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LADIES BOWLING; AWAMOA GLUB The following will-, representthe. Awamoa Ladies’ -Club, against Phoenix':— Misses Watson, Cowan, Smyth, Mrs Sorley; Misses' Stringer. M'Corkindale, Mesdames Rusbatch; Kennedy;. Mesdames Walker, Benson, Gerrie, Tomkins; Mesdames Cunyood, Stewart,; Weavers,'. Miss Day; Mesdames Lee, Miller, Stichman, Bridgman. • ' CLUB COMPETITIONS, / round: Mrs Sorley v. Mrs Weavers, Mrs Stewart v. Miss Watson, Mrs Walker v. Mrs, Bridgman. Mre ; Kennedy v. Mrs‘ Wright, Mrs ■ Miller-a, bye. Second round: Mrs Weavers v. Miss Watson, Mrs Stewart' v. Mira ■ Kennedy, Mrs Wright y. Mrs Miller, Mrs Sbrley v. Mrs Walker, Mrs Bridgman a bye.. Pairs. First’ ground: . ' Mesdames’ Stringer and Rushatph • v. Mesdames Wright and Lee,- Mesdames Stewant- and Sorley v. Miss Watson and Mts Walker, Mesdames) Lightwood: and" Bridgman I v. Mesdames Miller arid Tomkins, Mesdames Pile and Kennedy ~v. Mesdames Curtyopd and • Weavers; ~' Seqond'i round: Mesdames i Lightwood and Bridgman v. Mesdames Wright and Pile, and Kennedy v. Mesdames * Btewarfc - and- Sorley, Mesdames Stringer and : Rusbatchv. Mesdames Miller.-and,';Toinkins, -MiSs Watson and Mrs Walker v. Mesdames ■ Curwood. and Weavers,.." V; Champion/Palrs—First round: .Miss Smyth and: Mrs Sorley -v; 'Mesdames,. Stringer Weavers,’-Miss Watson and Mrs Bridgman; v.-'.Mesdamea Miller ’ and Stewart, Mesdames ■.Rusbatch and Tomkins v. Mesdames Curwood and Walker,. Mesdames ; Gerrie and Kennedy a bye. Second round:'. Mesdames Stringer and Weavers v. 'Mesdames Gerrie and .Kennedy, Mesdames' Miller and Stewart v. Mesdames Curwood- and Walker, Miss Smyth and Mrs Sorley v. Mesdames ‘Rusbatoh and . ..Tomkins', . Miss Watson ; and Mrs-Bridgman, a bye. Champion Rinks.—First round: Mesdames Curwbbd, Stewart, Lee, Tomkins v. Miss Cowan;'Mesdames Wright, Gerrie, Kennedy: ;Mesdames Walker, Pile, Rusbatch, Miss "Day v,- Mesdames Stringer, Miller, Weavers,' Bridgman; Miss Wat-, son, Mrs''’Lightwood,-Miss Smyth, ' MVS' Sorley a bye. ; ,Second round: Mesdames Curwood, Stewart. Lee, Tomkins v. Mes--dames Stringer, Milieu, Weavers,, Bridg-. man; Mesdames Walker, Pile, Rusbatch,' Miss Day v.Miss Watson, Mrs Lightwood, Miss Smylfc. Mfe 'Borley; Miss Cowan, Mesdames Wright, Gerrie, Kennedy a bye. ■ ■ •'

BOXING TOURNAMENT ;AN EXCELLENT PROGRAMME The committee of the Oamaru Boxing ■Association was the reeeipient of many congratulations from followers, of the sport on the*'excellent programme it presented last tournament. In order to uphold the confidence placed in it the committee has gone to a lot of. trouble ;in arranging what should be - the tournament of the season on Wednesday night. In matching Don Stirling (Oamaru), New [Zealand welter-weight champion, and "Cyclone”, Johnny M‘Kay (Gisborne), the association has not been lacking in ■enterprise. Stirling is an Oamaru boy, ’who showed great promise, as an’ amateur and who annexed the welter-weight, professional championship from Ted Morgan, whom he defeated on two occasions. Johnny; M‘Kay is aggressive from the [first sound of the gong to the finish. He ‘ has delighted: all those who have witnessed •fiis training, and although he will beaconceding weight; and'. reach to Stirling, this -should:, be counter-balanced by his speed and ring experience. ;i. In the preliminary bouts : the commit-, tee has matched boys who always give the, public an example of good, clean boxing. “ E.f Symons and J. Kearney, of St. .Kevin’s College, are to meet W. Brown and W. Richards respectively. At the [recent college tournament both the St. Kevin’s boys showed up well, and the locab pair have been training very hard, Richards, .who is credited with ’being above the-average. ’ K. Easton is {again . matched against Y. Jenkins, and this 'is. sure' to .be.- a good fight, as the contest at the last tournament was very jelose. Jenkins defeated’ ■ Gould at iTiinaru -.last Thursday,* and should fully .extend Easton, who has been training very ■hard-for this bout, The S. Jenkins v. J. :Nash bout is sure to be full of thrills. S. : Jenkins, who favourably impressed patrons on his first appearance in the iring at Timaru, is reported r to have benefited from his last bout, and should be an ’improved boxer. Amongst the other performances will be the bout between Slavin and " Bluey ”, Walsh. With such ja programme of preliminary bouts preceding the big contest, it is safe to say that patrons of the : sport are in for a real treat. The committee: has worked very .hard to make the tournament better than ithe last, and it is now up-,to supporters ;to roll up and fill the Opera House to capacity.

KINEMA ENTERTAINMENTS MAJESTIC THEATRE Robert Montgomery, in the role ot Revel, gentleman crook, is starred in Metro-Goldwyn-Mayerfs new championship picture dealing with a series ,of gruesome murders in London, “ Mystery of Mr X.” which, shows to-day and to-night. Elizabeth Allan plays the role of Jane Frensham, beautiful daughter of Sir : Herbert Frensham,. Scotland Yard head. Lewis Stone, aristocrat of the screen, enacts the. role of Connor, super.-sleuth,'st wily member of Scotland Yard’s, famed experts. Ralph Forbes, as Sir ' Christopher Marche, is a heavy-drinking British, sportsman who vies with the sprightly finesse of Montgomery for the. affections of Elizabeth Allan. Henry Stephenson, in the role of Sir Herbert, Frensham, Via the , kindly, convalescent head of Scotland Yard and father of Jane. Around, his venerable grey head centres the criticism and • intrigue attendant upon the outrageous murders of London police. A news, cartoon, and musical revue in colour make up a fine programme. OPERA HOUSE KINEMA To-day Mickey Mouse celebrates his fifth birthday, and gives a big party to all the Oamaru children at the matinee. Special films will be shown, also a stage presentation, and Mickey will give every boy and girl attending a birthday packet of sweets. ■ • To-night and Monday something unusual given, in “ The Girl Without a Boom,” featuring Charles Ruggles, Charles Farrell, and Marguerite Churchill.# It' is a gay melange of fun, but the romance supplied by-Charles Farrell and Marguerite Churchill is fresh, appealing, and believable, though it occurs in the midst of the giddy, mad setting of the Montmartre district of Paris. 'The story is hilariously funny, but perfectly, true: Farrell is a “nut” artist, who paints what he feels and not what: he sees, and gets into a mess of trouble ’.and notoriety by winning a contest with his painting hung upside down. OVERSEAS MAILS n ■' ~ ' Mails close at the Chief Post Office,’ Oamaru, as under: — Wednesday, November 21.—Great Britain,, Ireland, Continent of Europe, also South America, via Montevideo (Raranga, from Lyttelton). Correspondence must be specially addressed. By north express at 2 p.m. Late-fee: letters 2.20 p.m. Mail due in, London on January 8. Australian States, South Africa, and the East, Also Karachi-London air mail (per Wariganella, from Wellington), by north express, at 2 p.m. Late-fee letters 2.20 p.m. Saturday, November 24.—Australian States, South Africa, and the East, also Karachi-London air mail . (due London, December: 31), via Hobart (per Maheno, from Bluff), by .south train, at 8 p.m. Monday, . November 26. —Rarotonga, Tahiti, ' United States of America,Canada, Mexico, Eastern States of South America, Great Britain, Ireland, and Continent of,Europe, also air mail correspondence for United States of America and Canada, via San Francisco (per Maunganui, from Wellington), by north express, at 11.15 a.m. Late-fee letters 11.35 a.m. Mail due in London about December 26. Tuesday, November 27.—Great 'Britain, Ireland, Continent of Europe, also Central and Western South America, via Panama (Waiwera, from Auckland). Correspondence must be specially addressed. By north express, at 2 p.m. Late-fee letters 2.20 pun. Due London January 1. * f INCOMING MAILS. (Approximate dates). November 19.—Maheno: Australian. November 21. Wanganella: Australian. November 22. —Rangitane; English. November 27.—Aorangi: English and American. . CHURCH SERVICES The services in St. Paul’s Church tomorrow will be conducted by the Rev. Thomas Tait. In the morning his subject will be "The Blessed Vision,” and in the evening “ The Power Behind Service.” At the evening service the choir will render the anthem, “Let Not Your Heart be Troubled.” At Eveline the Rev. H. T. Blair will give some impressions of the General Assembly. The services in St. Luke’s parish tomorrow will he conducted by the Yen. Archdeacon Russell and lay readers. There will. be celebrations of holy communion at 8 at St. Luke’s and 11 at Newborough. At St. Luke’s 6.30 evensong the various duties will be carried out by members of the Y.M.8.C., who are celebrating the Day of Intercession in connection with the New Zealand Anglican Bible Claes Union. The archdeacon will preach on "The Church’s Call to Youth,” the choir anthem will be "The Wilderness,” and a solo will be sung by Mrs Souness. The archdeacon has engaged Mr W. L. Harbour as lay assistant during part, of his vacation from St. John’s College, Auckland, where_ he has passed his theological examinations for the Diaconate, but is too young for ordination. Mr Harbour will officiate at Newborough at 6.30 and at Enfield at 2.30. Mr Lightwood will take matins at St. Luke’s at 11, and the archdeacon will officiate at Pukeuri at 2.30. At the Wesley Church to-morrow Mrs Bridgman will conduct the morning service and the children’s choir will be in attendance. In the evening the Rev. J. F. Jack will be the preacher, and will take for his subject “ Stirring Up the Nest.” The anthem for the evening service will be “There is a Green Hill.” At South Oamaru in the morning the Rev. J. F. Jack will conduct the service. GOLF The following is the draw for the Stahleford match to be played to-day:— Cuzens v. A. Robertson, Gilchrist y. J. M. Wilson, Restieaux v. M. J. Wilson, M'Kenzie v. Banks, T. Hedges v. M’Ewan, S. Hall v. V. R. Hedges. Kinder v. Catto, Kilpatrick v. S. Cuthbertson, Scott v. Patterson, Burton v. Rivers, Williams v. Stark, Sceats v. A. G. Robertson, Roll V. Milne, Munro v. Domigaa, G. Cuthbertson v. Ireland, M'Beath v. Holmes. WAIAREKA WOMEN’S INSTITUTE There was a good attendance of members at a very enjoyable meeting ot the Waiareka Women’s Institute. As it was the first organised meeting of the newlyformed institute, the first part of the afternoon was spent in a round table conference on suggestions for future meetings. A very enjoyable afternoon tea was dispensed, the - hostesses being Mesdames Chalmers, Hall, and Harbour. The president (Mrs Wagstaff) then called on Miss Lola Swindley to give a demonstration lon sealing.wax craft, which was very interesting. Miss Swindley also brought finished articles, such as pencils, brooches, match boxes, etc., ornamented with flowers and bunches of grapes in sealing wax. On the motion of the president, a hearty vote of thanks was accorded Miss Swindley for her interesting demonstration. Gifts were brought for the sales table to help the funds. A hearty welcome was extended to the new members. HOMING PIGEON CLUB The Oamaru Homing Pigeon Club held its first flock race on November 10 from the Summit, a distance of 351 miles. Seventy birds competed, the results being as follows: —R. Frooker’s Sky Rover. 1204.5 yards per minute, 1; Webb Bros,’ Shining Light, 1201.5, 2; Webb. Bros.’ Southern Star, 1200.4, 3; H. Day’s Peter Pan, 1200.2, 4; H. Day’s Allred, 1198.1, 5; C. R- Chilcott’s Gay Prince, 1142.7, 6. The winning time was Bhr S4min.

MUNICIPAL BATHS RESULT OF STRAW BALLOT The final result of the straw ballot conducted by Dr R. S. Stubbs with a view to ascertainingthe opinion of the Oamaru ratepayers regarding the baths scheme is as, follows:- —-For 563, against 549, informal 2. SWIMMING NOTES FIXTURES. December 8. —Opening carnival. Appearance of Australian touring team. ( ; November 20.—Vice-president's Cup Race, 50 Yards Freestyle. _ November 27. —Vice-president’s Cup Race, 50 Yards Breaststroke. Arrangements in connection with the visit of the noted Australian swimmers are now reaching finality. Under the itinerary which has now been drawn up they will arrive at Oamaru from Dunedin on December 6, compete on December 8, and leave for Christchurch on December 10. The visit will give much encouragement to the local ;club members, and will,provide an outstanding exhibition for the Oamaru public.' It is , not often that Oamaru is fortunate in securing a visit-by swimmers and divers of international standing,, and 5 the event-is being looked forward to by local enthusiasts. Through " the generous action of the Oamaru Borough Council in opening the baths on .Labour Day, members have been able to make an excellent start for the. season. Favoured with good weather, the attendance has been gratifying, and members have been-able to pick up form again at a much earlier date than usual. Mr M; K. -MfCulloch presided at a committee meeting-held during the week, when various arrangements -were made for coming events. The -drawing up ! of a schedule for the vice-president’s cup, races was left to a’sub-committee, the first race to be swum ,on November 20. The. 'secretary was asked to arrange a meeting I with the headmasters concerned in order • to arrange details of the primary schools’. carnivaFfor the swimming shield. It was decided to write to Dunedin in order to- : obtain an instructor: to provide coaching for club members for a week in December. . Various matters regarding the visit of ‘the Australian swimmers were ,dis-_ . cussed. The programme was delegated to a sub-committee. The secretary was asked -to inquire if arrangements could be made" -for a party from Dunedin to make the-, .trip and compete at the carnival. -Members who wished to do so were given permission to attend the Otago Centre’s car-;-.nival on November 28. GENERAL NEWS High Water at Oamaru.—-November--17:: 11.58 a.m. November: 18:• 0;24 a’.m., ; and 0.48 p.m. N. 6. Bro. James .Kidd presided oyer; -a fully-attended meeting of the Loyal • Oamaru Juvenile. Lodge, No. 9. A-mbtion .of condolence was passed with Bro. R. .Gibson in the death of his'father. Five candidates were elected as members of. the lodge. It was decided that .the : Cross-country Race he held next lodge night. On Thursday next Messrs Bruce Chris-; tie and Co„ who have received ins true-, tions from Mrs Christina Jackson, will sell at 9 Avon street a wide selection of household furniture and effects. They will also put up for sale a quiet Shorthorn cow, which gained first prize at the local show last year. CRICKET Teams for to-day:— Union Seniors.—Beckingbam, Brown, Blair, Maddigan, Meikle, M'Callum, M'Donald, Robbie, J. Robertson, Spear, Tonkin. , Union Juniors.—Budd, Crombie, Doig, King, Mahoney, Martin, Park, Pellett, H. Robertson, Stark, Wilson. / Union Third Grade.—Arnott, Ambler, Brook, Dobson, Falloon, Hedges, Harwood,. Martyn, M'Mnrtrie, Taylor, E. Ewing; emergencies—C. Ewing, Wheeler, Lochart. Oamaru Juniors. —Wallace, Brooker (2)-, Bee (2), Campbell, Robinson, Sutton, Whatman, M'lntosh, Cahill; emergency, Patterson. Oamaru Seniors.—Calder, Dick, Hendra, Hunter, Inder, Jones, Laney, Martyn, Uttley, Watson, Zimmermann. PERSONAL Sir Alan Anderson of Messrs Anderson Green and Co., manager of the Orient Line, director of the Bank of England i and the Suez Canal Company, arrived in Oamaru on Thursday, and is the guest of Mr and Mrs K. Austin, of Elderslie. Miramar Hotel. —Mr D. A-. Reid, Mr A. Bynes, Mr M. M'Kinlay, Mr and Mrs Neville (Dunedin), Mr M. fl. Ayson (Wanganui), Mr A. B. Finlayson (Dipton), Mr G. Ross (Palmerston), Mr R. Sim, Mr R. J. Sim (Omarama), Mr G. Reid (Balclutha), Mr G. Richardson, Mr F. Richardson, Mr J. Richardson (Georgetown), Mr T. Black (Arrowtown). ■ Queen’s Hotel. —Mr V; A. Hetherington, Mr A. L. Thomson, Mr R. Fountain, Captain S. M. Satterthwaite, Mr A. B. Armour, Mr S. G. Cooke, Mr A. W. Templeton, Mr R. T. Little, Mr John Mee. Mr D. M. Findlay, Mr A. Kestwen, Mr C. V. Dayus (Dunedin), Mr R. W. M'Creath (Gore), Mr J. MacGregor (Mosgiel), Mr E. T. Aitken (Highcliff), Mr J. Jamieson (Palmerston North), Mr J. A. Payne (Waikouaiti), Mr J. W. Neill (Maheno), Mr J. Gibson-Smith (Palmerston), Mrs A. F. T. Munro (Omarama), Mr and Mrs J. Anderson (Bog Roy). New Club Hotel.—Mr E. R. Smith. Mr M. C. Hale, Mr D. Cunningham, Mr A. Richards (Dunedin), Mr L, Newson, Mr J. E. Ross (Christchurch), Mr and Mrs A. Butcher (Kaiapoi), Mr I. B, Ellison, Mr A. B. Gray (Timaru).

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 22422, 17 November 1934, Page 18

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NORTH OTAGO Otago Daily Times, Issue 22422, 17 November 1934, Page 18

NORTH OTAGO Otago Daily Times, Issue 22422, 17 November 1934, Page 18