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PALMERSTON The Eastern District Rugby Football Sub-union's 'senior and-junior flag competitions concluded on; Saturday, and the following tables show the final - positions of the teams: —■ '•-,' : . ■-..' ' Senior.

.Morton"' ..' 12 4 3 —'2o 73 8 The Palmerston Harrier Club held its weekly run on Saturday from the District -'High School. For,the seniors 0. Dixon was the first man home,-with Day and. Pearson always prominent, while E. Heenan and Corrigan performed well for ■the juniors. ';■•'•'.. The annual winter sports matches between the Palmerston. and Mos'giel District High Schools were played at I'almerston yesterday. The home side won the Rugby football game by. seven points to five. A. Bryant scored for Mosgiel, •W.' Wilson converting, while for Palmerston Pope potted a goal in the first spell and M'Leod scored in . the second. The basketball game resulted -in a draw, four goals all. Mis« A. M. Calder was thi referee. The fortnightly meeting of the Star of Palmerston Juvenile Lodge-was held on Thursday, V.A. Bro. W. Barley- presiding ...over a fair attendance. Two.brothers were be on the. sick list. One candidate was initiated, into the Order. The remainder of the evening was devoted to practising odes and suggestions for improving the. lodge ritual work. , WANAKA Following a week of hard frost, Diamond Lake was in a suitable condition for skating, and many enthusiasts availed themselves of the opportunity provided. The ladies' section of the Wanaka Golf Club played an L.G.U. Medal Match on Saturday and, concurrently, .the second .qualifving round in the championship and the ' final- round. for the Smith family's tropliy. The following are the results: — L.G.U. Medal: Silver .division—Mrs Mann ]ol—l6—Bs. Bronze division—Mrs Jaincs Faiilkt., 105—30—75; Mrs Morris, 401— 22—70: Miss M: Perrow. 107—27—80; Mrs Ewing, 103—10—84. The best aggregates for the Smith family's trophy were: Mrs Marin 159, MissF. Perrow. 163, Miss M. Perrow 164, Mrs Ewing, 166, Mrs Morris 167, Mrs Harris 170.'. ■ The following, qualify for match play in the .cliariipibnship:—Mrs -Marin > 195, Mrs Ewing 204, Mrs. Harris 210,. Mrs Morris 211. Miss M. Perrow 216,- Mrs Brewster 228,. Mrs Collings 231, Miss Scaife 232; ~ '; • =• . ~ " .-,■ ' -The men's section played - the second round for the' president's trophy, and the first qualifying -round in the - senior - and junior championships. The following are the best card!?:—F. Jackson, 88—14—74; 'M.'- Thompson, 101—26 V-75; J. .Perrow, T.- Anderson, 109-^22—87; D. ■Dickson, \117—30—87;. ; Dt T. -..Ariderson, 114 __26—88; r J. Faulks, .104—15—89; G. Morris,; 120^30—90.V' kv-' ' '■ ',- ■'■ . The^Upper-Clutha Defence Rifte Club s shoot, at the 300 yards range, follows:—C.- Te'mplet'on. 29—4—33; J. Byers, W. Gillespie. 35—2 35; W." Ji Gillespie, 34—1—35; S. Smith, 27—4—31; G. Smith,: 32—2—34:.' E. Haugli,. 33^-2—35; A, Allison, 31-tt4—3o. "'i -The 'Wanaka and. Barinockburn ,Rtigby football .teams played a .drawn .game at , Pembroke' dn. Saturday, each side scoring "three, points. - ; B'arinoekburn. scored a .try early tin the .second spell;' and G. Wilkie "kicked nVpenalty goal..for' Wanaka. ->lr D,' Cahill wag the .referee. ; ( , . '/ ~' : r' EOXBUR<JH ,_ ..:'< A team of basketball players /representing the'Anderson's- Bay School,' iii .charge of the headmaster, Mr L, Forester, visited Roxburgh during • the wee/k-end, and bn-' Saturday-afternoon played;-.two riiatches with the "local' school; Playing 'the 'primary team first ; it secured an easy win by ,9 goals to I.'' It-then-'playeclpthe secondary team,' the game ending fh..,a draw, withfour goals each. An informal ; staff (match was'-'- played; resulting:--iii .a win for A'ndereon's Bay by 2 goals'to 1, In -the evening tlie/visitors were "the guests of the school: at a'social/evening./ The county.' hockey-match between' Vincent and : Tuapeka was played: on ; the local' ground., on Sattirday before a fair iattendance, of : spectators.. The visitors won. by. 6 goals to'3. They .were entertained at a dance in the ;eyeiiing. • The- i Stevenson : Cup Rugby - football match,' an; annual benefit match for- disabled .players, was played at .Millers Flat on Saturday between' Miller's • Flat. the premier team of the district, and Ettrick; the' rurihers-up;,, The':,scoye.: was 11 points to nil in, favour' of Miller's 'Flat., •■'' f.; ■ -..y-.-: : '::■;/' ' • CLYDE The Clyde and; Cromwell Golf Clubs met on' the Clyde links on Saturday, the local clubl winning , rather ' easily. The links were in fair order 'considering the Gharri frost. ' Results' (Clyde names first):—W; M. Lbpdell and ; E. Jolly, all square. M.War- ■ hurst beat.J. Webb 6 and' 4, H. Corson 'and J. F.'.Smith-all square, P. Miller and F. Stoop all square, W. K. George beat G. Stumbles 1 up. Dr. Moir beat L. M'Donald 6: and 5, F. R. Bould lost -to J. Parcel!'3 and 1,-W. A. Harlow beat.W. flbtop 2 and 1, T. R, Robertson lost to.R;,.Be'll 2 down, j; O'Kane beat D* Jolly 2 and 1. E.'W. George beat A. Bell 5 and 4, ;K. M'Arthur lost to R. Sriwth 1 down," 8.. MacAvoy lost, .to J: Joh'nson 1 down, C J. Davidson beat G. Strang. 6 and 5, Mrs W. K. Georue lost to. Mrs Paterson 1. down. Miss Bell beat Mr» ; Grant. 7 and 5/ Mrs M'Arfhur lost to Miss .Partridge,4 and. 3„ Mrs E; W. George beat Mrs Jolly. 5 and 4,,Mrs Hanning beat Miss Gordon ,2 arid ".Mrs Scolder beat Mrs Wilkinson 4 and 3. .. Clyde-men: Won 7, last 4, all square 3J, Clyde ladies: Won 4, lost 2. . The football team on; the adjoining ground < was not so fortunate, starting short-handed and losing T. Stevens through a lesr injury.. Matakanui won after an evenly contested, though, all' brilliant,- game -by .11 points to; 3. The Vincent,ladies', hocjvey representatives journeyed to.Roxburgh to play Tuapeka .on Saturday, vanning by 6 .goals, to 3.. . The, visitors ..were . eritertained at a dinner and later at;a dance, '■ .At'-the annual; meeting-of the Presby, terian Church '.opportunity was taken by the- Rev.. W, J; Bevis to express regret at the departure from Clyde of the.Bould

.family,' who had been ycry. strong sup; porters of the church' during the past 10 years. ' Not only was Mr Bould an elder and church manager, but Mrs Bould had presided at the organ over a long period.. On behalf of the congregation he presented Mr Botild with a fountain-pen, Mrs Bould with.a purse, and Miss Joan Bould'with a suitcase. '•'■■ Another successful hare shoot was held on. Mr James k M'Arthur's Strath-Clyde property on Saturday, when over 50 hares we're accounted for by a few local shoot-; crs.-Tte-hard -frosts of. the past week.have, put l the Molyneux River down to its lowest point' this winter, and" it seems an opportune time to close the Kawar.-iu; dam gates if any gold is to be won this season. , ■ -y *■/■ ••■..'■ •; ' •'■_■ MIDDLEMARCH ■ The apnual meeting of the Middlemarch Bowling Club was held on Thursday evening, when there was a record attendance. The president (Mr E. Turnbull) occupied the'chair. The annual report and balance sheet were, adopted.'. : The president thanked- all members for their cn-opera-tion during his term of office. The following office-bearers' were appointed tor the coming year:—•President,' Mr W- G. vice-president, Mr D. Guniori; secretary, Mr J. Jones; treasurer, Mr F. B. Dawson: Managing Committee—Messrs M. Kean. E. Turnbull, J, Pacey; H. Hall, and R. Glover. ■ Four new members were elected. ■■:-.,■ . '"■ - - '-,..-• A successful, dance was held in the Sutton School on Friday evening, under the auspices of the Lawn Tennis Club. There was a large attendance present ' from Midd'emarch and the surrounding district. The success of the evening, was mainly due to the arrangements by the, ■president (Mrs E. J. Docherty) and the secretary (Miss H.; Johnstone). The music was supplied -by Mrs Ayson and Mr,. Frank Howell, Avhile Mr A. Guild, jun., acted as M.C. The. niystery/train ; waltz was won by Miss Vera Docherty and Mr R. Innes and. the lucky spot waltz by Miss H. Johnstone and Mr. Stuart, i Thompson. ..■;,'■ "•'-,■■ - : ;'- }'l The weather during the month of July ■has been very wintry,, and there is still a' good coating of sriow remaining on the | high •'■ e'ountrj'.'. Notwithstanding the i; severity of"the-'weather.'.and:-:the heavy fall of snow, there has been no loss of stock, and as there is stiH.plenty of.feed . available'to'carry on. for the. month of August there is no anxiety felt. The rainfall of 135 points which fell during the month on eight days consisted mostly of snow, was only 11 points less than the previous year. For the corresponding months of 1931 and .1932 there were .only 101 points and 23 points respectively. The rainfall for the first seven ' months during 1 the last four years was as follows:—1931, 11.36 in: .1932, 12.20 in; 1933, 10.82 in; and 1934, 12.49 in. CROMWELL s ■ The weekly shoot of the'Railway Rifle Club was again for a club trophy, the winner being A. Beaton, after a shoot-oft" with-'two others. The gold button was won by W. Webb, with a possible'on the target and the -silver; button by A. Beaton. The scores are as follows: —W. Webb, 80—scr—80; A. Beaton, 77-^s—Bo; A. Pollock. 77rr-4—80; R. Smith; 76—5—80; W. Moffat, 71—9—80; J. O'Neill. 79—scr —79: -.V. Sanden, 78—1—79; W. Veirit,. 78—scr—78; R. vßae, 75—4—79; R. Bramley,,-75-r-2 E.-Harvey, 72—5 77 ?8, Spiers, 76^1—77 rG. Hansen," 66 ;.8—74; T.- Olds. 66—5—71; J. C. Parcell, 68—scr—68; S. Hughes, 60—8—68; G. Wallis,, 50—8—58. r :. A, concert.held in aid of the Hign School funds, attracted a large attendance". Ari<excellenti;p,rograriime .was presented; and a- substantial- balance' was. available to hand over*. .- j • ",r,' ■■ ' A- 'recent 'report '■. that, chukk.or had been ! seen up : the . Kawarau, River, .20 rhilcs from 'Where .the birds were first liberated at. Cromwell; is'now definitely confirmed.: Two well-known, settie.rsf.of. Gihbston state that they seldorit- pass, along the. road-. fe | Nevis .;Bluff. without, seeing/a flock, or about.2o.birds.' Large flpeks ifyaye been 1 se'eri- during' the', winter riionths ''.] in r . the Cij'de-Cromwell. Gorge; j and., on the., hills towards Bendigo. ' .;; ■'].<. '. .•''•' ' Three .Keystone'drills are now operating oh'the lower reaches' of the Clutha,' two Between . Croiri.well 'arid '.' Lowburn and another'; further', up ' near Eight-mile Creek. '■ ■ ' ' : For* the first .time .this Winter .'-the rivers are' now touching a lbw g "Winter , level." ' The Nevis' Gorge syndicate';;is again busy on its scheme for dewateriuit . a section of. the 'river',' arid' Has several men at .work. A. few months ago this; syndicate/ despite "it's . area being pro- : ! tectedby the court, seized the opportunity of a low' river to set'out on' the work. The river rose and stopped- the work. : Should the-weather continue favourable for a' week/or 'two the, syndicate should .'•'be able ,'to" dewater and: prospcc.t_ the ■area in hand. For some years individnfll ' miriers. have attempted; on'p>iftiitive ; lines to -test ithis> particula;r area,_but without, success;' Above the water,,line some ex-; cellent- prospects were/secured. ■■/ r \ic.i ; f_i .'.The weather for the past week' has been, fine '■' with' frosts at. "night.. The Manorburn dam -has/been frozenover and lis proving' a popular' rendezvous for "skaters.. ' ■■ On Sunday over x 300 .skate'ra I';were ' on. the ice. 'during .the Cday. The : ice is estimated, tb. be between five inbhea [arid,- seven inches thic.k. ..Skaters were from. as .far- afield ; as Tarras, Cromwell, arid Rarifurly* It is; considered that this site will in,.a few, years be the winter' playground, of Otago. ..' -■•}■ !-, Mr H.'Colquhoun, headmaster; of the Alexandra District High School, .who has been promoted ■. to a similar position at the Middle School; Aehburton, was entertained at an informal social on Thursday evening. The Mayor of Alexandra (Mr W.Bringans) .presided and expressed regret 'at.-Mr Colquhoun's ■ departure, but congratulated him on : his ; new appointment. The chairman of the School-Com-mittee (Mr A'. -M'Kellar"), arid ■ the president of the Alexandra Bowling Club endorsed the Mayor's.remarks. Mr and Mrs Colquhoun left for Ashburton on Saturday. Mr : William Johns, of the staff of the -National Bank, lias cOmmenced/his annual leave: He, ie being; relieved by Mr K. Johnston, of the Dunedin office. • Mr R. S. Black-spent the weekend in Alexandra. '-k J.■■-'■';L

Points. 1* lag -P. W. L. D. F. A. Pte. Palmerston11 . 10 1- — Ill • 44" 20 Waikouaiti 12-.' 6 5; ; ;i 89 83 c 13 Seacliff ...... .12 " 3 •". 7': 2 ■ 38 96 '8 Diinback llv 2 8 1 65 80 :,5 - By reason o f Palm'erston's deciisjve- lead the mateji between Palmerston and l)un-b.aek,-which was postponed from the first round, is rendered unnecessary, and will not now be played. '• :,' Junior. Points. Flag P. W.L. D . F. A. P.ts. Waitati _ .. 12 10 2 — 81 28 ,20 Waikouaiti 12 5:7::,— '•57 46'' 10 Palmerston 12 5 7 — 43 54-10

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 22328, 31 July 1934, Page 13

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COUNTRY NEWS Otago Daily Times, Issue 22328, 31 July 1934, Page 13

COUNTRY NEWS Otago Daily Times, Issue 22328, 31 July 1934, Page 13