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1 GALA; DAY AT PORT CHALMERS 1 CLOSE AND INTERESTING RACING SUCCESS OF VISITING CREWS Ideal weather prevailed for the South Island championship regatta, held at Port Chalmers on Saturday afternoon. Ine Lower Harbour .waterfront presented a cala appearance; and warm, sunshine made , «opditionspleasant for. the large crowd present. ■■- • , ■■ •. It;,wae the,. first South Island rowing Aampiohahip fixture \ held in Otago flu- • lour, .and the" Kegatta vComnhttee has •vary reason to- be well satisfied with its ffcrtnuoua efforts of the past few weeks. TKt. regatta was a signal success, and the crowd, estimated at over 3000 was provided/.with a full and .thrilling afternoon a •port.? Special trains conveyed more than ' 1500 visitors- fromTSDunedin and/outlying districts;' and VBort Chalmers'residents; Were present in full force. Through the courtesy of Captain D. R. Macfarlane, the fine new Blue Star Line motor ship Imperial Star was thrown open to the pulic as the flagship, and her spacious decks were crowded with interested spectators. The ship herself was gaily decorated with. bunting from stem to stern, • and presented an attractive spectacle. The wharves were thronged by hundreds of spectators, and many more watched the races from vantage points around the harbour side. A light southeast breeze prevailed whichwas ideal for the sailing craft, and men were favoured with- smooth water from the half-mile mark to • the wharves. The water, however, was somewhat choppy at the 1 'starting line near the powder magaiijie. Some of the.rowing boats shipped waiter in the earlier races, and the Otago Noi 2 crew swamped when contesting. the Senior Fours. ,The~ water became very smpoth when the tide turned later in the afternoon and the wind fell much lighter.

About 152 oajsmen from Otago, Southland, and Canterbury provided the bulk <|f-:the. programme. As a result iof the attractive prize money allotted for the niie rowing events, more interest than usual !.was manifested in the fixture, this being proved by the fact that the 80 entries for the nine races were provided - by seven outside clubs in addition to the fonr Otago clubs. The Invercargill, InTereargjll Railway, >'Awarua, Timaru. Oataaru, and Akaroa Clubs were all : strongly represented with good crews. •The Akaroa crews were the select of Canterbury, haxing met with marked success- at the Christchurch regattas this season. The success of the Akaroa, _Timaru,_ and Invercargill crews came as 'a surprise, to many, as'it was not anticipated that the local crews would suffer defeat in some >of the . principal events. The Senior Fours, the main event on :Ithe programme, proved a,' surprise, the Akaroa erew beating all,opposition'with ease to win/by a length and a-half from a field of height. By winning this event, Akaroa secured £2O and the Teacher's Cup, which it holds for a year, and the gold medals presented by Mr Isaac Stevenson. Queen's Drive finished, third in this event, and takes the Wilson rose bowl, presented to the first local crew- to cross the line. Akaroa also won the Youths' Fours, thus holding the Aulse_br<jok Cup for a year, and the Timaru crew won the Maiden Double Sculls. Invercargill Railway was ; first in the Maiden Fours, taking the Johnny Walker Cup. Port Chalmers crews opened the rowing programme' by winning, the Youths' -Double Sculls and the Junior Fours. The club's Senior Four, which put up a fine performance at Waihola on February 16, was expected to repeat its success, but the crew made' a poor showing., to the great surprise of the majority of its supporters. ;;'..:-;. .The. Otago crews secured convincing wins in the Senior Double. Sculls and Junior Double Sculls, and Queen's Drive Bad an easy win in the Senior Pairs.;The Cure Rowing Club (Christchurch) (sent a crew to contest one Senior Pairs—but the crew didvnot 'start. Port Chalmers, with a total of 10 points, secured the aggregate •cup, ,Otago beina, next with 7 points, and .Ihyefcargill Railway and Queen's Drive next .in order of merit, also with 7 points. eachV The rowing races were interesting from ■tart. to finish; and : - some'- very close.. do-'.' cissions were witnessed.; The: yacht and motor boat events Were also interesting, .the yachtg especiallyimakingvalfine showing. The events,;' hejd in', .the ■mall dock, were 1 also witnessed by a large section of the. crowd 1 : The regatta was well controlled,;the-chairman of; the 'committee (Mr W. J. Wilson); and the' secretary (Mr L. F. Smith)' carrying: out their duties in a very efficient manner. The rowing events were controlled by Messrs W. B. Robinson, W. Lysaght, T. Porter, *S. Gr. Styche judges), W. Gr. Glengarry (umpire), and; E. V.'Fair-' bairn (starter), while officials of'theVPort Chalmers Yacht and Motor Boat Club, and other yacht clubs controlled" the yacht and motor- boat events, and" the swimming races were under ,the charge of officials l of the ptago Centre,, New. Zealand Amateur. 1 Swimming Association.';, A function was held- in the Port Chalmers;Town Hall on; Saturday night; when the prizes were presented to the 'winners of -the. various; V : ,i"•''.'.';" ' : '-:C .'.,;>' ;.\ !;■'■'"# r '■'.'•'.

The following table show? the placing? gained rin'the nine races, the donations won, and the points secured by' each competing club '.—■'"• ■•''.-. '-■'•.■*: : . ,: '."'V "•"'- ..•.•■; 2nd 3rd ':'i ; v'P,ts;

The following arejthe ruslts:— -'■ ;'..' : V'.-V.^ ; \ ROWING - SENIOR FOURS. One mile and a-halL; First trophy value £2o,' Teacher's Cup;' Commodore I. Stevenson's gold medals, and Wilson rose bowl; second trophy value £5. Akaroa Boating Club (D. Reid str, W. Reid. J. Churchill, R. Keegan) .. 1 Invercargill Railway Rowing Club (W. Little str, J. Hogan, H. Pay, J. ' Kippel) .. ........ • • •• •• 2 Queen's Drive Boating Club (G.. P. Clark str. L. Pithie. L. Fountain,. D. Matheson) .... ... .'.. . • •• 3 Also competed: Otago Rowing Club No. 1 and 2, Port Chalmers Rowing Club, Awarua Boating Club, and Invercargill Rowing Club. This was the most thrilling race of the day, and the excitement was intense when the crews approached the finishing line. Some time was occupied in bringing the crews together at the starting line, but Mr Fairbairn sent them away to an excellent start. From the gun it was quickly realised that it would be a hard and close race, with such champion crews meeting in a rase which carried such high honours.' Akaroa was soon prominent, the crew rowing a powerful stroke. Port Chalmers, Invercargill Rowing Club, and Sueen's Drive, however, were rowing most as strongly and were in close attendance. At halfway Akaroa, had a lead of nearly one length, Queen's Drive being just ahead of Railway. Enteriug the basin Akaroa, still maintaining a

strong strokt, went over to win by-; alength ah<t a-half from Invercargill Railway; Queen's Drive made ■•■ a strenuous effort to row.into second place, but was beaten by a canvas by Railway. Port Chalmers, Otago,-and Awarua faded away badly towards the finish. The Otago No. 2 crew swamped early in the race, the oarsmen being rescued by the umpires launch... Time,; 9min sßec. JUNIOR FOURS. One mile. First trophy value £lO and Walker and Hall Cup, second trophy value £2 10s. Port Chalmers Rowing Club, T No. 1 (G. Mitchell str, J. Potter, N. Rae, T. Anderson) .......■'.'•';■_■'.•i , .> " >" l Awarua Boating Club (0. Lowe str, D.. Robins,. F. Te Koeti, W. AitOtago Rowing Club' (T. ; J. R. Caradus, S. Brough, R. Bar- ■. ' clayV ..'••••■• •• »• •' •• ''""'• • Also competed: North, End' Boating Club, Invercargill Rowing CJub, - nvercargill Railway. Rowing' Club. Time,: 6mm 21sec. ' , , ,-, , , ~ . Port Chalmers gained a slight lead at gunfire, and was followed by Awarua and Otago, with the other crewsm. close attendance.. At half way Port Chalmsrs had increased its, lead to a' length from Awarua, the other crews haying dropped back."" Over the last quarter of a mile Port Chalmers- rowing easily, went across the line to win by two clear lengths from Awarua. Otago 1 finished in third place,, three-quarters of a length behind Awarua. Time, 6min 21sec. YOUTHS* FOURS. One mile. First v trophy value £{? and Aulsebrpok Cup, second trophy value £2. Akaroa Boating Club (K. Rhodes str, B. "Phillips, V. Armstrong, L.. M'Bride) /,••„•■ •• ;• 1 'Awarua Boating Club (J. Parry str, N. Johnston, O. Wares, J. Johnston) 2 Port'Chalmers Rowing Club, No. 1 (B. \' Anderson str, N. Smith, A. Alcock, J. Wheeler) .. *■ •• ■'•*•■ ••■ •• •• 3 Also competed: Oamaru Boating Club, Queen's Drive Boating Club, North End Boating Club, Port Chalmers Rowing Club No. 2; Otago Rowing Club.' Time, 7min 12sec. The eight crews were sent away to a good start. After rowing a short distance Akaroa and Awarua went into the lead, followed by Port Chalmers No. 1 and North End. The Akaroa coxswain steered an erratic course, but this did not affect the crew, which held an advantage from Awarua at halfway. Oamaru, Queen's Drive, Port Chalmers No. 2, and Otago were some distance back. Akaroa -increased its lead near the wharves, and although it did not display polished oarsmanship, it had sufficient strength to keep in the lead of the other crews/ Entering the basin there was about a length between Akaroa, Awarua, and Port Chalmers, with North End a length or two away, in. fourth position. Finishing strongly, Akaroa won by a length and a-quarter, with the same distance between second and third, and two feet between third and fourth. Port Chalmers stopped rowing before reaching the line and drifted over just in front of North End. Time, 7min 12sec. MAIDEN FOURS. One mile. „ T First trophy value £6 and Johnny Walker Cup, second trophy value £2. Invercargill Railway Club (R. Sutton str, E. Scanmmell, A. Reid, J. Andrews) • I North End Boating Club No. 1 (M. •Butterfield scr, R. Mathewson, D. M'Callum, G. Macdonald) 2 Invercargill Rowing Club (E. B. Harvey str, A. Cuff, F. Lawton, D. Wilson) .» .. . • 3 Also competed: Otago Rowing Club No. 1 and No. 2, Queen's Drive Boating Club, Port Chalmers Akaroa Boating Club, Timaru Rowing Club, and Awarua Boating Club. Ten crews competed, and again the boats were spread over a wide;expanse of water. Another good start was, effected by Mr Fairbairn, and the three placed crews were soon prominent. At halfway Invercargill had a lead from North End and Akaroa, all the other crews being several lengths away. Approaching the wharves Invercargill Railway, rowing a fine stroke, drew further away, and North

End increased its lead from Invercargill. Invercargill Railway won by three-quar-ters of a length, with two lengths between second and third. Time, 7min 9sec. ''' j ' SENIOR PAIRS. One mile. First trophy value £6, second trophy value £2 10s. Queen's Drive Boating Club No. 1 (G. • Clark str, L. Pithie) .. •••••• 1 Invercargill Rowing Club (M. A. Pascoe str, C. .E. C. Johnson) .. .. 2 Invercargill Railway Rowing Club No. 1 (H. Pry str, J. Hogan) .. .. 3 Also competed: Queen's Drive Boating Club No. 2, Port Chalmers. Rowing Club Nos. 1 and 2. Thirteen crews were entered for the event, but only six competed. <i Queen's Drive went to the front almost from the start, with Invercargill and Railway in close attendance. Queen's Drive drew away after covering . half the distance, and was never seriously troubled. Interest was centred on the Invercargill and Railway crews, which provided an exciting finish, the former just beating Railway for second place by a canvas. Queens Drive won by two lengths. Time, 6min 39-sec..

SENIOR DOUBLE SCULLS. One mile. ( First trophy value £6,; second trophy ; value.£2 Ips.. '; Otago Rowing Club (F. Brough str, W; L. Zaffer) .. .. .. .. .. 1 Port Chalmers'Rowing. Club (J. Solo-

mon str, C. Neilson)...». 2 Queen's Drive Boating Club (G. Clark str, L. Pithie) ... .. 3 Also competed: Invercargill Railway Rowing Club No. 2. All the crews were sent away to an excellent.start 1 with,the exception of Invercargill Railway No. 1, which was late at the line and did not take part in the race. Qtago and Port Chalmers went into the lead shortly after the start, with Queen's Drive in third and Invercargill Railway No. 2 in fourth position. At halfway Otago had a slight advantage from Port Chalmers, and it was then 1 seen that the issue was between these crews. Approaching the wharves, Otago had an advantage of only several feet from Port Chalmers, and Queen's Drive was several lengths away. Invercargill Railway No. 2 withdrew past the halfway mark. Entering the. basin between the wharves, Otago was just in front of Port Chalmers, but Brough gained over the last 200 yards'and won by half a length, with five lengths between Port Chalmers and Queen's Drive. Time, 7min. YOUTHS' DOUBLE SCULLS. One mile. First trophy value £3 10s, second trophy value £1 ss. Port Chalmers Rowing Club No. 1 (B. Anderson 6tr, N. Smith) .. .. .. 1 Queen's Drive Boating . Club (D. Sutherland str, JJ Treloar) ..' .: 2 North End Boating Club (D. M'Callum str, M. Butterfield) 3 Also competed: Otago Rowing Club, Oamaru Boating Club, Port Chalmers Rowing Club No. 2, and Timaru Rowing Club. From a good start Port Chalmers No. ,1 obtained the lead from Queen's Drive. At the first beacon Port Chalmers had increased the lead to nearly a length, and the other crews were close behind Queen's Drive. On entering the basin. Port Chalmers, led by two lengths, when Queen's Drive, with a brilliant effort, tried to reduce the lead, but made little impression. Port Chalmers won by two lengths, and North End finished one length and aquarter behind Queen's Drive. Time, 7min 36sec. '

MAIDEN DOUBLE SCULLS. One mile. First trophy value £4, second trophy value £1 10s. Timarn Rowing Club (L.' De Clifford str, J. Mitchell) 1 North End Boating Club No. 2 (R. Matthewson 6tr, D. M'Callum) .... 2 Invercargill Railway Rowing Club No. 1 (E. Scammell str, R. Sutton) .. 3

Also competed: Oamaru Boating Club Nos. 1 and 2, North End Boating Club, No. 1, Invercargill Railway No. 2, Queen's Drive Boating Club, Otago Rowing Club, and Port Chalmers Rowing Club No. 1. /

When the 10 crews lined up they extended over a wide area of water. Port Chalmers No. 2 did not start. All the crewa were sent away to an excellent start, and only a short distance had been covered when Timaru went into the lead, followed by Invercargill Railway and North End. These crews soon drew further away from the rest of the field, and at halfway Timaru had a good advantage. Entering the basin the race resolved itself into a hard tussle between the three leading crews, but Timaru, rowing with fine combination, went on to win by three-quar-ters of a length. Invercargill Railway weakened within 80 yards of the line, and North End went through to gain second place, a length ahead of Railway. Time, JUNIOR DOUBLE SCULLS. One mile. First trophy value £4 10s, second trophy value £2. , Otago Rowing Club No. 1 (T. W. Finnie str, K. Barclay) .. 1 Timaru Rowing Club (W. Davies str, R. Tapp) .. .. ;. .. •• •• 2 Port Chalmers Rowing Club No. 2 (N. Rae str,. T. Anderson) 3 Also competed: North End Boating Club. Invercargill Railway Rowing Club No. 2. The five crews were sent away to a good start. Otago quickly went into the lead, followed by Port Chalmers and Timaru. At halfway Otago held a substantial lead from Port Chalmers and Timaru. with Invercargill Railway and North End several lengths away. Otago increased' its lead over the last quarter of a mile, and Timaru, with a grsat spurt within 30 yards of the line, caught and passed Port Chalmers to gain second place by a canvas, Otago gaining first place by "a-length and a-quarter. MOTOR BOATS MOTOR BOATS, eight miles per hour and under. First prize £4 10s. second £1 10s, third one case benzine. Tui lII—H. Robinson (Bmin 30sec) .. 1 Manuka—T. Maxwell (7min 30sec) .. 2 Bonny Mary—H. Sullivan (3min 30sec) 3 Also started: Shirley (7min 30sec), Huana (7min 30sec), Jewel (4min 30sec), Nell (3min 30sec), Marewa (45&ec), Shamrock (30sec), Wee Mac (scr). Less than a minute separated the first and second boats, while the third boat was only another 10 seconds away. The finishing times of the three placed boats were 3hr 13min 48sec, 3hr 14min 20sec, and 3hr 14min 3sec. MOTOR BOAT RACE, cruising launches, eight miles an hour and over. First prize £7, second £2 10s, third, one case benzine. > Aotea —Bower (lmin 30sec) 1 Rambler —L. Hogg (smin 30sec) .... 2 Laura —A. Begg (4min) 3 Also started* Rena (sinin), Stella (2min 45sec), Silver Arrow (scr). The finishing times of the three placed boats were 4hr 34min 33sec, 4hr 34min 57sec, and 4hr 35mih 59sec respectively. YACHTS OTAGO JELLTCOE CLASS YACHT CHAMPIONSHIP (14-footers). , Val (I. M'Grath) 1 Squib (W. Mason) 2 Betty (A. Hall) .. .. 3 Also started: Eileen (T. Cuthbert). Almost from the start Val and Squib contested the issue, with Betty hard astern. During the two rounds of the course Val just managed to hold the lead to win, a puff just as she was approaching the finishing line carrying her well up to cross 12 seconds before Squib, which was 42 seconds ahead of i»»>ft"\ The fourth boat, Eileen, was well back. ALL COMERS' YACHT RACE. First prize £B, second £3. Tucana (T. Bachop), 2min .. .. 1 Shadow (L. R. Ward), 9min 30sec .. 2 Dawn (H. M. Nees), scr 3 Also started: Vera (16min), Foam (lSinin), Irex (14min), Lark (withdrew) . Tucana sailed an excellent race, and won by lmin 12sec, the third boat being another minute and a-half astern. The

finishing times of the three placed boats were 4hr 56min 48sec, shr, and shr lmin 30sec respectively. SAILING RACE,-12ft Bin and under 18ft (Jellicoe class excluded). First prize £4, second £1 10s. Lady Luck (E. A. Burt), 2min SOsec .. 1 Pegety (W. Trotter), 7min SOsec .. 2 Pupuke (E. M. Walker), 9min .. .. 3 Also started: Harlequin (12min SOsec), Runa (4min 30sec), Toroa (7min), Frolic (17min), Rascal (4min 30sec), Starlight (scr), Iris (7min SOsec), Onslow (7min SOsec). About 45 seconds separated the first and second boats, which entered the basin in close company, the third boat being 35 seconds further back. Th e finishing times were shr 3min 44sec, shr 9mm 29sec, shr lOmin 4sec. MODEL YACHTS . Three Feet and Under. —A. Rose's Endeavour 1, Miss Bewley's Valkyrie 2, G. Pistor's Gladys 3. ■• Seventeen started. Over Three Feet.—C. Smyth's Molly 1, Misa Bewley's Valkyrie 2, A. Briggs's Maiona 3. Ten started. Boys' Dinghy Race (under 16). —Cyril Gibbs 1, Walter Docherty 2, Cecil Rose 3. Eight competed. SWIMMING 100 Yards Interclub Handicap.—-B. Kerr 1, N. Williams 2, G. Ruston 3. Time, 63sec. 100 Yards Interclub Breaststroke Handicap.—G. Ruston 1, J. R. Marstbn 2, P. Ruston 3. Time, sosec. 50 Yards Interclub Handicap.—W. Dyson 1, J. D. Paterson 2, P. Ruston 3. Time, 35 2-ssec. 50 Yards Interclub Backstroke Handicap.—A. Williams and B. (Kerr (dead heat) 1. Time, 38sec. 50 Yards Junior and Intermediate Boys' and Girls' Handicap.—H. Robertson 1. W. Stewart 2, W. Dyson 3. 50 Yards Ladies' Handicap.—Miss Currie 1, Miss Smith 2. Time, 36 4-ssec. Plain Dive.—N. Williams 1, A. Williams 2.

Port Ghalmiera- *: 2 ■: : l: : 2 16 10 —-' 1 104 77 Invercargill' Railway. 1; 1 2 11 7 Queen's Drive "'• ■■; .'*- 1 , 1 2 \ n. "7 —- ' — 25 6 t Timaru . .; .. .. 1' '■l. ; - « , 5 North End .;.'... '—' 2 i ,3J 5 2 —,- 4J;. ;: ;"4 Invercargill ' • ;>• —•; 1 l 2J: 3

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 22505, 25 February 1935, Page 4

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CHAMPIONSHIP REGATTA Otago Daily Times, Issue 22505, 25 February 1935, Page 4

CHAMPIONSHIP REGATTA Otago Daily Times, Issue 22505, 25 February 1935, Page 4