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ELECTION RESULTS EFFICIENT SERVICE TO PUBLIC Polling day; passed .quietly enough at, Oamaru, But with the exceptional interest taken in the election there was a steady stream of electors entering the booths throughout the day* and no few,er than 10,396 elector* out loi 11,243 on the roll recorded their votes"," the number, including 521 absent votes and 170 postal votes. With the closing of the booths a crowd Boon began to congregate, at the intersection of Thames and Eden streets, where arrangements had been made.for announcing the results from the V-top floor of Marshall's Buildings, while on the opposite corner Was a large hoarding covering the whole of. the front '6f the North Otago Times Building. . •■ . . Through the courtesy of Messrs Fox and Kirkness, the announcing of \ the results was-made from the corner offices, the service the .North Otago office of the Otago Daily Times being exceptionally efficient and right up "to the minute, with the -result that local and outside "figures:! were made available to the public considerably in advance of any , other service,'and -only a.-minute later than their-annbuhcemeht in ; the metropolitan areas. The use of the radio, together with a microphone and amplifier, installed by. Mr G. T. Gillies, ,gave a speedy and efficient service, wMch> from the; complimentary references,..made to the Oamaru office of the Daily Times, was evidently very much appreciated by the public. Through the. co-operation; of, Mr Grimmen (of the Electrical Departrnent of G. T. Gillies) and Mr P.. Linton Hodge, who kindly acted as announcer, the results were-broadcast clearly .and quickly, and made;available the. very latest information to the electors as to the position of the parties and various electorates throughout -the .country. • r; The first results came to hand irom r small in Christchurch -at eight minutes past 7, and : by 7J20 .local, results came to hand, and were quickly made known. Every facility was given by the returning officer (Mr F. Stoop) to the special-messeneers on the-. Times service., and the excellent organisation enabled the announcement of the figures # to be made within' a v minute of'their being received' by Mr Stoop. The organisation also-made the local results available to the management of the'Majestic Theatre, where Mr H. S. Williams also kept patrons prbnipily .advised as progress returns came? to-'hand. •••>'-• , By7.3svthe r crowd outside at the street;




intersection had filled the square and extended some distance up Thames street, and before 8 o'clock it was seen that the "Labour candidate (Mr Nordmeyer) had gained a lead of about 800 votes, and th j-announcement was greeted with considerable enthusiasm and cheering by the crowd, which was generally very orderly and quiet for an election night. The returns coming to hand announcing Labour gains were in turn cheered by the supporters of the party, but there was no outward sign of partisan feeling when National victories wer6 given out. Interest was well sustained for a full five hours, and it was not until midnight that the crowd began to disperse. Results, however, were made available until 1 o'clock, by which time there was only a handful of people left. . The three candidates —Messrs .Nordmeyer (Labour), Macpherson (National), and Gladstone Hill (Democrat)—were in turn introduced by the Mayor (Mr M. P. E. Cooney) at approximately 10 o'clock, by which time the position of the Oamaru electorate was beyond doubfc. The usual courtesies and thanks and congratulations were expressed by the candidates, and Mr Nordmeyer was accorded an enthusiastic reception. The general arrangements for announcing the results by loud speaker proved highly efficient and successful, and the service was undoubtedly thoroughly appreciated by the crowd.

Both . Waimate t and Meadowbank obtained fairly substantial wins last Saturday. By disposing of Oamaru to the tune of 12 sets to two, with two unplayed, Waimate has won its two matches played so far this season, and has yet ■to meet Awamoa A and B teams. OMalley. was the only Waimate man to lose his single, going down to Feathers after a three-set match. O'Malley, however, displayed good form, and kept Feathers on his toes. The Waimate player took the first set, but Feathers's experience won for him the next two sets. M'Kenzie secured a fairly easy win over Ander-son-in straight sets, the Waimate player showing good all-round form. Giffin only managed to get one game in the first set against Healey, but ran his opponent fairly close in the second, which went to 6—-5.. The final Men's Singles was somewhat similar to the previous, Clarke disposing of Ross, who has not; yet shown such good form as might he expected; Miss Romans fell a victim tb; Miss D. Baikie, after winning the first set-on.theVodd game. In the next two sets Miss Baikie provided a sterner opposition, and only allowed Miss Romans to take four games. Miss Baikie played good tennis; and held the upper hand. Miss Hollamby had a win on straight sets over Miss Wylde-Browne, and .the next two Oamaru players only obtained one game between them. A's.will be seen, Oamaru was'without the services of- some of its ■players, and might have proved a stronger opposition if it& best team had been procurable.' -The first Men's Doubles was "a. strenuous match, and victory went to rtlie Oamaru pair, Feathers and Gin™, on J tHe' odd game over three sets. .Anderson ■ and Ross did well to take Clarke and 'M'Kenzie; to' 6—5 an the- first set/ but m •the'next : they were •outclassed, and were •only able to take one game. Misses Baikie and Laurenson combined well to beat Misses Romans: and . Wlyde;Browne, after a' closely-contested, game, m which kail the pla'yers> displayed fairly goad form. • Misses Hollamby and Price had little dimdulty in- accounting for the other Oamaru pair. . Oamaru failed ,to win either ot the two' Mixed Dqubles played, the other two: matches being unplayed. '"The Awamoa B men did not fare so badly against their Meadowbank opponents 'and the matches were even in botn the Singles and Doubles. However, the : Meadowbank ladies, were too good for the 'hill ladies, but the latter can be credited •'with putting up a etern_fight against su'ch-strong opposition. J. Walton, who is excellent, form , this season, played?-well' against South to take the Imatch after a three-set contest. Walton ■■& : good variety of shots, and more should'be heard of.this player before the season 1 ends. Mollison again wielded the racket; but he;met a difficult opponent in Hedges, who has been playing well for nis team' this- seasom Mollison lost the . match in straight sets, 4 2—6. lhe match betwen L. Henry and Hore was lons drawn out, both players returning their shots with regular monotony, and displaying great' steadiness; lhe match eventually went to Henry, after the score went to 6—5 in each of the three sets. Mulligan, \ who is back in the senior team after defeating Easton for fourth • place, had a fairly comfortable win over Barsdell. Aliss Donaldson produced her usual consistent form in her match against Miss Rutherford to secure a good win. bhe did not allow her opponent to take a game in the first set, but the next set was more evenly contested, and went to Miss Donaldson on the odd game. Miss Donaldson is right at the top of her form. The other Meadowbank ladies obtained good wins over their opponents, and put their side two matches in the lead. The Men's Doubles were evenly divided. The first match was a strenuous one, and in the three sets Walton and Mollison won on the odd game. Henry and Barsdell put up a good fight against Mulligan and Hore, taking the second set fairly easily, but losing the other two 6 —4. The Meadowbank ladies combined well to.take'both the Doubles. The most closely-contested Mixed Double was that between Walton and Miss Donaldson and Hedges and Miss Slater, the Awamoa pair taking the match on the odd game. The remaining Awamoa pairs went down to their opponents, and the match ended with Meadowbank six matches ahead. AROUND THE CLUBS.

At Awamoa J. H. Main challenged J. Walton for fifth place, but suffered defeat 6 —l, 6—2. Walton appears to have struck good form, and his doubles play is of a high Standard. It appears as if it will not be long before his name is figuring in the Senior A team. The Awamoa Senior A team had a very enjoyable visit to Palmerston on Saturday last, and defeated the home side. Both teams played good tennis, and, providing they are up to full strength for the return match, it should prove very interesting. Several challenges have been played at the Meadowbank courts recently, and the members have been displaying much keenness. Easton, who has displayed eood form this season, met with defeat at the hands of Mulligan in a challenge match, the winner taking the set o—6. This has b'pen the only men's challenge match to have been Dlaved lately. Miss Forrest and Miss M'Quade were fairly evenly matched in their challenge, the former securing a win by a margin of two games, the match going to 9 up. Miss A. Bradstock fell a fairly easy victim to Miss M. M'Lay. 7—2. and she suffered a further defeat when she met Miss Slater, the latter winning by 7—4. Miss Slater withstood a challenge from Miss _L. Macpherson, taking the match fairly comfortably by 7—4. The match between Mrs Tait and Miss F. Speeden was closely contested, the former obtaining a win on the odd set. Miss King was far too good far Miss M'Lay. and allowed her opponent to take only one game out of the eight. Good progress has been made with the club competition matches, and the following have been the results:—Men s Sincles: Mulligan beat Robertson 9—/. Ladies' Similes: Miss L. Macpherson-beat Miss M. Hedsres 9—6. Mixed Doubles: Sevb and Miss Slater beat South and Miss M'Lav 9—4; M'Donald and Mrs lait beat Easton and Miss M'Quade 9—l, Seyb and Miss V. Slater beat M'Donald and Mrs Tait 9—3: Tait and Miss Forrest beat M'Quade and Miss King 9—l; J. Robertson and Miss Speeden beat D. Robertson and Miss W. Slater 9—6. NORTH OTAGO TEAM.

The North Otaso team to play the Waitaki Sub-union at Kurow to-morrow is as follows:—A. Feathers (captain). K. Hedges. C. Maude. L. South. J. Walton, J C. Main. Mrs Bradley. Misses R. Donaldson. C. Nicolls. R- Rutherford, C. Wylde-Browne and H. Forrest. The bus will leave Dalpety's rornrr at noon.

BOWLING MILLS SHIELD The following rinks have been selected for the Mills Shield match between Phcenix and Awamoa to-morrow: — PHCENIX. At Phcenix.—Brown, Colquhoun, Forrest, Adams; Mathieson, G. L. Grenfell, C. J. Mollison, Buist; Weavers, Freebury, A. G. Robertson, Caldei*; J. Grant, James, T. Herron, Miller; J. H. Grenfell, Duncan, A. Wilson, Slater; Kear, K. Familton, Dunbar, E. W. Grenfell. ■■ At Awamoa. —Chase, J. Robertson, T. Watson, G. P. Mollison; Armstrong, Maxwell, Foster, Joe Reid; Tinnock, J. Wilson, Humphries, Panckhurst; Forbes, W. Watson, Crisp, Thomson. AWAMOA. At Phcenix.—Vernor, Stichman, Gray, Christie; Nicholson, M'Jennett, Dunbar, A. Robertson; M'Combie, Crombie, Brown, Hewat; Hay, A. Miller, Thomson, Hodge; Torrance, - Tait, Glen, Jenkins; Ferguson, Grant, Crisp, Rusbatch. At Awamoa. Campbell, Tomkins, Adamson, Barr; R. W. Robertson, Stubbs, Gerrie, Cook; Benson, Findlay, Jefl'ery, Kennedy; M'Stay, Kinder, Richardson, Tisdall. CRICKET NOTES A feature'of the matches last Saturday was the excellent strike made by the School batsmen, who occupied the crease for -the whole of the afternoon in their match against Oamaru. Some excellent batting was witnessed, and the School boys are to be congratulated on their very fine performances. A stumps. School had compiled the grand total of 340 runs for the loss of nine wickets, and is thus in an excellent position. Albion's first innings against Union resulted in 172 runs, and seven of the Union men had been dismissed for only 78 runs when time was called. SCHOOL v. OAMARU. On winning the toss, School took first lease of the wicket, which was firm, and easy-paced. School was given an excellent start, the opening pair, Capstick and Hunter, hitting out with confidence. There were 71 runs on the board when the first wicket went, Foster putting his leg m front to a ball from Hunter, after contributing 23 runs. Capstick continued to bat steadily, and he was ably assisted by Blakqly, who was eventually caught at long-off, when the score was well past the century. Gowland did not fare so well, and by putting hi s leg in front to Watson was adjudged lbw without having got into his stride. When he had reached a total of 78. Capstick was caught off a full toss, at deep mid-on. after having played an admirable innings. He put up a very sound defence throughout his strike, due, no doubt, to his habit of watching the ball very closely. He played many fine strokes, hitting all round the wicket. Andrew, who was run out at 65, also put up a fine batting performance, and was the second highest scorer. He compiled his runs by good cricket, and played some very neat shots past third man. An occasional drive, and lusty shots off-any-thing short on the on-side, were also features of his play. Andrew has some very good scores to his credit so far this season, and his last three strikes have been 83, 29 and 65. Both Tilbury and Wilson went lbw. The latter, "with a useful 24 runs, made a very good stand with Andrew, and his best stroke was an on-drive. However, there were times when he showed lack of control at the moment of contact. He is certainly lively between the wickets and keeps the fieldsmen on the alert. Uttley also assisted Andrew well in carrying on the good work, and this batsman had 41 runs up when he flicked one into Jones s hands behind the wicket. Mee, with 41 not out, batted well, and a feature of his strike was his ability to sneak short runs. He-also interspersed ultra-careful strokes with some vigorous boundaries. Liddell and Blundell each contributed 12 runs to the total. The Oamaru bowlers did not receive any assistance from the wicket. The ground fielding on the whole was good, although a few catches went astray in the slips. UNION v. ALBION. Brooker and Robinson were the opening batsmen for Albion, and they gave their side a good start, but, with the exception of one or two, the other batsmen did not strike form. The oupning pair batted confidently, and 74 runs were showing on the board before the first wicket-went. In his strike of 46 (the top score), Robinson -hit seven fours and one six, and altogether he gave a colourful display. He eventually went to a ball from Meikle. Brooker played an attractive innings for 44, going, by the lbw route. The runs did not come so quickly as the innings progressed, and some of the batsmen were dismissed tairly easily. Wills, with 20 runs, was the only other batsman to show something like form. King, with three wickets for 29, was the most successful Union bowler and Meikle and Blair also bowled well to take two wickets each. . . , Union's total was 78 for the loss ot seven wickets when time was called, so that it has still to make 95 runs to surpass Albion's first innings total. Kawstorn batted well to score 34 before he was caught by Firth. Spear was the only other batsmajj to reach double figuies. PERSONAL New Club Hotel.—Mr H. Brook, Mr J. SteadT Mr W. Burns (Auckland), Mr L. C. Pearcey, Mr and Mrs J. Stuart, Mr H. Anderson, Mr C. Mitchell, Mr J. Adams, Mr C. KelL (WeH ngton),, MrN. V. Holmes, Dr T. MTKibbin, Mr C. Chisholm, Mr C. D. Mathias (Dunedin), Mr L W. Payne (Napier , Mr and Mrs A. S. Stewart (Invercargill), Mr F. S Dyer, Mr H. J. Armstrong (Christchurch). Queen's Hotel—Mr N. M'Causknd, Mr Malcolm, Mr H. G. Nee?rr(Christchurch), Mr F. J Robinson (Timaru), Mr M. N. Witworth, Mr and Mrs i. C. Dunlevy, Mr and Mrs Salmon, Mr John A Bradley, Mr A. G. Justice (Dunedin), Mr A. J M'Curdy (Winton), Mr and Mrs A. F. T. Munro (Omarama). MAJESTIC THEATRE A kinema story virtually _ lifted from newspaper headlines is " Times Square Lady," sensational new swift-moving comedy drama of New York night life, which shows to-night. Featured in the unusual cast are three brilliant new stars —Virginia Bruce, Robert Taylor and Pinky Tomlin. the latter the Oklahoma farm bov who wrote two song hits, lhe Object of My Affection" and Wnats the Reason I'm Not Pleasm' You? " and was swept to fame in Hollywood in three short months. Miss Bruce and layior won outstanding fame in Society Doctor" The new attraction tells the story of an lowa girl who suddenly falls heir to her father's multifarious interests in the sporting world of New York > and matches wits with her late fathers rebellious henchman. Tomlin s two song hits, which he sings himself, are musical highlights of "Times Square Lady. A news, Movie Madcaps, and comedy complete this programme, which comes from the Metro-Goldwyn studios. CHRISTMAS CHEER The Automobile Association of North Otago has generously offered to conduct a drive on Saturday morning for groceries and foodstuffs to provide hampers at Christmas time for those in need. The members of the association will be assisted by Girl Guides, and the hampers will be made up at the depot, and distributed under the supervision of the Mayoress s Relief Committee. The arrangements are similar to those made in previous years, and citizens are requested to have parcels, or, if they prefer it, contributions in cash, ready at 8 o'clock; when a start will be made, in order to facilitate the carrying-out of the drive. The Mayor (Mr M. F. E. Cooney) commends this worthy effort to the citizens." and appeals for a generous response.

OAMARU BOROUGH COUNCIL FORTNIGHTLY MEETING The fortnightly meeting of the Oamaru Borough Council was held last night, when there were present: The Mayor (Mr M. F. Cooney) and Crs A. E. Hodge, G. T. Gillies. G. A. Mitchell, A. Wilson, N. H. Colquhoun, G. White, A. R. Tait, L. Macrae, J. C. Kirkness. The Railways Department forwarded an estimate of £9200 for the cost of eliminating the Severn street level crossing by means of 'an overbridge, stating that consideration would be given for putting the work in hand if the local bodies, were prepared to find half the cost, involved. — In reply to the request that Oamaru stone be used, the department advised that this stone would not be suitable for the abutments and would increase the cost of the work by at least £SOO. —It was pointed out that, with the change of Government, ; which was pledged to put men on public works, it should again be approached on the. question. It was further submitted that with the Unemployment Board contributing £3500, the Railways Board was not contributing-anything and it was decided to reconsider the letter in three months time.

Letters were received from the National end Union Insurance Companies in reference to public risk insurance.—The matter was referred to the Finance Committee. W. Smyth (Arun street) wrote complaining that his cellar had been flooded through, a fault in , the drainage system and his property had been damaged.—The matter was referred to the foreman for attention.

The Waitaki Aero Club applied, for a grant of £4O in respect to the rent of the aerodrome for the coming _ year.—The matter was referred to the Finance Committee. The Waitaki Farmers' Freezing Company advised its requirements of the water supply would be up to 500,000 gallons per day and inquiring what the cost would be.—The letter was referred to the, Waterworks Committee.

The Oamaru Toe H applied for permission to take up a collection at a Sunday concert to be given in the Gardens on December 8 bv two Oamaru ■ bands, the funds to provide a. Christmas treat for the children of needy citizens. A petition from the residents of Mersey street asking that the street be tar-sealed was referred to the Works Committee.

The application of Oamaru Motors, Ltd,, for permission to install a petrol pump at the Garage in Severn street was granted. The Retailers' Committee wrote urging that the parking areas in Thames street be made available for private cars and commercial motor vehicles and submitting that the restrictions on parking facilities were detrimental as Thames street was the business street of the town. —The letter was received.

Messrs Hjorring, Tait, and Farrell wrote that they had been consulted by Mr G. T. Gillies and objecting to users of the parking area in front of his property and stating that the by-law appealed defective and uncertain. —The letter was received.

The application of the Oamaru Swimming Club for the use of the baths on December 10 was granted. The Finance Committee reported a credit balance of £1226 15s 3d, including deposits £7979 6a 4d, in the District Fund account, and accounts totalling £6BO 10s 9d were passed for payment. The Finance Committee reported that the letter from the Auditor-general with reference to the disposal of certain loan money repaid under the workers' dwellings loan had been referred to the chairman and town clerk for report. The Finance Committee recommended that half rates be allowed in respect to section 18, block XXII, for the year 193536, the premises having been vacant and unoccupied for six months. The Water Works Committee recommended that the foreman's report in connection with the.water supply at Waiareka be adopted, and the recommendations contained therein be given effect to. —Adopted. The Water Works Committee recommended that the Waitaki Electric Power Eoard be requested to have the wooden pipe in Warren street completely overhauled and repaired.—Adopted. The By-laws Committee recommended that the circular letter from the Department of Internal Affairs about housing be referred to the valuer for report.—r Adopted. The By-laws Committee recommended that consent be given to a grant of right of way over part section 19, block < VII, and also to the subdivision of section 7, block IV, in the estate of the late Mr W. Aikenhead. —Adopted. The By-laws Committee recommended that consent be given to the erection of a kerbside pump at' Maude Bros. B.arage, Severn street, and also at G. T. Gillies s garage. Thames street. —Adopted. . The Works Committee reported that the! amplications of Millers, Ltd., and Claude Neon Lights of New Zealand, for permission to erect signs, had been referred to the chairman and foreman with power to act. , , The Works Committee recommended that the public be notified that permission must first be obtained before erecting signs.—Adopted. The Works Committee recommended that the re-forming of Torridge and Humber streets- be undertaken at the beginning of the programme of next year's work. — Adopted. PORT OF OAMARU High Water. —November 29: 5.23 a.m. and 5.49 p.m. , The Wingatui will load at Auckland on December' 6, and will bring sugar and general cargo for Oamaru, where she is due on Monday, December 16, to load for Wellington and Auckland. The Wainui is due at Oamaru on Wednesday, December 11, to load for Wellington, Napier, and Gisborne, via Timaru and Lyttelton. The Karu is due at Oamaru on Tuesday, December 3, and will load for Wellington, Nelson, and New Plymouth, via Timaru and Lyttelton. RETAILERS' COMMITTEE Mr H. L. Familton occupied the chair at a meeting of the Retailers' Committee yesterday, when it was decided to ask the Growers' Association to appoint a representative to the committee. The Waitaki Electric Power Board forwarded a grant of £2 2s to the advertising funds. Messrs H. L. Familton, D. S. Bain, J. T. Calder, A. Rudduck, J. S. Duncan, J. Martyn, C. M'Kenzie, E. 0. Watts, J. M. Robertson, G. T. Gillies, A. Kay, D. Findlay M'Killop, J. Weir, and J. T. Weir were appointed delegates to a Combined Committee for organising the garden fete. It was agreed to ask the retailers to observe the usual half holiday on Saturday afternoon. Discussion took place' in reference to motor tours for visitors, the secretary reporting that trips to the Hydro, Trotter's Gorge, and other beauty spots had been arranged by a bus proprietor for Christmas and New Year and Boxing Day.—The committee decided to co-operate with the bus proprietors, and it wa« further resolved to set aside £5 for advertising local bus trips, Messrs Watts and Calder being appointed an Advertising CommitThe question of parking cars and commercial vehicles in Thames street was introduced by Mr G. T. Gillies, who advocated a parking system similar to that obtaining in other towns. He submitted that after 6 o'clock parking should be permitted on either side of Thames street and parallel with the kerb. Central parking areas should be used to the best possible advantage, and motorists "should be allowed to park from either side. The central parking areas should be used for the benefit of business people, and a hard ship was imposed on farmers through small trucks being prohibited from parking in these areas.—These views were opposed bv Mr J. T. Calder. but supported by Messrs D. S. Bain, H. L. Familton, and J. M. Robertson, and, after further discussion, a motion was carried that the Retailers' Committee recommends the Borough Council that Thames street parking areas be available for both private and commercial motor vehicles, and requests that the fact that Thames street is the business street should not be lost sight of.

OBITUARY JAMES ROBERTSON The many friends of Mr James Robertson, " Barmoor," Oamaru, will learn with profound regret of his death yesterday at 'Dunedin at the age of 70 years. Mr Robertson was born at Palmerston,. and spent some years in Australia and the North Island before he came _to Oamaru '3O years ago, where he had since carried on a successful business as building contractor. He was a public-spirited citizen who always took a keen-interest in the welfare of the town and community. As a member of the Oamaru Beautifying Society ;he took an active part in its activities-f or .beautifying the town, and as secretary of the Marine Parade Society he was instrumental in the work on the Marine parade being pushed on to completion. He was a member of the Meadowbank Bowling Qub and^'was a popular figure on the green. His. kindly and generous nature made' for him a hostof : personal friends to whom, his passing : means a severe loss and whose sympathy iwill go out to the relatives .in their sorrow. He is survived by his widow and family of three sons—Douglas and Wal- . lace Robertson (Oamaru) and Bruce Robertson (Wellington), and four daughters, Miss Dorothy Robertson (medical nursing missionary in China), Miss Coral Robertson and Mrs J.. Holmes (Oamaru), and Mrs Fuller-Sandys (Hamilton). At the Oamaru Borough Council meeting last night the Mayor (Mr M. F. Cooney) referred to Mr Robertson's death, saying that Oamaru had lost a very fine citizen who had taken an active part in the activities for the welfare of the town. He' had, as secretary of the Marine Parade Society, . given - excellent service in the completion of the Marine parade, and in many ways.had done good work for the welfare of the town. A motion of sympathy, with, the relatives was passed by the councillors in the usual manner. AMATEUR ATHLETICS SUCCESSFUL MEETING The' North Otago' Amateur Athletic Association held its first sports meeting of the season at the Show Grounds last evening in the presence of a fair attendance of the public. For the beginning of the season competitors displayed a good deal of keenness, and several interesting and closely-contested events were witnessed. The hurdling events for children especially were of a high standard, and there was very keen competition. Other senior competitors comprised boys from Waitaki Boys' High School and St. Kevin's College and members of the Oamaru Association. In the Ladies' High Jump very good performances were put up by both B. Forbes and A. Nimmo, the heigtits cleared being 4ft 7in and 4ft lin respectively. The various events were run off well up to time, the final event being finished just on 8 o'clock, the officials having the sports well under control. The following are the results:—100 Yards, Junior. —First heat: R. Paton (scr) 1, Tilbury (Iyd) 2. 'Time, 11 3-ssec. Second heat: Blacker (6yds) 1. Coyne (scr) 2. Time, 11 S-ssec. Third heat: Thompson (scr) 1, Douglas (syds) 2 Time, 11 4-ssec. Fourth heat: Windle (4yds) 1, B. Smith (9yds) 2. Time, 11 4-ssec. Fifth heat: Hally (11yds) 1, Welsh (4yds) 2. Time, 11 l-ssee. Sixth heat: Kearney (Byds) 1, Harris (6yds) 2, Time, 11 3-ssec. Final.

Time, 10 4-ssec. .',.■. 75 Yards Ladies Handicap.—Rosa Lorenzen 1. Hilda Webb 2. Time, o 2-ss6c 100 Yards; Senior.—First beat: .H. Gowland (scr) 1. Hicks (syds) 2. Time, Usee. Second heat: Weston (3yds) 1, Churchill (6yds) 2, Hedges (syds) 3.

Time, 10 4-ssec. Boys' Hurdles. B Grade.—W. Widdowson 1. Mulcahy 2, Hunt 3. Time, 10 3-5 sec. Girls' Hurdles.—Robertson 1, Stock 2, Time, 12 3-ssec. „ , Boys' Hurdles, A Grade.—Brook 1, Melton 2. Mitchell 3: Time, 11 3-ssec. 220 Yards, Junior.—First heat: Thompson (scr), 1, G. Baton (7yds) 2, .Time, 23 3-ssec. Stcond heat: Walsh (Byds) 1, L. Smith (scr) 2. Time, 24sec. Third heat: Windle (Byds) 1, Francis (9yds) -2. Time. 24 Fourth heat: Kearney (15yds) 1, J. Blakeley (9yds) 2. Time, 24 l-ssec. Fifth heat: Hally (22yds) 1, Malcolm (16yds) 2. Time, 25 2-ssec.

Time, 24sec. Half-mile, open.—Walsh (25yds) 1, Aikenhead (scr) 2, Williamson (80yds) 3. Time, 2min 13 2-ssec. Ladies' High Jump.—A. Nimmo (9in), sft lin, 1; B. Forbes (scr). 4ft 7in* 2; D. Brook (5 Jin), 4ft 6|in, 3. Mixed Hurdles Race. —Miss Robinson 1, Melton 2. Time, 11 4-ssec. Relay Race. —Oamaru (Crawford, Milner, Hedges, Weston) 1, Waitaki 2, St. Kevin's 3. Time, 46sec. SOCIAL AT KAURU HILL Mr and Mrs S. Pringle, who were recently married, were the guests at a social held in Kauru Hill Hall, at which there was one of the largest gatherings seen at any function held in this district. Excellent dance music was supplied by Mr R. Rae, Mrs Ellis, and Mr C. Ewins providing extras. Mr R. Rodger carried out the duties of M.C. During the evening the opportunity was taken to present the guests of the evening with a beautiful carpet. In making the presentation on behalf of the residents of the district. Mr W. Sinclair spoke very highly of the Pringle family, and wished Mr and Mrs S. Pringle every happiness for the future. During the evening songs were rendered by Misses Christie and Rae, and Miss Cayford entertained with national dances. The accompaniments were played by Mrs Ellis and Piper O. Pringle. Dancing was continued until the early hours of the morning, the happy function coming to a conclusion with the singing of "Auld Lang Syne.'' SPECIAL SHOW AWARDS The following are the additional special prizes awarded nt the Oamaru Show:— N. C. Gilchrist's £4 4s for the best jumping light-weight hunter—Miss J. Edgar Jones; N. C. Gilchrist's £1 Is for second in jumping for light-weight hunters—R. J. Waklie; Jeffery and Smith's special of 10s 6d to the winner of the hack jumping (those who have never won a first prize) G. Ruddenklau; Major Orbell's specials of £4 4s as first prize and £1 Is as second for best hunter up to 14 stone —Miss B. Harper 1, G. Ruddenklau 2.

Welsh .. .. Hally .. .... Windle .. .. ■ 1 2 ..■■.. .. ■ 8

Time, 10 4-5sec. Weston Churchill Gowland Final. .'. 1 .... 2 .. 3

Hally Windle Kearney Final.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 22741, 29 November 1935, Page 12

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NORTH OTAGO Otago Daily Times, Issue 22741, 29 November 1935, Page 12

NORTH OTAGO Otago Daily Times, Issue 22741, 29 November 1935, Page 12