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MONTHLY MEETING The monthly meeting of the Waitaki County Council was held yesterday when there were present Mr A. MTnnes (chairman), Crs J. Rodman, W. M. Cooper, J. D. Rutherford, E. S. Brewster, R. B. Meek, J. M. Smith, and W. E. Aubrey. ■ J ,- o . The chairman reported that he, with Cr Cooper and the engineer, had called on Mrs M. Clark in reference to her claim for the loss of a horse at a gravel quarry on her property. Mr MTnnes said they explained the council could not admit liability as royalty was paid on the gravel taken. The engineer had been instructed to fence the quarry, and Mrs Clark had met them in a courteous manner and accepted the explanation.— The chairman was thanked for his report. Treasury, notes were received as follows:—Goldfields revenue, December £52 9s 9d, January £3 19s Id; main highways, £55 9 S 5d and £6O 14s 3d. The Minister of Finance (Mr J. G. Coates) wrote acknowledging the council’s expression of support concerning the efforts being made to lower the rate of interest.—Received, '

Mr W. Marshall (Herbert) wrote requesting a few loads of gravel on his road.—The matter was referred to Cr Rodman arid the engineer, with power to act.

The Kurow District High" School Committee wrote requesting the council to provide a footbridge on the narrow bridge over the Manse Creek.—'The matter / wad referred to the chairman and engineer, with power to act. Mrs S. P. M'Beath, South Oamaru, applied for permission, to lay a pipe across the road adjoining her property.—Permission was granted, subject to the approval of the engineer. -i The following applications for permission to install - septic tanks were granted, subject to the approval of the sanitary inspector:—Mr P. Flynn (Weston), on Messrs Findlay.Bros.’ property, Kia Ora;, Mr W. J. Chappell- (Oamaru),,on Mrs M'Beath’s property. South Oamaru;. Mr. W. W. Illingworth (Oamaru), on Mrs Ryan’s property, Balmoral road; and Mr John Campbell' (Weston), on property at Stewart street, Awamoa. ’ . . The MaHeno Improvement Society applied for permission to erect fireplaces near' the north end of the Kakanui bridge—Granted. The North Otago Motor Association applied for permission to conduct a milclimbing contest on the Coal Pit MUi road oh March 9.-—Granted. , , Dr Bardsley (Duntroon) advised that Dr Aitken’had acquired his practice,-and would occupy the doctor’s residence as .from March I.—The clerk; (Mr R» vK* Gardiner) reported that the health .inspector had been asked to furnish a report on a request to install a septic tank and other improvements to the 'reeldence, and - the matter was referred to the chairman, Cr Rutherford, and the- engineer with power to act. The transfer of the tenancy was approved. , The Local ! Government Loans Hoard advised that the council’s conversion scheme had been approved, and that formal notification setting out the terms and conditions would be forwarded as soon as possible.—Received. - The Main Highways Board’s representative , (Mr T. M. Ball) wrote requesting, the council to arrange for the > classification of any newly-declared highways.— Received. ■ ' - The New Zealand Institute for the Blind forwarded its. annual report; and appealed for a contribution to its funds. —lt was decided to make a grant of £3 os to the funds. _ The Association Motorists’ Petrol Company, Ltd., wrote requesting a share of the councils business.—The clerk was instructed to reply that the council .had made arrangements for petrol until next August, and the request could not, be entertained until that time.-- . - ;■ The Counties’ Association forwarded a memorandum of recent legislation affecting counties and legal opinions-on various subjects.—Received. The town clerk, (Mr J. Branthwaite) forwarded a statement- of expenditure in connection with the visit of H.R.H. the Duke of Gloucester, showing a disbursement of- £BO 2s , 6d,. from which is -deducted, the Government subsidy of £2O, leaving £6O 2s 6d, of which he understood the, County Council would pay one-half. — It was decided to pay half-share, amounting to £3O Is 3d. The sanitary inspector -..(Mr- A. G. Fischer) wrote thanking the council for granting facilities to attend the conference of the Rdyal, Sanitary Institute, and a similar letter was received -from the secretary of the institute.—Received. Mr Oliver. Selman plied for permission to lay a half-inch pipe across the road at Black Point for watering stock—Granted. \ , . Mr P. Grady (Omarama) applied, for permission to install a petrol pump on the roadside at Omarama. —Granted, sub: ject to the engineer’s approval of the Cr Rodman said it was gratifying to note from the engineer’s report that' a lot of Work was going on in the county, and the roads were being brought into good order. The council was making up the leeway lost during the depression. Seven tenders were received for the, contract at Fortification yoad and the lowest recommended to the Main Highways Board for acceptance. The following tenders were received for 1100' cubic yards of gravel on White Rocks’ road:—C. Selman £lsl ss, J. Foggo. £l6O 8 S 4d, J. M'Cone £174 3s 4d, -J. J. Brogan £238 6s Bd, C. R. Hoad £275, J. C. Hope £275. The lowest tender, that of C. Selman, was. accepted. Three tenders were received for ; renovations of the County Chambers, including concrete work on the outside fence : and to the base of the .building, and the construction of a stationary room. They were J. A. Colenso £47 17s, Thomas Kennedy £55 15s, A. E. Ahern £56 14s 6d. The lowest, that of J. A. Colenso, Was accepted. The chairman and Cr Ross were appointed delegates',to the traffic inspection conference to be. held at Palmerston on Februffc’y 26. •The chairman, Cr Aubrey, and the engineer were authorised to have improvements made to the approaches of the bridge across the Omarama Creek.

Cr Brewster and the engineer - were authorised to attend, to the 1 approaches at .the new concrete culverts at Papakaio.

The county clerk (Mr R. K. Gardiner) submitted the traffic census taken in the county from January 25 to January 31. — The clerk was directed to write thanking ratepayers who had provided tea and allowed the use of buildings in connection with the taking of the census.

Mr A. Sutherland wrote requesting that a watering place at Ngapara be cleaned out. —Referred to_ Or Meek and the engineer for attention. Eight building permits for a total value of £2175 (residences —South Oamaru £570, Airedale £530, Uxbridge £378, Duntroon £400; Duntroon £150; and buildings—Kia Ora £2O, Kakanui £27, and Omarama £100); and one public hall, one eating house and one butcher’s shop licenses were issued.

General accounts amounting to £2143 16s lOd —Papakaio water race £3l 4s 6d, land fund £l9 19s lOd, special loan account £42 10s; —total £2277 5s 4d —were passed for payment. The engineer (Mr G. L. Cuthbertson) reported for the. month as follows: Moeraki Riding: The contractor for the Kuri Creek bridge was getting uis material on the ground and had made a start with the piles; The contractor had made a start with the improvement of the grade on the main highways between Hampden and Waianakarua. Otepopo Riding: The .contractor had completed the gravelling of the highway between Herbert and Waianakarua. The road still required consolidating but should be in good order fpr sealing nest season. The Tullymet road was being gravelled. Inchohne Riding: The gravelling on the Dasher road was completed and the contractor had been putting maintenance gracel on various roads. Kakanui Riding; Tenders bad been called for the expenditure of the Government vote on the FortificationWeston road, and for maintenance gravel on the White Rocks-road from the railwayline to Springfield road. He was still working on the plana of the reconstruction

of the main highway between Oamaru and Maheuo. If the weather was favourable he expected to make a start next week on the sealing between the town boundary and Winsley’a corner. He recognised the residents adjoining the road had been put to a great deal of inconvenience from the dust nuisance during the dry spell, but the delay had been unavoidable. Waiareka Riding.—The lorry had completed the patching on Paulin’s road and had put maintenance gravel on various other by-roads. The grader had banked up some of the corners on the lower end of the Ngapara hill, and was trimming up the sides of the road on the_ highway below Ngapara. Papakaio Riding: The Highways Board had approved of the plans and specifications for the formation and metalling of the main highway between Pukeuri and the Waitaki bridge. He had called tenders for the work, to be in on March 7. The bridge on Dun-' can’s road caught fire recently, apparently by the surrounding scrub becoming ignited by a spark from a railway engine. Fortunately the settlers nearby discovered it in time to put the fire’ out after considerable trouble, and the council was greatly indebted to them for their prompt action in saving the bridge. The raceman. reported a full head of water had been maintained in the Papakaio race, but considerable difficulty was being experienced in getting the water down to the freezing works owing to the . abnormal growth of grass and weeds in the races. It would Be a great help if those responsible would keep their portions of the race in fair order. The contractor had made a start with the gravelling on Hedge’s road, and the Reservoir road had been formed up with the grader preparatory to gravelling. AwamokoV Riding: -The contractor was now making fair progress with the widening and banking on the Ngapara" hill. . A good deal of water tabling and widening had been done on various roads with the grader. Otekaike Riding: The patching on the Dansey’s Pass road had been suspended in the meantime, but would be completed later on. The Eastern road and Special School road had been trimmed up, with .the grader, also several other by; roads, as well as the main highway. He, regretted to report that Mr James Ross had resigned his position as surfaceman in this riding, owing to ill-healthy Mr Ross had been in the council’s employ for about 27 years, during which time he had served the council faithfully, and he was sorry his health necessitated his retirement. Ahuriri Riding: The lorry had been engaged chiefly in grading and patching the Benmore-Lake Ohau road. The highways were in good order.—-The report was received. The chairman. Or Brewster, and the engineer were authorised to deal with tenders for the Puketiri-Waitaki bridge highway on March 7. The chairman supported the .engineer’s comments on Mr J. Ross’s retirement, saying that he had been a good and valuable, servant, and a few years ago he was one of the best workmen on the staff. He was sorry Mr Roes was going off through ill-health.—KMr Ross’s resignation was accepted as from April 1, .and the clerk was directed to write a letter of appreciation of his services to the ratepayers over, such a long period, and to express sympathy with him in the recent death of big wife. ' . . Or Cooper joined with the engineer in expressing regret that residents had been caused annoyance from dust nuisance on the road to Winsley’s corner, but they could now rest assured that the road was - rgady for tar-sealing, and the. work would be proceeded with immediatfln’reply to Or Cooper, the engineer stated it was out of the questipn to extend the tar-sealing to Maheno. borne time would, be required to prepare the next. section of road, and that would come into the next contract., traffic Inspection.

The 1 traffic inspector (Mr P. Laughton) reported that the regular inspection haa been carried out in Waitaki, Waihemoi and Waikouaiti Counties. Two owners of heavy motor vehicles in Waitaki had raised the classification of the gross load to be carried, and one operator was found using such a vehicle without firsty having obtained a -heavv traffic license. Two cyclists would be charged with riding bicycles without lights after dark, and the owner of an overhanging hedge in Waikouaiti County had made a start trimming it. A number of cases would be heard in various courts in the group during March. The mileage from January 20 to February 18 was 1867 miles. The report was received. CHURCH SERVICES At Columba Church to-morrow the Rev. W. Lawson Marsh will be the preacher, at both the morning service and the evening service. In the afternoon 1 a special Rime class-rally ,will be held. The services in St. Pauls Church tomorrow' will be conducted by the Rev. •, John M. M’Kenzie. The morning subject will be “Essential Resources; and the evening theme “The Name We Rear, The choir will render the anthem Ring of Kings” at the evening service, Ihe Rev. H. T. Blair will officiate at the Eveline evening service. , The Rev. G. F, Stockwell, who was for five years minister of the Oamaru circuit, is attending the Methodist Conference at Dunedin, and will spend the week-end in Oamaru. He will ■ conduct both morning and evening services in Wesley , Church on Sunday. At the morning service Mrs A. Chase will sing a solo, and Brian Mulcahy and Billy Scott a duet. In the evening the choir will sing “Consider and Hear Me,” with Mrs H. L. Familton and Miss Common as the soloists. ... The services in St. Luke’s parish tomorrow will. be conducted by the Ven, Archdeacon Russell and Mr W. L, Harbour; Holy communion 'will be celebrated at St. Luke’s Church at 8 and Newborough at 11. Evensong will be at 6.30, when the choir will sing the anthem “The April Evening.” Mr Harbour will take his final services at St. Luke’s at 11 and Newborough at 6.30, before his return to St; John’s College, Auckland. The archdeacon will hold a baptism service at Enfield at 2.30. PERSONAL Mr Stanley Percy, who has been in the employment of the local branch of the New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company for . the past seven years, has received notice of his transfer to the Dunedin branch on promotion, and will be leavihg Oamaru this week-end. On Thursday evening he was entertained at the residence of Mr and Mrs W. A. M'Donald, Tees street, where a number of friends gathered to bid him farewell. Dancing and games were indulged in, and Mr Percy was the recipient of many good wishes for the future. Mr H. J. Andrew, of Maheno, is visiting Palmerston North, where he is judging in the sheep classes at the autumn Manawatu Show. Mr A. F. Excell, formerly manager of the Commercial Bank at Oamaru, and now of Hawera, is paying a holiday visit to Oamaru. . " _ Mr H. F. Maude returned to, Oamaru yesterday after a visit to Wellington. Queen’s Hotel.—Miss A. Curry, Mr T. C. Roberts (Wellington), Miss R. M. Sisson, Miss P. Taylor, Mr W. G. Garrard, Mr W. H. Taylor, Mrs M. Maning, Mr P. Maning (Christchurch), Mr B. W. Innes, Mr W. E. Creeso, Mr J. Bradley (Dunedin). New Club Hotel. —Mr Justice Adams, the Rev. and Mrs A. W. Stewart, Mr C. G. Grundy, Mr M. Hannon (Christchurch), Miss Friedlander, Mr R. E. Blakey, Mr R. H. Swales (Auckland), Mr J. Spencer (Gore). Mr and Mrs J. Howorth, Miss Jean Howorth, Mr R G. RntcliSe. Mr W. Gunyon (Dunedin), Mr P. O. Reilly (Palmerston South), Mr H B. Hanson, Mr Hustler-Smith, Mr S. Treister (Wellington). GENERAL NEWS Entries for the North Otago Horticultural Society’s annual autumn show will be closed on Tuesday. The annual meeting of the Marine Parade Society will be held in the Mayor’s room on Monday evening.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 22504, 23 February 1935, Page 19

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WAITAKI COUNTY COUNCIL Otago Daily Times, Issue 22504, 23 February 1935, Page 19

WAITAKI COUNTY COUNCIL Otago Daily Times, Issue 22504, 23 February 1935, Page 19