls* Association), the Rev. J. McKenzie, Archdeacon J. D. Russell, the Revs. J. T. Crdzier and B. O. Plumb, members of the staff, and others. Welcome by Chairman In giving a welcome to all present, Mr Kinder, stated that their presence showed their interest in the work that was 1 being done at the school; Speaking of the. recreation grounds at the school, he said that everyone must. admire them, as they were wonderfully kept, trim, and most .colourful. A great deal of this work was not paid for by the board, but was done by the f iris under Miss Wilson, and the staff 'he girls were organised into groups and looked after their respective plots, and there was no doubt about it, they were getting the results. , Shortage of Accommodation The board, through the year, had found difficulty regarding room accommodation, continued Mr Kinder. This was especially the case in the boarding establishment, where the number was ever, increasing, the girls in' residence now numbering 50. A year ago an addition had been made to the hostel, and this year, through the Rev. A. H. Nordmeyer, M.PI, the Minister of Education /Mr P. Fraser) and other members of the Education Department, who had taken an interest in the school, the board had been enabled to purchase a property of several acres in Ouse street, so that there would be provision for breathing space for many years to come. The area would be valuable, as it -was adjacent to the school, &nd he hoped that, in the future, they would be able to provide suitable buildings.

Rev. Mr McKenzie's Address

The main speaker for the function ■was the Rev. J. M. McKenzie, who, in his introductory, remarks, congratulated the school on the completion of another year of progress—a year which.had included a jubilee of the school. ■ . • . - Each one of them had come to the end of a school year. Some of them were leaving school and going out into the world. This meant that they were growing up. It was the aim of all to grow up. Their growth, however, should be regulated. They should neither grow too quickly nor too slowly. More and more the educational authorities were realising that they had to cater for all sides of life The girls had to grow in all respects, else the educational system failed. One could commend a perfect physique and a great mind, but be lacking in character and social relationship. If they failed to grow on the side of the spiritual they were growing out of proportion. A SICK NATION As in the life of an individual, so In the life of a community, New Zealand would shortly be celebrating its centennial year. This small country had made amazing progress in the few years of its history, but had it grown in other respects? Had it grown spiritually? They all knew that, despite all the advance New Zealand had made scientifically, it was a sick

nation. It had not grown proportionately. To leave religion out of life was like sending out a ship without a compass. FINDING NEW FRIENDS Those girls who were passing out of the school would probably still have someone with guidance over them, but they must use their initiative. They must continue working and studying without having, to be driven to it. They would be going out into a new field, and one of the first things they would miss would be the company of the classmates. They would have to find new friends, but they should see that the company they found was of the right kind. If they wanted to grow in spirit they must find and associate with people who had character and learn from them. They would all be climbing the stair of life, concluded Mr McKenzie. Prizes Presented The presentation of the Junior High School prizes was made by Mrs Orbell, the Senior High School prizes by Mrs Kinder, the Waitaki High School Old Girls' Association prizes by Miss Will, the medals and scholarships awarded by the Board of Governors by Major Orbell. and the sports prizes by Mrs Familton. Votes of thanks were accorded the chairman and the ladies who had presented the prizes by Elizabeth McLeod. to the parents and donors of special trophies and contributors to the prize fund by Mary Wilson, to the chairman and members of the Board of Governors by Belle Johnston, and to the principal and staff of the school by Joyce Thomson. During the evening several choral numbers were rendered by the girl l ?. JUNIOR AWARDS Form la.—Beverley M. Stoop: First aggregate, first English, history, geography, mathematics, third French, science, hygiene, honours arithmetic, excellence in charts. Joyce Smart: Second aggregate, second English, arithmetic,' third history, honours geography, French, hygiene, science Joan E. Thomas: Third aggregate, second French, history, secona equal hygiene, third geography, honours English, excellence in charts. Isabel M. Frame: Fourth aggregate, first French, arithmetic, second mathematics, honours English. Agnes 3 Chambers: Fifth aggregate, first hygiene, third English, honours history, geography, French. Joan Robertson: Sixth aggregate, first science, second geography, third mathematics honours English, history, hygiene. Vera I. Patterson: General proficiency, second equal hygiene, science, honours history, arithmetic, mathematics. Edith M. Fagan: General proficiency honours science, mathematics Elva E Hurndell: General proficiency, honours geography, science. Marjorie McLeod: General proficiency, honours French. Mary A. Miller: General proficiency, third equal arithmetic. Miss I. B. Romans's special prize for charts: Mary P. Douglas, Joan C. Hicks

Form lb.—Thelma R. Boyd: First aggregate, first history, geography, second arithmetic, third English, geometry. Margaret Napier: Second aggregate, first English, history, geometry. Betty J. Sutton; Third aggregate, second English, honours science, geography. Florie J. Baird: Fourth aggregate, first science, second geometry, third geography. u onours English. N. Boyd: Fifth aggregate, honours geometry geography, hygiene. Joyce Herring: Sixth aggregate, honours English, history, geography. % Form Ha. —Elva L. G. Birss: First aggregate, first French, arithmetic, second English, honours geography, mathematics, history, science. Shirley E. Woodward: Second aggregate, first history, mathematics, first equal science, honours English, geography, hygiene, arithmetic. Lyall S. Gray: third aggregate, first geography, third French, history, science, arithmetic, mathematics, honours English. Marjorie E. Hesselgrave: Fourth aggregate, first hygiene, first equal science, second history.

third geography, honours mathematics English, French. Helen L. King: Fifth aggregate, first English, second French honours history, geography, science hygiene. Ethel M. Robertson: Sixth aggregate, honours French, arithmetic Eunice I. Ledley: General proficiency, honours science, hygiene, arithmetic. Barbara C. Douglas: General proficiency, second geography, hygiene, third English, honours history. Valmai D Baxter: General proficiency, honours French. Joan E. Kilpatrick- General proficiency, third hygiene, honours mathematics. Miss M. Lindsay's special prize for best anthology of verse: Barbara C. Douglas. Special prize for charts: Myra J. M. Horton. Special prize proxime accessit (presented by Messrs Jeffrey and Smith, Ltd.): Shirley Woodword. Form lib.—Dorothy J. Gunn: First aggregate, first arithmetic, science, second geometry, hygiene, third geo-

graphy. Lois E. Pheloung: Second aggregate, first hygiene, second arithmetic, history, science. Olive W Patterson: Third aggregate, second English, geography. Judith E. M. Stanley: Fourth aggregate, first geometry, third arithmetic. Elaine A. Sawers: Fifth aggregate, honours geography. Joyce E. Jackson: Sixth aggregate, first history, geography. Marjorie, M. Dunn: General merit. Special prizes for charts: Geography, Daphne G. Lee; history, Dorothy M. Stock: poetry, Jean Fulton. Special Prizes Needlework Prizes.—Form la: Elva Hurndell; credit, Mary Douglas. Beverley Stoop. Form lb: Betty Sutton; credit, Margaret O'Hara. Form Ha: Helen King and Nyrene Bull first equal. Form lib: Daphne Lee: credit. Peggy Fulton, Lois Pheloung. Cookery Prizes.—Form la: Beverley Stoon. Form lb: Marie Cochrane: credit. Doreen Williams. Eileen McNickel. Form lie: Eunice Ledley: credit, Helen King, Elva Birss. Form lib: Sheila Thomson: credit. Peggy Fulton. Dorothy Gunn. Art Prizes.—Form la: Beverley Stoop; credit—Doreen Griffiths, Mary Douglas. Isabel Frame. Joan Prentice. Form lb: Margaret Watson; credti. Margaret O'Hara. Laura McNickel. Form Ha: Barara Douglas. Ethel Robertson equal first; credit—Shirley Woodward. Elva Birss, Eunice Ledley. Beryl Piper. Form lib: Peggy Fulton: credit—Elaine Sawers. Dorothy Stock. Jovce Jackson. Best Collection of Dried Grasses.— Form I: Mary Douglas. Collection of Native Flora.—Form II: Barbara Douglas. Best Accompanist in Junior Music Festival (presented by Mr James Hinton).—Margaret O'Hara 1. Elva" Hurndell 2. Drill Prizes.—Forms la. lb: Joyce Ingles 1. Isabel Frame and Joyce Smart (equal) 2. Forms Ha, lib: Vivienne McLeod 1. Joan Kilpatrick and Shirley Woodward (equal) 2. Sports Prizes

Tennis Championship (silver challenge cup presented by Miss C. Lindsay).—Judith Stanley. Runner-up: Ethel Robertson.

Swimming Championship (silver challenge cup presented by Mrs R. K. Ireland).—Barbara Douglas Runnersup: Alison Boyd and Olga Maddigan. Swimming and Diving (medal presented bv Miss Margaret McCulloch).— Alison Boyd.

Athletic Championship—The Helen Scott Cup (miniature cup presented by Miss J. B. Wilson): Betty Mulcahy: runner-up. Marjorie Dunn. Sports Dux.—Silver challenge cup presented by North Otago Primary Schools' Sports Association: Brenda Stubbs; runner-up. Olga Maddigan. Oamaru Athenaeum and Mechanics' Institute Prize.—(Free subscription to the juvenile library for the year 1939): Elva L. G. Birss. Dux of School.—Board of Governors' gold medal: Elva L. G. Birss. SENIOR SCHOOL Form Ilia.—Beryl M. Markham: First aggregate, first English, algebra, geometry, arithmetic, second history. third French. Nahcie A. Dowthwaite: Second aggregate, second geometry, French science, third history, algebra. Doris McGimpsey: Third aggregate.

first science, socond algebra, third geometry, arithmetic. Miss Brown's special prize for science Nature study books: Nancie Dowthwaite 1. Beverley Smith 2. T , x Form Illb.—W. Wmie Johnston: First equal aggregate, first arithmetic, algebra, third French, English. V. Eileen Elliot: First equal aggregate, first geometry, home science, second arithmetic, third history, third equal geography. Myrie Hitchon: Third aggregate, second French, third geometry Vera H. Marwick: Fourth aggregate, first French, first equal geography, third arithmetic. Norma M. C. Macdonald: Fifth aggregate, second history, geometry, third home science, third equal geography. K. Shirley Lee: Sixth aggregate, second equal algebra. Miss Brown's special prize for science Nature study books: Patricia Wilson.

Form lllc—Mary L. Addison: First aggregate, first English, history, shorthand, hygiene, second home science third arithmetic. Nazomie W. Hayes: Second aggregate, second English. third .hygiene. Ngaire Muir: Third equal aggregate, first equal book-keep-ing, second arithmetic, shorthand. Alison M. Sarginson: Third equal aggregate, first equal book-keeping, second shorthand. Louise Downing: Fifth aggregate, first geography, home science, second hygiene, third English, history. Noeline Cayford: Sixth aggregate, third geography, fourth English, book-keeping. Miss Browns special prize for science Nature study books: Nazomie W. Hayes.- Special prize for progress: Leslie A. Aspinall Form Hid.—Marjorie J. Beckingsale. First aggregate, first English, history, science,. hygiene, third needlecraft Kathleen A. E. A. Inglis: Second aggregate, second science, hygiene, needlecraft, third cookery. Edna J. Rawcliffe: Third aggregate, first cokery, needlecraft, second English, third arithmetic. Miss Brown's special prize for science Nature study books: Sadie Form IVa.—M. Wendy Patterson: First aggregate, first English, Latin, history, mathematics, home science, second French, arithmetic. Janet P Frame: Second aggregate, first French arithmetic, geography, second English, history, third mathematics, home science. Marjorie J. Gray: Third aggregate, second mathematics, third French arithmetic, third equal Latin. Valerie F. Allan: Fourth aggregate, second Latin, home science, third history, third equal English, fourth arithmetic Leila B. Meldrum: Fifth aggregate, third geography, fourth mathematics, history L. May Knight: Good progress, honours French and Latin. Patricia M Familton: Good progress, honours English, French, home science. Form IVb.—Ngaira K. Smith: First aggregate, first English. French history, mathematics, home science, geography, second arithmetic. Joan M Neill: Second aggregate, second English, French, history, home science, geography, third mathematics. Catherine Howell: Third aggregate first arithmetic, second mathematics, third French, geography, fourth equal English. E. Kathleen Lee: Good progress. Betty Land: Fourth aggregate, fourth French, mathematics. Jean Hollamby: Good progress. Form iVc I.—Patricia Loe: First aggregate, first home science, bookkeeping, second English literature, history hygiene, geography, third English grammar, arithmetic, shorthand. Dorothy E. Paton: Second aggregate, first history, geography, hygiene, second arithmetic, home science. Marjorie S Jones: Third aggregate, first shorthand, second English grammar, typewriting bookkeeping, third history hygiene, home science, geography. Marion J. McDonald: Fourth aggregate, first English grammar, arithmetic. Doreen P. Clarke: Fifth aggregate Marjorie L. Firman: Sixth aggregate. Form IVc 2.—Doreen I. Maffey: First aggregate, first bookkeeping, hygiene, shorthand, history, first equal arithmetic, second typewriting, third English. Lauris A. Martin: Second aggregate, first equal English, first typewriting, second arithmetic, shorthand, history. Rowena J. Gibbs: Good progress Mary Jane Byers: Good progress. Margaret L. Paterson: Good progress. Miss Pollard's special prize for history: Doreen I. Maffey.

Form IVd.—Vera S. Mitchell: First aggregate, first history, second hygiene.

arithmetic, third English. Eileen McClea: Good progress. Form Vb.—Peggy Williamson: First aggregate, first English, home science, first equal Latin, second French, mathematics, history, third arithmetic. Joyce V. Clifton: Second aggregate, first French, first equal Latin, second English, arithmetic, third mathematics. Jessie F. Borrie: Third aggregate, first arithmetic, mathematics, third home science. Phyllis Booker: Fourth aggregate, first history, second home science. Doris M. Sherwin: Excellence in English. French, home science, mathematics. Edna M. Cormack: Excellence in English French. Lesley Butler: Progress. Form Vc Lower.—Ann C. Hickey: First aggregate, first shorthand, bookkeeping, typewriting, business methods, second English, geography. Evelyn M. Bridson: Second equal aggregate, first English, third arithmetic, business methods. Eunice M. M. Hoad: Second equal aggregate, third English, geography, bookkeeping. Special prize donated by Mrs I. M. Barclay for proficiency in commercial subjects: Ann C. Hickey. Form Vc Upper.—Joyce L. Addison: First aggregate, first English literature, history, shorthand, typewriting, second English grammar, bookkeeping, business methods, third arithmetic. Jean N. • Andrew: Second aggregate, first English grammar, arithmetic, bookkeeping, business methods, second shorthand, third English literature, typewriting. Special prize donated by Mr D. V. G. Smith for'best commercial pupil:'Joyce Addison. Special prizes donated by Mrs I. M. Barclay for proficiency in commercial subjects: Jean Andrew. Eileen Steenson.

Form Va.—Annabel Mary Austin: Dux of school and gold medallist, first aggregate. first English, history, French. Latin, mathematics, second home science. Rose Elizabeth McVean: Second aggregate, first home science, second arithmetic, French, honours English, history, mathematics. Gertrude Margaret Smith: Third aggregate, first arithmetic, second English, honours history, French. Nancy Mercer Leggett: Fourth aggregate, third arithmetic, mathematics, history, honours home science, i Joan Guthrie: Fifth aggregate, second mathematics, honours arithmetic. Valerie Lucy Mary Hayes: Sixth aggregate third English, French. Form Vlb.—lrene A. Grenfell: First aggregate. -Irst English, French, geography. Esther H. Familton: Second aggregate, first history, mathematics, second English. Belle Johnston: Third aggregate. Joan E. WiUiams: Fourth aggregate, first home science, honours mathematics. Rowena T Paulin: Diligence. Higher Leaving Certificates.—Mane Frances Cooper, June Cradock, Sheila Mary Deihl, Esther Helen Familton, June Marjorie Geddes, Alice Allan Graeve, Irene Adele Grenfell, Gwendoline Hamilton, Rhoda Kathleen Mary Hamilton, June Calderwood Hamilton, Belle Edith Johnston, Betty Clare Jordan, Elizabeth Horatia Kirby Betty Ida Kirkness, Davina Maude Learmonth, Mary Alice Meyer, Rowena Trevor Paulin, Joyce Thomson, Joan Emily Williams. Mary Stuart Wilson Special Prizes Cookery and Housewifery.—Junior domestic, Hid: Edna Rawcliffe. Intermediate domestic, IVd: Eileen McClea. Senior domestic. Vd: Jean Geddes. Credit.—Hid: Nellie Hunt, Kathleen Ingles. IVd: Elvia Haugh. Needlework and Dressmaking.— Form Ilia: Muriel Walker. Form Illb: Shirley Lee. Form IIIc: Leila Petrie 1. Alison Sarginson 2. Form

Hid: Edna Rawcliffe. Form IVa: Phyllis Maude. Form IVb: Jean Hollamby. Form IVc: Patricia Loe 1, Jean Byers 2. Form IVd: Elvia Haugh. Form «Vc Upper: Gwytha Butler (special prize for progress). Form Vd: Jean Geddes. Form VI: Joan Williams.

Credit.—Form Ilia: Beryl Markham. Form Illb: Edna Hendebourck. Form IIIc: Madge Robertson. Form Hid: Joan Gilchrist, Kathleen Ingles. Form IVa: Marjorie Gray, Rona Pinder. Form IVb: Margaret Lory. Form IVcl: Dorothy Sinclair, Marjorie Firman. Form IVd: Joan Searle. Embroidery Shield (presented by Messrs, Clark and Co.. Ltd.).—Leila Petrie. Art and Handicrafts.—Form Iliad: Beverley Smith. Form Illb: Jean Williamson. Form IIIcl: Leila Petrie. Form IIIc2: Alison Sarginson. Form IVa: Valerie Allan, Leila Meldrum (equal). Form IVb: Catherine Howell. Form IVcl: Heather Maclntyre. Form IVc2d: Lesley Scoular. Form Vbvd: Merle Swan. Form Vcl, 2: Gwytha Butler. Form VI: Rowena Paulin and Mary Meyer (equal). Credits.—Form Iliad: Doris McGimpsey, Margaret Innes, Edna Rawcliffe. Form Illb: Minie Johnston, May Craig, Shirley Lee. Form IIIcl: Noeline Cayford. Ruth Mcintosh, Shirley Cameron. Form IIIc2: Joyce Doyle. Form IVa: Kathleen Adams, Marjorie Gray. Form IVb: Jean Armitage, Joan Neill. Kathleen Lee, Jean Hollamby. Form IVcl: Joyce Haugh. Patricia Loe. Dorothy Paton. Form IVc2d: Elvia Haugh. Row3iifl Gibbs. Form Vbvd: Joan Kerr, Eunice Surridge. Form Vcl, 2: Jean Andrew, Joyce Addison, Eunice Hoad. Form VI: Maude Learmouth, June Geddes. The Anne Mclvor Memorial Prize for Art.—Edna M. Cormack. Music Competitions

Intermediate Pianoforte Solo.—Molly Familton. Senior Pianoforte Solo. Janet Neave.

Intermediate Pianoforte Duet. —May Knight and Heather Mclntyre and Juene Gillies and Molly Familton (equal). Senior Pianoforte Duet.—Janet Neave and Joyce Thomson. Senior Accompanist.—May Knight. Intermediate Sight Reading.—May Knight. Intermediate Vocal Solo.—Dorothy Cayford. Senior Vocal Solo.—Dorothy Pagan. Intermediate Vocal Duet.—Beverley Smith and Loma Wilson.

Vocal Trio.—Dorothy Fagan, Molly Familton, May Knight. Senior Vocal Duet.—Joyce Thomson, Dorothy Adams. School Accompanist (Miss Vera Slater's Special Prize).—Joyce Thomson.

House Choir Competition (Goldmounted Baton Presented by the late Mr C. W. Naylor).—M. G. Burn House (Joyce Thomson, conductor; Loi? Peat, accompanist) 1. Prizes—Silver challenge cup, Senior Pianoforte Solo (presented by Mrs K. Familton); Intermediate and Senior Vocal Solo (presented by Miss Pamela Marshall); Intermediate Sight Reading (presented by Mr James Hlnton); Intermediate Vocal Duet (presented by Miss V Slater). Speech Competitions Forms Ilia, Illb, 111 c, Hid (Subject:. "An Invention or Discovery").—Noelene Murray ("Louis Pasteur") 1, Beryl Markham ("Captain Cook" and Wendy Davies (" MarcOni") equal 2, Shirley Cameron (" Gabriel Reed") commended. Forms IVa. IVb, IVcl, IVc2, IVd (Subject: "An Invention or Discovery") .—Jean P. Frame ("Mungo Park ") and Molly Familton (" Captain Cook") equal 1, Joan Neill ("Graham Bell") commended.

Forms Va. Vb. Vcl, Vc2. Vd (Subiect: "A Literary Masterpiece").— Annabel M. Austin (" Pride and Prejudice") and Peggy Williamson ("The Forsyte Saga") equal 1, Ann C. Hickey ("Great Expectations") and Juliet N. Nicholls ("Vanity Fair") commended.

Form Vlb (Subject: 'A History Topic"). Joyce Thomson ("The Youth of Napoleon ") 1, Belle E. Johnston ("The League of Nations") 2,

Mary Wilson ("Herr Hitler") and Kathleen R. M. Hamilton ("Joseph Stalin") commended. Waltaki High School Old Girls' Association Prizes Waitaki High School Old Girls' Association Scholarship (£5 ss; for ability and diligence, provided she continues her education in 1939). — Awarded to Doris May Sherwin, Peggy Williamson. Waitaki High School Old Girls' Association Good Fellowship Prize.— .Silver cup voted by the school to Joyce Thomson. _ „, , , Waitaki High School Old Girls' Association, Isabel Clark Memorial Prize for Essay in Form IV (Subject: "Dulcieus ex Arduis").—Awarded to Winifred* Edith Jones. Interhouse Studies (silver cup presented by Mrs Robert Brown).—C. Ferguson House. Belle Johnston captain. • Macandrew Scholarships.—Board of prizes (cheques)—Highest aggregate marks in Form III: Ilia. Beryl Markham; 111 b, Minie Johnston; Illb. Eileen Elliot; Hie, Mary Addison. Dux of school and gold medallist (Board of Governors' gold medal): Annabel M. Austin. Physical Training Prizes (Silver bars donated by Mrs J. M. Forrester.) Junior Forms.—Junior drill champion: Lulu Downing. Runner-up: Noreen Sagar. i Intermediate Forms.—lntermediate drill champion: Audrey Nimmo. Run-ner-up: Eunice McLatchie. Senior Forms. —Senior drill champion (silver challenge cup): Elizabeth McLeod. Runner-up: Joyce Thomson. Interhouse Drill Contest (silver challenge cup presented by Major and Mrs H. S. Orbell): J. B. Wilson House Mary Wilson, captain. Shields.—Elizabeth McLeod, Joyce Thomson. Gwen Hamilton, Peggy Williamson, Merle Swan, Jessie Borrie. Eileen Dunn, Kitty Brain, Audrey Nimmo. Lulu Downing. SPORTS PRIZES Tennis Senior Championship Singles.—Silver challenge cup presented by Miss M. J. Macaulay: Isabel G. Gunn, Runner-up (trophy presented by Mrs Kinder): Esme Miller. Intermediate Tennis Championship Singles.—Silver challenge cup: Esme Miller. Runner-up: Shirley Cameron. Championship Doubles.—Silver challenge cup: Isabel Gunn and Lesley Scoular. Runners-up: Joyce Thomson and Nanette Miller. Handicap Doubles.—Handicap cups presented by Miss J. B. Wilson: Eva Diver and Jean Diver. Runners-up: Noelin Pearson and Muriel Crutcnley. Interhouse Tennis.—Silver challenge cup, presented by Miss M. A. Waft: M.V. Gibson House. Shields.—lsabel Gunn, Joyce Thomson, Esme Miller, Betty Kirby, Jean McGregor. Shirley Cameron. Swimming (Silver bars donated by Major and Mrs H. S. Orbell) Senior swimming champion (silver challenge cup presented by Mrs R. B. Irvine): June Cradock. Runner-up: Pauline Erikson. Intermediate swimming champion (silver challenge cup presented by Mr D. Brown and Mrs C. Brown): Barbara Austin. Runner-up: Merle Swan. 66 2-3 yards breaststroke champion (silver chalenge cup presented by Mr George Jones): Audrey Ledley.

Senior diving champion (miniature cup presented by Miss J. B. Wilson): Gwen Hamilton.

Intermediate diving champion (miniature cup presented by Miss J. B. Wilson): Barbara Austin. Shields: June Cradock. Pauline Erickson. Joyce Martyn, Barbara Austin, Merle Swan, Audrey Ledley. Inter-house Swimming Cup (Bilver challenge cup presented by Mr G. M, Proctor): M. G. Burn House—Joyce Thomson, captain. Basketball Interform basketball (silver challenge cup presented by Miss J. B. Wilson); Form Vb Vd—Jessie Borrie, captain.

Interhouse basketball (silver challenge cup presented by Miss J. W. Gibson): M. V. Gibson House—Elizabeth McLeod, captain. Shields: A team (Joyce Thomson, Jessie Borrie, Dorothy Adams. Isabel Gunn, 1 Joyce Martyn, Jean Andrew. June Cradock, Alison Muldrew, Elizabeth McLeod). Athletics Senior athletic championship (silver challenge cup presented by the late Mr Walter Sumpter): Dorothy Adams. Runner-up: Pauline Erikson. • ■••,■ Intermediate athletic championship (silver challenge cup): Heather Mclntyre. Runner-up: Audrey Nimmo. Shields: Dorothy Adams, Heather Mclntyre, Pauline Erikson, Eunice Surridge, Audrey Nimmo, Jessie Borrie. Interhouse athletics (silver cup presented by Engineer-commander W. A. Mowat R.N.): C. Ferguson HouseBelle Johnston, captain.

Sports dux (silver cup presented by Mrs W. J. R. Simpson): Joyce Thomson. Runner-up: Jessie Borrie. Dux house, all physical activities (the James Robertson Memorial Cup, presented by Mr William Kinder; the Ernest Page Lee Memorial Cup, presented by the late Mr E. P. Lee): M. G. Burn House. *

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 23685, 17 December 1938, Page 10

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WAITAKI GIRLS' HIGH SCHOOL Otago Daily Times, Issue 23685, 17 December 1938, Page 10

WAITAKI GIRLS' HIGH SCHOOL Otago Daily Times, Issue 23685, 17 December 1938, Page 10