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■ \-> ■.';. (FROM - OUR SPECIAI NORTH OTAGO RUGBY UNION ' r ''"MANAGEMENT, COMMITTEE ■ V The weekly meetingof.the Management Committee of the; North Otago Itugby XJnidnvwas.-held last'night, the president A. -Mays) occupying the •chair. The ' Papakaio 'School Committee, wrote thanking the"-.'union for the grant of-a second school ; football. The .Waitaki Junior High School -was granted permissionfcto play the South Canterbury schools oni,the Oval on Saturday at. 10.15 a.m. St. : KevinV applied for permission-to play Eastern'. Districts JuiiiorsYat Palmerston ©ri Saturday-arid the Waitaki first fifteen atißedcastle on August 15.—Granted.: The Waitak'rßoys' High School, was granted permission -to .play Christchurch Boys' High at Christchurch .on Wednesday. 'lt" was' decided to play Southern v." Old Boys Third Grade match at"&akunui- • on v Saturday.,*.'. The. 1 Awakino ■ Club advised that the lighting equipment ottered to J the'union had.been sold, and the offer wjas/ithejefore,-.withdrawn.—Received. It was/deeded, to, close : the senior competition,'Oldl Boys.being declared,thei winner's.' 11. was agreed Yto'offer the Waitaki Rugby Union 'August IS as', -for .the Town'y. Country ihatch -in the .country. The ..Srollis'on Cup-knock-out-competition waf, "fixed for '.August >4, and 11. Owing td'^h'e-brjoadea'st' of the New Zealand v. NewfSouth Wales match on Saturday, :t was'decided : tb; commence the competition games -earlier ;to enable, players and[ p'atro.ns ■ to-;lilten' in:after the matches. The' junior l grades were specially urged t« .commence; their'games'; promptly,: The. secretary was directed to write congratulating. Old Boys on virihing the. Citizen Shield this;. season. ;'.< ■ • ' -imAW FOR SATURDAY. : . " Seniors (Mollison Cup Competition) . Athletic v. Old Boys," Oval, 2.30;.-Excelsior v; Maheno, Noi 2", 2.30. -M-: '-'■ ; Juniors.—School v. Old, Boys. Oval; I o'clock; Athletic v. ; . Mahenb; iNoi.'-. 2,! 2 o'clock; '.Excelsior, a bye.. 1 . '■■, Third Grade.—Southern v. J Old Boys, at Kakanui, 2.3orAthletic v.;School, No.' 3, llo'clock; .-.St. Kevin's, a bye. . ; , '.Fourth Kevin's' A v. School BVNd. 3,*2.50; St. Kevin's B v. Athletic;j N0.,4, 1 o'clock;.School A, \&. bye. . U PERSONAL --At a-meeting-bf the North Otago Rugby TJuion last'night reference was made tci the' passing of ■ Mr- Alexander Clark:'(Mahenb)", -whose '• sons- -had'taken "such, a prominent part, in Rugby-in North Otago. A"niotion op sympathy* :withr the Clark family .' was carried- in, the customary manner.. • :•-.„'. • - * ;'.' At I ', the : annual. meeting of the Otago. Centre-of the New •Zealand Pipe Bands', Association Mr. W.: Couper (of, Oamaru) was-'Terelected president for ■' the ensuing year.. , -<hQne.en'r; C. Chartres,*Mr N,'M'C[auSland; ; - Mr l ; J. ; ,1i.-Harrison,;. MrWiM" Pollard ~ (Christchurch), :Mr A. Haig (Duriedin). ; -.'■■■;■■ ' :. ; . :r-Nexr Club 'Hotel Wood, Mr, B: Hi- Etherihgton, Mr W-,0. Brown, Mr H. (Dunedin),. Mr J. H. Pennington '.(Christchurch), Mr T. ,F. Hdldsworth, Mr A.. S. .Spence .(Auckland}. .. : -.... : :- '<■•„,,; ;■•,■.."■■,■■.:;,'.'..■■; :' MfJESTIf THEATRE < John : Barfympre; 'will • appear ■; to-night and "Wednesday sin hi* latest' production, " Counsellor at Law," made in 'the. Universal;, Studios.:'.:. The story, is, bf, threfc-thrill-packed^days imadawyjerV office,,'and reaches the. screen in. ii; series.of brilliant 4 dfamatfc flashes. By deft camera work and, clever dialogue, the pasts of a varied assortment of- characters are revealed. These characters,, which . include a. murderess, a senator, and r a,chorus girl, have come to lay; their, troubles before the great criminal: lawyer. \ Skilfully JriterWoyeri witji' ; their actions-is, .the' struggle 6f the lawyer "himself ,?whp, at, the-heiglit of ' hia-career, ■ faces .disbarment., and estrangement of his-wife.;. The,' outcome of these conflicts'is the dramatic triumph of -Jthe screen. In this "Elmer Rice picture; the star,, >jb supported by' Bebe Daniels, "Doris: Kenyori,. Onslow'Stevens,. Thelma ■ Todd, ► Mayo Metbot,' and Mel vyn Douglas..- ..,.'• • , ' " ; • ..,.-




The Oamaru Centre of Trinity College of Music, London,'was responsible for the presentation of a much ..enjoyed concert in St. Luke's Hall last .night. The chairman ■"' of' the local committee (Mr A. G. Kemp) presided, and called upon Hhe mayoress .(Mrs At. F. E. Cooney)~.'to present the prizes, diplomas, and certificates won at last year's local examinations. The presentations Avere' made' a,t the close of a delightful concert -. programme .contributed 'to.'.;b'y. prize-winners and vocalists. The programme .was' as f follows:—Pianoforte; solos—- " Study" .(Alee. Rowley) and "An Old Lavender Tune" (Alec. Miss June Gillies (initial division); pianoforte solos-—"Rigaudon" ' (Alec. Rowley) : and ".'Polly. Olliver" (Alec.-Rowley).-Master Ewan " Cameron ■ (preparatory i division); pianoforte.eolos—" Solitude " (Alec. Rowley") and " Courante '' : (Handel), Miss June Craddock (advanced preparatory division); songs, Mrs M'Wljirter; pianoforte: solos—" Allegro.- Bu rksco " (Kuhlau) and-" Allegretto Scherzando? (Gurlitt), -Master Colin , Moore, local exhibitioner (junior division); songs, v Mr -Linton Hodge; pianoforte-solos—"Largo E Mesto" and . "Second. Movement, from Sonata in D" (Beethoven), Miss Stella Anderson (intermediate division);.. songs, Mrs Ai C. Piper; pianoforte solo, " Pier>-. rette" (Chammade), Miss Lucy _ Crisp (senior division); songs. -Mr, Hinton; pianoforte solo,." Andante and Rondo Capficcioso " (Mendelssohn), Miss Grace -Williamson (associate) j winner of Messrs Chas. Begg and Co.'s special prize. The prizes were also presented to Miss Avenl Smyth (higher local theory, : winner, ot special prize given, anonymously, 'and to Miss Isabel Dawson (cold, medallist licentiate practical for 1932),'this trophy arriving too late for presentation last year. UNEMPLOYMENT COMMITTEE -The weekly .meeting, of the Oamaru Unemployment Committee was held yesterday morning,. the Mayor (Mr'M.F.. Cooney) presiding. ■ ,The following : applications from', farmers ' for ; unemployed' labour un4er No. 4a approved:— Maerewhenua, I'man, 12 weeks,.wages 10s per-week: Eveline, 1 man,'four weeks, 30s; Hilderthorpe, 1 man, eight weeks, 10si Weston, 1 man, four weeks. 255. Extensions of tim'eiwere farmers at Teschemakers, and Waianakarua for 'four arid five Weeks respectively. . The Labour Bureau officer (Mr A. G. Adair) reported that, at the beginning of last week ;th'ere>*were '■■. 3s7 registered., unemployed. Since- then" 25 new applications were received, five were given.private, employment, and two", iiames were", removed, leaving a total of ;375 at;, the end of, last ',w:eek'.■•■'•-, :.' '■..'-.> ■ ■■■■?■■ '• . .''.-". COMMUNITY SINGING -At session of cominuriity singing the Hobo Novelty Band "will provide- a special item which should be. appreciated by the as -it lias not been' heard-in Oamaru. previously: ,- The «dne leaders will be Messrs G. "DickelCand J,-Weir, and Mrs Loper will be at:-the piano. The Opera; House will be"heated and 'the public ;is ■ reauested. to-- fill -the "downstairs: portion .of .the theatre first; •,. MEMORIAL SERVICE There was a very large-congregation at +Jie :; service held in the-Maheno . ; terian- ; Church"dn.Sunday*ni'ght-iri-memory of Mr-Alexander Clark, who passedaWay suddenly lastTuesday.'.-The''large gathering assembled was a magnificent tribute to the memory of one who for .many-years had so' freely;helped.-all -movemeht'e: that made for, the»well-being,of the community. The Rev., W. W, French; delivered _a v.ery appropriate address, taking for .-'his test the words-found in.Psa.lm xxxvii. "Mark the perfect, man, and behold the upright: ■for ,the e'n'd.of that-man 'is peace." All. the '••■hymn's' sung were favourites, of 'Mr Clark.''.. During 'the offertory .the choir sang in anthem form the-beautiful lines of Isaac:Watts, "There is a:land;of pure :delight," and! at the close of the !addrees Mr French sang. '.Tennyson's ," Crossing ■the Bar'.""' ' . ■■'■,':.''.[' ','",'■',■', ",V

; COUGHING MATCR SUCCESSFUL NORTH OTAGO , COMPETITORS The recent ploughing match held on Mr Donald Grant's property at- Washdyke (Timaru) attracted'some of the ■ best ploughmen in'the South Island, especially, the expert ploughmen;-from Canterbury. It' is generally conceded that, ti.ese can hold their own'with ploughmen throughout'New Zealand, and North Otago competitors, are to be congratulated on their ski-U-in taking prizes in competition, the standard of*which .was considered'to be higher than it has ever' been oefore at a Timaru fixture. the weather. conditions .were very unfavourable, but,, despite this, the ground-was in good order, and the: performances of the competitors were not 'seriously affected. Those not acquainted with the ; finer, points of ploughing received a first-class education, for there could have been few who realised that a furrow in - the ground could be made a work of art. A spirit of friendly rivalry was evident; throughout the match", and the trophies were presented to the successful competitors by Mrs William Grant, of "Elloughton Grange." Mr G. Hunter (Pukeuri) .was one of the three judges, andin the double furrow open class, cut as you please,- Mr A. Brown (Waimate) ■ w?as awarded; first, prize. Mr J. Gibson second;, and Mr J. Nimmo (Airedale) third. Mr J. Gibson won a special,, Mr A. Brown a special for best feering, and Mr J: Nimmo •'specials for the best finish and straightest ploughing. ■'• ; VOLUNTEER NOTES ; B COMPANY . By Kir Bag. B Company paraded last Wednesday evening,-, with only a fair'turnout; of volunteers. The syllabus for the evening's'training was 15 minutes' brisk company drill, followed by gun drill with light automatics., Much interesting ground was covered, some sections handling their guns very well. After parade, a good game of basketball between No. 5 and 6 platoons/resulted in a win for the former by-two points. "A full attendance of the company is required to-morrow .evening, when ■,-' a presentation of the Returned Soldiers'Associatibn Cup will be made by the executive of 1 the Oamaru branch. Ser-geant-major Cockerill left by the north express on Saturday to attend-the staff examinations at Trentham. The company noticed in the New Zealand Gazette the transfer of Lieutenant G.'Robertson from the Ist Otago to, the-10th Squthland Regiment.- Last year B - Company was ■ very unfortunate 'in losing Mr",' Robertson; 'biij; it is( pleased to see him come to the fore again. He has ; the company's'best wishes. MINIATURE RIFLE SHOOTING V ■ AWAMOKQ CLUB ;. The. following are the.,results, of the weekly shoot of the-: Awamoko Club:—W. Gibson 79, R. Fillihgham '79, Brunfon 79, A. Gibson 78, D.'.Wille'tt's 77,7E,'Wi1 : liarhs:7s;' S.--0'De11,75,1C. Briinton 75, E. King 75,-D, M'Leod 74,'R.'Strachan 72, AV AVirichester .72, -F. M'Keoun 72, A. !Klriight''7o^., Previous shoot: -'W.-- Gibson. 78,- Ji f ßruntb'n>7D,-R: Fillingham r. 7,8- A. Gibson.:7.7;:D. ,Willetts.'77}-"'E; Williams 76,' S. O'Dell 75 . : ; -■; ; . ' : OAMARU A ;HARRIERS- : - - '' There' was. a good attendance of harriers at "the weekly run. '-.Leaving St. Paul's gymnasium, : the paqk' headed down Coauet street the coast, past the Snow Grounds Snd ithe':'Waitaki, High'.' School. •On" reaching 'the fellnlongery, the p.a'ck turned back-towards home and;maintained a'ciharp. distance. The home, was - held -from the Woollen Mi.115...,t0 ! -the,-, gymnasium, via :Humb'er street,'Patterson' and Aikenhead; leading the:'pack-by some .distance. ' .;• ■.. ; '; •■ •': '■■ GENERAL, NEWS ! : •.' 'High Water at Oamaru.—July 31: 6.21 a".m.:atid ; 6-56 p:m. • i •; '* ' - ; .Yesterday morning member's . of' the Oamaru Chamber of -Commerce arid busine's's men :of the town' spent- a. very'interesting-' morning ias : the.- guesta' of the cljief postmaster (Mr ,H. 'Miller) ~:Kwb,en they,were shown>the automatic,telephone exchange -in operation. The'\twb .hbuils spent ■ in; : viewing this ■' intricate; system proved of; great interest; and the visit was ; ihuch enjoyed by a 11..; • Off;.behalf. of the -Chamber- of -Commerce'' arid' other business:men Mr W..;Kv Tomlinson;thanked ; Mr:. Miller for; his invitation, and "also expressed / gratitude >,' to . tlie . head mechanician (Mr Ogdien) and .other •meriiber« o"f, the staff ; fdr.explaining ing' of-the '..; Bro. J..'C. Gibson.presided: over .a good attendance-oflmeinbers at,the:fortnightly meeting of t Waiareka Lodgei i Two/ members.were reported on,the-sick list.. Sup-: per;'was-'supplied by, the Social .Committee, 1 ' and arartgements were 'made for'a social' to be ' next- lodge night. , . ' At a meeting -of ■ the ,Pukeuri Bazaar Cbminittee Mr H. Ross" ;Clafk- occupied; ;the chair. The balance 'sheet presented ■by the 'secretary .(Mr 'W. Common); showed- a substantial credit balance.-. Mr; W. -Restall, in; moving its adoption, ex?" prasse'd gratification' at" the result of tbV baz'aa'r, and ' moved a hearty - vote of thanks to all who had assisted. It was decided' to - hold a public '"meeting in August to decide'the' best ways in which the money could-be. spent.; ''.:.":.-'•'.->> '.'.•'--',; At- the fortnightly euchre tournament arid dance' held^under' the au6pi.ces of: the Pukeuri - Welfare' Club there- Was a good attendance. ? The winners of'the euchre tournament were Messrs'D.' l -.. Patton and H. Ross Clark. -A dance was held a'fter supper to music supplied :by "Grimmen'e Orchestra. Mr Hughee carried out'the duties : of" M.G. '■■ V .'.'■* At' the'fortnightly .euchre tournament and dance held by. the Maheno; School Committee there ..was .a. very- large attendance. r the winners" being -Miss B. Watson and Mr J. Buzari. Consolation prizes weirewon by Mrs A" Wilson and;Mr J. CiirrieV For-the dance Mies Hughes supplied the music and Mr A.'Price carried out'the'duties of M.C. -'.....'' ■ ' '-." The-Rev. W. French presided at a meeting of the Maheno Lawn Tennis Club. A motion of sympathy was passed .with: Mrs A. Clark 'and family in their recent; bereavement.. The secretary (Mr- G. L. Thorby) presented the balance sheet in connection' with.the recent anpualball,' which showed fa bal-. ance. The tender of "Mr F. E: Watson, for top-dressing the, courts was accepted. It was.decided to hold the arin'tfal'meet-, irig on September 1. ■■■. _.„,,_ , ; .. At: the invitation of ..Mr,R.H.- Packwood, engineer' charge of the, Waitaki hydro electric works, the Oamaru; Chamber of Commerce is making,arrangements for 'a party, 'including' members' of the: Oamaru'.local to visit- the work?, on a day yet to be -decided'.; The- homestead property in the '.estattv ■ of the late Mr J. R. Gilchrist known as " Rosebery." of 672: acres' has been sold to Mr C.-H. Smitlrof Oamaru.. The adi joining 'property .of .227 acres, owned by Mr'. N. C.' Gilchrist -has also been sold, the purchaser being-Mr J./'Tisdall, of Oamaru. The. purchase prices are not available- ' : ,-.< -r ■ ..'::. .'•:'....' RELIEF WORKS The following work was carried out by relief workers for local bodies under, No.. 5 scheme during last week:— Oamaru Borough Council: Top-dressing streets and footpath" formation, 21 men/ wages-paid £2B 17s 6d: ; fop-dressing streets, clcamng and excavating drainage, 16 men. £1,7 16s 3d; excavating, drainage, and levelling Reserve C, 23 men, £24 Is 3d: stripping at quarry, 23 men, £2B ll s 3d; gardens and reserves,'so men, ; £64 6s'3d; cleaning Out watet race,:one man, £1 "10s, Friendly

Bay .Society: Improvements, at foreshore, •3..mcn; f 3d.' ,Marine Parade- Society: 'Formatipn-of-.track, .7 men,-£lO. North 'Otago-iSc.ho.ol Committee:' Improvements to grounds, 2 men, £2 'ss. South;. School ;Committee.': ; Improvements to: grounds, 4 men, £5 10s. , ■ ■■

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 22328, 31 July 1934, Page 13

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NORTH OTAGO Otago Daily Times, Issue 22328, 31 July 1934, Page 13

NORTH OTAGO Otago Daily Times, Issue 22328, 31 July 1934, Page 13