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Miss M. Cook, of St. Leonards, returned on Tuesday from a visit to Great Britain.

Miss Jovce Thomas, of Wellington, is the guest of her'sister, Mrs Stuart Sidey.

Miss Dorothy. Hart and Miss E. Hart, of Wetherstones, left London by the Orford on Saturday on their return to Zealand.

The engagement is announced between Vera, only daughter of Mr and Mrs W. C. Gutzewitz, of Roxburgh, and-lrancis Oscar, eldest son of Mr and Mrs I*. O. Lindquist, of Liffey street, Bluft.

The engagement is announced of Jean, eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs L. Marshall, of Invercargill and Cecil Varesl, son of Mr and Mrs C. J. Clery, of Milton - * * *

A pleasant hour was spent at Mr Rus-sell-Wood's studio on Tuesday morning, when a number, of his friends assembled to meet Mr John Gordon, of Lake Wanaka, who had been in town on holiday. The large room was gay with flowers, masses of broom and bowls of tulips and marigolds being used with charming effect. Those present were: Mesdames E. J. Smith, Norman Speignt, Kichard Hudson, Smeaton, John MPherson, Frank Carr, E. T. Moller, Hugh Speight and J. M. Paterson, and Miss ul. Flavell. * * ¥

This afternoon a week-end sale of produce, cakes, sweets, and flowers will be opened in the assembly hall of tne YW.C.A., in aid of the United Sudan Mission. At the present time the British Government is urging this mission to start new stations and is offering every assistance. Seven New Zealanders are awaiting the opportunity of proceeding to the Sudan as soon as funds permit, and in view of these facts the Women's Auxiliary is particularly anxious that the forthcoming sale 'should be a success.

On Wednesday the Dunedin Central branch of the W.C.T.U. held an afternoon concert in the Hanover Street Baptist Hall, in aid of the unions organising funds. The Dominion president presided over a large gathering of ladies. The hall was artistically decorated with bowls of spring flowers. A musical programme arranged by Mrs Frank Uaut was very enjoyable and much appreciated. The following artists contributed musical and elocutionary items:—Mesdames C F. Roberts; R. K. Johnstone, C. M. Barnett and J. Barry, and Misses Burns and Tuckwell. Mrs Frank Clark was the accompanist. The afternoon ended with social chat. * * * The wedding took place at noon on Monday, October 28, at First Church, of Donald Alexander M'Phail, of Oamaru, elder son of Mr and Mrs J. L. M'Phail, of Kurow, and Dorothy Vivien Davies, elder daughter of Mr and Mrs 0. V. Davies, of Tolcarne avenue, Dunedin. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. lan Borrie, of Waipiata, and ihe organist was Mr L. Adam. During Hie ceremony a solo, "My Prayer," was sung by the bride's aunt, Miss Clive Smart, of Christnhurch. Mr John M'Phail, of Kurow, was best man, and the groomsmen were Messrs F. K. Cameron and A. 0. Davies. Mr Keith Garden, of Invercargill, and Mr Ralph Davies acted as ushers. The church was decorated with rhododendrons, stock and lilac, and lovers' knots of pink tulle. The bride, who was escorted by her father, was a charming picture in her trained gown of magnolia velvet cut on classical lines with long bishop sleeves and square cut neck trimmed with a spray of orange blossom. A veil of needle run lace was worn with a coronet of orange blossom. Her shower bouquet was composed of magnolias, arum lilies and lilies of the valley. The accompanying maids were Miss Hilda Davies (sister of the bride), Miss Margaret M'Phail (sister of the bridegroom) and Miss Helen Wood. They were gowned in tailored frocks of floral pink linen "and wore white and green picture hats and accessories. Posies of pink rhododendrons and magnolias were carried. After the ceremonv a reception was held at the Strand Salon in George street, where the guests were received by the parents of the bride and bridegroom. The bride's mother wore a navy blue crepe de chine floral frock and a smart hiplength cape of navy crepe satin. Her navy Leghorn hat was trimmed with tur-quolse-blue gardenias and she carried a bouquet of red and yellow tulips and maidenhair fern. The bridegroom's mother wore a smart navy blue ensemble of embossed marocain with a white shoulder spray of camelias. Her navy straw hat was trimmed with white, and she carried a bouquet of rose-pink lapageria and golder tulips. The bride's travelling suit was of navy, with navy and white shovel hat and accessories to match.

The spinsters of Momona recently held their annual ball. The hall, which was tastefully decorated with greenery and coloured electric lights, was full to capacity. Owing to the patronage of outside districts and excellent music the ball was a great success. Extras were played by Miss C. Munro- and Mr Brown. The duties of M.C. were ably carried out by Misses M. Bremner and I. Gordon before supper and after by Messrs A. Johnston and W. Barron. The lucky spot waltz was won bv Miss M'Donald and Mr J. Cragie. the Monte Carlo by Miss I. Kenny and Mr C. Miller. The door prize, which was given bv Miss M. Bremner, was won by Miss D. Welsh. The box of chocolates given by Mr Wallace was won by Mil S. M'Leod. Ladies' choice till supper time was concluded by the Grand March, which was led by Miss I. Wheeler and Mr J. Gearv. Among those present were: Mrs J. M'Neil, wearing mytole green sand crepe and silver lame; Mrs D. Bremner, coral pink diagonal crepe: Misses I. Wheeler, blue georgette; H. Snell, spotted green crepe de chine: D. Taylor, pink mouse crepe: I. Gordon, blue silk sand crepe; 0. Miller; Flaney, windswept satin; P. Miller, blue satin and organdie; A. Baird. rose pink satin; E. Baird, fawn lace; M. Ward, lemon sand crepe: B. Ford, black marocain and tinsel; M. Bremner, red corded crepe: M. Dickson, red georgette and lace; D. Welsh, black lace: I. Gillespie, red windswept satin; G. Gillespie, red figured crepe and gold lame; R. Colquhoun, applegreen diagonal crepe; 0. O'Hara, lemon windswept satin; G. Viney, blue sand crepe: B. Park, red taffetas; I. Welsh, red and black moire crepe; A. Costello, lemon georcette; H. Turnbull, pink georgette: V. Dew, blue sand crepe; N. Kenny, red figured crepe; M. White, red georgette; E. Crosson, focal silk georgette; 0. Brown, pink satin; E. Brown, green lace; A. Wallace, pink net with silver trimmings; C. Wallace, lemon georgette: N. Graham, pink gerogette; Stanley Mann, blue print with white calico frills; M. Robertson, brown velvet; M. M'Donald. green georeette and lace; P. Sellars, black velvet; E. Millar, red velvet; M. Perry, black and white marocain; T. Taylor, blue windswept satin, and I. Black, buttercup taffeta; and Messrs W. Barron, A. Johnston, G. Marshall. D. Beattie. A. Miller, W. Beattie, N. White, E. Wheeler. F. Powell. J. Geary W. Gordon. J. Kenny, S. Kenny, J. Mulqueen, J. Craigie, C. Miller, E. Grant. S. Bell. R. Gordon. G. Ford, M. Hacket. G. Baird, R. Pctrie and C. Rogers.

Mr and Mrs Sydney Bowron, " Stoneleigh," Murray-Aynsley Hill. Christchurch, are on a visit to Dunedin. Sir Charles and Lady Statham will arrive in Dunedin at the end of the week. * * * Lady Myers, of Wellington, is on a visit to her son and daughter-in-law, Mr and Mrs Maurice Myers. Mrs J. Sutherland Ross was " at home " at her residence, " Broom Hill,, from 5 to 6 on Wednesday in honour of Mrs Russell James and Miss Ross, prior to their leaving early next month for England. Among those invited were Mr Justice Kennedy and Mrs Kennedy, .Mr Lindo and Lady Ferguson, Sir Percy and Lady Sargood, Sir James and Lady Allen, Lady Sidey, Lady Fenwick, Mr and Mrs Edgar Hazlett, Professor and Mrs Dickie, Mr and Mrs J. M. Paterson, Mr and Mrs James Begg, Mr and Mrs E. C. Reynolds, Mr W. Downie Stewart and Miss M. Stewart, Mrs R. Oilkison, Mrs R. A. Ewing. Mrs Thomas Brown, Misses Cargill, Ethel Jackson, Rona Allen, May Barron, and Denniston, Professor T. D. Adams, and Messrs C R- Allen, Evans, and P. L. Halsted. A successful function, held in Waikouaiti on Labour Day, was the local Football Club's tit'ty-ninth annual ball, ihere was a large attendance of about 80 or 90 couples,'who thoroughly enjoyed themselves, dancing to excellent music. Several novelty items also were rendered by the orchestra. The hall was tastefully decorated in the club's colours. An extra played by Miss M. Park was appreciated by the couples present. A lucky spot dance was held, the winners being Miss M'Calman and Mr Brown. The singing o/ '-'Auld Lang Syne" and the National Anthem brought the enjoyable evening to a conclusion. Mr T. Gordon made an efficient M.C. Among those present were: Mr and Mrs D. Aitcheson, the latter in blue lace; Mr and Mrs J. Bradlev, the latter in white angel skin lace; Mr and Mrs J. Toomey, the latter in floral georgette; Mr and Mrs S. Lee, the latter in black and white rayon; Mr and Mrs B. Ward, the latter in wiue sand crepe; Misses T. Shand, green crinkly crepe; M'Calman, shell-pink satin beaute, trimmed with silver lame; L. Dempster, white crepe and net; H. Buchan, lemon threaded organza; K. Lobes, pink organza; S. Ferguson, pink satin; J.Ferguson, green taffeta; F.Johnson, black and white organza; V. Ferguson, pique taffeta; M. Park, salmon crepe and silver; I. Steel, lemon georgette over taffeta; V. Cullen, silver lame; M. Gavan, apricot georgette and lace; B. Cullen, black sand crepe; M. Scott, flame satin; J. Townsend, green georgette; A. Penno, purple marocain; I. Scott, red maromain; F. Halfka, pink sand crepe; M. Kirkwood, scarlet sand crepe and silver lame; B. Caldwell, blue moss crepe; D. Gallacher, pink lace; C. White, floral voile; R. M'Dougall, black sand crepe and gold lame; and E. Allcock, old gold satin; and Messrs J. Lawless, P. G. Conly, W. Hallum, V. Condor, A. Hay, L. Jackson, C. Aitcheson, A. Aitcheson, F. Aitcheson, A. Cullen, G. M'Leod, T. M'Leod. E. Runell, M. Penno, W. Penno, P. Roberts, E. Penno, A. Hagan. K. Mair, S. White. J. M'Dougall, L. Berry, W. Forster, W. Allcock, D. Allcock, F. Caldwell. M. Nichol, W. Brill, T. Laing, P. O'Rilley, N. Brown, L. Bill, and J. Dowie.

The last meeting for the year of the Canterbury branch of the New Zealand Trained Masseurs' Association, held at the Queen Mary Hospital, Hanmer Springs, on Saturday, proved one of the most successful and instructive gatherings held by the branch. The meeting took place in the balnelogical department of the hospital, by the courtesy of the superintendent, Dr P. Chisholm. Miss C. Wilson (Hanmer Springs) presided, and after the business session an informative address on " The Functional Nervous Diseases " was given by Dr Chisholm, who discussed the neuroses and psycho-euroses under the following three headings:— Anxiety neurosis, hysterias, and psychosthenics. Anxiety neuroses were characterised by fatigue, emotionalism, and fears, and were often associated with functional cardiac disturbances. The hysterias were the expressions of an unconscious mechanism utilised by the patient as a defensive measure. The psychosthenias were the result of an abnormal action of the mind manifesting itself in errors of judgment, and included the phobias—they were not associated with hallucinations or delusions, said Dr Chisholm. All these conditions merged into one another, and might be difficult to separate, he said. The speaker pointed out that the treatment of these conditions required no highly specialised technique, but they did necessitate a knowledge of the psychology of human beings, and he stressed the need for careful consideration and understanding between the masseuse and the patient. Miss L. Roberts, principal of the School of Massage, Duncdin Hospital, gave'an address,, in. which she described Bohler's method of treatment of fractures and the part played by the masseuse in teaching the patient (he functions of the limb while in plaster. She described systems of exercises used in cases of fracture of the spine, and outlined the method of treatment by histamine ionisation in arthritic cases, and its use in the Dunedin Hospital. Votes of thanks were accorded Dr Chisholm and Miss Roberts for their valuable addresses. Amongst those present were:—Miss L. Roberts, principal of the Dunedin School of Massage, and president of the'Otago Trained Masseurs' Association; Miss A. Allen (Dunedin), president of the New Zealand Trained Masseurs' Association; Miss Mary M'Lean (Christchurch), chairman of the Canterbury Trained Masseurs' Association, and Miss I. Nelson, secretary; Miss G. Beath, secretary of the Wellington Trained Masseurs' Association; Miss I. Mills (Timaru), Miss Volckman (Leeston), Mr and Mrs J. M'lntosh, Misses M. Martin, D. Salter, R. Fraer, J. Cottrell, J Erwin, J. Read, D. Wilson, M. Wilkinson, J. Jennings, C. Wilson, F. Murray, P. Andrews, and D. Maxwell. After the meeting Miss E. Hodges, matron of the Queen Mary Hospital, entertained the visitors at tea in the nurses' home. Other guests were Miss Moorhouse. Mrs D. Manson, Dr Jessie Scott. Dr and Mrs Tovey, Mrs Roberts (Dunedin), Mrs M. M'Lean, and Mrs W. G. Volckman (Leeston).

Mr and Mrs Hyde, of Elder street, have left on a holiday visit to Queenstown. * & * i On Saturday an enjoyable evening was. spent at the home of Mr and Mrs J.: M'Grath, of Waikouaiti, where a number of friends and neighbours gathered to celebrate the silver anniversary of Mr and Mrs M'Gratlrs wedding clay. Vocal items contributed by Mr and Mrs J. Hallum and Mr William Graham were: interspersed with competitions and community singing. During supper the silver wedding cake was cut, and Mr S. Vanes (who was best man at the wedding), on behalf of those present, conveyed congratulations to Mr and Mrs M'Grath and presented them with a silver cake basket. Mr M'Grath suitably replied, and a pleasant evening was brought to a close with the sincing of "Auld Lang Syne." * * * To mark the end of a successful year's activities, the Becks Junior Homemakers' Club held a party and old-time dance. Gaily decorated with red and white streamers, the local hall was filled with a record gathering. Acting as M.C.'s M'ere Misses B. Armstrong, W. Kane, K. Hamilton, and E. Hutchison. The dance was voted an outstanding success. At the supper interval Miss D. Hamilton (vice-president of the J.H.C.), while apologising for the unavoidable absence of the president (Miss G. Mee), thanked all those through whose efforts the J.H.C. had been able to have such an excellent and instructive opening year. Miss W. Macmillan and Miss I. Crowe also spoke and gave an outline of some of the aims and ideals of this part of the work of the association for country education The October meeting of the Becks Junior Home-makers' Club was held at Mrs Kane's residence. Miss Macmillan, organiser of' the A.C.E., was present, and during afternoon tea spoke on the club's programme _ for next year. Miss Hamilton, who presided in the absence of the president, thanked Miss Macmillan. Earlier in the afternoon the club members, under the supervision of Miss Crowe, spring-cleaned a silk frock. $ & sp A wedding of much interest took place in Columba Church, Oamaru, on Monday, October 28, at 7 p.m., when May Finlay, fourth daughter of Mr J. A. Macpherson, M.P., and Mrs J. A. Macpherson, was married to Captain George Herbert, of Queenstown. The service was conducted by the Rev. Lawson Marsh, Mr G. Wilkinson presiding at the organ. The bride made a charming picture as she passed down the aisle with her father to the strains of the Wedding March. She wore a frock of cream lace over satin, cut on long lines tightly fitting to the Slips, then flaring to form a train. Her embroidered veii was held in place by a coronet of orange blossom, and her bouquet consisted of, cream roses, lily of the valley, and maidenhair fern. She was attended by her two sisters, Lucy and Nancy Macpherson, also two flower girls, Diana Herbert and Margery Cooke. The bridesmaids wore pink floral flairesse frocks cut on close-fitting lines, and trimmed with pink organdie frills at the shoulder and hem. The two flower girls wore pale green floral spotted muslin, and each carried a posy of lily of the valley. The bridegroom was attended by Mr H. Cooke, of Queenstown, as best man, and Mr John Scott, Southbridge, as groomsman. Following the ceremony, a reception was held at the Star and Garter Tea Rooms, where the guests were received by Mr and Mrs Macpherson, the latter wearing a gown of wine lace, and carrying a bouquet of tulips. Toasts were enthusiastically drunk by the guests, numbering about 60, who later .repaired to " Cluny," the residence of the bride, where the presents, which were numerous and handsome, were much admired. Captain and Mrs Herbert left for the north later in the evening, the bride travelling in a floral frock with a Margaret Rose-coloured coat and hat. Prior to her wedding the bride was the guest of honour at several parties, where she was the recipient of many useful articles, the hostesses being Mrs J. Wakefield Holmes, Mrs A. Forrest, arid Miss E. M'Quade. Captain and Mrs Herbert's future home will be in Queenstown. The Concert Chamber of the Town Hall was the scene of a happy gathering of radio listeners on the occasion of the second annual dance of the 4ZM Listenersin Club. The evening was happily spent iu dancing. Items were rendered by Miss Joy Gray, who sang and gave an exhibition of tap dancing. Among those present were:—Mr and Mrs Robert Walls, the latter in black satin beaute; Mr and Mrs William Winefield, the latter in green velvet and silver lame; Mr and Mrs P. S. Beath, the latter in black net; Mr and Mrs A. Holmes, the latter in brown and silver; Mr and Mrs M. Glover, the latter in pink georgette; Air and Mrs i J. Brock, the latter in Marina silk and silver lame; Mr and Mrs D. Ritchie, the latter in flame and white; Mr and Mrs E. Page, the latter in black satin; Mr and Mrs Arthur Macdonald, the latter in rose and brown; Mrs L. Nelson, green lace and georgette; Mrs H. A. White, red chenille lacej Mrs R. Powell; Mrs M'Kenzie, black and gold velvet; Mrs Young, cream satin and lace; Misses N. Walls, blue and white taffeta; M. Butler, black and white tunic; M. Crawford, black velvet; J. Barclay, wine velvet; P. Hutton, blue and silver; N. Hart, amber satin; E. Hankey, black velvet; P. Evans, green lace; G. Vareoc, blue crepe do chine; V. Walker, silver lame; I. Fearon; D. Brosnan, black and red satin; P. Scott, navy crepe; K. Goldsmid, black crepe; M. Bankshaw, lemon and black lace; R. Trainer, black satin; M. Sherlock, black lace and georgette; L. Lowther, black velvet; I. Leonard, black velvet; A. Jack, silver lame; W. Bell, blue satin; P. Brown, Marina blue; L. Harris, black silk velvet; J. Poison, green silk velvet; M. Wright, lemon marocain; E. Tennent. blue silk; H. M'lntosh, lemon organdie; D. M'lntosh, white taffeta; T. Krause, black crepe; M. Mearns, black silk velvet; M. Ellis, pink lace; J. Hore; H. Currie, blue satin; 0. Abbott, blue and black tunic; H. Abbott, black velvet; E. Chapman, blue satin; I. Chave, creen silk; M. Campbell, beige lace; D. Townsend, black velvet; and Ramsay, yellow and black tunic; and Messrs A. Wilkin, B. Thompson, Millis, A. Holt, D. Newell, J. Smith, Hodge, D. Crawford, G. Ogilvie, F. Bunting, A. Schmeltz, W. Bennie, S. Hobbs, W. Perry, B. Muntz, L. Townsend, N. Saggers, J. Donaldson, J. Wheeler, T. Turner. G. Bolwell, M. Sloan, A. Welseford, J. Mearns, J. Hore, J. Johnston, C. China, H. Brock, R. Thomson, B. Cook. J. Sparrow. W. Perry, S. Mayne, V. Pickerill, M. Wilson, K. Ward, and J. W. Walls.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 22717, 1 November 1935, Page 15

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PERSONAL AND SOCIAL Otago Daily Times, Issue 22717, 1 November 1935, Page 15

PERSONAL AND SOCIAL Otago Daily Times, Issue 22717, 1 November 1935, Page 15