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SATURDAY’S MATCHES The following are the results of Saturday’s matches in the Dunedin Bowling Centre’s competition: — NORTH-EAST VALLEY v. WAIKOUAITI. (Yalley names first.) Watson, Thompson, Anscll, Muir 17, Alcock, Barr. Mai lock, Mudge 25" Livingstone, Wallis, Allan, Tonkin 20, lotts, Griffiths, Stewart, Fell 21: Buttar, Campbell, Hands, M’Donald 21, Lang, Patterson, Aitcheson, Carson 17. Totals: Valley, 1 win; Waikouaiti, 2 wins. • NORTH-EAST YALLEY v. LEITH. (Valley names first.) Schlonbacb, Perry, Graham, Kirkwood 21, Sanderson, Johnston, Morgan, Butterfield 15; Duncan, Fraser, Hilgendorf, Colbert 16, Turnbull, Clark, Holmes, Johnston 20; Mowbray, Wheeler, Pettet, Baxter 27, Campbell, Moore, Ferguson, O Kane 18; Maxwell, Bruce, Brundell, Dodd 27, Ponton, Hunter, Paterson, Watson 16; Harris, Sachtler, Gemmell, Hope 13, Barr, Wyse, Applegartb, Mawhinney 17; Cutlibertson, M'Lean, Taylor, Coulter 23, Brown, Barker, Uren, O’Connell 18; Nichol, Walls, Symon, Bolton 18, Johnston, Mitchell, Mackay, Breck 16; Rice, Thomson, Crawford, Rennick 24, Ross, Barrowman, Paine, Marshall 13; Adair, Letts, Boy land, Weir 25, Page, Every, Burrows, Knowles 12. Totals: Valley, 7 wins; Leith, 2 wins. MORNINGTON v. BALMACEWEN. (Mornington names first.) Hamilton, Clark, Foley, Woods 24, Riach, Grater, M'Arthur, Morrison 16; Ford, Osborne, Morrison, Watson 18, Allen, Kinaston, Harraway, Wilson 17; Mutimer, Paterson, Walker, Brown 16, Mahoney, Armit, Glover, Otnand 2-; Walmsley, Hornal, J. Garside, ’ Holgate 18, Swan, Rolfe, Robertson, Melville 19; Hodge, Latham, Davidson, Aelson -1, Forbes, Bucldand, Allen, Ferguson 1/; Oliver, M'Leod, M'Donald, Wallace 12, Ross, Fairmaid, Leslie, Telford 24. Totals: Mornington 3 wins, Balmacewen 3 wins. MORNINGTON v. ROSLYN. (Mornington names first.) Turner, Kirkland, Lawden, Cunningham 17, Allen, Wood, Matheson, M'Gilivray 16; Leddell, Knewstub, M'Kenzie, Perry 15, Bews, Banker, C. Anderson, F. Anderson 20; M'Donnell, Collins, Ireland, Smith 27, Halsted, Robertson, Dickson, Mullengcr 8. Totals: Mornington 2 wins, Roslyn 1 win.

BALMACEWEN v. TAIERI (Taieri names first.)

Oliver, Johnson, Quelch, Carswell 27, J. M'Donald, Ritchie, Finlayson, Watson 18; Thomson, M'Leod, Allan, Gibson 12, V. Smith, Storer, G. Campbell, A. Macdonald IS; Cameron, Steven, Ewart, Thompson 17, Inder, Adamson, Walker, Nisbet 21; Currie, Smeaton, Haigh, Bueleigh 24, Westfield, Horn, Avent, Thompson 13; Gordon, Bardley, Stevenson, Cousins 18, C. Adamson, Moodie, H. Wilson. Buchan 29; Thomson, Wylie, MTheat, Leith 24, Rackley, Robb, A. Campbell, Bennie 17. Totals: Taieri 3 wins, Balmacewen 3 wins. KAITUNA v. DUNEDIN. (Kaituna names first.)

Sise, M'Naughton, Swann, Webster 26, W. Smith, M'Crae, Porteous, A. E. Harraway 15; Walker, 6. Campbell, Smeaton, Shepherd 22, Martin, Rewcastle, Melville, Ellison 15; J. Haig, W. Cooper, Miller, Davis 22, Murdock, Siedeberg, Williams, Mackay 17; Barron, Grieve, Kellan, Allan 22, Simpson, Bews, Hanning, H. Gardiner 21; Kilroy, Sutherland, Lambourne, Abel 17, Cook, Thom, Cuff, Lawson 22: Duncan, White, Ripley, T. Sanders 19, M'Kinlay. Fountain, Briggs, Sisson 11; Radcliffe, M'Lachlan, Anderson, H. S. Reid 21, Campbell, Hodge, Bardsley, Morrison 20; Williamson, Wilson, Adam, Cormack 18, Selby, Falconer, Durie, M'Naught 17; Standage, Brewer, H. Henderson, Hill 16, Gardiner, Chapman, Martin, D. L. Smith 18; Hoddinott, Justice, Smart, Seelye 15, MTntyre, Roseveare, Gardiner, Hogg 19; Leech, Fullarton, Oswin, H. Campbell 14, M'Hugh, Scurr, Frame, Malcolm 17. Totals; Kattuna 7, wins, Dunedin 5 wins (one by default). KAITUNA v. OTAGO. (Kaituna names first.) H. W. Reid, Clyde, Milne, F. Smith 29, Young, King, M'Lennan, Middlemass 10; Lochhead, Johnson, J. Sanders, Crawford 20, Shepherd, Moqre, Edwards, Honeyman 23; A. M'Crorie, Fisher, Napier, E. J. Smith 15, Hornal, Scott, Smith, Ellison 26. Totals: Kaituna 1 win, Otago 2 wins. LOGAN PARK v. GREEN ISLAND. (Logan Park names first.) Davidson, Looker, McLennan, Lee 12, Thompson, Smellie, M'Skimming, Scott 26; Williamson, Cocking, Hill, Hutchison 26, Watson, H. Smellie, Lindsay, Sloan 15; Coulter, Wallace, Lough, Crawford 26, Nelson, Tapp, Thompson, Miller 17; Marslin, Watson, Stark, Foster 23, Russell, Herbison, Winter, Dryden 20; Blackwell, Buchanan, Ayers, Thompson 9, Purvis, Bulger, Buchanan, Murie 29; Scott, King, Marslin, Livingston 30, J. Bulger, Taylor, Mehalski, Kay 16. Totals: Logan Park 4 wins. Green Island 2 wins. KAIKORAI v. PORT CHALMERS. (Kaikorai names first.) Delahunty, Spiers, Hope, Hanna 25, Love, Fountain, Wilson, Osborn 10; Le Strange, Armit, Keilar, Ufton 22, Da Costa, Knewstubb, Emerson, Miller 17; Stanaway, M'Connell, Clyde, Masterton 13, Watson, Hannah, Bell, Love .21; Roberts, Lothian, Ellis, Devereux 18, Adams, Willmott, A. Watson, Timlin 16; Randall, Baker, Cubitt, Findlay 16, Lock, Murray, Lang, Leftwick 17; W. Wilson, Kershaw, M'Kenzie, J. R. Wilson 20, Thomson, Matheson, Collier, Middleton 23. Totals: Kaikorai 3 wins. Port Chalmers 3 wins. KAIKORAI v. ST. KILDA. (Kaikorai names first.) Webster, Thompson, Clark, H. Morrison 19, Gould, Liddell, Spiers, Belcher 17; Sunderland, Stewart, Howard, M'Gregor 13, Lister, Lenz, Leeden, Dowland 31; Brown, Johnson, Stoddart, M'Fadden 24, Lowry, Steppard, M'Tainsh, Longworth 16. _ Totals: Kaikorai 2 wins, St. Kilda 1 win. CALEDONIAN v. ANDERSON'S BAY. (Caledonian names first.) Pearce, Walker, Paterson, Walton 18, Cronitt, Forrester, Bell, Henderson 19; Cox, M'Connochie, E. Carroll, Fountain 28, Wilson, Friedlander, Harvey, Mooney 17; M'Kenzie, Carroll, Elliott, Lloyd 17, Williamson, Lischner, Stubley, Read 12; Hungerford, Coventry, Sutherland, Summerill 11, Bishop, Horrocks, Newlands, Marshall 26; Perrett, Tuckey, Scott, Edwards 22, Tillyshort, M'Keefrey, Wallace Walker 15; Williams, Sutherland, Tyrell, Cavanagh 25, Gale, Wilson, King, Peake 9; Harris, Burgess, Latham, Henaghan 15, Rosevear, Sproat, Daglish, Gallagher 29; Clancy. M'Leod, Smith, Cameron 17, Downing, Waddell, Pearce, M'lntosh 19; Robb, Murie, Brockie, Hendry 18, Brain, Thomson, Gunn, Ledlie 14; Williamson, Newall, M'Leod, Dey 15, Perry, Wheeler, Adams, Ashton 22; Latham, Fahey, Lambert, Bolting 21, Bennett, Tilling, Petrie, M'Kenzie 14; Sheehan, Swift, Porter, Kettle 17, Oaten, Gall, Campbell, Robertson 29. Totals: Caledonian, 6 wins; Anderson’s Bay, 6 wins. ST. CLAIR v. OUTRAM. (St. Clair names first.)

Rowden, Booth, Peters, Harraway 14, Gilkinson, M’Kay, Adams, Free 21; Hamilton, Ritchie, Burns, Coombs 20, Grant Walker, Hendry, Hughes 22; Ruben, Griffiths, Nicolson, Chapman 19, Townrow, Cameron, Anderson, Thompson 22. Total: Outram 3 wins. ST. CLAIR v. CAVERSHAM. (St. Clair names first.)

Gray, Kilpatrick, M'Naughton, Lauham 8, Milne, Sutherland, Lcyland, Forster 23; Passmore, Torrance, Fisher, Coxon Dowland, James, Ballard, Porteous 24; Gillespie, Grigg, Clinch, Coull 23, Aitcheson, Ibettson, M'Dougall, MTvay 20; Hagen, Forster, Rendel, Howortb 13, Foeman, Cranson, Connell, Melville 20; Cunningham, White. Henry, Johnson 17, Haub, Scott, Hubbard. Will 25; M'Laren, Ball. Austin, O’Donnell 13, Watson, Smyth, Crossan, Lock 21; Orlowski G-illanders, Humphries, Young 21, Twose, Forrester, Anderson, Stubbs 23; Rutherford, Davis, Wilson. Crawford 9, Eccles, Wilson. Romeril, Todd 20; Robertson Price. Scrynureour, Willis 16, Tait, M‘Cas kill, Paine, R. J. Todd 21. Totals: St. Clair 2 wins, Caversham 7 wins.

ROSLYN v. ST. KILDA. (Roslyn names first.) Newman, Gardner, Farley, A. Lindsay 20, Clarke, Smith, Scott, Cameron 16; T. Barnett. Don, Morrison, Boyd 19, Greig, Stenhouse, Cormack. P. Edwards 22: Findlay, Blackwood, Adamson, W. J, M'Kay 25,' Webb, Dawson, Brocklchurst,

Robertson 11; Walden, Lawn, Richards, Wilkinson 19, M’Ewen, Wakelin, Irvine, Suramerwell 12; Earning, Moir, Phillipps, Tyrrell 21, M'Comish, Pryde, Grant, Leith 16; Sharpe, M'Narey, Sunderland, Todd 15, Fish, Newman, Wilson, Buist 14. Totals: Roslyn 5 wins, St. Kilda 1 win. Johnson, Alexander, W. A. Mackay, O’Connell 19, Blyth, Pennington, Skinner, Stuart 10; M‘Gregor, Nicolson, Clarke, Owen 19, Ravenswood, Harrison, Nickel, Hinton 18; Nelson, Dennis, S. H. Wood, Jones 11, Skuse, Taylor, Gladding, Whitaker 21; Turnbull, Crawford, Thomson, Campbell 10, Sherwood, Roche, Jacobson, Adess 29; Canning, Dixon, Pearse, Alloo 18, Spiers, Ferguson. Reardon. O’Sullivan 23; Paterson, M‘Nah, Stout, Thomas 11, M'Cartcn, Wright, Himburg, Harris 23. Totals: Roslyn, 2 wins; St. Kilda, 4 Wm6 ’ CAVERSHAM v. LEITH. (Caversham names first.) Duncan, Wellington, Bdlin, Mitchell 9, Grimsdale, Mercer, Gray, Rowley 22; Campbell, Thomson, Wilkinson, Thomson 35. Dryden. Hogg, Watkins. Miller 10; M'Auliffe, Johnstone, Glanville, Love 33, M'Guire, Newey, Sherriff, Miles 12Totals: Caversham, 2 wins; Leith, 1 DUNEDIN v. OTAGO. (Dunedin names first.) Walker, Logan, Grant, Nelson 29, Woods, Death, Dixon, C. W. Crawford 15; Newlands, Gray, Hunter, Anderson 21, Langley, Gillies, Lucas, W. J. Crawford 19; Williamson, J. MTvay, A. Morrison, Pettit 14, Duncan, M’Connell, Henderson, Hamilton 21; James, M’Miilan, Gregory, Adams 24, Burt, Hawkin. Stabb, Beasley 21; Higgins, C. Campbell, Ogg, Marshall 14, Olsen, Mark, Cook, Walker 17; Duthie, Jeakin, Rodger, Bentley 21, Miller. Kerr, .Dallas, Best 18. Totals: Dunedin, 4 wins; Otago, 2 wins. TAINUI v. WEST HARBOUR. (Tainui names first.) M'Gregor, Pullar, Glue, Britton 26, Moffat, Wills, Silver, Kay 28; Patterson, Cowie, M’Natty, MTnnes 19, Hutton, Connor, R. Hutton, W. Connor 18; Wood, Robinson, Morris, Annison 20, Thomson, Venn, Donaldson, French 21. lotals: Tainui, 1 win; West Harbour, 2 wins. UNOFFICIAL GAMES. TAINUI v. BALMACEWEN. (Tainui names first.) Booth, Todd, Auld, M'Cullogh 19, P. Buckland, Smith, M'Nicholl, Jenkinson 18. 1 CAVERSHAM v. LOGAN PARK. (Caversham names first.) Carter, Hudson, Munro, Peters 12, M'Pherson, Hogue, Hector, Wylie 15. FOUR-RINK CHAMPIONSHIP. ANDERSON’S BAY v. ST. CLAIR. (Anderson’s Bay names first.) • Cunningham, Pearce, Ashton, Robertson 25. Clinch, Nicholson, Young, Crawford 19; Newlands, Campbell, Gallagher, Mooney 16, Peters, Greig, Willis, Coull 31; Bell, Daglieh, Marshall, Walker 23, Ruhcn, Burns, Chapman, Harraway 20; Harvey, Ledlie, Peake, Read 20, Hamilton, Austin, Howarth, Combes 13. Totals: Anderson’s Bay 84, St. Clair 83. Caversham v. Tainui, at Tainui, Tonight.—Caversham: M'Dougall, Connell, Love, Thomson; Anderson, Leyland, R. H. Todd, Forster; Haub, Edlin, Mackay, Melville: Smyth, Scott, Porteous, Will. Roslyn v. West Harbour, on Wednesday.—Roslyn: O’Connell, Armstrong, Todd, MacGillivray; Alcock, A. Lindoay, W. J. M’Kay, Barnett; Pearse, Alloo, W. G. Lindsay, Tyrrell; S. Wood, Boyd, F. Anderson, Thomas.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 22743, 2 December 1935, Page 6

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BOWLING Otago Daily Times, Issue 22743, 2 December 1935, Page 6

BOWLING Otago Daily Times, Issue 22743, 2 December 1935, Page 6