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The Weather

Clear skies, bright sunshine, and an exhilarating atmosphere, expressing a typical Wakatipu winter, are the prevailing weather conditions at Queenstown. Monday night was one of the frostiest experienced this season, but there was little ice about on Tuesday morning.

Golf Mr C. H. M'Kay is the winner of the Major Browne Cup, which competition was concluded at the week-end. his net score being 142. Mr G. V. Wilkinson was runner-up with 143.

Rugby Football The district football fixtures at the week-end were played in good weather. Sueenstown and Country seniors met on le local recreation reserve, but time was called with no score on either side. Arrowtown journeyed to Glenorehy, and, despite the fact that the team was not up to full strength, it notched a victory against the Scheclite fifteen. The senior cup position now is; Arrowtown 9, Gleuorchy and Queenstown 6 each, Country 5. The juniors’ match, Queenstown v. Country, resulted in a win for the former team, 18—3. The schools’ seven-a-side competition for the Miller Cup was commenced at the week-end, the results all being in favour of Queenstown teams: — Queenstown Convent 24 v. Arrowtown Convent nil, Queenstown Convent 15 v. Arrowtown Public nil, Queenstown Public 21 v. Arrowtown Public nil, Queenstown Public 21 v. Arrowtown Convent nil.

Badminton At a meeting of the committee of the local Badminton Club on Monday night Mrs T. R. M'Kinlay (late of Geraldine) was appointed secretary, the office not having been filled since the departure of the late secretary, Mr H. A. Knowles, to Makarewa. It was also resolved that the club apply for affiliation with the Southland Association.

Local badminton enthusiasts were treated on Thursday night to exhibition games played by Messrs Neale and Wilson, the New Zealand badminton champions. The display was arranged at short notice, so it was not possible for it to take place on the regular badminton evening. However, those who were able to be present felt well repaid for their attendance. Devlin. of course, did not play, the local club not being afliliated. It is intended to make a start next Friday with the season’s matches.

Gun Dog Club At a meeting of cnthusiSste held here this week it was decided to form a Gun Dog Club, to be known as “ The Lake County Gun Dog Club.” Mr George Chalmers presided, and Mr J. W. Colquhoun, of Invercargill, who has been in residence in Queenstown for several weeks, gave the meeting much valuable information which helped the meeting to come to the decision it did. Ofiice-bearcrf, elected were: —President, Mr James W. M’Lean (Coronet Peak fetation); vice-presidents. Dr W. A. Anderson and Mr D. H. Cockburn Hazelburn ”); secretary, Mr George Chalmers; general committee —Messrs J. '»■ kclquhoun. P. Elms H. Buckham, D- C. Aubrcv (Cattle Flat. Lake Wanaka). W. Edwards, A. Landrcbc, J. Stuart, W. H* James, and J. H. Douglas (both of ArrowArrangements for the preliminary trial were left in the hands of the president secretary, and Mr Colquhoun. the latter agreeing to act as judge. It wa s Jecidjl to confine the first trial to two classes—puppy and open.

Inquest An inquest was held on Monday afternoon concerning the death of Alfred Rasmussen, of Lake Hayeh, whose body was found in the morning lying on the main road a little distance from hifl home. Mr D. F. Sutherland, district coroner, presided. After hearing the evidence of Dr W. A. Anderson. Queenstown a . verdict of heart failure was brought in.

St. Joseph’s Church One of the fortnightly scries of social evenings being held under the auspices of St. Joseph’s Church Social Committee, took place to-night in one of the classrooms of St. Joseph’s School. There was a very large attendance, and a very pleasant time was spent. Progressive euchre, which was the chief entertainment provided, was engaged in by nearly everyone present, the prizes being won by M ss Eileen Lynch and Master Graham Battin. After supper ,tho room was cleared fo dancing.

Hotel Accommodation Mr D, F. Murchison, proprietor of Hotel Eichardt, Queenstown, has in contemplation an extensive building programme, in view of the greatly-increased demand tor accommodation at Queenstown which must result from the improved access given by ■the opening of the Kingston road and the Milford Sound highway. Mr Murchison has had plans and specifications prepared for the erection of a block ot buildings on a fine section or sections alongside the hotel, and which will nave a similar commanding position overlooking the Queenstown Bay. The plan provides for a large number of spacious bedrooms and suites of rooms, /with a plentitude of bathrooms, shower rooms, and all modern conveniences. The additions will lie two-storeyed, and will be erected in reinforced concrete. A start has oeen made with the dismantling of the old buildings which occupy the ground, and it is intended that the enterprise shall be an accomplished fact bv next tourist season.

Personal Mr and Mrs Alexander Scott, of Temple Peak Glenorchy, left on Tuesday morning for Dunedin, where they will remain for the Otago Winter Show. Mrs Cundall, of Timaru. and Miss Cundall. who have been visiting relatives in Queenstown, were passengers by the outgoing bus yesterday en route to their home in Timaru. . , ■ . The Rev. G, 11. Jupp, minister of the Anderson’,? Bay Presbyterian Church, and Mrs Jupp, have gone into private residence in Queenstown for their holidays. Mr Moflitt, who has just succeeded Mr L. S. Dawson as inspector of machinery for the Southland district, is making his first departmental visit to the district at present. Mrs A. Gcere returned to Arrowtown on Tuesday night after a visit to relatives at Dunedin and Gore. . Miss E. Hawley left Arthurs Point yesterday for her parents’ home at Waitepeka, where her marriage to Mr G. Woodward will take place early next month. Mr and Mrs James Shaw, Arrowtown, left for Invercargill on Tuesday for the marriage of Mr Shaw’s elder son, Willis, which took place yesterday. The brideelect was Miss Sarah M'Kinnon, of Ocean Beach, Southland. Messrs S. C. Doyle, Superintendent of New Zealand Railways Road Services, Mr 11. Benge, garage foreman for New Zealand, and Mr J, Lindsay, district traffic manager, Invercargill, have been in Queenstown during the week on departmental business.

ROXBURGH Fruitgrowers’ Meeting There was a large attendance of fruitgrowers, representative of Teviot, Dumbarton, Ettrick, Miller’s Flat, and Beaumont districts at a meeting held at Roxburgh on June II to consider several matters of importance relative to the marketing of fruit. Mr J. B. Gilrnour presided. In his introductory remarks .Sir Gilrnour explained that the meeting had been called to consider further improvements on the local market. He referred to (he urgent necessity of reform in this direction, and gave an example of what the present system meant to the producer. Mr Gilrnour stated that the matter had been considered by the Ettrick Association, and called on Mr Cockburn, president of the Ettrick Association, to speak. Mr Cockburn stated that bis association Had given a lot of thought to this vital question, and in the opinion of his members two reforms were necessary, fll Standardised grades and the elimination of rubbish from the markets. (2) The appointment of an organiser, the brokers’ commission to he reduced from 10 per cent, to 8 per cent., and the 2 per cent, to bo devoted to the expenses of the organiser. The speaker moved the following resolution: —“That this representative meeting of fruitgrower., is satisfied that some measure of local market reform i* necessarv. anil that the position could be improved by the introduction of compulsory standardisation.

and the appointment of an organiser to supervise distribution of supplies. Ihe meeting further considers that expenses incurred in the latter direction should be met by a fund created by rebate of a proportion of brokers’ commissions.” On the suggestion of Mr Finder it was resolved that the motion be divided into two parts, and this was agreed to. The motion that “This representative meeting of fruitgrowers is satisfied that some measure of local market reform if) necessary, and that the position could be improved by the introduction of compulsory standardisation” wa» then carried.

Mr Bennetts suggested that the motion dealing with the appointment of an organiser be left in the meantime. Mr Michelle moved that the question of appointing an organiser be left over until after the discussion on the limitation of brokers. Tins was carried unanimously. Dealing with the question of limitation of brokers Mr Bennetts moved that the brokers be reduced to three in Dunedin and that the limitation of brokers be made to apply to all markets in which Otago fruitgrowers are operating. Mr Michelle moved an amendment that the words in the motion, “ That brokers be reduced to three in Dunedin ” be de; leted. This was put as the motion, and was carried unanimously. Mr Hamilton moved that “A deputation to co-operatc with representatives of other Ot'ago associations be appointed from this meeting to meet the brokers in Dunedin and discuss fully with them limitation of brokers and other reforms,” and this was carried. ' , , It was decided that no fresh brokers be supported, and that the question of an organiser be left over. _ Mr Stronach suggested that it might be practicable to insist on all brokers paying inland exchange on cheques. Ansing from this, Mr George moved as a remit to the conference of the federation “ That all brokers be requested to pay inland exchange,” and this was earned., The chairman asked for nominations tor members of the deputation, the following bein# elected i —Messrs lamblyn, Haiiul* ton, and George. , , It was resolved that a letter be sent to the Minister of Railways asking for better facilities for the carriage of fruit, more particularly iu the North Island. and that the producers of Otago should approach the Government and ask that it examine the fruit on any market at any time and put an upset minimum price on it below which it could not be sold either bv auction or otbewise, and that the producers supply a list of their average production costs of each variety of fruit. It was also resolved that the delegates to the conference be asked to represent the meeting’s wishes to the conference, and that no further steps be taken until after the conference, when a meeting would be held.

PEMBROKE Rifle Shooting The following arc the results of matches fired by the Clutha Junction Defence Rifle Club: — Fourth match, at 500 yards:—l, Carson 42—10—50, G. Smith 40—8—50, W. Gillespie 48—44—50, W. J. Gillespie 48— 3—50, J, Byers 47—5—60, A. Sherwin 448 —50, A. M. Allison 43 —44 —47J, D. Gillespie 46—0—40, J. W. Haugh 41—44 —454. J. D. Collins 35—7—42, C. Templeton 35-0-41, W. Small 10-10-^6 Fifth match, at 200 yards:—D. Gillespie 46—4—50, IV. Gillespie 47—4—50, J. W. Haugh 45 —34 —48i. W. J. Gillespie 47 —I—4B,1 —48, A. Sherwin 43—44 —47i, J J. Bvcrs 42—44—464, C. Templeton 38—5 —43. I. Carson 35—8—43, D. Carin’ 32 —B—4o,8 —40, G. Smith, 33 —0 —39, S. Bain 32—0—32, S. Wells 49—0—49, The shoot-off for the gold rifle was won by W. J. Gillespie.

RANFURLY Ranfurly Hall Association At the annual general meeting of the Ranfurly Hall Association (Inc.) was a good attendance of members. The chairman, in presenting tho report and balance sheet, showing a credit balance of £l3 17s od, commented on the very satisfactory state of the hall's finances. Ho also drew attention to the fact that all outstanding accounts had been paid, while miscellaneous rentals had increased by SO per cent. The election of officebearers resulted ns follows:—President, Mr J. I. Fraser (re-elected); vice-presi-dent, Mr G. Wilson; treasurer, Mr R. I). Jamieson (re-elected); secretary, Mr B. P. Simonsen (re-elected); auditor, Mr 51. Mirfin; committee —Mrs A. Smith, Messrs A. Aitehieon. D. M’Killop, E. Jones, R. Hanrahan. E. Forrester. R. J. Black, A. Gilchrist, J. P. Hcrlihy, W. Reid, A. M’Lachlan, and R. G. Spence. A subcommittee consisting of Messrs R. J. Black, R. J. Hanrahan, and the secretary was set up to inspect the hall periodically and to report to the committee any necessary repairs.

Miniature Rifle Shooting The attendance at the Ranfurly Club’s weekly shoot is still maintained, and again the ehooting standard this week is good, but not up to last week’s excellent average. A. 11. M'Donald again holds the rifle button with a possible. R. Carruthers was the successful shooter for the handicap button. The average for the first 10 men was 77.4. and the best scores were as follows: —A. H. Macdonald 80. J. C. Kearney 78, J. Cromb 78, A. Carson 78, J. I. Fraser 78, J. Davies 78. R. G. Spence 77, H. Carson 77, G. Gilbert 75, J. Hanrahan 75, F. K. Morris 75. The weekly shoot of the Kycburn Club held on Monday night was well attended. A. H. Griffiths, with the good score of 79, proved the winner of the Preston button for the best score off the rifle. Thirteen riflemen tied for the handicap button, and after three shoot-offs the winner was S. C. Pearson. The average of the first 10 men was 75.3. A 10-mcn postal shoot off the rifle was held with the Omakau Club, but the result is not yet available. The following are the details of the night’s shooting:—A. H. Griffiths 79, H. G. Wooding 77. R. P. Wilson 77, D. Here 7Q, W. W. Pearson 76, C. M. Pearson 75, J. M. Grifiitlis 74, J. Af. Cmtchley 74, S. C. Pearson 73, R. J. Wilson 72. N. Ellis 72. Next Monday night a 10-men postal shoot will be held against the Cromwell Ladies’ Club on the handicap basis.

Rugby Football The following is the position of the Rugby teams in the Maniototo County to

EASTERN SOUTHLAND Golf The results of an eclectic match played on the Gore Golf Club’s Croydon links on Wednesday arc its follows: —Jl. A. Price 39—91—29.1, W. Pott 38-01-311, L. Barsdell 41-9—32, J. X. Fraser 41— 8—33, J. P. Bishop 43—10—33, A. D. Reid 44—101—331. In the first round of the senior championships 'J'. Kidd defeated C. J. M’Caughan 3 and 1. L. G- Thomson won from IV. I’off by default. In the Intermediate Grade F. Voung beat G. R. Martin. J. A. S. Aitkcn beat L. Barsdell, D. S. M’Leod beat G. L. Sadd.

Women’s Hockey Playing ju the Eastern .Southland women’s hockey competition, Ex-High defeated High School on Hockey Park by 4 goals to 1. The School forwards played with plenty of dash, but their positional play was poor. Ex-High did not display its usual sound combination in the forwards, due mainly to the weakness of the wings. The inner forwards were given too much to do and were bustled by the fast School forwards. Ex-High had much the better of the second half. After an evenly contested game Mataura A defeated Wyndhain A on the Wyndham ground by 4 goals to 2. The Mataura forwards were superior to tiiose of the homo team, and made better use of their opportunities. Hokonui won by default from Wyndham B.


The Eastern Southland basketball competition matches were continued on Wednesday. Results are as follows; — A GRADE. H. and J. Smith’s defeated High School on the High School courts by 10 goals to fi. The School team was ahead at halt time by 5 goals to 4, but the H. and J. Smith’s team dominated play in the second spell and added further goals. i Ex-High scored a good win over the Gore team on the Gore courts by 15 goals to 10. B GRADE.

H. and J. Smith’s defeated Gore by 20 goals to 7 after a one-sided game.

Rugby Football • The Eastern Southland mid-week Rugby football competition matches were continued on Wednesday in tine but cold weather. ■ „ . At the Gore Show Grounds 1 ukernu defeated Albion by 11 points to 3. Pukerau had the territorial advantage during the greater part of the game, which was largely of a forward nature, the visitors showing more dash than Albion. Those who scored for Pukerau were Smith tone try), B. Herron tone try), and D. Herron (a penalty goal and one conversion). Spittle kicked a penalty goal for Albion. At Wyndham, Wyndham >so. 2 team defeated Pioneer by 11 points to 8, after a fast, open game. The scorers were: Wyndham—M'Caughan (three tries) and Johnson (one conversion): Pioneer—L. Crawford (one try), M’Kinlay (one try), and A. Crawford (one conversion). At Menziea Ferry, the home team defeated Wyndham No. 1 by 3 points to ml. The team to represent Eastern at Invercargill on Country Day is as follows: R. Tutty (Pioneer); D. M'Caughan (Wyndham), Gibson (Mataura), i. Milne (AlWon): A. Easton (Albion). R. M’Caughan (Mataura); M. Csslicr (Albion); forwards —K. Henderson (Albion). H. Renshaw (Mataura), I. Amos (Mataura), L. Naylor (Albion). W. Southern (Albion), L. MCowan (Mataura), B. Herron (Pukerau), A. Scott (Mataura). Emergencies—A. Spittle (Albion), J. Mathieson (Pioneer), W. Smith (Wyndham), G. M’Leunau (Wyndham), J. Leitch (Mataura) and K. Martin (Albion).

OMAKAU Mr Michael Cahill, who is leaving the district, was the guest of honour at a farewell function. Mr L. Caldwell, on behalf of the Miniature Rifle Club, spoke in glowing terms of Mr Cahill’s work in connection with the club and presented him with a fountain pen and pencil. Mr F. W. Wilson, on behalf of Mr Cahill’s large number of friends, wished him and his family every success in the future, and presented him with a hearthrug as a token of the esteem in which be was held. Mr Cahill suitably responded.

MIDDLEMARCH Rifle Club The meeting which was held on Tuesday evening in the A. and P. Hall for the purpose of considering the formation of a miniature rifle club was presided over by Mr E. Jeffs, who explained in detail the steps to form a club. After considerable discussion _ it wae_ unanimously agreed that a miniature rifle club be formed, and the following officers were elected to give effect to the resolution: — President, Mr T. H. Brehaut; vice-presi-dent, Mr J. East; honorary secretary, Mr R. Hamilton; treasurer, Mr E. Peat; club captain. Mr F. Schluter: range officer, Mr W. Youngman; handicapper, Mr J. Thomson. There were 18 members enrolled at the meeting. Arrangements are being made to secure a suitable building for the requirements of the club. Th* Weather

There is now a decided change in the weather and snow has fallen on all the surrounding high country.


The Rainfall The rainfall for the month of May was 24 points (three days’ rain), as compared with 74 points for the same month last year. The total to date for tlie year is 7.70 inches as compared with 7.63 inches for the same period last year. The figures are recorded at Mr J. 0. H. Tripp’s property, “ Glencary Station.” Hakataramea.

Rugby Football The following are the and teams for to-morrow:— Kurow and Pirates team to play Excelsior at Oaraaru, at 2.45 p.m.:—Backs: W. Russell, H. Vaulk, T. M’Kinnon, W. Perkins, L. Gard, Forbes, A. Nye; forwards: W. Smith, L. Kirkwood, S. Ross, 6. Smith, L. Struthers, D. Grant, W. Smith, F. Nye. Bus leaves 1 o’clock; black jerseys. Kurow and Pirates to play Waitaki School at Kurow, at 2.45 p.m.:—Backs: J. Russell. G. Wales, LinwOod, B. Grant, A, Cambridge, L. Collins, Carney; forwards: T. Frcwan, N. Stninger, H. Hall, T. Murphy, B. Stainger, _ Gutteridge, Shanks. T. Gard; emergencies: Harrison, R. Gard. Blue and black jerseys.

RANFURLY Golf The following are the results of the first round of the M'Grath Knock-out Cup, which was played on Saturday last. Conditions, as a result of the recent rain and hard frosts, were rather wet underfoot, and the links are starting to show signs of the rigorous weather conditions: M'Lean defeated Gilchrist, Rutherford defeated 1). M'Leod, Hammond defeated Meffin. Wilson defeated the Rev. F. Ferry. M'Lachlan defeated Todd, Long defeated Gilbert, MTvillop defeated Jamieson, Morris defeated Macdonald, Findlay defeated Fowler. G. M'Leod defeated Reid. Owing to this week being Show Week no match has been arranged for to-mor-row. Those players who have not played their games in the first round of the M'Grath Cup are asked to make arrangements to play them before June 27. On June 27 the first Medal Match for the Black ami White Cup will be played.

date; — Senior. Pis. Flag P. W. L. D. F. A. Pts. Ida Valley .. ..0 4 1 1 55 11 9 Kanfurly .... ..6 3 1 2 39 20 8 Hyde-Kyeburn ..6 2 3 1 Uo 56 5 Gimnierburn ..0 1 5 22 48 2 Junior. Naseby .. .. ..5 4 1 52 37 8 Waipiata ..5 3 1 1 71 29 7 .Becks .. .. ..5 2 2 1 63 28 5 Middlcmarch ..4 2 2 17 25 4 Ida Valley .. .. 5 — 5 3 87 — Besnlts of matches played on Saturday last, were as follows: —First Grade —Kanfurlv 14. Giminerbuni 8, Ida Valley 33, Hydc-Kyebum nil. Second Grade— U uipiata 9, Becks 9.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 22911, 19 June 1936, Page 17

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COUNTRY NEWS Otago Daily Times, Issue 22911, 19 June 1936, Page 17

COUNTRY NEWS Otago Daily Times, Issue 22911, 19 June 1936, Page 17